function activate() { $setup = Config::get('RPC'); $class = URL::getPathPart($setup['class']); $method = URL::getPathPart($setup['method']); list($action, $type) = explode('.', URL::getPathPart($setup['action']), 2); $path = $setup["path"] . "/" . $class . "/" . ucwords($method) . ucwords($action) . "Controller"; if (file_exists(Loader::getPath("controller", $path))) { Debugger::log("CONTROLLER: <span style=\"color: #990000\">" . ucwords($method) . ucwords($action) . "Controller</span>"); $controller = Loader::loadNew("controller", $path); $controller->activate(); if (is_callable(array($controller, $type))) { echo $controller->{$type}(); } return; } $controller_class = ucwords($class) . ucwords($method) . ucwords($action) . "Controller"; Debugger::log("CONTROLLER: <span style=\"color: #990000\">{$controller_class}</span>"); if (file_exists(Loader::getPath("controller", "{$setup['path']}/{$controller_class}"))) { $controller = Loader::loadNew("controller", "{$setup['path']}/{$controller_class}"); $controller->activate(); } else { Loader::load("utility", "Server"); $ip = Server::getIP(); $self = Server::getSelf(); Debugger::log("Possible RPC Injection: RPC call to non-existent controller at path {$setup["path"]}/{$controller_class} {$ip} {$self}"); error_log("Possible RPC Injection: RPC call to non-existent controller at path {$setup['path']}/{$controller_class} {$ip} {$self}"); } }
/** * Get layout path * * @param $layout * @return string */ private function getLayoutPath($layout) { $segments = explode('\\', get_class($this)); $path_to_pkg = \Loader::getPath(array_shift($segments)); $view_dir_name = str_replace('Controller', '', array_pop($segments)); return realpath($path_to_pkg . '/views/' . $view_dir_name . '/' . $layout . '.php'); }
protected function error404() { $controller = '/controller/Error404Controller'; if (file_exists(Loader::getPath('controller', 'Error404Controller'))) { $controller = 'Error404Controller'; } Loader::loadNew('controller', $controller)->activate(); exit; }
/** * Render full path to $layout. Finally '/var/www/'. * * @param $layout * @param null $data * @return Response */ public function render($layout, $data = null) { $controller_class = get_class($this); $segments = explode('\\', $controller_class); $root_namespace = array_shift($segments); $path_to_pkg = \Loader::getPath($root_namespace); $ctrl = array_pop($segments); $view_dir_name = str_replace('Controller', '', $ctrl); $layout_full_path = realpath($path_to_pkg . '/views/' . $view_dir_name . '/' . $layout . '.php'); $renderer = new Renderer($layout_full_path, $data); $response = new Response($renderer->render()); return $response; }
function detect_fatal_error() { $last_error = error_get_last(); if ($last_error && ($last_error['type'] == E_ERROR || $last_error['type'] == E_PARSE) && class_exists('Loader')) { try { Loader::load('utility', 'Template'); if (file_exists(Loader::getPath('view', 'FatalError'))) { Debugger::log("Type {$last_error["type"]}: {$last_error["message"]} in {$last_error["file"]} on line {$last_error["line"]}"); ob_clean(); header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable'); header('Status: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable'); Template::insert('FatalError'); error_log("[Error Caught] {$last_error['message']} in {$last_error['file']} on line {$last_error['line']}"); ob_end_flush(); } } catch (Exception $e) { //echo "We've encountered an error. Please go back and try again."; } } }
static function getControllerFromUrl($url = null) { if (!isset($url)) { $url = self::getCurrent(); } $url = self::parsePath($url); $controller = self::findDynamicPath($url); if (!$controller) { $controller = self::findParamPath($url); } if (!$controller) { $controller = self::findStaticPath($url); } if (!$controller) { $controller = '/controller/Error404Controller'; if (file_exists(Loader::getPath('controller', 'Error404Controller'))) { $controller = 'Error404Controller'; } } if (substr($controller, 0, 10) == 'redirect=>') { $controller = self::parseRedirect($url, $controller); } return $controller; }
static function insert($view_file, $args = array()) { extract($args); include Loader::getPath('view', $view_file); }