Ejemplo n.º 1
  * <p>Uses data given via a CSVReader or another class implementing getLinesCount(), getColumnNames() and getNextRecord() to update / insert / delete / and prune
  * data into/from table(s) given in $config, according to the configured plugin options.</p>
  * <p>Generally, this is done in the following steps:
  * <ol>
  * <li>Fetch already existing data from database table(s) (see fetchGeneric()) into an associative array having the records "names" as key. (see section "names concept" below)</li>
  * <li>Update/Insert Loop<br/>
  *     This loop iterates over the given records (from CSV file) and searches its counterpart in DB data
  *     <ol>
  *     <li>if magmi:delete flag is set in CSV record (and option "PREFIX:magmi_delete" is active) -> delete record in DB (if it exists)</li>
  *     <li>if record does not exist in DB right now -> create it (if option "PREFIX:create" is active)</li>
  *     <li>if record is already existing in DB -> compare contents of records and update if necessary (if option "PREFIX:udpate" is active)</li>
  *     <li>meanwhile store the identifying columns ("names") of all given records (except deleted ones) as keys of a MultiDimArray for faster acces in second
  *           (prune) loop. ($givenNameValues)</li>
  *     </ol></li>
  * <li>Prune Loop (if option "PREFIX:prune" is switched on)<br/>
  *     This loop iterates over the given records from DATABASE and checks, if the same record (with the same name(s)) has been given by datasource in this update
  *     <ol>
  *     <li>if the DB record's 'names' are not in $givenNameValues, the record will be deleted, except
  *         <ol>
  *         <li>the names are given partly or fully (see below) in option "PREFIX:prune_keep" or</li>
  *         <li>option "PREFIX:prune_keep_system_attributes" is enabled and the records ID was found among the ids returned by the $fetchSystemAttributeIdsSql statement.</li>
  *         </ol></li>
  *     </ol></li>
  * <li>DONE!</li>
  * </ol></p>
  * <h3>The "names" concept:</h3>
  * <p>As records in import files are normally given without a primary key database id (and even cannot be given with an id if the record is new ;) ) there
  * must be some sort of concept to identify, which record in import data corresponds to which record in the database table.
  * In some cases this is quite easy: The attribute_code column identifies an attribute, the attribute_set_name column identifies an attribute set.
  * In some cases it is more difficult: An attribute group still can be identified by a single column (attribute_group_name) but only within one single attribute set!
  * But an attribute association can only be identified by three columns ('attribute_set_id','attribute_id' and 'attribute_group_id') if you don't know the 'entity_attribute_id'.
  * Therefore the records are matched between import datasource and database using a "names array" which holds the values of all identifying fields (in most cases just one but sometimes three).</p>
  * <h3>The $config parameter</h3>
  * <p>The $config parameter is an associative array which contains most options needed for this function:
  * <ul>
  * <li><b>entityName</b> (string): The name of the current entity type (e.g. "attribute set") to print in log statements and error messages.</li>
  * <li><b>tables</b> (indexed array): List of tables to update/insert into/delete from etc. All given tables must share the same id column (idColName). The table with the name column must be given as first element.</li>
  * <li><b>idColName</b> (string): Name of the primary key column (must be the same for ALL given tables)</li>
  * <li><b>nameColNames</b> (indexed array): List of identifying name columns (see "name concept"). All name columns must be in FIRST TABLE.</li>
  * <li><b>elementPrefix</b> (string): Prefix of plugin config parameter names (without ':').</li>
  * <li><b>verbose</b> (boolean): If true, logs status messages to startup log.</li>
  * <li><b>fetchSystemAttributeIdsSql</b> (string): Sql statement that returns the primary key ids of those elements, which should be kept if option "PREFIX:prune_keep_system_attributes is switched on. (write table names as "##tablename##" to apply table prefix if configured.)
  * </ul>
  * @param Magmi_CSVReader $csvreader a Magmi_CSVReader or an instance of any other class implementing the functions getLinesCount(), getColumnNames() and getNextRecord(). This object provides the data which should be imported.
  * @param array $config config in form of an associative array, see above!
  * @param array $defaults associative array, keys are the column names, values are the default values for the resprective field/column. Default values will be applied to each record from $csvreader if there is no value for the respective column.
  * @param array $fetchConditions same format as $defaults, only that the values are used as condition when fetching existing data from the database
  * @param Name2IdDecoder $decoder instance of Name2IdDecoder, that decodes all given names into ids before data is handled, may be null for "no decoding", necessary when names have to fetched from different tables to process.
