public function pay(Marker $marker, $marks, $amount) { if (!is_numeric($amount)) { throw new Exception('ContractPayment requires amount as a number'); } if (!is_array($marks)) { if (!$marks instanceof Mark) { throw new Exception('ContractPayment requires either an array of Marks, or a Mark as second argument'); } // put the single script in an array $marks = array($marks); } // get each mark's key, and set status to paid foreach ($marks as $mark) { if (!$marks instanceof Mark) { throw new Exception('ContractPayment requires either an array of Marks as second argument'); } $markIDs[] = $mark->getKey(); } $markIDs = serialize($markIDs); $this->set('marker', $marker->getKey()); $this->set('marks', $markIDs); $this->set('amount', $amount); $this->set('dateSent', null); if (!($result = $this->create())) { throw new Exception('Could not create new contract payment'); } foreach ($marks as $mark) { $mark->paid(); $mark->update(); } return $result; }
/** * Draw the marker on the canvas * @param int $x The X (horizontal) position (in pixels) of the marker on the canvas * @param int $y The Y (vertical) position (in pixels) of the marker on the canvas * @param array $values The values representing the data the marker "points" to * @access private */ function _drawMarker($x, $y, $values = false) { parent::_drawMarker($x, $y, $values); if ($this->_markerStart) { $this->_markerStart->_drawMarker($x, $y, $values); } // Modified: Don't draw pointer if line thickness is zero if ($this->_getLineStyle() != 0) ImageLine($this->_canvas(), $x, $y, $x + $this->_deltaX, $y + $this->_deltaY, $this->_getLineStyle()); $this->_markerEnd->_drawMarker($x + $this->_deltaX, $y + $this->_deltaY, $values); }
/** * Creates new marker accounts from a list of emails and sends emails to new markers. * */ function createmarkers() { if ($this->input->post('emails')) { $this->load->library('validation'); $rules['emails'] = 'valid_emails|required'; $fields['emails'] = 'referree emails'; $this->validation->set_fields($fields); $this->validation->set_rules($rules); $this->validation->set_message('valid_emails', 'All email addresses entered into %s must be valid, seperated by commas'); if ($this->validation->run() === TRUE) { $emails = explode(',', $this->input->post('emails')); $this->load->model('marker'); $this->load->model('email'); foreach ($emails as $email) { $marker = new Marker(); $marker->setKey($email); $password = $this->_createPassword(); $marker->set('password', $marker->makePass($password)); if ($marker->create()) { $emailData['email'] = $email; $emailData['password'] = $password; $msg = $this->load->view('email/new_marker', $emailData, TRUE); $subject = 'Next step in your application'; $emailToStore = new Email(); $emailToStore->set('sender', '*****@*****.**'); $emailToStore->set('receiver', $email); $emailToStore->set('subject', $subject); $emailToStore->set('message', $msg); $emailToStore->create(); $viewData['messages'][] = "Successfully created marker account for {$email} with password {$password}"; } else { } } } } if ($this->validation->error_string) { $viewData['errors'][] = $this->validation->error_string; } $viewData['token'] = $this->_token(); $this->load->view('control/create_markers', $viewData); }
function index() { return; $this->load->model('marker'); $emails = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'); $words = array('dance', 'el3phant', 'cam3ra'); $i = 1; foreach ($emails as $email) { $i++; if ($i > 2) { $i = 0; } $marker = new Marker(); $pass = substr(uniqid(), 2, 2) . $words[$i]; $marker->setKey($email); $newPass = $marker->makePass($pass); $marker->set('password', $newPass); $marker->create(); echo '<br>Marker: ' . $email . '<br>Pass: ' . $pass; } }
/** * Draw the marker on the canvas * * @param int $x The X (horizontal) position (in pixels) of the marker on * the canvas * @param int $y The Y (vertical) position (in pixels) of the marker on the * canvas * @param array $values The values representing the data the marker 'points' * to * @access private */ function _drawMarker($x, $y, $values = false) { parent::_drawMarker($x, $y, $values); if ($this->_markerStart) { $this->_markerStart->_setParent($this); $this->_markerStart->_drawMarker($x, $y, $values); } $this->_getLineStyle(); $this->_canvas->line(array('x0' => $x, 'y0' => $y, 'x1' => $x + $this->_deltaX, 'y1' => $y + $this->_deltaY)); $this->_markerEnd->_setParent($this); $this->_markerEnd->_drawMarker($x + $this->_deltaX, $y + $this->_deltaY, $values); }
