Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function __construct()
     $this->name = t($this->name);
     Kio::addBreadcrumb($this->name, $this->codename);
     $this->blocks = array('left' => array('user_panel', 'partners', 'news_categories', 'shoutbox'));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public function getContent()
        global $sql;
        // Strona zabezpieczona wykonuje dwa niepotrzebne zapytania, mimo, że tekst sie nie wyświetla, należy po pierwszym zapytaniu wykonać fetch_assoc
        $page = $sql->query('
			SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'subpages
			WHERE id = ' . $this->id)->fetch();
        // Page does not exist
        if (!$page) {
            return not_found('Page you have been loking for does not exists.');
        } else {
            if ($page['permit'] == 0) {
                return no_access();
            } else {
                if (!LOGGED && $page['type'] == 2) {
                    return no_access(array('Wybrana treść jest dostępna tylko dla zalogowanych osób.', t('REGISTER')));
                } else {
                    Kio::addBreadcrumb($page['title'], $page['id'] . '/' . clean_url($page['title']));
                    //			$this->subcodename = $page['number'];
                    if ($page['description']) {
                    if ($page['keywords']) {
                    return eval('?>' . $page['content']);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function __construct()
     Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Registration'), 'registration');
     if (LOGGED) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public function getContent()
        global $sql;
        // $kio->disableRegion('left');
        if (u1 || LOGGED) {
            // TODO: Zamiast zapytania dla własnego konta dać User::toArray()
            $profile = $sql->query('
				SELECT u.*
				FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users u
				WHERE u.id = ' . (ctype_digit(u1) ? u1 : UID))->fetch();
        if ($profile) {
            Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Users'), 'users');
            Kio::addBreadcrumb($profile['nickname'], 'profile/' . u1 . '/' . clean_url($profile['nickname']));
            Kio::setDescription(t('%nickname's profile', array('%nickname' => $profile['nickname'])) . ($profile['title'] ? ' - ' . $profile['title'] : ''));
            Kio::addTabs(array(t('Edit profile') => 'edit_profile/' . u1));
            if ($profile['birthdate']) {
                $profile['bd'] = $profile['birthdate'] ? explode('-', $profile['birthdate']) : '';
                // DD Month YYYY (Remaining days to next birthday)
                $profile['birthdate'] = $profile['bd'][2] . ' ' . Kio::$months[$profile['bd'][1]] . ' ' . $profile['bd'][0] . ' (' . day_diff(mktime(0, 0, 0, $profile['bd'][1], $profile['bd'][2] + 1, date('y')), t('%d days remaining')) . ')';
                $profile['age'] = get_age($profile['bd'][2], $profile['bd'][1], $profile['bd'][0]);
                if (Plugin::exists('zodiac')) {
                    require_once ROOT . 'plugins/zodiac/zodiac.plugin.php';
                    $profile['zodiac'] = Zodiac::get($profile['bd'][2], $profile['bd'][1]);
            if ($profile['http_agent'] && Plugin::exists('user_agent')) {
                require_once ROOT . 'plugins/user_agent/user_agent.plugin.php';
                $profile['os'] = User_Agent::getOS($profile['http_agent']);
                $profile['browser'] = User_Agent::getBrowser($profile['http_agent']);
            $group = Kio::getGroup($profile['group_id']);
            $profile['group'] = $group['name'] ? $group['inline'] ? sprintf($group['inline'], $group['name']) : $group['name'] : '';
            if ($profile['gender']) {
                $profile['gender'] = $profile['gender'] == 1 ? t('Male') : t('Female');
            try {
                // TODO: Zrobić modyfikator dla funkcji o wielu parametrach (teraz jest tylko jeden możliwy)
                $tpl = new PHPTAL('modules/profile/profile.tpl.html');
                $tpl->profile = $profile;
                return $tpl->execute();
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                return template_error($e);
        } else {
            return not_found(t('Selected user doesn't exists.'), array(t('This person was deleted from database.'), t('Entered URL is invalid.')));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function __construct()
     Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Contact'), 'contact');
     $this->note = new Notifier();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function __construct()
     Kio::addTitle(t('Log in'));
     Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Log in'), 'login');
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function __construct()
     Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Guestbook'), 'guestbook');
