Ejemplo n.º 1
 function addBlankTax($quotation_id)
     $default_tax = LbTax::model()->getDefaultTax();
     $this->lb_quotation_id = $quotation_id;
     $this->lb_quotation_tax_id = $default_tax !== null ? $default_tax->lb_record_primary_key : '0';
     $this->lb_quotation_tax_value = $default_tax !== null ? $default_tax->lb_tax_value : '0';
     $this->lb_quotation_tax_total = 0;
     return $this->save();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function actionIndex()
     $taxModel = LbTax::model()->getTaxes();
     $list = UserList::model()->getList();
     $translate = Translate::model()->search();
     $translate = new Translate('search');
     // clear any default values
     if (isset($_GET['Translate'])) {
         $translate->attributes = $_GET['Translate'];
     LBApplication::render($this, 'index', array('taxModel' => $taxModel, 'list' => $list, 'translate' => $translate));
     //		$this->render('index');
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function actionAjaxGetTax()
     // only proceed if tax id and line item primary key available
     $type = false;
     if (isset($_GET['type'])) {
         $type = $_GET['type'];
     if (isset($_POST['tax_id'])) {
         if ($_POST['tax_id'] != 0) {
             // get tax record, so that we can determine the value
             $taxRecord = LbTax::model()->findByPk($_POST['tax_id']);
         } else {
             $taxRecord['lb_tax_value'] = 0;
         if ($taxRecord) {
             LbVendorTax::model()->ajaxUpdateTaxes($taxRecord->lb_tax_name, $taxRecord->lb_tax_value, $_POST['line_item_pk'], $_POST['tax_id'], $_GET['id'], $type);
             LBApplication::renderPlain($this, array('content' => CJSON::encode($taxRecord)));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Add a new tax item
  * Usually use when user adds a new discount in discount table on the GUI
  * After that user will enter the value. But we need a blank line (like a form) for them first.
  * @param $invoice_id
  * @return bool
 public function addBlankTax($invoice_id)
     $default_tax = LbTax::model()->getDefaultTax();
     $this->lb_invoice_id = $invoice_id;
     //$this->lb_invoice_item_description = ($default_tax !== null ? $default_tax->lb_tax_name : 'Tax');
     $this->lb_invoice_item_description = $default_tax !== null ? $default_tax->lb_record_primary_key : 'null';
     $this->lb_invoice_item_quantity = 1;
     $this->lb_invoice_item_value = $default_tax !== null ? $default_tax->lb_tax_value : '0';
     $this->lb_invoice_item_total = 0;
     $this->lb_invoice_item_type = self::LB_INVOICE_ITEM_TYPE_TAX;
     return $this->save();
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Subtotal Invoice
$invoice_subtotal_arr = LbInvoiceTotal::model()->getInvoiceTotal($model->lb_record_primary_key);
// Discount Invoice
$invoice_discount_arr = LbInvoiceItem::model()->getInvoiceDiscounts($model->lb_record_primary_key, 'ModelArray');
$invoice_discount = "";
foreach ($invoice_discount_arr as $invoice_discount_row) {
    $invoice_discount .= '<tr><td>' . $invoice_discount_row['lb_invoice_item_description'] . ":" . '</td>
                <td>' . $currency_name . $strnum->adddotstring($invoice_discount_row['lb_invoice_item_total'], $thousand, $decimal) . '</td>
//End Discount
// Tax Invoice
$invoice_tax_arr = LbInvoiceItem::model()->getInvoiceTaxes($model->lb_record_primary_key, 'ModelArray');
$invoice_tax = "";
foreach ($invoice_tax_arr as $invoice_tax_row) {
    $tax_arr = LbTax::model()->find('lb_record_primary_key=' . $invoice_tax_row['lb_invoice_item_description']);
    if ($tax_arr['lb_tax_value'] != null && $tax_arr['lb_tax_name'] != null) {
        $tax_name = 'Tax';
        if ($tax_arr['lb_tax_name'] != "") {
            $tax_name = $tax_arr['lb_tax_name'];
        $invoice_tax .= '<tr>
                <td>' . $tax_name . ' (' . $tax_arr['lb_tax_value'] . "%):" . '</td>
                <td>' . $currency_name . $strnum->adddotstring($invoice_tax_row['lb_invoice_item_total'], $thousand, $decimal) . '</td>
$company = isset($model->owner) ? $model->lb_invoice_company_id : '';
$folder = 'images/logo/';
$path = "./images/logo/";
Ejemplo n.º 6
//            }
//            echo $form->dropDownListRow($model, 'lb_expenses_recurring_id', $recurring);
$bank_accounts = LbBankAccount::model()->getBankAccount(Yii::app()->user->id);
$bank_account_arr = array();
if (count($bankaccounts) > 0) {
