Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Check to make sure form conditions are met
 function validate()
     // Ensure all submission types have names in the primary locale
     // as well as numeric word limits (optional)
     $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
     if (isset($this->_data['paperTypes'])) {
         $paperTypes =& $this->_data['paperTypes'];
         if (!is_array($paperTypes)) {
             return false;
         foreach ($paperTypes as $paperTypeId => $paperType) {
             if (!isset($paperType['name'][$primaryLocale]) || empty($paperType['name'][$primaryLocale])) {
                 $fieldName = 'paperTypeName-' . $paperTypeId;
                 $this->addError($fieldName, Locale::translate('manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.typeOfSubmission.nameMissing', array('primaryLocale' => $primaryLocale)));
             if (isset($paperType['abstractLength']) && !empty($paperType['abstractLength']) && (!is_numeric($paperType['abstractLength']) || $paperType['abstractLength'] <= 0)) {
                 $fieldName = 'paperTypeAbstractLength-' . $paperTypeId;
                 $this->addError($fieldName, Locale::translate('manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.typeOfSubmission.abstractLengthInvalid'));
     return parent::validate();
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Constructor.
  * @param $template string the path to the form template file
 function Form($template = null, $callHooks = true, $requiredLocale = null, $supportedLocales = null)
     if ($callHooks === true && checkPhpVersion('4.3.0')) {
         $trace = debug_backtrace();
         // Call hooks based on the calling entity, assuming
         // this method is only called by a subclass. Results
         // in hook calls named e.g. "papergalleyform::Constructor"
         // Note that class names are always lower case.
         HookRegistry::call(strtolower($trace[1]['class']) . '::Constructor', array(&$this, &$template));
     if ($requiredLocale === null) {
         $requiredLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
     $this->requiredLocale = $requiredLocale;
     if ($supportedLocales === null) {
         $supportedLocales = Locale::getSupportedFormLocales();
     $this->supportedLocales = $supportedLocales;
     $this->_template = $template;
     $this->_data = array();
     $this->_checks = array();
     $this->_errors = array();
     $this->errorsArray = array();
     $this->errorFields = array();
     $this->formSectionErrors = array();
     $this->fbvStyles = array('size' => array('SMALL' => 'SMALL', 'MEDIUM' => 'MEDIUM', 'LARGE' => 'LARGE'), 'float' => array('RIGHT' => 'RIGHT', 'LEFT' => 'LEFT'), 'align' => array('RIGHT' => 'RIGHT', 'LEFT' => 'LEFT'), 'measure' => array('1OF1' => '1OF1', '1OF2' => '1OF2', '1OF3' => '1OF3', '2OF3' => '2OF3', '1OF4' => '1OF4', '3OF4' => '3OF4', '1OF5' => '1OF5', '2OF5' => '2OF5', '3OF5' => '3OF5', '4OF5' => '4OF5', '1OF10' => '1OF10', '8OF10' => '8OF10'), 'layout' => array('THREE_COLUMNS' => 'THREE_COLUMNS', 'TWO_COLUMNS' => 'TWO_COLUMNS', 'ONE_COLUMN' => 'ONE_COLUMN'));
Ejemplo n.º 3
     * Get all authors for a given chapter.
     * @param $chapterId int
     * @param $monographId int
     * @return DAOResultFactory
    function &getAuthors($monographId = null, $chapterId = null)
        $params = array('affiliation', Locale::getPrimaryLocale(), 'affiliation', Locale::getLocale());
        if (isset($monographId)) {
            $params[] = (int) $monographId;
        if (isset($chapterId)) {
            $params[] = (int) $chapterId;
        // get all the monograph_author fields,
        // but replace the primary_contact and seq with monograph_chapter_authors.primary_contact
        $sql = 'SELECT	ma.author_id,
				asl.setting_value AS affiliation_l,
				aspl.setting_value AS affiliation_pl,
				aspl.locale AS primary_locale,
			FROM	authors ma
				JOIN monograph_chapter_authors mca ON (ma.author_id = mca.author_id)
				LEFT JOIN author_settings aspl ON (mca.author_id = aspl.author_id AND aspl.setting_name = ? AND aspl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN author_settings asl ON (mca.author_id = asl.author_id AND asl.setting_name = ? AND asl.locale = ?)' . (count($params) > 0 ? ' WHERE' : '') . (isset($monographId) ? ' ma.submission_id = ?' : '') . (isset($monographId) && isset($chapterId) ? ' AND' : '') . (isset($chapterId) ? ' mca.chapter_id = ?' : '') . ' ORDER BY mca.chapter_id, mca.seq';
        $result =& $this->retrieve($sql, $params);
        $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_returnFromRow', array('id'));
        return $returner;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Get the error message associated with a failed validation check.
  * @see FormValidator::getMessage()
  * @return string
 function getMessage()
     $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
     $allLocales = Locale::getAllLocales();
     //return parent::getMessage() . ' (' . $allLocales[$this->_requiredLocale] . ')';
     return parent::getMessage();
     //Edited by Anne Ivy Mirasol, April 27, 2011
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Retrieve registration option name by ID.
  * @param $optionId int
  * @return string
 function getRegistrationOptionName($optionId)
     $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT COALESCE(l.setting_value, p.setting_value) FROM registration_option_settings l LEFT JOIN registration_option_settings p ON (p.option_id = ? AND p.setting_name = ? AND p.locale = ?) WHERE l.option_id = ? AND l.setting_name = ? AND l.locale = ?', array($optionId, 'name', Locale::getLocale(), $optionId, 'name', Locale::getPrimaryLocale()));
     $returner = isset($result->fields[0]) ? $result->fields[0] : false;
     return $returner;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Retrieve subscription type name by ID.
  * @param $typeId int
  * @return string
 function getSubscriptionTypeName($typeId)
     $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT COALESCE(l.setting_value, p.setting_value) FROM subscription_type_settings l LEFT JOIN subscription_type_settings p ON (p.type_id = ? AND p.setting_name = ? AND p.locale = ?) WHERE l.type_id = ? AND l.setting_name = ? AND l.locale = ?', array($typeId, 'name', Locale::getLocale(), $typeId, 'name', Locale::getPrimaryLocale()));
     $returner = isset($result->fields[0]) ? $result->fields[0] : false;
     return $returner;
Ejemplo n.º 7
     * Get the article report data.
     * @param $journalId int
     * @return array
    function getArticleReport($journalId)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $locale = Locale::getLocale();
        $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT
				a.article_id AS article_id,
				COALESCE(asl1.setting_value, aspl1.setting_value) AS title,
				COALESCE(asl2.setting_value, aspl2.setting_value) AS abstract,
				u.first_name AS fname,
				u.middle_name AS mname,
				u.last_name AS lname,
				u.email AS email,
				u.affiliation AS affiliation,
				u.country AS country,
				u.phone AS phone,
				u.fax AS fax,
				u.url AS url,
				u.mailing_address AS address,
				COALESCE(usl.setting_value, uspl.setting_value) AS biography,
				COALESCE(sl.setting_value, spl.setting_value) AS section_title,
				a.language AS language
				articles a
					LEFT JOIN users u ON a.user_id=u.user_id
					LEFT JOIN user_settings uspl ON (u.user_id=uspl.user_id AND uspl.setting_name = ? AND uspl.locale = ?)
					LEFT JOIN user_settings usl ON (u.user_id=usl.user_id AND usl.setting_name = ? AND usl.locale = ?)
					LEFT JOIN article_settings aspl1 ON (aspl1.article_id=a.article_id AND aspl1.setting_name = ? AND aspl1.locale = ?)
					LEFT JOIN article_settings asl1 ON (asl1.article_id=a.article_id AND asl1.setting_name = ? AND asl1.locale = ?)
					LEFT JOIN article_settings aspl2 ON (aspl2.article_id=a.article_id AND aspl2.setting_name = ? AND aspl2.locale = ?)
					LEFT JOIN article_settings asl2 ON (asl2.article_id=a.article_id AND asl2.setting_name = ? AND asl2.locale = ?)
					LEFT JOIN section_settings spl ON (spl.section_id=a.section_id AND spl.setting_name = ? AND spl.locale = ?)
