Ejemplo n.º 1
	<div id="mat_bottom">
// Kontaktformular
if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings("sendmail_contact", 1)) {
    echo MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getEmailWindow(MatukioHelperUtilsBasic::getComponentImagePath(), $this->event->id, 1, "modern");
// Kalender
if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_usericsdownload', 1) > 0) {
    echo MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getCalendarButton($this->event);
// Print Overview (normally always allowed)
echo MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getPrintWindow(2, $this->event->id, '', 'b', "modern");
// Participants (if allowed)
if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_userviewteilnehmer', 0) == 2 and $this->user->id > 0 or MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_userviewteilnehmer', 0) == 1) {
    $htxt = "&nbsp";
    if ($this->event->nrbooked > 0) {
        $viewteilnehmerlink = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_matukio&view=participants&cid=" . $this->event->id . "&art=0");
        echo " <a href=\"" . $viewteilnehmerlink . "\"><span class=\"mat_button\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\"\n                                        title=\"" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_BOOKINGS') . "\">" . "<img src=\"" . MatukioHelperUtilsBasic::getComponentImagePath() . "0004.png\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\">&nbsp;" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_PARTICIPANTS') . "</span></a>";
// Book
if (($this->user->id or MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('booking_unregistered', 1) == 1) and $this->event->cancelled == 0 and $this->event->nrbooked > 0 and (count($buchopt[2]) == 0 or count($buchopt[2]) > 0 && MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_usermehrereplaetze', 1) != 0)) {
    $bookinglink = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_matukio&view=bookevent&cid=" . $this->event->id . ":" . JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($this->event->title));
    echo " <a title=\"" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_BOOK') . "\" href=\"" . $bookinglink . "\"><span class=\"mat_book\" type=\"button\"><img src=\"" . MatukioHelperUtilsBasic::getComponentImagePath() . "1116.png\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\">&nbsp;" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_BOOK') . "</span></a>";
// Aenderungen speichern Veranstalter  , not really implemented here
if ($this->art == 3 and $usrid != 0 and ($this->event->nrbooked > 1 or $zfleer == 0)) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 // Infozeile anzeigen
 $gebucht = MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::calculateBookedPlaces($row);
 if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('event_showinfoline', 1) == 1) {
     $htxt .= "<br />\n<span class=\"sem_cat\">" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_CATEGORY') . ": " . $row->category;
     if ($row->nrbooked > 0) {
         $htxt .= " - " . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_BOOKED_PLACES') . ": " . $gebucht->booked . " - " . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_BOOKABLE') . ": " . $buchopt[4] . " - " . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_HITS') . ": " . $row->hits;
         $htxt .= "</span>";
 $html .= MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getTableCell($htxt, 'd', '', '98%', "sem_row");
 // Zertifikatdruck erlauben
 if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_certificatesystem', 0) > 0 and $this->art == 1) {
     if ($buchopt[2][0]->certificated == 1 and $row->nrbooked > 0) {
         if (JFactory::getUser()->id > 0) {
             $htxt = MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getPrintWindow(1, $row->sid, $buchopt[2][0]->id, '');
             $htbr = 30;
     } else {
         $htxt = "&nbsp;";
         $htbr = "";
     $html .= MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getTableCell($htxt, 'h', '', $htbr, "sem_row");
 // Anzeige der Teilnehmer erlauben          -- todo fix acl
 if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_userviewteilnehmer', 0) == 2 and $my->id > 0 and $this->art == 0 or MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_userviewteilnehmer', 0) == 1 and $this->art == 0 or MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_teilnehmerviewteilnehmer', 0) > 0 and $my->id > 0 and $this->art == 1 or MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_ownereditevent', 1) > 0 and $this->art == 2) {
     $htxt = "&nbsp";
     if ($row->nrbooked > 0) {
         $viewteilnehmerlink = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_matukio&view=participants&cid=" . $row->id . "&art=" . $this->art);
         $htxt = "<a href=\"" . $viewteilnehmerlink . "\"><span class=\"mat_button\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\"\r\n                title=\"" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_BOOKINGS') . "\">" . $gebucht->booked . "</span></a>";
