public static function setAccountById($number)
     if (!isset(KeysAndSecrets::$clients[$number])) {
         die("That client id isn't configured yet. Try running to add more.\n");
     } else {
         KeysAndSecrets::$number = $number;
         KeysAndSecrets::$key = KeysAndSecrets::$clients[$number]["key"];
         KeysAndSecrets::$secret = KeysAndSecrets::$clients[$number]["secret"];
         KeysAndSecrets::$name = KeysAndSecrets::$clients[$number]["name"];
         KeysAndSecrets::$environment = KeysAndSecrets::$clients[$number]["environment"];

// Base Script to be copied then modified.
//											COPY THEN MODIFY
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . "/Classes/Api/Account_Credentials/KeysAndSecrets.php";
$account_credentials = new KeysAndSecrets();
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . "/Classes/Api/List/ListGet.php";
//Call Specifc//Incomplete//
$api_object = new ListGet();
//Call Specifc//Incomplete//
include_once dirname(__DIR__) . "/Use_Case_Vars/ListGetVars.php";
//Call Specifc//Incomplete//
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . "/Classes/CliScriptAbstract.php";
$script = new CliScriptAbstract();
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . "/Classes/Client_Library/Sailthru_Implementation_Client.php";
include_once dirname(__DIR__) . "/Setup_Files/ScriptSettings.php";
new ScriptSettings();
////////////////////   VARS
There are three ways to input vars for a script: 
1) Thorugh the Command Line Interface, CLI, when you run the script.
2) The vars array in this file. 
3) An include file specific to this script. The Use_Vase_Vars include above. 

While they are essentially equivalent, The Use Case include is the prefered method. The other two are
provided to give ease of use in a given situation. They can also be used in conjunction -with each 
overridden by the next in the order given above. That means if you add two vars, a & b, to the use case 

// Base Script to be copied then modified.
//											COPY THEN MODIFY
ini_set("auto_detect_line_endings", true);
$bad_zephyr_functions = array(preg_quote("filter("), preg_quote("slice("), preg_quote("sort("), preg_quote("bucket_list("), preg_quote("filter_content("), preg_quote("content_intersect("), preg_quote("intersect("), preg_quote("first("), preg_quote("map("), preg_quote("purchased_items("), preg_quote("push("), preg_quote("values("));
require_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . "/Classes/Api/Account_Credentials/KeysAndSecrets.php";
$account_credentials = new KeysAndSecrets();
// Create API Objects
require_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . "/Classes/Api/Template/TemplateGet.php";
$template_get = new TemplateGet();
require_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . "/Classes/Api/Include/IncludeGet.php";
$include_get = new IncludeGet();
// End Create API Objects
require_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . "/Classes/CliScriptAbstract.php";
$script = new CliScriptAbstract();
require_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . "/Classes/Client_Library/Sailthru_Implementation_Client.php";
include_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . "/Setup_Files/ScriptSettings.php";
new ScriptSettings();
//Read in CLI Vars
//Add new parameters to print out in the help screen that are exclusive to this custom Script. Can use the simpler format here or the format api classes use.
// $cli_params = ["example" => "What example should be used to do"];
// $api_object->createCliParameters($cli_params);
$template_get->setDescription("Return a how compatible a given template is, or an Account's templates are, with regards to Pinning.");
$input_vars = $script->readCliArguments($argv, $template_get);
$template_get->ingestInput($input_vars["config_vars"] + $input_vars["wildcard_vars"], CliScriptAbstract::$flags["isOverride"]);
//Validates and Assigns Vars
////////////////////   START MAIN PROGRAM