					LEFT JOIN section_settings sl ON (sl.section_id=a.section_id AND sl.setting_name = ? AND sl.locale = ?)
				a.journal_id = ?
				title', array('biography', $primaryLocale, 'biography', $locale, 'title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, 'abstract', $primaryLocale, 'abstract', $locale, 'title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, $journalId));
        $articlesReturner =& new DBRowIterator($result);
        $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT	MAX(ed.date_decided) AS date,
				ed.article_id AS article_id
			FROM	edit_decisions ed,
				articles a
			WHERE	a.journal_id = ? AND
				a.article_id = ed.article_id
			GROUP BY ed.article_id', array($journalId));
        $decisionDatesIterator =& new DBRowIterator($result);
        $decisions = array();
        $decisionsReturner = array();
        while ($row =& $decisionDatesIterator->next()) {
            $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT	decision AS decision,
					article_id AS article_id
				FROM	edit_decisions
				WHERE	date_decided = ? AND
					article_id = ?', array($row['date'], $row['article_id']));
            $decisionsReturner[] =& new DBRowIterator($result);
        return array($articlesReturner, $decisionsReturner);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function lockss($args, $request)
     $journal =& $request->getJournal();
     $templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager();
     if ($journal != null) {
         if (!$journal->getSetting('enableLockss')) {
             $request->redirect(null, 'index');
         $year = $request->getUserVar('year');
         $issueDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('IssueDAO');
         // FIXME Should probably go in IssueDAO or a subclass
         if (isset($year)) {
             $year = (int) $year;
             $result =& $issueDao->retrieve('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE journal_id = ? AND year = ? AND published = 1 ORDER BY current DESC, year ASC, volume ASC, number ASC', array($journal->getId(), $year));
             if ($result->RecordCount() == 0) {
         if (!isset($year)) {
             $showInfo = true;
             $result =& $issueDao->retrieve('SELECT MAX(year) FROM issues WHERE journal_id = ? AND published = 1', $journal->getId());
             list($year) = $result->fields;
             $result =& $issueDao->retrieve('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE journal_id = ? AND year = ? AND published = 1 ORDER BY current DESC, year ASC, volume ASC, number ASC', array($journal->getId(), $year));
         } else {
             $showInfo = false;
         $issues = new DAOResultFactory($result, $issueDao, '_returnIssueFromRow');
         $prevYear = null;
         $nextYear = null;
         if (isset($year)) {
             $result =& $issueDao->retrieve('SELECT MAX(year) FROM issues WHERE journal_id = ? AND published = 1 AND year < ?', array($journal->getId(), $year));
             list($prevYear) = $result->fields;
             $result =& $issueDao->retrieve('SELECT MIN(year) FROM issues WHERE journal_id = ? AND published = 1 AND year > ?', array($journal->getId(), $year));
             list($nextYear) = $result->fields;
         $templateMgr->assign_by_ref('journal', $journal);
         $templateMgr->assign_by_ref('issues', $issues);
         $templateMgr->assign('year', $year);
         $templateMgr->assign('prevYear', $prevYear);
         $templateMgr->assign('nextYear', $nextYear);
         $templateMgr->assign('showInfo', $showInfo);
         $locales =& $journal->getSupportedLocaleNames();
         if (!isset($locales) || empty($locales)) {
             $localeNames =& Locale::getAllLocales();
             $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
             $locales = array($primaryLocale => $localeNames[$primaryLocale]);
         $templateMgr->assign_by_ref('locales', $locales);
     } else {
         $journalDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('JournalDAO');
         $journals =& $journalDao->getJournals(true);
         $templateMgr->assign_by_ref('journals', $journals);
Ejemplo n.º 9
     * Get the registrant report data.
     * @param $conferenceId int
     * @param $schedConfId int
     * @return array
    function getRegistrantReport($conferenceId, $schedConfId)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $locale = Locale::getLocale();
        $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT
				r.registration_id AS registration_id,
				r.user_id AS userid,
				u.username AS uname,
				u.first_name AS fname,
				u.middle_name AS mname,
				u.last_name AS lname,
				u.affiliation AS affiliation,
				u.url AS url,
				u.email AS email,
				u.phone AS phone,
				u.fax AS fax,
				u.mailing_address AS address,
				u.country AS country,
				COALESCE(rtsl.setting_value, rtspl.setting_value) AS type,
				r.date_registered AS regdate,
				r.date_paid AS paiddate,
				r.special_requests AS specialreq
				registrations r
					LEFT JOIN users u ON r.user_id=u.user_id
					LEFT JOIN registration_type_settings rtsl ON (r.type_id=rtsl.type_id AND rtsl.locale=? AND rtsl.setting_name=?)
					LEFT JOIN registration_type_settings rtspl ON (r.type_id=rtspl.type_id AND rtsl.locale=? AND rtspl.setting_name=?)
				r.sched_conf_id= ?
				lname', array($locale, 'name', $primaryLocale, 'name', $schedConfId));
        // prepare an iterator of all the registration information
        $registrationReturner = new DBRowIterator($result);
        $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT 
				r.registration_id as registration_id,
				roa.option_id as option_id
				registrations r 
					LEFT JOIN registration_option_assoc roa ON (r.registration_id = roa.registration_id)
				r.sched_conf_id= ?', $schedConfId);
        // Prepare an array of registration Options by registration Id
        $registrationOptionDAO =& DAORegistry::getDAO('RegistrationOptionDAO');
        $iterator = new DBRowIterator($result);
        $registrationOptionReturner = array();
        while ($row =& $iterator->next()) {
            $registrationId = $row['registration_id'];
            $registrationOptionReturner[$registrationId] =& $registrationOptionDAO->getRegistrationOptions($registrationId);
        return array($registrationReturner, $registrationOptionReturner);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * @see FormValidator::getFieldValue()
  * @return mixed
 function getFieldValue()
     $form =& $this->getForm();
     $data = $form->getData($this->getField());
     $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
     $fieldValue = '';
     if (is_array($data) && isset($data[$primaryLocale])) {
         $fieldValue = $data[$primaryLocale];
         if (is_scalar($fieldValue)) {
             $fieldValue = trim((string) $fieldValue);
     return $fieldValue;
Ejemplo n.º 11
    function &getPapersBySchedConfIdOrderByTrack($schedConfId)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $locale = Locale::getLocale();
        $params = array('title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, 'abbrev', $primaryLocale, 'abbrev', $locale, $schedConfId);
        $papers = array();
        $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT	p.*,
				COALESCE(ttl.setting_value, ttpl.setting_value) AS track_title,
				COALESCE(tal.setting_value, tapl.setting_value) AS track_abbrev
			FROM	papers p
				LEFT JOIN tracks t ON t.track_id = p.track_id
				LEFT JOIN track_settings ttpl ON (t.track_id = ttpl.track_id AND ttpl.setting_name = ? AND ttpl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN track_settings ttl ON (t.track_id = ttl.track_id AND ttl.setting_name = ? AND ttl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN track_settings tapl ON (t.track_id = tapl.track_id AND tapl.setting_name = ? AND tapl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN track_settings tal ON (t.track_id = tal.track_id AND tal.setting_name = ? AND tal.locale = ?)
				WHERE p.sched_conf_id = ? ORDER BY track_id', $params);
        $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_returnPaperFromRow');
        return $returner;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Get "localized" site page title (if applicable).
  * @return string
 function getSitePageHeaderTitle()
     $typeArray = $this->getData('pageHeaderTitleType');
     $imageArray = $this->getData('pageHeaderTitleImage');
     $titleArray = $this->getData('title');
     $title = null;
     foreach (array(Locale::getLocale(), Locale::getPrimaryLocale()) as $locale) {
         if (isset($typeArray[$locale]) && $typeArray[$locale]) {
             if (isset($imageArray[$locale])) {
                 $title = $imageArray[$locale];
         if (empty($title) && isset($titleArray[$locale])) {
             $title = $titleArray[$locale];
         if (!empty($title)) {
             return $title;
     return null;
     * Retrieve an series editor submission by monograph ID.
     * @param $monographId int
     * @return EditorSubmission
    function &getSeriesEditorSubmission($monographId)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $locale = Locale::getLocale();
        $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT	m.*,
				COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS series_title,
				COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS series_abbrev
			FROM	monographs m
				LEFT JOIN series s ON (s.series_id = m.series_id)
				LEFT JOIN series_settings stpl ON (s.series_id = stpl.series_id AND stpl.setting_name = ? AND stpl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN series_settings stl ON (s.series_id = stl.series_id AND stl.setting_name = ? AND stl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN series_settings sapl ON (s.series_id = sapl.series_id AND sapl.setting_name = ? AND sapl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN series_settings sal ON (s.series_id = sal.series_id AND sal.setting_name = ? AND sal.locale = ?)
			WHERE	m.monograph_id = ?', array('title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, 'abbrev', $primaryLocale, 'abbrev', $locale, $monographId));
        $returner = null;
        if ($result->RecordCount() != 0) {
            $returner =& $this->_fromRow($result->GetRowAssoc(false));
        return $returner;
Ejemplo n.º 14
     * Retrieve all published authors for a press in an associative array by
     * the first letter of the last name, for example:
     * $returnedArray['S'] gives array($misterSmithObject, $misterSmytheObject, ...)
     * Keys will appear in sorted order. Note that if pressId is null,
     * alphabetized authors for all presses are returned.
     * @param $pressId int
     * @param $initial An initial the last names must begin with
     * @return array Authors ordered by sequence
    function &getAuthorsAlphabetizedByPress($pressId = null, $initial = null, $rangeInfo = null)
        $authors = array();
        $params = array('affiliation', Locale::getPrimaryLocale(), 'affiliation', Locale::getLocale());
        if (isset($pressId)) {
            $params[] = $pressId;
        if (isset($initial)) {
            $params[] = String::strtolower($initial) . '%';
            $initialSql = ' AND LOWER(ma.last_name) LIKE LOWER(?)';
        } else {
            $initialSql = '';
        $result =& $this->retrieveRange('SELECT DISTINCT
				CAST(\'\' AS CHAR) AS url,
				0 AS author_id,
				0 AS submission_id,
				CAST(\'\' AS CHAR) AS email,
				0 AS primary_contact,
				0 AS seq,
				ma.first_name AS first_name,
				ma.middle_name AS middle_name,
				ma.last_name AS last_name,
				asl.setting_value AS affiliation_l,
				aspl.setting_value AS affiliation_pl,
				aspl.locale AS primary_locale,
			FROM	authors ma
				LEFT JOIN author_settings aspl ON (aa.author_id = aspl.author_id AND aspl.setting_name = ? AND aspl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN author_settings asl ON (aa.author_id = asl.author_id AND asl.setting_name = ? AND asl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN monographs a ON (ma.submission_id = a.monograph_id)
			WHERE	a.status = ' . STATUS_PUBLISHED . ' ' . (isset($pressId) ? 'AND a.press_id = ? ' : '') . '
				AND (ma.last_name IS NOT NULL AND ma.last_name <> \'\')' . $initialSql . '
			ORDER BY ma.last_name, ma.first_name', $params, $rangeInfo);
        $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_returnAuthorFromRow');
        return $returner;
Ejemplo n.º 15
     * Get the review report data.
