Ejemplo n.º 1
        $ldms = array();
        foreach ($lexemNames as $lexemName) {
            $lexemName = addslashes(AdminStringUtil::formatLexem($lexemName));
            if ($lexemName) {
                $matches = Lexem::loadByExtendedName($lexemName);
                if (count($matches) >= 1) {
                    foreach ($matches as $match) {
                        LexemDefinitionMap::associate($match->id, $definition->id);
                        log_userLog("Associating with lexem {$match->id} ({$match->form})");
                } else {
                    // Create a new lexem.
                    $lexem = Lexem::create($lexemName, 'T', '1', '');
                    LexemDefinitionMap::associate($lexem->id, $definition->id);
                    log_userLog("Created lexem {$lexem->id} ({$lexem->form})");
        FlashMessage::add('Definiția a fost trimisă. Un moderator o va examina în scurt timp. Vă mulțumim!', 'info');
} else {
    smarty_assign('sourceId', session_getDefaultContribSourceId());
smarty_assign('contribSources', Model::factory('Source')->where('canContribute', true)->order_by_asc('displayOrder')->find_many());
smarty_assign('page_title', 'Contribuie cu definiții');
smarty_assign('suggestNoBanner', true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 $parts = split('-', $normText);
 foreach ($parts as $part) {
     $lexems = Lexem::searchWordlists($part, true);
     if (!count($lexems)) {
         print "Creez lexemul [{$part}]\n";
         $lexem = Lexem::create($part, 'T', '1', '');
         $lexem->comment = 'Creat pentru despărțirea în cuvinte a unui ' . 'alt lexem';
         $lexem->id = db_getLastInsertedId();
         $lexems[] = $lexem;
     // Now associate every lexem with every definition
     foreach ($defs as $defAssoc) {
         foreach ($lexems as $lexemAssoc) {
             LexemDefinitionMap::associate($lexemAssoc->id, $defAssoc->id);
 foreach ($defs as $fixDef) {
     $fixFirstAt = strpos($fixDef->internalRep, '@');
     $fixSecondAt = strpos($fixDef->internalRep, '@', $fixFirstAt + 1);
     assert($fixFirstAt === 0);
     assert($fixSecondAt !== false);
     $fixText = trim(substr($fixDef->internalRep, $fixFirstAt + 1, $fixSecondAt - $fixFirstAt - 1));
     if (!text_contains($fixText, '-') && !text_contains($fixText, ' ') && str_replace('-', '', $normText) == text_unicodeToLower(text_removeAccents($fixText))) {
         $prevPos = 0;
         while (($pos = mb_strpos($normText, '-', $prevPos)) !== false) {
             $fixText = text_insert($fixText, '-', $pos);
             $prevPos = $pos + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    $lexems = Lexem::populateFromDbResult(mysql_query($query));
    // Skip cases like angstrom - angström or etate (F117) - etate (F117S)
    $allFormsEqual = true;
    foreach ($lexems as $l) {
        $allFormsEqual &= $l->form == $lexems[0]->form && $l->extra == $lexems[0]->extra && $l->restriction == $lexems[0]->restriction;
    if (!$allFormsEqual) {
        print "{$l->form} ({$l->modelType}{$l->modelNumber})\n";
    print "{$form} ({$modelType}{$modelNumber})\n";
    $isLoc = false;
    foreach ($lexems as $i => $l) {
        print "  {$l->form} ({$l->modelType}{$l->modelNumber}) " . "D:[{$l->description}] " . "R:[{$l->restriction}] " . "E:[{$l->extra}] " . "P:[{$l->parseInfo}] " . "C:[{$l->comment}] " . "A:[{$l->noAccent}]\n";
        if ($l->form != $lexems[0]->form || $l->unaccented != $lexems[0]->unaccented || $l->reverse != $lexems[0]->reverse || $l->description != $lexems[0]->description || $l->modelType != $lexems[0]->modelType || $l->modelNumber != $lexems[0]->modelNumber || $l->restriction != $lexems[0]->restriction || $l->extra != $lexems[0]->extra || $l->parseInfo != $lexems[0]->parseInfo || $l->comment != $lexems[0]->comment || $l->noAccent != $lexems[0]->noAccent) {
            die("Difference! ***********************************************\n");
        $ldms = LexemDefinitionMap::loadByLexemId($l->id);
        foreach ($ldms as $ldm) {
            LexemDefinitionMap::associate($lexems[0]->id, $ldm->definitionId);
        $isLoc |= $l->isLoc;
        if ($i) {
    if ($isLoc != $lexems[0]->isLoc) {
        $lexems[0]->isLoc = $isLoc;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function cloneLexem()
     $clone = $this->parisClone();
     $clone->description = $this->description ? "CLONĂ {$this->description}" : "CLONĂ";
