Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Returns the required params for the stage clients, either from GET/POST or from the session.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @return array List of parameters
 protected function _getParamStage(MW_View_Interface $view)
     if (!isset($this->_params)) {
         $params = $this->_getClientParams($view->param(), array('f'));
         if (empty($params)) {
             $context = $this->_getContext();
             $site = $context->getLocale()->getSite()->getCode();
             $params = $context->getSession()->get('arcavias/catalog/list/params/last/' . $site, array());
         $this->_params = $params;
     return $this->_params;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
  * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_cache)) {
         $context = $this->_getContext();
         $manager = MShop_Factory::createManager($context, 'order');
         $orderId = $view->param('his_id', null);
         if ($orderId !== null) {
             $search = $manager->createSearch(true);
             $expr = array($search->getConditions(), $search->compare('==', 'order.id', $orderId), $search->compare('==', 'order.base.customerid', $context->getUserId()));
             $search->setConditions($search->combine('&&', $expr));
             $orderItems = $manager->searchItems($search);
             if (($orderItem = reset($orderItems)) === false) {
                 $msg = $view->translate('client/html', 'Order with ID "%1$s" not found');
                 throw new Client_Html_Exception(sprintf($msg, $orderId));
             $baseManager = MShop_Factory::createManager($context, 'order/base');
             $view->summaryBasket = $baseManager->load($orderItem->getBaseId());
         $this->_cache = $view;
     return $this->_cache;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
  * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_cache)) {
         $expire = null;
         $tags = $items = array();
         $context = $this->_getContext();
         $config = $context->getConfig();
         $session = $context->getSession();
         $default = array('media', 'price', 'text');
         $domains = $config->get('client/html/catalog/domains', $default);
         /** client/html/catalog/detail/pinned/domains
          * A list of domain names whose items should be available in the pinned view template for the product
          * The templates rendering product details usually add the images,
          * prices and texts, etc. associated to the product
          * item. If you want to display additional or less content, you can
          * configure your own list of domains (attribute, media, price, product,
          * text, etc. are domains) whose items are fetched from the storage.
          * Please keep in mind that the more domains you add to the configuration,
          * the more time is required for fetching the content!
          * @param array List of domain names
          * @since 2014.09
          * @category Developer
          * @see client/html/catalog/domains
          * @see client/html/catalog/list/domains
          * @see client/html/catalog/detail/domains
         $domains = $config->get('client/html/catalog/detail/pinned/domains', $domains);
         $str = $session->get('arcavias/catalog/session/pinned/list', '');
         if (($pinned = @unserialize($str)) === false) {
             $pinned = array();
         $manager = MShop_Factory::createManager($context, 'product');
         $search = $manager->createSearch(true);
         $search->setConditions($search->compare('==', 'product.id', $pinned));
         $result = $manager->searchItems($search, $domains);
         foreach (array_reverse($pinned) as $id) {
             if (isset($result[$id])) {
                 $items[$id] = $result[$id];
         $view->pinnedProductItems = $items;
         $view->pinnedParams = $this->_getClientParams($view->param());
         $this->_cache = $view;
     return $this->_cache;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Returns the required params for the stage clients, either from GET/POST or from the session.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @return array List of parameters
 protected function _getParamStage(MW_View_Interface $view)
     if (!isset($this->_params)) {
         $params = $this->_getClientParams($view->param(), array('f'));
         if (empty($params)) {
             $params = $this->_getContext()->getSession()->get('arcavias/catalog/list/params/last', '[]');
             $params = ($data = json_decode($params, true)) !== null && is_array($data) ? $data : array();
         $this->_params = $params;
     return $this->_params;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Returns the sanitized page size from the parameters for the product list.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view View instance with helper for retrieving the required parameters
  * @return integer Page size
 protected function _getProductListSize(MW_View_Interface $view)
     /** client/html/account/watch/size
      * The number of products shown in a list page for watch products
      * Limits the number of products that is shown in the list pages to the
      * given value. If more products are available, the products are split
      * into bunches which will be shown on their own list page. The user is
      * able to move to the next page (or previous one if it's not the first)
      * to display the next (or previous) products.
      * The value must be an integer number from 1 to 100. Negative values as
      * well as values above 100 are not allowed. The value can be overwritten
      * per request if the "l-size" parameter is part of the URL.