  * @return Statistics object containing the amounts of updated/inserted/deleted... records.
 private function updateGeneric($csvreader, &$config, $defaults, $fetchConditions, $decoder = null)
     // extract the following variables from $config:
     // entityName,tables,idColName,nameColNames,elementPrefix,verbose,fetchSystemAttributeIdsSql,inner
     $givenRecordCount = $csvreader->getLinesCount();
     if ($verbose) {
         $this->log("Will update {$entityName}s...({$givenRecordCount} records given)", 'startup');
     // fetch data from database: result is a MultiDimArray with the record "names" as key(s)
     $dbDataByName = $this->fetchGeneric($tables, $idColName, $nameColNames, $fetchConditions);
     // fetch attribute sets from db
     $dbRecordCount = sizeof($dbDataByName);
     if ($verbose) {
         $this->log("Fetched {$dbRecordCount} existing " . $entityName . "s.", 'startup');
     // merge default values into $mergedDefaults, defaults are given from two sources: from user config parameter PREFIX:default_values (in JSON format)
     // and from function parameter $defaults
     $mergedDefaults = [];
     $paramDefaults = json_decode($this->getParam($elementPrefix . ":default_values", "{}"), true);
     if (isset($defaults) || isset($paramDefaults)) {
         $mergedDefaults = array_merge((array) $paramDefaults, (array) $defaults);
     /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  Insert/update loop
      *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     $statistics = new Statistics();
     // keeps statistics information
     $innerStats = array();
     if (isset($inner)) {
         foreach ($inner as $innerColName => $innerConfig) {
             $innerStats[$innerColName] = new Statistics();
             // accumulates statistics information for "inner" updates
     $lastReportTime = time();
     // initialize report time -> to be able to report progress every second
     $currentRecordNo = 0;
     // just for counting...
     $givenNameValues = new MultiDimArray();
     // store given Attribute names for faster pruning in second loop
     // iterate over all given records from CSV
     while ($record = $csvreader->getNextRecord()) {
         try {
             // counters and helper variables for statistics
             // (using booleans for statistics to only count one record once in multi-table updates (having more than one
             // table configured in $tables)
             $updatedRecord = false;
             $deletedRecord = false;
             $insertedRecord = false;
             $nothingToUpdateRecord = false;
             $doubledRecord = false;
             // apply default values to current record
             foreach ($mergedDefaults as $key => $value) {
                 // don't overwrite, only set if not previously given
                 if (!isset($record[$key])) {
                     $record[$key] = $value;
             // if a decoder is given, decode given names to corresponding ids first
             // default values are given as names so this must be done AFTER defaults are applied,
             // otherwise defaults would have to be given as ids.
             $originalRecord = null;
             if (isset($decoder)) {
                 $originalRecord = $record;
                 $record = $decoder->decode($record);
             // prepare the $currentNames array -> this array contains the record's "name" value(s)
             $currentNames = array();
             foreach ($nameColNames as $nameColName) {
                 $currentNames[] = $record[$nameColName];
             // was a record with same "names" already given?
             // if yes -> log the names to simplify searching doubled entries or errors in CSV generation
             // (logged to php error_log to avoid spamming the normal "startup" log entries)
             if (isset($givenNameValues[$currentNames])) {
                 error_log("Doubled record: " . print_r($currentNames, true));
                 $doubledRecord = true;
                 // just for statistics to inform user
             // if magmi_delete option is set and current record has magmi:delete set to 1 delete record from database
             if ($this->getParam($elementPrefix . ":magmi_delete", "off") == "on" && isset($record['magmi:delete']) && $record['magmi:delete'] == 1) {
                 // record existing in database?
                 $dbRecord = $dbDataByName[$currentNames];
                 if (isset($dbRecord)) {
                     // yes .. delete it (in all tables from $tables)!
                     foreach ($tables as $tableName) {
                         $columnNames = $this->cols($tableName);
                         $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $this->tablename($tableName) . " WHERE {$idColName}=?";
                         $values = array($dbRecord[$idColName]);
                         $this->delete($sql, $values);
                         $deletedRecord = true;
             } else {
                 // found a record (which will not be deleted) so add it to the $givenNameValues
                 $givenNameValues[$currentNames] = 1;
                 // names existing in database? -> if yes this is an update else an insert
                 if (!isset($dbDataByName[$currentNames])) {
                     // record not existing yet, is create option enabled?
                     if ($this->getParam($elementPrefix . ":create", 'on') == 'on') {
                         // create option is enabled, so create the record in each table from $tables
                         foreach ($tables as $tableName) {
                             $columnNames = $this->cols($tableName);
                             $usedColumnNames = array();
                             $usedValues = array();
                             $questionMarks = array();
                             foreach ($columnNames as $columnName) {
                                 if (isset($record[$columnName])) {
                                     $usedColumnNames[] = $columnName;
                                     $usedValues[] = $record[$columnName];
                                     $questionMarks[] = "?";
                             // store database ID of created record (if there are more than one table in $tables, the id is needed for further tables)
                             // therefore the "main" table must always be the FIRST one in $tables
                             $newId = $this->insert("INSERT INTO " . $this->tablename($tableName) . " (" . implode(",", $usedColumnNames) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", $questionMarks) . ")", $usedValues);
                             $insertedRecord = true;
                             // is there already a database id set in $record ? If no, store it in $record right now.