/** * Draw a sample for use with legend * @param int $x The x coordinate to draw the sample at * @param int $y The y coordinate to draw the sample at * @access private */ function _legendSample($x, $y, &$font) { if (is_a($this->_fillStyle, "Image_Graph_Fill")) { $fillStyle = $this->_fillStyle->_getFillStyleAt($x -5, $y -5, 10, 10); } else { $fillStyle = $this->_getFillStyle(); } if ($fillStyle != IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT) { ImageFilledRectangle($this->_canvas(), $x -5, $y -5, $x +5, $y +5, $fillStyle); ImageRectangle($this->_canvas(), $x -5, $y -5, $x +5, $y +5, $this->_getLineStyle()); } else { ImageLine($this->_canvas(), $x -7, $y, $x +7, $y, $this->_getLineStyle()); } if (($this->_marker) and ($this->_dataset)) { $this->_dataset->_reset(); $point = $this->_dataset->_next(); $prevPoint = $this->_dataset->_nearby(-2); $nextPoint = $this->_dataset->_nearby(); $point = $this->_getMarkerData($point, $nextPoint, $prevPoint, $i); if (is_array($point)) { $point['MARKER_X'] = $x; $point['MARKER_Y'] = $y; unset ($point['AVERAGE_Y']); $this->_marker->_drawMarker($point['MARKER_X'], $point['MARKER_Y'], $point); } } $text = new Image_Graph_Text($x + 20, $y, $this->_title, $font); $text->setAlignment(IMAGE_GRAPH_ALIGN_CENTER_Y | IMAGE_GRAPH_ALIGN_LEFT); $this->add($text); $text->_done(); return array('Width' => 20+$font->width($this->_title), 'Height' => max(10, $font->height($this->_title))); }
function index() { $this->load->model('marker'); $randomWords = array('africa', 'animals', 'architecture', 'art', 'australia', 'autumn', 'baby', 'band', 'barcelona', 'beach', 'berlin', 'bird', 'birthday', 'black', 'blackandwhite', 'blue', 'boston', 'bw', 'california', 'cameraphone', 'camping', 'canada', 'canon', 'car', 'cat', 'chicago', 'china', 'christmas', 'church', 'city', 'clouds', 'color', 'concert', 'cute', 'dance', 'day', 'de', 'dog', 'england', 'europe', 'fall', 'family', 'festival', 'film', 'florida', 'flower', 'flowers', 'food', 'football', 'france', 'friends', 'fun', 'garden', 'germany', 'graffiti', 'green', 'halloween', 'hawaii', 'hiking', 'holiday', 'home', 'house', 'india', 'ireland', 'island', 'italia', 'italy', 'japan', 'july', 'kids', 'la', 'lake', 'landscape', 'light', 'live', 'london', 'macro', 'may', 'me', 'mexico', 'mountain', 'mountains', 'museum', 'music', 'nature', 'new', 'newyork', 'newyorkcity', 'night', 'nikon', 'nyc', 'ocean', 'old', 'paris', 'park', 'party', 'people', 'photo', 'photography', 'photos', 'portrait', 'red', 'river', 'rock', 'rome', 'san', 'sanfrancisco', 'scotland', 'sea', 'seattle', 'show', 'sky', 'snow', 'spain', 'spring', 'street', 'summer', 'sun', 'sunset', 'taiwan', 'texas', 'thailand', 'tokyo', 'toronto', 'tour', 'travel', 'tree', 'trees', 'trip', 'uk', 'urban', 'usa', 'vacation', 'vancouver', 'washington', 'water', 'wedding', 'white', 'winter', 'yellow', 'york', 'zoo'); $emails = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($emails); $i++) { $word1 = $randomWords[rand(0, count($randomWords))]; $leetI = str_replace('i', '1', $word1); $leetE = str_replace('e', '3', $leetI); $word2 = ucfirst($randomWords[rand(0, count($randomWords) - 1)]); $hashed = md5($word2); $randSeed = substr($hashed, rand(0, strlen($hashed) - 1), 2); $pass = $leetE . $randSeed; $marker = new Marker(); $marker->set('email', $emails[$i]); $marker->set('password', $marker->makePass($pass)); $marker->create(); echo 'marker email ' . $emails[$i] . ' with pass ' . $pass . '</br>'; echo 'pass check ' . $marker->checkPass($pass) . '</br>' . '</br>'; } }
/** * Draw the marker on the canvas * @param int $x The X (horizontal) position (in pixels) of the marker on the canvas * @param int $y The Y (vertical) position (in pixels) of the marker on the canvas * @param array $values The values representing the data the marker "points" to * @access private */ function _drawMarker($x, $y, $values = false) { if (is_a($this->_secondaryMarker, "Image_Graph_Marker")) { $this->_secondaryMarker->_drawMarker($x, $y, $values); } }
$marker_id = $marker->getId(); $bathroom = new Bathroom($unisex, $key_required, $public, $handicap, $changing_table, $marker_id); $bathroom->save(); return $app['twig']->render('add_bathroom.html.twig', array('bathrooms' => Bathroom::getAll(), 'markers' => Marker::getAll(), 'form_check' => false)); }); $app->get('/bathroom/{id}', function ($id) use($app) { $bathroom = Bathroom::find($id); $marker = Marker::find($id); $reviews = Review::getReviewsForBathroom($bathroom); return $app['twig']->render('bathroom.html.twig', array('bathroom' => $bathroom, 'marker' => $marker, 'reviews' => $reviews)); }); // reviews $app->get('/add_review/{id}', function ($id) use($app) { $marker = Marker::find($id); return $app['twig']->render('add_review.html.twig', array('marker' => $marker)); }); $app->post('/add_review/{id}', function ($id) use($app) { $review = $_POST['review']; $rating = $_POST['rating']; //get all the necessary objects $marker = Marker::find($id); $bathroom = Bathroom::find($marker->getId()); //create new review obj $new_review = new Review($rating, $review); $new_review->save(); $review_id = $new_review->getId(); $bathroom->addReview($review_id); $reviews = Review::getReviewsForBathroom($bathroom); return $app['twig']->render('bathroom.html.twig', array('bathroom' => $bathroom, 'marker' => $marker, 'reviews' => $reviews)); }); return $app;
