Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function permalink()
     $mc = RMUtilities::get()->module_config('mywords');
     $rtn = MWFunctions::get_url();
     $rtn .= $mc['permalinks'] == 1 ? '?author=' . $this->id() : ($mc['permalinks'] == 2 ? "author/" . $this->getVar('shortname', 'n') . "/" : "author/" . RMUtilities::add_slash($this->id()));
     return $rtn;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Obtiene el enlace a la categor?a
 public function permalink()
     $mc = RMSettings::module_settings('mywords');
     $link = MWFunctions::get_url();
     $link .= $mc->permalinks == 1 ? '?cat=' . $this->id() : ($mc->permalinks == 2 ? 'category/' . $this->path() : 'category/' . $this->id());
     return $link;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function permalink()
     $mc = RMSettings::module_settings('mywords');
     $ret = MWFunctions::get_url();
     $ret .= $mc->permalinks == 1 ? '?tag=' . $this->id() : ($mc->permalinks == 2 ? "tag/" . $this->getVar('shortname', 'n') . "/" : "tag/" . $this->id());
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function permalink()
     $mc = RMSettings::module_settings('mywords');
     $rtn = MWFunctions::get_url();
     $rtn .= $mc->permalinks == 1 ? '?author=' . $this->id() : ($mc->permalinks == 2 ? "author/" . $this->getVar('shortname', 'n') . "/" : "author/" . RMUtilities::add_slash($this->id()));
     return $rtn;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Obtiene el enlace a la categor?a
 public function permalink()
     $mc = RMUtilities::get()->module_config('mywords');
     $link = MWFunctions::get_url();
     $link .= $mc['permalinks'] == 1 ? '?cat=' . $this->id() : ($mc['permalinks'] == 2 ? 'category/' . $this->path() : 'category/' . $this->id());
     return $link;
Ejemplo n.º 6
function mw_post_form($edit = 0)
    global $xoopsConfig, $xoopsUser, $xoopsSecurity;
    if (!$xoopsUser) {
        redirect_header(MWFunctions::get_url(), 1, __('You are not allowed to do this action!', 'mywords'));
    // Check if user is a editor
    $author = new MWEditor();
    if (!$author->from_user($xoopsUser->uid()) && !$xoopsUser->isAdmin()) {
        redirect_header(MWFunctions::get_url(), 1, __('You are not allowed to do this action!', 'mywords'));
    RMTemplate::get()->add_script(RMCURL . '/include/js/jquery.min.js');
    RMTemplate::get()->add_script(RMCURL . '/include/js/jquery-ui.min.js');
    if ($edit) {
        $id = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'id', 0);
        if ($id <= 0) {
            redirect_header(MWFunctions::get_url(), __('Please, specify a valid post ID', 'mywords'), 1);
        $post = new MWPost($id);
        if ($post->isNew()) {
            redirect_header(MWFunctions::get_url(), __('Specified post does not exists!', 'mywords'), 1);
        // Check if user is the admin or a editor of this this post
        if ($author->id() != $post->getVar('author') && !$xoopsUser->isAdmin()) {
            redirect_header($post->permalink(), 1, __('You are not allowed to do this action!', 'mywords'));
    // Read privileges
    $perms = @$author->getVar('privileges');
    $perms = is_array($perms) ? $perms : array();
    $allowed_tracks = in_array("tracks", $perms) || $xoopsUser->isAdmin() ? true : false;
    $allowed_tags = in_array("tags", $perms) || $xoopsUser->isAdmin() ? true : false;
    $allowed_cats = in_array("cats", $perms) || $xoopsUser->isAdmin() ? true : false;
    $allowed_comms = in_array("comms", $perms) || $xoopsUser->isAdmin() ? true : false;
    $xoopsOption['module_subpage'] = 'submit';
    include 'header.php';
    $form = new RMForm('', '', '');
    $editor = new RMFormEditor('', 'content', '99%', '300px', $edit ? $post->getVar('content') : '');
    $meta_names = MWFunctions::get()->get_metas();
    RMTemplate::get()->add_xoops_style('submit.css', 'mywords');
    RMTemplate::get()->add_script(XOOPS_URL . '/modules/mywords/include/js/scripts.php?file=posts.js&front=1');
    include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('mywords_submit_form.php', 'module', 'mywords');
    include 'footer.php';
Ejemplo n.º 7
    $xoopsTpl->assign('comments', $comms);
    // Comments form
    RMFunctions::comments_form('mywords', 'post=' . $post->id(), 'module', MW_PATH . '/class/mywordscontroller.php');
// Load trackbacks
$trackbacks = $post->trackbacks();
foreach ($trackbacks as $tb) {