     * @param $conferenceId int
     * @param $schedConfId int
     * @return array
    function getReviewReport($schedConfId)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $locale = Locale::getLocale();
        $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT	paper_id,
			FROM	paper_comments
			WHERE	comment_type = ?', array(COMMENT_TYPE_PEER_REVIEW));
        $commentsReturner = new DBRowIterator($result);
        $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT	r.stage AS reviewStage,
				COALESCE(psl.setting_value, pspl.setting_value) AS paper,
				p.paper_id AS paperId,
				u.user_id AS reviewerId,
				u.username AS reviewer,
				u.first_name AS firstName,
				u.middle_name AS middleName,
				u.last_name AS lastName,
				r.date_assigned AS dateAssigned,
				r.date_notified AS dateNotified,
				r.date_confirmed AS dateConfirmed,
				r.date_completed AS dateCompleted,
				r.date_reminded AS dateReminded,
				(r.declined=1) AS declined,
				(r.cancelled=1) AS cancelled,
				r.recommendation AS recommendation
			FROM	review_assignments r
				LEFT JOIN papers p ON r.paper_id=p.paper_id
				LEFT JOIN paper_settings psl ON (p.paper_id=psl.paper_id AND psl.locale=? AND psl.setting_name=?)
				LEFT JOIN paper_settings pspl ON (p.paper_id=pspl.paper_id AND pspl.locale=? AND pspl.setting_name=?),
				users u
			WHERE	u.user_id=r.reviewer_id AND p.sched_conf_id= ?
			ORDER BY paper', array($locale, 'title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $schedConfId));
        $reviewsReturner = new DBRowIterator($result);
        return array($commentsReturner, $reviewsReturner);
Ejemplo n.º 16
     * Get the review report data.
     * @param $journalId int
     * @return array
    function getReviewReport($journalId)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $locale = Locale::getLocale();
        $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT	article_id,
			FROM	article_comments
			WHERE	comment_type = ?', array(COMMENT_TYPE_PEER_REVIEW));
        $commentsReturner = new DBRowIterator($result);
        $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT r.round AS round,
				COALESCE(asl.setting_value, aspl.setting_value) AS article,
				a.article_id AS articleId,
				u.user_id AS reviewerId,
				u.username AS reviewer,
				u.first_name AS firstName,
				u.middle_name AS middleName,
				u.last_name AS lastName,
				r.date_assigned AS dateAssigned,
				r.date_notified AS dateNotified,
				r.date_confirmed AS dateConfirmed,
				r.date_completed AS dateCompleted,
				r.date_reminded AS dateReminded,
				(r.declined=1) AS declined,
				(r.cancelled=1) AS cancelled,
				r.recommendation AS recommendation
			FROM	review_assignments r
				LEFT JOIN articles a ON r.article_id = a.article_id
				LEFT JOIN article_settings asl ON (a.article_id=asl.article_id AND asl.locale=? AND asl.setting_name=?)
				LEFT JOIN article_settings aspl ON (a.article_id=aspl.article_id AND aspl.locale=? AND aspl.setting_name=?),
				users u
			WHERE	u.user_id=r.reviewer_id AND a.journal_id= ?
			ORDER BY article', array($locale, 'title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $journalId));
        $reviewsReturner = new DBRowIterator($result);
        return array($commentsReturner, $reviewsReturner);
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Set localized log message (in the journal's primary locale)
  * @param $key localization message key
  * @param $params array optional array of parameters
 function setLogMessage($key, $params = array())
     $this->setMessage(Locale::translate($key, $params, Locale::getPrimaryLocale()));
Ejemplo n.º 18
     * Get all author submissions for an author.
     * @param $authorId int
     * @return DAOResultFactory continaing AuthorSubmissions
    function &getAuthorSubmissions($authorId, $pressId = null, $active = true, $rangeInfo = null)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $locale = Locale::getLocale();
        $params = array('title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, 'abbrev', $primaryLocale, 'abbrev', $locale, $authorId);
        if ($pressId) {
            $params[] = $pressId;
        $result =& $this->retrieveRange('SELECT	a.*,
				COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS series_title,
				COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS series_abbrev
			FROM monographs a
				LEFT JOIN series s ON (s.series_id = a.series_id)
				LEFT JOIN series_settings stpl ON (s.series_id = stpl.series_id AND stpl.setting_name = ? AND stpl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN series_settings stl ON (s.series_id = stl.series_id AND stl.setting_name = ? AND stl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN series_settings sapl ON (s.series_id = sapl.series_id AND sapl.setting_name = ? AND sapl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN series_settings sal ON (s.series_id = sal.series_id AND sal.setting_name = ? AND sal.locale = ?)
			WHERE	a.user_id = ?' . ($pressId ? ' AND a.press_id = ?' : '') . ($active ? ' AND a.status = 1' : 'AND (a.status <> 1 AND a.submission_progress = 0)'), $params, $rangeInfo);
        $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_returnAuthorSubmissionFromRow');
        return $returner;
Ejemplo n.º 19
     * Retrieve an email template by key.
     * @param $emailKey string
     * @param $locale string
     * @param $assocType int
     * @param $assocId int
     * @return EmailTemplate
    function &getEmailTemplate($emailKey, $locale, $assocType, $assocId)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT	COALESCE(edl.subject, ddl.subject, edpl.subject, ddpl.subject) AS subject,
				COALESCE(edl.body, ddl.body, edpl.body, ddpl.body) AS body,
				COALESCE(e.enabled, 1) AS enabled,
				d.email_key, d.can_edit, d.can_disable,
				e.assoc_type, e.assoc_id, e.email_id,
				COALESCE(ddl.locale, ddpl.locale) AS locale,
				d.from_role_id, d.to_role_id
			FROM	email_templates_default d
				LEFT JOIN email_templates_default_data ddpl ON (ddpl.email_key = d.email_key AND ddpl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN email_templates_default_data ddl ON (ddl.email_key = d.email_key AND ddl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN email_templates e ON (d.email_key = e.email_key AND e.assoc_type = ? AND e.assoc_id = ?)
				LEFT JOIN email_templates_data edpl ON (edpl.email_key = e.email_key AND edpl.assoc_type = e.assoc_type AND edpl.assoc_id = e.assoc_id AND edpl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN email_templates_data edl ON (edl.email_key = e.email_key AND edl.assoc_type = e.assoc_type AND edl.assoc_id = e.assoc_id AND edl.locale = ?)
			WHERE	d.email_key = ?', array($primaryLocale, $locale, $assocType, $assocId, $primaryLocale, $locale, $emailKey));
        $returner = null;
        if ($result->RecordCount() != 0) {
            $returner =& $this->_returnEmailTemplateFromRow($result->GetRowAssoc(false));
        } else {
            // Check to see if there's a custom email template. This is done in PHP to avoid
            // having to do a full outer join or union in SQL.
            $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT	ed.subject,
					1 AS enabled,
					1 AS can_edit,
					0 AS can_disable,
					NULL AS from_role_id,
					NULL AS to_role_id
				FROM	email_templates e
					LEFT JOIN email_templates_data ed ON (ed.email_key = e.email_key AND ed.assoc_type = e.assoc_type AND ed.assoc_id = e.assoc_id)
					LEFT JOIN email_templates_default d ON (e.email_key = d.email_key)
				WHERE	d.email_key IS NULL AND
					e.assoc_type = ? AND
					e.assoc_id = ? AND
					e.email_key = ? AND
					ed.locale = ?', array($assocType, $assocId, $emailKey, $locale));
            if ($result->RecordCount() != 0) {
                $returner =& $this->_returnEmailTemplateFromRow($result->GetRowAssoc(false));
        return $returner;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Generate the unique filename for this monograph file.
  * @return string
 function _generateFileName()
     // Remember the ID information we generated the file name
     // on so that we only have to re-generate the name if the
     // relevant information changed.
     static $lastIds = array();
     static $fileName = null;
     // Retrieve the current id information.
     $currentIds = array('genreId' => $this->getGenreId(), 'dateUploaded' => $this->getDateUploaded(), 'monographId' => $this->getMonographId(), 'fileId' => $this->getFileId(), 'revision' => $this->getRevision(), 'fileStage' => $this->getFileStage(), 'extension' => strtolower($this->getExtension()));
     // Check whether we need a refresh.
     $refreshRequired = false;
     foreach ($currentIds as $key => $currentId) {
         if (!isset($lastIds[$key]) || $lastIds[$key] !== $currentId) {
             $refreshRequired = true;
             $lastIds = $currentIds;
     // Refresh the file name if required.
     if ($refreshRequired) {
         // If the file has a file genre set then include
         // human readable genre information.
         $genreName = '';
         if ($currentIds['genreId']) {
             $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
             $genreDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('GenreDAO');
             /* @var $genreDao GenreDAO */
             $genre =& $genreDao->getById($currentIds['genreId']);
             assert(is_a($genre, 'Genre'));
             $genreName = $genre->getDesignation($primaryLocale) . '_' . $genre->getName($primaryLocale) . '-';
         // Generate a human readable time stamp.
