Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Performs character set and HTML character translations on the string.
  * @access public
  * @param string       $string      required The string that is to be translated.
  * @param Localization $locale      required The locale object for doing the character set translation.
  * @param string       $toCharset   required Translate to this character set.
  * @param string       $fromCharset          Translate from this character set.
  * @return string The translated string.
 public function translateCharacters($string, Localization $locale, $toCharset, $fromCharset = "UTF-8")
     // perform character set translations on the string
     $string = $locale->translateCharset($string, $fromCharset, $toCharset);
     // perform HTML character translations on the string
     $string = from_html($string);
     return $string;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function importVCard($filename, $module = 'Contacts')
     global $current_user;
     $lines = file($filename);
     $start = false;
     $contact = loadBean($module);
     $contact->title = 'imported';
     $contact->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id;
     $fullname = '';
     $email_suffix = 1;
     for ($index = 0; $index < sizeof($lines); $index++) {
         $line = $lines[$index];
         // check the encoding and change it if needed
         $locale = new Localization();
         $encoding = $locale->detectCharset($line);
         if ($encoding != $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_charset']) {
             $line = $locale->translateCharset($line, $encoding);
         $line = trim($line);
         if ($start) {
             //VCARD is done
             if (substr_count(strtoupper($line), 'END:VCARD')) {
                 if (!isset($contact->last_name)) {
                     $contact->last_name = $fullname;
             $keyvalue = explode(':', $line);
             if (sizeof($keyvalue) == 2) {
                 $value = $keyvalue[1];
                 for ($newindex = $index + 1; $newindex < sizeof($lines), substr_count($lines[$newindex], ':') == 0; $newindex++) {
                     $value .= $lines[$newindex];
                     $index = $newindex;
                 $values = explode(';', $value);
                 $key = strtoupper($keyvalue[0]);
                 $key = strtr($key, '=', '');
                 $key = strtr($key, ',', ';');
                 $keys = explode(';', $key);
                 if ($keys[0] == 'TEL') {
                     if (substr_count($key, 'WORK') > 0) {
                         if (substr_count($key, 'FAX') > 0) {
                             if (!isset($contact->phone_fax)) {
                                 $contact->phone_fax = $value;
                         } else {
                             if (!isset($contact->phone_work)) {
                                 $contact->phone_work = $value;
                     if (substr_count($key, 'HOME') > 0) {
                         if (substr_count($key, 'FAX') > 0) {
                             if (!isset($contact->phone_fax)) {
                                 $contact->phone_fax = $value;
                         } else {
                             if (!isset($contact->phone_home)) {
                                 $contact->phone_home = $value;
                     if (substr_count($key, 'CELL') > 0) {
                         if (!isset($contact->phone_mobile)) {
                             $contact->phone_mobile = $value;
                     if (substr_count($key, 'FAX') > 0) {
                         if (!isset($contact->phone_fax)) {
                             $contact->phone_fax = $value;
                 if ($keys[0] == 'N') {
                     if (sizeof($values) > 0) {
                         $contact->last_name = $values[0];
                     if (sizeof($values) > 1) {
                         $contact->first_name = $values[1];
                     if (sizeof($values) > 2) {
                         $contact->salutation = $values[2];
                 if ($keys[0] == 'FN') {
                     $fullname = $value;
             if ($keys[0] == 'ADR') {
                 if (substr_count($key, 'WORK') > 0 && (substr_count($key, 'POSTAL') > 0 || substr_count($key, 'PARCEL') == 0)) {
                     if (!isset($contact->primary_address_street) && sizeof($values) > 2) {
                         $textBreaks = array("\n", "\r");
                         $vcardBreaks = array("=0A", "=0D");
                         $contact->primary_address_street = str_replace($vcardBreaks, $textBreaks, $values[2]);
                     if (!isset($contact->primary_address_city) && sizeof($values) > 3) {
                         $contact->primary_address_city = $values[3];
                     if (!isset($contact->primary_address_state) && sizeof($values) > 4) {
                         $contact->primary_address_state = $values[4];
                     if (!isset($contact->primary_address_postalcode) && sizeof($values) > 5) {
                         $contact->primary_address_postalcode = $values[5];
                     if (!isset($contact->primary_address_country) && sizeof($values) > 6) {
                         $contact->primary_address_country = $values[6];
             if ($keys[0] == 'TITLE') {
                 $contact->title = $value;
             if ($keys[0] == 'EMAIL') {
                 $field = 'email' . $email_suffix;
                 if (!isset($contact->{$field})) {
                     $contact->{$field} = $value;
                 if ($email_suffix == 1) {
                     $_REQUEST['email1'] = $value;
             if ($keys[0] == 'ORG') {
                 $GLOBALS['log']->debug('I found a company name');
                 if (!empty($value)) {
                     $GLOBALS['log']->debug('I found a company name (fer real)');
                     if (is_a($contact, "Contact") || is_a($contact, "Lead")) {
                         $GLOBALS['log']->debug('And Im dealing with a person!');
                         $accountBean = loadBean('Accounts');
                         // It's a contact, we better try and match up an account
                         $full_company_name = trim($values[0]);
                         // Do we have a full company name match?