      * @param integer Number of products
      * @since 2014.09
      * @category User
      * @category Developer
      * @see client/html/catalog/list/size
     $defaultSize = $this->_getContext()->getConfig()->get('client/html/account/watch/size', 48);
     $size = (int) $view->param('watch-size', $defaultSize);
     return $size < 1 || $size > 100 ? $defaultSize : $size;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
  * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_cache)) {
         $context = $this->_getContext();
         $basketCntl = Controller_Frontend_Factory::createController($context, 'basket');
         try {
             $langid = $basketCntl->get()->getAddress('payment')->getLanguageId();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $langid = $view->param('ca_billing/order.base.address.languageid', $context->getLocale()->getLanguageId());
         $view->billingLanguage = $langid;
         /** client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/hidden
          * List of billing address input fields that are optional and should be hidden
          * You can configure the list of billing address fields that
          * are hidden when a customer enters his new billing address.
          * Available field keys are:
          * * order.base.address.company
          * * order.base.address.vatid
          * * order.base.address.salutation
          * * order.base.address.firstname
          * * order.base.address.lastname
          * * order.base.address.address1
          * * order.base.address.address2
          * * order.base.address.address3
          * * order.base.address.postal
          * * order.base.address.city
          * * order.base.address.state
          * * order.base.address.languageid
          * * order.base.address.countryid
          * * order.base.address.telephone
          * * order.base.address.telefax
          * * order.base.address.email
          * * order.base.address.website
          * Caution: Only hide fields that don't require any input
          * Until 2015-02, the configuration option was available as
          * "client/html/common/address/billing/hidden" starting from 2014-03.
          * @param array List of field keys
          * @since 2015.02
          * @category User
          * @category Developer
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/disable-new
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/salutations
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/mandatory
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/optional
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/countries
         $hidden = $view->config('client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/hidden', array());
         if (count($view->get('addressLanguages', array())) === 1) {
             $hidden[] = 'order.base.address.languageid';
         $salutations = array('company', 'mr', 'mrs');
         /** client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/salutations
          * List of salutions the customer can select from for the billing address
          * The following salutations are available:
          * * empty string for "unknown"
          * * company
          * * mr
          * * mrs
          * * miss
          * You can modify the list of salutation codes and remove the ones
          * which shouldn't be used. Adding new salutations is a little bit
          * more difficult because you have to adapt a few areas in the source
          * code.
          * Until 2015-02, the configuration option was available as
          * "client/html/common/address/billing/salutations" starting from 2014-03.
          * @param array List of available salutation codes
          * @since 2015.02
          * @category User
          * @category Developer
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/disable-new
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/mandatory
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/optional
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/hidden
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/address/countries
         $view->billingSalutations = $view->config('client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/salutations', $salutations);
         $view->billingMandatory = $view->config('client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/mandatory', $this->_mandatory);
         $view->billingOptional = $view->config('client/html/checkout/standard/address/billing/optional', $this->_optional);
         $view->billingHidden = $hidden;
         $this->_cache = $view;
     return $this->_cache;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
  * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_view)) {
         if (($pos = $view->param('l-pos')) !== null && ($pid = $view->param('d-product-id')) !== null) {
             if ($pos < 1) {
                 $start = 0;
                 $size = 2;
             } else {
                 $start = $pos - 1;
                 $size = 3;
             $filter = $this->_getProductListFilterByParam($view->get('stageParams', array()));
             $filter->setSlice($start, $size);
             $total = null;
             $controller = Controller_Frontend_Factory::createController($this->_getContext(), 'catalog');
             $products = $controller->getProductList($filter, $total, array('text'));
             if (($count = count($products)) > 1) {
                 $listPos = array_search($pid, array_keys($products));
                 $target = $view->config('client/html/catalog/detail/url/target');
                 $controller = $view->config('client/html/catalog/detail/url/controller', 'catalog');
                 $action = $view->config('client/html/catalog/detail/url/action', 'detail');
                 $config = $view->config('client/html/catalog/detail/url/config', array());
                 if ($listPos > 0 && ($product = reset($products)) !== false) {
                     $param = array('a-name' => $product->getName(), 'd-product-id' => $product->getId(), 'l-pos' => $listPos - 1);
                     $view->navigationPrev = $view->url($target, $controller, $action, $param, array(), $config);
                 if ($listPos < $count - 1 && ($product = end($products)) !== false) {
                     $param = array('a-name' => $product->getName(), 'd-product-id' => $product->getId(), 'l-pos' => $listPos + 1);
                     $view->navigationNext = $view->url($target, $controller, $action, $param, array(), $config);
         $this->_view = $view;
     return $this->_view;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
  * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_cache)) {
         $view->actionsParams = $this->_getClientParams($view->param());
         $this->_cache = $view;
     return $this->_cache;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Edits the products specified by the view parameters to the basket.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view View object
  * @param array $options List of options for editProducts() in basket controller
 protected function _editProducts(MW_View_Interface $view, array $options)
     $products = (array) $view->param('b-prod', array());
     $controller = Controller_Frontend_Factory::createController($this->_getContext(), 'basket');
     if (($positon = $view->param('b-position', null)) !== null) {
         $products[] = array('position' => $positon, 'quantity' => $view->param('b-quantity', 1), 'attrconf-code' => array_filter((array) $view->param('b-attrconf-code', array())));
     foreach ($products as $values) {
         $controller->editProduct(isset($values['position']) ? $values['position'] : null, isset($values['quantity']) ? $values['quantity'] : 1, $options, isset($values['attrconf-code']) ? array_filter((array) $values['attrconf-code']) : array());
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
  * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_cache)) {
         $config = $this->_getContext()->getConfig();
         /** client/html/catalog/detail/stock/enable
          * Enables or disables displaying product stock levels in product detail view
          * This configuration option allows shop owners to display product
          * stock levels for each product in the detail views or to disable
          * fetching product stock information.