    foreach ($bankaccounts as $data_bank) {
        $bank_account_arr[$data_bank->lb_record_primary_key] = $data_bank->lb_bank_account;
$option_bank_acc = array('' => 'Choose Bank Account');
if (UserList::model()->getItemsForListCode('BankAcount')) {
    $option_bank_acc += UserList::model()->getItemsForListCode('BankAcount');
echo $form->dropDownListRow($model, 'lb_expenses_bank_account_id', CHtml::listData($option_bank_acc, 'system_list_item_id', 'system_list_item_name'));
$arr_tax = LbTax::model()->getTaxes("", LbTax::LB_QUERY_RETURN_TYPE_MODELS_ARRAY);
//            echo '<pre>';
//            print_r($arr_tax);
$option_tax = '<option value="0">---</option>';
foreach ($arr_tax as $data) {
    $option_tax .= '<option value="' . $data['lb_record_primary_key'] . '">' . $data['lb_tax_value'] . '</option>';
echo '<div class="control-group" id="tax_0">';
echo CHtml::label('Taxes', 'LbExpenses_lb_tax_id', array('class' => 'control-label'));
echo '<div class="controls">';
// echo '<a href="#"  onClick="delete_tax(0); return false;" rel="tooltip" class="delete" data-original-title="Delete"><i class="icon-trash"></i></a>';
echo '<select name="LbExpensesTax[lb_tax_id][]" id="LbExpenses_lb_tax_id_0" onchange="changeTax(0);">' . $option_tax . '</select>';
echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
//            echo CHtml::dropDownList('LbExpenses_lb_tax_id', '', $option_tax, array('style'=>'width:50px;'));echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
echo CHtml::textField('LbExpenses_lb_expenses_tax_total', '', array('class' => 'span2', 'id' => 'LbExpenses_lb_expenses_tax_total_0'));
echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function actionAjaxUpdateFieldTax()
     if (isset($_POST['pk']) && isset($_POST['name']) && isset($_POST['value'])) {
         $id = $_POST['pk'];
         $attribute = $_POST['name'];
         $value = $_POST['value'];
         // get model
         $model = LbTax::model()->findByPk($id);
         // update
         $model->{$attribute} = $value;
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Thêm tax mặt định khi tạo một vendor mới
  * @param type $record_id = {vendor_id|vendor_invoice_id}
  * @param type $type = {vendor|supplier invoice}
 public function addLineTaxVendor($record_id, $type)
     $default_tax = LbTax::model()->getDefaultTax();
     $model = new LbVendorTax();
     if ($type == LbVendorTax::LB_VENDOR_ITEM_TYPE_TAX) {
         $model->lb_vendor_id = $record_id;
         $model->lb_vendor_invoice_id = 0;
     if ($type == LbVendorTax::LB_VENDOR_INVOICE_ITEM_TYPE_TAX) {
         $model->lb_vendor_invoice_id = $record_id;
         $model->lb_vendor_id = 0;
     $model->lb_vendor_type = $type;
     $model->lb_vendor_tax_id = $default_tax !== null ? $default_tax->lb_record_primary_key : '0';
     $model->lb_tax_name = $default_tax !== null ? $default_tax->lb_tax_name : '0';
     $model->lb_vendor_tax_value = $default_tax !== null ? $default_tax->lb_tax_value : '0';
     $model->lb_vendor_tax_total = 0;
     return $model->insert();
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionCreate()
     $model = new LbExpenses();
     $idPV = false;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['idPV'])) {
         $idPV = $_REQUEST['idPV'];
     //                $documentModel = new LbDocument();
     $customerModel = new LbExpensesCustomer();
     $invoiceModel = new LbExpensesInvoice();
     $bankaccountModel = new LbBankAccount();
     $bankaccounts = $bankaccountModel->getBankAccount(Yii::app()->user->id);
     if (isset($_POST['LbExpenses']) && floatval($_POST['LbExpenses']['lb_expenses_amount']) != 0) {
         $LbExpenses = $_POST['LbExpenses'];
         $model->attributes = $LbExpenses;
         $model->lb_expenses_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_POST['LbExpenses']['lb_expenses_date']));
         if ($model->save()) {
             //********** Upload document *************//
             $documents = CUploadedFile::getInstancesByName('documents');
             // proceed if the images have been set
             $i = 0;
             if (isset($documents) && count($documents) > 0) {
                 // go through each uploaded image
                 foreach ($documents as $document => $doc) {
                     // tach filename va duoi
                     $temp = explode('.', $doc->name);
                     $duoi = '.' . $temp[count($temp) - 1];
