Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Replace all occurrences of node-placeholders (NODE_...) by their
  * URL-representation.
  * @param   mixed $content  Either a string or an array of strings in which the node-placeholders shall be replaced by their URL-representation.
  * @param   boolean $absoluteUris   Set to TRUE to replace the node-placeholders by absolute URLs.
  * @param   Cx\Core\Net\Model\Entity\Domain $domain Set the domain that shall be used when absolute URLs shall be generated.
 public static function parseTemplate(&$content, $absoluteUris = false, \Cx\Core\Net\Model\Entity\Domain $domain = null)
     $lg = new LinkGenerator($absoluteUris, $domain);
     if (!is_array($content)) {
         $arrTemplates = array(&$content);
     } else {
         $arrTemplates =& $content;
     foreach ($arrTemplates as &$template) {
     foreach ($arrTemplates as &$template) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Gets the list with the headlines
  * @global    array
  * @global    ADONewConnection
  * @global    array
  * @return    string    parsed content
 private function getHeadlines()
     global $_CONFIG, $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG, $_LANGID;
     // load source code if cmd value is integer
     if ($this->_objTpl->placeholderExists('APPLICATION_DATA')) {
         $page = new \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page();
         // load source code
         $applicationTemplate = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::getContentTemplateOfPage($page);
         $this->_objTpl->addBlock('APPLICATION_DATA', 'application_data', $applicationTemplate);
     $validToShowList = true;
     $newsCategories = array();
     $menuCategories = array();
     $parameters = array();
     $selectedCat = '';
     $selectedType = '';
     $selectedPublisher = '';
     $selectedAuthor = '';
     $newsfilter = '';
     $paging = '';
     $pos = 0;
     $i = 0;
     if (isset($_GET['pos'])) {
         $pos = intval($_GET['pos']);
     $catFromCmd = !empty($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? explode(',', $_REQUEST['cmd']) : array();
     $catFromReq = !empty($_REQUEST['category']) ? explode(',', $_REQUEST['category']) : array();
     if (!empty($catFromCmd)) {
         $menuCategories = $this->getCatIdsFromNestedSetArray($this->getNestedSetCategories($catFromCmd));
         if ($this->_objTpl->placeholderExists('NEWS_CMD')) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('NEWS_CMD', $_REQUEST['cmd']);
     $newsCategories = $categories = !empty($catFromReq) ? $catFromReq : (!empty($catFromCmd) ? $catFromCmd : array());
     if (count($newsCategories) == 1 && $this->categoryExists($newsCategories[0])) {
         $selectedCat = intval($newsCategories[0]);
     if (empty($newsCategories)) {
         $newsCategories[] = $this->nestedSetRootId;
     $newsCategories = $this->getCatIdsFromNestedSetArray($this->getNestedSetCategories($newsCategories));
     if (!empty($newsCategories)) {
         $newsfilter .= ' AND (`nc`.`category_id` IN (' . implode(',', $newsCategories) . '))';
     if ($this->_objTpl->placeholderExists('NEWS_CAT_DROPDOWNMENU')) {
         $catMenu = '<select onchange="this.form.submit()" name="category">' . "\n";
         $catMenu .= '<option value="">' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CATEGORY'] . '</option>' . "\n";
         $catMenu .= $this->getCategoryMenu(!empty($menuCategories) ? $menuCategories : array(), array($selectedCat)) . "\n";
         $catMenu .= '</select>' . "\n";
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable('NEWS_CAT_DROPDOWNMENU', $catMenu);
     //Filter by types
     if ($this->arrSettings['news_use_types'] == 1) {
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['type'])) {
             $arrTypes = explode(',', $_REQUEST['type']);
             if (!empty($arrTypes)) {
                 $newsfilter .= ' AND (`n`.`typeid` IN (' . implode(', ', contrexx_input2int($arrTypes)) . '))';
             $selectedType = current($arrTypes);
         if ($this->_objTpl->placeholderExists('NEWS_TYPE_DROPDOWNMENU')) {
             $typeMenu = '<select onchange="this.form.submit()" name="type">' . "\n";
             $typeMenu .= '<option value="" selected="selected">' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_TYPE'] . '</option>' . "\n";
             $typeMenu .= $this->getTypeMenu($selectedType) . "\n";
             $typeMenu .= '</select>' . "\n";
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('NEWS_TYPE_DROPDOWNMENU', $typeMenu);
     //Filter by publisher
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['publisher'])) {
         $parameters['filterPublisher'] = $publisher = contrexx_input2raw($_REQUEST['publisher']);
         $arrPublishers = explode(',', $publisher);
         if (!empty($arrPublishers)) {
             $newsfilter .= ' AND (`n`.`publisher_id` IN (' . implode(', ', contrexx_input2int($arrPublishers)) . '))';
         $selectedPublisher = current($arrPublishers);
     if ($this->_objTpl->placeholderExists('NEWS_PUBLISHER_DROPDOWNMENU')) {
         $publisherMenu = '<select onchange="window.location=\'' . \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd('News', intval($_REQUEST['cmd'])) . '&amp;publisher=\'+this.value" name="publisher">' . "\n";
         $publisherMenu .= '<option value="" selected="selected">' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_PUBLISHER'] . '</option>' . "\n";
         $publisherMenu .= $this->getPublisherMenu($selectedPublisher, $selectedCat) . "\n";
         $publisherMenu .= '</select>' . "\n";
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable('NEWS_PUBLISHER_DROPDOWNMENU', $publisherMenu);
     //Filter by Author
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['author'])) {
         $parameters['filterAuthor'] = $author = contrexx_input2raw($_REQUEST['author']);
         $arrAuthors = explode(',', $author);
         if (!empty($arrAuthors)) {
             $newsfilter .= ' AND (`n`.`author_id` IN (' . implode(', ', contrexx_input2int($arrAuthors)) . '))';
         $selectedAuthor = current($arrAuthors);
     if ($this->_objTpl->placeholderExists('NEWS_AUTHOR_DROPDOWNMENU')) {
         $authorMenu = '<select onchange="this.form.submit()" name="author">' . "\n";
         $authorMenu .= '<option value="" selected="selected">' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_AUTHOR'] . '</option>' . "\n";
         $authorMenu .= $this->getAuthorMenu($selectedAuthor) . "\n";
         $authorMenu .= '</select>' . "\n";
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable('NEWS_AUTHOR_DROPDOWNMENU', $authorMenu);
     //Filter by tag
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['tag'])) {
         $parameters['filterTag'] = $searchTag = contrexx_input2raw($_REQUEST['tag']);
         $searchedTag = $this->getNewsTags(null, $searchTag);
         $searchedTagId = current(array_keys($searchedTag['tagList']));
         if (!empty($searchedTag['newsIds'])) {
             $newsfilter .= ' AND n.`id` IN (' . implode(',', $searchedTag['newsIds']) . ')';
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWS_FILTER_TAG_ID' => $searchedTagId, 'NEWS_FILTER_TAG_NAME' => ucfirst(current($searchedTag['tagList']))));
             if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('tagFilterCont')) {
         } else {
             $validToShowList = false;
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('TXT_PERFORM' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PERFORM'], 'TXT_CATEGORY' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CATEGORY'], 'TXT_TYPE' => $this->arrSettings['news_use_types'] == 1 ? $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_TYPE'] : '', 'TXT_DATE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DATE'], 'TXT_TITLE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_TITLE'], 'TXT_NEWS_MESSAGE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_MESSAGE']));
     $query = '  SELECT      n.id                AS newsid,
                             n.userid            AS newsuid,
                             n.date              AS newsdate,
                             n.allow_comments AS commentactive,
                             nl.title            AS newstitle,
                             nl.text NOT REGEXP \'^(<br type="_moz" />)?$\' AS newscontent,
                 FROM        ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_news AS n
                 INNER JOIN  ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_news_locale AS nl ON nl.news_id = n.id
                 INNER JOIN  ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_news_rel_categories AS nc ON nc.news_id = n.id
                 WHERE       status = 1
                             AND nl.is_active=1
                             AND nl.lang_id=' . FRONTEND_LANG_ID . '
                             AND (n.startdate<=\'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '\' OR n.startdate="0000-00-00 00:00:00")
                             AND (n.enddate>=\'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '\' OR n.enddate="0000-00-00 00:00:00")
                             ' . $newsfilter . ($this->arrSettings['news_message_protection'] == '1' && !\Permission::hasAllAccess() ? ($objFWUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject()) && $objFWUser->objUser->login() ? " AND (frontend_access_id IN (" . implode(',', array_merge(array(0), $objFWUser->objUser->getDynamicPermissionIds())) . ") OR userid = " . $objFWUser->objUser->getId() . ") " : " AND frontend_access_id=0 " : '') . ' GROUP BY newsid ' . ' ORDER BY newsdate DESC';
     /***start paging ****/
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     $count = $objResult->RecordCount();
     $category = '';
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['cmd'])) {
         $parameters['filterCategory'] = contrexx_input2raw($_REQUEST['cmd']);
         $category .= '&cmd=' . $_REQUEST['cmd'];
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['category'])) {
         $parameters['filterCategory'] = contrexx_input2raw($_REQUEST['category']);
         $category .= '&category=' . $_REQUEST['category'];
     $type = '';
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['type'])) {
         $parameters['filterType'] = contrexx_input2raw($_REQUEST['type']);
         $type = '&type=' . $selectedType;
     if ($count > intval($_CONFIG['corePagingLimit'])) {
         $paging = getPaging($count, $pos, '&section=News' . $category . $type, $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_MESSAGES'], true);
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable('NEWS_PAGING', $paging);
     $objResult = $objDatabase->SelectLimit($query, $_CONFIG['corePagingLimit'], $pos);
     /*** end paging ***/
     if ($count >= 1 && $validToShowList) {
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             $newsid = $objResult->fields['newsid'];
             $newstitle = $objResult->fields['newstitle'];
             $newsCommentActive = $objResult->fields['commentactive'];
             $arrNewsCategories = $this->getCategoriesByNewsId($newsid);
             $parameters['newsid'] = $newsid;
             $newsUrl = empty($objResult->fields['redirect']) ? empty($objResult->fields['newscontent']) ? '' : \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd('News', $this->findCmdById('details', self::sortCategoryIdByPriorityId(array_keys($arrNewsCategories), $categories)), FRONTEND_LANG_ID, $parameters) : $objResult->fields['redirect'];
             $htmlLink = self::parseLink($newsUrl, $newstitle, contrexx_raw2xhtml('[' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_MORE'] . '...]'));
             $htmlLinkTitle = self::parseLink($newsUrl, $newstitle, contrexx_raw2xhtml($newstitle));
             // in case that the message is a stub, we shall just display the news title instead of a html-a-tag with no href target
             if (empty($htmlLinkTitle)) {
                 $htmlLinkTitle = contrexx_raw2xhtml($newstitle);
             list($image, $htmlLinkImage, $imageSource) = self::parseImageThumbnail($objResult->fields['teaser_image_path'], $objResult->fields['teaser_image_thumbnail_path'], $newstitle, $newsUrl);
             $author = \FWUser::getParsedUserTitle($objResult->fields['author_id'], $objResult->fields['author']);
             $publisher = \FWUser::getParsedUserTitle($objResult->fields['publisher_id'], $objResult->fields['publisher']);
             $objSubResult = $objDatabase->Execute('SELECT count(`id`) AS `countComments` FROM `' . DBPREFIX . 'module_news_comments` WHERE `newsid` = ' . $objResult->fields['newsid']);
             if (empty($arrNewsCategories) && $this->_objTpl->blockExists('newsCategories')) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWS_ID' => $newsid, 'NEWS_CSS' => 'row' . ($i % 2 + 1), 'NEWS_TEASER' => nl2br($objResult->fields['teaser_text']), 'NEWS_TITLE' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($newstitle), 'NEWS_LONG_DATE' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT, $objResult->fields['newsdate']), 'NEWS_DATE' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, $objResult->fields['newsdate']), 'NEWS_TIME' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_TIME, $objResult->fields['newsdate']), 'NEWS_LINK_TITLE' => $htmlLinkTitle, 'NEWS_LINK' => $htmlLink, 'NEWS_LINK_URL' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($newsUrl), 'NEWS_CATEGORY' => implode(', ', contrexx_raw2xhtml($arrNewsCategories)), 'NEWS_PUBLISHER' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($publisher), 'NEWS_AUTHOR' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($author), 'NEWS_COUNT_COMMENTS' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($objSubResult->fields['countComments'] . ' ' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_COMMENTS'])));
             if (!$newsCommentActive || !$this->arrSettings['news_comments_activated']) {
                 if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_comments_count')) {
             if (!empty($image)) {
                 $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWS_IMAGE' => $image, 'NEWS_IMAGE_SRC' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($imageSource), 'NEWS_IMAGE_ALT' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($newstitle), 'NEWS_IMAGE_LINK' => $htmlLinkImage));
                 if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_image')) {
             } else {
                 if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_image')) {
             self::parseImageBlock($this->_objTpl, $objResult->fields['teaser_image_thumbnail_path'], $newstitle, $newsUrl, 'image_thumbnail');
             self::parseImageBlock($this->_objTpl, $objResult->fields['teaser_image_path'], $newstitle, $newsUrl, 'image_detail');
             if (!empty($this->arrSettings['news_use_tags']) && !empty($objResult->fields['enable_tags'])) {
                 $this->parseNewsTags($this->_objTpl, $newsid);
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_list')) {
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_menu')) {
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_status_message')) {
     } else {
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_NEWS_NO_NEWS_FOUND', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_NO_NEWS_FOUND']);
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_status_message')) {
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_menu')) {
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('news_list')) {
     return $this->_objTpl->get();
 function _showEmailFeedbackAnalysis()
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG, $_CONFIG;
     $rowNr = 0;
     $pos = isset($_GET['pos']) ? intval($_GET['pos']) : 0;
     $mailId = isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0;
     $email = '';
     $objMail = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("SELECT `subject` FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter WHERE id=" . $mailId, 1);
     if ($objMail !== false && $objMail->RecordCount() == 1) {
