Ejemplo n.º 1
     $counter = $maxtimeout;
 while ($waiting && $counter < $maxtimeout) {
     // check if *ALL* data is there
     $dataMapper = new Mapper('Data');
     $dataMapper->filter('uid = (?)', $process_file['SeriesInstanceUID'][0]);
     $dataMapper->filter('nb_files = status', '');
     $dataResult = $dataMapper->get();
     if (count($dataResult['Data']) > 0) {
         echo "--> data found <--" . PHP_EOL;
         // DATA HAS ARRIVED
         // get patient
         $patientMapper = new Mapper('Data_Patient');
         $patientMapper->ljoin('Patient', 'Patient.id = Data_Patient.patient_id');
         $patientMapper->filter('Data_Patient.data_id = (?)', $dataResult['Data'][0]->id);
         $patientResult = $patientMapper->get();
         // create feed patient directories
         // mkdir if dir doesn't exist
         // create folder if doesnt exists
         $datadirname = $output_directory . '/' . $patientResult['Patient'][0]->uid . '-' . $patientResult['Patient'][0]->id;
         if (!is_dir($datadirname)) {
         // study directory
         // get study description
         $studyMapper = new Mapper('Study');
         $studyMapper->filter('uid = (?)', $process_file['StudyInstanceUID'][0]);
         $studyResult = $studyMapper->get();
         $study_dir_name = formatStudy($studyResult['Study'][0]->date, $studyResult['Study'][0]->age, $studyResult['Study'][0]->description) . '-' . $studyResult['Study'][0]->id;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Get HTML representation of the given object.
  * @param Feed $object object to be converted to HMTL.
  * @return string HTML representation of the object
 public static function getHTML($object, $shine = '')
     // Format username
     $username = FeedV::_getUsername($object->user_id);
     $username_displayed = ucwords($username);
     $feed_meta_simple = '';
     // Format simple meta feed
     $feedMetaSimpleMapper = new Mapper('Feed');
     $feedMetaSimpleMapper->ljoin('Meta', 'meta.target_id = feed.id')->filter('meta.target_type=(?)', 'feed')->filter('meta.name=(?)', 'sharer_id')->filter('meta.target_id=(?)', $object->id)->filter('meta.type=(?)', 'simple');
     $feedMetaSimpleResults = $feedMetaSimpleMapper->get();
     $shared_feed = false;
     if (count($feedMetaSimpleResults['Meta']) >= 1) {
         $username_displayed = 'Shared by ' . ucwords(FeedV::_getUsername($feedMetaSimpleResults['Meta'][0]->value));
         $shared_feed = true;
     // Format advanced meta feed
     $root_id = 0;
     $root_id = FeedV::findFirstRootID($object->id);
     $feed_meta_advanced = $feed_meta_simple;
     $feed_status = 'feed_success';
     $feed_folder = joinPaths(CHRIS_USERS, $username, $object->plugin, $object->name . '-' . $object->id);
     if ($handle = opendir($feed_folder)) {
         while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
             if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
                 $match = glob($feed_folder . '/' . $entry . '/_chrisRun_/ERR*');
                 if (count($match)) {
                     $feed_status = 'feed_failure';
                 if ($feed_status == 'feed_failure') {
     // create the status text
     $status_text = '<span style="background-color: #009DE9;color: #fff;padding: 1px 2px;">Running<i class="icon-refresh rotating_class"></i></span>';
     // ('.$object->status.'%)
     if ($feed_status == 'feed_failure') {
         $status_text = '<span style="background-color: #E90000;color: #fff;padding: 1px 2px;">Errors</span>';
         $feed_status = 'feed_success';
     } else {
         if ($object->status == 100) {
             $status_text = '<span style="background-color: #41E900;color: #fff;padding: 1px 2px;">Success</span>';
         } else {
             if ($object->status == 101) {
                 $status_text = '<span style="background-color: #E95D00;color: #fff;padding: 1px 2px;">Canceled</span>';
     $view_icon = 'icon-eye-open';
     $share_icon = 'icon-share-alt';
     $tag_icon = 'icon-tag';
     $archive_icon = 'icon-remove';
     $archive_text = 'Archive';
     if ($object->archive == '1') {
         $archive_icon = 'icon-plus';
         $archive_text = 'Restore';
     $favorite_icon = 'icon-star-empty';
     $favorite_text = 'Favorite';
     if ($object->favorite == '1') {
         $favorite_icon = 'icon-star';
         $favorite_text = '<b>Favorited</b>';
     $edit_icon = '';
     $cancel = '';
     $view = "display:none";
     if ($object->status >= 100 || $shared_feed) {
         $edit_icon = "<img class='feed_edit_icon show_me focus' src='view/gfx/jigsoar-icons/dark/16_edit_page2.png'>";
         // if the job is not queued or running, don't display the cancel icon
         // also if the feed was shared
         $cancel = "display:none";
         $view = "";
     $t = new Template('feed.html');
     $t->replace('ID', $object->id);
     $t->replace('ROOT_ID', $root_id);
     $feed_gfx64 = 'plugins/' . $object->plugin . '/feed.png';
     $feed_gfx64_checked = 'view/gfx/feed_checked.png';
     if (!is_file(joinPaths(CHRIS_WWWROOT, $feed_gfx64))) {
         $feed_gfx64 = 'http://placehold.it/48x48';
