Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Define the services on the applications (should be registered)
  * @method register
  * @param  Application $app
  * @return void
 public function register(Application $app)
     if (!isset($app['security.jwt.encoder'])) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Missing dependencies: SecurityJWTServiceProvider');
     if (!isset($app['db'])) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Missing dependencies: DoctrineServiceProvider');
     if (!isset($app['security.voters'])) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Missing dependencies: SecurityServiceProvider');
     // clean simple-user-jwt options
     $app['user.jwt.options'] = isset($app['user.jwt.options']) ? $app['user.jwt.options'] : [];
     $app['user.jwt.options'] = array_replace_recursive(['class' => 'SimpleUser\\JWT\\User', 'controller' => 'SimpleUser\\JWT\\UserController', 'language' => 'SimpleUser\\JWT\\Languages\\English', 'registrations' => ['enabled' => true, 'confirm' => false], 'invite' => ['enabled' => false], 'forget' => ['enabled' => false], 'tables' => ['users' => 'users', 'customfields' => 'user_custom_fields'], 'mailer' => ['enabled' => false, 'from' => ['email' => 'do-not-reply@' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : gethostname()), 'name' => null], 'templates' => ['register' => ['confirm' => 'confirm.twig', 'welcome' => 'welcome.twig'], 'invite' => 'invite.twig', 'forget' => 'forget.twig'], 'routes' => ['login' => 'user.jwt.login', 'reset' => 'user.jwt.reset']]], $app['user.jwt.options']);
     // mailer check
     if ($app['user.jwt.options']['mailer']['enabled']) {
         if (!isset($app['mailer'])) {
             throw new RuntimeException('Missing dependencies: SwiftMailerServiceProvider');
         if (!isset($app['url_generator'])) {
             throw new RuntimeException('Missing dependencies: UrlGeneratorServiceProvider');
         if (!isset($app['twig'])) {
             throw new RuntimeException('Missing dependencies: TwigServiceProvider');
     } else {
         if ($app['user.jwt.options']['invite']['enabled']) {
             throw new LogicException('If you want to enable invite, you need to configure the mailer');
         if ($app['user.jwt.options']['forget']['enabled']) {
             throw new LogicException('If you want to enable forget, you need to configure the mailer');
     // mailer
     $app['user.jwt.mailer'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         $mailer = new Mailer(new \Swift_Mailer($app['swiftmailer.transport']), $app['url_generator'], $app['twig']);
         return $mailer;
     // generate simple-user options
     $app['user.options'] = ['mailer' => ['enabled' => false], 'userClass' => $app['user.jwt.options']['class'], 'userTableName' => $app['user.jwt.options']['tables']['users'], 'userCustomFieldsTableName' => $app['user.jwt.options']['tables']['customfields']];
     // register simple-user
     $app->register(new UserServiceProvider());
     // cnam/security-jwt-service-provider need the users list in $app['users']
     $app['users'] = $app->share(function () use($app) {
         return $app['user.manager'];
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function sendmail($to, $subject, $message, $from)
     $mailer = new Mailer();
     return $mailer->send($to, $subject, $message);
 function sendmail($to, $subject, $message, $from)
     $mailer = new Mailer(null, array('notice' => true, 'nobounce' => true));
     return $mailer->send($to, $subject, $message);