         $email = contrexx_raw2xhtml($objMail->fields['subject']);
     $objResultCount = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("SELECT COUNT(id) AS link_count FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_email_link\n            WHERE email_id = " . $mailId, 1);
     if ($objResultCount !== false) {
         $linkCount = $objResultCount->fields['link_count'];
     } else {
         $linkCount = 0;
     $objResult = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("SELECT\n            tblLink.id,\n            tblLink.title,\n            tblLink.url,\n            tblMail.count,\n            COUNT(tblMailLinkFB.id) AS feedback_count\n            FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_email_link AS tblLink\n                INNER JOIN " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter AS tblMail ON tblMail.id = " . $mailId . "\n                LEFT JOIN " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_email_link_feedback AS tblMailLinkFB ON tblMailLinkFB.link_id = tblLink.id\n            WHERE tblLink.email_id = " . $mailId . "\n            GROUP BY tblLink.id\n            ORDER BY tblLink.title ASC", $_CONFIG['corePagingLimit'], $pos);
     if ($objResult !== false) {
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             // parse NODE-Url placeholders in link
             \LinkGenerator::parseTemplate($objResult->fields['url'], true);
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWSLETTER_LINK_ROW_CLASS' => $rowNr % 2 == 1 ? 'row1' : 'row2', 'NEWSLETTER_LINK_TITLE' => $objResult->fields['title'], 'NEWSLETTER_LINK_URL' => $objResult->fields['url'], 'NEWSLETTER_MAIL_USERS' => (int) $objResult->fields['feedback_count'], 'NEWSLETTER_LINK_FEEDBACK' => $objResult->fields['count'] > 0 ? round(100 / $objResult->fields['count'] * $objResult->fields['feedback_count']) : 0));
             $this->_objTpl->setGlobalVariable('NEWSLETTER_LINK_ID', $objResult->fields['id']);
         if ($rowNr > 0) {
             $paging = getPaging($linkCount, $pos, "&cmd=Newsletter&act=feedback&email_id=" . $mailId, "", false, $_CONFIG['corePagingLimit']);
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('NEWSLETTER_LINKS_PAGING', "<br />" . $paging . "<br />");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private function overview()
     global $_LANGID;
     // load source code if cmd value is integer
     if ($this->objTemplate->placeholderExists('APPLICATION_DATA')) {
         $page = new \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page();
         // load source code
         $applicationTemplate = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::getContentTemplateOfPage($page);
         $this->objTemplate->addBlock('APPLICATION_DATA', 'application_data', $applicationTemplate);
     $objDownload = new Download();
     $objCategory = Category::getCategory($this->categoryId);
     if ($objCategory->getId()) {
         // check access permissions to selected category
         if (!\Permission::checkAccess(143, 'static', true) && $objCategory->getReadAccessId() && !\Permission::checkAccess($objCategory->getReadAccessId(), 'dynamic', true) && $objCategory->getOwnerId() != $this->userId) {
             // TODO: might we have to add a soft noAccess handler in case the output is meant for a regular page (not section=Downloads)
             \Permission::noAccess(base64_encode(CONTREXX_SCRIPT_PATH . $this->moduleParamsJs . '&category=' . $objCategory->getId()));
         // parse crumbtrail
         if ($objDownload->load(!empty($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0) && (!$objDownload->getExpirationDate() || $objDownload->getExpirationDate() > time()) && $objDownload->getActiveStatus()) {
             /* DOWNLOAD DETAIL PAGE */
             $this->pageTitle = contrexx_raw2xhtml($objDownload->getName(FRONTEND_LANG_ID));
             $metakeys = $objDownload->getMetakeys(FRONTEND_LANG_ID);
             if ($this->arrConfig['use_attr_metakeys'] && !empty($metakeys)) {
             $this->parseRelatedDownloads($objDownload, $objCategory->getId());
             $this->parseDownload($objDownload, $objCategory->getId());
             // hide unwanted blocks on the detail page
             if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_category')) {
             if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_subcategory_list')) {
             if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_file_list')) {
             if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_simple_file_upload')) {
             if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_advanced_file_upload')) {
         } else {
             /* CATEGORY DETAIL PAGE */
             $this->pageTitle = htmlentities($objCategory->getName($_LANGID), ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET);
             // process create directory
             // parse selected category
             // parse subcategories
             $this->parseCategories($objCategory, array('downloads_subcategory_list', 'downloads_subcategory'), null, 'SUB');
             // parse downloads of selected category
             // parse upload form
             // parse create directory form
             // hide unwanted blocks on the category page
             if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_download')) {
             if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_file_detail')) {
         // hide unwanted blocks on the category/detail page
         if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_overview')) {
         if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_most_viewed_file_list')) {
         if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_most_downloaded_file_list')) {
         if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_most_popular_file_list')) {
         if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_newest_file_list')) {
         if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_updated_file_list')) {
     } else {
         $this->parseCategories($objCategory, array('downloads_overview', 'downloads_overview_category'), null, null, 'downloads_overview_row', array('downloads_overview_subcategory_list', 'downloads_overview_subcategory'), $this->arrConfig['overview_max_subcats']);
         if (!empty($this->searchKeyword)) {
         } else {
             if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_file_list')) {
         $this->parseSpecialDownloads(array('downloads_most_viewed_file_list', 'downloads_most_viewed_file'), array('is_active' => true, 'expiration' => array('=' => 0, '>' => time())), array('views' => 'desc'), $this->arrConfig['most_viewed_file_count']);
         $this->parseSpecialDownloads(array('downloads_most_downloaded_file_list', 'downloads_most_downloaded_file'), array('is_active' => true, 'expiration' => array('=' => 0, '>' => time())), array('download_count' => 'desc'), $this->arrConfig['most_downloaded_file_count']);
         // TODO: Rating system has to be implemented first!
         //$this->parseSpecialDownloads(array('downloads_most_popular_file_list', 'downloads_most_popular_file'), null, array('rating' => 'desc'), $this->arrConfig['most_popular_file_count']);
         $filter = array('ctime' => array('>=' => time() - $this->arrConfig['new_file_time_limit']), 'expiration' => array('=' => 0, '>' => time()));
         $this->parseSpecialDownloads(array('downloads_newest_file_list', 'downloads_newest_file'), $filter, array('ctime' => 'desc'), $this->arrConfig['newest_file_count']);
         // parse recently updated downloads
         $filter = array('mtime' => array('>=' => time() - $this->arrConfig['updated_file_time_limit']), 'ctime' => array('<' => time() - $this->arrConfig['new_file_time_limit']), 'expiration' => array('=' => 0, '>' => time()));
         $this->parseSpecialDownloads(array('downloads_updated_file_list', 'downloads_updated_file'), $filter, array('mtime' => 'desc'), $this->arrConfig['updated_file_count']);
         // hide unwanted blocks on the overview page
         if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_category')) {
         if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_crumbtrail')) {
         if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_subcategory_list')) {
         if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_file_detail')) {
         if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_simple_file_upload')) {
         if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('downloads_advanced_file_upload')) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Save the block content
  * @param array $params all given params from http request
  * @throws NoPermissionException
  * @throws NotEnoughArgumentsException
  * @throws BlockCouldNotBeSavedException
  * @return boolean true if everything finished with success
 public function saveBlockContent($params)
     global $_CORELANG, $objDatabase;
     // security check
     if (!\FWUser::getFWUserObject()->objUser->login() || !\Permission::checkAccess(76, 'static', true)) {
         throw new NoPermissionException($_CORELANG['TXT_ACCESS_DENIED_DESCRIPTION']);
     // check arguments
     if (empty($params['get']['block']) || empty($params['get']['lang'])) {
         throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException('not enough arguments');
     // get language and block id
     $id = intval($params['get']['block']);
     $lang = \FWLanguage::getLanguageIdByCode($params['get']['lang']);
     if (!$lang) {
         $lang = FRONTEND_LANG_ID;
     $content = $params['post']['content'];
     // query to update content in database
     $query = "UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "module_block_rel_lang_content`\n                      SET content = '" . \contrexx_input2db($content) . "'\n                  WHERE\n                      block_id = " . $id . " AND lang_id = " . $lang;
     $result = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     // error handling
     if ($result === false) {
         throw new BlockCouldNotBeSavedException('block could not be saved');
     $ls = new \LinkSanitizer(ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . \Env::get('virtualLanguageDirectory') . '/', $content);
     $this->messages[] = $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_SAVED_BLOCK'];
     return array('content' => $ls->replace());
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Set up and send an email
  * The array argument is searched for the following indices:
  *  key           The key of any mail template to be used
  *  section       The module to initialize for (mandatory when key is set)
  *  sender        The sender name
  *  from          The sender e-mail address
  *  to            The recipient e-mail address(es), comma separated
  *  reply         The reply-to e-mail address
  *  cc            The carbon copy e-mail address(es), comma separated
  *  bcc           The blind carbon copy e-mail address(es), comma separated
  *  subject       The message subject
  *  message       The plain text message body
  *  message_html  The HTML message body
  *  html          If this evaluates to true, turns on HTML mode
  *  attachments   An array of file paths to attach.  The array keys may
  *                be used for the paths, and the values for the name.
  *                If the keys are numeric, the values are regarded as paths.
  *  inline        An array of inline (image) file paths to attach.
  *                If this is used, HTML mode is switched on automatically.
  *  search        The array of patterns to be replaced by...
  *  replace       The array of replacements for the patterns
  *  substitution  A more complex structure for replacing placeholders
  *                and/or complete blocks, conditionally or repeatedly.
  * If the key index is present, the corresponding mail template is loaded
  * first.  Other indices present (sender, from, to, subject, message, etc.)
  * will override the template fields.
  * Missing mandatory fields are filled with the
  * default values from the global $_CONFIG array (sender, from, to),
  * or some core language variables (subject, message).
  * A simple {@see str_replace()} is used for the search and replace
  * operation, and the placeholder names are quoted in the substitution,
  * so you cannot use regular expressions.
  * More complex substitutions including repeated blocks may be specified
  * in the substitution subarray of the $arrField parameter value.
  * The e-mail addresses in the To: field will be used as follows:
  * - Groups of addresses are separated by semicola (;)
  * - Single addresses are separated by comma (,)
  * All recipients of any single group are added to the To: field together,
  * Groups are processed separately.  So, if your To: looks like
  *    a@a.com,b@b.com;c@c.com,d@d.com
  * a total of two e-mails will be sent; one to a and b, and a second one
  * to c and d.
  * Addresses for copies (Cc:) and blind copies (Bcc:) are added to all
  * e-mails sent, so if your e-mail is in the Cc: or Bcc: field in the
  * example above, you will receive two copies.
  * Note:  The attachment paths must comply with the requirements for
  * file paths as defined in the {@see File} class version 2.2.0.
  * @static
  * @param   array     $arrField         The array of template fields
  * @return  boolean                     True if the mail could be sent,
  *                                      false otherwise
  * @author  Reto Kohli <*****@*****.**>
 static function send($arrField)
     global $_CONFIG;
     //, $_CORELANG;
     if (!\Env::get('ClassLoader')->loadFile(ASCMS_LIBRARY_PATH . '/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php')) {
         \DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): ERROR: Failed to load phpMailer");
         return false;
     $objMail = new \phpmailer();
     if (!empty($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer']) && \Env::get('ClassLoader')->loadFile(ASCMS_CORE_PATH . '/SmtpSettings.class.php')) {
         $arrSmtp = \SmtpSettings::getSmtpAccount($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer']);
         if ($arrSmtp) {
             $objMail->SMTPAuth = true;
             $objMail->Host = $arrSmtp['hostname'];
             $objMail->Port = $arrSmtp['port'];
             $objMail->Username = $arrSmtp['username'];
             $objMail->Password = $arrSmtp['password'];
     if (empty($arrField['lang_id'])) {
         $arrField['lang_id'] = FRONTEND_LANG_ID;
     $section = isset($arrField['section']) ? $arrField['section'] : null;
     $arrTemplate = null;
     if (empty($arrField['key'])) {
         $arrTemplate = self::getEmpty();
     } else {
         $arrTemplate = self::get($section, $arrField['key'], $arrField['lang_id']);
         if (empty($arrTemplate)) {
             \DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): WARNING: No Template for key {$arrField['key']} (section {$section})");
             return false;
     $search = isset($arrField['search']) && is_array($arrField['search']) ? $arrField['search'] : null;
     $replace = isset($arrField['replace']) && is_array($arrField['replace']) ? $arrField['replace'] : null;
     $substitution = isset($arrField['substitution']) && is_array($arrField['substitution']) ? $arrField['substitution'] : null;
     //echo("Substitution:<br />".nl2br(var_export($arrField['substitution'], true))."<hr />");
     $strip = empty($arrField['do_not_strip_empty_placeholders']);
     // Replace node placeholders generated by Wysiwyg
     $arrTemplate['message_html'] = preg_replace('/\\[\\[NODE_([a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\\]\\]/', '{NODE_$1}', $arrTemplate['message_html']);
     \LinkGenerator::parseTemplate($arrTemplate['message_html'], true);
     foreach ($arrTemplate as $field => &$value) {
         if ($field == 'inline' || $field == 'attachments') {
         if (isset($arrField[$field])) {
             $value = $arrField[$field];
         if (empty($value) || is_numeric($value)) {
         // TODO: Fix the regex to produce proper "CR/LF" in any case.
