* @date 2012-11-07
 * @see http://support.leankitkanban.com/forums/20153741-api
include_once "config.php";
include_once "plugin/LeanKitKanban/class/LeanKitKanban.class.php";
//$username = '******'; //Your LeanKit Kanban username
//$pwd = ''; //Your LeanKit Kanban password
//$leankitkanban = new LeanKitKanban($username,$pwd);
$doOfuzLeanKitKanban = new OfuzLeanKitKanban();
$iterated_board_ids = array();
$external_task_id = array();
while ($doOfuzLeanKitKanban->next()) {
    $username = $doOfuzLeanKitKanban->username;
    $password = $doOfuzLeanKitKanban->password;
    $leankitkanban = new LeanKitKanban($username, $password);
    $kanban_boards = $leankitkanban->getBoards('Boards');
    if (isset($kanban_boards)) {
        foreach ($kanban_boards->ReplyData as $boards_details) {
            foreach ($boards_details as $board) {
                if (!in_array($board->Id, $iterated_board_ids)) {
                    array_push($iterated_board_ids, $board->Id);
                    // if($board->Id = '16480091') {//added for testing
                    $archive_lane = $leankitkanban->getArchive($board->Id);
                    if (isset($archive_lane->ReplyData)) {
                        foreach ($archive_lane->ReplyData as $lane_archive) {
                            foreach ($lane_archive as $archive) {
                                foreach ($archive->Lane->Cards as $card) {
                                    if (!in_array($card->ExternalCardID, $external_task_id)) {
                                        array_push($external_task_id, $card->ExternalCardID);
                                        if ($card->ExternalCardID) {
 function getBlockConent()
     $content = "";
     $do_pt = new ProjectTask();
     $idtask = $do_pt->getTaskId($_GET['idprojecttask']);
     $do_olk = new OfuzLeanKitKanban();
     if ($do_olk->getNumRows()) {
         $leankitkanban = new LeanKitKanban($do_olk->username, $do_olk->password);
         //Gets all the Boards from Kanban the API user has access to.
         $boards = $leankitkanban->getBoards('Boards');
         if (is_object($boards)) {
             // 200 => Board(s) successfully retrieved
             if ($boards->ReplyCode == '200') {
                 $count_boards = count($boards->ReplyData[0]);
                 if ($count_boards) {
                     $board_id = "";
                     $data = array();
                     $arr_boards = array();
                     $card_presents = false;
                     foreach ($boards->ReplyData[0] as $obj_board) {
                         $data["board_id"] = $obj_board->Id;
                         $data["board_title"] = $obj_board->Title;
                         $arr_boards[] = $data;
                         $card = $leankitkanban->getCardByExternalId($obj_board->Id, $_GET['idprojecttask']);
                         //Card found in the Board
                         if ($card->ReplyCode == '200') {
                             if ($card->ReplyData[0]) {
                                 $card_presents = true;
                                 $board_id = $obj_board->Id;
                                 $board_title = $obj_board->Title;
                                 foreach ($card->ReplyData[0] as $cd_ex) {
                                     $card_exists = $cd_ex;
                     $content .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
                     $content .= '$(document).ready(function() {';
                     //"Save" button is clicked
                     $content .= '$("#btnBlockSave").click(function() {var form = $(this).parents("form:first"); if ($.trim($("#block_unblock_reason").val()) == "Why is the card blocked?" || $.trim($("#block_unblock_reason").val()) == "Why is the card unblocked?" || $.trim($("#block_unblock_reason").val()) == "") {$("#msg").html("Please enter the reason.");$("#msg").slideDown("slow");e.preventDefault();return false;} else { form.submit(); } });';
                     //"Block it" link is clicked
                     $content .= '$("#block_it").click(function() {$("#block_unblock_reason").text("Why is the card blocked?"); $("#block_reason").slideDown("slow");});';
                     //"Unblock it" link is clicked
                     $content .= '$("#unblock_it").click(function() {$("#block_unblock_reason").text("Why is the card unblocked?"); $("#block_reason").slideDown("slow");});';
                     //Block reason textarea is clicked.