                         $result = $accountBean->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('name' => $full_company_name, 'deleted' => 0));
                         if (!isset($result->id)) {
                             // Try to trim the full company name down, see if we get some other matches
                             $vCardTrimStrings = array('/ltd\\.*/i' => '', '/llc\\.*/i' => '', '/gmbh\\.*/i' => '', '/inc\\.*/i' => '', '/\\.com/i' => '');
                             // Allow users to override the trimming strings
                             if (file_exists('custom/include/vCardTrimStrings.php')) {
                                 require_once 'custom/include/vCardTrimStrings.php';
                             $short_company_name = trim(preg_replace(array_keys($vCardTrimStrings), $vCardTrimStrings, $full_company_name), " ,.");
                             $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Trying an extended search for: ' . $short_company_name);
                             $result = $accountBean->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('name' => $short_company_name, 'deleted' => 0));
                         if (!isset($result->id)) {
                             // We could not find a parent account
                             $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Did not find a matching company ({$full_company_name})");
                             $contact->account_id = '';
                             $contact->account_name = $full_company_name;
                         } else {
                             $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Found a matching company: " . $result->name);
                             $contact->account_id = $result->id;
                             $contact->account_name = $result->name;
                         $contact->department = $values[1];
                     } else {
                         $contact->department = $value;
         if (!$start && substr_count(strtoupper($line), 'BEGIN:VCARD')) {
             $start = true;
     if (empty($contact->account_id) && !empty($contact->account_name)) {
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Look ma! I'm creating a new account: " . $contact->account_name);
         // We need to create a new account
         $accountBean = loadBean('Accounts');
         // Populate the newly created account with all of the contact information
         foreach ($contact->field_defs as $field_name => $field_def) {
             if (!empty($contact->{$field_name})) {
                 $accountBean->{$field_name} = $contact->{$field_name};
         $accountBean->name = $contact->account_name;
         $contact->account_id = $accountBean->id;
     $contactId = $contact->save();
     return $contactId;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected function importRow($row)
     global $sugar_config, $mod_strings, $current_user;
     $focus = clone $this->bean;
     $focus->save_from_post = false;
     $focus->team_id = null;
     $this->ifs->createdBeans = array();
     $do_save = true;
     for ($fieldNum = 0; $fieldNum < $_REQUEST['columncount']; $fieldNum++) {
         // loop if this column isn't set
         if (!isset($this->importColumns[$fieldNum])) {
         // get this field's properties
         $field = $this->importColumns[$fieldNum];
         $fieldDef = $focus->getFieldDefinition($field);
         $fieldTranslated = translate(isset($fieldDef['vname']) ? $fieldDef['vname'] : $fieldDef['name'], $focus->module_dir) . " (" . $fieldDef['name'] . ")";
         $defaultRowValue = '';
         // Bug 37241 - Don't re-import over a field we already set during the importing of another field
         if (!empty($focus->{$field})) {
         // translate strings
         global $locale;
         if (empty($locale)) {
             $locale = new Localization();
         if (isset($row[$fieldNum])) {
             $rowValue = $locale->translateCharset(strip_tags(trim($row[$fieldNum])), $this->importSource->importlocale_charset, $sugar_config['default_charset']);
         } else {
             if (isset($this->sugarToExternalSourceFieldMap[$field]) && isset($row[$this->sugarToExternalSourceFieldMap[$field]])) {
                 $rowValue = $locale->translateCharset(strip_tags(trim($row[$this->sugarToExternalSourceFieldMap[$field]])), $this->importSource->importlocale_charset, $sugar_config['default_charset']);
             } else {
                 $rowValue = '';
         // If there is an default value then use it instead
         if (!empty($_REQUEST[$field])) {
             $defaultRowValue = $this->populateDefaultMapValue($field, $_REQUEST[$field], $fieldDef);
             if (empty($rowValue)) {
                 $rowValue = $defaultRowValue;
                 //reset the default value to empty
                 $defaultRowValue = '';
         // Bug 22705 - Don't update the First Name or Last Name value if Full Name is set
         if (in_array($field, array('first_name', 'last_name')) && !empty($focus->full_name)) {
         // loop if this value has not been set
         if (!isset($rowValue)) {
         // If the field is required and blank then error out
         if (array_key_exists($field, $focus->get_import_required_fields()) && empty($rowValue) && $rowValue != '0') {
             $this->importSource->writeError($mod_strings['LBL_REQUIRED_VALUE'], $fieldTranslated, 'NULL');
             $do_save = false;