     $this->note = new Notifier();
Ejemplo n.º 8
    private function getEntries()
        global $sql;
        $pager_url = 'news';
        $category_id = 0;
        if (u1 == 'category') {
            $category_id = (int) u2;
        $total = Kio::getStat('entries', 'news');
        if ($category_id) {
            $category = $sql->setCache('news_categories_' . $category_id)->query('
				SELECT id, name, description, entries
				FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'news_categories
				WHERE id = ' . $category_id)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            if ($category) {
                $total = $category['entries'];
                if ($category['description']) {
                    Kio::setDescription($category['name'] . ' - ' . $category['description']);
                Kio::addBreadcrumb($category['name'], 'news/category/' . $category_id . '/' . clean_url($category['name']));
                $pager_url = 'news/category/' . $category_id . '/' . clean_url($category['name']);
            } else {
                return not_found(t('Selected category does not exists.'), array(t('Category was moved or deleted.'), t('Entered URL is invalid.')));
        if (!empty($category) || empty($category)) {
            $this->subcodename = 'entries';
            $pager = new Pager($pager_url, $total, Kio::getConfig('limit', 'news'));
            $stmt = $sql->setCache('news_' . $category_id . '_' . $pager->current)->query('
				SELECT u.nickname, u.group_id, c.id c_id, c.name c_name, c.description c_description, n.*
				FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'news n
				LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users u ON u.id = n.author_id
				LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'news_categories c ON c.id = n.category_id
				WHERE ' . ($category_id ? 'c.id = ' . $category_id . '
					AND ' : '') . (LOGGED ? 'n.publication > 0' : 'n.publication = 1') . '
					AND n.added < ' . TIMESTAMP . '
				ORDER BY ' . Kio::getConfig('order_by', 'news') . '
				LIMIT ' . $pager->limit . '
				OFFSET ' . $pager->offset);
            while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
                if ($row['author_id']) {
                    $row['author'] = User::format($row['author_id'], $row['nickname'], $row['group_id']);
                $row['url_title'] = ($row['c_name'] ? clean_url($row['c_name']) . '/' : '') . clean_url($row['title']);
                $row['content'] = parse($row['content'], Kio::getConfig('parsers', 'news'));
                $entries[] = $row;
            try {
                $tpl = new PHPTAL('modules/news/news.tpl.html');
                $tpl->entries = $entries;
                $tpl->pagination = $pager->getLinks();
                return $tpl->execute();
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                return template_error($e);
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public function getContent()
        global $sql;
        if (!LOGGED) {
            return no_access('By mieć dostęp do edycji profilu musisz się zalogować.');
        $note = new Notifier();
        $err = new Error();
        $edit = isset($_POST['edit']) ? true : false;
        $countries = (include 'lang/countries.php');
        //Edit user by ID
        if (ctype_digit(u1)) {
            $profile = $sql->query('
				SELECT u.*
				FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users u
				WHERE u.id = ' . u1)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            if ($profile) {
                Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Users'), 'users');
                Kio::addTitle($profile['nickname'] . ' - ' . t('Edit profile'));
                Kio::addBreadcrumb($profile['nickname'], 'profile/' . u1);
                Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Edit profile'), 'edit_profile/' . u1);
                $form = $profile;
            } else {
                return not_found(t('Selected user doesn&apos;t exists.'), array(t('This person was deleted from database.'), t('Entered URL is invalid.')));
        } else {
            $profile = User::toArray();
            Kio::addTitle(t('Edit profile'));
            Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Edit profile'), 'edit_profile');
        $form = $profile;
        $form['password'] = '';
        $form['password2'] = '';
        $form['birthdate'] = explode('-', $profile['birthdate']);
        $form['newsletter'] = $profile['newsletter'] ? 1 : 0;
        $form['pm_notify'] = $profile['pm_notify'] ? 1 : 0;
        $form['hide_email'] = $profile['hide_email'] ? 1 : 0;
        if (!u1 || $profile) {
            // Edit profile
            if (!empty($edit)) {
