  * Sort function used as second param by `uasort()` to sort a subscription
  * list by membership priority.
  * Memberships with equal priority are sorted alphabeically.
  * @since
  * @param  MS_Model_Relationship $a
  * @param  MS_Model_Relationship $b
  * @return int -1: a < b | 0: a = b | +1: a > b
 public static function sort_by_priority($a, $b)
     $m1 = $a->get_membership();
     $m2 = $b->get_membership();
     if ($m1->priority == $m2->priority) {
         return $m1->name < $m2->name ? -1 : 1;
     } else {
         return $m1->priority - $m2->priority;
  * Apply coupon to get discount.
  * If trial period is enabled, the discount will be applied in the trial price (even if it is free).
  * If the membership price is free, the discount will be zero.
  * If discount is bigger than the price, the discount will be equal to the price.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param MS_Model_Relationship $subscription The membership relationship to apply coupon.
  * @return float The discount value.
 public function get_discount_value($subscription)
     $membership = $subscription->get_membership();
     $price = $membership->price;
     // Excluding Tax
     $original_price = $price;
     $discount = 0;
     if ($this->is_valid($membership->id)) {
         $discount = $this->discount;
         if (self::TYPE_PERCENT == $this->discount_type) {
             $discount = $price * $discount / 100;
         $price -= $discount;
         if ($price < 0) {
             $price = 0;
         $discount = $original_price - $price;
         $this->coupon_message = sprintf(__('Coupon applied: %1$s', 'membership2'), $this->code);
     return apply_filters('ms_addon_coupon_model_apply_discount', $discount, $membership, $this);
  * Checks if a subscription has reached the maximum paycycle repetitions.
  * If the last paycycle was paid then the subscription is cancelled.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @internal Called by process_purchase() and request_payment()
  * @param  MS_Model_Relationship $subscription
  * @param  M2_Stripe_Subscription $stripe_sub
 protected function cancel_if_done($subscription, $stripe_sub)
     $membership = $subscription->get_membership();
     if ($membership->pay_cycle_repetitions < 1) {
     $payments = $subscription->payments;
     if (count($payments) < $membership->pay_cycle_repetitions) {
     $stripe_sub->cancel(array('at_period_end' => true));
  * Create invoice.
  * Create a new invoice using the membership information.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param MS_Model_Relationship $subscription The membership to create invoice for.
  * @param int $invoice_number Optional. The invoice number.
  * @return object $invoice
 public static function create_invoice($subscription, $invoice_number = false)
     $membership = $subscription->get_membership();
     if (!MS_Model_Membership::is_valid_membership($membership->id)) {
         throw new Exception('Invalid Membership.');
     $invoice = null;
     $member = MS_Factory::load('MS_Model_Member', $subscription->user_id);
     $invoice_status = self::STATUS_NEW;
     $notes = null;
     if (empty($invoice_number)) {
         $invoice_number = $subscription->current_invoice_number;
     $invoice = self::get_invoice($subscription->id, $invoice_number);
     // No existing invoice, create a new one.
     if (!$invoice || !$invoice->id) {
         $invoice = MS_Factory::create('MS_Model_Invoice');
         $invoice = apply_filters('ms_model_invoice', $invoice);
     // Update invoice info.
     $invoice->ms_relationship_id = $subscription->id;
     $invoice->gateway_id = $subscription->gateway_id;
     $invoice->status = $invoice_status;
     $invoice->invoice_date = MS_Helper_Period::current_date();
     $invoice->membership_id = $membership->id;
     $invoice->currency = MS_Plugin::instance()->settings->currency;
     $invoice->user_id = $member->id;
     $invoice->name = apply_filters('ms_model_invoice_name', sprintf(__('Invoice for %s - %s', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $membership->name, $member->username));
     $invoice->invoice_number = $invoice_number;
     $invoice->discount = 0;
     $invoice->notes = $notes;
     $invoice->amount = $membership->price;
     // Without taxes!
     // Check for trial period in the first period.
     if ($subscription->is_trial_eligible() && $invoice_number === $subscription->current_invoice_number) {
         $invoice->trial_price = $membership->trial_price;
         // Without taxes!