         // Handle the special case "Sync to Outlook"
         if ($focus->object_name == "Contact" && $field == 'sync_contact') {
              * Bug #41194 : if true used as value of sync_contact - add curent user to list to sync
             if (true == $rowValue || 'true' == strtolower($rowValue)) {
                 $focus->sync_contact = $focus->id;
             } elseif (false == $rowValue || 'false' == strtolower($rowValue)) {
                 $focus->sync_contact = '';
             } else {
                 $bad_names = array();
                 $returnValue = $this->ifs->synctooutlook($rowValue, $fieldDef, $bad_names);
                 // try the default value on fail
                 if (!$returnValue && !empty($defaultRowValue)) {
                     $returnValue = $this->ifs->synctooutlook($defaultRowValue, $fieldDef, $bad_names);
                 if (!$returnValue) {
                     $this->importSource->writeError($mod_strings['LBL_ERROR_SYNC_USERS'], $fieldTranslated, $bad_names);
                     $do_save = 0;
                 } else {
                     $focus->sync_contact = $returnValue;
         // Handle email field, if it's a semi-colon separated export
         if ($field == 'email_addresses_non_primary' && !empty($rowValue)) {
             if (strpos($rowValue, ';') !== false) {
                 $rowValue = explode(';', $rowValue);
             } else {
                 $rowValue = array($rowValue);
         // Handle email1 and email2 fields ( these don't have the type of email )
         if ($field == 'email1' || $field == 'email2') {
             $returnValue = $this->ifs->email($rowValue, $fieldDef, $focus);
             // try the default value on fail
             if (!$returnValue && !empty($defaultRowValue)) {
                 $returnValue = $this->ifs->email($defaultRowValue, $fieldDef);
             if ($returnValue === FALSE) {
                 $do_save = 0;
                 $this->importSource->writeError($mod_strings['LBL_ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL'], $fieldTranslated, $rowValue);
             } else {
                 $rowValue = $returnValue;
                 // check for current opt_out and invalid email settings for this email address
                 // if we find any, set them now
                 $emailres = $focus->db->query("SELECT opt_out, invalid_email FROM email_addresses WHERE email_address = '" . $focus->db->quote($rowValue) . "'");
                 if ($emailrow = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($emailres)) {
                     $focus->email_opt_out = $emailrow['opt_out'];
                     $focus->invalid_email = $emailrow['invalid_email'];
         // Handle splitting Full Name into First and Last Name parts
         if ($field == 'full_name' && !empty($rowValue)) {
             $this->ifs->fullname($rowValue, $fieldDef, $focus);
         // to maintain 451 compatiblity
         if (!isset($fieldDef['module']) && $fieldDef['type'] == 'relate') {
             $fieldDef['module'] = ucfirst($fieldDef['table']);
         if (isset($fieldDef['custom_type']) && !empty($fieldDef['custom_type'])) {
             $fieldDef['type'] = $fieldDef['custom_type'];
         // If the field is empty then there is no need to check the data
         if (!empty($rowValue)) {
             // If it's an array of non-primary e-mails, check each mail
             if ($field == "email_addresses_non_primary" && is_array($rowValue)) {
                 foreach ($rowValue as $tempRow) {
                     $tempRow = $this->sanitizeFieldValueByType($tempRow, $fieldDef, $defaultRowValue, $focus, $fieldTranslated);
                     if ($tempRow === FALSE) {
                         $rowValue = false;
                         $do_save = false;
             } else {
                 $rowValue = $this->sanitizeFieldValueByType($rowValue, $fieldDef, $defaultRowValue, $focus, $fieldTranslated);
             if ($rowValue === false) {
                 /* BUG 51213 - jeff @ neposystems.com */
                 $do_save = false;
         // if the parent type is in singular form, get the real module name for parent_type
         if (isset($fieldDef['type']) && $fieldDef['type'] == 'parent_type') {
             $rowValue = get_module_from_singular($rowValue);
         $focus->{$field} = $rowValue;
     // Now try to validate flex relate fields
     if (isset($focus->field_defs['parent_name']) && isset($focus->parent_name) && $focus->field_defs['parent_name']['type'] == 'parent') {
         // populate values from the picker widget if the import file doesn't have them
         $parent_idField = $focus->field_defs['parent_name']['id_name'];
         if (empty($focus->{$parent_idField}) && !empty($_REQUEST[$parent_idField])) {
             $focus->{$parent_idField} = $_REQUEST[$parent_idField];
         $parent_typeField = $focus->field_defs['parent_name']['type_name'];
         if (empty($focus->{$parent_typeField}) && !empty($_REQUEST[$parent_typeField])) {
             $focus->{$parent_typeField} = $_REQUEST[$parent_typeField];
         // now validate it
         $returnValue = $this->ifs->parent($focus->parent_name, $focus->field_defs['parent_name'], $focus, empty($_REQUEST['parent_name']));
         if (!$returnValue && !empty($_REQUEST['parent_name'])) {
             $returnValue = $this->ifs->parent($_REQUEST['parent_name'], $focus->field_defs['parent_name'], $focus);
     // check to see that the indexes being entered are unique.