Ejemplo n.º 3
                $htxt = "&nbsp;";
                if ($anzahl <= $this->kurs->maxpupil) {
                    // PAID LINK   javascript:semauf(14,'" . $row->sid . "','');
                    $paidlink = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_matukio&view=participants&task=toogleStatusPaid&cid=" . $row->semid . "&uid=" . $row->sid);
                    $htxt = "<a title=\"" . $paidtitel . "\" href=\"" . $paidlink . "\"><img src=\"" . MatukioHelperUtilsBasic::getComponentImagePath() . "220" . $row->paid . ".png\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a>";
                $html .= MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getTableCell($htxt, 'd', 'c', '', "sem_row");
            if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_certificatesystem', 0) > 0) {
                $htxt = "&nbsp;";
                if ($anzahl <= $this->kurs->maxpupil) {
                    // Certificate USER LInk     javascript:semauf(13,'" . $row->sid . "','');
                    $certlink = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_matukio&view=participants&task=certificateUser&uid=" . $row->sid . "&cid=" . $this->kurs->id);
                    $htxt = "<a title=\"" . $certtitel . "\" href=\"" . $certlink . "\"><img src=\"" . MatukioHelperUtilsBasic::getComponentImagePath() . "220" . $row->certificated . ".png\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a>";
                    if ($row->certificated == 1) {
                        $htxt .= " " . MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getPrintWindow(1, $row->sid, $row->id, '');
                $html .= MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getTableCell($htxt, 'd', 'c', '', "sem_row");
            if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_ratingsystem', 0) > 0) {
                $hinttext = JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_RATING') . "::" . htmlspecialchars($row->comment);
                $htxt = "<img src=\"" . MatukioHelperUtilsBasic::getComponentImagePath() . "240" . $row->grade . ".png\" class=\"editlinktip hasTip\" title=\"" . $hinttext . "\">";
                $html .= MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getTableCell($htxt, 'd', 'c', '', "sem_row");
        $html .= MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getTableCell("<img src=\"" . MatukioHelperUtilsBasic::getComponentImagePath() . $bild . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $altbild . "\">", 'd', 'c', '', "sem_row");
        $html .= "\n</tr>";
} else {
    $spalten = 3;

if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_usericsdownload', 1) == 1) {
    // ICS Download
    $href = JURI::ROOT() . "index.php?tmpl=component&option=" . JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('option') . "&view=ics&format=raw";
			<span class="mat_button" style="cursor:pointer;" type="button"
    echo $href;
');"><img src="<?php 
    echo MatukioHelperUtilsBasic::getComponentImagePath();
3316.png" border="0" align="absmiddle">

// Print Button
echo MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getPrintWindow(0 + 2, '', '', 'b');
<!-- End Matukio by compojoom.com -->
Ejemplo n.º 5
    echo MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getEmailWindow(MatukioHelperUtilsBasic::getComponentImagePath(), $this->event->id, 1, "bootstrap");
// Invoice
if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings("download_invoice", 1) && ($this->booking->status == 0 || $this->booking->status == 1) && $this->event->fees > 0) {
    $href = JURI::ROOT() . "index.php?option=com_matukio&view=printeventlist&format=raw&todo=invoice&cid=" . $this->booking->semid . "&uuid=" . $this->booking->uuid;
    echo " <a border=\"0\" href=\"" . $href . "\" ><span class=\"btn\" type=\"button\">" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_DOWNLOAD_INVOICE_BUTTON') . "</span></a>";
// Ticket
if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings("download_ticket", 1) && ($this->booking->status == 0 || $this->booking->status == 1)) {
    $href = JURI::ROOT() . "index.php?option=com_matukio&view=printeventlist&format=raw&todo=ticket&cid=" . $this->booking->semid . "&uuid=" . $this->booking->uuid;
    echo " <a border=\"0\" href=\"" . $href . "\" ><span class=\"btn\" type=\"button\">" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_DOWNLOAD_TICKET_BUTTON') . "</span></a>";
// Certification
if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_certificatesystem', 0) > 0) {
    if ($this->booking->certificated == 1 and $this->event->nrbooked > 0) {
        echo MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getPrintWindow(1, $this->event->sid, $this->booking->id, 'CERT', 'btn');
// Edit booking
if (strtotime($this->event->booked) - time() >= MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('booking_stornotage', 1) * 24 * 60 * 60 && MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('booking_edit', 1) == 1 && $this->booking->paid == 0 && ($this->booking->status == 0 || $this->booking->status == 1)) {