         $invoice->uses_trial = true;
         $invoice->trial_ends = $subscription->trial_expire_date;
     $invoice = apply_filters('ms_model_invoice_create_before_save', $invoice, $subscription);
     // Refresh the tax-rate and payment description.
     return apply_filters('ms_model_relationship_create_invoice', $invoice, $subscription, $invoice_number);
  * Called by MS_Model_Invoice before a new invoice is saved. We apply the
  * coupon discount to the total amount, if a coupon was used.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param  MS_Model_Invoice $invoice
  * @param  MS_Model_Relationship $subscription
  * @return MS_Model_Invoice
 public function apply_discount($invoice, $subscription)
     $membership = $subscription->get_membership();
     $member = MS_Factory::load('MS_Model_Member', $subscription->user_id);
     if (isset($_POST['apply_coupon_code'])) {
         $coupon = apply_filters('ms_addon_coupon_model', MS_Addon_Coupon_Model::load_by_code($_POST['coupon_code']));
     } else {
         $coupon = MS_Addon_Coupon_Model::get_application($member->id, $membership->id);
         if (!empty($_POST['remove_coupon_code'])) {
             $note = sprintf(__('Remove Coupon "%s"', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $coupon->code);
             $coupon->remove_application($member->id, $membership->id);
             $coupon = false;
     if ($coupon && $coupon->is_valid($membership->id)) {
         $discount = $coupon->get_discount_value($subscription);
         $invoice->coupon_id = $coupon->id;
         $invoice->discount = $discount;
         $note = sprintf(__('Apply Coupon "%s": Discount %s %s!', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $coupon->code, $invoice->currency, $discount);
     } else {
         $invoice->coupon_id = '';
         $invoice->discount = 0;
     return $invoice;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Replace comm_vars with corresponding values.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param MS_Model_Relationship $subscription The membership relationship to send message to.
  * @param MS_Model_Member $member The member object to get info from.
  * @return array {
  *     Returns array of ( $var_name => $var_replace ).
  *     @type string $var_name The variable name to replace.
  *     @type string $var_replace The variable corresponding replace string.
  * }
 public function get_comm_vars($subscription, $member)
     $currency = MS_Plugin::instance()->settings->currency . ' ';
     $invoice = null;
     $membership = null;
     if ($subscription && $subscription instanceof MS_Model_Relationship) {
         // First try to fetch the current invoice.
         $invoice = $subscription->get_current_invoice(false);
         $prev_invoice = $subscription->get_previous_invoice();
         // If no current invoice exists then fetch the previous invoice.
         if (empty($invoice)) {
             $invoice = $prev_invoice;
         $membership = $subscription->get_membership();
     $comm_vars = apply_filters('ms_model_communication_comm_vars', $this->comm_vars, $this->type, $member, $subscription);
     $wp_user = $member->get_user();
     foreach ($comm_vars as $key => $description) {
         $var_value = '';
         switch ($key) {
             case self::COMM_VAR_BLOG_NAME:
                 $var_value = get_option('blogname');
             case self::COMM_VAR_BLOG_URL:
                 $var_value = get_option('home');
             case self::COMM_VAR_USERNAME:
                 $var_value = $member->username;
             case self::COMM_VAR_PASSWORD:
                  * $member->password is ONLY available in the same request
                  * when the new user account was created! After this we only
                  * have the encrypted password in the DB, and the plain-text
                  * version will never be available again in code...
                  * @since
                 if (self::COMM_TYPE_SIGNUP == $this->type) {
                     $var_value = $member->password;
             case self::COMM_VAR_USER_DISPLAY_NAME:
                 $var_value = $wp_user->display_name;
             case self::COMM_VAR_USER_FIRST_NAME:
                 $var_value = $member->first_name;
             case self::COMM_VAR_USER_LAST_NAME:
                 $var_value = $member->last_name;
             case self::COMM_VAR_NET_NAME:
                 $var_value = get_site_option('site_name');
             case self::COMM_VAR_NET_URL:
                 $var_value = get_site_option('siteurl');
             case self::COMM_VAR_MS_ACCOUNT_PAGE_URL:
                 $var_value = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', MS_Model_Pages::get_page_url(MS_Model_Pages::MS_PAGE_ACCOUNT), __('account page', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN));
                 // Needs: $membership
             // Needs: $membership
             case self::COMM_VAR_MS_NAME:
                 if ($membership && $membership->name) {
                     $var_value = $membership->name;
                 // Needs: $invoice
             // Needs: $invoice
             case self::COMM_VAR_MS_INVOICE:
                 if ($invoice) {
                     if ($invoice->total > 0 || $invoice->uses_trial) {
                         $attr = array('post_id' => $invoice->id, 'pay_button' => 0);
                         $scode = MS_Factory::load('MS_Controller_Shortcode');
                         $var_value = $scode->membership_invoice($attr);
                 // Needs: $subscription
             // Needs: $subscription
             case self::COMM_VAR_MS_REMAINING_DAYS:
                 if ($subscription) {
                     $days = $subscription->get_remaining_period();
                     $var_value = sprintf(__('%s day%s', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $days, abs($days) > 1 ? 's' : '');
                 // Needs: $subscription
             // Needs: $subscription
             case self::COMM_VAR_MS_REMAINING_TRIAL_DAYS:
                 if ($subscription) {
                     $days = $subscription->get_remaining_trial_period();
                     $var_value = sprintf(__('%s day%s', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $days, abs($days) > 1 ? 's' : '');
                 // Needs: $subscription
             // Needs: $subscription
             case self::COMM_VAR_MS_EXPIRY_DATE:
                 if ($subscription) {
                     $var_value = $subscription->expire_date;
         $comm_vars[$key] = apply_filters('ms_model_communication_send_message_comm_var-' . $key, $var_value, $this->type, $member, $subscription, $invoice);
     return apply_filters('ms_model_communication_get_comm_vars', $comm_vars, $member);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * A payment was received, award affiliate reward to the referrer.