          * The stock information is fetched via AJAX and inserted via Javascript.
          * This allows to cache product items by leaving out such highly
          * dynamic content like stock levels which changes with each order.
          * @param boolean Value of "1" to display stock levels, "0" to disable displaying them
          * @since 2014.03
          * @category User
          * @category Developer
          * @see client/html/catalog/list/stock/enable
          * @see client/html/catalog/stock/url/target
          * @see client/html/catalog/stock/url/controller
          * @see client/html/catalog/stock/url/action
          * @see client/html/catalog/stock/url/config
         if (isset($view->detailProductItem) && $config->get('client/html/catalog/detail/stock/enable', true) === true) {
             $stockTarget = $config->get('client/html/catalog/stock/url/target');
             $stockController = $config->get('client/html/catalog/stock/url/controller', 'catalog');
             $stockAction = $config->get('client/html/catalog/stock/url/action', 'stock');
             $stockConfig = $config->get('client/html/catalog/stock/url/config', array());
             $prodIds = array_keys($view->detailProductItem->getRefItems('product', null, 'default'));
             array_unshift($prodIds, $view->detailProductItem->getId());
             $params = array('s-product-id' => $prodIds);
             $view->basketStockUrl = $view->url($stockTarget, $stockController, $stockAction, $params, array(), $stockConfig);
             $view->basketProductIds = $prodIds;
         $view->basketParams = $this->_getClientParams($view->param());
         $this->_cache = $view;
     return $this->_cache;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
  * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_view)) {
         $config = $this->_getContext()->getConfig();
         /** client/html/catalog/count/enable
          * Enables or disables displaying product counts in the catalog filter
          * This configuration option allows shop owners to display product
          * counts in the catalog filter or to disable fetching product count
          * information.
          * The product count information is fetched via AJAX and inserted via
          * Javascript. This allows to cache parts of the catalog filter by
          * leaving out such highly dynamic content like product count which
          * changes with used filter parameter.
          * @param boolean Value of "1" to display product counts, "0" to disable them
          * @since 2014.03
          * @category User
          * @category Developer
          * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/target
          * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/controller
          * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/action
          * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/config
         if ($config->get('client/html/catalog/count/enable', true) == true) {
             /** client/html/catalog/count/url/target
              * Destination of the URL where the controller specified in the URL is known
              * The destination can be a page ID like in a content management system or the
              * module of a software development framework. This "target" must contain or know
              * the controller that should be called by the generated URL.
              * @param string Destination of the URL
              * @since 2014.03
              * @category Developer
              * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/controller
              * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/action
              * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/config
             $target = $config->get('client/html/catalog/count/url/target');
             /** client/html/catalog/count/url/controller
              * Name of the controller whose action should be called
              * In Model-View-Controller (MVC) applications, the controller contains the methods
              * that create parts of the output displayed in the generated HTML page. Controller
              * names are usually alpha-numeric.
              * @param string Name of the controller
              * @since 2014.03
              * @category Developer
              * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/target
              * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/action
              * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/config
             $controller = $config->get('client/html/catalog/count/url/controller', 'catalog');
             /** client/html/catalog/count/url/action
              * Name of the action that should create the output
              * In Model-View-Controller (MVC) applications, actions are the methods of a
              * controller that create parts of the output displayed in the generated HTML page.
              * Action names are usually alpha-numeric.
              * @param string Name of the action
              * @since 2014.03
              * @category Developer
              * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/target
              * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/controller
              * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/config
             $action = $config->get('client/html/catalog/count/url/action', 'count');
             /** client/html/catalog/count/url/config
              * Associative list of configuration options used for generating the URL
              * You can specify additional options as key/value pairs used when generating
              * the URLs, like
              *  client/html/<clientname>/url/config = array( 'absoluteUri' => true )
              * The available key/value pairs depend on the application that embeds the e-commerce
              * framework. This is because the infrastructure of the application is used for
              * generating the URLs. The full list of available config options is referenced
              * in the "see also" section of this page.
