Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Convert an annotation to an Atom entry
  * Logically this is part of the Annotation class, but different applications implement
  * that differently (OJS in particular), so it's here, but called through Annotation->toAtom().
 function annotationToAtom(&$annotation, $tagHost, $servicePath, $strippedRoot = '')
     $NS_XHTML = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml';
     $sUserId = htmlspecialchars($annotation->getUserId());
     $sUserName = htmlspecialchars($annotation->getUserName());
     $sNote = htmlspecialchars($annotation->getNote());
     $sQuote = htmlspecialchars($annotation->getQuote());
     $sUrl = htmlspecialchars($annotation->getUrl());
     $sLink = htmlspecialchars($annotation->getLink());
     $sQuoteTitle = htmlspecialchars($annotation->getQuoteTitle());
     $sQuoteAuthorId = htmlspecialchars($annotation->getQuoteAuthorId());
     $sQuoteAuthorName = htmlspecialchars($annotation->getQuoteAuthorName());
     $sAccess = htmlspecialchars($annotation->getAccess());
     $sAction = htmlspecialchars($annotation->getAction());
     // title for display to reader
     if ('edit' == $annotation->getAction()) {
         $title = "Edit to \"{$sQuoteTitle}\"";
     } elseif ($sNote) {
         $title = "Annotation of \"{$sQuoteTitle}\"";
     } else {
         $title = "Highlight of \"{$sQuoteTitle}\"";
     // title and summary for display to reader
     if ($sNote && $sQuote) {
         $summary = $sNote . ": \"" . $sQuote . "\"";
     } elseif ($sNote) {
         $summary = $sNote;
     } else {
         $summary = $sQuote;
     $s = " <entry>\n";
     // Emit range in two formats:  sequence for sorting, xpath for authority and speed
     $sequenceRange = $annotation->getSequenceRange();
     if ($sequenceRange) {
         $s .= "  <ptr:range format='sequence'>" . htmlspecialchars($sequenceRange->toString()) . "</ptr:range>\n";
     // Make 100% certain that the XPath expression contains no unsafe calls (e.g. to document())
     $xpathRange = $annotation->getXPathRange();
     if ($xpathRange && XPathPoint::isXPathSafe($xpathRange->start->getPathStr()) && XPathPoint::isXPathSafe($xpathRange->end->getPathStr())) {
         $s .= "  <ptr:range format='xpath'>" . htmlspecialchars($xpathRange->toString()) . "</ptr:range>\n";
     $s .= "  <ptr:access>{$sAccess}</ptr:access>\n" . "  <ptr:action>{$sAction}</ptr:action>\n" . "  <title>{$title}</title>\n";
     // Use double quotes for some attributes because it's easier than passing ENT_QUOTES to
     // each call to htmlspecialchars
     $s .= "  <link rel='self' type='application/xml' href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($servicePath . '/' . $annotation->getAnnotationId()) . "\"/>\n" . "  <link rel='alternate' type='text/html' title=\"{$sQuoteTitle}\" href=\"{$sUrl}\"/>\n";
     if ($annotation->getLink()) {
         $s .= "  <link rel='related' type='text/html' title=\"{$sNote}\" href=\"{$sLink}\"/>\n";
     // TODO: Is this international-safe?  I could use htmlsecialchars on it, but that might not match the
     // restrictions on IRIs.  #GEOF#
     $s .= "  <id>tag:{$tagHost}," . date('Y-m-d', $annotation->getCreated()) . ':annotation/' . $annotation->getAnnotationId() . "</id>\n" . "  <updated>" . MarginaliaHelper::timeToIso($annotation->getModified()) . "</updated>\n" . "  <ptr:created>" . MarginaliaHelper::timeToIso($annotation->getCreated()) . "</ptr:created>\n";
     // Selected text as summary
     //echo "  <summary>$summary</summary>\n";
     // Author of the annotation
     $s .= "  <author>\n" . "   <name>{$sUserName}</name>\n" . "   <ptr:userid>{$sUserId}</ptr:userid>\n" . "  </author>\n";
     // Contributor is the sources of the selected text
     $s .= "  <contributor>\n" . "   <name>{$sQuoteAuthorName}</name>\n" . "   <ptr:userid>{$sQuoteAuthorId}</ptr:userid>\n" . "  </contributor>\n";
     // Content area
     /*		This ends up making the client display ... for the note, which is confusing and wrong.