         $timestamp = date('Ymd', strtotime($currentIds['dateUploaded']));
         // Make the file name unique across all files and file revisions.
         // Also make sure that files can be ordered sensibly by file name.
         $fileName = $currentIds['monographId'] . '-' . $genreName . $currentIds['fileId'] . '-' . $currentIds['revision'] . '-' . $currentIds['fileStage'] . '-' . $timestamp . '.' . $currentIds['extension'];
     return $fileName;
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Parse an XML users file into a set of users to import.
  * @param $file string path to the XML file to parse
  * @return array ImportedUsers the collection of users read from the file
 function &parseData($file)
     $roleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('RoleDAO');
     $success = true;
     $this->usersToImport = array();
     $tree = $this->parser->parse($file);
     $schedConfDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SchedConfDAO');
     $schedConf =& $schedConfDao->getSchedConf($this->schedConfId);
     $schedConfPrimaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
     $site =& Request::getSite();
     $siteSupportedLocales = $site->getSupportedLocales();
     if ($tree !== false) {
         foreach ($tree->getChildren() as $user) {
             if ($user->getName() == 'user') {
                 // Match user element
                 $newUser = new ImportedUser();
                 foreach ($user->getChildren() as $attrib) {
                     switch ($attrib->getName()) {
                         case 'username':
                             // Usernames must be lowercase
                         case 'password':
                             $newUser->setMustChangePassword($attrib->getAttribute('change') == 'true' ? 1 : 0);
                             $encrypted = $attrib->getAttribute('encrypted');
                             if (isset($encrypted) && $encrypted !== 'plaintext') {
                                 $ocsEncryptionScheme = Config::getVar('security', 'encryption');
                                 if ($encrypted != $ocsEncryptionScheme) {
                                     $this->errors[] = Locale::translate('plugins.importexport.users.import.encryptionMismatch', array('importHash' => $encrypted, 'ocsHash' => $ocsEncryptionScheme));
                             } else {
                         case 'salutation':
                         case 'first_name':
                         case 'middle_name':
                         case 'last_name':
                         case 'initials':
                         case 'gender':
                         case 'affiliation':
                             $locale = $attrib->getAttribute('locale');
                             if (empty($locale)) {
                                 $locale = $schedConfPrimaryLocale;
                             $newUser->setAffiliation($attrib->getValue(), $locale);
                         case 'email':
                         case 'url':
                         case 'phone':
                         case 'fax':
                         case 'mailing_address':
                         case 'country':
                         case 'signature':
                             $locale = $attrib->getAttribute('locale');
                             if (empty($locale)) {
                                 $locale = $schedConfPrimaryLocale;
                             $newUser->setSignature($attrib->getValue(), $locale);
                         case 'interests':
                             $locale = $attrib->getAttribute('locale');
                             if (empty($locale)) {
                                 $locale = $schedConfPrimaryLocale;
                             $newUser->setInterests($attrib->getValue(), $locale);
                         case 'gossip':
                             $locale = $attrib->getAttribute('locale');
                             if (empty($locale)) {
                                 $locale = $schedConfPrimaryLocale;
                             $newUser->setGossip($attrib->getValue(), $locale);
                         case 'biography':
                             $locale = $attrib->getAttribute('locale');
                             if (empty($locale)) {
                                 $locale = $schedConfPrimaryLocale;
                             $newUser->setBiography($attrib->getValue(), $locale);
                         case 'locales':
                             $locales = array();
                             foreach (explode(':', $attrib->getValue()) as $locale) {
                                 if (Locale::isLocaleValid($locale) && in_array($locale, $siteSupportedLocales)) {
                                     array_push($locales, $locale);
                         case 'role':
                             $roleType = $attrib->getAttribute('type');
                             if ($this->validRole($roleType)) {
                                 $role = new Role();
                 array_push($this->usersToImport, $newUser);
     return $this->usersToImport;
Ejemplo n.º 22
     * Get set of proofreader assignments assigned to the specified proofreader.
     * @param $proofreaderId int
     * @param $journalId int optional
     * @param $searchField int SUBMISSION_FIELD_... constant
     * @param $searchMatch String 'is' or 'contains' or 'startsWith'
     * @param $search String Search string
     * @param $dateField int SUBMISSION_FIELD_DATE_... constant
     * @param $dateFrom int Search from timestamp
     * @param $dateTo int Search to timestamp
     * @param $active boolean true to select active assignments, false to select completed assignments
     * @return array ProofreaderSubmission
    function &getSubmissions($proofreaderId, $journalId = null, $searchField = null, $searchMatch = null, $search = null, $dateField = null, $dateFrom = null, $dateTo = null, $countryField = null, $active = true, $rangeInfo = null, $sortBy = null, $sortDirection = SORT_DIRECTION_ASC)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $locale = Locale::getLocale();
        $params = array('title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, 'abbrev', $primaryLocale, 'abbrev', $locale, 'cleanTitle', 'cleanTitle', $locale, 'proposalCountry', 'proposalCountry', $locale, ASSOC_TYPE_ARTICLE, 'SIGNOFF_COPYEDITING_FINAL', ASSOC_TYPE_ARTICLE, 'SIGNOFF_LAYOUT', ASSOC_TYPE_ARTICLE, 'SIGNOFF_PROOFREADING_PROOFREADER', ASSOC_TYPE_ARTICLE, 'SIGNOFF_COPYEDITING_INITIAL', $proofreaderId);
        if (isset($journalId)) {
            $params[] = $journalId;
        $searchSql = '';
        $countrySql = '';
        if (!empty($search)) {
            switch ($searchField) {
                case SUBMISSION_FIELD_TITLE:
                    if ($searchMatch === 'is') {
                        $searchSql = ' AND LOWER(atl.setting_value) = LOWER(?)';
                    } elseif ($searchMatch === 'contains') {
                        $searchSql = ' AND LOWER(atl.setting_value) LIKE LOWER(?)';
                        $search = '%' . $search . '%';
                    } else {
                        // $searchMatch === 'startsWith'
                        $searchSql = ' AND LOWER(atl.setting_value) LIKE LOWER(?)';
                        $search = $search . '%';
                    $params[] = $search;
                case SUBMISSION_FIELD_AUTHOR:
                    $first_last = $this->_dataSource->Concat('aa.first_name', '\' \'', 'aa.last_name');
                    $first_middle_last = $this->_dataSource->Concat('aa.first_name', '\' \'', 'aa.middle_name', '\' \'', 'aa.last_name');
                    $last_comma_first = $this->_dataSource->Concat('aa.last_name', '\', \'', 'aa.first_name');
                    $last_comma_first_middle = $this->_dataSource->Concat('aa.last_name', '\', \'', 'aa.first_name', '\' \'', 'aa.middle_name');
                    if ($searchMatch === 'is') {
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(aa.last_name) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) = LOWER(?))";
                    } elseif ($searchMatch === 'contains') {
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(aa.last_name) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) LIKE LOWER(?))";
                        $search = '%' . $search . '%';
                    } else {
                        // $searchMatch === 'startsWith'
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(aa.last_name) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) LIKE LOWER(?))";
                        $search = $search . '%';
                    $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $search;
                case SUBMISSION_FIELD_EDITOR:
                    $first_last = $this->_dataSource->Concat('ed.first_name', '\' \'', 'ed.last_name');
                    $first_middle_last = $this->_dataSource->Concat('ed.first_name', '\' \'', 'ed.middle_name', '\' \'', 'ed.last_name');
                    $last_comma_first = $this->_dataSource->Concat('ed.last_name', '\', \'', 'ed.first_name');
                    $last_comma_first_middle = $this->_dataSource->Concat('ed.last_name', '\', \'', 'ed.first_name', '\' \'', 'ed.middle_name');
                    if ($searchMatch === 'is') {
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(ed.last_name) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) = LOWER(?))";
                    } elseif ($searchMatch === 'contains') {
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(ed.last_name) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) LIKE LOWER(?))";
                        $search = '%' . $search . '%';
                    } else {
                        // $searchMatch === 'startsWith'
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(ed.last_name) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) LIKE LOWER(?))";
                        $search = $search . '%';
                    $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $search;
        if (!empty($dateFrom) || !empty($dateTo)) {
            switch ($dateField) {
                    if (!empty($dateFrom)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND a.date_submitted >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom);
                    if (!empty($dateTo)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND a.date_submitted <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo);
                    if (!empty($dateFrom)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND scp.date_completed >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom);
                    if (!empty($dateTo)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND scp.date_completed <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo);
                    if (!empty($dateFrom)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND sle.date_completed >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom);
                    if (!empty($dateTo)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND sle.date_completed <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo);
                    if (!empty($dateFrom)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND spr.date_completed >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom);
                    if (!empty($dateTo)) {
                        $searchSql .= 'AND spr.date_completed <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo);
        if (!empty($countryField)) {
            $countrySql = " AND LOWER(COALESCE(apc.setting_value, appc.setting_value)) = '" . $countryField . "'";
        // EL on April 2013: no edit assignments anymore
        		$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT
        				spr.date_notified AS date_assigned,
        				spr.date_completed AS date_completed,
        				COALESCE(atl.setting_value, atpl.setting_value) AS submission_title,
        				aap.last_name AS author_name,
        				COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title,
        				COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
        			FROM	articles a
        				LEFT JOIN article_site ars ON (ars.article_id = a.article_id)
        				LEFT JOIN authors aa ON (aa.site_id = ars.site_id)
        				LEFT JOIN authors aap ON (aap.site_id = ars.site_id AND aap.primary_contact = 1)
        				LEFT JOIN section_decisions sdec ON (a.article_id = sdec.article_id)
        				LEFT JOIN section_decisions sdec2 ON (a.article_id = sdec2.article_id AND sdec.section_decision_id < sdec2.section_decision_id)
        				LEFT JOIN edit_assignments e ON (e.article_id = a.article_id)
        				LEFT JOIN users ed ON (e.editor_id = ed.user_id)
        				LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (sdec.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = ? AND stpl.locale = ?)