              * @param string Associative list of configuration options
              * @since 2014.03
              * @category Developer
              * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/target
              * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/controller
              * @see client/html/catalog/count/url/action
              * @see client/html/url/config
             $config = $config->get('client/html/catalog/count/url/config', array());
             $params = $this->_getClientParams($view->param(), array('f'));
             $view->filterCountUrl = $view->url($target, $controller, $action, $params, array(), $config);
         $this->_view = $view;
     return $this->_view;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
  * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_cache)) {
         $map = array();
         $context = $this->_getContext();
         $config = $context->getConfig();
         $locale = $context->getLocale();
         /** client/html/locale/select/language/param-name
          * Name of the parameter that contains the language ID value
          * Frameworks and applications normally use its own predefined parameter
          * that contains the current language ID if they are multi-language
          * capable. To adapt the Aimeos parameter name to the already used name,
          * you are able to configure it by using this setting.
          * @param string Parameter name for language ID
          * @since 2015.06
          * @see client/html/locale/select/currency/param-name
         $langname = $config->get('client/html/locale/select/language/param-name', 'loc_languageid');
         /** client/html/locale/select/currency/param-name
          * Name of the parameter that contains the currency ID value
          * Frameworks and applications normally use its own predefined parameter
          * that contains the current currency ID if they already support multiple
          * currencies. To adapt the Aimeos parameter name to the already used name,
          * you are able to configure it by using this setting.
          * @param string Parameter name for currency ID
          * @since 2015.06
          * @see client/html/locale/select/language/param-name
         $curname = $config->get('client/html/locale/select/currency/param-name', 'loc_currencyid');
         $manager = MShop_Factory::createManager($context, 'locale');
         $search = $manager->createSearch(true);
         $search->setSortations(array($search->sort('+', 'locale.position')));
         foreach ($manager->searchItems($search) as $item) {
             $curId = $item->getCurrencyId();
             $langId = $item->getLanguageId();
             $map[$langId][$curId] = array($langname => $langId, $curname => $curId);
         $view->selectMap = $map;
         $view->selectLanguageId = $locale->getLanguageId();
         $view->selectCurrencyId = $locale->getCurrencyId();
         $view->selectParams = $this->_getClientParams($view->param(), array('f', 'l', 'd'));
         $this->_cache = $view;
     return $this->_cache;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
  * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_cache)) {
         $context = $this->_getContext();
         $domains = array('media', 'price', 'text', 'attribute', 'product');
         $productItem = $this->_getProductItem($view->param('d_prodid'), $domains);
         $controller = Controller_Frontend_Factory::createController($context, 'catalog');
         $attrManager = $controller->createManager('attribute');
         $attrSearch = $attrManager->createSearch(true);
         $expr = array($attrSearch->compare('==', 'attribute.id', array_keys($productItem->getRefItems('attribute'))), $attrSearch->getConditions());
         $attrSearch->setConditions($attrSearch->combine('&&', $expr));
         $attributes = $attrManager->searchItems($attrSearch, $domains);
         $this->_addMetaItem($attributes, 'attribute', $this->_expire, $this->_tags);
         $this->_addMetaList(array_keys($attributes), 'attribute', $this->_expire);
         $mediaManager = $controller->createManager('media');
         $mediaSearch = $mediaManager->createSearch(true);
         $expr = array($mediaSearch->compare('==', 'media.id', array_keys($productItem->getRefItems('media'))), $mediaSearch->getConditions());
         $mediaSearch->setConditions($mediaSearch->combine('&&', $expr));
         $media = $mediaManager->searchItems($mediaSearch, $domains);
         $this->_addMetaItem($media, 'media', $this->_expire, $this->_tags);
         $this->_addMetaList(array_keys($media), 'media', $this->_expire);
         $view->detailProductItem = $productItem;
         $view->detailProductAttributeItems = $attributes;
         $view->detailProductMediaItems = $media;
         $view->detailParams = $this->_getClientParams($view->param());
         $this->_cache = $view;
     $expire = $this->_expires($this->_expire, $expire);
     $tags = array_merge($tags, $this->_tags);
     return $this->_cache;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Updates the payment status for the given order ID and returns the order item
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view View object of the HTML client
  * @param string $orderid ID of the order whose payment status should be updated
  * @return void|MShop_Order_Item_Interface Order item that has been updated
 protected function _updatePayment(MW_View_Interface $view, $orderid)
     if (($code = $view->param('code')) === null) {
     $provider = $this->_getServiceProvider($code);
     $config = array('absoluteUri' => true, 'namespace' => false);
     $params = array('code' => $code, 'orderid' => $orderid);
