if (isset($_GET["nored"])) {
        $html .= '<div class="subcontainer">' . "\n";
        $html .= '<p>&copy; 2008-2009 <a href="http://www.mediabird.net/" target="_blank" title="Mediabird Homepage">Mediabird</a>. All rights reserved. Version 0.5.6</p>' . "\n";
        $html .= '</div>' . "\n";
    $options = array('dummyPath' => 'dummy.php', 'loadPath' => 'view.php?action=load&id=' . $cm->id . '&url=', 'uploadPath' => 'view.php?action=upload&id=' . $cm->id . '', 'prefixData' => true, 'loadLogon' => false, 'furtherArgs' => 'sessionPath: "view.php?id=' . $cm->id . '"', 'imagePath' => 'images/', 'feedbackPath' => 'mailto:team@mediabird.net', 'SHIFT_RESEARCH_RIGHT' => 260, 'SHIFT_RESEARCH_LEFT' => 160);
    if ($loadHelp) {
        $options = array_merge($options, array('SHIFT_RESEARCH_RIGHT' => 124, 'SHIFT_RESEARCH_RIGHT_WIDE' => 324, 'SHIFT_RESEARCH_LEFT' => 132));
    $options['linkPrefix'] = $CFG->wwwroot;
    $options['linkTarget'] = '_parent';
    if (isset($_GET["frame"]) && isset($_GET["mb_url"])) {
        $options['linkUrl'] = $_GET["mb_url"];
        $options['linkTitle'] = isset($_GET["mb_title"]) ? $_GET["mb_title"] : get_string('moodle_ref_title', 'studynotes');
    if (isset($_GET["frame"]) && isset($_GET["mb_card_id"])) {
        $options['loadCard'] = intval($_GET["mb_card_id"]);
    $script = $helper->bodyScript($options);
    if ($loadHelp) {
        $script .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
        $script .= '//<![CDATA[' . "\n";
        $script .= '(new mediabird.help()).load($("#mediabirdContainer div.mb-cont").css("left",-40));' . "\n";
        $script .= '//]]>' . "\n";
        $script .= '</script>' . "\n";
    $html .= $script . "\n";
    $html .= '</body>' . "\n";
    echo $html;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   $args['linkPrefix']              = $c_commsy_domain.$c_commsy_url_path;
   $args['linkTarget']              = '_parent';
   $args['reduceFeatureSet']        = true;

   $current_user_item = $environment->getCurrentUserItem();
   $own_room = $current_user_item->getOwnRoom();
   if ( !empty($_GET['mb_card_id']) ) {
      $url_params['mb_card_id'] = $_GET['mb_card_id'];
   if ( isset($own_room) ) {
      $args['fullLocationFromOverlay'] = _curl(false,$own_room->getItemID(), $system, 'index', $url_params);

$script = $helper->bodyScript($args);

// plugin view
$current_user_item = $environment->getCurrentUserItem();
$plugin_view = $class_factory->getClass(PLUGIN_VIEW,array('environment' => $environment));

// $output = pure indicates that html for whole page has be provided (case of in-place note-taking)

if ( !$current_user_item->isOnlyReadUser() ) {

   $plugin_view->addContent('<div class="overlay" id="mediabirdcontainer"></div>');