        				LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (sdec.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = ? AND stl.locale = ?)
        				LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (sdec.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = ? AND sapl.locale = ?)
        				LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (sdec.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = ? AND sal.locale = ?)
        				LEFT JOIN article_settings atpl ON (atpl.article_id = a.article_id AND atpl.setting_name = ? AND atpl.locale = a.locale)
        				LEFT JOIN article_settings atl ON (a.article_id = atl.article_id AND atl.setting_name = ? and atl.locale = ?)
        				LEFT JOIN article_settings appc ON (a.article_id = appc.article_id AND appc.setting_name = ? AND appc.locale = a.locale)
        				LEFT JOIN article_settings apc ON (a.article_id = apc.article_id AND apc.setting_name = ? AND apc.locale = ?)
        				LEFT JOIN signoffs scpf ON (a.article_id = scpf.assoc_id AND scpf.assoc_type = ? AND scpf.symbolic = ?)
        				LEFT JOIN signoffs sle ON (a.article_id = sle.assoc_id AND sle.assoc_type = ? AND sle.symbolic = ?)
        				LEFT JOIN signoffs spr ON (a.article_id = spr.assoc_id AND spr.assoc_type = ? AND spr.symbolic = ?)
        				LEFT JOIN signoffs scpi ON (a.article_id = scpi.assoc_id AND scpi.assoc_type = ? AND scpi.symbolic = ?)
        				spr.user_id = ? AND sdec2.section_decision_id IS NULL AND
        				' . (isset($journalId)?'a.journal_id = ? AND':'') . '
        				spr.date_notified IS NOT NULL';
        $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT
				spr.date_notified AS date_assigned,
				spr.date_completed AS date_completed,
				COALESCE(atl.setting_value, atpl.setting_value) AS submission_title,
				aap.last_name AS author_name,
				COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title,
				COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
			FROM	articles a
				LEFT JOIN article_site ars ON (ars.article_id = a.article_id)
				LEFT JOIN authors aa ON (aa.site_id = ars.site_id)
				LEFT JOIN authors aap ON (aap.site_id = ars.site_id AND aap.primary_contact = 1)
				LEFT JOIN section_decisions sdec ON (a.article_id = sdec.article_id)
				LEFT JOIN section_decisions sdec2 ON (a.article_id = sdec2.article_id AND sdec.section_decision_id < sdec2.section_decision_id)
				LEFT JOIN section_editors se ON (se.section_id = sdec.section_id)
				LEFT JOIN users ed ON (se.editor_id = ed.user_id)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (sdec.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = ? AND stpl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (sdec.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = ? AND stl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (sdec.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = ? AND sapl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (sdec.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = ? AND sal.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN article_settings atpl ON (atpl.article_id = a.article_id AND atpl.setting_name = ? AND atpl.locale = a.locale)
				LEFT JOIN article_settings atl ON (a.article_id = atl.article_id AND atl.setting_name = ? and atl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN article_settings appc ON (a.article_id = appc.article_id AND appc.setting_name = ? AND appc.locale = a.locale)
				LEFT JOIN article_settings apc ON (a.article_id = apc.article_id AND apc.setting_name = ? AND apc.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN signoffs scpf ON (a.article_id = scpf.assoc_id AND scpf.assoc_type = ? AND scpf.symbolic = ?)
				LEFT JOIN signoffs sle ON (a.article_id = sle.assoc_id AND sle.assoc_type = ? AND sle.symbolic = ?)
				LEFT JOIN signoffs spr ON (a.article_id = spr.assoc_id AND spr.assoc_type = ? AND spr.symbolic = ?)
				LEFT JOIN signoffs scpi ON (a.article_id = scpi.assoc_id AND scpi.assoc_type = ? AND scpi.symbolic = ?)
				spr.user_id = ? AND sdec2.section_decision_id IS NULL AND
				' . (isset($journalId) ? 'a.journal_id = ? AND' : '') . '
				spr.date_notified IS NOT NULL';
        if ($active) {
            $sql .= ' AND spr.date_completed IS NULL';
        } else {
            $sql .= ' AND spr.date_completed IS NOT NULL';
        $result =& $this->retrieveRange($sql . ' ' . $searchSql . $countrySql . ($sortBy ? ' ORDER BY ' . $this->getSortMapping($sortBy) . ' ' . $this->getDirectionMapping($sortDirection) : ''), $params, $rangeInfo);
        $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_returnSubmissionFromRow');
        return $returner;
     * Retrieve unfiltered track director submissions
    function &_getUnfilteredTrackDirectorSubmissions($trackDirectorId, $schedConfId, $trackId = 0, $searchField = null, $searchMatch = null, $search = null, $dateField = null, $dateFrom = null, $dateTo = null, $additionalWhereSql = '', $rangeInfo = null, $sortBy = null, $sortDirection = SORT_DIRECTION_ASC)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $locale = Locale::getLocale();
        $params = array('title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, 'abbrev', $primaryLocale, 'abbrev', $locale, 'cleanTitle', $locale, 'cleanTitle', $schedConfId, $trackDirectorId);
        $searchSql = '';
        if (!empty($search)) {
            switch ($searchField) {
                case SUBMISSION_FIELD_TITLE:
                    if ($searchMatch === 'is') {
                        $searchSql = ' AND LOWER(ptl.setting_value) = LOWER(?)';
                    } elseif ($searchMatch === 'contains') {
                        $searchSql = ' AND LOWER(ptl.setting_value) LIKE LOWER(?)';
                        $search = '%' . $search . '%';
                    } else {
                        // $searchMatch === 'startsWith'
                        $searchSql = ' AND LOWER(ptl.setting_value) LIKE LOWER(?)';
                        $search = '%' . $search . '%';
                    $params[] = $search;
                case SUBMISSION_FIELD_AUTHOR:
                    $first_last = $this->_dataSource->Concat('pa.first_name', '\' \'', 'pa.last_name');
                    $first_middle_last = $this->_dataSource->Concat('pa.first_name', '\' \'', 'pa.middle_name', '\' \'', 'pa.last_name');
                    $last_comma_first = $this->_dataSource->Concat('pa.last_name', '\', \'', 'pa.first_name');
                    $last_comma_first_middle = $this->_dataSource->Concat('pa.last_name', '\', \'', 'pa.first_name', '\' \'', 'pa.middle_name');
                    if ($searchMatch === 'is') {
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(pa.last_name) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) = LOWER(?))";
                    } elseif ($searchMatch === 'contains') {
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(pa.last_name) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) LIKE LOWER(?))";
                        $search = '%' . $search . '%';
                    } else {
                        // $searchMatch === 'startsWith'
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(pa.last_name) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) LIKE LOWER(?))";
                        $search = $search . '%';
                    $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $search;
                case SUBMISSION_FIELD_DIRECTOR:
                    $first_last = $this->_dataSource->Concat('ed.first_name', '\' \'', 'ed.last_name');
                    $first_middle_last = $this->_dataSource->Concat('ed.first_name', '\' \'', 'ed.middle_name', '\' \'', 'ed.last_name');
                    $last_comma_first = $this->_dataSource->Concat('ed.last_name', '\', \'', 'ed.first_name');
                    $last_comma_first_middle = $this->_dataSource->Concat('ed.last_name', '\', \'', 'ed.first_name', '\' \'', 'ed.middle_name');
                    if ($searchMatch === 'is') {
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(ed.last_name) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) = LOWER(?))";
                    } elseif ($searchMatch === 'contains') {
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(ed.last_name) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) LIKE LOWER(?))";
                        $search = '%' . $search . '%';
                    } else {
                        // $searchMatch === 'startsWith'
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(ed.last_name) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) LIKE LOWER(?))";
                        $search = $search . '%';
                    $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $search;
        if (!empty($dateFrom) || !empty($dateTo)) {
            switch ($dateField) {
                    if (!empty($dateFrom)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND p.date_submitted >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom);
                    if (!empty($dateTo)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND p.date_submitted <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo);
        $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT
				COALESCE(ptl.setting_value, ptpl.setting_value) AS submission_title,
				pap.last_name AS author_name,
				COALESCE(ttl.setting_value, ttpl.setting_value) AS track_title,
				COALESCE(tal.setting_value, tapl.setting_value) AS track_abbrev
			FROM	papers p
				LEFT JOIN authors pa ON (pa.submission_id = p.paper_id)
				LEFT JOIN authors pap ON (pap.submission_id = p.paper_id AND pap.primary_contact = 1)
				LEFT JOIN edit_assignments e ON (e.paper_id = p.paper_id)
				LEFT JOIN users ed ON (e.director_id = ed.user_id)
				LEFT JOIN tracks t ON (t.track_id = p.track_id)
				LEFT JOIN review_rounds r2 ON (p.paper_id = r2.submission_id and p.current_round = r2.round)
				LEFT JOIN track_settings ttpl ON (t.track_id = ttpl.track_id AND ttpl.setting_name = ? AND ttpl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN track_settings ttl ON (t.track_id = ttl.track_id AND ttl.setting_name = ? AND ttl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN track_settings tapl ON (t.track_id = tapl.track_id AND tapl.setting_name = ? AND tapl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN track_settings tal ON (t.track_id = tal.track_id AND tal.setting_name = ? AND tal.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN paper_settings ptl ON (p.paper_id = ptl.paper_id AND ptl.setting_name = ? AND ptl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN paper_settings ptpl ON (p.paper_id = ptpl.paper_id AND ptpl.setting_name = ? AND ptpl.locale = p.locale)
			WHERE	p.sched_conf_id = ?
