function OnPostback()
     # Get the match info and store it
     $i_id = $this->manager->GetItemId($this->match);
     $this->match = $this->manager->GetFirst();
     if (!$this->match instanceof Match) {
         # This can be the case if the back button is used to go back to the "match has been deleted" page.
         $this->b_deleted = true;
     # Check whether cancel was clicked
     if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) {
     # Check whether delete was clicked
     if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
         # Check again that the requester has permission to delete this match
         $has_permission = (AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->Permissions()->HasPermission(PermissionType::MANAGE_MATCHES) or AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->GetId() == $this->match->GetAddedBy()->GetId());
         if ($has_permission) {
             # Delete the match
             # Remove match, and all dependent tournament matches, from search results
             foreach ($this->match->GetMatchesInTournament() as $tournament_match) {
                 $this->SearchIndexer()->DeleteFromIndexById("match" . $tournament_match->GetId());
             $this->SearchIndexer()->DeleteFromIndexById("match" . $this->match->GetId());
             require_once 'stoolball/data-change-notifier.class.php';
             $notifier = new DataChangeNotifier($this->GetSettings());
             $notifier->MatchUpdated($this->match, AuthenticationManager::GetUser(), false, true);
             # Update 'next 5 matches'
             $this->a_next_matches = $this->manager->GetItems();
             # Note success
             $this->b_deleted = true;