     if (isset($_REQUEST['enabled_dupes']) && $_REQUEST['enabled_dupes'] != "") {
         $toDecode = html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['enabled_dupes'], ENT_QUOTES);
         $enabled_dupes = json_decode($toDecode);
         $idc = new ImportDuplicateCheck($focus);
         if ($idc->isADuplicateRecord($enabled_dupes)) {
     } else {
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['enabled_dup_fields'])) {
             $toDecode = html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['enabled_dup_fields'], ENT_QUOTES);
             $enabled_dup_fields = json_decode($toDecode);
             $idc = new ImportDuplicateCheck($focus);
             if ($idc->isADuplicateRecordByFields($enabled_dup_fields)) {
     // if the id was specified
     $newRecord = true;
     if (!empty($focus->id)) {
         $focus->id = $this->_convertId($focus->id);
         // check if it already exists
         $query = "SELECT * FROM {$focus->table_name} WHERE id='" . $focus->db->quote($focus->id) . "'";
         $result = $focus->db->query($query) or sugar_die("Error selecting sugarbean: ");
         $dbrow = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
         if (isset($dbrow['id']) && $dbrow['id'] != -1) {
             // if it exists but was deleted, just remove it
             if (isset($dbrow['deleted']) && $dbrow['deleted'] == 1 && $this->isUpdateOnly == false) {
                 $focus->new_with_id = true;
             } else {
                 if (!$this->isUpdateOnly) {
                     $this->importSource->writeError($mod_strings['LBL_ID_EXISTS_ALREADY'], 'ID', $focus->id);
                 $clonedBean = $this->cloneExistingBean($focus);
                 if ($clonedBean === FALSE) {
                     $this->importSource->writeError($mod_strings['LBL_RECORD_CANNOT_BE_UPDATED'], 'ID', $focus->id);
                 } else {
                     $focus = $clonedBean;
                     $newRecord = FALSE;
         } else {
             $focus->new_with_id = true;
     if ($do_save) {
         $this->saveImportBean($focus, $newRecord);
         // Update the created/updated counter
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @see SugarView::display()
 public function display()
     global $sugar_config;
     // Increase the max_execution_time since this step can take awhile
     ini_set("max_execution_time", max($sugar_config['import_max_execution_time'], 3600));
     // stop the tracker
     // use our own error handler
     set_error_handler('handleImportErrors', E_ALL);
     global $mod_strings, $app_strings, $current_user, $import_bean_map;
     global $app_list_strings, $timedate;
     $update_only = isset($_REQUEST['import_type']) && $_REQUEST['import_type'] == 'update';
     $firstrow = unserialize(base64_decode($_REQUEST['firstrow']));
     // All the Look Up Caches are initialized here
     $enum_lookup_cache = array();
     // Let's try and load the import bean
     $focus = loadImportBean($_REQUEST['import_module']);
     if (!$focus) {
         trigger_error($mod_strings['LBL_ERROR_IMPORTS_NOT_SET_UP'], E_USER_ERROR);
     // setup the importable fields array.