				' . (!empty($additionalWhereSql) ? " AND ({$additionalWhereSql})" : '') . '
				AND e.director_id = ?';
        if ($trackId) {
            $params[] = $trackId;
            $searchSql .= ' AND p.track_id = ?';
        $result =& $this->retrieveRange($sql . ' ' . $searchSql . ($sortBy ? ' ORDER BY ' . $this->getSortMapping($sortBy) . ' ' . $this->getDirectionMapping($sortDirection) : ''), $params, $rangeInfo);
        return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Get the error message associated with a failed validation check.
  * @return string
 function getMessage()
     $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
     $allLocales = Locale::getAllLocales();
     return parent::getMessage() . ' (' . $allLocales[$primaryLocale] . ')';
Ejemplo n.º 25
     * Get set of proofreader assignments assigned to the specified proofreader.
     * @param $proofreaderId int
     * @param $journalId int optional
     * @param $searchField int SUBMISSION_FIELD_... constant
     * @param $searchMatch String 'is' or 'contains'
     * @param $search String Search string
     * @param $dateField int SUBMISSION_FIELD_DATE_... constant
     * @param $dateFrom int Search from timestamp
     * @param $dateTo int Search to timestamp
     * @param $active boolean true to select active assignments, false to select completed assignments
     * @return array ProofreaderSubmission
    function &getSubmissions($proofreaderId, $journalId = null, $searchField = null, $searchMatch = null, $search = null, $dateField = null, $dateFrom = null, $dateTo = null, $active = true, $rangeInfo = null)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $locale = Locale::getLocale();
        $params = array('title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, 'abbrev', $primaryLocale, 'abbrev', $locale, 'title', 'firstName', $locale, 'lastName', $locale, 'middleName', $locale, 'firstName', $locale, 'lastName', $locale, 'middleName', $locale, $proofreaderId);
        if (isset($journalId)) {
            $params[] = $journalId;
        $searchSql = '';
        if (!empty($search)) {
            switch ($searchField) {
                case SUBMISSION_FIELD_TITLE:
                    if ($searchMatch === 'is') {
                        $searchSql = ' AND LOWER(atl.setting_value) = LOWER(?)';
                    } else {
                        $searchSql = ' AND LOWER(atl.setting_value) LIKE LOWER(?)';
                        $search = '%' . $search . '%';
                    $params[] = $search;
                case SUBMISSION_FIELD_AUTHOR:
                    $first_last = $this->_dataSource->Concat('aaf.setting_value', '\' \'', 'aal.setting_value');
                    $first_middle_last = $this->_dataSource->Concat('aaf.setting_value', '\' \'', 'aam.setting_value', '\' \'', 'aal.setting_value');
                    $last_comma_first = $this->_dataSource->Concat('aal.setting_value', '\', \'', 'aaf.setting_value');
                    $last_comma_first_middle = $this->_dataSource->Concat('aal.setting_value', '\', \'', 'aaf.setting_value', '\' \'', 'aam.setting_value');
                    if ($searchMatch === 'is') {
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(aal.setting_value) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) = LOWER(?))";
                    } else {
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(aal.setting_value) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) LIKE LOWER(?))";
                        $search = '%' . $search . '%';
                    $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $search;
                case SUBMISSION_FIELD_EDITOR:
                    $first_last = $this->_dataSource->Concat('edsf.setting_value', '\' \'', 'edsl.setting_value');
                    $first_middle_last = $this->_dataSource->Concat('edsf.setting_value', '\' \'', 'edsm.setting_value', '\' \'', 'edsl.setting_value');
                    $last_comma_first = $this->_dataSource->Concat('edsl.setting_value', '\', \'', 'edsf.setting_value');
                    $last_comma_first_middle = $this->_dataSource->Concat('edsl.setting_value', '\', \'', 'edsf.setting_value', '\' \'', 'edsm.setting_value');
                    if ($searchMatch === 'is') {
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(edsl.setting_value) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) = LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) = LOWER(?))";
                    } else {
                        $searchSql = " AND (LOWER(edsl.setting_value) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$first_middle_last}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first}) LIKE LOWER(?) OR LOWER({$last_comma_first_middle}) LIKE LOWER(?))";
                        $search = '%' . $search . '%';
                    $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $params[] = $search;
        if (!empty($dateFrom) || !empty($dateTo)) {
            switch ($dateField) {
                    if (!empty($dateFrom)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND a.date_submitted >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom);
                    if (!empty($dateTo)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND a.date_submitted <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo);
                    if (!empty($dateFrom)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND c.date_final_completed >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom);
                    if (!empty($dateTo)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND c.date_final_completed <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo);
                    if (!empty($dateFrom)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND l.date_completed >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom);
                    if (!empty($dateTo)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND l.date_completed <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo);
                    if (!empty($dateFrom)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND p.date_proofreader_completed >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom);
                    if (!empty($dateTo)) {
                        $searchSql .= 'AND p.date_proofreader_completed <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo);
        $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT
				COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title,
				COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
				articles a
				INNER JOIN article_authors aa ON (aa.article_id = a.article_id)
				INNER JOIN proof_assignments p ON (p.article_id = a.article_id)
				LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id
				LEFT JOIN copyed_assignments c ON (c.article_id = a.article_id)
				LEFT JOIN edit_assignments e ON (e.article_id = a.article_id)
				LEFT JOIN users ed ON (e.editor_id = ed.user_id)
				LEFT JOIN layouted_assignments l ON (l.article_id = a.article_id)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = ? AND stpl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = ? AND stl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = ? AND sapl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = ? AND sal.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN article_settings atl ON (a.article_id = atl.article_id AND atl.setting_name = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings edsf ON (ed.user_id = edsf.user_id AND edsf.setting_name = ? AND edsf.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings edsl ON (ed.user_id = edsl.user_id AND edsl.setting_name = ? AND edsl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings edsm ON (ed.user_id = edsm.user_id AND edsm.setting_name = ? AND edsm.locale = ?)

				LEFT JOIN article_author_settings aaf ON (aa.author_id = aaf.author_id AND aaf.setting_name = ? AND aaf.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN article_author_settings aal ON (aa.author_id = aal.author_id AND aal.setting_name = ? AND aal.locale = ?)			
				LEFT JOIN article_author_settings aam ON (aa.author_id = aam.author_id AND aam.setting_name = ? AND aam.locale = ?)			
				p.proofreader_id = ? AND
				' . (isset($journalId) ? 'a.journal_id = ? AND' : '') . '
				p.date_proofreader_notified IS NOT NULL';
        if ($active) {
            $sql .= ' AND p.date_proofreader_completed IS NULL';
        } else {
            $sql .= ' AND p.date_proofreader_completed IS NOT NULL';
        $result =& $this->retrieveRange($sql . ' ' . $searchSql, $params, $rangeInfo);
        $returner =& new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_returnSubmissionFromRow');
        return $returner;
Ejemplo n.º 26
     * Get all articles for a user.
     * @param $userId int
     * @param $journalId int optional
     * @return array Articles
    function &getArticlesByUserId($userId, $journalId = null)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $locale = Locale::getLocale();
        $params = array('title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, 'abbrev', $primaryLocale, 'abbrev', $locale, $userId);
        if ($journalId) {
            $params[] = $journalId;
        $articles = array();
        $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT	a.*,
				COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title,
				COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
			FROM	articles a
				LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id
				LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = ? AND stpl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = ? AND stl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = ? AND sapl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = ? AND sal.locale = ?)
			WHERE	a.user_id = ?' . (isset($journalId) ? ' AND a.journal_id = ?' : ''), $params);
        while (!$result->EOF) {
            $articles[] =& $this->_returnArticleFromRow($result->GetRowAssoc(false));
        return $articles;
Ejemplo n.º 27
     * Get all unfiltered submissions for a journal.