         // Must handle any of CR, LF, CR/LF, and LF/CR!
         //                preg_replace('/[\015\012]/', "\015\012", $value);
         if ($search) {
             // we need to replace raw data with HTML entities
             // for HTML-body of email
             if ($field == 'message_html') {
                 foreach ($search as $index => $searchTerm) {
                     $value = str_replace($searchTerm, contrexx_raw2xhtml($replace[$index]), $value);
             } else {
                 $value = str_replace($search, $replace, $value);
         if ($substitution) {
             $convertToHtmlEntities = false;
             if ($field == 'message_html') {
                 $convertToHtmlEntities = true;
             self::substitute($value, $substitution, $convertToHtmlEntities);
         if ($strip) {
     //DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): Substituted: ".var_export($arrTemplate, true));
     //echo("MailTemplate::send(): Substituted:<br /><pre>".nl2br(htmlentities(var_export($arrTemplate, true), ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET))."</PRE><hr />");
     //die();//return true;
     // Use defaults for missing mandatory fields
     //        if (empty($arrTemplate['sender']))
     //            $arrTemplate['sender'] = $_CONFIG['coreAdminName'];
     if (empty($arrTemplate['from'])) {
         \DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): INFO: Empty 'from:', falling back to config");
         $arrTemplate['from'] = $_CONFIG['coreAdminEmail'];
     if (empty($arrTemplate['to'])) {
         \DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): INFO: Empty 'to:', falling back to config");
         $arrTemplate['to'] = $_CONFIG['coreAdminEmail'];
     //        if (empty($arrTemplate['subject']))
     //            $arrTemplate['subject'] = $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_NO_SUBJECT'];
     //        if (empty($arrTemplate['message']))
     //            $arrTemplate['message'] = $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_MAILTEMPLATE_NO_MESSAGE'];
     $objMail->FromName = $arrTemplate['sender'];
     $objMail->From = $arrTemplate['from'];
     $objMail->Subject = $arrTemplate['subject'];
     $objMail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
     //        $objMail->IsHTML(false);
     if ($arrTemplate['html']) {
         $objMail->Body = $arrTemplate['message_html'];
         $objMail->AltBody = $arrTemplate['message'];
     } else {
         $objMail->Body = $arrTemplate['message'];
     foreach (preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $arrTemplate['reply'], null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $address) {
     //        foreach (preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $arrTemplate['to'], null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $address) {
     //            $objMail->AddAddress($address);
     //        }
     foreach (preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $arrTemplate['cc'], null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $address) {
     foreach (preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $arrTemplate['bcc'], null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $address) {
     // Applicable to attachments stored with the MailTemplate only!
     $arrTemplate['attachments'] = self::attachmentsToArray($arrTemplate['attachments']);
     //DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): Template Attachments: ".var_export($arrTemplate['attachments'], true));
     // Now the MailTemplates' attachments index is guaranteed to
     // contain an array.
     // Add attachments from the parameter array, if any.
     if (isset($arrField['attachments']) && is_array($arrField['attachments'])) {
         foreach ($arrField['attachments'] as $path => $name) {
             //                if (empty($path)) $path = $name;
             //                if (empty($name)) $name = basename($path);
             $arrTemplate['attachments'][$path] = $name;
             //DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): Added Field Attachment: $path / $name");
     //DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): All Attachments: ".var_export($arrTemplate['attachments'], true));
     foreach ($arrTemplate['attachments'] as $path => $name) {
         if (is_numeric($path)) {
             $path = $name;
         $objMail->AddAttachment(ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $path, $name);
     $arrTemplate['inline'] = self::attachmentsToArray($arrTemplate['inline']);
     if ($arrTemplate['inline']) {
         $arrTemplate['html'] = true;
     foreach ($arrTemplate['inline'] as $path => $name) {
         if (is_numeric($path)) {
             $path = $name;
         $objMail->AddEmbeddedImage(ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $path, uniqid(), $name);
     if (isset($arrField['inline']) && is_array($arrField['inline'])) {
         $arrTemplate['html'] = true;
         foreach ($arrField['inline'] as $path => $name) {
             if (is_numeric($path)) {
                 $path = $name;
             $objMail->AddEmbeddedImage(ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $path, uniqid(), $name);
     //die("MailTemplate::send(): Attachments and inlines<br />".var_export($objMail, true));
     $objMail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
     //DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): Sending: ".nl2br(htmlentities(var_export($objMail, true), ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET))."<br />Sending...<hr />");
     $result = true;
     foreach (preg_split('/\\s*;\\s*/', $arrTemplate['to'], null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $addresses) {
         foreach (preg_split('/\\s*[,]\\s*/', $addresses, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $address) {
         //DBG::log("MailTemplate::send(): ".var_export($objMail, true));
         // TODO: Comment for test only!
         $result &= $objMail->Send();
         // TODO: $objMail->Send() seems to sometimes return true on localhost where
         // sending the mail is actually impossible.  Dunno why.
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function showEntry()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $_CORELANG;
     $this->_objTpl->setTemplate($this->pageContent, true, true);
     //get ids
     $intCategoryId = isset($_GET['cid']) ? intval($_GET['cid']) : 0;
     $intLevelId = isset($_GET['lid']) ? intval($_GET['lid']) : 0;
     $intEntryId = isset($_GET['eid']) ? intval($_GET['eid']) : 0;
     // load source code if cmd value is integer
     if ($this->_objTpl->placeholderExists('APPLICATION_DATA')) {
         $page = new \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page();
         // load source code
         $applicationTemplate = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::getContentTemplateOfPage($page);
         $this->_objTpl->addBlock('APPLICATION_DATA', 'application_data', $applicationTemplate);
     //get navtree
     if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists($this->moduleNameLC . 'Navtree') && ($intCategoryId != 0 || $intLevelId != 0)) {
         $this->getNavtree($intCategoryId, $intLevelId);
     if ($intEntryId != 0 && $this->_objTpl->blockExists($this->moduleNameLC . 'EntryList')) {
         $objEntry = new MediaDirectoryEntry($this->moduleName);
         $objEntry->getEntries($intEntryId, $intLevelId, $intCategoryId, null, null, null, 1, null, 1);
         $objEntry->listEntries($this->_objTpl, 2);
         //set meta title
         $this->metaTitle .= " - " . $objEntry->arrEntries[$intEntryId]['entryFields'][0];
         $this->pageTitle = $objEntry->arrEntries[$intEntryId]['entryFields'][0];
         if (empty($objEntry->arrEntries)) {
             $this->_objTpl->hideBlock($this->moduleNameLC . 'EntryList');
             header("Location: index.php?section=" . $this->moduleName);
     } else {
         header("Location: index.php?section=" . $this->moduleName);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function getPage($pos, $page_content)
     global $_CONFIG, $_ARRAYLANG;
     $objTpl = new \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma('.');
     // Load main template even if we have a cmd set
     if ($objTpl->placeholderExists('APPLICATION_DATA')) {
         $page = new \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page();
         // load source code
         $applicationTemplate = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::getContentTemplateOfPage($page);
         $objTpl->addBlock('APPLICATION_DATA', 'application_data', $applicationTemplate);
     $term = isset($_REQUEST['term']) ? trim(contrexx_input2raw($_REQUEST['term'])) : '';
     if (strlen($term) >= 3) {
         $term = trim(contrexx_input2raw($_REQUEST['term']));
         $eventHandlerInstance = \Env::get('cx')->getEvents();
         $eventHandlerInstance->triggerEvent('SearchFindContent', array($this));
         if ($this->result->size() == 1) {
             $arraySearchResults[] = $this->result->toArray();
         } else {
             $arraySearchResults = $this->result->toArray();
         usort($arraySearchResults, function ($a, $b) {
             if ($a['Score'] == $b['Score']) {
                 if (isset($a['Date'])) {
                     if ($a['Date'] == $b['Date']) {
                         return 0;
                     if ($a['Date'] > $b['Date']) {
                         return -1;
                     return 1;
                 return 0;
             if ($a['Score'] > $b['Score']) {
                 return -1;
             return 1;
         $countResults = sizeof($arraySearchResults);
         if (!is_numeric($pos)) {
             $pos = 0;
         $paging = getPaging($countResults, $pos, '&amp;section=Search&amp;term=' . contrexx_raw2encodedUrl($term), '<b>' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SEARCH_RESULTS'] . '</b>', true);
         $objTpl->setVariable('SEARCH_PAGING', $paging);
         $objTpl->setVariable('SEARCH_TERM', contrexx_raw2xhtml($term));
         if ($countResults > 0) {
             $searchComment = sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SEARCH_RESULTS_ORDER_BY_RELEVANCE'], contrexx_raw2xhtml($term), $countResults);
             $objTpl->setVariable('SEARCH_TITLE', $searchComment);
             $arraySearchOut = array_slice($arraySearchResults, $pos, $_CONFIG['corePagingLimit']);
             foreach ($arraySearchOut as $details) {
                 // append search term to result link
                 $link = $details['Link'];
                 if (strpos($link, '?') === false) {
                     $link .= '?';
                 } else {
                     $link .= '&';
                 $link .= 'searchTerm=' . urlencode($term);
                 // parse result into template
                 $objTpl->setVariable(array('COUNT_MATCH' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_RELEVANCE'] . ' ' . $details['Score'] . '%', 'LINK' => '<b><a href="' . $link . '" title="' . contrexx_raw2xhtml($details['Title']) . '">' . contrexx_raw2xhtml($details['Title']) . '</a></b>', 'SHORT_CONTENT' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($details['Content'])));
             return $objTpl->get();
     $noresult = $term != '' ? sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NO_SEARCH_RESULTS'], $term) : $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PLEASE_ENTER_SEARCHTERM'];
     $objTpl->setVariable('SEARCH_TITLE', $noresult);
     return $objTpl->get();
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Shows the Overview of categories
  * @global  ADONewConnection
  * @global  array
  * @global  array
  * @param   var     $intParentId
 function showCategoryOverview($intParentId = 0)
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG, $_CONFIG, $_CORELANG;
     $intParentId = intval($intParentId);
     $this->_objTpl->setTemplate($this->pageContent, true, true);
     // load source code if cmd value is integer
     if ($this->_objTpl->placeholderExists('APPLICATION_DATA')) {
         $page = new \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page();
         // load source code
         $applicationTemplate = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::getContentTemplateOfPage($page);
         $this->_objTpl->addBlock('APPLICATION_DATA', 'application_data', $applicationTemplate);
     $categoryProtected = $this->categoryIsProtected($intParentId);
     if ($categoryProtected > 0) {
         if (!\Permission::checkAccess($categoryProtected, 'dynamic', true)) {
             $link = base64_encode($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
             \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header("Location: " . CONTREXX_DIRECTORY_INDEX . "?section=Login&cmd=noaccess&redirect=" . $link);
     // hide image detail block
     // $this->_objTpl->hideBlock('galleryImage');
     if ($this->arrSettings['header_type'] == 'hierarchy') {
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('GALLERY_CATEGORY_TREE' => $this->getCategoryTree(), 'TXT_GALLERY_CATEGORY_HINT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_GALLERY_CATEGORY_HINT_HIERARCHY']));
     } else {
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('GALLERY_CATEGORY_TREE' => $this->getSiblingList(), 'TXT_GALLERY_CATEGORY_HINT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_GALLERY_CATEGORY_HINT_FLAT']));
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT id, catid, path FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_gallery_pictures " . "ORDER BY catimg ASC, sorting ASC, id ASC");
     $showImageSizeOverview = $this->arrSettings['show_image_size'] == 'on';
     while (!$objResult->EOF) {
         $arrImageSizes[$objResult->fields['catid']][$objResult->fields['id']] = $showImageSizeOverview ? round(filesize($this->strImagePath . $objResult->fields['path']) / 1024, 2) : '';
         $arrstrImagePaths[$objResult->fields['catid']][$objResult->fields['id']] = $this->strThumbnailWebPath . $objResult->fields['path'];
     if (isset($arrImageSizes) && isset($arrstrImagePaths)) {
         foreach ($arrImageSizes as $keyCat => $valueCat) {
             $arrCategorySizes[$keyCat] = 0;
             foreach ($valueCat as $valueImageSize) {
                 $arrCategorySizes[$keyCat] = $arrCategorySizes[$keyCat] + $valueImageSize;
         foreach ($arrstrImagePaths as $keyCat => $valueCat) {
             $arrCategoryImages[$keyCat] = 0;
             $arrCategoryImageCounter[$keyCat] = 0;
             foreach ($valueCat as $valuestrImagePath) {
                 $arrCategoryImages[$keyCat] = $valuestrImagePath;
                 $arrCategoryImageCounter[$keyCat] = $arrCategoryImageCounter[$keyCat] + 1;
     //$arrCategorySizes            ->        Sizes of all Categories
     //$arrCategoryImages        ->        The First Picture of each category
     //$arrCategoryImageCounter    ->        Counts all images in one group
     //begin category-paging
     $intPos = isset($_GET['pos']) ? intval($_GET['pos']) : 0;
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute('SELECT    count(id) AS countValue
                                         FROM     ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_gallery_categories
                                         WHERE     pid=' . $intParentId . ' AND