     $importable_fields = $focus->get_importable_fields();
     // loop through all request variables
     $importColumns = array();
     foreach ($_REQUEST as $name => $value) {
         // only look for var names that start with "fieldNum"
         if (strncasecmp($name, "colnum_", 7) != 0) {
         // pull out the column position for this field name
         $pos = substr($name, 7);
         if (isset($importable_fields[$value])) {
             // now mark that we've seen this field
             $importColumns[$pos] = $value;
     // set the default locale settings
     $ifs = new ImportFieldSanitize();
     $ifs->dateformat = $_REQUEST['importlocale_dateformat'];
     $ifs->timeformat = $_REQUEST['importlocale_timeformat'];
     $ifs->timezone = $_REQUEST['importlocale_timezone'];
     $currency = new Currency();
     $ifs->currency_symbol = $currency->symbol;
     $ifs->default_currency_significant_digits = $_REQUEST['importlocale_default_currency_significant_digits'];
     $ifs->num_grp_sep = $_REQUEST['importlocale_num_grp_sep'];
     $ifs->dec_sep = $_REQUEST['importlocale_dec_sep'];
     $ifs->default_locale_name_format = $_REQUEST['importlocale_default_locale_name_format'];
     // Check to be sure we are getting an import file that is in the right place
     if (realpath(dirname($_REQUEST['tmp_file']) . '/') != realpath($sugar_config['upload_dir'])) {
         trigger_error($mod_strings['LBL_CANNOT_OPEN'], E_USER_ERROR);
     // Open the import file
     $importFile = new ImportFile($_REQUEST['tmp_file'], $_REQUEST['custom_delimiter'], html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['custom_enclosure'], ENT_QUOTES));
     if (!$importFile->fileExists()) {
         trigger_error($mod_strings['LBL_CANNOT_OPEN'], E_USER_ERROR);
     $fieldDefs = $focus->getFieldDefinitions();
     while ($row = $importFile->getNextRow()) {
         $focus = loadImportBean($_REQUEST['import_module']);
         $focus->save_from_post = false;
         $focus->team_id = null;
         $ifs->createdBeans = array();
         $do_save = true;
         for ($fieldNum = 0; $fieldNum < $_REQUEST['columncount']; $fieldNum++) {
             // loop if this column isn't set
             if (!isset($importColumns[$fieldNum])) {
             // get this field's properties
             $field = $importColumns[$fieldNum];
             $fieldDef = $focus->getFieldDefinition($field);
             $fieldTranslated = translate(isset($fieldDef['vname']) ? $fieldDef['vname'] : $fieldDef['name'], $_REQUEST['module']) . " (" . $fieldDef['name'] . ")";
             // Bug 37241 - Don't re-import over a field we already set during the importing of another field
             if (!empty($focus->{$field})) {
             // translate strings
             global $locale;
             if (empty($locale)) {
                 $locale = new Localization();
             if (isset($row[$fieldNum])) {
                 $rowValue = $locale->translateCharset(strip_tags(trim($row[$fieldNum])), $_REQUEST['importlocale_charset'], $sugar_config['default_charset']);
             } else {
                 $rowValue = '';
             // If there is an default value then use it instead
             if (!empty($_REQUEST[$field])) {
                 if (is_array($_REQUEST[$field])) {
                     $defaultRowValue = encodeMultienumValue($_REQUEST[$field]);
                 } else {
                     $defaultRowValue = $_REQUEST[$field];
                 // translate default values to the date/time format for the import file
                 if ($fieldDef['type'] == 'date' && $ifs->dateformat != $timedate->get_date_format()) {
                     $defaultRowValue = $timedate->swap_formats($defaultRowValue, $ifs->dateformat, $timedate->get_date_format());
                 if ($fieldDef['type'] == 'time' && $ifs->timeformat != $timedate->get_time_format()) {
                     $defaultRowValue = $timedate->swap_formats($defaultRowValue, $ifs->timeformat, $timedate->get_time_format());
                 if (($fieldDef['type'] == 'datetime' || $fieldDef['type'] == 'datetimecombo') && $ifs->dateformat . ' ' . $ifs->timeformat != $timedate->get_date_time_format()) {
                     $defaultRowValue = $timedate->swap_formats($defaultRowValue, $ifs->dateformat . ' ' . $ifs->timeformat, $timedate->get_date_time_format());
                 if (in_array($fieldDef['type'], array('currency', 'float', 'int', 'num')) && $ifs->num_grp_sep != $current_user->getPreference('num_grp_sep')) {
                     $defaultRowValue = str_replace($current_user->getPreference('num_grp_sep'), $ifs->num_grp_sep, $defaultRowValue);
                 if (in_array($fieldDef['type'], array('currency', 'float')) && $ifs->dec_sep != $current_user->getPreference('dec_sep')) {
                     $defaultRowValue = str_replace($current_user->getPreference('dec_sep'), $ifs->dec_sep, $defaultRowValue);
                 $user_currency_symbol = $currency->symbol;
                 if ($fieldDef['type'] == 'currency' && $ifs->currency_symbol != $user_currency_symbol) {
                     $defaultRowValue = str_replace($user_currency_symbol, $ifs->currency_symbol, $defaultRowValue);
