Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function getSettings()
     $ret = parent::getSettings();
     $ret['componentName'] = trlKwfStatic('Related Products');
     $ret['generators']['child']['component'] = 'Kwc_Shop_Products_Detail_RelatedProducts_Product_Component';
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function getSettings($param = null)
     $ret = parent::getSettings($param);
     $ret['componentName'] = trlKwfStatic('Questions and answers');
     $ret['generators']['child']['component'] = 'Kwc_Articles_Detail_QuestionsAnswers_SwitchDisplay_Component';
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static function getSettings($param = null)
     $ret = parent::getSettings($param);
     $ret['generators']['child']['component'] = 'Kwc_Trl_List_List_Child_Component';
     $ret['childModel'] = 'Kwc_Trl_List_List_TestModel';
     $ret['ownModel'] = 'Kwc_Trl_List_List_TestOwnModel';
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static function getSettings($param = null)
     $settings = parent::getSettings($param);
     $settings['generators']['child']['component'] = 'Kwc_Basic_Download_Component';
     $settings['componentIcon'] = 'disk';
     $settings['componentName'] = trlKwfStatic('Downloads');
     $settings['componentCategory'] = 'content';
     return $settings;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static function getSettings($param = null)
     $ret = parent::getSettings($param);
     $ret['componentName'] = trlKwfStatic('Stage');
     $ret['generators']['child']['component'] = 'Kwc_Legacy_List_Carousel_Image_Component';
     $ret['assetsDefer']['files'][] = 'kwf/Kwc/Legacy/List/Carousel/Carousel.js';
     $ret['assetsDefer']['files'][] = 'kwf/Kwc/Legacy/List/Carousel/NextPreviousLinks.js';
     $ret['assetsDefer']['dep'][] = 'KwfList';
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static function getSettings($parentComponentClass)
     $ret = parent::getSettings();
     $ret['generators']['child']['component'] = $parentComponentClass;
     $ret['componentName'] = trlKwfStatic('Columns');
     $ret['componentIcon'] = 'application_tile_horizontal';
     $ret['extConfig'] = 'Kwc_Legacy_Columns_ExtConfig';
     $ret['contentMargin'] = 20;
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static function getSettings()
     $ret = parent::getSettings();
     $ret['componentName'] = trlKwfStatic('Images');
     $ret['componentIcon'] = 'pictures';
     $ret['generators']['child']['component'] = 'Kwc_Basic_Image_Component';
     $ret['cssClass'] = 'kwfup-webStandard';
     $ret['pdfColumns'] = 1;
     $ret['contentMargin'] = 10;
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static function getSettings($param = null)
     $ret = parent::getSettings($param);
     $ret['generators']['child']['component'] = 'Kwc_Basic_Link_Component';
     $ret['componentName'] = trlKwfStatic('Links');
     $ret['componentIcon'] = 'links';
     $ret['componentCategory'] = 'content';
     $ret['componentPriority'] = 30;
     $ret['rootElementClass'] = 'kwfUp-webStandard';
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static function getSettings($param = null)
     $ret = parent::getSettings($param);
     $ret['componentName'] = trlKwfStatic('Team');
     $ret['componentIcon'] = 'image';
     $ret['generators']['child']['component'] = 'Kwc_Advanced_Team_Member_Component';
     $ret['generators']['child']['class'] = 'Kwc_Advanced_Team_MemberGenerator';
     $ret['extConfig'] = 'Kwc_Abstract_List_ExtConfigList';
     // möglich zu überschreiben für vcards
     // $ret['defaultVcardValues'] = array();
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public static function getSettings($parentComponentClass)
     $ret = parent::getSettings();
     $ret['generators']['child']['component'] = $parentComponentClass;
     $ret['componentName'] = trlKwfStatic('Tabs');
     $ret['componentIcon'] = 'tab.png';
     $ret['componentCategory'] = 'layout';
     $ret['componentPriority'] = 80;
     $ret['rootElementClass'] = 'kwfUp-webStandard';
     $ret['assetsDefer']['dep'][] = 'KwfTabs';
     $ret['extConfig'] = 'Kwc_Tabs_ExtConfig';
     $ret['contentWidthSubtract'] = 20;
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public static function getSettings()
     $ret = parent::getSettings();
     $ret['componentName'] = trlKwfStatic('Fade images');
     $ret['assetsDefer']['dep'][] = 'KwfFadeElements';
     // $ret['generators']['child']['component'] muss gesetzt werden
     $ret['selector'] = '> div';
     // optional: wird ausgeblendet wenn nur ein fade-element existiert
     // und das hier angegebene element keinen inhalt hat
     $ret['textSelector'] = '';