     $urls = array('payment.url-success' => $this->_getUrlConfirm($view, $params, $config), 'payment.url-update' => $this->_getUrlUpdate($view, $params, $config), 'client.ipaddress' => $view->request()->getClientAddress());
     $urls['payment.url-self'] = $urls['payment.url-success'];
     $reqParams = $view->param();
     $reqParams['orderid'] = $orderid;
     if (($orderItem = $provider->updateSync($reqParams, $view->request()->getBody())) !== null && $orderItem->getPaymentStatus() === MShop_Order_Item_Abstract::PAY_UNFINISHED && $provider->isImplemented(MShop_Service_Provider_Payment_Abstract::FEAT_QUERY)) {
     return $orderItem;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
  * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_cache)) {
         $map = array();
         $context = $this->_getContext();
         $locale = $context->getLocale();
         $manager = MShop_Factory::createManager($context, 'locale');
         $search = $manager->createSearch(true);
         $search->setSortations(array($search->sort('-', 'locale.position')));
         foreach ($manager->searchItems($search) as $item) {
             $map[$item->getLanguageId()][$item->getCurrencyId()] = $item;
         $view->selectItems = $map;
         $view->selectLanguageId = $locale->getLanguageId();
         $view->selectCurrencyId = $locale->getCurrencyId();
         $view->selectParams = $this->_getClientParams($view->param(), array('f', 'l', 'd'));
         $this->_cache = $view;
     return $this->_cache;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Returns the sanitized sortation from the parameters for the product list.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view View instance with helper for retrieving the required parameters
  * @param string &$sortdir Value-result parameter where the sort direction will be stored
  * @return string Sortation string (relevance, name, price)
 protected function _getProductListSort(MW_View_Interface $view, &$sortdir)
     return $this->_getProductListSortByParam($view->param(), $sortdir);
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
  * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_cache)) {
         $context = $this->_getContext();
         $siteConfig = $context->getLocale()->getSite()->getConfig();
         /** client/html/catalog/stock/sort
          * Sortation key if stock levels for different warehouses exist
          * Products can be shipped from several warehouses with a different
          * stock level for each one. The stock levels for each warehouse will
          * be shown in the product detail page. To get a consistent sortation
          * of this list, the configured key of the product warehouse manager
          * will be used.
          * @param string Key for sorting
          * @since 2014.03
          * @category Developer
          * @see client/html/catalog/stock/level/low
         $sortkey = $context->getConfig()->get('client/html/catalog/stock/sort', 'product.stock.warehouseid');
         $productIds = $view->param('s_prodid');
         if (!is_array($productIds)) {
             $productIds = explode(' ', $productIds);
         $stockManager = MShop_Factory::createManager($context, 'product/stock');
         $search = $stockManager->createSearch(true);
         $expr = array($search->compare('==', 'product.stock.productid', $productIds));
         if (isset($siteConfig['warehouse'])) {
             $expr[] = $search->compare('==', 'product.stock.warehouse.code', $siteConfig['warehouse']);
         $expr[] = $search->getConditions();
         $sortations = array($search->sort('+', 'product.stock.productid'), $search->sort('+', $sortkey));
         $search->setConditions($search->combine('&&', $expr));
         $search->setSlice(0, 0x7fffffff);
         $stockItems = $stockManager->searchItems($search);
         if (!empty($stockItems)) {
             $warehouseIds = $stockItemsByProducts = array();
             foreach ($stockItems as $item) {
                 $warehouseIds[$item->getWarehouseId()] = null;
                 $stockItemsByProducts[$item->getProductId()][] = $item;
             $warehouseIds = array_keys($warehouseIds);
             $warehouseManager = MShop_Factory::createManager($context, 'product/stock/warehouse');
             $search = $warehouseManager->createSearch();
             $search->setConditions($search->compare('==', 'product.stock.warehouse.id', $warehouseIds));
             $search->setSlice(0, count($warehouseIds));
             $view->stockWarehouseItems = $warehouseManager->searchItems($search);
             $view->stockItemsByProducts = $stockItemsByProducts;
         $view->stockProductIds = $productIds;
         $this->_cache = $view;
     return $this->_cache;
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
  * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_view)) {
         $context = $this->_getContext();
         $config = $context->getConfig();
         $prodid = $view->param('d-product-id');
         $default = array('media', 'price', 'text', 'attribute', 'product');
         /** client/html/catalog/domains
          * A list of domain names whose items should be available in the catalog view templates
          * @see client/html/catalog/detail/domains
         $domains = $config->get('client/html/catalog/domains', $default);
         /** client/html/catalog/detail/domains
          * A list of domain names whose items should be available in the product detail view template
          * The templates rendering product details usually add the images,
          * prices, texts, attributes, products, etc. associated to the product
          * item. If you want to display additional or less content, you can
          * configure your own list of domains (attribute, media, price, product,
          * text, etc. are domains) whose items are fetched from the storage.
