Ejemplo n.º 1
    public static function userSched()
        global $lng, $coach, $settings, $leagues, $divisions, $tours;
        if (!is_object($coach)) {
            status(false, "You must be logged in to schedule games");
        if (isset($_POST['creategame'])) {
            // Test input
            $trid = (int) $_POST['trid'];
            $round = (int) $_POST['round'];
            $own_team = (int) $_POST['own_team'];
            $errmsg = '';
            // Logged in coach has access to the tour?
            if (!in_array($trid, array_keys($tours))) {
                $errmsg = 'You do not have access to the tournament ' . $tours[$trid]['tname'];
            // Is the team is really owned by the logged in coach?
            if ($coach->coach_id != get_alt_col('teams', 'team_id', $own_team, 'owned_by_coach_id')) {
                $errmsg = 'The team ' . get_alt_col('teams', 'team_id', $own_team, 'name') . ' is not owned by you';
            // Create match
            if (!$errmsg) {
                list($exitStatus, $mid) = Match::create(array('team1_id' => $own_team, 'team2_id' => get_alt_col('teams', 'name', $_POST['opposing_team_autocomplete'], 'team_id'), 'round' => $round, 'f_tour_id' => $trid));
                $backFromMatchLink = Mobile::isMobile() ? "index.php?mobile=1" : "index.php?section=matches&type=report&mid={$mid}";
                status(!$exitStatus, $exitStatus ? Match::$T_CREATE_ERROR_MSGS[$exitStatus] : "<a href='{$backFromMatchLink}'>Click here</a> to open the match report");
                if (!$exitStatus) {
                    echo "<br>";
            } else {
                status(false, $errmsg);
        $trid = isset($_GET['trid']) && is_numeric($_GET['trid']) ? (int) $_GET['trid'] : 0;
        $lid = $trid ? get_parent_id(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $trid, T_NODE_LEAGUE) : false;
        $lname = $lid ? get_parent_name(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $trid, T_NODE_LEAGUE) : '- N/A -';
        $did = $trid && get_alt_col('leagues', 'lid', $lid, 'tie_teams') == 1 ? get_parent_id(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $trid, T_NODE_DIVISION) : false;
        $dname = $did ? get_parent_name(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $trid, T_NODE_DIVISION) : false;
        $_DISABLED = !$trid ? 'DISABLED' : '';
        #print_r(array($trid, $lid, $lname, $did));
        $LOCK_FORMS = false;
    <div class='boxCommon'>
        <h3 class='boxTitle<?php 
        echo T_HTMLBOX_MATCH;
        echo $lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/usersched');
        <div class='boxBody'>
            <form method="POST" id="usersched">
        echo "In tournament ";
        echo HTMLOUT::nodeList(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, 'trid', array(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT => array('locked' => 0, 'type' => TT_FFA, 'allow_sched' => 1)), array(), array('sel_id' => $trid, 'extra_tags' => array('onChange="document.location.href = \'' . getFormAction('?section=matches&type=usersched') . '&trid=\' + $(this).val();"'), 'init_option' => '<option value="0">- ' . $lng->getTrn('matches/usersched/selecttour') . " -</option>\n"));
        echo ' as ';
        echo '<select name="round" id="round" ' . $_DISABLED . '>';
        $T_ROUNDS = Match::getRounds();
        foreach ($T_ROUNDS as $r => $d) {
            echo "<option value='{$r}' " . ($r == 1 ? 'SELECTED' : '') . ">" . $d . "</option>\n";
                Your team
        $teams = array();
        foreach ($coach->getTeams($lid, $did, array('sortby' => 'team_id DESC')) as $t) {
            if (!$t->rdy || $t->is_retired) {
            $teams[] = $t;
                <select name='own_team' id='own_team' <?php 
        echo $_DISABLED;
        echo "<optgroup class='leagues' label='{$lname}'>\n";
        if ($dname) {
            echo "<optgroup class='divisions' label='&nbsp;&nbsp;{$dname}'>\n";
        foreach ($teams as $t) {
            echo "<option style='background-color: white; margin-left: -1em;' value='{$t->team_id}'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$t->name}</option>\n";
                <input type="text" id='opposing_team_autoselect' name="opposing_team_autocomplete" size="30" maxlength="50" <?php 
        echo $_DISABLED;
                        var options, b;

                        options = {
        echo T_OBJ_TEAM;
        echo $trid;
                        b = $('#opposing_team_autoselect').autocomplete(options);
                <input type="submit" name="creategame" value="<?php 
        echo $lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/usersched');
" <?php 
        if (empty($teams) || $_DISABLED) {
            echo 'DISABLED';
        if (Mobile::isMobile()) {
            echo '<a href="' . getFormAction('') . '">' . $lng->getTrn('common/back') . '</a>';
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function upcomingGames($obj, $obj_id, $node, $node_id, $opp_obj, $opp_obj_id, array $opts)
         Make upcoming games table.