    $editbookinglink = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_matukio&view=bookevent&cid=" . $this->booking->semid . "&uuid=" . $this->booking->uuid);
    if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('oldbookingform', 0) == 1) {
        $editbookinglink = JRoute::_(MatukioHelperRoute::getEventRoute($this->event->id, $this->event->catid, 1, $this->booking->id, $this->booking->uuid), false);
    echo " <a border=\"0\" href=\"" . $editbookinglink . "\" ><span class=\"btn btn-success\" type=\"button\">" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_EDIT_YOUR_BOOKING') . "</span></a>";
// Cancel booking
if (strtotime($this->event->booked) - time() >= MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('booking_stornotage', 1) * 24 * 60 * 60 && $this->booking->paid == 0 && MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('booking_stornotage', 1) != -1 && ($this->booking->status == 0 || $this->booking->status == 1)) {
    $unbookinglink = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_matukio&view=bookevent&task=cancelBooking&cid=" . $this->booking->semid . "&uuid=" . $this->booking->uuid);
    echo " <a border=\"0\" href=\"" . $unbookinglink . "\" ><span class=\"btn btn-danger\" type=\"button\">" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_BOOKING_CANCELLED') . "</span></a>";
Ejemplo n.º 6
    $knopfoben .= "<a title=\"" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_MAP') . "\" class=\"modal cjmodal\" href=\"" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_matukio&view=map&tmpl=component&event_id=' . $this->event->id) . "\" rel=\"{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 500, y: 350}}\"><img src=\"" . MatukioHelperUtilsBasic::getComponentImagePath() . "1332.png\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" /></a>";
    $knopfunten .= " <a class=\"modal cjmodal\" border=\"0\" href=\"" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_matukio&view=map&tmpl=component&event_id=' . $this->event->id) . "\" rel=\"{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 500, y: 350}}\"><span class=\"mat_button\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\" type=\"button\"><img src=\"" . MatukioHelperUtilsBasic::getComponentImagePath() . "1316.png\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" />&nbsp;" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_MAP') . "</span></a>";
    $gmapicon = "<a title=\"" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_MAP') . "\" class=\"modal cjmodal\" href=\"" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_matukio&view=map&tmpl=component&event_id=' . $this->event->id) . "\" rel=\"{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 500, y: 350}}\"><img src=\"" . MatukioHelperUtilsBasic::getComponentImagePath() . "1316.png\" width=\"12px\" height=\"12px\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
// Participants (if allowed)
if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_userviewteilnehmer', 0) == 2 and $my->id > 0 or MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('frontend_userviewteilnehmer', 0) == 1) {
    $htxt = "&nbsp";
    if ($this->event->nrbooked > 0) {
        $viewteilnehmerlink = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_matukio&view=participants&cid=" . $this->event->id . "&art=0");
        $knopfunten .= " <a href=\"" . $viewteilnehmerlink . "\"><span class=\"mat_button\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\"\n                                        title=\"" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_BOOKINGS') . "\">" . "<img src=\"" . MatukioHelperUtilsBasic::getComponentImagePath() . "0004.png\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" />&nbsp;" . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_PARTICIPANTS') . "</span></a>";
// Druckknopf anzeigen
if ($this->art != 2 and $this->art != 4) {
    $knopfoben .= MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getPrintWindow(2, $this->event->id, '', '');
    $knopfunten .= " " . MatukioHelperUtilsEvents::getPrintWindow(2, $this->event->id, '', 'b');
if (($buchopt[0] > 2 and $this->art == 0 or $this->art == 3 and $usrid == 0 and ($nametemp != "" or MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('booking_unregistered', 1) == 1)) and $this->event->cancelled == 0 and $this->event->nrbooked > 0) {
    include 'book.php';
// Aenderungen speichern Veranstalter
if ($this->art == 3 and $usrid != 0 and ($this->event->nrbooked > 1 or $zfleer == 0)) {
    // Changes form ...
    // TODO implement oben submit something for oben :)
    if (JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.edit', 'com_matukio')) {
        if (MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('oldbookingform', 0) == 1) {
            $knopfunten .= ' <input type="submit" class="mat_button" value="' . JTEXT::_('COM_MATUKIO_SAVE_CHANGES') . '">';
if ($this->art == 1 && MatukioHelperSettings::getSettings('booking_edit', 1)) {