     * @param $journalId int
     * @param $sectionId int
     * @param $editorId int
     * @param $searchField int Symbolic SUBMISSION_FIELD_... identifier
     * @param $searchMatch string "is" or "contains"
     * @param $search String to look in $searchField for
     * @param $dateField int Symbolic SUBMISSION_FIELD_DATE_... identifier
     * @param $dateFrom String date to search from
     * @param $dateTo String date to search to
     * @param $status boolean whether to return active or not
     * @param $rangeInfo object
     * @return array result
    function &getUnfilteredEditorSubmissions($journalId, $sectionId = 0, $editorId = 0, $searchField = null, $searchMatch = null, $search = null, $dateField = null, $dateFrom = null, $dateTo = null, $status = true, $rangeInfo = null)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $locale = Locale::getLocale();
        $params = array('title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, 'abbrev', $primaryLocale, 'abbrev', $locale, 'title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, 'firstName', $locale, 'firstName', $locale, 'firstName', $locale, 'firstName', $locale, 'firstName', $locale, 'firstName', $locale, 'lastName', $locale, 'lastName', $locale, 'lastName', $locale, 'lastName', $locale, 'lastName', $locale, 'lastName', $locale, 'middleName', $locale, 'middleName', $locale, 'middleName', $locale, 'middleName', $locale, 'middleName', $locale, 'middleName', $locale, $journalId);
        $searchSql = '';
        if (!empty($search)) {
            switch ($searchField) {
                case SUBMISSION_FIELD_TITLE:
                    if ($searchMatch === 'is') {
                        $searchSql = ' AND LOWER(COALESCE(atl.setting_value, atpl.setting_value)) = LOWER(?)';
                    } else {
                        $searchSql = ' AND LOWER(COALESCE(atl.setting_value, atpl.setting_value)) LIKE LOWER(?)';
                        $search = '%' . $search . '%';
                    $params[] = $search;
                case SUBMISSION_FIELD_AUTHOR:
                    $searchSql = $this->_generateUserNameSearchSQL($search, $searchMatch, 'aa', $params);
                case SUBMISSION_FIELD_EDITOR:
                    $searchSql = $this->_generateUserNameSearchSQL($search, $searchMatch, 'ed', $params);
                case SUBMISSION_FIELD_REVIEWER:
                    $searchSql = $this->_generateUserNameSearchSQL($search, $searchMatch, 're', $params);
                    $searchSql = $this->_generateUserNameSearchSQL($search, $searchMatch, 'ce', $params);
                    $searchSql = $this->_generateUserNameSearchSQL($search, $searchMatch, 'le', $params);
                    $searchSql = $this->_generateUserNameSearchSQL($search, $searchMatch, 'pe', $params);
        if (!empty($dateFrom) || !empty($dateTo)) {
            switch ($dateField) {
                    if (!empty($dateFrom)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND a.date_submitted >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom);
                    if (!empty($dateTo)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND a.date_submitted <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo);
                    if (!empty($dateFrom)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND c.date_final_completed >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom);
                    if (!empty($dateTo)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND c.date_final_completed <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo);
                    if (!empty($dateFrom)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND l.date_completed >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom);
                    if (!empty($dateTo)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND l.date_completed <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo);
                    if (!empty($dateFrom)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND p.date_proofreader_completed >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateFrom);
                    if (!empty($dateTo)) {
                        $searchSql .= ' AND p.date_proofreader_completed <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateTo);
        $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT
				COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title,
				COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev
				articles a
				INNER JOIN article_authors aa ON (aa.article_id = a.article_id)
				LEFT JOIN sections s ON (s.section_id = a.section_id)
				LEFT JOIN edit_assignments e ON (e.article_id = a.article_id)
				LEFT JOIN users ed ON (e.editor_id = ed.user_id)
				LEFT JOIN copyed_assignments c ON (a.article_id = c.article_id)
				LEFT JOIN users ce ON (c.copyeditor_id = ce.user_id)
				LEFT JOIN proof_assignments p ON (p.article_id = a.article_id)
				LEFT JOIN users pe ON (pe.user_id = p.proofreader_id)
				LEFT JOIN layouted_assignments l ON (l.article_id = a.article_id)
				LEFT JOIN users le ON (le.user_id = l.editor_id)
				LEFT JOIN review_assignments r ON (r.article_id = a.article_id)
				LEFT JOIN users re ON (re.user_id = r.reviewer_id AND cancelled = 0)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = ? AND stpl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = ? AND stl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = ? AND sapl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = ? AND sal.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN article_settings atpl ON (a.article_id = atpl.article_id AND atpl.setting_name = ? AND atpl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN article_settings atl ON (a.article_id = atl.article_id AND atl.setting_name = ? AND atl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN article_author_settings aasf ON (aa.author_id = aasf.author_id AND aasf.setting_name = ? AND aasf.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings edsf ON (ed.user_id = edsf.user_id AND edsf.setting_name = ? AND edsf.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings cesf ON (ce.user_id = cesf.user_id AND cesf.setting_name = ? AND cesf.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings pesf ON (pe.user_id = pesf.user_id AND pesf.setting_name = ? AND pesf.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings lesf ON (le.user_id = lesf.user_id AND lesf.setting_name = ? AND lesf.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings resf ON (re.user_id = resf.user_id AND resf.setting_name = ? AND resf.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN article_author_settings aasl ON (aa.author_id = aasl.author_id AND aasl.setting_name = ? AND aasl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings edsl ON (ed.user_id = edsl.user_id AND edsl.setting_name = ? AND edsl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings cesl ON (ce.user_id = cesl.user_id AND cesl.setting_name = ? AND cesl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings pesl ON (pe.user_id = pesl.user_id AND pesl.setting_name = ? AND pesl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings lesl ON (le.user_id = lesl.user_id AND lesl.setting_name = ? AND lesl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings resl ON (re.user_id = resl.user_id AND resl.setting_name = ? AND resl.locale = ?)

				LEFT JOIN article_author_settings aasm ON (aa.author_id = aasm.author_id AND aasm.setting_name = ? AND aasm.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings edsm ON (ed.user_id = edsm.user_id AND edsm.setting_name = ? AND edsm.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings cesm ON (ce.user_id = cesm.user_id AND cesm.setting_name = ? AND cesm.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings pesm ON (pe.user_id = pesm.user_id AND pesm.setting_name = ? AND pesm.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings lesm ON (le.user_id = lesm.user_id AND lesm.setting_name = ? AND lesm.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN user_settings resm ON (re.user_id = resm.user_id AND resm.setting_name = ? AND resm.locale = ?)
				a.journal_id = ? AND a.submission_progress = 0';
        // "Active" submissions have a status of STATUS_QUEUED and
        // the layout editor has not yet been acknowledged.
        // A status value of null doesn't discriminate.
        if ($status === true) {
            $sql .= ' AND a.status = ' . STATUS_QUEUED;
        } elseif ($status === false) {
            $sql .= ' AND a.status <> ' . STATUS_QUEUED;
        if ($sectionId) {
            $searchSql .= ' AND a.section_id = ?';
            $params[] = $sectionId;
        if ($editorId) {
            $searchSql .= ' AND ed.user_id = ?';
            $params[] = $editorId;
        $result =& $this->retrieveRange($sql . ' ' . $searchSql . ' ORDER BY article_id ASC', count($params) === 1 ? array_shift($params) : $params, $rangeInfo);
        return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 28
     * Get the paper report data.
     * @param $conferenceId int
     * @param $schedConfId int
     * @return array
    function getPaperReport($conferenceId, $schedConfId)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $locale = Locale::getLocale();
        $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT	p.status AS status,
				p.start_time AS start_time,
				p.end_time AS end_time,
				pp.room_id AS room_id,
				p.paper_id AS paper_id,
				COALESCE(psl1.setting_value, pspl1.setting_value) AS title,
				COALESCE(psl2.setting_value, pspl2.setting_value) AS abstract,
				COALESCE(tl.setting_value, tpl.setting_value) AS track_title,
				p.language AS language
			FROM	papers p
				LEFT JOIN published_papers pp ON (p.paper_id = pp.paper_id)
				LEFT JOIN paper_settings pspl1 ON (pspl1.paper_id=p.paper_id AND pspl1.setting_name = ? AND pspl1.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN paper_settings psl1 ON (psl1.paper_id=p.paper_id AND psl1.setting_name = ? AND psl1.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN paper_settings pspl2 ON (pspl2.paper_id=p.paper_id AND pspl2.setting_name = ? AND pspl2.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN paper_settings psl2 ON (psl2.paper_id=p.paper_id AND psl2.setting_name = ? AND psl2.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN track_settings tpl ON (tpl.track_id=p.track_id AND tpl.setting_name = ? AND tpl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN track_settings tl ON (tl.track_id=p.track_id AND tl.setting_name = ? AND tl.locale = ?)
			WHERE	p.sched_conf_id = ?
			ORDER BY p.paper_id', array('title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, 'abstract', $primaryLocale, 'abstract', $locale, 'title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, $schedConfId));
        $papersReturner = new DBRowIterator($result);
        $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT	MAX(ed.date_decided) AS date,
				ed.paper_id AS paper_id
			FROM	edit_decisions ed,
				papers p
			WHERE	p.sched_conf_id = ? AND
				p.paper_id = ed.paper_id
			GROUP BY p.paper_id, ed.paper_id', array($schedConfId));
        $decisionDatesIterator = new DBRowIterator($result);
        $decisionsReturner = array();
        while ($row =& $decisionDatesIterator->next()) {
            $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT	decision AS decision,
					paper_id AS paper_id
				FROM	edit_decisions
				WHERE	date_decided = ? AND
					paper_id = ?', array($row['date'], $row['paper_id']));
            $decisionsReturner[] = new DBRowIterator($result);
        $paperDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('PaperDAO');
        $papers =& $paperDao->getPapersBySchedConfId($schedConfId);
        $authorsReturner = array();
        $index = 1;
        while ($paper =& $papers->next()) {
            $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT	pa.first_name AS fname,
					pa.middle_name AS mname,
					pa.last_name AS lname,
					pa.email AS email,
					pa.affiliation AS affiliation,
					pa.country AS country,
					pa.url AS url,
					COALESCE(pasl.setting_value, pas.setting_value) AS biography
				FROM	paper_authors pa
					LEFT JOIN papers p ON pa.paper_id=p.paper_id
					LEFT JOIN paper_author_settings pas ON (pa.author_id=pas.author_id AND pas.setting_name = ? AND pas.locale = ?)