                $form = array('nickname' => Kio::getConfig('allow_change_nick', 'edit_profile') ? filter($_POST['nickname'], 100) : User::$nickname, 'password' => filter($_POST['password'], 100), 'password2' => filter($_POST['password2'], 100), 'email' => strtolower(filter($_POST['email'], 100)), 'forename' => $_POST['forename'], 'surname' => $_POST['surname'], 'gender' => $_POST['gender'], 'locality' => $_POST['locality'], 'country' => !empty($countries[$_POST['country']]) ? $_POST['country'] : '', 'communicator' => $_POST['communicator'], 'website' => $_POST['website'], 'birthdate' => array_map('intval', (array) $_POST['birthdate']), 'newsletter' => isset($_POST['newsletter']) ? 1 : 0, 'pm_notify' => isset($_POST['pm_notify']) ? 1 : 0, 'hide_email' => isset($_POST['hide_email']) ? 1 : 0, 'avatar' => $_FILES['avatar']['error'] == 0 && !$_POST['delete_avatar'] ? $_FILES['avatar'] : array(), 'delete_avatar' => isset($_POST['delete_avatar']) ? 1 : 0, 'photo' => isset($_FILES['photo']) ? $_FILES['photo'] : null, 'delete_photo' => isset($_POST['delete_photo']) ? 1 : 0, 'title' => $_POST['title'], 'interests' => $_POST['interests'], 'signature' => $_POST['signature']);
                $allowed_types = array('image/png' => 'png', 'image/jpeg' => 'jpg', 'image/gif' => 'gif');
                // Nickname
                $err->setError('nickname_empty', t('ERROR_NICKNAME_EMPTY'))->condition(!$form['nickname']);
                $err->setError('nickname_exists', t('ERROR_NICKNAME_EXISTS'))->condition(Kio::getConfig('allow_change_nick', 'edit_profile') && $form['nickname'] && strtolower($form['nickname']) != strtolower($profile['nickname']) && is_registered($form['nickname']));
                // Password
                $err->setError('password_differ', t('ERROR_PASSWORD_DIFFER'))->condition($form['password'] != $form['password2']);
                // E-mail
                $err->setError('email_empty', t('ERROR_EMAIL_EMPTY'))->condition(!$form['email']);
                if ($form['email']) {
                    $err->setError('email_invalid', t('ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID'))->condition($form['email'] && !is_email($form['email']));
                    $err->setError('email_exists', t('ERROR_EMAIL_EXISTS'))->condition($form['email'] != $profile['email'] && is_email($form['email']) && is_registered($form['email'], 'email'));
                // Birthdate
                $err->setError('birthdate_invalid', t('ERROR_BIRTHDATE'))->condition(array_sum($form['birthdate']) > 0 && !is_date('Y-n-j', $form['birthdate'][0] . '-' . $form['birthdate'][1] . '-' . $form['birthdate'][2]));
                // Avatar
                if ($form['avatar']) {
                    $err->avatar_invalid_type(t('ERROR_ava'))->condition(!in_array($form['avatar']['type'], array_keys($allowed_types)));
                    $err->avatar_exceeded_max_size(t('ERROR_ava'))->condition(Kio::getConfig('avatar_size_max', 'edit_profile') && !$err->isError('avatar_invalid_type') && $form['avatar']['size'] > Kio::getConfig('avatar_size_max', 'edit_profile'));
                // No errors
                if ($err->noErrors()) {
                    if ($form['delete_avatar']) {
                        unlink(ROOT . 'images/avatars/' . $profile['id'] . '.' . User::$avatar);
                    if ($form['avatar']) {
                        move_uploaded_file($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'], ROOT . 'images/avatars/' . $profile['id'] . '.' . $allowed_types[$form['avatar']['type']]);
                        if ($allowed_types[$form['avatar']['type']] != User::$avatar) {
                            unlink(ROOT . 'images/avatars/' . $profile['id'] . '.' . User::$avatar);
                    $form['birthdate'] = array_sum($form['birthdate']) > 0 ? $form['birthdate'][0] . '-' . $form['birthdate'][1] . '-' . $form['birthdate'][2] : '';
						UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users
						SET nickname		= "' . (Kio::getConfig('allow_change_nick', 'edit_profile') ? $form['nickname'] : User::$nickname) . '",
							' . ($form['password'] ? 'pass = "******",' : '') . '
							email			= "' . $form['email'] . '",
							forename		= "' . $form['forename'] . '",
							surname			= "' . $form['surname'] . '",
							gender			= ' . ($form['gender'] == 1 || $form['gender'] == 2 ? (int) $form['gender'] : 0) . ',
							locality		= "' . $form['locality'] . '",
							country			= "' . $form['country'] . '",
							communicator	= "' . $form['communicator'] . '",
							website			= "' . $form['website'] . '",
							birthdate		= "' . $form['birthdate'] . '",
							newsletter		= ' . $form['newsletter'] . ',
							pm_notify		= ' . $form['pm_notify'] . ',
							hide_email		= ' . $form['hide_email'] . ',
							' . ($form['avatar'] ? 'avatar = "' . $allowed_types[$form['avatar']['type']] . '",' : ($form['delete_avatar'] ? 'avatar = "",' : '')) . '
							title			= "' . $form['title'] . '",
							interests		= "' . $form['interests'] . '",
							signature		= "' . $form['signature'] . '"
						WHERE id = ' . $profile['id']);