    $xoopsTpl->append('trackbacks', array('id' => $tb->id(), 'title' => $tb->getVar('title'), 'blog' => $tb->getVar('blog_name'), 'url' => $tb->getVar('url'), 'text' => $tb->getVar('excerpt'), 'date' => formatTimestamp($tb->getVar('date'), 'c')));
// Language
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_publish', __('Published in', 'mywords'));
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_tagged', __('Tagged as', 'mywords'));
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_numcoms', sprintf(__('%u Comments', 'mywords'), $post->getVar('comments')));
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_numtracks', sprintf(__('%u trackbacks', 'mywords'), count($trackbacks)));
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_trackback', __('Trackback', 'mywords'));
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_homemw', __('Main Page', 'mywords'));
$xoopsTpl->assign('enable_images', $xoopsModuleConfig['post_imgs']);
if ($post->getVar('pingstatus')) {
    $tb = new MWTrackback($xoopsConfig['sitename'], $editor->getVar('name'));
    RMTemplate::get()->add_head($tb->rdf_autodiscover(date('r', $post->getVar('pubdate')), $post->getVar('title'), TextCleaner::getInstance()->truncate($post->content(true), 255), $post->permalink(), MWFunctions::get_url(true) . $post->id(), $editor->getVar('name')));
$rmf = RMFunctions::get();
$description = $post->get_meta('description', false);
$keywords = $post->get_meta('keywords', false);
$rmf->add_keywords_description($description != '' ? $description : $post->content(true), $keywords != '' ? $keywords : '');
// Send pings?
$pings = $post->getVar('toping');
$xoopsTpl->assign('pingnow', empty($pings));
include 'footer.php';
Ejemplo n.º 8
$author = new MWEditor();
if (!$author->from_user($xoopsUser->uid()) && !$xoopsUser->isAdmin()) {
    redirect_header(MWFunctions::get_url(), 1, __('You are not allowed to do this action!', 'mywords'));
$edit = isset($edit) ? $edit : 0;
if ($edit > 0) {
    $id = $edit;
    if ($id <= 0) {
        redirect_header(MWFunctions::get_url(), __('Please, specify a valid post ID', 'mywords'), 1);
    $post = new MWPost($id);
    if ($post->isNew()) {
        redirect_header(MWFunctions::get_url(), __('Specified post does not exists!', 'mywords'), 1);
    // Check if user is the admin or a editor of this this post
    if ($author->id() != $post->getVar('author') && !$xoopsUser->isAdmin()) {
        redirect_header($post->permalink(), 1, __('You are not allowed to do this action!', 'mywords'));
} else {
    $post = new MWPost();
// Read privileges
$perms = @$author->getVar('privileges');
$perms = is_array($perms) ? $perms : array();
$allowed_tracks = in_array("tracks", $perms) || $xoopsUser->isAdmin() ? true : false;
$allowed_tags = in_array("tags", $perms) || $xoopsUser->isAdmin() ? true : false;
Ejemplo n.º 9

// $Id$
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// MyWords
// Blogging System
// Author: Eduardo Cortés <*****@*****.**>
// Email: i.bitcero@gmail.com
// License: GPL 2.0
// --------------------------------------------------------------
$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'mywords_tag.html';
$xoopsOption['module_subpage'] = 'author';
include 'header.php';
$tag = new MWTag($tag);
if ($tag->isNew()) {
    redirect_header(MWFunctions::get_url(), 2, __('Sorry, this tag does not exists!', 'admin_mywords'));
$page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 0;
if ($page <= 0) {
    $path = explode("/", $request);
    $srh = array_search('page', $path);
    if (isset($path[$srh]) && $path[$srh] == 'page') {
        if (!isset($path[$srh])) {
            $page = 0;
        } else {
            $page = $path[$srh + 1];
$request = substr($request, 0, strpos($request, 'page') > 0 ? strpos($request, 'page') - 1 : strlen($request));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        foreach ($path as $k) {
            if ($k == '') {
            $sql = "SELECT id_cat FROM {$tbl1} WHERE shortname='{$k}' AND parent='{$idp}'";
            $result = $db->query($sql);
            if ($db->getRowsNum($result) > 0) {
                list($idp) = $db->fetchRow($result);
        $category = $idp;
$catego = new MWCategory($category);
if ($catego->isNew()) {
    redirect_header(MWFunctions::get_url(), 2, __('Specified category could not be found', 'mywords'));
// Datos de la Categoría
$xoopsTpl->assign('category', array('id' => $catego->id(), 'name' => $catego->getVar('name')));
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_postsincat', sprintf(__('Posts in &#8216;%s&#8217; Category', 'mywords'), $catego->getVar('name')));