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('GALLERY_CATEGORY_PAGING' => getPaging($objResult->fields['countValue'], $intPos, '&section=Gallery&cid=' . $intParentId . $this->strCmd, '<b>' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_GALLERY'] . '</b>', false, intval($_CONFIG['corePagingLimit']))));
     //end category-paging
     $objResult = $objDatabase->SelectLimit('SELECT         *
                                             FROM         ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_gallery_categories
                                             WHERE         pid=' . $intParentId . ' AND
                                             ORDER BY    sorting ASC', intval($_CONFIG['corePagingLimit']), $intPos);
     if ($objResult->RecordCount() == 0) {
         // no categories in the database, hide the output
     } else {
         $i = 1;
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             $objSubResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT name, value FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_gallery_language " . "WHERE gallery_id=" . $objResult->fields['id'] . " AND " . "lang_id=" . intval($this->langId) . " ORDER BY name ASC");
             while (!$objSubResult->EOF) {
                 $arrCategoryLang[$objSubResult->fields['name']] = $objSubResult->fields['value'];
             if (empty($arrCategoryImages[$objResult->fields['id']])) {
                 // no pictures in this gallery, show the empty-image
                 $strName = $arrCategoryLang['name'];
                 $strDesc = $arrCategoryLang['desc'];
                 $strImage = '<a href="' . CONTREXX_DIRECTORY_INDEX . '?section=Gallery&amp;cid=' . $objResult->fields['id'] . $this->strCmd . '" target="_self">';
                 $strImage .= '<img border="0" alt="' . $arrCategoryLang['name'] . '" src="modules/Gallery/View/Media/no_images.gif" /></a>';
                 $strInfo = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_IMAGE_COUNT'] . ': 0';
                 $strInfo .= $showImageSizeOverview ? '<br />' . $_CORELANG['TXT_SIZE'] . ': 0kB' : '';
             } else {
                 $strName = $arrCategoryLang['name'];
                 $strDesc = $arrCategoryLang['desc'];
                 $strImage = '<a href="' . CONTREXX_DIRECTORY_INDEX . '?section=Gallery&amp;cid=' . $objResult->fields['id'] . $this->strCmd . '" target="_self">';
                 $strImage .= '<img border="0" alt="' . $arrCategoryLang['name'] . '" src="' . $arrCategoryImages[$objResult->fields['id']] . '" /></a>';
                 $strInfo = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_IMAGE_COUNT'] . ': ' . $arrCategoryImageCounter[$objResult->fields['id']];
                 $strInfo .= $showImageSizeOverview ? '<br />' . $_CORELANG['TXT_SIZE'] . ': ' . $arrCategorySizes[$objResult->fields['id']] . 'kB' : '';
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('GALLERY_STYLE' => $i % 2 + 1, 'GALLERY_CATEGORY_NAME' => $strName, 'GALLERY_CATEGORY_IMAGE' => $strImage, 'GALLERY_CATEGORY_INFO' => $strInfo, 'GALLERY_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION' => nl2br($strDesc)));
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('GALLERY_JAVASCRIPT' => $this->getJavascript()));
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT value FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_gallery_language " . "WHERE gallery_id={$intParentId} AND lang_id={$this->langId} AND name='desc'");
     $strCategoryComment = nl2br($objResult->fields['value']);
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT comment,voting FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_gallery_categories " . "WHERE id=" . intval($intParentId));
     $boolComment = $objResult->fields['comment'];
     $boolVoting = $objResult->fields['voting'];
     // paging
     $intPos = isset($_GET['pos']) ? intval($_GET['pos']) : 0;
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT id, path, link, size_show FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_gallery_pictures " . "WHERE status='1' AND validated='1' AND catid={$intParentId} " . "ORDER BY sorting");
     $intCount = $objResult->RecordCount();
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('GALLERY_PAGING' => getPaging($intCount, $intPos, '&section=Gallery&cid=' . $intParentId . $this->strCmd, '<b>' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_IMAGES'] . '</b>', false, intval($this->arrSettings["paging"]))));
     // end paging
     $objResult = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("SELECT id, path, link, size_show FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_gallery_pictures " . "WHERE status='1' AND validated='1' AND catid={$intParentId} " . "ORDER BY sorting", intval($this->arrSettings["paging"]), $intPos);
     if ($objResult->RecordCount() == 0) {
         // No images in the category
         if (empty($strCategoryComment)) {
         } else {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('GALLERY_CATEGORY_COMMENT' => $strCategoryComment));
     } else {
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('GALLERY_CATEGORY_COMMENT' => $strCategoryComment));
         $intFillLastRow = 1;
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             $imageVotingOutput = '';
             $imageCommentOutput = '';
             $objSubResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT p.name, p.desc FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_gallery_language_pics p " . "WHERE picture_id=" . $objResult->fields['id'] . " AND lang_id={$this->langId} LIMIT 1");
             // Never used
             //                $imageReso = getimagesize($this->strImagePath.$objResult->fields['path']);
             $strImagePath = $this->strImageWebPath . $objResult->fields['path'];
             $imageThumbPath = $this->strThumbnailWebPath . $objResult->fields['path'];
             $imageFileName = $this->arrSettings['show_file_name'] == 'on' ? $objResult->fields['path'] : '';
             $imageName = $this->arrSettings['show_names'] == 'on' ? $objSubResult->fields['name'] : '';
             $imageTitle = $this->arrSettings['show_names'] == 'on' ? $objSubResult->fields['name'] : ($this->arrSettings['show_file_name'] == 'on' ? $objResult->fields['path'] : '');
             $imageLinkName = $objSubResult->fields['desc'];
             $imageLink = $objResult->fields['link'];
             $showImageSize = $this->arrSettings['show_image_size'] == 'on' && $objResult->fields['size_show'];
             $imageFileSize = $showImageSize ? round(filesize($this->strImagePath . $objResult->fields['path']) / 1024, 2) : '';
             $imageLinkOutput = '';
             $imageSizeOutput = '';
             $imageTitleTag = '';
             // chop the file extension if the settings tell us to do so
             if ($this->arrSettings['show_ext'] == 'off') {
                 $imageFileName = substr($imageFileName, 0, strrpos($imageFileName, '.'));
             if ($this->arrSettings['slide_show'] == 'slideshow') {
                 $optionValue = "slideshowDelay:" . $this->arrSettings['slide_show_seconds'];
             } else {
                 $optionValue = "counterType:'skip',continuous:true,animSequence:'sync'";
             //calculation starts here
             $numberOfChars = "60";
             if ($imageLinkName != "") {
                 if (strlen($imageLinkName) > $numberOfChars) {
                     $descriptionString = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . substr($imageLinkName, 0, $numberOfChars);
                     $descriptionString .= " ...";
                 } else {
                     $descriptionString = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $imageLinkName;
             } else {
                 $descriptionString = "";
             //Ends here
             if ($this->arrSettings['show_names'] == 'on' || $this->arrSettings['show_file_name'] == 'on') {
                 $imageSizeOutput = $imageName;
                 $imageTitleTag = $imageName;
                 if ($this->arrSettings['show_file_name'] == 'on' || $showImageSize) {
                     $imageData = array();
                     if ($this->arrSettings['show_file_name'] == 'on') {
                         if ($this->arrSettings['show_names'] == 'off') {
                             $imageSizeOutput .= $imageFileName;
                             $imageTitleTag .= $imageFileName;
                         } else {
                             $imageData[] = $imageFileName;
                     if (!empty($imageData)) {
                         $imageTitleTag .= ' (' . join(' ', $imageData) . ')';
                     if ($showImageSize) {
                         // the size of the file has to be shown
                         $imageData[] = $imageFileSize . ' kB';
                     if (!empty($imageData)) {
                         $imageSizeOutput .= ' (' . join(' ', $imageData) . ')<br />';
             if ($this->arrSettings['enable_popups'] == "on") {
                 $strImageOutput = '<a rel="shadowbox[' . $intParentId . '];options={' . $optionValue . '}"  title="' . $imageTitleTag . '" href="' . $strImagePath . '"><img title="' . $imageTitleTag . '" src="' . $imageThumbPath . '" alt="' . $imageTitleTag . '" /></a>';
                                     $strImageOutput =
                 '<a rel="shadowbox['.$intParentId.'];options={'.$optionValue.
                 '}" description="'.$imageLinkName.'" title="'.$titleLink.'" href="'.
                 $strImagePath.'"><img title="'.$imageName.'" src="'.
                 $imageThumbPath.'" alt="'.$imageName.'" /></a>';
             } else {
                 $strImageOutput = '<a href="' . CONTREXX_DIRECTORY_INDEX . '?section=Gallery' . $this->strCmd . '&amp;cid=' . $intParentId . '&amp;pId=' . $objResult->fields['id'] . '">' . '<img  title="' . $imageTitleTag . '" src="' . $imageThumbPath . '"' . 'alt="' . $imageTitleTag . '" /></a>';
             if ($this->arrSettings['show_comments'] == 'on' && $boolComment) {
                 $objSubResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT id FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_gallery_comments " . "WHERE picid=" . $objResult->fields['id']);
                 if ($objSubResult->RecordCount() > 0) {
                     if ($objSubResult->RecordCount() == 1) {
                         $imageCommentOutput = '1 ' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_COMMENTS_ADD_TEXT'] . '<br />';
                     } else {
                         $imageCommentOutput = $objSubResult->RecordCount() . ' ' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_COMMENTS_ADD_COMMENTS'] . '<br />';
             if ($this->arrSettings['show_voting'] == 'on' && $boolVoting) {
                 $objSubResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT mark FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_gallery_votes " . "WHERE picid=" . $objResult->fields["id"]);
                 if ($objSubResult->RecordCount() > 0) {
                     $intMark = 0;
                     while (!$objSubResult->EOF) {
                         $intMark = $intMark + $objSubResult->fields['mark'];
                     $imageVotingOutput = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_VOTING_SCORE'] . '&nbsp;&Oslash;' . number_format(round($intMark / $objSubResult->RecordCount(), 1), 1, '.', '\'') . '<br />';
             if (!empty($imageLinkName)) {
                 if (!empty($imageLink)) {
                     $imageLinkOutput = '<a href="' . $imageLink . '" target="_blank">' . $imageLinkName . '</a>';
                 } else {
                     $imageLinkOutput = $imageLinkName;
             } else {
                 if (!empty($imageLink)) {
                     $imageLinkOutput = '<a href="' . $imageLink . '" target="_blank">' . $imageLink . '</a>';
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('GALLERY_IMAGE_LINK' . $intFillLastRow => $imageSizeOutput . $imageCommentOutput . $imageVotingOutput . $imageLinkOutput, 'GALLERY_IMAGE' . $intFillLastRow => $strImageOutput));
             if ($intFillLastRow == 3) {
                 // Parse the data after every third image
                 $intFillLastRow = 1;
             } else {
         if ($intFillLastRow == 2) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('GALLERY_IMAGE' . $intFillLastRow => '', 'GALLERY_IMAGE_LINK' . $intFillLastRow => ''));
         if ($intFillLastRow == 3) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('GALLERY_IMAGE' . $intFillLastRow => '', 'GALLERY_IMAGE_LINK' . $intFillLastRow => ''));
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Checks if the user has been successfully authenticated
  * If a user has been successfully authenticated then he will be
  * redirected to the requested page, otherwise the login page will be displayed
  * @access private
  * @global array
  * @see cmsSession::cmsSessionStatusUpdate(), contrexx_strip_tags, \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma::get()
  * @return string \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma::get()
 function _login()
     global $_CORELANG, $sessionObj;
     $objFWUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject();
     if (isset($_REQUEST['redirect'])) {
         $redirect = contrexx_strip_tags($_REQUEST['redirect']);
     } elseif (isset($_SESSION['redirect'])) {
         $redirect = $_SESSION['redirect'];
     } else {
         $redirect = "";
     $arrSettings = \User_Setting::getSettings();
     if (function_exists('curl_init') && $arrSettings['sociallogin']['status'] && !empty($_GET['provider'])) {
         $providerLogin = $this->loginWithProvider($_GET['provider']);
         if ($providerLogin) {
             return $providerLogin;
     if ($objFWUser->objUser->login()) {
         if (isset($_POST['login']) && $objFWUser->checkLogin() || isset($_GET['auth-token']) && isset($_GET['user-id'])) {
             $sessionObj = \cmsSession::getInstance();
         } elseif (isset($_POST['login'])) {
             $_GET['relogin'] = '******';
     if ((!isset($_GET['relogin']) || $_GET['relogin'] != 'true') && $objFWUser->objUser->login() || $objFWUser->checkAuth()) {
         $groupRedirect = ($objGroup = $objFWUser->objGroup->getGroup($objFWUser->objUser->getPrimaryGroupId())) && $objGroup->getHomepage() ? preg_replace('/\\[\\[([A-Z0-9_-]+)\\]\\]/', '{\\1}', $objGroup->getHomepage()) : CONTREXX_SCRIPT_PATH;
         if (isset($_SESSION['redirect'])) {
         if (!empty($redirect)) {
             $redirect = \FWUser::getRedirectUrl(urlencode(base64_decode($redirect)));
         \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: ' . (empty($redirect) ? $groupRedirect : $redirect));
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['login'])) {
             $this->_statusMessage = $_CORELANG['TXT_PASSWORD_OR_USERNAME_IS_INCORRECT'];
     if (isset($_SESSION['auth']['loginLastAuthFailed'])) {
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('TXT_CORE_CAPTCHA' => $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_CAPTCHA'], 'CAPTCHA_CODE' => \Cx\Core_Modules\Captcha\Controller\Captcha::getInstance()->getCode()));
     } else {
     // TODO: loading the language data of component Access at this
     //       point is a workaround as the integration of the Access
     //       component's functionality itself is hard-coded too and
     //       has not been implemented through the system component
     //       framework.