  * Whenever a Membership2 invoice is paid we try to find the referrer of
  * the member and award a reward to him according to the payment settings.
  * This function uses the Membership2 hook `ms_invoice_paid` which is called
  * when a user does either
  * (1) sucessfully make a payment for a paid membership or
  * (2) successfully subscribe to a free membership.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param  MS_Model_Invoice $invoice The invoice which was paid.
  * @param  MS_Model_Relationship $subscription
 public function payment_processed($invoice, $subscription)
     global $affiliate;
     // Used for communication with Affiliates plugin.
     global $blog_id, $site_id;
     // Used for logging.
     $user_id = $invoice->user_id;
     $membership = $subscription->get_membership();
     $pay_once = defined('AFFILIATE_PAYONCE') && 'yes' == AFFILIATE_PAYONCE;
     $user_id_referrer = get_user_meta($user_id, 'affiliate_referred_by', true);
     if (empty($user_id_referrer)) {
         // We do not know who referred the user, don't pay a commission.
     $affiliate_paid = get_user_meta($user_id, 'affiliate_paid', true);
     if ($pay_once && 'yes' == $affiliate_paid) {
         // The referrer already got a one-time commission, don't pay again.
     $complete_records = $affiliate->get_complete_records($user_id_referrer, date('Ym'), array(self::AREA_KEY), $user_id);
     if (is_array($complete_records)) {
         // Make sure that this subscription was not commissioned before.
         foreach ($complete_records as $record) {
             $meta = maybe_unserialize($record->meta);
             if ($meta['subscription_id'] == $subscription->id) {
                 // It seems this subscription was already commissioned.
     // Okay, the referrer is entitiled to the commission!
      * Reward is the money that the user receives.
      * It is stored in cents/milli-percent.
      * I.e. '100' $ -> 1.00 $  and '100' % -> 1.00 %
     $reward = $this->get_value($membership);
     $type = $this->get_type($membership);
     switch ($type) {
         case 'inv':
             $base = $invoice->subtotal;
             // Invoice amount without taxes.
             $reward = $base * $reward / 100;
         case 'mem':
             $base = $membership->price;
             // Membership price setting.
             $reward = $base * $reward / 100;
         case 'abs':
             // Reward already has correct value.
     $reward = round($reward, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
     // Note: lib2() used here is provided by the Membership2 plugin.
     $meta = array('subscription_id' => $subscription->id, 'invoice_id' => $invoice->id, 'gateway_id' => $invoice->gateway_id, 'transaction_id' => $invoice->external_id, 'blog_id' => $blog_id, 'site_id' => $site_id, 'current_user_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'REMOTE_URL' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'LOCAL_URL' => lib2()->net->current_url(), 'IP' => lib2()->net->current_ip()->ip);
     do_action('affiliate_purchase', $user_id_referrer, $reward, self::AREA_KEY, $user_id, __('Membership2', 'affiliate'), $meta);
     if ($pay_once) {
         update_user_meta($user_id, 'affiliate_paid', 'yes');
  * Save invitation application.
  * Saving the application to keep track of the application in gateway return.
  * Using INVITATION_REDEMPTION_TIME to expire invitation application.
  * This is a non-static function, as it saves the current object!