$map->addEncodedPolyline($encodedPolyline); } } } // end of 1st iteration. found time and distance } if ($i == 7) { $org = array(); $org = getCoord($finarr[$i]); //echo $org[0]['latitude']; //echo $org[0]['longitude']; $des = array(); $des = getCoord($finarr[$i + 1]); //echo $des[0]['latitude']; //echo $des[0]['longitude']; $marker3 = new Marker(); $marker3->setPrefixJavascriptVariable('marker_'); $marker3->setPosition($org[0]['latitude'], $org[0]['longitude'], true); $marker3->setAnimation(Animation::DROP); $marker3->setOption('clickable', true); $marker3->setOption('flat', true); $marker3->setOptions(array('clickable' => true, 'flat' => true)); $map->addMarker($marker); $marker4 = new Marker(); $marker4->setPrefixJavascriptVariable('marker_two'); $marker4->setPosition($des[0]['latitude'], $des[0]['longitude'], true); $marker4->setAnimation(Animation::DROP); $marker4->setOption('clickable', true); $marker4->setOption('flat', true); $marker4->setOptions(array('clickable' => true, 'flat' => true)); $map->addMarker($marker4);
<br/>with marker:<br/> <img src="<?php echo $api->getUrlPart(); ?> "/> <?php $api = new GoogleStaticMapApi(); $marker = new Marker(); $marker->setColor('yellow'); $marker->setSize(Marker::SIZE_MID); $marker->setLabel("West from center"); //TODO not working $marker->addLocation(new LatLng(50.058516, 19.910553)); $marker->addLocation(new LatLng(50.049189, 19.904416)); $api->addMarker($marker); $marker = new Marker(); $marker->setColor('blue'); $marker->addLocation(new LatLng(50.06477, 20.052474)); //Benedict monastery $marker->addLocation(new LatLng(50.065941, 20.045886)); //old hospital $api->addMarker($marker); $api->setZoom(10); ?> <br/>styled markers:<br/> <img src="<?php echo $api->getUrlPart(); ?> "/> </body> </html>
function test_delete() { $test_marker = new Marker("Pok Pok", "123 abcd street", 34.343534, 41.89089, "Restaurant"); $test_marker->save(); $test_marker2 = new Marker("Whiskey Soda Lounge", "678 DEF street", 41.89089, 34.343534, "Bar"); $test_marker2->save(); $test_marker->delete(); $this->assertEquals([$test_marker2], Marker::getAll()); }
/** * Draw a sample for use with legend * * @param array &$param The parameters for the legend * * @return void * @access private */ function _legendSample(&$param) { if (!is_array($this->_dataset)) { return false; } if (is_a($this->_fillStyle, 'Image_Graph_Fill')) { $this->_fillStyle->_reset(); } $count = 0; $keys = array_keys($this->_dataset); foreach ($keys as $key) { $dataset =& $this->_dataset[$key]; $count++; $caption = $dataset->_name ? $dataset->_name : $this->_title; $this->_canvas->setFont($param['font']); $width = 20 + $param['width'] + $this->_canvas->textWidth($caption); $param['maxwidth'] = max($param['maxwidth'], $width); $x2 = $param['x'] + $width; $y2 = $param['y'] + $param['height'] + 5; if (($param['align'] & IMAGE_GRAPH_ALIGN_VERTICAL) != 0 && $y2 > $param['bottom']) { $param['y'] = $param['top']; $param['x'] = $x2; $y2 = $param['y'] + $param['height']; } elseif (($param['align'] & IMAGE_GRAPH_ALIGN_VERTICAL) == 0 && $x2 > $param['right']) { $param['x'] = $param['left']; $param['y'] = $y2; $x2 = $param['x'] + 20 + $param['width'] + $this->_canvas->textWidth($caption); } $x = $x0 = $param['x']; $y = $param['y']; $y0 = $param['y']; $x1 = $param['x'] + $param['width']; $y1 = $param['y'] + $param['height']; if (!isset($param['simulate'])) { $this->_getFillStyle($key); $this->_getLineStyle(); $this->_drawLegendSample($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1); if ($this->_marker && $dataset && $param['show_marker']) { $dataset->_reset(); $point = $dataset->_next(); $prevPoint = $dataset->_nearby(-2); $nextPoint = $dataset->_nearby(); $tmp = array(); $point = $this->_getMarkerData($point, $nextPoint, $prevPoint, $tmp); if (is_array($point)) { $point['MARKER_X'] = $x + $param['width'] / 2; $point['MARKER_Y'] = $y; unset($point['AVERAGE_Y']); $this->_marker->_drawMarker($point['MARKER_X'], $point['MARKER_Y'], $point); } } $this->write($x + $param['width'] + 10, $y + $param['height'] / 2, $caption, IMAGE_GRAPH_ALIGN_CENTER_Y | IMAGE_GRAPH_ALIGN_LEFT, $param['font']); } if (($param['align'] & IMAGE_GRAPH_ALIGN_VERTICAL) != 0) { $param['y'] = $y2; } else { $param['x'] = $x2; } } unset($keys); }
public function testToStringWithNotSupportedColor() { $m = new Marker(new \GMaps\Location\Coordinate(1.1, 2.2)); $m->setColor("foobar"); $this->assertEquals("size:normal|color:red|1.1,2.2", $m->__toString()); }