     $accessLang = \Env::get('init')->getComponentSpecificLanguageData('Access');
     return $this->_objTpl->get();
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Parses the main template in order to finish request
  * @todo Remove usage of globals
  * @global type $themesPages
  * @global null $moduleStyleFile
  * @global array $_CONFIG
  * @global type $subMenuTitle
  * @global type $_CORELANG
  * @global type $plainCmd
  * @global type $cmd
 protected function finalize()
     global $themesPages, $moduleStyleFile, $_CONFIG, $subMenuTitle, $_CORELANG, $plainCmd, $cmd;
     if ($this->mode == self::MODE_FRONTEND) {
         // parse system
         $parsingTime = $this->stopTimer();
         $this->template->setVariable('PARSING_TIME', $parsingTime);
         $this->template->setVariable(array('SIDEBAR_FILE' => $themesPages['sidebar'], 'JAVASCRIPT_FILE' => $themesPages['javascript'], 'BUILDIN_STYLE_FILE' => $themesPages['buildin_style'], 'DATE_YEAR' => date('Y'), 'DATE_MONTH' => date('m'), 'DATE_DAY' => date('d'), 'DATE_TIME' => date('H:i'), 'BUILDIN_STYLE_FILE' => $themesPages['buildin_style'], 'JAVASCRIPT_LIGHTBOX' => '<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/lightbox/javascript/mootools.js"></script>
                 <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/lightbox/javascript/slimbox.js"></script>', 'JAVASCRIPT_MOBILE_DETECTOR' => '<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/mobiledetector.js"></script>'));
         if (!empty($moduleStyleFile)) {
             $this->template->setVariable('STYLE_FILE', "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{$moduleStyleFile}\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen, projection\" />");
         if (!$this->resolvedPage->getUseSkinForAllChannels() && isset($_GET['pdfview']) && intval($_GET['pdfview']) == 1) {
             $pageTitle = $this->resolvedPage->getTitle();
             $extenstion = empty($pageTitle) ? null : '.pdf';
             $objPDF = new \Cx\Core_Modules\Pdf\Model\Entity\PdfDocument();
             $objPDF->SetTitle($pageTitle . $extenstion);
         // fetch the parsed webpage
         $this->template->setVariable('JAVASCRIPT', 'javascript_inserting_here');
         $endcode = $this->template->get();
          * Get all javascripts in the code, replace them with nothing, and register the js file
          * to the javascript lib. This is because we don't want something twice, and there could be
          * a theme that requires a javascript, which then could be used by a module too and therefore would
          * be loaded twice.
         /* Finds all uncommented script tags, strips them out of the HTML and
          * stores them internally so we can put them in the placeholder later
          * (see JS::getCode() below)
          * Proposal:  Use this
          *     $endcode = preg_replace_callback('/<script\s.*?src=(["\'])(.*?)(\1).*?\/?>(?:<\/script>)?/i', array('JS', 'registerFromRegex'), $endcode);
          * and change JS::registerFromRegex to use index 2
         // i know this is ugly, but is there another way
         $endcode = str_replace('javascript_inserting_here', \JS::getCode(), $endcode);
         // do a final replacement of all those node-urls ({NODE_<ID>_<LANG>}- placeholders) that haven't been captured earlier
         $endcode = preg_replace('/\\[\\[([A-Z0-9_-]+)\\]\\]/', '{\\1}', $endcode);
         // remove the meta tag X-UA-Compatible if the user agent ist neighter internet explorer nor chromeframe
         if (!preg_match('/(msie|chromeframe)/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
             $endcode = preg_replace('/<meta.*?X-UA-Compatible.*?>/i', '', $endcode);
         // replace links from before contrexx 3
         $ls = new \LinkSanitizer($this, $this->getCodeBaseOffsetPath() . \Env::get('virtualLanguageDirectory') . '/', $endcode);
         $this->endcode = $ls->replace();
     } else {
         // backend meta navigation
         if ($this->template->blockExists('backend_metanavigation')) {
             // parse language navigation
             if ($this->template->blockExists('backend_language_navigation') && $this->template->blockExists('backend_language_navigation_item')) {
                 $backendLanguage = \FWLanguage::getActiveBackendLanguages();
                 if (count($backendLanguage) > 1) {
                     $this->template->setVariable('TXT_LANGUAGE', $_CORELANG['TXT_LANGUAGE']);
                     foreach ($backendLanguage as $language) {
                         $languageUrl = \Env::get('init')->getUriBy('setLang', $language['id']);
                         $this->template->setVariable(array('LANGUAGE_URL' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($languageUrl), 'LANGUAGE_NAME' => $language['name'], 'LANGUAGE_CSS' => \Env::get('init')->getBackendLangId() == $language['id'] ? 'active' : ''));
                 } else {
         // page parsing
         $parsingTime = $this->stopTimer();
         //                var_dump($parsingTime);
         /*echo ($finishTime[0] - $startTime[0]) . '<br />';
           if (!isset($_SESSION['asdf1']) || isset($_GET['reset'])) {
               $_SESSION['asdf1'] = 0;
               $_SESSION['asdf2'] = 0;
           echo $_SESSION['asdf1'] . '<br />';
           if ($_SESSION['asdf1'] > 0) {
               echo $_SESSION['asdf2'] / $_SESSION['asdf1'];
           $_SESSION['asdf2'] += ($finishTime[0] - $startTime[0]);//*/
         $objAdminNav = new \adminMenu($plainCmd);
         $this->template->setVariable(array('SUB_MENU_TITLE' => $subMenuTitle, 'FRONTEND_LANG_MENU' => \Env::get('init')->getUserFrontendLangMenu(), 'TXT_GENERATED_IN' => $_CORELANG['TXT_GENERATED_IN'], 'TXT_SECONDS' => $_CORELANG['TXT_SECONDS'], 'TXT_LOGOUT_WARNING' => $_CORELANG['TXT_LOGOUT_WARNING'], 'PARSING_TIME' => $parsingTime, 'LOGGED_NAME' => htmlentities($this->getUser()->objUser->getProfileAttribute('firstname') . ' ' . $this->getUser()->objUser->getProfileAttribute('lastname'), ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), 'TXT_LOGGED_IN_AS' => $_CORELANG['TXT_LOGGED_IN_AS'], 'TXT_LOG_OUT' => $_CORELANG['TXT_LOG_OUT'], 'MODULE_INDEX' => MODULE_INDEX, 'JAVASCRIPT' => \JS::getCode(), 'CX_EDITION' => $_CONFIG['coreCmsEdition'], 'CX_VERSION' => $_CONFIG['coreCmsVersion'], 'CX_CODE_NAME' => $_CONFIG['coreCmsCodeName'], 'CX_STATUS' => $_CONFIG['coreCmsStatus'], 'CX_RELEASE_DATE' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, $_CONFIG['coreCmsReleaseDate']), 'CX_NAME' => $_CONFIG['coreCmsName']));
         // Style parsing
         if (file_exists($this->codeBaseAdminTemplatePath . '/css/' . $cmd . '.css')) {
             // check if there's a css file in the core section
             $this->template->setVariable('ADD_STYLE_URL', $this->codeBaseAdminTemplateWebPath . '/css/' . $cmd . '.css');
         } elseif (file_exists($this->codeBaseModulePath . '/' . $cmd . '/template/backend.css')) {
             // of maybe in the current module directory
             $this->template->setVariable('ADD_STYLE_URL', $this->codeBaseModuleWebPath . '/' . $cmd . '/template/backend.css');
         } elseif (file_exists($this->codeBaseCoreModulePath . '/' . $cmd . '/template/backend.css')) {
             // or in the core module directory
             $this->template->setVariable('ADD_STYLE_URL', $this->codeBaseCoreModuleWebPath . '/' . $cmd . '/template/backend.css');
         } else {
         /*echo '<pre>';
           /*echo '<b>Overall time: ' . (microtime(true) - $timeAtStart) . 's<br />';
           echo 'Max RAM usage: ' . formatBytes(memory_get_peak_usage()) . '<br />';
           echo 'End RAM usage: ' . formatBytes(memory_get_usage()) . '<br /></b>';*/
         $endcode = $this->template->get();
         // replace links from before contrexx 3
         $ls = new \LinkSanitizer($this, $this->getCodeBaseOffsetPath() . $this->getBackendFolderName() . '/', $endcode);
         $this->endcode = $ls->replace();
     \DBG::log("(Cx: {$this->id}) Request parsing completed after {$parsingTime}");
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Returns the page path of the given target (node placeholder).
  * If the target page doesn't exist, the path of the error page will be returned.
  * @param   array   $arguments
  * @return  string  $path
 public function getPathByTarget($arguments)
     global $_CONFIG;
     $target = contrexx_input2raw($arguments['get']['target']);
     if (!\FWValidator::hasProto($target)) {
         $page = new \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page();
         if ($page->isTargetInternal()) {
             $target = str_replace(array('[[', ']]'), array('{', '}'), $target);
         } elseif (ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET == '' || strpos($target, ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET) === false) {
             if (!isset($target[0]) || $target[0] !== '/') {
                 $target = '/' . $target;
             $target = ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . $target;
         $target = ASCMS_PROTOCOL . '://' . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . $target;
     return $target;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 function showEntry()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $_CORELANG;
     $this->_objTpl->setTemplate($this->pageContent, true, true);
     //get ids
     $intCategoryId = isset($_GET['cid']) ? intval($_GET['cid']) : 0;
     $intLevelId = isset($_GET['lid']) ? intval($_GET['lid']) : 0;
     $intEntryId = isset($_GET['eid']) ? intval($_GET['eid']) : 0;
     // load source code if cmd value is integer
     if ($this->_objTpl->placeholderExists('APPLICATION_DATA')) {
         $page = new \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page();
         // load source code
         $applicationTemplate = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::getContentTemplateOfPage($page);
         $this->_objTpl->addBlock('APPLICATION_DATA', 'application_data', $applicationTemplate);
     //get navtree
     if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists($this->moduleNameLC . 'Navtree') && ($intCategoryId != 0 || $intLevelId != 0)) {
         $this->getNavtree($intCategoryId, $intLevelId);
     if ($intEntryId != 0 && $this->_objTpl->blockExists($this->moduleNameLC . 'EntryList')) {
         $objEntry = new MediaDirectoryEntry($this->moduleName);
         $objEntry->getEntries($intEntryId, $intLevelId, $intCategoryId, null, null, null, 1, null, 1);
         $objEntry->listEntries($this->_objTpl, 2);
         //set meta attributes
         $entries = new MediaDirectoryEntry($this->moduleName);
         $entries->getEntries($intEntryId, $intLevelId, $intCategoryId, null, null, null, 1, null, 1);
         $entry = $entries->arrEntries[$intEntryId];
         $objInputfields = new MediaDirectoryInputfield($entry['entryFormId'], false, $entry['entryTranslationStatus'], $this->moduleName);
         $inputFields = $objInputfields->getInputfields();
         $titleChanged = false;
         $contentChanged = false;
         foreach ($inputFields as $arrInputfield) {
             $contextType = isset($arrInputfield['context_type']) ? $arrInputfield['context_type'] : '';
             if (!in_array($contextType, array('title', 'content', 'image'))) {
             $strType = isset($arrInputfield['type_name']) ? $arrInputfield['type_name'] : '';
             $strInputfieldClass = "\\Cx\\Modules\\MediaDir\\Model\\Entity\\MediaDirectoryInputfield" . ucfirst($strType);
             try {
                 $objInputfield = safeNew($strInputfieldClass, $this->moduleName);
                 $arrTranslationStatus = contrexx_input2int($arrInputfield['type_multi_lang']) == 1 ? $entry['entryTranslationStatus'] : null;
                 $arrInputfieldContent = $objInputfield->getContent($entry['entryId'], $arrInputfield, $arrTranslationStatus);
                 switch ($contextType) {
                     case 'title':
                         $inputfieldValue = $arrInputfieldContent[$this->moduleLangVar . '_INPUTFIELD_VALUE'];
                         if ($inputfieldValue) {
                             $this->metaTitle .= ' - ' . $inputfieldValue;
                             $this->pageTitle = $inputfieldValue;
                         $titleChanged = true;
                     case 'content':
                         $inputfieldValue = $arrInputfieldContent[$this->moduleLangVar . '_INPUTFIELD_VALUE'];
                         if ($inputfieldValue) {
                             $this->metaDescription = $inputfieldValue;
                         $contentChanged = true;
                     case 'image':
                         $inputfieldValue = $arrInputfieldContent[$this->moduleLangVar . '_INPUTFIELD_VALUE_SRC'];
                         if ($inputfieldValue) {
                             $this->metaImage = $inputfieldValue;
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $firstInputfieldValue = $entries->arrEntries[$intEntryId]['entryFields'][0];
         if (!$titleChanged && $firstInputfieldValue) {
             $this->pageTitle = $firstInputfieldValue;
             $this->metaTitle = $firstInputfieldValue;
         if (!$contentChanged && $firstInputfieldValue) {
             $this->metaDescription = $firstInputfieldValue;
         if (empty($objEntry->arrEntries)) {
             $this->_objTpl->hideBlock($this->moduleNameLC . 'EntryList');
             header("Location: index.php?section=" . $this->moduleName);
     } else {
         header("Location: index.php?section=" . $this->moduleName);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Checks if the user has been successfully authenticated
  * If a user has been successfully authenticated then he will be
  * redirected to the requested page, otherwise the login page will be displayed
  * @access private
  * @global array
  * @see cmsSession::cmsSessionStatusUpdate(), contrexx_strip_tags, \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma::get()
  * @return string \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma::get()
 function _login()
     global $_CORELANG, $sessionObj;
     $objFWUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject();
     if (isset($_REQUEST['redirect'])) {
         $redirect = contrexx_strip_tags($_REQUEST['redirect']);
     } elseif (isset($_SESSION['redirect'])) {
         $redirect = $_SESSION['redirect'];
     } else {
         $redirect = "";
     $arrSettings = \User_Setting::getSettings();
     if (function_exists('curl_init') && $arrSettings['sociallogin']['status'] && !empty($_GET['provider'])) {
         $providerLogin = $this->loginWithProvider($_GET['provider']);
         if ($providerLogin) {
             return $providerLogin;
     if ($objFWUser->objUser->login()) {