                 if (empty($rowValue)) {
                     $rowValue = $defaultRowValue;
             // Bug 22705 - Don't update the First Name or Last Name value if Full Name is set
             if (in_array($field, array('first_name', 'last_name')) && !empty($focus->full_name)) {
             // loop if this value has not been set
             if (!isset($rowValue)) {
             // If the field is required and blank then error out
             if (array_key_exists($field, $focus->get_import_required_fields()) && empty($rowValue) && $rowValue != '0') {
                 $importFile->writeError($mod_strings['LBL_REQUIRED_VALUE'], $fieldTranslated, 'NULL');
                 $do_save = false;
             // Handle the special case "Sync to Outlook"
             if ($focus->object_name == "Contacts" && $field == 'sync_contact') {
                 $bad_names = array();
                 $returnValue = $ifs->synctooutlook($rowValue, $fieldDef, $bad_names);
                 // try the default value on fail
                 if (!$returnValue && !empty($defaultRowValue)) {
                     $returnValue = $ifs->synctooutlook($defaultRowValue, $fieldDef, $bad_names);
                 if (!$returnValue) {
                     $importFile->writeError($mod_strings['LBL_ERROR_SYNC_USERS'], $fieldTranslated, explode(",", $bad_names));
                     $do_save = 0;
             // Handle email1 and email2 fields ( these don't have the type of email )
             if ($field == 'email1' || $field == 'email2') {
                 $returnValue = $ifs->email($rowValue, $fieldDef);
                 // try the default value on fail
                 if (!$returnValue && !empty($defaultRowValue)) {
                     $returnValue = $ifs->email($defaultRowValue, $fieldDef);
                 if ($returnValue === FALSE) {
                     $do_save = 0;
                     $importFile->writeError($mod_strings['LBL_ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL'], $fieldTranslated, $rowValue);
                 } else {
                     $rowValue = $returnValue;
                     // check for current opt_out and invalid email settings for this email address
                     // if we find any, set them now
                     $emailres = $focus->db->query("SELECT opt_out, invalid_email FROM email_addresses \n                                WHERE email_address = '" . $focus->db->quote($rowValue) . "'");
                     if ($emailrow = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($emailres)) {
                         $focus->email_opt_out = $emailrow['opt_out'];
                         $focus->invalid_email = $emailrow['invalid_email'];
             // Handle splitting Full Name into First and Last Name parts
             if ($field == 'full_name' && !empty($rowValue)) {
                 $ifs->fullname($rowValue, $fieldDef, $focus);
             // to maintain 451 compatiblity
             if (!isset($fieldDef['module']) && $fieldDef['type'] == 'relate') {
                 $fieldDef['module'] = ucfirst($fieldDef['table']);
             if (isset($fieldDef['custom_type']) && !empty($fieldDef['custom_type'])) {
                 $fieldDef['type'] = $fieldDef['custom_type'];
             // If the field is empty then there is no need to check the data
             if (!empty($rowValue)) {
                 switch ($fieldDef['type']) {
                     case 'enum':
                     case 'multienum':
                         if (isset($fieldDef['type']) && $fieldDef['type'] == "multienum") {
                             $returnValue = $ifs->multienum($rowValue, $fieldDef);
                         } else {
                             $returnValue = $ifs->enum($rowValue, $fieldDef);
                         // try the default value on fail
                         if (!$returnValue && !empty($defaultRowValue)) {
                             if (isset($fieldDef['type']) && $fieldDef['type'] == "multienum") {
                                 $returnValue = $ifs->multienum($defaultRowValue, $fieldDef);
                             } else {
                                 $returnValue = $ifs->enum($defaultRowValue, $fieldDef);
                         if ($returnValue === FALSE) {
                             $importFile->writeError($mod_strings['LBL_ERROR_NOT_IN_ENUM'] . implode(",", $app_list_strings[$fieldDef['options']]), $fieldTranslated, $rowValue);
                             $do_save = 0;
                         } else {
                             $rowValue = $returnValue;
                     case 'relate':
                     case 'parent':
                         $returnValue = $ifs->relate($rowValue, $fieldDef, $focus, empty($defaultRowValue));
                         if (!$returnValue && !empty($defaultRowValue)) {
                             $returnValue = $ifs->relate($defaultRowValue, $fieldDef, $focus);
                         // Bug 33623 - Set the id value found from the above method call as an importColumn
                         if ($returnValue !== false) {
                             $importColumns[] = $fieldDef['id_name'];
                     case 'teamset':