public function get_delete_marker($id) { Marker::find($id)->delete(); if (Auth::user()->group != 1) { return Redirect::to_route(Auth::user()->username)->with('message', 'Marker deleted!'); } else { return Redirect::to_action('home@marker')->with('message', 'Marker deleted!'); } }
/** @param $start<Location> the starting location (address) @param $end<Location> the ending location (address) */ function findDirPath($start, $end, $start_stations, $end_stations) { $debug = false; if ($start == $end) { return "same"; } if (distance($start, $end) < 0.25) { return "walk"; } $WALKING_SPEED = 2 / 3600; #echo "findDirPath<br/>"; // determine original bounding box $original_box = new Box($start->point, $end->point); // create end marker $end_name = $end->name; if ($end_name == "") { $end_name = $end->getAddressString(); } $end_marker = new Marker($end->point->lat, $end->point->lng, "end", $end_name); if ($debug) { echo "end marker = "; $end_marker->printInfo(); } // create array of paths $open = array(); $start_name = $start->name; if ($start_name == "") { $start_name = $start->getAddressString(); } $start_marker = new Marker($start->point->lat, $start->point->lng, "start", $start_name); if ($debug) { echo "start marker = "; $start_marker->printInfo(); } foreach ($start_stations as $station) { $segment = new Segment($start_marker, $station->marker, $station->marker->lines, $station->getDistance() / $WALKING_SPEED, "walking"); $visited = array(); $visited[] = $station->marker; $new_box = new Box($station->marker->point, $end_marker->point); $path = new Path2($segment, $new_box, $visited); $area = $new_box->getArea(); $array = $open["{$area}"]; if ($array == null) { $array = array(); } $array[] = $path; #echo "adding $array<br/>"; $open["{$area}"] = $array; } return findPath($open, $end_stations, $end_marker); }
function getMarker2($orglat, $orglong, $deslat, $deslong) { //creating map $map = new Map(); $map->setPrefixJavascriptVariable('map_'); $map->setHtmlContainerId('map_canvas'); $map->setAsync(false); $map->setAutoZoom(false); $map->setCenter(37.806381, -122.415468, true); $map->setMapOption('zoom', 16); $map->setBound(-2.1, -3.9, 2.6, 1.4, true, true); $map->setMapOption('mapTypeId', MapTypeId::ROADMAP); $map->setMapOption('mapTypeId', 'roadmap'); $map->setMapOption('disableDefaultUI', true); $map->setMapOption('disableDoubleClickZoom', true); $map->setMapOptions(array('disableDefaultUI' => true, 'disableDoubleClickZoom' => true)); $map->setStylesheetOption('width', '600px'); $map->setStylesheetOption('height', '600px'); $map->setStylesheetOptions(array('width' => '1000px', 'height' => '800px')); $map->setLanguage('en'); //creating marker $marker3 = new Marker(); $marker3->setPrefixJavascriptVariable('marker_'); $marker3->setPosition($orglat, $orglong, true); $marker3->setAnimation(Animation::DROP); $marker3->setOption('clickable', true); $marker3->setOption('flat', true); $marker3->setOptions(array('clickable' => true, 'flat' => true)); $map->addMarker($marker); $marker4 = new Marker(); $marker4->setPrefixJavascriptVariable('marker_two'); $marker4->setPosition($deslat, $deslong, true); $marker4->setAnimation(Animation::DROP); $marker4->setOption('clickable', true); $marker4->setOption('flat', true); $marker4->setOptions(array('clickable' => true, 'flat' => true)); $map->addMarker($marker4); // trying directions $directions = new Directions(new CurlHttpAdapter()); $request = new DirectionsRequest(); // Set your origin $request->setOrigin($marker3->getPosition(), true); // Set your destination $request->setDestination($marker4->getPosition(), true); $response = $directions->route($request); // Get the routes $routes = $response->getRoutes(); // Iterate each routes foreach ($routes as $route) { // Get the bound $bound = $route->getBound(); // Get the copyrights $copyrights = $route->getCopyrights(); // Get the legs $legs = $route->getLegs(); // Get the summary //$summary = $route->getSummary(); //print_r ($summary); foreach ($legs as $leg) { // Gets the distance $distance = $leg->getDistance(); //$dist = (String)$distance; print_r($distance); // Gets the duration $duration = $leg->getDuration(); print_r($duration); //summary //$summary = $leg->getSummary(); //print_r ($summary); // Gets the directions steps. $steps = $leg->getSteps(); // Iterate each step foreach ($steps as $step) { // Gets the encoded polyline. $encodedPolyline = $step->getEncodedPolyline(); $map->addEncodedPolyline($encodedPolyline); } } } // end of 1st iteration. found time and distance //printing the map $mapHelper = new MapHelper(); echo $mapHelper->renderHtmlContainer($map); echo $mapHelper->renderJavascripts($map); }