         if (isset($_POST['login']) && $objFWUser->checkLogin() || isset($_GET['auth-token']) && isset($_GET['user-id'])) {
             $sessionObj = \cmsSession::getInstance();
         } else {
             $_GET['relogin'] = '******';
     if ((!isset($_GET['relogin']) || $_GET['relogin'] != 'true') && $objFWUser->objUser->login() || $objFWUser->checkAuth()) {
         $groupRedirect = ($objGroup = $objFWUser->objGroup->getGroup($objFWUser->objUser->getPrimaryGroupId())) && $objGroup->getHomepage() ? preg_replace('/\\[\\[([A-Z0-9_-]+)\\]\\]/', '{\\1}', $objGroup->getHomepage()) : CONTREXX_SCRIPT_PATH;
         if (isset($_SESSION['redirect'])) {
         if (!empty($redirect)) {
             $redirect = \FWUser::getRedirectUrl(urlencode(base64_decode($redirect)));
         \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: ' . (empty($redirect) ? $groupRedirect : $redirect));
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['login'])) {
             $this->_statusMessage = $_CORELANG['TXT_PASSWORD_OR_USERNAME_IS_INCORRECT'];
     if (isset($_SESSION['auth']['loginLastAuthFailed'])) {
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('TXT_CORE_CAPTCHA' => $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_CAPTCHA'], 'CAPTCHA_CODE' => \Cx\Core_Modules\Captcha\Controller\Captcha::getInstance()->getCode()));
     } else {
     return $this->_objTpl->get();
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * set the placeholders for the category view
  * @return null
 function showCategoryView()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $_CORELANG;
     $this->_objTpl->setTemplate($this->pageContent, true, true);
     // load source code if cmd value is integer
     if ($this->_objTpl->placeholderExists('APPLICATION_DATA')) {
         $page = new \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page();
         // load source code
         $applicationTemplate = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::getContentTemplateOfPage($page);
         $this->_objTpl->addBlock('APPLICATION_DATA', 'application_data', $applicationTemplate);
     $objCategoryManager = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarCategoryManager(true);
     $this->_objTpl->setGlobalVariable(array('TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_SEARCH_TERM' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_KEYWORD'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_FROM' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_FROM'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_TILL' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_TILL'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_CATEGORY' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_CAT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_SEARCH' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_SEARCH'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_OCLOCK' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_OCLOCK'], $this->moduleLangVar . '_SEARCH_TERM' => isset($_GET['term']) ? contrexx_input2xhtml($_GET['term']) : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_SEARCH_FROM' => isset($_GET['from']) ? contrexx_input2xhtml($_GET['from']) : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_SEARCH_TILL' => isset($_GET['till']) ? contrexx_input2xhtml($_GET['till']) : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_SEARCH_CATEGORIES' => $objCategoryManager->getCategoryDropdown(isset($_GET['catid']) ? intval($_GET['catid']) : 0, 1)));
     if (isset($this->categoryId)) {
         $objCategory = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarCategory($this->categoryId);
         $this->_objTpl->setGlobalVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_CATEGORY_NAME' => $objCategory->name));
     } else {
         foreach ($objCategoryManager->categoryList as $key => $objCategory) {
             $objEventManager = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarEventManager($this->startDate, $this->endDate, $objCategory->id, $this->searchTerm, true, $this->needAuth, true, $this->startPos, $this->numEvents);
             $this->_objTpl->setGlobalVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_CATEGORY_NAME' => $objCategory->name));
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Create the RSS-Feed
 function createRSS()
     global $_CONFIG, $objDatabase, $_FRONTEND_LANGID;
     // languages
     $arrLanguages = \FWLanguage::getLanguageArray();
     if (intval($this->arrSettings['news_feed_status']) == 1) {
         if (count($arrLanguages > 0)) {
             $categoryDetails = $this->getCategoryLocale(null, array_keys($arrLanguages));
             foreach ($arrLanguages as $LangId => $arrLanguage) {
                 if ($arrLanguage['frontend'] == 1) {
                     $objRSSWriter = new \RSSWriter();
                     $query = "\n                            SELECT      tblNews.id,\n                                        tblNews.date,\n                                        tblNews.redirect,\n                                        tblNews.source,\n                                        tblNews.teaser_frames AS teaser_frames,\n                                        tblLocale.lang_id,\n                                        tblLocale.title,\n                                        tblLocale.text,\n                                        tblLocale.teaser_text\n                            FROM        " . DBPREFIX . "module_news AS tblNews\n                            INNER JOIN  " . DBPREFIX . "module_news_locale AS tblLocale ON tblLocale.news_id = tblNews.id\n                            WHERE       tblNews.status=1\n                                AND     tblLocale.is_active = 1\n                                AND     tblLocale.lang_id = " . $LangId . "                                \n                                AND     (tblNews.startdate <= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' OR tblNews.startdate = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')\n                                AND     (tblNews.enddate >= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' OR tblNews.enddate = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')" . ($this->arrSettings['news_message_protection'] == '1' ? " AND tblNews.frontend_access_id=0 " : '') . "ORDER BY tblNews.date DESC";
                     $arrNews = array();
                     if (($objResult = $objDatabase->SelectLimit($query, 20)) !== false && $objResult->RecordCount() > 0) {
                         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
                             if (empty($objRSSWriter->channelLastBuildDate)) {
                                 $objRSSWriter->channelLastBuildDate = date('r', $objResult->fields['date']);
                             $teaserText = preg_replace('/\\[\\[([A-Z0-9_-]+)\\]\\]/', '{\\1}', $objResult->fields['teaser_text']);
                             $text = preg_replace('/\\[\\[([A-Z0-9_-]+)\\]\\]/', '{\\1}', $objResult->fields['text']);
                             $redirect = preg_replace('/\\[\\[([A-Z0-9_-]+)\\]\\]/', '{\\1}', $objResult->fields['redirect']);
                             \LinkGenerator::parseTemplate($teaserText, true);
                             \LinkGenerator::parseTemplate($text, true);
                             \LinkGenerator::parseTemplate($redirect, true);
                             $arrNews[$objResult->fields['id']] = array('date' => $objResult->fields['date'], 'title' => $objResult->fields['title'], 'text' => empty($redirect) ? (!empty($teaserText) ? nl2br($teaserText) . '<br /><br />' : '') . $text : (!empty($teaserText) ? nl2br($teaserText) : ''), 'redirect' => $redirect, 'source' => $objResult->fields['source'], 'teaser_frames' => explode(';', $objResult->fields['teaser_frames']), 'categoryIds' => $this->getNewsRelCategories($objResult->fields['id']));
                     } else {
                     $objRSSWriter->characterEncoding = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
                     $objRSSWriter->channelTitle = contrexx_raw2xml($this->arrSettings['news_feed_title'][$LangId]);
                     $objRSSWriter->channelDescription = contrexx_raw2xml($this->arrSettings['news_feed_description'][$LangId]);
                     $objRSSWriter->channelLink = 'http://' . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80 ? '' : ':' . intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) . ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . '/' . \FWLanguage::getLanguageParameter($LangId, 'lang') . '/' . CONTREXX_DIRECTORY_INDEX . '?section=News';
                     $objRSSWriter->channelLanguage = \FWLanguage::getLanguageParameter($LangId, 'lang');
                     $objRSSWriter->channelCopyright = 'Copyright ' . date('Y') . ', http://' . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'];
                     if (!empty($this->arrSettings['news_feed_image'])) {
                         $objRSSWriter->channelImageUrl = 'http://' . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80 ? '' : ':' . intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) . $this->arrSettings['news_feed_image'];
                         $objRSSWriter->channelImageTitle = $objRSSWriter->channelTitle;
                         $objRSSWriter->channelImageLink = $objRSSWriter->channelLink;
                     $objRSSWriter->channelWebMaster = $_CONFIG['coreAdminEmail'];
                     $itemLink = 'http://' . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80 ? '' : ':' . intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) . ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . '/' . \FWLanguage::getLanguageParameter($LangId, 'lang') . '/' . CONTREXX_DIRECTORY_INDEX . '?section=News&amp;cmd=';
                     // create rss feed
                     $objRSSWriter->xmlDocumentPath = \Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteFeedPath() . '/news_' . \FWLanguage::getLanguageParameter($LangId, 'lang') . '.xml';
                     foreach ($arrNews as $newsId => $arrNewsItem) {
                         list($cmdDetail, $categories) = $this->getRssNewsLinks($LangId, $arrNewsItem['categoryIds'], $categoryDetails[$LangId]);
                         $objRSSWriter->addItem(contrexx_raw2xml($arrNewsItem['title']), empty($arrNewsItem['redirect']) ? $itemLink . $cmdDetail . '&amp;newsid=' . $newsId . (isset($arrNewsItem['teaser_frames'][0]) ? '&amp;teaserId=' . $arrNewsItem['teaser_frames'][0] : '') : htmlspecialchars($arrNewsItem['redirect'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), contrexx_raw2xml($arrNewsItem['text']), '', $categories, '', '', '', $arrNewsItem['date'], array('url' => htmlspecialchars($arrNewsItem['source'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), 'title' => contrexx_raw2xml($arrNewsItem['title'])));
                     // create headlines rss feed
                     $objRSSWriter->xmlDocumentPath = \Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteFeedPath() . '/news_headlines_' . \FWLanguage::getLanguageParameter($LangId, 'lang') . '.xml';
                     foreach ($arrNews as $newsId => $arrNewsItem) {
                         list($cmdDetail, $categories) = $this->getRssNewsLinks($LangId, $arrNewsItem['categoryIds'], $categoryDetails[$LangId]);
                         $objRSSWriter->addItem(contrexx_raw2xml($arrNewsItem['title']), $itemLink . $cmdDetail . '&amp;newsid=' . $newsId . (isset($arrNewsItem['teaser_frames'][0]) ? '&amp;teaserId=' . $arrNewsItem['teaser_frames'][0] : ''), '', '', $categories, '', '', '', $arrNewsItem['date']);
                     $objRSSWriter->feedType = 'js';
                     $objRSSWriter->xmlDocumentPath = \Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteFeedPath() . '/news_' . \FWLanguage::getLanguageParameter($LangId, 'lang') . '.js';
                     if (count($objRSSWriter->arrErrorMsg) > 0) {
                         $this->strErrMessage .= implode('<br />', $objRSSWriter->arrErrorMsg);
                     if (count($objRSSWriter->arrWarningMsg) > 0) {
                         $this->strErrMessage .= implode('<br />', $objRSSWriter->arrWarningMsg);
     } else {
         if (count($arrLanguages > 0)) {
             foreach ($arrLanguages as $LangId => $arrLanguage) {
                 if ($arrLanguage['frontend'] == 1) {
                     @unlink(\Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteFeedPath() . '/news_' . \FWLanguage::getLanguageParameter($LangId, 'lang') . '.xml');
                     @unlink(\Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteFeedPath() . '/news_headlines_' . \FWLanguage::getLanguageParameter($LangId, 'lang') . '.xml');
                     @unlink(\Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteFeedPath() . '/news_' . \FWLanguage::getLanguageParameter($LangId, 'lang') . '.js');
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Get page
  * Get the livecam page
  * @access public
  * @return string
 function getPage()
     // load source code if cmd value is integer
     if ($this->_objTpl->placeholderExists('APPLICATION_DATA')) {
         $page = new \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page();
         // load source code
         $applicationTemplate = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::getContentTemplateOfPage($page);
         $this->_objTpl->addBlock('APPLICATION_DATA', 'application_data', $applicationTemplate);
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array("CMD" => $this->cam));
     $this->_objTpl->setGlobalVariable('LIVECAM_DATE', $this->date);
     switch ($this->_action) {
         case 'today':
         case 'archive':
     if (isset($this->statusMessage)) {
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable('LIVECAM_STATUS_MESSAGE', $this->statusMessage);
     return $this->_objTpl->get();
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function resolve()
     // $this->resolveAlias() also sets $this->page
     $aliaspage = $this->resolveAlias();
     if ($aliaspage != null) {
         $this->lang = $aliaspage->getTargetLangId();
         $aliaspage = clone $aliaspage;
     } else {
         $this->lang = \Env::get('init')->getFallbackFrontendLangId();
         //try to find the language in the url
         $extractedLanguage = \FWLanguage::getLanguageIdByCode($this->url->getLangDir());
         $activeLanguages = \FWLanguage::getActiveFrontendLanguages();
         if (!$extractedLanguage) {
         if (!in_array($extractedLanguage, array_keys($activeLanguages))) {
             $this->lang = \FWLanguage::getDefaultLangId();
         //only set langid according to url if the user has not explicitly requested a language change.