                         $returnValue = $ifs->teamset($rowValue, $fieldDef, $focus);
                         $importColumns[] = 'team_set_id';
                         $importColumns[] = 'team_id';
                     case 'fullname':
                         if (method_exists('ImportFieldSanitize', $fieldDef['type'])) {
                             $fieldtype = $fieldDef['type'];
                             $returnValue = $ifs->{$fieldtype}($rowValue, $fieldDef);
                             // try the default value on fail
                             if (!$returnValue && !empty($defaultRowValue)) {
                                 $returnValue = $ifs->{$fieldtype}($defaultRowValue, $fieldDef);
                             if (!$returnValue) {
                                 $do_save = 0;
                                 $importFile->writeError($mod_strings['LBL_ERROR_INVALID_' . strtoupper($fieldDef['type'])], $fieldTranslated, $rowValue);
                             } else {
                                 $rowValue = $returnValue;
             $focus->{$field} = $rowValue;
         // Now try to validate flex relate fields
         if (isset($focus->field_defs['parent_name']) && isset($focus->parent_name) && $focus->field_defs['parent_name']['type'] == 'parent') {
             // populate values from the picker widget if the import file doesn't have them
             $parent_idField = $focus->field_defs['parent_name']['id_name'];
             if (empty($focus->{$parent_idField}) && !empty($_REQUEST[$parent_idField])) {
                 $focus->{$parent_idField} = $_REQUEST[$parent_idField];
             $parent_typeField = $focus->field_defs['parent_name']['type_name'];
             if (empty($focus->{$parent_typeField}) && !empty($_REQUEST[$parent_typeField])) {
                 $focus->{$parent_typeField} = $_REQUEST[$parent_typeField];
             // now validate it
             $returnValue = $ifs->parent($focus->parent_name, $focus->field_defs['parent_name'], $focus, empty($_REQUEST['parent_name']));
             if (!$returnValue && !empty($_REQUEST['parent_name'])) {
                 $returnValue = $ifs->parent($_REQUEST['parent_name'], $focus->field_defs['parent_name'], $focus);
         // check to see that the indexes being entered are unique.
         if (isset($_REQUEST['display_tabs_def']) && $_REQUEST['display_tabs_def'] != "") {
             $idc = new ImportDuplicateCheck($focus);
             if ($idc->isADuplicateRecord(explode('&', $_REQUEST['display_tabs_def']))) {
         // if the id was specified
         $newRecord = true;
         if (!empty($focus->id)) {
             $focus->id = $this->_convertId($focus->id);
             // check if it already exists
             $query = "SELECT * FROM {$focus->table_name} WHERE id='" . $focus->db->quote($focus->id) . "'";
             $result = $focus->db->query($query) or sugar_die("Error selecting sugarbean: ");
             $dbrow = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
             if (isset($dbrow['id']) && $dbrow['id'] != -1) {
                 // if it exists but was deleted, just remove it
                 if (isset($dbrow['deleted']) && $dbrow['deleted'] == 1 && $update_only == false) {
                     $query2 = "DELETE FROM {$focus->table_name} WHERE id='" . $focus->db->quote($focus->id) . "'";
                     $result2 = $focus->db->query($query2) or sugar_die($mod_strings['LBL_ERROR_DELETING_RECORD'] . " " . $focus->id);
                     if ($focus->hasCustomFields()) {
                         $query3 = "DELETE FROM {$focus->table_name}_cstm WHERE id_c='" . $focus->db->quote($focus->id) . "'";
                         $result2 = $focus->db->query($query3);
                     $focus->new_with_id = true;
                 } else {
                     if (!$update_only) {
                         $do_save = 0;
                         $importFile->writeError($mod_strings['LBL_ID_EXISTS_ALREADY'], 'ID', $focus->id);
                     $existing_focus = loadImportBean($_REQUEST['import_module']);
                     $newRecord = false;
                     if (!$existing_focus->retrieve($dbrow['id']) instanceof SugarBean) {
                         $do_save = 0;
                         $importFile->writeError($mod_strings['LBL_RECORD_CANNOT_BE_UPDATED'], 'ID', $focus->id);
                     } else {
                         $newData = $focus->toArray();
                         foreach ($newData as $focus_key => $focus_value) {
                             if (in_array($focus_key, $importColumns)) {
                                 $existing_focus->{$focus_key} = $focus_value;
                         $focus = $existing_focus;
             } else {
                 $focus->new_with_id = true;
         if ($do_save) {
             // Populate in any default values to the bean
             if (!isset($focus->assigned_user_id) || $focus->assigned_user_id == '' && $newRecord) {
                 $focus->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id;
              * Bug 34854: Added all conditions besides the empty check on date modified. Currently, if
              * we do an update to a record, it doesn't update the date_modified value.