function panel() { $this->load->model('marker'); $this->load->model('assessment'); $this->load->library('validation'); $this->load->model('mark'); $this->load->model('markerPref'); // form submit names $updatePref = 'updatePref'; $markerEmail = $this->session->userdata($this->_sessionAuthVar); $marker = new Marker(); $marker->retrieve($markerEmail); $markerPref = new MarkerPref(); $markerPref->retrieve($markerEmail); // do this first due to the hacky implementation - it will result in doubled validation // messages for every other form if ($this->_updatePref($marker, $markerPref)) { $viewData['checkpoints'][] = 'You have successfully updated your job update preferences'; } // assessment fix required? $requireFix = array("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"); $viewData['assessmentFix'] = false; if (in_array($this->_getUser(), $requireFix)) { $viewData['assessmentFix'] = true; } $this->load->model('assessmentFix'); if ($viewData['assessmentFix']) { $assessmentFix = new AssessmentFix(); $assessmentFix->setKey($this->_getUser()); if ($assessmentFix->retrieve()) { $viewData['assessmentFix'] = false; } } if ($this->input->post('assessmentFix')) { if ($this->_checkToken()) { $this->load->library('validation'); $rules['requireFix'] = 'required'; $fields['requireFix'] = 'yes or no'; $this->validation->set_rules($rules); $this->validation->set_fields($fields); if ($this->validation->run() === true) { $assessmentFix = new AssessmentFix(); $assessmentFix->requireFix($this->input->post('requireFix')); $assessmentFix->setKey($this->_getUser()); $assessmentFix->create(); $viewData['checkpoints'][] = 'You have registered for the assessment fix. You will paid a re-assessment bounty when you submit your assessment.'; $viewData['assessmentFix'] = false; } } } if ($this->input->post('changePassword')) { if ($this->_checkToken()) { $this->load->library('validation'); $rules['currentPassword'] = '******'; $rules['newPassword'] = '******'; $rules['newPasswordRepeat'] = 'required|matches[newPassword]'; $fields['currentPassword'] = '******'; $fields['newPassword'] = '******'; $fields['newPasswordRepeat'] = 'new password repeated'; $this->validation->set_rules($rules); $this->validation->set_fields($fields); if ($this->validation->run() === true) { $marker = new Marker(); $marker->setKey($this->_getUser()); $marker->retrieve(); if ($marker->get('password') === $marker->makePass($this->input->post('currentPassword'))) { $marker->set('password', $marker->makePass($this->input->post('newPassword'))); $viewData['checkpoints'][] = 'You have successfully changed your password.'; $marker->update(); } else { $viewData['errors'][] = 'You did not enter your current password correctly.'; } } } } $viewData['token'] = $this->_token(); $viewData['markerPref'] = $markerPref; if ($this->session->flashdata('action')) { $viewData['checkpoints'][] = $this->session->flashdata('action'); } $viewData['marker'] = $marker; $headData['js'][] = 'eb_ui'; $viewData['assessment'] = false; $viewData[$updatePref] = $updatePref; if ($this->assessment->retrieve($marker->getKey())) { $viewData['assessment'] = true; } $this->load->view('html_head.php', $headData); $this->load->view('page_head.php', array('bodyId' => 'my account', 'userAuth' => @$this->session->userdata('email'), 'markerAuth' => @$this->session->userdata('markerEmail'), 'site_pages' => $this->config->item('site_pages'))); $this->load->view('marker/panel', $viewData); $this->load->view('footer.php', array('site_base' => $this->config->item('base_url'))); }
/** @deprecated? */ function loadFromArray($array) { $markers = array(); $id = ""; foreach ($array as $marker_array) { $marker = new Marker($marker_array[0]['lat'], $marker_array[0]['lng'], $marker_array[0]['id'], $marker_array[0]['name']); $id = $marker_array[0]['id']; echo "functions.load: processing {$id}<br/>\n"; $count = count($marker_array); for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++) { $line_array = $marker_array[$i]; $line = new Line($line_array[0]['img'], $marker_array[0]['url'], $marker_array[0]['name']); $count1 = count($line_array); for ($j = 1; $j < $count1; $j++) { $connection_array = $line_array[$j]; $connection = new Connection($connection_array[0]['id'], $connection_array[0]['type'], $connection_array[0]['start'], $connection_array[0]['end'], $connection_array[0]['duration']); $line->addConnection($connection); } $marker->addLine($line); } $markers[$id] = $marker; } return $markers; }