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param MS_Model_Relationship $subscription The subscription to apply the invitation.
 public function save_application($subscription)
     // Don't save empty invitations.
     if (empty($this->code)) {
         return false;
     $membership = $subscription->get_membership();
     $time = apply_filters('ms_addon_invitation_model_save_application_redemption_time', self::INVITATION_REDEMPTION_TIME);
     // Grab the user account as we should be logged in by now.
     $user = MS_Model_Member::get_current_member();
     $key = self::get_transient_name($user->id, $membership->id);
     $transient = apply_filters('ms_addon_invitation_model_transient_value', array('id' => $this->id, 'user_id' => $user->id, 'membership_id' => $membership->id, 'message' => $this->invitation_message));
     MS_Factory::set_transient($key, $transient, $time);
     do_action('ms_addon_invitation_model_save_application', $subscription, $this);
  * Replace comm_vars with corresponding values.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param MS_Model_Relationship $subscription The membership relationship to send message to.
  * @param WP_User $wp_user The wordpress user object to get info from.
  * @return array {
  *     Returns array of ( $var_name => $var_replace ).
  *     @type string $var_name The variable name to replace.
  *     @type string $var_replace The variable corresponding replace string.
  * }
 public function get_comm_vars($subscription, $wp_user)
     $currency = MS_Plugin::instance()->settings->currency . ' ';
     $membership = $subscription->get_membership();
     $invoice = null;
     // First try to fetch the current invoice.
     $invoice = $subscription->get_current_invoice(false);
     $prev_invoice = $subscription->get_previous_invoice();
     // If no current invoice exists then fetch the previous invoice.
     if (empty($invoice)) {
         $invoice = $prev_invoice;
     $comm_vars = apply_filters('ms_model_communication_comm_vars', $this->comm_vars);
     foreach ($comm_vars as $key => $description) {
         switch ($key) {
             case self::COMM_VAR_BLOG_NAME:
                 $comm_vars[$key] = get_option('blogname');
             case self::COMM_VAR_BLOG_URL:
                 $comm_vars[$key] = get_option('home');
             case self::COMM_VAR_USERNAME:
                 $comm_vars[$key] = $wp_user->user_login;
             case self::COMM_VAR_USER_DISPLAY_NAME:
                 $comm_vars[$key] = $wp_user->display_name;
             case self::COMM_VAR_USER_FIRST_NAME:
                 $comm_vars[$key] = $wp_user->user_firstname;
             case self::COMM_VAR_USER_LAST_NAME:
                 $comm_vars[$key] = $wp_user->user_lastname;
             case self::COMM_VAR_NET_NAME:
                 $comm_vars[$key] = get_site_option('site_name');
             case self::COMM_VAR_NET_URL:
                 $comm_vars[$key] = get_site_option('siteurl');
             case self::COMM_VAR_MS_NAME:
                 if ($membership->name) {
                     $comm_vars[$key] = $membership->name;
                 } else {
                     $comm_vars[$key] = '';
             case self::COMM_VAR_MS_INVOICE:
                 if (isset($invoice) && ($invoice->total > 0 || $invoice->uses_trial)) {
                     $attr = array('post_id' => $invoice->id, 'pay_button' => 0);
                     $scode = MS_Factory::load('MS_Controller_Shortcode');
                     $comm_vars[$key] = $scode->membership_invoice($attr);
                 } else {
                     $comm_vars[$key] = '';
             case self::COMM_VAR_MS_ACCOUNT_PAGE_URL:
                 $comm_vars[$key] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', MS_Model_Pages::get_page_url(MS_Model_Pages::MS_PAGE_ACCOUNT), __('account page', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN));
             case self::COMM_VAR_MS_REMAINING_DAYS:
                 $days = $subscription->get_remaining_period();
                 $comm_vars[$key] = sprintf(__('%s day%s', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $days, abs($days) > 1 ? 's' : '');
             case self::COMM_VAR_MS_REMAINING_TRIAL_DAYS:
                 $days = $subscription->get_remaining_trial_period();
                 $comm_vars[$key] = sprintf(__('%s day%s', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $days, abs($days) > 1 ? 's' : '');
             case self::COMM_VAR_MS_EXPIRY_DATE:
                 $comm_vars[$key] = $subscription->expire_date;
         $comm_vars[$key] = apply_filters('ms_model_communication_send_message_comm_var_' . $key, $comm_vars[$key], $subscription);
     return apply_filters('ms_model_communication_get_comm_vars', $comm_vars);