Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Création d'un utilisateur
 public function create()
     function securise($string)
         if (ctype_digit($string)) {
             $string = intval($string);
         } else {
             $string = mysql_real_escape_string($string);
             $string = addcslashes($string, '%_');
             $string = htmlspecialchars($string);
         return $string;
     if (isset($_POST['page_name']) && isset($_POST['passwrd']) && isset($_POST['mail']) && !empty($_POST['page_name']) && !empty($_POST['passwrd']) && !empty($_POST['mail'])) {
         // Si on a toutes les infos
         $pagename = securise($_POST['page_name']);
         $passwrd = securise($_POST['passwrd']);
         $mail = securise($_POST['mail']);
         $usersManager = new \Manager\UsersManager();
         $usersManager->insert(['page_name' => $pagename, 'passwrd' => password_hash($passwrd, PASSWORD_DEFAULT), 'mail' => $mail]);
         $userSession = new \W\Security\AuthentificationManager();
         $usersManager = new \Manager\UsersManager();
         $user = $usersManager->find($userId);
         // on instancie les datas de base en DB
         $userID = $user['id'];
         $name = 'avatar_1';
         $value = 'gergregegregergegregregregrege';
         $initdata = new \Manager\OptionsManager();
         $initdata->insertInit($userID, $name, $value);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Acces en BDD, Table Options
  * @return array : Contenu Table Options
 public function getOptions()
     $optionsManager = new \Manager\OptionsManager();
     $options = $optionsManager->findAll();
     $options[0]['copyrights'] = explode(';', $options[0]['copyrights']);
     return $options[0]['copyrights'];
     //a garder
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Va chercher les options (enregistrements uniques) dans la BDD  
  * Pour les intégrer au Layout de la FrontPage
 public function presentation()
     $data = array();
     $data['options'] = $this->getOptions();
     $optionsmanager = new \Manager\OptionsManager();
     $options = $optionsmanager->findAll();
     $layout = array('name' => 'presentation', 'opengraph' => array('title' => 'CrescendO Joeuf: Présentation', 'type' => 'website', 'image' => $data['options'][0]["url_logo"], 'url' => 'http://www.crescendo.site/presentation', 'description' => 'Présentation de la chorale Pop-Rock CrescendO, de Joeuf(54), Actus, Concerts, Vidéos...', 'locale' => 'fr_FR', 'site_name' => 'CrescendO'), 'tags' => array('link' => array('css/home.css', 'css/presentation.css'), 'script' => array()));
     $this->show('default/presentation', ['data' => $data, 'layout' => $layout]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private function mailer($name, $email, $message)
     $optionManager = new \Manager\OptionsManager();
     $mailrecipe = $optionManager->getMail();
     $mail = new \PHPMailer();
     // $email and $message are the data that is being
     // posted to this page from our html contact form
     //$email = '' ;
     $completeMessage = 'Vous avez recu un mail de ' . $email;
     //$mail->SMTPDebug = 2;
     // Set mailer to use SMTP
     $mail->Host = 'smtp.gmail.com';
     // Specify main and backup SMTP servers
     $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
     // Enable SMTP authentication
     $mail->Username = '******';
     // SMTP username
     $mail->Password = '******';
     // SMTP password
     $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
     // Enable TLS encryption, `ssl` also accepted
     $mail->Port = 587;
     // TCP port to connect to
     // below we want to set the email address we will be sending our email to.
     // Set email format to HTML
     $mail->Subject = 'Message recu depuis votre site OVE.';
     $mail->Body = $message . "<br><br>" . $completeMessage;
     $mail->AltBody = $message;
     if (!$mail->send()) {
         echo "Message could not be sent. <p>";
         echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
     echo "Message has been sent";