/** Builds the marker from data in the database and returns it. @param id<String> the marker id @return <Marker> a Marker object */ function retrieveMarker($id) { $query = "SELECT * FROM markers WHERE id='{$id}'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Unable to retrieve marker of {$id} from the database."); if (count($result) > 1) { // error! there should only be one result echo "algorithm.getMarker() returned more than one result.<br/>\n"; } $query_array = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH); $marker = new Marker($query_array['lat'], $query_array['lng'], $query_array['id'], $query_array['name']); $query = "SELECT * FROM connections WHERE marker_id='{$id}'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Unable to retrieve connections for {$id} from the database."); while ($c_array = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH)) { $connection = new Connection($c_array['id'], $c_array['type'], $c_array['start'], $c_array['end'], $c_array['day'], $c_array['duration']); $line = $marker->getLine($c_array['line']); if ($line == null) { // line doesn't exist yet, so create it $line_query = "SELECT * FROM lines WHERE name='" . $c_array['line'] . "'"; $line_result = mysql_query($line_query) or die("Unable to retrieve line information for " . $c_array['line'] . " from the database."); if (count($line_result) > 1) { echo "algorithm.getMarker() returned more than one result when retrieving line " . $c_array['line']; } $line_array = mysql_fetch_array($line_result, MYSQL_BOTH); $line = new Line($line_array['img'], $line_array['url'], $line_array['name']); // add the line to the marker $marker->addLine($line); } // add the connection to the line $line->addConnection($connection); } // connection loop // done, return marker return $marker; }
function __construct($width, $height, $x, $y) { parent::__construct($width, $height); $this->position_x = $x; $this->position_y = $y; }
static function find($search_id) { $found_marker = null; $markers = Marker::getAll(); foreach ($markers as $marker) { $marker_id = $marker->getId(); if ($marker_id == $search_id) { $found_marker = $marker; } } return $found_marker; }
function __construct($test) { parent::__construct($test); //$this->engine = new MarkParse( $text ); }
/*include("small_menu_start.php");*/ $mySql = new MySql(); if (isset($_SESSION[Session::C_SESSION_USER])) { $session = new Session($_SESSION[Session::C_SESSION_USER], $_SESSION[Session::C_SESSION_PASS], $mySql); } if (!isset($session) or !$session->IsConnected()) { header('Location: index.php'); exit; } ?> <!-- MAIN SECTION --> <section class="main-section"> <div class="small-12 columns"> <div class="row"> <h4>marqueur - <?php $marker = new Marker(); if (isset($_POST["id"])) { $marker->initProperty($_POST["id"], $_POST["firstName"], $_POST["lastName"], strtotime($_POST["birth"])); $marker->PageMode = $_POST["pageMode"]; $marker->validate($mySql); if (!$marker->getHasError()) { if ($marker->PageMode == Constants::PAGE_MODE_EDIT) { $marker->update($mySql); } else { $marker->addNew($mySql); } header('Location: marker.php'); exit; } echo $marker->getFullName(); } else {
function findS2APath($start_marker, $end_stations, $end) { $debug = false; $WALKING_SPEED = 2 / 3600; if ($debug) { echo "findS2APath<br/>"; } // verify this is a legitimate search foreach ($end_stations as $station) { if ($station->marker == $start_marker) { return "walk"; } } // create end marker $end_name = $end->name; if ($end_name == "") { $end_name = $end->getAddressString(); } $end_marker = new Marker($end->point->lat, $end->point->lng, "end", $end_name); if ($debug) { echo "end marker = "; $end_marker->printInfo(); } // create array of paths $open = array(); foreach ($start_marker->getLines() as $line) { foreach ($line->getConnections() as $connection) { // get associated marker $marker = getMarker($connection->id); if ($debug) { echo "retrieved marker from connection (" . $connection->id . "): "; $marker->printInfo(); } $lines = $start_marker->getOverlapLines($marker); $segment = new Segment($start_marker, $marker, $lines, $connection->duration, $connection->type); $visited = array(); $visited[] = $start_marker; $visited[] = $marker; $new_box = new Box($marker->point, $end_marker->point); $path = new Path2($segment, $new_box, $visited); if ($marker == $end_marker) { return $path; } $area = $new_box->getArea(); $array = $open["{$area}"]; if ($array == null) { $array = array(); } $array[] = $path; $open["{$area}"] = $array; } } return findPath($open, $end_stations, $end_marker); }
public function copyFrom(Marker $marker) { $this->setMeasure($marker->getMeasure()); $this->setTitle($marker->getTitle()); $this->setColor($marker->getColor()); }
