Ejemplo n.º 1
 $MarBottom = $_REQUEST['sticker_Bot'];
 $StickRows = $_REQUEST['sticker_Y'];
 $StickCols = $_REQUEST['sticker_X'];
 $ColIntMargin = $_REQUEST['sticker_InterCols'];
 $RowIntMargin = $_REQUEST['sticker_InterRows'];
 $PaperHeight = $_REQUEST['sticker_PageHeight'];
 $PaperWidth = $_REQUEST['sticker_PageWidth'];
 $pdf = new LabelPDF();
 if ($IncludePicture) {
     include_once 'Common/CheckPictures.php';
     CheckPictures('', true, false, true);
     // cancella le foto più vecchie di 1 giorno
     // prints all the pictures in the size specified...
     $MySQL = "select" . " PhEnId, concat(CoCode, ' (', EnCode, '-', EnFirstName, ')') code  " . "from" . " Photos" . " inner join Entries on EnId=PhEnId " . " inner join Countries on EnCountry=CoId " . " left join Qualifications on EnId=QuId " . "where" . " EnTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']} " . (isset($_REQUEST["Session"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["Session"]) ? " AND SUBSTRING(QuTargetNo,1,1) = " . StrSafe_DB($_REQUEST["Session"]) . " " : '') . " and PhPhoto>'' order by code";
     $q = safe_r_sql($MySQL);
     $NumCols = floor(($PaperWidth - 2 * $MarLeftRight) / max(1, $StickCols));
     $HGap = ($PaperWidth - 2 * $MarLeftRight - $NumCols * $StickCols) / ($NumCols - 1);
     $NumRows = floor(($PaperHeight - $MarTop - $MarTop) / max(1, $StickRows + 3));
     $VGap = ($PaperHeight - $MarTop - $MarTop - $NumRows * ($StickRows + 3)) / ($NumRows - 1);
     $X = $MarLeftRight;
     $Y = $MarTop;
     while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) {
         if (!is_file($file = $CFG->DOCUMENT_PATH . 'TV/Photos/' . $_SESSION['TourCodeSafe'] . '-En-' . $r->PhEnId . '.jpg')) {
         $pdf->Image($file, $X, $Y, $StickCols, $StickRows, 'JPG', '', '', true, 300, '', false, false, 1, true);
         $pdf->setXY($X, $Y + $StickRows);
         $pdf->cell($StickCols, 3, $r->code, '', '', 'C', '', '', 1);