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['setLang'])) {
             $this->lang = $extractedLanguage;
             //the user wants to change the language, but we're still inside the wrong language directory.
         } else {
             if ($this->lang != $extractedLanguage) {
     // used for LinkGenerator
     define('FRONTEND_LANG_ID', $this->lang);
     // used to load template file
     global $section, $command, $history, $sessionObj, $url, $_CORELANG, $page, $pageId, $themesPages, $page_template, $isRegularPageRequest, $now, $start, $end, $plainSection;
     $section = isset($_REQUEST['section']) ? $_REQUEST['section'] : '';
     $command = isset($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? contrexx_addslashes($_REQUEST['cmd']) : '';
     $history = isset($_REQUEST['history']) ? intval($_REQUEST['history']) : 0;
     // Initialize page meta
     $page = null;
     $pageAccessId = 0;
     $page_protected = $pageId = $themesPages = $page_template = null;
     // If standalone is set, then we will not have to initialize/load any content page related stuff
     $isRegularPageRequest = !isset($_REQUEST['standalone']) || $_REQUEST['standalone'] == 'false';
     // Regular page request
     if ($isRegularPageRequest) {
         // TODO: history (empty($history) ? )
         if (isset($_GET['pagePreview']) && $_GET['pagePreview'] == 1 && empty($sessionObj)) {
             $sessionObj = \cmsSession::getInstance();
         $this->init($url, $this->lang, \Env::get('em'), ASCMS_INSTANCE_OFFSET . \Env::get('virtualLanguageDirectory'), \FWLanguage::getFallbackLanguageArray());
         try {
             $page = $this->getPage();
             // TODO: should this check (for type 'application') moved to \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::getCmd()|getModule() ?
             // only set $section and $command if the requested page is an application
             $command = $this->getCmd();
             $section = $this->getSection();
         } catch (\Cx\Core\Routing\ResolverException $e) {
             try {
                 $this->legacyResolve($url, $section, $command);
                 $page = $this->getPage();
                 $command = $this->getCmd();
                 $section = $this->getSection();
             } catch (\Cx\Core\Routing\ResolverException $e) {
                 // legacy resolving also failed.
                 // provoke a 404
                 $page = null;
         if (!$page || !$page->isActive()) {
             //fallback for inexistant error page
             if ($section == 'Error') {
                 // If the error module is not installed, show this
             } else {
                 //page not found, redirect to error page.
                 \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: ' . \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd('Error'));
         // TODO: question: what do we need this for? I think there is no need for this (had been added in r15026)
         //legacy: re-populate cmd and section into $_GET
         $_GET['cmd'] = $command;
         $_GET['section'] = $section;
         // END of TODO question
         //check whether the page is active
         $now = new \DateTime('now');
         $start = $page->getStart();
         $end = $page->getEnd();
         $pageId = $page->getId();
         //access: frontend access id for default requests
         $pageAccessId = $page->getFrontendAccessId();
         //revert the page if a history param has been given
         if ($history) {
             //access: backend access id for history requests
             $pageAccessId = $page->getBackendAccessId();
             $logRepo = \Env::get('em')->getRepository('Cx\\Core\\ContentManager\\Model\\Entity\\LogEntry');
             try {
                 $logRepo->revert($page, $history);
             } catch (\Gedmo\Exception\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
             $logRepo->revert($page, $history);
                                     //404 for inactive pages
                                     if(($start > $now && $start != null) || ($now > $end && $end != null)) {
                                         if ($section == 'Error') {
                                             // If the error module is not installed, show this
                                         \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: index.php?section=Error&id=404');
         \Env::get('init')->setCustomizedTheme($page->getSkin(), $page->getCustomContent(), $page->getUseSkinForAllChannels());
         $themesPages = \Env::get('init')->getTemplates($page);
         //replace the {NODE_<ID>_<LANG>}- placeholders
         //TODO: analyze those, take action.
         //$page_protected = $objResult->fields['protected'];
         $page_protected = $page->isFrontendProtected();
         //$page_access_id = $objResult->fields['frontend_access_id'];
         $page_template = $themesPages['content'];
         // Authentification for protected pages
         // This is only done for regular page requests ($isRegularPageRequest == TRUE)
         $this->checkPageFrontendProtection($page, $history);
         //TODO: history
     // TODO: refactor system to be able to remove this backward compatibility
     // Backwards compatibility for code pre Contrexx 3.0 (update)
     $_GET['cmd'] = $_POST['cmd'] = $_REQUEST['cmd'] = $command;
     $_GET['section'] = $_POST['section'] = $_REQUEST['section'] = $section;
     // the system should directly use $this->url->getParamArray() instead of using the super globals
     $qsArr = $this->url->getParamArray();
     foreach ($qsArr as $qsParam => $qsArgument) {
         $_GET[$qsParam] = $_REQUEST[$qsParam] = $qsArgument;
     // To clone any module, use an optional integer cmd suffix.
     // E.g.: "shop2", "gallery5", etc.
     // Mind that you *MUST* copy all necessary database tables, and fix any
     // references to your module (section and cmd parameters, database tables)
     // using the MODULE_INDEX constant in the right place both in your code
     // *AND* templates!
     // See the Shop module for an example.
     $arrMatch = array();
     if (preg_match('/^(\\D+)(\\d+)$/', $section, $arrMatch)) {
         // The plain section/module name, used below
         $plainSection = $arrMatch[1];
     } else {
         $plainSection = $section;
     // The module index.
     // An empty or 1 (one) index represents the same (default) module,
     // values 2 (two) and larger represent distinct instances.
     $moduleIndex = empty($arrMatch[2]) || $arrMatch[2] == 1 ? '' : $arrMatch[2];
     define('MODULE_INDEX', $moduleIndex);
     // Start page or default page for no section
     if ($section == 'Home') {
         if (!\Env::get('init')->hasCustomContent()) {
             $page_template = $themesPages['home'];
         } else {
             $page_template = $themesPages['content'];
     // this is the case for standalone and backend requests
     if (!$this->page) {
         return null;
     $this->page = clone $this->page;
     // check for further URL parts to resolve
     if ($this->page->getType() == \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_APPLICATION && $this->page->getPath() != '/' . $this->url->getSuggestedTargetPath()) {
         // does this work for fallback(/aliases)?
         $additionalPath = substr('/' . $this->url->getSuggestedTargetPath(), strlen($this->page->getPath()));
         $componentController = $this->em->getRepository('Cx\\Core\\Core\\Model\\Entity\\SystemComponent')->findOneBy(array('name' => $this->page->getModule()));
         if ($componentController) {
             $parts = explode('/', substr($additionalPath, 1));
             $componentController->resolve($parts, $this->page);
     return $this->page;
 function getContent($intEntryId, $arrInputfield, $arrTranslationStatus)
     global $objDatabase, $_LANGID;
     $intId = intval($arrInputfield['id']);
     $objEntryDefaultLang = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT `lang_id` FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_" . $this->moduleTablePrefix . "_entries WHERE id=" . intval($intEntryId) . " LIMIT 1");
     $intEntryDefaultLang = intval($objEntryDefaultLang->fields['lang_id']);
     $intLangId = $_LANGID;
     if ($this->arrSettings['settingsTranslationStatus'] == 1) {
         $intLangId = in_array($_LANGID, $arrTranslationStatus) ? $_LANGID : $intEntryDefaultLang;
     $objInputfieldValue = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            SELECT\n                `value`\n            FROM\n                " . DBPREFIX . "module_" . $this->moduleTablePrefix . "_rel_entry_inputfields\n            WHERE\n                field_id=" . $intId . "\n            AND\n                entry_id=" . intval($intEntryId) . "\n            AND\n                lang_id=" . $intLangId . "\n\n            LIMIT 1\n        ");
     if (empty($objInputfieldValue->fields['value'])) {
         $objInputfieldValue = $objDatabase->Execute("\n                SELECT\n                    `value`\n                FROM\n                    " . DBPREFIX . "module_" . $this->moduleTablePrefix . "_rel_entry_inputfields\n                WHERE\n                    field_id=" . $intId . "\n                AND\n                    entry_id=" . intval($intEntryId) . "\n                AND\n                    lang_id=" . intval($intEntryDefaultLang) . "\n                LIMIT 1\n            ");
     $strValue = strip_tags(htmlspecialchars($objInputfieldValue->fields['value'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET));
     // replace the links
     $strValue = preg_replace('/\\[\\[([A-Z0-9_-]+)\\]\\]/', '{\\1}', $strValue);
     \LinkGenerator::parseTemplate($strValue, true);
     //make link name without protocol
     $strValueName = preg_replace('#^.*://#', '', $strValue);
     if (strlen($strValueName) >= 55) {
         $strValueName = substr($strValueName, 0, 55) . " [...]";
     //make link href with "http://"
     $strValueHref = $strValue;
     if (!preg_match('#^.*://#', $strValueHref)) {
         $strValueHref = "http://" . $strValueHref;
     //make hyperlink with <a> tag
     $strValueLink = '<a href="' . $strValueHref . '" class="' . $this->moduleNameLC . 'InputfieldLink" target="_blank">' . $strValueName . '</a>';
     if (!empty($strValue)) {
         $arrContent['TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_INPUTFIELD_NAME'] = htmlspecialchars($arrInputfield['name'][0], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET);
         $arrContent[$this->moduleLangVar . '_INPUTFIELD_VALUE'] = $strValueLink;
         $arrContent[$this->moduleLangVar . '_INPUTFIELD_VALUE_HREF'] = $strValueHref;
         $arrContent[$this->moduleLangVar . '_INPUTFIELD_VALUE_NAME'] = $strValueName;
     } else {
         $arrContent = null;
     return $arrContent;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * track link: save feedback to database
  * @return boolean
 public static function trackLink()
     global $objDatabase;
     $recipientId = 0;
     $realUser = true;
     if (isset($_GET['m'])) {
         $recipientId = contrexx_input2raw($_GET['m']);
         $realUser = false;
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['r'])) {
             $recipientId = contrexx_input2raw($_GET['r']);
         } else {
             return false;
     $emailId = isset($_GET['n']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_GET['n']) : 0;
     $linkId = isset($_GET['l']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_GET['l']) : 0;
     if (!empty($recipientId)) {
         // find out recipient type
         if ($realUser) {
             $objUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject()->objUser->getUser(intval($recipientId));
             $recipientId = null;
             if ($objUser !== false) {
                 $recipientId = $objUser->getId();
                 $recipientType = self::USER_TYPE_ACCESS;
         } else {
             $objUser = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("SELECT `id` FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_user WHERE id='" . contrexx_raw2db($recipientId) . "'", 1);
             $recipientId = null;
             if (!($objUser === false || $objUser->RecordCount() != 1)) {
                 $recipientId = $objUser->fields['id'];
                 $recipientType = self::USER_TYPE_NEWSLETTER;
      * Request must be redirected to the newsletter $linkId URL. If the $linkId 
      * can't be looked up in the database (by what reason  so ever), then the request shall be 
      * redirected to the URL provided by the url-modificator s of the request
     $objLink = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("SELECT `url` FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_email_link WHERE id=" . contrexx_raw2db($linkId) . " AND email_id=" . contrexx_raw2db($emailId), 1);
     if ($objLink === false || $objLink->RecordCount() != 1) {
         return false;
     $url = $objLink->fields['url'];
     if (!empty($recipientId)) {
         // save feedback for valid user
         $query = "\n                INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_email_link_feedback (link_id, email_id, recipient_id, recipient_type)\n                VALUES (" . contrexx_raw2db($linkId) . ", " . contrexx_raw2db($emailId) . ", " . contrexx_raw2db($recipientId) . ", '" . contrexx_raw2db($recipientType) . "')\n            ";
     \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: ' . $url);
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Show the contact page
  * Parse a contact form submit request and show the contact page
  * @see _getContactFormData(), _checkValues(), _insertIntoDatabase(), sendMail(), _showError(), _showFeedback(), \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma::get(), \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma::blockExists(), \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma::hideBlock(), \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma::touchBlock()
  * @return string Parse contact form page
 function getContactPage()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $_LANGID, $objDatabase;
     $formId = isset($_GET['cmd']) ? intval($_GET['cmd']) : 0;
     $arrFields = $this->getFormFields($formId);
     $isLoggedin = $this->setProfileData();
     $useCaptcha = !$isLoggedin && $this->getContactFormCaptchaStatus($formId);
     $uploaderCode = '';
     // load requested form's source code if required
     if ($this->objTemplate->placeholderExists('APPLICATION_DATA')) {
         // load form's source code
         $applicationTemplate = $this->getSourceCode($formId, $_LANGID);
         $this->objTemplate->addBlock('APPLICATION_DATA', 'application_data', $applicationTemplate);
     if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('contact_form')) {
         $recipients = $this->getRecipients($formId);
         foreach ($arrFields as $fieldId => $arrField) {
              * Set values for special field types if the user is authenticated
             if ($isLoggedin && empty($_GET[$fieldId]) && empty($_POST['contactFormField_' . $fieldId])) {
                 switch ($arrField['special_type']) {
                     case 'access_email':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_USER_EMAIL]]';
                     case 'access_gender':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_GENDER]]';
                     case 'access_title':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_TITLE]]';
                     case 'access_firstname':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_FIRSTNAME]]';
                     case 'access_lastname':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_LASTNAME]]';
                     case 'access_company':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPANY]]';
                     case 'access_address':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_ADDRESS]]';
                     case 'access_city':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_CITY]]';
                     case 'access_zip':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_ZIP]]';
                     case 'access_country':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_COUNTRY]]';
                     case 'access_phone_office':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_PHONE_OFFICE]]';
                     case 'access_phone_private':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_PHONE_PRIVATE]]';
                     case 'access_phone_mobile':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_PHONE_MOBILE]]';
                     case 'access_phone_fax':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_PHONE_FAX]]';
                     case 'access_birthday':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_BIRTHDAY]]';
                     case 'access_website':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_WEBSITE]]';
                     case 'access_profession':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_PROFESSION]]';
                     case 'access_interests':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_INTERESTS]]';
                     case 'access_signature':
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = '[[ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_SIGNATURE]]';
             $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = preg_replace('/\\[\\[([A-Z0-9_]+)\\]\\]/', '{$1}', $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value']);
             $this->objTemplate->setVariable(array($formId . '_FORM_NAME' => wordwrap($this->arrForms[$formId]['lang'][$_LANGID]['name'], 90, "<br/>\n", true), $formId . '_FORM_TEXT' => $this->arrForms[$formId]['lang'][$_LANGID]['text'], $fieldId . '_LABEL' => $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['name'] != "" ? wordwrap($arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['name'], 90, "<br/>\n", true) : "&nbsp;"));
              * Generate values for dropdown checkbox and radio fields
             $userProfileRegExp = '/\\{([A-Z_]+)\\}/';
             $accessAttributeId = null;
             $fieldType = $arrField['type'] != 'special' ? $arrField['type'] : $arrField['special_type'];
             switch ($fieldType) {
                 case 'checkbox':
                     if ($arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] == 1 || !empty($_POST['contactFormField_' . $fieldId])) {
                         $this->objTemplate->setVariable('SELECTED_' . $fieldId, 'checked="checked"');
                 case 'checkboxGroup':
                 case 'radio':
                     $options = explode(',', $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value']);
                     foreach ($options as $index => $option) {
                         if (preg_match($userProfileRegExp, $option)) {
                             $valuePlaceholderBlock = 'contact_value_placeholder_block_' . $fieldId . '_' . $index;
                             $this->objTemplate->addBlock($fieldId . '_' . $index . '_VALUE', $valuePlaceholderBlock, contrexx_raw2xhtml($option));
                         } else {
                             $this->objTemplate->setVariable($fieldId . '_' . $index . '_VALUE', contrexx_raw2xhtml($option));
                         if (!empty($_POST['contactFormField_' . $fieldId])) {
                             if (in_array($option, $_POST['contactFormField_' . $fieldId]) || $option == $_POST['contactFormField_' . $fieldId]) {
                                 $this->objTemplate->setVariable('SELECTED_' . $fieldId . '_' . $index, 'checked="checked"');
                         } elseif (!empty($_GET[$fieldId])) {
                             if ($option == $_GET[$fieldId]) {
                                 $this->objTemplate->setVariable('SELECTED_' . $fieldId . '_' . $index, 'checked="checked"');
                 case 'access_title':
                 case 'access_gender':
                     // collect user attribute options
                     $arrOptions = array();
                     $accessAttributeId = str_replace('access_', '', $fieldType);
                     $objAttribute = \FWUser::getFWUserObject()->objUser->objAttribute->getById($accessAttributeId);
                     // get options
                     $arrAttribute = $objAttribute->getChildren();
                     foreach ($arrAttribute as $attributeId) {
                         // in case the selection of the field is mandatory, we shall skip the unknown option of the user profile attribute
                         if ($arrField['is_required'] && strpos($attributeId, '_undefined')) {
                         $objAttribute = \FWUser::getFWUserObject()->objUser->objAttribute->getById($attributeId);
                         $arrOptions[] = $objAttribute->getName(FRONTEND_LANG_ID);
                     // options will be used for select input generation
                     $arrField['lang'][FRONTEND_LANG_ID]['value'] = implode(',', $arrOptions);
                     // intentionally no break here!!