     $clone->verifSp = false;
     $clone->structStatus = self::STRUCT_STATUS_NEW;
     $lm = Model::factory('LexemModel')->create();
     $lm->displayOrder = 1;
     $lm->modelType = 'T';
     $lm->modelNumber = '1';
     $lm->restriction = '';
     $lm->tags = '';
     $lm->isLoc = false;
     // Clone the definition list
     $ldms = LexemDefinitionMap::get_all_by_lexemId($this->id);
     foreach ($ldms as $ldm) {
         LexemDefinitionMap::associate($clone->id, $ldm->definitionId);
     // Clone the root meanings
     $meanings = Model::factory('Meaning')->where('lexemId', $this->id)->where('parentId', 0)->find_many();
     foreach ($meanings as $m) {
         $m->cloneMeaning($clone->id, 0);
     return $clone;
Ejemplo n.º 5
$modelType = util_getRequestParameterWithDefault('modelType', 'M');
$submitButton = util_getRequestParameter('submitButton');
if ($submitButton) {
    $lexemsToDelete = array();
    foreach ($_REQUEST as $name => $value) {
        if (StringUtil::startsWith($name, 'merge_') && $value) {
            $parts = preg_split('/_/', $name);
            assert(count($parts) == 3);
            assert($parts[0] == 'merge');
            $src = Lexem::get_by_id($parts[1]);
            $dest = Lexem::get_by_id($parts[2]);
            // Merge $src into $dest
            $defs = Definition::loadByLexemId($src->id);
            foreach ($defs as $def) {
                LexemDefinitionMap::associate($dest->id, $def->id);
            // Add $dest to LOC if $src is in LOC
            if ($src->isLoc() && !$dest->isLoc()) {
                $lm = $dest->getFirstLexemModel();
                $lm->isLoc = true;
            // Delay the deletion because we might have to merge $src with other lexems.
            $lexemsToDelete[] = $src;
    foreach ($lexemsToDelete as $lexem) {
Ejemplo n.º 6

require_once '../../phplib/util.php';
assert_options(ASSERT_BAIL, 1);
// When a T1 lexems with the save form as another, non-T1 lexem, delete the
// T1 lexem.
$dbResult = mysql_query("select distinct l1.* from lexems l1, lexems l2 " . "where l1.lexem_forma = l2.lexem_forma " . "and l1.lexem_model_type = 'T' " . "and l2.lexem_model_type != 'T'");
$fixed = 0;
while (($dbRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbResult)) != null) {
    $l = Lexem::createFromDbRow($dbRow);
    $homonyms = $l->loadHomonyms();
    $ldms = LexemDefinitionMap::loadByLexemId($l->id);
    print "{$l->id} ({$l->form} {$l->modelType}{$l->modelNumber}) :: ";
    foreach ($homonyms as $h) {
        print "{$h->id} ({$h->form} {$h->modelType}{$h->modelNumber}) ";
        foreach ($ldms as $ldm) {
            LexemDefinitionMap::associate($h->id, $ldm->definitionId);
    print "\n";
print "Fixed {$fixed} lexems.\n";
Ejemplo n.º 7
function _cloneLexem($lexem)
    $clone = Lexem::create($lexem->form, 'T', 1, '');
    $clone->comment = $lexem->comment;
    $clone->description = $lexem->description ? "CLONĂ {$lexem->description}" : "CLONĂ";
    $clone->noAccent = $lexem->noAccent;
    // Clone the definition list
    $ldms = LexemDefinitionMap::get_all_by_lexemId($lexem->id);
    foreach ($ldms as $ldm) {
        LexemDefinitionMap::associate($clone->id, $ldm->definitionId);
    return $clone;
Ejemplo n.º 8
function handleLexemActions()
    $lexemId = util_getRequestParameter('lexemId');
    $lexem = Lexem::get_by_id($lexemId);
    $associateDefinitionId = util_getRequestParameter('associateDefinitionId');
    if ($associateDefinitionId) {
        LexemDefinitionMap::associate($lexem->id, $associateDefinitionId);
    $dissociateDefinitionId = util_getRequestParameter('dissociateDefinitionId');
    if ($dissociateDefinitionId) {
        LexemDefinitionMap::dissociate($lexem->id, $dissociateDefinitionId);
    $createDefinition = util_getRequestParameter('createDefinition');
    $miniDefTarget = util_getRequestParameter('miniDefTarget');
    if ($createDefinition) {
        $def = Model::factory('Definition')->create();
        $def->userId = session_getUserId();
        $def->sourceId = Source::get_by_shortName('Neoficial')->id;
        $def->lexicon = $lexem->formNoAccent;
        $def->internalRep = '@' . mb_strtoupper(AdminStringUtil::internalize($lexem->form, false)) . '@ v. @' . $miniDefTarget . '.@';
        $def->htmlRep = AdminStringUtil::htmlize($def->internalRep, $def->sourceId);
        $def->status = Definition::ST_ACTIVE;