          * Please keep in mind that the more domains you add to the configuration,
          * the more time is required for fetching the content!
          * Since version 2014.05 this configuration option overwrites the
          * "client/html/catalog/domains" option that allows to configure the
          * domain names of the items fetched for all catalog related data.
          * @param array List of domain names
          * @since 2014.03
          * @category Developer
          * @see client/html/catalog/domains
          * @see client/html/catalog/list/domains
         $domains = $config->get('client/html/catalog/detail/domains', $domains);
         $manager = MShop_Factory::createManager($context, 'product');
         $productItem = $manager->getItem($prodid, $domains);
         $this->_addMetaItem($productItem, 'product', $this->_expire, $this->_tags);
         $this->_addMetaList($prodid, 'product', $this->_expire);
         $attrManager = MShop_Factory::createManager($context, 'attribute');
         $attrSearch = $attrManager->createSearch(true);
         $expr = array($attrSearch->compare('==', 'attribute.id', array_keys($productItem->getRefItems('attribute'))), $attrSearch->getConditions());
         $attrSearch->setConditions($attrSearch->combine('&&', $expr));
         $attributes = $attrManager->searchItems($attrSearch, $default);
         $this->_addMetaItem($attributes, 'attribute', $this->_expire, $this->_tags);
         $this->_addMetaList(array_keys($attributes), 'attribute', $this->_expire);
         $mediaManager = MShop_Factory::createManager($context, 'media');
         $mediaSearch = $mediaManager->createSearch(true);
         $expr = array($mediaSearch->compare('==', 'media.id', array_keys($productItem->getRefItems('media'))), $mediaSearch->getConditions());
         $mediaSearch->setConditions($mediaSearch->combine('&&', $expr));
         $media = $mediaManager->searchItems($mediaSearch, $default);
         $this->_addMetaItem($media, 'media', $this->_expire, $this->_tags);
         $this->_addMetaList(array_keys($media), 'media', $this->_expire);
         $view->detailProductItem = $productItem;
         $view->detailProductAttributeItems = $attributes;
         $view->detailProductMediaItems = $media;
         $view->detailParams = $this->_getClientParams($view->param());
         $this->_view = $view;
     $expire = $this->_expires($this->_expire, $expire);
     $tags = array_merge($tags, $this->_tags);
     return $this->_view;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
  * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_cache)) {
         $input = $view->param('f_search');
         $controller = Controller_Frontend_Factory::createController($this->_getContext(), 'catalog');
         $filter = $controller->createTextFilter($input);
         $items = $controller->getTextList($filter);
         $suggestTextItems = array();
         foreach ($items as $id => $name) {
             $suggestTextItems[] = array("id" => $id, "name" => $name);
         $view->suggestTextItems = $suggestTextItems;
         $this->_cache = $view;
     return $this->_cache;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_cache)) {
         $context = $this->_getContext();
         $manager = MShop_Factory::createManager($context, 'catalog');
         /** client/html/catalog/filter/tree/startid
          * The ID of the category node that should be the root of the displayed category tree
          * If you want to display only a part of your category tree, you can
          * configure the ID of the category node from which rendering the
          * remaining sub-tree should start.
          * In most cases you can set this value via the administration interface
          * of the shop application. In that case you often can configure the
          * start ID individually for each catalog filter.
          * @param string Category ID
          * @since 2014.03
          * @category User
          * @category Developer
          * @see client/html/catalog/filter/tree/levels-always
          * @see client/html/catalog/filter/tree/levels-only
         $startid = $view->config('client/html/catalog/filter/tree/startid', '');
         $currentid = (string) $view->param('f-catalog-id', '');
         /** @todo Make referenced domains configurable */
         $ref = array('text', 'media', 'attribute');
         if ($currentid != '') {
             $catItems = $manager->getPath($currentid);
             if ($startid != '') {
                 foreach ($catItems as $key => $item) {
                     if ($key == $startid) {
             if (($node = reset($catItems)) === false) {
                 $msg = sprintf('Category with ID "%1$s" not below ID "%2$s"', $currentid, $startid);
                 throw new Client_Html_Exception($msg);
         } else {
             if ($startid != '') {
                 $node = $manager->getItem($startid);
                 $catItems = array($node->getId() => $node);
             } else {
                 $node = $manager->getTree(null, array(), MW_Tree_Manager_Abstract::LEVEL_ONE);
                 $catItems = array($node->getId() => $node);
         $search = $manager->createSearch();
         $expr = $search->compare('==', 'catalog.parentid', array_keys($catItems));
         $expr = $search->combine('||', array($expr, $search->compare('==', 'catalog.id', $node->getId())));
         /** client/html/catalog/filter/tree/levels-always
          * The number of levels in the category tree that should be always displayed
          * Usually, only the root node and the first level of the category
          * tree is shown in the frontend. Only if the user clicks on a
          * node in the first level, the page reloads and the sub-nodes of
          * the chosen category are rendered as well.