/** * Render page template with all variables * * @return string */ public static function page($slug = null, $inject = array()) { // CHECK $slug IS NOT NULL $SLUG_FULL = is_null($slug) ? SLUG_FULL : $slug; // Page with lang = SITE_LANG and is_homepage = 1 if ($SLUG_FULL === '/') { // HOMEPAGE $page = CmsPage::with(array('elements' => function ($query) { $query->where_is_valid(1); }))->where_lang(SITE_LANG)->where_is_valid(VALID())->first(); if (empty($page)) { return Response::error('404'); } // More pages with lang = SITE_LANG and slug = SLUG_FULL } else { // MORE PAGES // Check slug is not lang if (array_key_exists(str_replace('/', '', $SLUG_FULL), Config::get('cms::settings.langs'))) { //Redirect al cambio lingua return Redirect::to_action('site@lang', array(str_replace('/', '', $SLUG_FULL))); } // Get page $page = self::page_base($SLUG_FULL); // Check page exists if (empty($page)) { // If not exists, look at SLUG_FIRST and save SLUG_LAST $page = self::page_base(SLUG_FIRST); // Check page exists // Not exists if (empty($page)) { return Response::error('404'); // It exists and it is a ZOOM of EXTRA } else { // Get Model to load switch (getExtra($page->extra_id)) { case 'blogs': $model = CmsBlog::with(array('blogrels')); break; //case 'products': // $model = 'CmsProduct'; // break; } // Load ZOOM if $extra exists if (isset($model)) { $extra = $model->where_lang(SITE_LANG)->where_slug(SLUG_LAST)->where_is_valid(VALID())->first(); } } } } //Bind $elements / $extra to ZONE if (!empty($page)) { // Check if SITE_ROLE < access_level -> to_login if (SITE_ROLE < $page->access_level) { return Redirect::to_action('site@login')->with('back_url', $SLUG_FULL); } // Set page_layout from DB or default if not set $page_layout = $page->layout; if (empty($page->layout)) { $page_layout = 'default'; } //INJECT PAGE LAYOUT if (!empty($inject)) { $page_layout = !empty($inject['layout']) ? $inject['layout'] : $page_layout; } // Get layouts from $arr_layout = Config::get('cms::theme.layout_' . $page_layout); // Load template $layout = View::make('cms::theme.' . THEME . '.layouts.' . $page_layout); // Bind page name $layout['NAME'] = $page->name; $layout['CLASSNAME'] = Str::slug($page->name); // Check layout exists if (!empty($arr_layout)) { // Bind zones as empty to avoid errors foreach ($arr_layout as $key => $value) { $layout[strtoupper($key)] = ''; } } // Bind contents to layout variables if (!empty($page)) { // Bind elements to $ZONE in page layout if (!empty($page->elements)) { // Create zone array $zone = array(); foreach ($page->elements as $item) { $tmp_text = '<div id="' . $item->name . '" class="' . Config::get('cms::theme.ele_class') . '">'; $tmp_text .= Marker::decode($item->text); $tmp_text .= '</div>'; $zone[$item->zone][] = $tmp_text; } // INJECT EXTERNAL ELEMENT INTO ZONE if (!empty($inject)) { // Clean content // unset($zone); // Append results $zone[$inject['zone']][0] = $inject['view']; } // Bind pageitem text to ZONE which become layout variable foreach ($page->elements as $item) { $layout[strtoupper($item->zone)] = trim(implode("\n", $zone[$item->zone])); } } else { $new_page = CmsPage::where_lang(SITE_LANG)->where_parent_id($page->id)->where_is_valid(1)->order_by('order_id', 'asc')->first(); if (!empty($new_page)) { return Redirect::to($new_page->slug); } } // Bind $extra to layout ZONE if present if (!empty($extra)) { //EXTRA VIEW ZOOM $extra_what = CONF('cms::settings.extra_id', $page->extra_id); $tmp_text = View::make('cms::theme.' . THEME . '.partials.details.' . $extra_what); $tmp_text['text'] = $extra; // Bind extra name $layout['NAME'] = $extra->name; $layout['CLASSNAME'] = Str::slug($page->name); // Bind pageitem text to ZONE which become layout variable $layout[strtoupper($extra->zone)] = trim(implode("\n", array($tmp_text))); } } } else { // Page not found, empty layout $layout = ''; } //Set default title $title = !empty($page->title) ? $page->title : $page->name; //Set $extra title $title = isset($extra) ? $extra->name : $title; $title = !empty($extra->title) ? $extra->title : $title; $title = CmsUtility::string_style($title, Config::get('cms::theme.title_style')); // Add preview string to title if (SLUG_PREVIEW) { $title = LL('cms::title.preview_title', CMSLANG) . $title; } //Set default keyw $keyw = !empty($page->keyw) ? $page->keyw : Config::get('cms::theme.keyw'); //Set $extra keyw $keyw = isset($extra) ? $extra->keyw : $keyw; $keyw = !empty($extra->keyw) ? $extra->keyw : $keyw; //Set default descr $descr = !empty($page->descr) ? $page->descr : Config::get('cms::theme.descr'); //Set $extra descr $descr = isset($extra) ? $extra->descr : $descr; $descr = !empty($extra->descr) ? $extra->descr : $descr; //Set default template, header, footer, layout se non settati $template = !empty($page->template) ? $page->template : 'default'; $header = !empty($page->header) ? $page->header : 'default'; $footer = !empty($page->footer) ? $page->footer : 'default'; // INJECT PAGE PARTIALS if (!empty($inject)) { $template = !empty($inject['template']) ? $inject['template'] : $template; $header = !empty($inject['header']) ? $inject['header'] : $header; $footer = !empty($inject['footer']) ? $inject['footer'] : $footer; } //APPLICATION COMPOSER View::composer('cms::theme.' . THEME . '.templates.' . $template, function ($view) { CmsRender::asset(); //BASE JS Asset::container('header')->add('base_js', Config::get('application.url') . '/site/js'); if (!isset($view->title)) { $view->title = Config::get('cms::theme.title'); } if (!isset($view->descr)) { $view->descr = Config::get('cms::theme.descr'); } if (!isset($view->keyw)) { $view->keyw = Config::get('cms::theme.keyw'); } if (!isset($view->header)) { $view->header = ''; } if (!isset($view->layout)) { $view->layout = ''; } if (!isset($view->footer)) { $view->footer = ''; } }); //Prepare html buffer $html = View::make('cms::theme.' . THEME . '.templates.' . $template)->with('title', $title)->with('keyw', $keyw)->with('descr', $descr)->nest('header', 'cms::theme.' . THEME . '.partials.header_' . $header)->with('layout', $layout)->nest('footer', 'cms::theme.' . THEME . '.partials.footer_' . $footer); //Output buffer self::clean_code($html); }
public function testMessageElementMoreParameters() { $marker = new Marker(); $this->assertEquals($this->object->getMapData(array('52.429222277955134,13.359375~Capital of Germany~Crazy people here!~ ~ ~Berlin;', 'service=leaflet')), array('markers' => array(array('pos' => array(array('lat' => 52.429222277955, 'lon' => 13.359375)), 'title' => "<p>Capital of Germany\n</p>", 'text' => "<p>Crazy people here!\n</p>")), 'zoom' => 14, 'center' => array('lat' => 52.429222277955, 'lon' => 13.359375))); $this->assertEquals($this->object->getErrorMessages(), array(\wfMessage('multimaps-element-more-parameters', $marker->getElementName())->escaped(), \wfMessage('multimaps-element-parameters-not-processed', '"' . implode('", "', array(' ', 'Berlin')) . '"')->escaped())); }
function MARKER($marker) { return Marker::decode($marker); }
/** Retrieves the markers from the DB and loads them into an array. It creates full Marker objects with Line and Connection objects. @return an array of Markers */ function retrieveMarkers() { $debug = false; $markers = array(); $query = 'SELECT * FROM markers'; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH)) { $id = $line['id']; $lat = $line['lat']; $lng = $line['lng']; $name = $line['name']; $url = $line['url']; if ($debug) { echo "building marker: {$name} ({$id})<br/>"; } $marker = new Marker($lat, $lng, $id, $name); $marker->setURL($url); // grab all connections $conn_query = "SELECT * FROM connections WHERE id='" . $id . "'"; $conn_result = mysql_query($conn_query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); $lines = array(); $line_names = array(); while ($conn = mysql_fetch_array($conn_result, MYSQL_BOTH)) { // grab all variables from DB $marker_id = $conn['marker_id']; $day = $conn['day']; $duration = $conn['duration']; $line = $conn['line']; $type = $conn['type']; $start = $conn['start']; $end = $conn['end']; if ($debug) { echo "->found connection: {$marker_id}<br/>"; } // create a new connection $connection = new Connection($marker_id, $type, $start, $end, $day, $duration); $marker_line = $lines["{$line}"]; if (is_null($marker_line)) { $marker_line = array(); } $marker_line[] = $connection; // add it to an array. we need it later. if ($debug) { echo "->found line: {$line}<br/>"; } $lines["{$line}"] = $marker_line; if (!in_array($line, $line_names)) { if ($debug) { echo "adding {$line} to line_names<br/>"; } $line_names[] = $line; } } // connection loop if ($debug) { echo "line_names count: " . count($line_names) . "<br/>"; } // retrieved all connections and set them in their appropriate lines. // now we need to create the lines foreach ($line_names as $line_name) { if ($debug) { echo "->looking at line: {$line_name}<br/>"; } // for each line, grab the data from the database $line_query = "SELECT * FROM `lines` WHERE name='" . $line_name . "'"; $line_result = mysql_query($line_query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); // the line_name is the unique key for that table, so we only need to get the first one $line_array = mysql_fetch_array($line_result, MYSQL_BOTH); $lname = $line_array['name']; $lurl = $line_array['url']; $limg = $line_array['img']; $line = new Line($limg, $lurl, $lname); if ($debug) { echo "-->found line: " . $lname . "<br/>"; } // now add all the connections $connections = $lines["{$line_name}"]; foreach ($connections as $connection) { // each one is a connection object from above. add it $line->addConnection($connection); if ($debug) { echo "--->adding " . $connection->id . " to {$line_name}<br/>"; } } // now add the line to the marker $marker->addLine($line); if ($debug) { echo "-->adding {$line_name} to {$name}<br/>"; } } // line loop // the marker object is created and populated. add to the markers array. $markers["{$id}"] = $marker; if ($debug) { echo "adding {$id} to markers<br/>"; } } // marker loop return $markers; }