                     $lendduoi = strlen($temp[count($temp) - 1]) + 1;
                     $filename = substr($doc->name, 0, strlen($doc->name) - $lendduoi);
                     $encoded_filename = str_replace(' ', '_', $filename) . '_expenses' . $model->lb_record_primary_key . '_' . $i . $duoi;
                     if ($doc->saveAs(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/uploads/' . $encoded_filename)) {
                         // add it to the main model now
                         $documentModel = new LbDocument();
                         $documentModel->lb_document_parent_type = LbDocument::LB_DOCUMENT_PARENT_TYPE_EXPENSES;
                         $documentModel->lb_document_parent_id = $model->lb_record_primary_key;
                         $documentModel->lb_document_url = "/uploads/" . $encoded_filename;
                         //it might be $img_add->name for you, filename is just what I chose to call it in my model
                         $documentModel->lb_document_name = $doc->name;
                         // this links your picture model to the main model (like your user, or profile model)
                         $documentModel->lb_document_encoded_name = $encoded_filename;
                         // DONE
             // *** End upload document *** //
             // ********* Add cusotmer **********//
             if (isset($_POST["LbExpensesCustomer"])) {
                 $LbExpensesCustomer = $_POST['LbExpensesCustomer'];
                 if (isset($LbExpensesCustomer['lb_customer_id']) && is_array($LbExpensesCustomer['lb_customer_id']) && count($LbExpensesCustomer['lb_customer_id']) > 0) {
                     foreach ($LbExpensesCustomer['lb_customer_id'] as $customer) {
                         if ($customer > 0) {
                             $expensesCustomer = new LbExpensesCustomer();
                             $expensesCustomer->lb_expenses_id = $model->lb_record_primary_key;
                             $expensesCustomer->lb_customer_id = $customer;
             // *** End add customer *** //
             // ********* Choose invoice **********//
             if (isset($_POST["LbExpensesInvoice"])) {
                 $LbExpensesInvoice = $_POST['LbExpensesInvoice'];
                 if (isset($LbExpensesInvoice['lb_invoice_id']) && is_array($LbExpensesInvoice['lb_invoice_id']) && count($LbExpensesInvoice['lb_invoice_id']) > 0) {
                     foreach ($LbExpensesInvoice['lb_invoice_id'] as $invoice) {
                         if ($invoice > 0) {
                             $expensesInvoice = new LbExpensesInvoice();
                             $expensesInvoice->lb_expenses_id = $model->lb_record_primary_key;
                             $expensesInvoice->lb_invoice_id = $invoice;
             //Insert Tax
             if (isset($_POST["LbExpensesTax"])) {
                 $LbExpensesTax = $_POST['LbExpensesTax'];
                 if (isset($LbExpensesTax['lb_tax_id']) && is_array($LbExpensesTax['lb_tax_id']) && count($LbExpensesTax['lb_tax_id']) > 0) {
                     foreach ($LbExpensesTax['lb_tax_id'] as $tax) {
                         if ($tax > 0) {
                             $expensesTax = new LbExpensesTax();
                             $expensesTax->lb_expenses_id = $model->lb_record_primary_key;
                             $expensesTax->lb_tax_id = $tax;
                             $amount = $_POST['LbExpenses']['lb_expenses_amount'];
                             $information_tax = LbTax::model()->findByPk($tax);
                             $tax_value = $information_tax['lb_tax_value'];
                             $expensesTax->lb_expenses_tax_total = $amount * $tax_value / 100;
             // *** End add invoice *** //
             //add ex in payment voucher
             if ($idPV) {
                 $PvExpenses = new LbPvExpenses();
                 $PvExpenses->lb_expenses_id = $model->lb_record_primary_key;
                 $PvExpenses->lb_payment_voucher_id = $idPV;
             //                            echo '<pre>';
             //                            print_r($_POST["LbExpensesTax"]);
             $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->lb_record_primary_key));
     $this->render('create', array('model' => $model, 'customerModel' => $customerModel, 'invoiceModel' => $invoiceModel, 'bankaccounts' => $bankaccounts));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function actionAjaxQuickCreateTax($id)