                    $note->success(t('Your profile was modified successfully.'));
                    redirect(HREF . 'edit_profile');
                } else {
            try {
                $tpl = new PHPTAL('modules/edit_profile/edit_profile.tpl.html');
                $tpl->profile = $profile;
                $tpl->countries = $countries;
                $tpl->allow_change_nick = Kio::getConfig('allow_change_nick', 'edit_profile');
                $tpl->form = $form;
                $tpl->err = $err->toArray();
                $tpl->note = $note;
                return $tpl->execute();
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                return template_error($e);
Ejemplo n.º 10
     define('MODULE', 'redirect');
     ctype_digit(u1) && ($row = sql_fetch_assoc(sql_query('SELECT url FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'redirect WHERE id = ' . u1))) ? sql_query('UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'redirect SET clicks = clicks + 1 WHERE id = ' . u1) . redirect($row['url']) : redirect(LOCAL);
     // Load block as module
 // Load block as module
 case 'blocks':
     try {
         // Load block
         if (!Block::exists(u1)) {
             throw new Exception(t('Block dosn&apos;t exists'));
         require_once ROOT . 'blocks/' . u1 . '/' . u1 . '.block.php';
         $codename = u1;
         $module = new $codename(Block::getBlockData(u1), true);
         Kio::addBreadcrumb($module->name, 'blocks/' . u1);
         echo $module->getContent();
         define('MODULE', u1);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         define('MODULE', 'error_404-module');
         echo $e->getMessage() . '<br/><br/>In file <strong>' . $e->getFile() . '</strong> ar line ' . $e->getLine() . '';
         //				define('MODULE', 'error_404-block');
         //				not_found(sprintf('Blok <strong>%s</strong> nie istnieje.', u1), array(
         //					'Blok obsługujący nie jest zainstalowany',
         //					$lang_system['FIRST_404_COUSE'],
         //					$lang_system['SECOND_404_COUSE']));
     // Module
 // Module
Ejemplo n.º 11
    private function getCategory()
        global $sql, $plug;
        if (u1 == 'newest') {
            $order_by = 'added';
            Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Newest'), 'gallery/newest');
        } else {
            $order_by = 'views';
            Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Popular'), 'gallery/popular');
        $this->name = t('Gallery');
        $pager = new Pager('gallery/' . u1, Kio::getStat('images', 'gallery'), Kio::getConfig('limit', 'gallery'));
        //$query = $sql->setCache('gallery_'.u1.'_'.$pager->current)->query('
        $query = $sql->query('
			SELECT id, name, description, added, views, rating, comments, file_extension
			FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'gallery_images
			ORDER BY ' . $order_by . ' DESC
			LIMIT ' . $pager->limit . '
			OFFSET ' . $pager->offset);
        while ($row = $query->fetch()) {
            if ($row['author_id']) {
                $row['author'] = User::format($row['author_id'], $row['nickname'], $row['name']);
            $images[] = $row;
        try {
            $tpl = new PHPTAL('modules/gallery/thumbnails.tpl.html');
            $tpl->note = $note;
            $tpl->images = $images;
            $tpl->album = $album;
            $tpl->pagination = $pager->getLinks();
            return $tpl->execute();
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return template_error($e);
Ejemplo n.º 12
    private function getMessage()
        global $sql;
        Kio::addBreadcrumb(t(ucfirst(u1)), 'pm/' . u1);
        // Get message content
        $message = $sql->query('
			SELECT pm.*, u.nickname, u.group_id, u.avatar
			FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'pm pm
			LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users u ON u.id = pm.connector_id
			WHERE pm.id = ' . (int) u3 . ' AND pm.owner_id = ' . UID)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        // Message exists
        if ($message) {
            Kio::addBreadcrumb($message['subject'], 'pm/' . u1 . '/read/' . u3);
            $this->subcodename = 'read';
            // Sender/Recipient has id (is registered)
            if ($message['connector_id']) {
                $message['nickname'] = User::format($message['connector_id'], $message['nickname'], $message['group_id']);
            // Mark as read
            if (!$message['is_read']) {
					UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'pm
					SET is_read = 1
					WHERE id = "' . (int) $message['id'] . '"');
            try {
                $tpl = new PHPTAL('modules/pm/read.tpl.html');
                $tpl->message = $message;
                return $tpl->execute();
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                return template_error($e);
        } else {
            return not_found();