                     $content .= '$("#block_unblock_reason").click(function() {if($.trim($(this).text()) == "Why is the card unblocked?" || $.trim($(this).text()) == "Why is the card blocked?") {$("#block_unblock_reason").text("");}});';
                     //"Add to Kanban" submit button is clicked (the form is submitted)
                     $content .= '$("#OfuzLeanKitKanban__eventAddTaskToBoard").submit(function(e){if ($("#board").val() == "") {$("#msg").html("Please select the Board.");$("#msg").slideDown("slow");e.preventDefault();return false;}});';
                     $content .= '});';
                     $content .= '</script>';
                     //Server-side message display block
                     if ($_SESSION["ofuz_kanban_message"] != "") {
                         $content .= "<div style='color:#E81313;'>" . $_SESSION["ofuz_kanban_message"] . "</div>";
                     //Client-side message display block
                     $content .= "<div id='msg' style='color:#E81313;display:none;'></div>";
                     //If card presents in a Board
                     if ($card_presents) {
                         $block_unblock_flag = "";
                         $do_olk = new OfuzLeanKitKanban();
                         $lane_name = $do_olk->getCardLaneName($board_id, $card_exists->LaneId);
                         //Card presents in a Board
                         $content .= "The Task presents in: <br /> <b>Board</b>: " . $board_title . "<br /><b>Lane</b>: " . $lane_name . "<br />";
                         if ($card_exists->IsBlocked) {
                             $e_block = new Event("OfuzLeanKitKanban->eventUnblockTheCard");
                             $content .= "<b>Blocked</b>: Yes <a id='unblock_it' href='javascript:void(0);'>Unblock it</a>";
                             $block_unblock_flag = "Unblock";
                             if ($card_exists->BlockReason) {
                                 $content .= " &nbsp;&nbsp;<img src='/images/blocked.jpeg' width='16' title='Reason: " . $card_exists->BlockReason . "' />";
                         } else {
                             $e_block = new Event("OfuzLeanKitKanban->eventBlockTheCard");
                             $content .= "<b>Blocked</b>: No <a id='block_it' href='javascript:void(0);'>Block it</a>";
                             $block_unblock_flag = "Block";
                         $e_block->addEventAction('OfuzLeanKitKanban->eventAddReasonAsTaskNote', 130);
                         $e_block->addEventAction('ProjectDiscuss->eventSendDiscussMessageByEmail', 140);
                         $e_block->addEventAction('WorkFeedKanbanBlockReasonProjectDiscuss->eventAddFeed', 150);
                         $e_block->addParam("block_unblock_flag", $block_unblock_flag);
                         $e_block->addParam("ofuz_task_id", $idtask);
                         $e_block->addParam("ofuz_idprojecttask", $_GET['idprojecttask']);
                         //$_SESSION['idproject_task'] = $_GET['idprojecttask'];//passing idproject_parameter
                         $e_block->addParam("card_id", $card_exists->Id);
                         $e_block->addParam("lane_id", $card_exists->LaneId);
                         $e_block->addParam("title", $card_exists->Title);
                         $e_block->addParam("description", $card_exists->Description);
                         $e_block->addParam("type_id", $card_exists->TypeId);
                         $e_block->addParam("priority", $card_exists->Priority);
                         $e_block->addParam("size", $card_exists->Size);
                         $e_block->addParam("assigned_user_id", $card_exists->AssignedUserId);
                         $e_block->addParam("index", $card_exists->Index);
                         $e_block->addParam("due_date", $card_exists->DueDate);
                         $e_block->addParam("user_wip_override_comment", $card_exists->UserWipOverrideComment);
                         $e_block->addParam("tags", $card_exists->Tags);
                         $e_block->addParam("class_of_service_id", $card_exists->ClassOfServiceId);
                         $e_block->addParam("assigned_user_ids", $card_exists->AssignedUserIds);
                         $e_block->addParam("board_id", $board_id);
                         $content .= $e_block->getFormHeader();
                         $content .= $e_block->getFormEvent();