$request = substr($request, 0, strpos($request, 'page') > 0 ? strpos($request, 'page') - 1 : strlen($request));
//$request =
// Select all posts from relations table
//$sql = "SELECT post FROM ".$db->prefix("mw_catpost")." WHERE cat='$category'";
//$result = $db->query($sql);
 * Paginacion de Resultados
$limit = $mc['posts_limit'];
list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query("SELECT COUNT({$tbl2}.post) FROM {$tbl2}, {$tbl3} WHERE {$tbl2}.cat='{$category}' \n\t\tAND {$tbl3}.id_post={$tbl2}.post AND {$tbl3}.status='publish' AND \n\t\t(({$tbl3}.visibility='public' OR {$tbl3}.visibility='password') OR ({$tbl3}.visibility='private' AND \n\t\t{$tbl3}.author=" . ($xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->uid() : -1) . "))"));
Ejemplo n.º 11
// $Id$
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// MyWords
// Blogging System
// Author: Eduardo Cortés <*****@*****.**>
// Email: i.bitcero@gmail.com
// License: GPL 2.0
// --------------------------------------------------------------
$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'mywords_date.html';
$xoopsOption['module_subpage'] = 'date';
include 'header.php';
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix("mw_posts") . " WHERE pubdate BETWEEN {$time} and {$time2} AND ((visibility='public' OR visibility='password') OR (visibility='private' AND author=" . ($xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->uid() : -1) . "))";
list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql));
// Check if there are posts for this date
if ($num <= 0) {
    redirect_header(MWFunctions::get_url(), 1, __("There are not posts published on this date", 'mywords'));
$page = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'page', 0);
if ($page <= 0) {
    $path = explode("/", $request);
    $srh = array_search('page', $path);
    if (isset($path[$srh]) && $path[$srh] == 'page') {
        if (!isset($path[$srh])) {
            $page = 0;
        } else {
            $page = $path[$srh + 1];
$limit = $xoopsModuleConfig['posts_limit'];
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Obtiene el enlace permanente al artículo
 public function permalink()
     $mc = RMUtilities::get()->module_config('mywords');
     $day = date('d', $this->getVar('pubdate'));
     $month = date('m', $this->getVar('pubdate'));
     $year = date('Y', $this->getVar('pubdate'));
     $rtn = MWFunctions::get_url();
     $rtn .= $mc['permalinks'] == 1 ? '?post=' . $this->id() : ($mc['permalinks'] == 2 ? "{$day}/{$month}/{$year}/" . $this->getVar('shortname', 'n') . "/" : "post/" . $this->id());
     return $rtn;
Ejemplo n.º 13
// Email: i.bitcero@gmail.com
// License: GPL 2.0
// --------------------------------------------------------------
$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'mywords_author.html';
$xoopsOption['module_subpage'] = 'author';
include 'header.php';
if (!is_numeric($editor)) {
    $sql = "SELECT id_editor FROM " . $db->prefix("mw_editors") . " WHERE shortname='{$editor}'";
    list($editor) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql));
    if ($editor == '') {
        $editor = 0;
$ed = new MWEditor($editor);
if ($ed->isNew()) {
    redirect_header(MWFunctions::get_url(), 2, __('Sorry, We don\'t know to this editor', 'admin_mywords'));
$page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 0;
if ($page <= 0) {
    $path = explode("/", $request);
    $srh = array_search('page', $path);
    if (isset($path[$srh]) && $path[$srh] == 'page') {
        if (!isset($path[$srh])) {
            $page = 0;
        } else {
            $page = $path[$srh + 1];
$request = substr($request, 0, strpos($request, 'page') > 0 ? strpos($request, 'page') - 1 : strlen($request));
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Obtiene el enlace permanente al artículo
 public function permalink()
     $mc = RMSettings::module_settings('mywords');
     $day = date('d', $this->getVar('pubdate'));
     $month = date('m', $this->getVar('pubdate'));
     $year = date('Y', $this->getVar('pubdate'));
     $rtn = MWFunctions::get_url();
     $rtn .= $mc->permalinks == 1 ? '?post=' . $this->id() : ($mc->permalinks == 2 ? "{$day}/{$month}/{$year}/" . $this->getVar('shortname', 'n') . "/" : "post/" . $this->id());
     return $rtn;
Ejemplo n.º 15
$track = new MWTrackback($xoopsConfig['sitename'], $editor->getVar('name'));
$id = $track->post_id;
// The id of the item being trackbacked
