public function testUnencryptedAuthorizedClientCreation() { // Try to establish connection to server $client = new LibMQTT\Client("localhost", 1883, "phpUnitClient"); $client->setAuthDetails("testuser", "userpass"); $result = $client->connect(); $this->assertTrue($result); // Subscribe to 'libmqtt/test' and 'libmqtt/empty' channels $result = $client->subscribe(["libmqtt/test" => ["qos" => 1, "function" => [$this, "handleReceivedMessages"]], "libmqtt/empty" => ["qos" => 0, "function" => [$this, "handleReceivedMessages"]]]); $this->assertTrue($result); // Publish test message with QoS 0 to channel $result = $client->publish("libmqtt/test", "test message 1", 0); $this->assertTrue($result); // Publish test message with QoS 1 to channel $result = $client->publish("libmqtt/test", "test message 2", 1); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->assertTrue(count($client->getMessageQueue()) == 1); // Wait 5 x 20ms for server to send us the previous messages for ($l1 = 0; $l1 < 5; $l1++) { usleep(20000); $client->eventloop(); } // By now, we should have received both messages back to us // and also the test message 2 should have been acknowledged $this->assertTrue(count($client->getMessageQueue()) == 0); $this->assertTrue($this->message1Received); $this->assertTrue($this->message2Received); // $client->close(); }
public function testCryptedClientCreation() { // Try to establish connection to server $client = new LibMQTT\Client("", 8883, "phpUnitClient"); $client->setCryptoProtocol("tls"); $client->setCAFile("tests/"); // $result = $client->connect(); $this->assertTrue($result); // Subscribe to 'libmqtt/test' and 'libmqtt/empty' channels $result = $client->subscribe(["libmqtt/test" => ["qos" => 1], "libmqtt/empty" => ["qos" => 0]]); $this->assertTrue($result); // $result = $client->publish("libmqtt/test", "testi", 0); $this->assertTrue($result); // $client->close(); }
<?php // File created by: composer dump-autoload -o require "../vendor/autoload.php"; // Try to establish connection to server $client = new LibMQTT\Client("serverName", 8883, "ThisIsYourUniqueClientID"); // Set connection protocol ("tls" = all tls versions) $client->setCryptoProtocol("tls"); // If server is running with self-signed certificate, provide CA file here #$client->setCAFile("path_to_cafile"); $result = $client->connect(); // Publish message to "topic1/topic2" $client->publish("topic1/topic2", "Test Message", 0); // Close the connection. $client->close();
<?php // File created by: composer dump-autoload -o require "../vendor/autoload.php"; // Try to establish connection to server $client = new LibMQTT\Client("serverName", 1883, "ThisIsYourUniqueClientID"); $result = $client->connect(); // Publish message to "topic1/topic2" $client->publish("topic1/topic2", "Test Message", 0); // Close the connection. $client->close();