        LexemDefinitionMap::associate($lexem->id, $def->id);
    $deleteLexem = util_getRequestParameter('deleteLexem');
    if ($deleteLexem) {
        $homonyms = Model::factory('Lexem')->where('formNoAccent', $lexem->formNoAccent)->where_not_equal('id', $lexem->id)->find_many();
        SmartyWrap::assign('lexem', $lexem);
        SmartyWrap::assign('homonyms', $homonyms);
    $cloneLexem = util_getRequestParameter('cloneLexem');
    if ($cloneLexem) {
        $newLexem = $lexem->cloneLexem();
        log_userLog("Cloned lexem {$lexem->id} ({$lexem->form}), new id is {$newLexem->id}");
    $mergeLexem = util_getRequestParameter('mergeLexem');
    $mergeLexemId = util_getRequestParameter('mergeLexemId');
    if ($mergeLexem) {
        $other = Lexem::get_by_id($mergeLexemId);
        if ($lexem->form != $other->form) {
            FlashMessage::add('Nu pot unifica lexemele deoarece accentele diferă. Rezolvați diferența și încercați din nou.');
        $defs = Definition::loadByLexemId($lexem->id);
        foreach ($defs as $def) {
            LexemDefinitionMap::associate($other->id, $def->id);
        // Add lexem models from $lexem to $other if the form is the same. Exclude T-type models.
        $displayOrder = count($other->getLexemModels());
        foreach ($lexem->getLexemModels() as $lm) {
            if ($lm->modelType != 'T' && !$other->hasModel($lm->modelType, $lm->modelNumber)) {
                $lm->lexemId = $other->id;
                $lm->displayOrder = ++$displayOrder;
        // Add meanings from $lexem to $other and renumber their displayOrder and breadcrumb
        // displayOrders are generated sequentially regardless of level.
        // Breadcrumbs follow levels so only their first part changes.
        $counter = Model::factory('Meaning')->where('lexemId', $other->id)->count();
        $numRoots = Model::factory('Meaning')->where('lexemId', $other->id)->where('parentId', 0)->count();
        $meanings = Model::factory('Meaning')->where('lexemId', $lexem->id)->order_by_asc('displayOrder')->find_many();
        foreach ($meanings as $m) {
            $m->lexemId = $other->id;
            $m->displayOrder = ++$counter;
            $parts = explode('.', $m->breadcrumb, 2);
            $parts[0] += $numRoots;
            $m->breadcrumb = implode('.', $parts);
        // Add images and image tags from $lexem to $other
        $visuals = Visual::get_all_by_lexemeId($lexem->id);
        foreach ($visuals as $v) {
            $v->lexemeId = $other->id;
        $visualTags = VisualTag::get_all_by_lexemeId($lexem->id);
        foreach ($visualTags as $vt) {
            $vt->lexemeId = $other->id;
Ejemplo n.º 9
$preserveCommentUser = util_getRequestParameter('preserveCommentUser');
$refreshButton = util_getRequestParameter('but_refresh');
$acceptButton = util_getRequestParameter('but_accept');
$moveButton = util_getRequestParameter('but_move');
$hasErrors = false;
if (!$definitionId) {
if (!($definition = Definition::get_by_id($definitionId))) {
$comment = Model::factory('Comment')->where('definitionId', $definitionId)->where('status', ST_ACTIVE)->find_one();
$commentUser = $comment ? User::get_by_id($comment->userId) : null;
$oldInternalRep = $definition->internalRep;
if ($associateLexemId) {
    LexemDefinitionMap::associate($associateLexemId, $definitionId);
if ($internalRep) {
    $errors = array();
    $definition->internalRep = AdminStringUtil::internalizeDefinition($internalRep, $sourceId);
    $definition->htmlRep = AdminStringUtil::htmlize($definition->internalRep, $sourceId, $errors);
    if (!empty($errors)) {
        $hasErrors = true;
        foreach ($errors as $error) {
if (isset($status)) {
    $definition->status = (int) $status;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function regenerateLongInfinitive()
     $infl = Inflection::loadLongInfinitive();
     $ifs = Model::factory('InflectedForm')->where('lexemId', $this->id)->where('inflectionId', $infl->id)->find_many();
     $f107 = Model::factory('FlexModel')->where('modelType', 'F')->where('number', '107')->find_one();
     $f113 = Model::factory('FlexModel')->where('modelType', 'F')->where('number', '113')->find_one();
     foreach ($ifs as $if) {
         $model = StringUtil::endsWith($if->formNoAccent, 'are') ? $f113 : $f107;
         // Load an existing lexem only if it has one of the models F113, F107 or T1. Otherwise create a new lexem.