					LEFT JOIN paper_author_settings pasl ON (pa.author_id=pasl.author_id AND pasl.setting_name = ? AND pasl.locale = ?)
				WHERE	p.sched_conf_id = ? AND
					p.paper_id = ?', array('biography', $primaryLocale, 'biography', $locale, $schedConfId, $paper->getId()));
            $authorIterator = new DBRowIterator($result);
            $authorsReturner[$paper->getId()] = $authorIterator;
        return array($papersReturner, $authorsReturner, $decisionsReturner);
  * @see MetadataDataObjectAdapter::extractMetadataFromDataObject()
  * @param $submission Submission
  * @param $authorMarcrelatorRole string the marcrelator role to be used
  *  for submission authors.
  * @return MetadataDescription
 function &extractMetadataFromDataObject(&$submission, $authorMarcrelatorRole = 'aut')
     assert(is_a($submission, 'Submission'));
     $mods34Description =& $this->instantiateMetadataDescription();
     // Retrieve the primary locale.
     $catalogingLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
     $catalogingLanguage = Locale::get3LetterIsoFromLocale($catalogingLocale);
     // Establish the association between the meta-data description
     // and the submission.
     // Title
     $localizedTitles =& $submission->getTitle(null);
     // Localized
     $this->addLocalizedStatements($mods34Description, 'titleInfo/title', $localizedTitles);
     // Authors
     // FIXME: Move this to a dedicated adapter in the Author class.
     $authors =& $submission->getAuthors();
     foreach ($authors as $author) {
         /* @var $author Author */
         // Create a new name description.
         $authorDescription = new MetadataDescription('lib.pkp.plugins.metadata.mods34.schema.Mods34NameSchema', ASSOC_TYPE_AUTHOR);
         // Type
         $authorType = 'personal';
         $authorDescription->addStatement('[@type]', $authorType);
         // Family Name
         $authorDescription->addStatement('namePart[@type="family"]', $author->getLastName());
         // Given Names
         $firstName = (string) $author->getFirstName();
         $middleName = (string) $author->getMiddleName();
         $givenNames = trim($firstName . ' ' . $middleName);
         if (!empty($givenNames)) {
             $authorDescription->addStatement('namePart[@type="given"]', $givenNames);
         // Affiliation
         // NB: Our MODS mapping currently doesn't support translation for names.
         // This can be added when required by data consumers. We therefore only use
         // translations in the cataloging language.
         $affiliation = $author->getAffiliation($catalogingLocale);
         if ($affiliation) {
             $authorDescription->addStatement('affiliation', $affiliation);
         // Terms of address (unmapped field)
         $termsOfAddress = $author->getData('nlm34:namePart[@type="termsOfAddress"]');
         if ($termsOfAddress) {
             $authorDescription->addStatement('namePart[@type="termsOfAddress"]', $termsOfAddress);
         // Date (unmapped field)
         $date = $author->getData('nlm34:namePart[@type="date"]');
         if ($date) {
             $authorDescription->addStatement('namePart[@type="date"]', $date);
         // Role
         $authorDescription->addStatement('role/roleTerm[@type="code" @authority="marcrelator"]', $authorMarcrelatorRole);
         // Add the author to the MODS schema.
         $mods34Description->addStatement('name', $authorDescription);
     // Sponsor
     // NB: Our MODS mapping currently doesn't support translation for names.
     // This can be added when required by data consumers. We therefore only use
     // translations in the cataloging language.
     $supportingAgency = $submission->getSponsor($catalogingLocale);
     if ($supportingAgency) {
         $supportingAgencyDescription = new MetadataDescription('lib.pkp.plugins.metadata.mods34.schema.Mods34NameSchema', ASSOC_TYPE_AUTHOR);
         $sponsorNameType = 'corporate';
         $supportingAgencyDescription->addStatement('[@type]', $sponsorNameType);
         $supportingAgencyDescription->addStatement('namePart', $supportingAgency);
         $sponsorRole = 'spn';
         $supportingAgencyDescription->addStatement('role/roleTerm[@type="code" @authority="marcrelator"]', $sponsorRole);
         $mods34Description->addStatement('name', $supportingAgencyDescription);
     // Type of resource
     $typeOfResource = 'text';
     $mods34Description->addStatement('typeOfResource', $typeOfResource);
     // Creation & copyright date
     $submissionDate = $submission->getDateSubmitted();
     if (strlen($submissionDate) >= 4) {
         $mods34Description->addStatement('originInfo/dateCreated[@encoding="w3cdtf"]', $submissionDate);
         $mods34Description->addStatement('originInfo/copyrightDate[@encoding="w3cdtf"]', substr($submissionDate, 0, 4));
     // Submission language
     $submissionLanguage = Locale::get3LetterFrom2LetterIsoLanguage($submission->getLanguage());
     if (!$submissionLanguage) {
         // Assume the cataloging language by default.
         $submissionLanguage = $catalogingLanguage;
     $mods34Description->addStatement('language/languageTerm[@type="code" @authority="iso639-2b"]', $submissionLanguage);
     // Pages (extent)
     $mods34Description->addStatement('physicalDescription/extent', $submission->getPages());
     // Abstract
     $localizedAbstracts =& $submission->getAbstract(null);
     // Localized
     $this->addLocalizedStatements($mods34Description, 'abstract', $localizedAbstracts);
     // Discipline
     $localizedDisciplines = $submission->getDiscipline(null);
     // Localized
     $this->addLocalizedStatements($mods34Description, 'subject/topic', $localizedDisciplines);
     // Subject class
     $localizedSubjectClasses = $submission->getSubjectClass(null);
     // Localized
     $this->addLocalizedStatements($mods34Description, 'subject/topic', $localizedSubjectClasses);
     // Subject
     $localizedSubjects = $submission->getSubject(null);
     // Localized
     $this->addLocalizedStatements($mods34Description, 'subject/topic', $localizedSubjects);
     // Geographical coverage
     $localizedCoverageGeo = $submission->getCoverageGeo(null);
     // Localized
     $this->addLocalizedStatements($mods34Description, 'subject/geographic', $localizedCoverageGeo);
     // Chronological coverage
     $localizedCoverageChron = $submission->getCoverageChron(null);
     // Localized
     $this->addLocalizedStatements($mods34Description, 'subject/temporal', $localizedCoverageChron);
     // Record creation date
     $recordCreationDate = date('Y-m-d');
     $mods34Description->addStatement('recordInfo/recordCreationDate[@encoding="w3cdtf"]', $recordCreationDate);
     // Record identifier
     $mods34Description->addStatement('recordInfo/recordIdentifier[@source="pkp"]', $submission->getId());
     // Cataloging language
     $mods34Description->addStatement('recordInfo/languageOfCataloging/languageTerm[@authority="iso639-2b"]', $catalogingLanguage);
     // Handle unmapped fields.
     $this->extractUnmappedDataObjectMetadataFields($submission, $mods34Description);
     return $mods34Description;
Ejemplo n.º 30
     * Get all submissions for a reviewer of a conference.
     * @param $reviewerId int
     * @param $schedConfId int
     * @param $rangeInfo object
     * @return array ReviewerSubmissions
    function &getReviewerSubmissionsByReviewerId($reviewerId, $schedConfId, $active = true, $rangeInfo = null)
        $primaryLocale = Locale::getPrimaryLocale();
        $locale = Locale::getLocale();
        $result =& $this->retrieveRange('SELECT	p.*,
				COALESCE(ttl.setting_value, ttpl.setting_value) AS track_title,
				COALESCE(tal.setting_value, tapl.setting_value) AS track_abbrev
			FROM papers p
				LEFT JOIN review_assignments r ON (p.paper_id = r.submission_id)
				LEFT JOIN tracks t ON (t.track_id = p.track_id)
				LEFT JOIN users u ON (r.reviewer_id = u.user_id)
				LEFT JOIN review_rounds r2 ON (r.submission_id = r2.submission_id AND r.round = r2.round)
				LEFT JOIN track_settings ttpl ON (t.track_id = ttpl.track_id AND ttpl.setting_name = ? AND ttpl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN track_settings ttl ON (t.track_id = ttl.track_id AND ttl.setting_name = ? AND ttl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN track_settings tapl ON (t.track_id = tapl.track_id AND tapl.setting_name = ? AND tapl.locale = ?)
				LEFT JOIN track_settings tal ON (t.track_id = tal.track_id AND tal.setting_name = ? AND tal.locale = ?)
			WHERE	p.sched_conf_id = ? AND
				r.reviewer_id = ? AND
				r.date_notified IS NOT NULL' . ($active ? ' AND r.date_completed IS NULL AND r.declined <> 1 AND (r.cancelled = 0 OR r.cancelled IS NULL)' : ' AND (r.date_completed IS NOT NULL OR r.cancelled = 1 OR r.declined = 1)'), array('title', $primaryLocale, 'title', $locale, 'abbrev', $primaryLocale, 'abbrev', $locale, $schedConfId, $reviewerId), $rangeInfo);
        $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_returnReviewerSubmissionFromRow');
        return $returner;