                 // intentionally no break here!!
                 case 'select':
                     $options = explode(',', $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value']);
                     $inexOffset = 0;
                     if ($arrField['is_required']) {
                         $options = array_merge(array($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CONTACT_PLEASE_SELECT']), $options);
                         $inexOffset = 1;
                     foreach ($options as $index => $option) {
                         if (preg_match($userProfileRegExp, $option)) {
                             $valuePlaceholderBlock = 'contact_value_placeholder_block_' . $fieldId . '_' . $index;
                             $this->objTemplate->addBlock($fieldId . '_VALUE', $valuePlaceholderBlock, contrexx_raw2xhtml($option));
                         } else {
                             $this->objTemplate->setVariable($fieldId . '_VALUE', contrexx_raw2xhtml($option));
                         // pre-selection, based on $_POST value
                         if (!empty($_POST['contactFormField_' . $fieldId])) {
                             if ($index == array_search($_POST['contactFormField_' . $fieldId], explode(',', $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'])) + $inexOffset) {
                                 $this->objTemplate->setVariable('SELECTED_' . $fieldId, 'selected = "selected"');
                             // pre-selection, based on $_GET value
                         } elseif (!empty($_GET[$fieldId])) {
                             if ($index == array_search(contrexx_input2raw($_GET[$fieldId]), explode(',', $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value']))) {
                                 $this->objTemplate->setVariable('SELECTED_' . $fieldId, 'selected = "selected"');
                             // pre-selection, based on profile data of currently signed in user
                         } elseif (isset($this->objTemplate->_globalVariables['ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_' . strtoupper($accessAttributeId)]) && $option == $this->objTemplate->_globalVariables['ACCESS_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTE_' . strtoupper($accessAttributeId)]) {
                             $this->objTemplate->setVariable('SELECTED_' . $fieldId, 'selected = "selected"');
                         $this->objTemplate->parse('field_' . $fieldId);
                 case 'recipient':
                     foreach ($recipients as $index => $recipient) {
                         $recipient['lang'][$_LANGID] = preg_replace('/\\[\\[([A-Z0-9_]+)\\]\\]/', '{$1}', $recipient['lang'][$_LANGID]);
                         if (preg_match($userProfileRegExp, $recipient['lang'][$_LANGID])) {
                             $valuePlaceholderBlock = 'contact_value_placeholder_block_' . $fieldId . '_' . $index;
                             $this->objTemplate->addBlock($fieldId . '_VALUE', $valuePlaceholderBlock, $recipient['lang'][$_LANGID]);
                         } else {
                             $this->objTemplate->setVariable(array($fieldId . '_VALUE' => $recipient['lang'][$_LANGID]));
                         $this->objTemplate->setVariable(array($fieldId . '_VALUE_ID' => $index));
                         if (!empty($_POST['contactFormField_' . $fieldId]) && $recipient['lang'][$_LANGID] == $_POST['contactFormField_' . $fieldId]) {
                             $this->objTemplate->setVariable(array('SELECTED_' . $fieldId => 'selected = "selected"'));
                         } elseif (!empty($_GET[$fieldId]) && $recipient['lang'][$_LANGID] == $_GET[$fieldId]) {
                             $this->objTemplate->setVariable(array('SELECTED_' . $fieldId => 'selected = "selected"'));
                         $this->objTemplate->parse('field_' . $fieldId);
                 case 'access_country':
                 case 'country':
                     if (preg_match($userProfileRegExp, $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'])) {
                         $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = $this->objTemplate->_globalVariables[trim($arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'], '{}')];
                     $lang = $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'];
                     $country = \Cx\Core\Country\Controller\Country::getNameArray(true, $lang);
                     foreach ($country as $id => $name) {
                         $this->objTemplate->setVariable($fieldId . '_VALUE', $name);
                         if (!empty($_POST['contactFormField_' . $fieldId])) {
                             if (strcasecmp($name, $_POST['contactFormField_' . $fieldId]) == 0) {
                                 $this->objTemplate->setVariable('SELECTED_' . $fieldId, 'selected = "selected"');
                         } elseif (!empty($_GET[$fieldId])) {
                             if (strcasecmp($name, $_GET[$fieldId]) == 0) {
                                 $this->objTemplate->setVariable('SELECTED_' . $fieldId, 'selected = "selected"');
                         } elseif ($name == $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value']) {
                             $this->objTemplate->setVariable('SELECTED_' . $fieldId, 'selected = "selected"');
                         $this->objTemplate->parse('field_' . $fieldId);
                 case 'file':
                     $this->hasFileField = true;
                     $uploaderCode .= $this->initUploader($fieldId, true);
                 case 'multi_file':
                     $this->hasFileField = true;
                     $uploaderCode .= $this->initUploader($fieldId, false);
                      * Set default field value through User profile attribute
                     $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'] = preg_replace('/\\[\\[([A-Z0-9_]+)\\]\\]/', '{$1}', $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value']);
                     if (preg_match($userProfileRegExp, $arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value'])) {
                         $valuePlaceholderBlock = 'contact_value_placeholder_block_' . $fieldId;
                         $this->objTemplate->addBlock($fieldId . '_VALUE', $valuePlaceholderBlock, contrexx_raw2xhtml($arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value']));
                     } elseif (!empty($_POST['contactFormField_' . $fieldId])) {
                         $this->objTemplate->setVariable($fieldId . '_VALUE', contrexx_raw2xhtml($_POST['contactFormField_' . $fieldId]));
                     } elseif (!empty($_GET[$fieldId])) {
                         $this->objTemplate->setVariable($fieldId . '_VALUE', contrexx_raw2xhtml($_GET[$fieldId]));
                     } else {
                         $this->objTemplate->setVariable($fieldId . '_VALUE', contrexx_raw2xhtml($arrField['lang'][$_LANGID]['value']));
              * Parse the blocks created for parsing user profile data using addBlock()
             if (!empty($valuePlaceholderBlock) && $this->objTemplate->blockExists($valuePlaceholderBlock)) {
     if (isset($_POST['submitContactForm']) || isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
         //form submitted
         $showThanks = isset($_GET['cmd']) && $_GET['cmd'] == 'thanks' ? true : false;
         $arrFormData = $this->_getContactFormData();
         if ($arrFormData) {
             if ($this->_checkValues($arrFormData, $useCaptcha) && $this->_insertIntoDatabase($arrFormData)) {
                 //validation ok
                 if (!empty($arrFormData['saveDataInCRM'])) {
                     $objCrmLibrary = new \Cx\Modules\Crm\Controller\CrmLibrary('Crm');
                 if (isset($arrFormData['showForm']) && !$arrFormData['showForm']) {
             } else {
                 //found errors while validating
                 return $this->_showError();
             if (!$showThanks) {
             } else {
                 if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists("formText")) {
     } else {
         //fresh display
         if ($this->objTemplate->blockExists('formText')) {
     $this->objTemplate->setVariable('CONTACT_JAVASCRIPT', $this->_getJsSourceCode($formId, $arrFields) . $uploaderCode);
     return $this->objTemplate->get();
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Set block Random
  * Parse the block with the id $id
  * @access private
  * @param integer $id
  * @param string &$code
  * @global ADONewConnection
  * @global integer
 function _setBlockRandom(&$code, $id)
     global $objDatabase;
     $now = time();
     $query = "  SELECT\r\n                        tblBlock.id\r\n                    FROM\r\n                        " . DBPREFIX . "module_block_blocks AS tblBlock,\r\n                        " . DBPREFIX . "module_block_rel_lang_content AS tblContent\r\n                    WHERE\r\n                        tblContent.block_id = tblBlock.id\r\n                    AND\r\n                        (tblContent.lang_id = " . FRONTEND_LANG_ID . " AND tblContent.active = 1)\r\n                    AND (tblBlock.`start` <= {$now} OR tblBlock.`start` = 0)\r\n                    AND (tblBlock.`end` >= {$now} OR tblBlock.end = 0)\r\n                    AND\r\n                        tblBlock.active = 1 ";
     //Get Block Name and Status
     switch ($id) {
         case '1':
             $objBlockName = $objDatabase->Execute($query . "AND tblBlock.random=1");
             $blockNr = "";
         case '2':
             $objBlockName = $objDatabase->Execute($query . "AND tblBlock.random_2=1");
             $blockNr = "_2";
         case '3':
             $objBlockName = $objDatabase->Execute($query . "AND tblBlock.random_3=1");
             $blockNr = "_3";
         case '4':
             $objBlockName = $objDatabase->Execute($query . "AND tblBlock.random_4=1");
             $blockNr = "_4";
     if ($objBlockName !== false && $objBlockName->RecordCount() > 0) {
         while (!$objBlockName->EOF) {
             $arrActiveBlocks[] = $objBlockName->fields['id'];
         $ranId = $arrActiveBlocks[@array_rand($arrActiveBlocks, 1)];
         $objBlock = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("SELECT content FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_block_rel_lang_content WHERE block_id=" . $ranId . " AND lang_id=" . FRONTEND_LANG_ID, 1);
         if ($objBlock !== false) {
             $em = \Env::get('cx')->getDb()->getEntityManager();
             $systemComponentRepo = $em->getRepository('Cx\\Core\\Core\\Model\\Entity\\SystemComponent');
             $frontendEditingComponent = $systemComponentRepo->findOneBy(array('name' => 'FrontendEditing'));
             $content = $objBlock->fields['content'];
             $frontendEditingComponent->prepareBlock($objBlockName->fields['id'], $content);
             $code = str_replace("{" . $this->blockNamePrefix . "RANDOMIZER" . $blockNr . "}", $content, $code);
             return true;
     return false;