$url = $track->url;
// The URL from which we got the trackback
$title = $track->title;
// Subject/title send by trackback
$excerpt = $track->excerpt;
// Short text send by trackback
$blog_name = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'blog_name', '');
if ($url == '' || $title == '' || $excerpt == '') {
    echo $track->recieve(false, __('Sorry, your trackback seems to be invalid!', 'mywords'));
$params = array('blogurl' => MWFunctions::get_url(), 'name' => 'Trackback', 'email' => '', 'url' => $url, 'text' => $excerpt, 'permalink' => $post->permalink());
$ret = RMEvents::get()->run_event('rmcommon.check.post.spam', $params);
if (!$ret) {
    echo $track->recieve(false, __('Sorry, your trackback seems to be SPAM', 'mywords'));
} else {
    $to = new MWTrackbackObject();
    $to->setVar('date', time());
    $to->setVar('title', $title);
    $to->setVar('blog_name', $blog_name);
    $to->setVar('excerpt', $excerpt);
    $to->setVar('url', $url);
    $to->setVar('post', $post->id());
    if ($to->save()) {
        echo $track->recieve(true);
    } else {
        echo $track->recieve(false, __('We are unable to store your trackback. Please try again later!', 'mywords'));
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public function format_time($time)
     $day = date('d', $time);
     $month = date('m', $time);
     $year = date('Y', $time);
     $format = __("Published on %s at %s", 'mywords');
     $config = RMUtilities::module_config('mywords');
     if ($config['permalinks'] > 1) {
         $url = MWFunctions::get_url() . "{$day}/{$month}/{$year}/";
     } else {
         $url = MWFunctions::get_url() . "?date={$day}/{$month}/{$year}/";
     $date = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . date(__('D d M, Y', 'mywords'), $time) . '</a>';
     $hour = date(__('H:i', 'mywords'), $time);
     $rtn = sprintf($format, $date, $hour);
     return $rtn;
Ejemplo n.º 17
// $Id$
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// MyWords
// Blogging System
// Author: Eduardo Cortés <*****@*****.**>
// Email: i.bitcero@gmail.com
// License: GPL 2.0
// --------------------------------------------------------------
//include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/modules/rmcommon/loader.php';
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/header.php";
load_mod_locale('mywords', '');
$mc =& $xoopsModuleConfig;
$db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();
$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
define('MW_PATH', XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/mywords');
define('MW_URL', MWFunctions::get_url());
$xoopsTpl->assign('mw_url', MW_URL);
$xmh = '';
if ($mc['use_css']) {
    RMTemplate::get()->add_xoops_style('mywords.css', 'mywords');
// Redes Sociales
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix("mw_bookmarks") . " WHERE `active`='1'";
$result = $db->query($sql);
$socials = array();
$i = 0;
while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
    $socials[$i] = new MWBookmark();
Ejemplo n.º 18
 * Muestra los envíos existentes
function showPosts($aprovado = -1)
    global $db, $xoopsSecurity, $xoopsModule, $xoopsModuleConfig;
    $mc =& $xoopsModuleConfig;
    $keyw = '';
    $op = '';
    $cat = 0;
    $status = '';
    foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) {
        ${$k} = $v;
    $tbl1 = $db->prefix("mod_mywords_posts");
    $tbl2 = $db->prefix("mod_mywords_catpost");
    $and = false;
    if ($cat > 0) {
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tbl1} a, {$tbl2} b WHERE b.cat='{$cat}' AND a.id_post=b.post";
        $and = true;
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix("mod_mywords_posts");
    if (isset($status) && $status != '') {
        define('RMCSUBLOCATION', $status);
        $sql .= $and ? " AND a.status='{$status}'" : " WHERE status='{$status}'";
        $and = true;
    if (isset($author) && $author > 0) {
        $sql .= $and ? " AND a.author={$author}" : " WHERE author={$author}";
        $and = true;
    if (trim($keyw) != '') {
        $sql .= $and ? " AND title LIKE '%{$keyw}%'" : " WHERE title LIKE '%{$keyw}%'";
     * Paginacion de Resultados
    $page = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'page', 1);
    $limit = isset($limit) && $limit > 0 ? $limit : 15;
    list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql));
    $tpages = ceil($num / $limit);
    $page = $page > $tpages ? $tpages : $page;