     $model = new LbTax();
     $submission_type = isset($_GET['form_type']) ? $_GET['form_type'] : 'default';
     $quotationModel = LbQuotation::model()->findByPk($id);
     if (isset($_POST['LbTax'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['LbTax'];
         $lbtax_arr = $_POST['LbTax'];
         if (!LbTax::model()->IsNameTax($lbtax_arr['lb_tax_name'])) {
             $error['error'] = "Tax Name Exist.";
             LBApplication::renderPlain($this, array('content' => CJSON::encode($error)));
             return false;
         if ($model->save()) {
             $result['yes'] = true;
             if ($submission_type == 'ajax') {
                 // auto add this tax item into this invoice
                 $quotaitonTax = new LbQuotationTax();
                 if ($quotaitonTax->addTaxToQuotation($id, $model)) {
                 // print json result of this quotation item
                 //LBApplication::renderPlain($this, array('content'=>CJSON::encode($result)));
                 return true;
     $submission_details = array();
     $submission_details["type"] = $submission_type;
     LBApplication::render($this, '_form_tax', array('model' => $model, 'quotationModel' => $quotationModel, 'submission_details' => $submission_details));
Ejemplo n.º 11

 * @var $model LbInvoice
$expenses_id = $model->lb_record_primary_key;
$ex_tax = LbExpensesTax::model()->findAll('lb_expenses_id=' . $expenses_id);
$i = 0;
foreach ($ex_tax as $ex_invoice) {
    $tax = LbTax::model()->findByPk($ex_invoice['lb_tax_id']);
    echo "\n                <div style='overflow:hidden; border-top: 1px solid #EEEEEE;margin-top: 5px;'>\n                    <div style='float:left;width:44%;'>\n                        <h4><span style='padding: 0 8px;background:#EEEEEE;border-radius:50%;'>{$i}</span> " . $tax['lb_tax_name'] . ' ' . $tax['lb_tax_value'] . "\n                            <span style='float:right'>\$" . number_format($ex_invoice['lb_expenses_tax_total'], 2, '.', ',') . "</span></h4>\n                    </div>";
    echo "<div style='float:right;margin-top:5px;'>\n                            <a href='#' onclick='ajaxDeleteInvoiceExpenses(" . $ex_invoice['lb_record_primary_key'] . "); return false;'>\n                                <i class='icon-trash'></i>\n                                Delete\n                            </a>\n                        </div>";
    echo "</div>\n                <div id='error_delete_expense_invoice_" . $ex_invoice['lb_tax_id'] . "' class='alert alert-block alert-error' style='display:none;'></div>\n            ";
// end for
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function actionCreateInvoice($id)
     $model = LbContracts::model()->findByPk($id);
     //********* add new invoice *************/
     $invoiceModel = new LbInvoice();
     // get basic info to assign to this record
     $ownCompany = LbCustomer::model()->getOwnCompany();
     $ownCompanyAddress = null;
     $customerCompany = new LbCustomer();
     $customerCompany->lb_customer_name = 'Click to choose customer';
     // get own company address
     if ($ownCompany->lb_record_primary_key) {
         // auto assign owner company
         $invoiceModel->lb_invoice_company_id = $ownCompany->lb_record_primary_key;
         $own_company_addresses = LbCustomerAddress::model()->getActiveAddresses($ownCompany->lb_record_primary_key, $ownCompany::LB_QUERY_RETURN_TYPE_MODELS_ARRAY);
         if (count($own_company_addresses)) {
             $ownCompanyAddress = $own_company_addresses[0];
             // auto assign owner company's address
             $invoiceModel->lb_invoice_company_address_id = $ownCompanyAddress->lb_record_primary_key;
     // add infor customer in invoice
     $invoiceModel->lb_invoice_customer_id = $model->lb_customer_id;
     $invoiceModel->lb_invoice_customer_address_id = $model->lb_address_id;
     $invoiceModel->lb_invoice_attention_contact_id = $model->lb_contact_id;
     if ($invoiceModel->save()) {
         // Save Lien ket contract va invoice
         $contrctInvoiceModel = new LbContractInvoice();
         $contrctInvoiceModel->lb_contract_id = $model->lb_record_primary_key;
         $contrctInvoiceModel->lb_invoice_id = $invoiceModel->lb_record_primary_key;
         //Update invoice no vaf status I-OPEN
         // add invoice to database right away.