          * Using this configuration option you can enforce the given number
          * of levels to be always displayed. The root node uses level 0, the
          * categories below level 1 and so on.
          * In most cases you can set this value via the administration interface
          * of the shop application. In that case you often can configure the
          * levels individually for each catalog filter.
          * @param integer Number of tree levels
          * @since 2014.03
          * @category User
          * @category Developer
          * @see client/html/catalog/filter/tree/startid
          * @see client/html/catalog/filter/tree/levels-only
         if (($levels = $view->config('client/html/catalog/filter/tree/levels-always')) != null) {
             $expr = $search->combine('||', array($expr, $search->compare('<=', 'catalog.level', $levels)));
         /** client/html/catalog/filter/tree/levels-only
          * No more than this number of levels in the category tree should be displayed
          * If the user clicks on a category node, the page reloads and the
          * sub-nodes of the chosen category are rendered as well.
          * Using this configuration option you can enforce that no more than
          * the given number of levels will be displayed at all. The root
          * node uses level 0, the categories below level 1 and so on.
          * In most cases you can set this value via the administration interface
          * of the shop application. In that case you often can configure the
          * levels individually for each catalog filter.
          * @param integer Number of tree levels
          * @since 2014.03
          * @category User
          * @category Developer
          * @see client/html/catalog/filter/tree/startid
          * @see client/html/catalog/filter/tree/levels-always
         if (($levels = $view->config('client/html/catalog/filter/tree/levels-only')) != null) {
             $expr = $search->combine('&&', array($expr, $search->compare('<=', 'catalog.level', $levels)));
         $id = $startid != '' ? $startid : null;
         $level = MW_Tree_Manager_Abstract::LEVEL_TREE;
         $view->treeCatalogPath = $catItems;
         $view->treeCatalogTree = $manager->getTree($id, $ref, $level, $search);
         $view->treeCatalogIds = $this->_getCatalogIds($view->treeCatalogTree, $catItems, $currentid);
         $view->treeFilterParams = $this->_getClientParams($view->param(), array('f'));
         $this->_addMetaItemCatalog($view->treeCatalogTree, $this->_expire, $this->_tags);
         $this->_cache = $view;
     $expire = $this->_expires($this->_expire, $expire);
     $tags = array_merge($tags, $this->_tags);
     return $this->_cache;
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Returns the current active step.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view View object
  * @param array $steps Ordered list of steps through the checkout process
  * @param string $default Default step
 protected function _getStepActive(MW_View_Interface $view, array $steps, $default)
     $current = $view->param('c-step', $default);
     $cpos = $cpos = array_search($current, $steps);
     if (!isset($view->standardStepActive) || ($apos = array_search($view->standardStepActive, $steps)) !== false && $cpos !== false && $cpos < $apos) {
         $view->standardStepActive = $current;
     return $view->standardStepActive;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view.
  * @param MW_View_Interface $view The view object which generates the HTML output
  * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output
  * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry)
  * @return MW_View_Interface Modified view object
 protected function _setViewParams(MW_View_Interface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null)
     if (!isset($this->_cache)) {
         $context = $this->_getContext();
         $basketCntl = Controller_Frontend_Factory::createController($context, 'basket');
         $view->standardBasket = $basketCntl->get();
         $bTarget = $view->config('client/html/basket/standard/url/target');
         $bCntl = $view->config('client/html/basket/standard/url/controller', 'basket');
         $bAction = $view->config('client/html/basket/standard/url/action', 'index');
         $bConfig = $view->config('client/html/basket/standard/url/config', array());
         /** client/html/checkout/standard/url/target
          * Destination of the URL where the controller specified in the URL is known
          * The destination can be a page ID like in a content management system or the
          * module of a software development framework. This "target" must contain or know
          * the controller that should be called by the generated URL.
          * @param string Destination of the URL
          * @since 2014.03
          * @category Developer
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/url/controller
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/url/action
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/url/config
         $cTarget = $view->config('client/html/checkout/standard/url/target');
         /** client/html/checkout/standard/url/controller
          * Name of the controller whose action should be called
          * In Model-View-Controller (MVC) applications, the controller contains the methods
          * that create parts of the output displayed in the generated HTML page. Controller
          * names are usually alpha-numeric.
          * @param string Name of the controller
          * @since 2014.03
          * @category Developer
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/url/target
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/url/action
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/url/config
         $cCntl = $view->config('client/html/checkout/standard/url/controller', 'checkout');
         /** client/html/checkout/standard/url/action
          * Name of the action that should create the output
          * In Model-View-Controller (MVC) applications, actions are the methods of a
          * controller that create parts of the output displayed in the generated HTML page.