     $ret['fadeConfig'] = array('elementAccessDirect' => false, 'elementAccessPlayPause' => false, 'elementAccessNextPrevious' => false, 'fadeDuration' => 1.5, 'fadeEvery' => 7, 'easingFadeOut' => 'easeInQuad', 'easingFadeIn' => 'easeOutQuad', 'startRandom' => true, 'autoStart' => true, 'template' => false);
     $ret['fadeClass'] = 'Kwf.Fade.Elements';
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static function getSettings($parentComponentClass)
     $ret = parent::getSettings();
     $ret['componentName'] = trlKwfStatic('Columns');
     $ret['componentIcon'] = 'application_tile_horizontal';
     $ret['componentCategory'] = 'layout';
     $ret['componentPriority'] = 100;
     $ret['childModel'] = 'Kwc_Columns_Abstract_Model';
     $ret['generators']['child'] = array('class' => 'Kwc_Columns_Abstract_Generator', 'component' => $parentComponentClass);
     $ret['extConfig'] = 'Kwc_Columns_Abstract_ExtConfig';
     $ret['assetsAdmin']['files'][] = 'kwf/Kwc/Columns/Abstract/List.js';
     $columnsTrl = trlKwfStatic('Columns');
     $ret['columns'] = array('2col-50_50' => array('columns' => 2, 'colSpans' => array(1, 1), 'name' => "2 {$columnsTrl} (50% - 50%)"), '2col-33_66' => array('columns' => 3, 'colSpans' => array(1, 2), 'name' => "2 {$columnsTrl} (33% - 66%)"), '2col-66_33' => array('columns' => 3, 'colSpans' => array(2, 1), 'name' => "2 {$columnsTrl} (66% - 33%)"), '2col-25_75' => array('columns' => 4, 'colSpans' => array(1, 3), 'name' => "2 {$columnsTrl} (25% - 75%)"), '2col-75_25' => array('columns' => 4, 'colSpans' => array(3, 1), 'name' => "2 {$columnsTrl} (75% - 25%)"), '3col-33_33_33' => array('columns' => 3, 'colSpans' => array(1, 1, 1), 'name' => "3 {$columnsTrl} (33% - 33% - 33%)"), '3col-50_25_25' => array('columns' => 4, 'colSpans' => array(2, 1, 1), 'name' => "3 {$columnsTrl} (50% - 25% - 25%)"), '3col-25_50_25' => array('columns' => 4, 'colSpans' => array(1, 2, 1), 'name' => "3 {$columnsTrl} (25% - 50% - 25%)"), '3col-25_25_50' => array('columns' => 4, 'colSpans' => array(1, 1, 2), 'name' => "3 {$columnsTrl} (25% - 25% - 50%)"), '4col-25_25_25_25' => array('columns' => 4, 'colSpans' => array(1, 1, 1, 1), 'name' => "4 {$columnsTrl} (25% - 25% - 25% - 25%)"), '5col-20_20_20_20_20' => array('columns' => 5, 'colSpans' => array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), 'name' => "5 {$columnsTrl} (20% - 20% - 20% - 20% - 20%)"));
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static function getSettings()
     $ret = parent::getSettings();
     $ret['componentName'] = trlKwfStatic('Slick Carousel');
     $ret['generators']['child']['component'] = 'Kwc_Slick_Image_Component';
     // For more settings see: https://github.com/kenwheeler/slick/
     $ret['slickConfig'] = array();
     $ret['slickConfig']['dots'] = true;
     $ret['slickConfig']['autoplay'] = false;
     $ret['slickConfig']['speed'] = 500;
     $ret['slickConfig']['mobileFirst'] = true;
     $ret['slickConfig']['startRandom'] = false;
     $ret['slickConfig']['prevArrow'] = '<div class="slickPrevious"><span>&lsaquo;</span></div>';
     $ret['slickConfig']['nextArrow'] = '<div class="slickNext"><span>&rsaquo;</span></div>';
     $ret['slickConfig']['dotsClass'] = 'slickDots';
     $ret['assetsDefer']['dep'][] = 'slick.js';
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public static function getSettings()
     $ret = parent::getSettings();
     $ret['assets']['dep'][] = 'KwfList';
     $ret['assetsDefer']['dep'][] = 'ExtFx';
     $ret['generators']['child']['component'] = 'Kwc_List_Switch_Preview_Component';
     $ret['previewCssClass'] = '';
     $ret['generators']['itemPages'] = array('class' => 'Kwc_List_Switch_ItemPageGenerator', 'filenameColumn' => 'id', 'uniqueFilename' => true, 'nameColumn' => 'id', 'component' => 'Kwc_List_Switch_ItemPage_Component', 'showInMenu' => false);
     $ret['plugins'] = array('firstLargeContent' => 'Kwc_List_Switch_FirstLargeContentPlugin', 'largeContent' => 'Kwc_List_Switch_LargeContentPlugin');
     // transition kann auch auf false gesetzt werden um "direkt" umzuschalten
     $ret['transition'] = array('type' => 'fade', 'duration' => 0.8);
     $ret['showArrows'] = true;
     // whether to show arrows at all or not
     $ret['showPlayPause'] = false;
     // whether to show a play/pause switcher or not
     $ret['autoPlay'] = false;
     // whether to start switching the contents automatically. only works if showPlayPause is true
     $ret['useHistoryState'] = true;
     // whether to add browser history entry if user navigates inside listŚwitch
     $ret['eyeCandyListClass'] = 'Kwc.List.Switch.Component';
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public static function getSettings($param = null)
     $ret = parent::getSettings($param);
     $ret['limit'] = 1;
     return $ret;