static function add_menu() { $menu = MObject::create('menu'); $menu->set_title(MGet::string('menu_title')); $menu->add(); if (0 == MMessaging::any_errors() + MMessaging::any_warnings()) { return $menu; } else { return false; } }
static function add_category() { $category = MObject::create('category'); $category->set_title(MGet::string('category_title')); $category->add(); if (0 == MMessaging::any_errors() + MMessaging::any_warnings()) { return $category; } else { return false; } }
static function add_user() { $user = MObject::create('user'); $user->set_group_id(MGet::int('user_group_id')); $user->set_username(MGet::string('user_username')); $user->set_email(MGet::string('user_email')); $user->set_name(MGet::string('user_name')); if (MGet::string('user_pass') != MGet::string('user_pass_repeat')) { return mapi_report_message('Passwords do not match'); } $user->add(MGet::string('user_pass')); if (0 == MMessaging::any_errors() + MMessaging::any_warnings()) { return $user; } else { return false; } }
function mapi_report_message($message = null, $type = 'warning') { if (!$message) { return null; } switch ($type) { case 'error': MMessaging::add_error($message); break; case 'warning': MMessaging::add_warning($message); break; case 'success': MMessaging::add_success($message); break; } return null; }
static function add_page() { $page = MObject::create('page'); $page->set_type(MGet::string('page_type')); $page->set_title(MGet::string('page_title')); $page->set_url(MGet::string('page_url')); if (1 == MGet::int('page_on_blank')) { $page->set_on_blank(1); } else { $page->set_on_blank(0); } $page->add(); if (0 == MMessaging::any_errors() + MMessaging::any_warnings()) { return $page; } else { return false; } }
public function __construct() { MMessaging::init(); $SysConf = new MSettings(); if (is_array($SysConf::$coords)) { global $coords; $coords['lat'] = $SysConf::$coords['lat']; $coords['lng'] = $SysConf::$coords['lng']; } elseif (isset($SysConf::$location)) { if (MValidate::address($SysConf::$location)) { global $geocoder; global $coords; try { $geocode = $geocoder->geocode($SysConf::$location); $coords['lat'] = $geocode->getLatitude(); $coords['lng'] = $geocode->getLongitude(); } catch (Exception $e) { } } } else { if (MValidate::address(MSettings::$location)) { global $geocoder; global $coords; try { $geocode = $geocoder->geocode(MSettings::$location); $coords['lat'] = $geocode->getLatitude(); $coords['lng'] = $geocode->getLongitude(); } catch (Exception $e) { } } } $routing = new M_Route(); $module = new M_Module(); $module_instance = $module->instance($routing->get_module(), $routing->get_task(), $routing->get_object()); $template = new M_Template(); $template_instance = $template->instance($module_instance); }
private static function send_reg_email($user) { if (!is_object($user)) { return null; } if (MValidate::email(MSettings::$reg_email)) { $from = MSettings::$reg_email; } else { return null; } if (MValidate::email($user->get_email())) { $to = $user->get_email(); } else { return null; } if (empty(MSettings::$domain)) { return null; } if (empty(MSettings::$reg_email_user)) { return null; } if (empty(MSettings::$reg_email_pass)) { return null; } if (empty(MSettings::$reg_email_host)) { return null; } if (!strlen($user->get_activation()) > 0) { return null; } $url = mapi_install_url() . 'manager/?module=register&activate=1&c=' . $user->get_activation(); $body = ""; $body .= "Welcome to " . MSettings::$domain . "\n\n"; $body .= "To access the #mappiamo backend, please activate your account by clicking on the link below:\n"; $body .= $url . "\n\n"; $body .= "If the registration is not done by You, please send us an abuse letter by replying to this mail.\n\n"; $body .= "Sincerely\n"; $body .= MSettings::$domain; $message = Swift_Message::newInstance(); $message->setSubject('Welcome to ' . MSettings::$sitename); $message->setFrom(array($from)); $message->setTo(array($to => $user->get_name())); $message->setBody($body); $transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance(MSettings::$reg_email_host, 25)->setUsername(MSettings::$reg_email_user)->setPassword(MSettings::$reg_email_pass); $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport); if (!$mailer->send($message)) { $user->delete(); MMessaging::clear(); mapi_report('There was a problem. Please try again later.'); } else { self::send_notification($user); } }
<div class="m-content-header"> <h3 class="hidden-xs hidden-sm"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></span>XML Importer</h3> </div> <?php $crumbs = array('mxmlimport' => array('title' => 'XML Importer')); //$groups = mapi_list( 'user_groups' ); ?> <?php MHTML::breadcrumb($crumbs); ?> <?php MMessaging::show(); ?> <form method="post"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8"> <br /> <h4>Data preview: </h4><br /> <?php ?>
static function import_content() { if (!isset($_POST['content_type'])) { return false; } $content = MObject::create(MGet::string('content_type')); if (!$content) { return false; } $content->set_title(MGet::string('content_title')); $content->set_license(2); $content->set_address(MGet::string('content_address')); $content->set_lat(MGet::double('content_lat')); $content->set_lng(MGet::double('content_lng')); if ('event' == MGet::string('content_type')) { $content->set_start(MGet::string('content_start')); $content->set_end(MGet::string('content_end')); } $content->set_text(MGet::string('content_text')); $content->add(); if (0 == MMessaging::any_errors() + MMessaging::any_warnings()) { return $content; } else { return false; } }
public static function get_instance() { if (!self::$_instance instanceof MMessaging) { self::$_instance = new MMessaging(); } return self::$_instance; }
static function clear() { self::$errors = array(); self::$warnings = array(); self::$success = array(); self::clear_from_session(); }