Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function actionGetLayanan()
     if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) {
         if ($_POST) {
             $dataLayanan = Layanan::model()->findAll('id_program=:id AND status = 0', array(':id' => $_POST['id_program']));
             $this->renderPartial('_layanan', array('dataLayanan' => $dataLayanan));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function actionGetLayanan($id)
     $model = Layanan::model()->findByPk($id);
     //$ret = Item::listAll();
     //$ret = $this->model->getData('wilayah');
     // $i=0;
     // foreach ($model as $row) {
     // 	$datajson[$i]['BIAYA_REGISTRASI'] = $row['BIAYA_REGISTRASI'];
     // 	$i++;
     // }
     echo $model->BIAYA;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function actionListLayanan($id)
     Yii::app()->user->returnUrl = Yii::app()->request->urlReferrer;
     $dataProgram = Layanan::model()->findAll('id_program=:id', array(':id' => $id));
     return $dataProgram;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function actionEditKegiatan()
     if ($_POST) {
         Yii::app()->user->returnUrl = Yii::app()->request->urlReferrer;
         $dataKegiatan = Kegiatan::model()->find('id=:id AND id_layanan=:id_layanan ', array(':id' => $_POST['id'], ':id_layanan' => $_POST['id_layanan']));
         $dataMaxTarget = Layanan::model()->find('id=:id', array(':id' => $_POST['id_layanan']));
         $dataSatuan = Satuan::model()->findAll('status=:status', array(':status' => '1'));
         $dataPenanggungJawab = PenanggungJawab::model()->findAll('status=:status', array(':status' => '1'));
         $dataSumberDana = SumberDana::model()->findAll('status=:status', array(':status' => '1'));
         $this->render('formeditKegiatan', array('dataKegiatan' => $dataKegiatan, 'dataMaxTarget' => $dataMaxTarget, 'dataSatuan' => $dataSatuan, 'dataPenanggungJawab' => $dataPenanggungJawab, 'dataSumberDana' => $dataSumberDana));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return Layanan the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = Layanan::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
Ejemplo n.º 6
				<!-- // Tabel Informasi Umum Program -->
				<table class="table table-bordered">
						<td>Jumlah Program</td>
						<td>Jumlah Layanan</td>
						<td>Jumlah Kegiatan</td>
						<td>Persentase Realisasi</td>
						<td>Tahun Anggaran</td>
echo count($dataProgram);
echo count(Layanan::model()->findAll());
echo count(Kegiatan::model()->findAll());
echo DatabaseUmum::getPersentaseRealisasi("all", "1");
 (<a href="#">halaman rekap</a>)</td>
							<select class="form-control" id="tahun_anggaran">
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static function getPersentaseRealisasi($tag, $id)
     if ($tag == "layanan") {
         $counter = 0;
         $dataLayanan = Layanan::model()->find('id=:id', array(':id' => $id));
         $countRealisasi = count($dataLayanan['kegiatan']);
         if ($countRealisasi > 0) {
             foreach ($dataLayanan['kegiatan'] as $key) {
                 foreach ($key->realisasi as $key2) {
                     $counter += $key2->nominal;
             return intval($counter / $dataLayanan['target'] * 100) . "% ";
         return "0%";
     } else {
         if ($tag == "program") {
             $counter = 0;
             $dataProgram = Program::model()->find('id=:id', array(':id' => $id));
             foreach ($dataProgram['kegiatan'] as $key) {
                 foreach ($key->realisasi as $key2) {
                     $counter += $key2->nominal;
             return intval($counter / $dataProgram['target'] * 100) . "% ";
         } else {
             if ($tag == "all") {
                 $counter = 0;
                 $counter2 = 0;
                 $dataProgram = Program::model()->findAll('status=:status AND tahun_anggaran=:tahun_anggaran', array(':status' => "1", ':tahun_anggaran' => "2015"));
                 foreach ($dataProgram as $key) {
                     foreach ($key->kegiatan as $key2) {
                         foreach ($key2->realisasi as $key3) {
                             $counter += $key3->nominal;
                     $counter2 += $key->target;
                 return intval($counter / $counter2 * 100) . "% ";