                             if (!isset($record[$idColName])) {
                                 $record[$idColName] = $newId;
                         // if configured, perform "inner" import
                         if (isset($inner)) {
                             foreach ($inner as $innerColName => $innerConfig) {
                                 if (isset($record[$innerColName])) {
                                     $result = $this->updateInner($record, $record[$innerColName], $innerConfig);
                 } else {
                     // record is already existing in database.. this is an update
                     // is update option enabled?
                     if ($this->getParam($elementPrefix . ":update", 'on') == 'on') {
                         // get database id of existing database record
                         $id = $dbDataByName[$currentNames][$idColName];
                         $record[$idColName] = $id;
                         // now update all tables from $tables
                         foreach ($tables as $tableName) {
                             $columnNames = $this->cols($tableName);
                             // put together values and set for current table
                             // (only with changed columns)
                             $setClauses = array();
                             $usedValues = array();
                             foreach ($columnNames as $columnName) {
                                 if (isset($record[$columnName]) && $record[$columnName] != $dbDataByName[$currentNames][$columnName]) {
                                     $setClauses[] = $columnName . " = ?";
                                     $usedValues[] = $record[$columnName];
                             // is there at least one setClause (has at least one column changed?)
                             // -> then update!
                             if (sizeof($setClauses) > 0) {
                                 $usedValues[] = $id;
                                 $sql = "UPDATE " . $this->tablename($tableName) . " SET " . implode(",", $setClauses) . " WHERE {$idColName} = ?";
                                 $this->update($sql, $usedValues);
                                 $updatedRecord = true;
                             } else {
                                 $nothingToUpdateRecord = true;
                         // if configured, perform "inner" import
                         if (isset($inner)) {
                             foreach ($inner as $innerColName => $innerConfig) {
                                 if (isset($record[$innerColName])) {
                                     $result = $this->updateInner($record, $record[$innerColName], $innerConfig);
             // now update statistics values
             if ($insertedRecord) {
             if ($deletedRecord) {
             if ($doubledRecord) {
             // only increase nothingToUpdate if no $updateRecord is not set
             // (which means for multi-table updates none of the tables has been updated)
             if ($updatedRecord) {
             } elseif ($nothingToUpdateRecord) {
             // if there is a time() difference between now and $lastReportTime (which means
             // $lastReportTime was at least one second ago (because time() uses seconds))
             // then output the progress
             if (time() - $lastReportTime != 0 || $currentRecordNo == $givenRecordCount) {
                 $lastReportTime = time();
                 if ($verbose) {
                     $this->log("Insert & Update loop processed {$currentRecordNo}/{$givenRecordCount} records.", 'startup');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // exception within loop -> log Exception
             $this->log("Exception in update/insert loop for entity '{$entityName}' in record no {$currentRecordNo}: " . $e->getMessage() . "\nrecord data:" . print_r($record, true) . (isset($originalRecord) ? "\noriginal record data:" . print_r($originalRecord, true) : "") . "\nsee trace log!", 'startup');
             $this->trace($e, "Exception in update/insert loop for entity '{$entityName}' in record no {$currentRecordNo}: " . $e->getMessage() . "\nrecord data:" . print_r($record, true) . (isset($originalRecord) ? "\noriginal record data:" . print_r($originalRecord, true) : ""));
     /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  Prune loop
      *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     // is prune option switched on?
     if ($this->getParam($elementPrefix . ":prune", "on") == "on") {
         // parse option "PREFIX:prune_keep".
         // For entities identified by a single name this is easy: The names to keep are given in a simple comma-separated list.
         // For entities identified by more than one name/column, it is more complex:
         // * Either a comma-separated list is given, which means, only the first "name" will be compared, and if it matches
         //   the record will be kept
         //   for attribute set associations (which uses mor than one name) this will translate to
         //   "keep all associations for attribute sets with given names", because order of nameColNames is ['attribute_set_id','attribute_id','attribute_group_id']
         //   -> attribute_set_name is first!