     		if ( $sLink )
     			if ( $sNote )
     				$sNote = "<a href=\"$sLink\">$sNote</a>";
     				$sNote = "<a href=\"$sLink\">...</a>";
     $sQuote = "<q>{$sQuote}</q>";
     if ('edit' == $annotation->getAction()) {
         if ($sNote) {
             $sNote = "<ins>{$sNote}</ins>";
         if ($sQuote) {
             $sQuote = "<del>{$sQuote}</del>";
     $link = '';
     if ($annotation->getLink()) {
         $link = htmlspecialchars($annotation->getLink());
         if ($annotation->getLinkTitle()) {
             $link = "<cite><a href=\"{$link}\">" . htmlspecialchars($annotation->getLinkTitle()) . "</a></cite>";
         } else {
             $link = "<a href=\"{$link}\">See Also</a>";
     $s .= "  <content type='xhtml'>\n" . "   <div xmlns='{$NS_XHTML}' class='annotation'>\n" . "<p class='quote'>{$sQuote} &#x2015; <span class='quoteAuthor' title='{$sQuoteAuthorId}'>{$sQuoteAuthorName}</span> in " . "<cite><a href=\"{$sUrl}\">{$sQuoteTitle}</a></cite></p>\n" . "<p class='note'>{$sNote}</p>\n" . $link . "   </div>\n" . "  </content>\n" . " </entry>\n";
     return $s;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function show()
     global $CFG;
     $search = $this->search;
     $this->errorpage = array_key_exists('error', $_GET) ? $_GET['error'] : null;
     $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM {$CFG->prefix}marginalia_event_log";
     $total_events = count_records_sql($query);
     $query = "SELECT e.id AS id, e.userid AS userid, e.service AS service, e.action AS action" . ", e.description AS description, e.object_type AS object_type" . ", e.object_id AS object_id, e.modified AS modified" . ", e.course as course" . ", concat(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname) AS fullname" . ", a.sheet_type AS sheet_type" . ", a.quote AS quote" . ", a.note AS note" . ", a.object_type AS an_object_type" . ", a.object_id AS an_object_id" . ", concat(qu.firstname, ' ', qu.lastname) AS qu_fullname" . ", p.id AS p_id" . ", p.subject AS p_name" . ", p.discussion AS p_discussion" . ", p.created AS p_created" . ", d.name AS d_name" . ", d.id AS d_id" . ", c.shortname AS c_name" . " FROM {$CFG->prefix}marginalia_event_log e" . " LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}course c ON c.id=e.course" . " LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}marginalia_annotation_log a" . " ON (e.object_type=" . AN_OTYPE_ANNOTATION . " AND a.eventid=e.id)" . " LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}user u ON u.id=e.userid" . " LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}forum_posts p" . " ON (a.object_type=" . AN_OTYPE_POST . " AND p.id=a.object_id)" . " LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}forum_discussions d" . " ON (a.object_type=" . AN_OTYPE_POST . " AND d.id=p.discussion)" . " LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}USER qu " . " ON (e.object_type=" . AN_OTYPE_ANNOTATION . " AND qu.id=a.quote_author_id)" . " WHERE 1=1";
     if ($search->course) {
         $query .= " AND e.course=" . (int) $search->course . "\n";
     if ($search->user) {
         $query .= " AND e.userid=" . (int) $search->user . "\n";
     if ($search->discussion) {
         $query .= " AND d.id=" . (int) $search->discussion . "\n";
     if ($search->object_type) {
         $query .= " AND e.object_type=" . (int) $search->object_type;
         if ($search->object_id) {
             $query .= " AND e.object_id=" . (int) $search->object_id;
         $query .= "\n";
     $query .= " ORDER BY e.modified DESC";
     //		echo "Query: $query\n";
     $events = get_records_sql($query, $search->first - 1, $this->maxrecords);
     echo "<p>" . $search->desc() . "</p>\n";
     echo "<table id='events'>\n";
     echo " <thead><tr>\n";
     echo "  <th>Time</th><th>Course</th><th>User</th><th>Service</th><th>Action</th><th>Description</th><th>Object</th>\n";
     if ($this->extracolumns) {
         echo "<th>Sheet</th><th>Quote</th><th>Note</th><th>Post</th><th>Discussion</th><th>Post Author</th><th>Posted</th>\n";
     echo " </tr></thead><tbody>\n";
     if ($events && count($events)) {
         foreach ($events as $event) {
             echo " <tr>\n";
             echo "  <td>" . s(MarginaliaHelper::timeToIso($event->modified)) . "</td>\n";
             echo "  <td>" . s($event->c_name) . $this->zoom_link(array('course' => $event->course)) . "</td>\n";
             echo "  <td>" . s($event->fullname) . $this->zoom_link(array('user' => $event->userid)) . "</td>\n";
             echo "  <td>" . s($event->service) . "</td>\n";
             echo "  <td>" . s($event->action) . "</td>\n";
             echo "  <td>" . s($event->description) . "</td>\n";
             if (AN_OTYPE_ANNOTATION == $event->object_type) {
                 echo "<td>annotation #" . (int) $event->object_id . $this->zoom_link(array('object_type' => $event->object_type, 'object_id' => $event->object_id)) . "</td>\n";
                 if ($this->extracolumns) {
                     if (AN_OTYPE_ANNOTATION == $event->object_type) {
                         echo "<td>" . s(annotation_globals::sheet_str($event->sheet_type)) . "</td>\n";
                         echo "<td>" . s($event->quote) . "</td>\n";
                         echo "<td>" . s($event->note) . "</td>\n";
                         if (AN_OTYPE_POST == $event->an_object_type) {
                             $url = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/forum/permalink.php?p=' . $event->p_id;
                             echo "<td><a href='" . s($url) . "'>" . s($event->p_id) . "</a></td>\n";
                             echo "<td>" . s($event->d_name) . $this->zoom_link(array('d' => $event->d_id)) . "</td>\n";
                             echo "<td>" . s($event->qu_fullname) . "</a></td>\n";
                             echo "<td>" . s(MarginaliaHelper::timeToIso($event->p_created)) . "</td>\n";
                         } else {
                             echo "<td colspan='4'></td>\n";
                     } else {
                         echo "<td colspan='8'></td>\n";
             } else {
                 if (AN_OTYPE_POST == $event->object_type) {
                     echo "<td>post #" . (int) $event->object_id . $this->zoom_link(array('object_type' => $event->object_type, 'object_id' => $event->object_id)) . "</td>\n";
                     echo "<td colspan='8'></td>\n";
                 } else {
                     echo "<td colspan='9'></td>\n";
             echo " </tr>\n";
         echo "</tbody></table>\n";
         $tsearch = $search->derive();
         $tsearch->first = '{first}';
         marginalia_summary_lib::show_result_pages($search->first, $total_events, $this->maxrecords, $tsearch->url());