     $t->replace('IMAGE_SRC', $feed_gfx64);
     $t->replace('IMAGE_CHECKED', $feed_gfx64_checked);
     $t->replace('USERNAME', $username_displayed);
     $t->replace('FEED_STATUS', $feed_status);
     $t->replace('FEED_NAME', $object->name);
     $t->replace('FEED_META_CONTENT', $feed_meta_advanced);
     $t->replace('TIME_FORMATED', $object->time);
     $t->replace('PLUGIN', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $object->plugin)));
     $t->replace('STATUS', $object->status);
     $t->replace('STATUS_TEXT', $status_text);
     $t->replace('VIEW_ICON', $view_icon);
     $t->replace('SHARE_ICON', $share_icon);
     $t->replace('TAG_ICON', $tag_icon);
     $t->replace('ARCHIVE_ICON', $archive_icon);
     $t->replace('ARCHIVE_TEXT', $archive_text);
     $t->replace('FAVORITE_ICON', $favorite_icon);
     $t->replace('FAVORITE_TEXT', $favorite_text);
     $t->replace('VIEW', $view);
     $t->replace('CANCEL', $cancel);
     $t->replace('EDIT_ICON', $edit_icon);
     $t->replace('FEED_SHINE', $shine);
     // set data browser
     $d = new Template('feed_data_browser.html');
     $feed_folder = joinPaths($username, $object->plugin, $object->name . '-' . $object->id);
     if (file_exists($feed_folder)) {
         $feed_subfolders = scandir(CHRIS_USERS . '/' . $feed_folder);
         // get rid of eventual notes.html or index.html files
         // find notes.html
         $notes = array_search('notes.html', $feed_subfolders);
         if ($notes) {
             // remove this entry - we don't want to touch it
         // find index.html
         $index = array_search('index.html', $feed_subfolders);
         if ($index) {
             // remove this entry - we don't want to touch it
     $d->replace('FOLDER', $feed_folder);
     $d->replace('PATIENT_ID', 'fake_patient_id');
     $d->replace('DATA_ID', 'fake_data_id');
     $t->replace('DATA_BROWSER', $d);
     // set tags
     $feedtagMapper = new Mapper('Feed_Tag');
     $feedtagMapper->join('Tag', 'feed_tag.tag_id = tag.id')->filter('feed_tag.feed_id=(?)', $object->id);
     $feedtagResults = $feedtagMapper->get();
     $feedtags = '';
     if (count($feedtagResults['Feed_Tag']) >= 1) {
         foreach ($feedtagResults['Tag'] as $key => $value) {
             $n = new Template('feed_tag.html');
             $n->replace('USER_ID', $object->user_id);
             $n->replace('TAG_ID', $value->id);
             $n->replace('TAG_NAME', $value->name);
             $n->replace('TAG_COLOR', $value->color);
             $n->replace('TEXT_COLOR', invertColor($value->color));
             $n->replace('LOCATION', 'infeed');
             $feedtags .= $n;
     $t->replace('TAGS', $feedtags);
     // notes
     $n = new Template('feed_notes.html');
     $n->replace('PATH', joinPaths($username, $object->plugin, $object->name . '-' . $object->id, 'notes.html'));
     $t->replace('NOTES', $n);
     // set html viewer if "index.html" exists in username/plugin/feed-id/
     if (is_file(joinPaths(CHRIS_USERS, $username, $object->plugin, $object->name . '-' . $object->id, 'index.html'))) {
         $t->replace('FEED_HTML', 'feed_html.html');
         $t->replace('HTML_VIEWER', joinPaths('api.php?action=get&what=file&parameters=', $username, $object->plugin, $object->name . '-' . $object->id, 'index.html'));
     } else {
         $t->replace('FEED_HTML', '');
     return $t;
Ejemplo n.º 3
$logFile = $output_dir . 'search.log';
$instateLog = '=======================================' . PHP_EOL;
$instateLog .= date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . ' ---> Instantiate MAPPER class...' . PHP_EOL;
$fh = fopen($logFile, 'a') or die("can't open file");
fwrite($fh, $instateLog);
$processLog = '=======================================' . PHP_EOL;
$processLog .= date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . ' ---> Create SQL query...' . PHP_EOL;
// if we have matches on patient, look for matches on the data!
// get all data for patient and link it to its study
// with search conditions
$mapper = new Mapper('Patient');
$mapper->ljoin('Data_Patient', 'patient.id = Data_Patient.patient_id')->ljoin('Data', 'Data_Patient.data_id = data.id')->ljoin('Data_Study', 'data.id = Data_Study.data_id')->ljoin('Study', 'Data_Study.study_id = study.id');
if ($input != '') {
    $mapper->filter('', '', 0, 'OR');
    $mapper->filter('patient.name LIKE CONCAT("%",?,"%")', $input, 1, 'OR');
    $processLog .= 'name: ' . $input . PHP_EOL;
    $mapper->filter('patient.dob LIKE CONCAT("%",?,"%")', $input, 2, 'OR');
    $processLog .= 'dob: ' . $input . PHP_EOL;
    $mapper->filter('patient.uid LIKE CONCAT("%",?,"%")', $input, 3, 'OR');
    $processLog .= 'uid: ' . $input . PHP_EOL;
    $mapper->filter('patient.sex LIKE CONCAT("%",?,"%")', $input, 4, 'OR');
    $processLog .= 'sex: ' . $input . PHP_EOL;
    $mapper->filter('data.description LIKE CONCAT("%",?,"%")', $input, 5, 'OR');
    $processLog .= 'description: ' . $input . PHP_EOL;
    $mapper->filter('study.location LIKE CONCAT("%",?,"%")', $input, 6, 'OR');
    $processLog .= 'location: ' . $input . PHP_EOL;
    $mapper->filter('study.modality LIKE CONCAT("%",?,"%")', $input, 7, 'OR');