         $lexems = Lexem::get_all_by_formNoAccent($if->formNoAccent);
         $lexem = null;
         foreach ($lexems as $l) {
             if ($l->modelType == 'T' || $l->modelType == 'F' && $l->modelNumber == $model->number) {
                 $lexem = $l;
             } else {
                 if ($this->isLoc && !$l->isLoc) {
                     FlashMessage::add("Lexemul {$l->formNoAccent} ({$l->modelType}{$l->modelNumber}), care nu este în LOC, nu a fost modificat.", 'info');
         if ($lexem) {
             $lexem->modelType = 'F';
             $lexem->modelNumber = $model->number;
             $lexem->restriction = '';
             if ($this->isLoc && !$lexem->isLoc) {
                 $lexem->isLoc = $this->isLoc;
                 FlashMessage::add("Lexemul {$lexem->formNoAccent}, care nu era în LOC, a fost inclus automat în LOC.", 'info');
             $lexem->noAccent = false;
         } else {
             $lexem = Lexem::create($if->form, 'F', $model->number, '');
             $lexem->isLoc = $this->isLoc;
             // Also associate the new lexem with the same definitions as $this.
             $ldms = LexemDefinitionMap::get_all_by_lexemId($this->id);
             foreach ($ldms as $ldm) {
                 LexemDefinitionMap::associate($lexem->id, $ldm->definitionId);
             FlashMessage::add("Am creat automat lexemul {$lexem->formNoAccent} (F{$lexem->modelNumber}) și l-am asociat cu toate definițiile verbului.", 'info');
Ejemplo n.º 11
     $ldms = LexemDefinitionMap::deleteByDefinitionId($d->id);
     foreach ($new as $l) {
         // Update the lexem models if necessary
         if (!$l->id) {
         } else {
             if (!$l->getFirstLexemModel()->id) {
                 $original = Lexem::get_by_id($l->id);
                 foreach ($original->getLexemModels() as $lm) {
                     // This will also delete LexemSources and InflectedForms
         LexemDefinitionMap::associate($l->id, $d->id);
     // If any of the original lexems are now unassociated with any definitions,
     // offer to delete them.
     foreach ($lexems as $l) {
         $l = Lexem::get_by_id($l->id);
         // force a refresh
         $ldms = LexemDefinitionMap::get_all_by_lexemId($l->id);
         if (!count($ldms) && !$l->isLoc()) {
             $delete = myReadline("Șterg lexemul neasociat {$l}? [D/n] ");
             if ($delete != 'n') {
Ejemplo n.º 12
            if ($verbose) {
                echo "\t\tReusing lexem {$lexem->id} ({$lexem->form})\n";
        } else {
            if ($verbose) {
                echo "\t\tCreating a new lexem for name {$name}\n";
            if (!$dryrun) {
                // Create a new lexem.
                $lexem = Lexem::create($name, 'T', '1', '');
                if ($verbose) {
                    echo "\t\tCreated lexem {$lexem->id} ({$lexem->form})\n";
        // procedura de asociere a definiției cu lexemul de mai sus
        foreach ($ldms as $map) {
            if ($verbose) {
                echo "\t\tAssociate lexem {$name} ({$lexem->id}) to definition ({$map->definitionId})\n";
            if (!$dryrun) {
                LexemDefinitionMap::associate($lexem->id, $map->definitionId);
    if ($verbose) {
        echo "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 13
        foreach ($parts as $part) {
            $part = trim($part);
            if (!$part || in_array($part, $stopWords)) {
                // Skip common words
            print '[';
            $baseForms = Lexem::searchWordlists($part, true);
            if (!count($baseForms)) {
                $baseForm = Lexem::create($part, 'T', '1', '');
                $baseForm->comment = "Provine din despărțirea lexemului [{$l->form}]";
                $baseForm->noAccent = true;
                $baseForm->id = db_getLastInsertedId();
                $baseForms[] = $baseForm;
            // Associate every definition with every lexem
            foreach ($baseForms as $baseForm) {
                print $baseForm->form . ' ';
                foreach ($defs as $def) {
                    LexemDefinitionMap::associate($baseForm->id, $def->id);
            print ']';
        print "\n";
print "Seen {$seen} lexems.\n";