    $start = $num <= 0 ? 0 : ($page - 1) * $limit;
    $nav = new RMPageNav($num, $limit, $page, 5);
    $nav->target_url('posts.php?limit=' . $limit . '&page={PAGE_NUM}');
    $sql .= " ORDER BY id_post DESC LIMIT {$start},{$limit}";
    $sql = str_replace("SELECT COUNT(*)", "SELECT *", $sql);
    $result = $db->query($sql);
    $posts = array();
    while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
        $post = new MWPost();
        # Enlace para el artículo
        $day = date('d', $post->getVar('pubdate'));
        $month = date('m', $post->getVar('pubdate'));
        $year = date('Y', $post->getVar('pubdate'));
        $postlink = MWFunctions::get_url();
        $postlink .= $mc['permalinks'] == 1 ? '?post=' . $post->id() : ($mc['permalinks'] == 2 ? "{$day}/{$month}/{$year}/" . $post->getVar('shortname') . "/" : "post/" . $post->id());
        $posts[] = array('id' => $post->id(), 'title' => $post->getVar('title'), 'date' => $post->getVar('pubdate') > 0 ? formatTimeStamp($post->getVar('pubdate')) : '<em>' . __('Not published', 'mywords') . '</em>', 'created' => formatTimeStamp($post->getVar('created')), 'comments' => $post->getVar('comments'), 'uid' => $post->getVar('author'), 'uname' => $post->getVar('authorname'), 'link' => $postlink, 'status' => $post->getVar('status'), 'categories' => $post->get_categories_names(true, ',', true, 'admin'), 'tags' => $post->tags(false), 'reads' => $post->getVar('reads'));
    // Published count
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix("mod_mywords_posts") . " WHERE status='publish'";
    list($pub_count) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql));
    // Drafts count
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix("mod_mywords_posts") . " WHERE status='draft'";
    list($draft_count) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql));
    // Pending count
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix("mod_mywords_posts") . " WHERE status='pending'";
    list($pending_count) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql));
    // Confirm message
    RMTemplate::get()->add_head('<script type="text/javascript">
	 	function post_del_confirm(post, id){
	 		var string = "' . __('Do you really want to delete \\"%s\\"', 'mywords') . '";
	 		string = string.replace("%s", post);
	 		var ret = confirm(string);
	 		if (ret){
	 			$("#form-posts input[type=checkbox]").removeAttr("checked");
    RMTemplate::get()->add_script(RMCURL . '/include/js/jquery.checkboxes.js');
    $title_by_status = '';
    switch ($status) {
        case 'publish':
            $title_by_status = __('Published Posts', 'mywords');
        case 'draft':
            $title_by_status = __('Drafts', 'mywords');
        case 'waiting':
            $title_by_status = __('Pending of Review', 'dtransport');
    if ($title_by_status != '') {
        RMBreadCrumb::get()->add_crumb(__('Posts management', 'mywords'), 'posts.php');
        RMTemplate::get()->assign('xoops_pagetitle', sprintf(__('Posts Management: %s', 'mywords'), $title_by_status));
    } else {
        RMBreadCrumb::get()->add_crumb(__('Posts management', 'mywords'));
        RMTemplate::get()->assign('xoops_pagetitle', __('Posts Management', 'mywords'));
    include_once '../templates/admin/mywords-posts.php';
Ejemplo n.º 19
    $tb = new MWTrackback('', '');
    $trackbacks = $tb->auto_discovery($content);
if (!empty($trackbacks)) {
    foreach ($trackbacks as $t) {
        if (!empty($pinged) && in_array($t, $pinged)) {
        $toping[] = $t;
$post->setVar('toping', !empty($toping) ? $toping : '');
$return = $edit ? $post->update() : $post->save();
if ($return) {
    if (!$edit) {
    showMessage($edit ? __('Post updated successfully', 'mywords') : __('Post saved successfully', 'mywords'), 0);
    $url = MWFunctions::get_url();
    if ($mc->permalinks > 1) {
        $url .= $frontend ? 'edit/' . $post->id() : 'posts.php?op=edit&id=' . $post->id();
    } else {
        $url .= $frontend ? '?edit=' . $post->id() : 'posts.php?op=edit&id=' . $post->id();
    $rtn = array('message' => $edit ? __('Post updated successfully', 'mywords') : __('Post saved successfully', 'mywords'), 'token' => $xoopsSecurity->createToken(), 'link' => '<strong>' . __('Permalink:', 'mywords') . '</strong> ' . $post->permalink(), 'post' => $post->id(), 'url' => $url);
    echo json_encode($rtn);
} else {
    return_error(__('Errors ocurred while trying to save this post.', 'mywords') . '<br />' . $post->errors(), true);