              * Hack note: I'm doing a to_display and back to_db on the fetched row to make sure that any truncating that happens
              * when $focus->date_modified goes to_display and back to_db also happens on the fetched db value. Otherwise,
              * in some cases we truncate the seconds on one and not the other, and the comparison fails when it should pass
             if (!empty($focus->new_with_id) && !empty($focus->date_modified) || empty($focus->new_with_id) && $timedate->to_db($focus->date_modified) != $timedate->to_db($timedate->to_display_date_time($focus->fetched_row['date_modified']))) {
                 $focus->update_date_modified = false;
             $focus->optimistic_lock = false;
             if ($focus->object_name == "Contacts" && isset($focus->sync_contact)) {
                 //copy the potential sync list to another varible
                 $list_of_users = $focus->sync_contact;
                 //and set it to false for the save
                 $focus->sync_contact = false;
             } else {
                 if ($focus->object_name == "User" && !empty($current_user) && $focus->is_admin && !is_admin($current_user) && is_admin_for_module($current_user, 'Users')) {
             //bug# 40260 setting it true as the module in focus is involved in an import
             $focus->in_import = true;
             // call any logic needed for the module preSave
             // call any logic needed for the module postSave
             if ($focus->object_name == "Contacts" && isset($list_of_users)) {
             // Update the created/updated counter
             // Add ID to User's Last Import records
             if ($newRecord) {
                 ImportFile::writeRowToLastImport($_REQUEST['import_module'], $focus->object_name == 'Case' ? 'aCase' : $focus->object_name, $focus->id);
         } else {
     // save mapping if requested
     if (isset($_REQUEST['save_map_as']) && $_REQUEST['save_map_as'] != '') {
         $mapping_file = new ImportMap();
         if (isset($_REQUEST['has_header']) && $_REQUEST['has_header'] == 'on') {
             $header_to_field = array();
             foreach ($importColumns as $pos => $field_name) {
                 if (isset($firstrow[$pos]) && isset($field_name)) {
                     $header_to_field[$firstrow[$pos]] = $field_name;
         } else {
         // save default fields
         $defaultValues = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $_REQUEST['columncount']; $i++) {
             if (isset($importColumns[$i]) && !empty($_REQUEST[$importColumns[$i]])) {
                 $field = $importColumns[$i];
                 $fieldDef = $focus->getFieldDefinition($field);
                 if (!empty($fieldDef['custom_type']) && $fieldDef['custom_type'] == 'teamset') {
                     require_once 'include/SugarFields/Fields/Teamset/SugarFieldTeamset.php';
                     $sugar_field = new SugarFieldTeamset('Teamset');
                     $teams = $sugar_field->getTeamsFromRequest($field);
                     if (isset($_REQUEST['primary_team_name_collection'])) {
                         $primary_index = $_REQUEST['primary_team_name_collection'];
                     //If primary_index was selected, ensure that the first Array entry is the primary team
                     if (isset($primary_index)) {
                         $count = 0;
                         $new_teams = array();
                         foreach ($teams as $id => $name) {
                             if ($primary_index == $count++) {
                                 $new_teams[$id] = $name;
                         foreach ($teams as $id => $name) {
                             $new_teams[$id] = $name;
                         $teams = $new_teams;
                     $json = getJSONobj();
                     $defaultValues[$field] = $json->encode($teams);
                 } else {
                     $defaultValues[$field] = $_REQUEST[$importColumns[$i]];
         $result = $mapping_file->save($current_user->id, $_REQUEST['save_map_as'], $_REQUEST['import_module'], $_REQUEST['source'], isset($_REQUEST['has_header']) && $_REQUEST['has_header'] == 'on', $_REQUEST['custom_delimiter'], html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['custom_enclosure'], ENT_QUOTES));
function parse_import_act($file_name, $delimiter, $max_lines, $has_header)
    global $locale;
    if (empty($locale)) {
        require_once 'include/Localization/Localization.php';
        $locale = new Localization();
    $line_count = 0;
    $field_count = 0;
    $rows = array();
    if (!file_exists($file_name)) {
        return -1;
    $fh = fopen($file_name, "r");
    if (!$fh) {
        return -1;
    while (($line = fgets($fh, 4096)) && ($max_lines == -1 || $line_count < $max_lines)) {
        $line = trim($line);
        $line = substr_replace($line, "", 0, 1);
        $line = substr_replace($line, "", -1);
        $fields = explode("\",\"", $line);
        $this_field_count = count($fields);
        if ($this_field_count > $field_count) {
            $field_count = $this_field_count;
        array_push($rows, $fields);
    // got no rows
    if (count($rows) == 0) {
        return -3;
    } else {
        //// cn: bug 6712 - need to translate to UTF-8
        foreach ($rows as $rowKey => $row) {
            foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
                $row[$k] = $locale->translateCharset($v, $locale->getExportCharset());
            $rows[$rowKey] = $row;
    $ret_array = array("rows" => &$rows, "field_count" => $field_count);
    return $ret_array;