         // * or a JSON Array (in fact an array of arrays) is given, which allows to give mor than one name per entry
         //   e.g. if for attribute associations the following array would be given:
         //     [["Default"],["Set1","name"],["Set2","name","Group1"]]
         //     this could be translated to keep all associations for set "Default", keep all associations for attribute "name" in "Set1" (regardless of group)
         //     and keep association for attribute "name" in "Set2" if it is in group "Group1"
         // fetch value from option "PREFIX:prune_keep
         $keepNamesString = trim($this->getParam($elementPrefix . ":prune_keep", ""));
         // if value starts with a '[' this is a JSON array...
         if (substr($keepNamesString, 0, 1) == '[') {
             $keepNames = json_decode($keepNamesString);
         } else {
             // "normal" comma-separated string: transform to same
             // format than it would be converted from JSON: array of arrays
             $keepNames = array();
             foreach (explode(",", $keepNamesString) as $part) {
                 $keepNames[] = array(trim($part));
         // now set all elements of given array of arrays (-> each single array entry)
         // in a new MultiDimArray to 1 for easy and fast comparison
         // see documentation of "multiSet" and "offsetExistsPartly" functions of MultiDimArray
         $keepNamesArray = new MultiDimArray();
         $keepNamesArray->multiSet($keepNames, 1);
         // if there is a name to id $decoder set
         // decode the keys of the $keepNamesArray to the respective database ids
         if (isset($decoder)) {
             $newKeepNamesArray = new MultiDimArray();
             // iterate over all array keys of MultiDimArray
             // (using rewind(), valid(), next() offsetSet() because the short notation and foreach do not like array indexes)
             while ($keepNamesArray->valid()) {
                 $entry = $keepNamesArray->key();
                 $newKeepNamesArray->offsetSet($decoder->decode($entry), 1);
             $keepNamesArray = $newKeepNamesArray;
         // prepare array with database ids as keys for entries which should not be pruned as the elements are related to system attributes
         $keepSystemIds = array();
         if ($this->getParam($elementPrefix . ":prune_keep_system_attributes", "off") == "on") {
             $sql = preg_replace_callback('/(##[a-zA-Z_]*##)/Uis', function ($ms) {
                 foreach ($ms as $m) {
                     return str_replace('##', '', $this->tablename($m));
             }, $fetchSystemAttributeIdsSql);
             $idData = $this->select($sql);
             foreach ($idData as $record) {
                 $keepSystemIds[reset($record)] = 1;
         // just for counting records...
         $currentRecordNo = 0;
         // now loop aver all records from database...
         // again use rewind(), valid(), next() and offsetSet() because the short notation and foreach do not like array indexe
         while ($dbDataByName->valid()) {
             try {
                 $currentNames = $dbDataByName->key();
                 $dbRecord = $dbDataByName->current();
                 // database id of current record
                 $currentId = $dbRecord[$idColName];
                 // statistics flags
                 $prunedRecord = false;
                 $keptRecord = false;
                 // check if conditions for pruning are matched (see above,1.) except a.) and b.) )
                 if (!$givenNameValues->offsetExists($currentNames) && !$keepNamesArray->offsetExistsPartly($currentNames) && !isset($keepSystemIds[$currentId])) {
                     // delete in each configured table
                     foreach ($tables as $tableName) {
                         $columnNames = $this->cols($tableName);
                         $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $this->tablename($tableName) . " WHERE {$idColName}=?";
                         $this->delete($sql, array($currentId));
                         $prunedRecord = true;
                 } else {
                     $keptRecord = true;
                 // update statistics
                 if ($prunedRecord) {
                 } elseif ($keptRecord) {
                 // again, if there is a time() difference between now and $lastReportTime (which means
                 // $lastReportTime was at least one second ago (because time() uses seconds))
                 // then output the progress
                 if (time() - $lastReportTime != 0 || $currentRecordNo == $dbRecordCount) {
                     $lastReportTime = time();
                     if ($verbose) {
                         $this->log("Prune loop processed {$currentRecordNo}/{$dbRecordCount} records.", 'startup');
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // exception within loop -> log Exception
                 $this->log("Exception in prune loop for entity '{$entityName}' in record no {$currentRecordNo}: " . $e->getMessage() . "\nrecord data:" . print_r($dbRecord, true) . "\nsee trace log!", 'startup');
                 $this->trace($e, "Exception in prune loop for entity '{$entityName}' in record no {$currentRecordNo}: " . $e->getMessage() . "\nrecord data:" . print_r($dbRecord, true));
     if ($verbose) {
         $this->log("Finished updating " . $entityName . "s: {$statistics}", 'startup');
     if ($verbose && isset($inner)) {
         foreach ($inner as $innerColName => $innerConfig) {
             $this->log($innerConfig['label'] . ": " . $innerStats[$innerColName], 'startup');
     return $statistics;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see Magmi_CSVReader::getLinesCount()
 public function getLinesCount()
     return parent::getLinesCount() + sizeof($this->_addedData);