         // other fields will be updated on the invoice page later on
         // == Prepare line items grid
         // add 1 line-item by default
         $blankItem = new LbInvoiceItem();
         $blankItem->lb_invoice_id = $invoiceModel->lb_record_primary_key;
         $blankItem->lb_invoice_item_description = "Contract payment for contract " . $model->lb_contract_no . ", " . $model->lb_contract_type . ", for period " . $model->lb_contract_date_start . " to " . $model->lb_contract_date_end;
         $blankItem->lb_invoice_item_quantity = 1;
         $blankItem->lb_invoice_item_value = 0;
         $blankItem->lb_invoice_item_total = 0;
         $blankItem->lb_invoice_item_type = LbInvoiceItem::LB_INVOICE_ITEM_TYPE_LINE;
         // add tax
         $blankTax = new LbInvoiceItem();
         $default_tax = LbTax::model()->getDefaultTax();
         //$value_tax = ($default_tax->lb_tax_value/100) * $model->lb_contract_amount;
         $blankTax->lb_invoice_id = $invoiceModel->lb_record_primary_key;
         $blankTax->lb_invoice_item_description = $default_tax !== null ? $default_tax->lb_record_primary_key : 'Tax';
         $blankTax->lb_invoice_item_quantity = 1;
         $blankTax->lb_invoice_item_value = $default_tax !== null ? $default_tax->lb_tax_value : '0';
         $blankTax->lb_invoice_item_total = 0;
         $blankTax->lb_invoice_item_type = LbInvoiceItem::LB_INVOICE_ITEM_TYPE_TAX;
         $invoiceItemModel = new LbInvoiceItem('search');
         // clear any default values
         $invoiceItemModel->lb_invoice_id = $invoiceModel->lb_record_primary_key;
         // totals - create a blank total record, set everything to zero: subtotal, after disc, after tax, paid, outstanding....
         $invoiceTotal = new LbInvoiceTotal();
         $invoiceTotal->lb_invoice_id = $invoiceModel->lb_record_primary_key;
         $invoiceTotal->lb_invoice_revision_id = 0;
         // latest version
         $invoiceTotal->lb_invoice_subtotal = 0;
         $invoiceTotal->lb_invoice_total_after_discounts = 0;
         $invoiceTotal->lb_invoice_total_after_taxes = 0;
         $invoiceTotal->lb_invoice_total_outstanding = 0;
         $invoiceTotal->lb_invoice_total_paid = 0;
         // == end items grid data prep
         // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
         // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
         $invoiceDiscountModel = new LbInvoiceItem();
         $invoiceDiscountModel->lb_invoice_item_type = LbInvoiceItem::LB_INVOICE_ITEM_TYPE_DISCOUNT;
         $invoiceTaxModel = new LbInvoiceItem();
         $invoiceTaxModel->lb_invoice_item_type = LbInvoiceItem::LB_INVOICE_ITEM_TYPE_TAX;
         //*** End add invoice **/
         $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->lb_record_primary_key));
 public function actionlist_item($list)
     $taxModel = LbTax::model()->getTaxes();
     if ($list == 'expenses_category') {
         $list_item = UserList::model()->getItemsListName($list);
     //                else
     $list_item = UserList::model()->getItemsListName($list);
     $this->render('list_item', array('list' => $list_item, 'list_name' => $list, 'taxModel' => $taxModel));