          $opts = array(
             'url' => The URL of the page on which this table is to be printed.
             'n' => (int) Fetch the n most recent games. If not specified all matches are displayed.
             'GET_SS' => GET Sorting suffix
     global $lng;
     $T_ROUNDS = Match::getRounds();
     $extra = array('doNr' => false, 'noHelp' => true);
     if (!array_key_exists('GET_SS', $opts)) {
         $opts['GET_SS'] = '';
     } else {
         $extra['GETsuffix'] = $opts['GET_SS'];
     # GET Sorting Suffix
     if (!(array_key_exists('n', $opts) && $opts['n'])) {
         $opts['n'] = false;
     if (!$opts['n']) {
         $N = array();
     } else {
         $N = isset($_GET["page"]) ? array((int) $_GET["page"], $opts['n']) : array(1, $opts['n']);
     if ($obj && $obj_id) {
         list($matches, $pages) = Stats::getMatches($obj, $obj_id, $node, $node_id, $opp_obj, $opp_obj_id, $N, true, true);
     } else {
         list($matches, $pages) = Match::getMatches($N, $node ? $node : false, $node ? $node_id : false, true);
     $extra['page'] = $N[0];
     $extra['pages'] = $pages;
     foreach ($matches as $m) {
         $m->date_created_disp = textdate($m->date_created, true);
         $m->mlink = "<a href='index.php?section=matches&amp;type=report&amp;mid={$m->match_id}'>" . $lng->getTrn('common/view') . "</a>";
         $m->tour_name = Tour::getTourUrl($m->f_tour_id);
         $m->league_name = League::getLeagueUrl(get_parent_id(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $m->f_tour_id, T_NODE_LEAGUE));
         if (in_array($m->round, array_keys($T_ROUNDS))) {
             $m->round = $T_ROUNDS[$m->round];
         $m->team1_name = "<a href='" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, $m->team1_id, false, false) . "'>{$m->team1_name}</a>&nbsp;<i>(<a href='" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_COACH, $m->coach1_id, false, false) . "'>{$m->coach1_name}</a>)</i>";
         $m->team2_name = "<a href='" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, $m->team2_id, false, false) . "'>{$m->team2_name}</a>&nbsp;<i>(<a href='" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_COACH, $m->coach2_id, false, false) . "'>{$m->coach2_name}</a>)</i>";
     $fields = array('date_created_disp' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/datecreated'), 'nosort' => true), 'league_name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/league'), 'nosort' => true), 'tour_name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/tournament'), 'nosort' => true), 'round' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/round'), 'nosort' => true), 'team1_name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/home'), 'nosort' => true), 'team2_name' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/away'), 'nosort' => true), 'mlink' => array('desc' => $lng->getTrn('common/match'), 'nosort' => true));
     HTMLOUT::sort_table($lng->getTrn('common/upcomingmatches'), $opts['url'], $matches, $fields, array('+round', '+date_created'), isset($_GET["sort{$opts['GET_SS']}"]) ? array(($_GET["dir{$opts['GET_SS']}"] == 'a' ? '+' : '-') . $_GET["sort{$opts['GET_SS']}"]) : array(), $extra);
Ejemplo n.º 3
global $hrs;
foreach ($hrs as $idx => $r) {
    echo "<option value='{$idx}'>#{$idx}&nbsp;&nbsp;" . Tour::getRSstr($idx) . "</option>\n";
        </div> <!-- /OPTS_NEW_TOUR -->

$body = '';
// FFA settings.
$body .= $lng->getTrn('admin/schedule/as_type') . '<br>';
$body .= '<select name="round">';
$T_ROUNDS = Match::getRounds();
foreach ($T_ROUNDS as $r => $d) {
    $body .= "<option value='{$r}' " . ($addMatchToFFA && isset($_POST['round']) && $r == $_POST['round'] ? 'SELECTED' : '') . ">" . $d . "</option>\n";
$body .= '</select>';
echo "<div id='OPTS_FFA_TOUR_SETS'>{$body}</div>\n";
// Round robin seed multiplier.
$body = '';
$body .= $lng->getTrn('admin/schedule/rrobin_rnds') . "<br><select name='rounds'>";
foreach (range(1, 10) as $i) {
    $body .= "<option value='{$i}'>{$i}</option>\n";
$body .= "</select>&nbsp;" . $lng->getTrn('admin/schedule/times') . "\n";
echo "<div id='OPTS_RR_TOUR_SETS'>{$body}</div>\n";
        <div id='OPTS_FFA_SINGLE_SETS'>