                         $content .= "<div id='block_reason' style='display:none;'><textarea name='block_unblock_reason' id='block_unblock_reason' rows='2' cols='28'></textarea> <br />";
                         $content .= "<input type='button' name='btnBlockSave' id='btnBlockSave' value='Save' /> </form>";
                         $content .= "</div>";
                     } else {
                         //Card does not present in a Board
                         if (count($arr_boards)) {
                             $e_board = new Event("OfuzLeanKitKanban->eventAddTaskToBoard");
                             $e_board->addParam("ofuz_task_id", $idtask);
                             $e_board->addParam("ofuz_idprojecttask", $_GET['idprojecttask']);
                             $content .= $e_board->getFormHeader();
                             $content .= $e_board->getFormEvent();
                             $content .= "<div>This Task is not added to Kanban Board.</div>";
                             $content .= "<div class='spacerblock_5'></div>";
                             $content .= "<div><select name='board' id='board'>";
                             $content .= "<option value=''>Select Board</option>";
                             foreach ($arr_boards as $brd) {
                                 $content .= "<option value='" . $brd["board_id"] . "'>" . $brd["board_title"] . "</option>";
                             $content .= "</select></div>";
                             $content .= "<div class='spacerblock_5'></div>";
                             $content .= $e_board->getFormFooter("Add to Kanban");
                 } else {
                     //There is no Board available in Kanban
                     $content .= "There is no Board available in Kanban.";
             } else {
                 // User does not have access to any Kanban Board.
                 $content .= $boards->ReplyText;
         } else {
             // User does not have access to any Kanban Board.
             $content .= "You do not have access to LeanKit Kanban Board.";
     } else {
         $content .= "You have not set up your LeanKit Kanban Login Credentials.<br />Please <a href='/Setting/LeanKitKanban/leankit_kanban_authentication'>click here</a> to set up your Kanban Credentials.";
     return $content;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Makes the Card "Unblocked". (In other words, this method unblocks the card)
 * This method takes the card JSON in the request body and updates the card (using the cardId in the card JSON) with 
   the provided values. The cardId is not added to the url...just in the card JSON in the body.
 * @param Object : EventControler
 * @see LeanKitKanban->updateCard
 public function eventUnblockTheCard(EventControler $evtcl)
     $msg = "";
     if ($this->getNumRows()) {
         $username = $this->username;
         $password = $this->password;
         if (trim($evtcl->block_unblock_reason)) {
             $assigned_user_id = $this->getBoardUserId($evtcl->board_id, $username);
             $array_card = array("Id" => $evtcl->card_id, "LaneId" => $evtcl->lane_id, "Title" => $evtcl->title, "Description" => $evtcl->description, "TypeId" => $evtcl->type_id, "Priority" => $evtcl->priority, "Size" => $evtcl->size, "AssignedUserId" => $evtcl->assigned_user_id, "IsBlocked" => false, "BlockReason" => $evtcl->block_unblock_reason, "Index" => $evtcl->index, "DueDate" => $evtcl->due_date, "UserWipOverrideComment" => $evtcl->user_wip_override_comment, "ExternalSystemName" => "http://www.ofuz.net/Task/" . $evtcl->ofuz_idprojecttask, "ExternalSystemUrl" => "http://www.ofuz.net/Task/" . $evtcl->ofuz_idprojecttask, "Tags" => $evtcl->tags, "ClassOfServiceId" => $evtcl->class_of_service_id, "ExternalCardID" => $evtcl->ofuz_idprojecttask, "AssignedUserIds" => array($assigned_user_id));
             $leankitkanban = new LeanKitKanban($username, $password);
             $response = $leankitkanban->updateCard($array_card, $evtcl->board_id);
             if ($response->ReplyCode == '202') {
                 $msg .= "The Card is unblocked.";
                 //$evtcl->fields['discuss'] = $evtcl->block_unblock_reason;
             } else {
                 $msg .= $response->ReplyText;
         } else {
             $msg .= "You must enter the reason to unblock the card.";
     } else {
         $msg .= "You have not set up your LeanKit Kanban Login Credentials.";
     $_SESSION["ofuz_kanban_message"] = $msg;