          * Action names are usually alpha-numeric.
          * @param string Name of the action
          * @since 2014.03
          * @category Developer
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/url/target
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/url/controller
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/url/config
         $cAction = $view->config('client/html/checkout/standard/url/action', 'index');
         /** client/html/checkout/standard/url/config
          * Associative list of configuration options used for generating the URL
          * You can specify additional options as key/value pairs used when generating
          * the URLs, like
          *  client/html/<clientname>/url/config = array( 'absoluteUri' => true )
          * The available key/value pairs depend on the application that embeds the e-commerce
          * framework. This is because the infrastructure of the application is used for
          * generating the URLs. The full list of available config options is referenced
          * in the "see also" section of this page.
          * @param string Associative list of configuration options
          * @since 2014.03
          * @category Developer
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/url/target
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/url/controller
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/url/action
          * @see client/html/url/config
         $cConfig = $view->config('client/html/checkout/standard/url/config', array());
         /** client/html/checkout/standard/url/step-active
          * Name of the checkout process step to jump to if no previous step requires attention
          * The checkout process consists of several steps which are usually
          * displayed one by another to the customer. If the data of a step
          * is already available, then that step is skipped. The active step
          * is the one that is displayed if all other steps are skipped.
          * If one of the previous steps misses some data the customer has
          * to enter, then this step is displayed first. After providing
          * the missing data, the whole series of steps are tested again
          * and if no other step requests attention, the configured active
          * step will be displayed.
          * The order of the steps is determined by the order of sub-parts
          * that are configured for the checkout client.
          * @param string Name of the confirm standard HTML client
          * @since 2014.07
          * @category Developer
          * @category User
          * @see client/html/checkout/standard/default/subparts
         $default = $view->config('client/html/checkout/standard/url/step-active', 'summary');
         /** client/html/checkout/standard/onepage
          * Shows all named checkout subparts at once for a one page checkout
          * Normally, the checkout process is divided into several steps for entering
          * addresses, select delivery and payment options as well as showing the
          * summary page. This enables dependencies between two steps like showing
          * delivery options based on the address entered by the customer. Furthermore,
          * this is good way to limit the amount of information displayed which is
          * preferred by mobile users.
          * Contrary to that, a one page checkout displays all information on only
          * one page and customers get an immediate overview of which information
          * they have to enter and what options they can select from. This is an
          * advantage if only a very limited amount of information must be entered
          * or if there are almost no options to choose from and no dependencies
          * between exist.
          * Using this config options, shop developers are able to define which
          * checkout subparts are combined to a one page view. Simply add the names
          * of all checkout subparts to the list. Available checkout subparts for
          * a one page checkout are:
          * * address
          * * delivery
          * * payment
          * * summary
          * @param array List of checkout subparts name
          * @since 2015.05
          * @category Developer
         $onepage = $view->config('client/html/checkout/standard/onepage', array());
         $onestep = array_shift($onepage);
         // keep the first one page step
         $steps = (array) $context->getConfig()->get($this->_subPartPath, $this->_subPartNames);
         $steps = array_diff($steps, $onepage);
         // remove all remaining steps in $onepage
         // use first step if default step isn't available
         $default = !in_array($default, $steps) ? reset($steps) : $default;
         $current = $view->param('c_step', $default);
         // use $onestep if current step isn't available due to one page layout
         $current = !in_array($current, $steps) ? $onestep : $current;
         $cpos = $cpos = array_search($current, $steps);
         if (!isset($view->standardStepActive) || ($apos = array_search($view->standardStepActive, $steps)) !== false && $cpos !== false && $cpos < $apos) {
             $view->standardStepActive = $current;
         $activeStep = $view->standardStepActive;
         $view->standardSteps = $steps;
         $step = null;
         do {
             $lastStep = $step;
         } while (($step = array_shift($steps)) !== null && $step !== $activeStep);
         if ($lastStep !== null) {
             $param = array('c_step' => $lastStep);
             $view->standardUrlBack = $view->url($cTarget, $cCntl, $cAction, $param, array(), $cConfig);
         } else {
             $view->standardUrlBack = $view->url($bTarget, $bCntl, $bAction, array(), array(), $bConfig);
         if (!isset($view->standardUrlNext) && ($nextStep = array_shift($steps)) !== null) {
             $param = array('c_step' => $nextStep);
             $view->standardUrlNext = $view->url($cTarget, $cCntl, $cAction, $param, array(), $cConfig);
         // don't overwrite $view->standardUrlNext so order step URL is used
         $this->_cache = $view;
     return $this->_cache;