  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     //get test users id
     $getUser = KarmaHelper::getTestUsers();
     if (!empty($getUser)) {
         foreach ($getUser as $key => $value) {
             $helper = User::find($value);
             if (!empty($helper)) {
                 $helper->karmascore = 0;
     Log::alert('Updated test user Karma score.');
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function sendActivationMessage($user_info)
     $subject = "Welcome to KarmaCircles";
     $Content = "Your KarmaCircles account is activated now.";
     $type = "11";
     $user_id = $user_info->id;
     $location = $user_info->location;
     // fetch user connections on KC
     $getUserConnection = KarmaHelper::getUserConnection($user_id, $location);
     $user_connection_onkc = 0;
     if (!empty($getUserConnection)) {
         foreach ($getUserConnection as $key => $value) {
             if (isset($value->con_user_id)) {
     // fetch pending karmanote requests
     $totalPendingRequest = 0;
     $PendingRequest = array();
     $PendingRequest = KarmaHelper::getPendingKarmaNotes($user_info->id);
     if (!empty($PendingRequest)) {
         $totalPendingRequest = count($PendingRequest);
     //fetch pending KM requests only received no read no unread
     $totalReceivedRequest = 0;
     $GiverInMeeting = User::find($user_info->id)->Giver()->where('status', 'pending')->orderBy('updated_at', 'DESC')->get();
     if (!empty($GiverInMeeting)) {
         $totalReceivedRequest = count($GiverInMeeting);
     //fetch pending karma intros
     $totalintroductionInitiated = 0;
     $IntroducerInitiated = User::find($user_info->id)->Introducer;
     if (!empty($IntroducerInitiated)) {
         foreach ($IntroducerInitiated as $key => $value) {
             $value['user_id_receiver'] = User::find($value['user_id_receiver'])->toArray();
             if (!empty($value['user_id_giver'])) {
                 $value['user_id_giver'] = User::find($value['user_id_giver'])->toArray();
             } else {
                 $value['user_id_giver'] = Connection::find($value['connection_id_giver'])->toArray();
             if ($value->status == 'pending') {
     // fetch queries that have been posted in the last 7 days within common groups including both public & private.
     $Usergroup = User::find($user_info->id)->Groups;
     $All_groups = '';
     $group_question = 0;
     $totagroupquestion = 0;
     $yesterday = Carbon::now()->subDays(1);
     $one_week_ago = Carbon::now()->subWeeks(1);
     if (!$Usergroup->isEmpty()) {
         foreach ($Usergroup as $key => $value) {
             $All_groups[] = $value->id;
         if (!empty($All_groups)) {
             $group_question = DB::table('group_questions')->join('questions', 'group_questions.question_id', '=', 'questions.id')->select(array('questions.id'))->whereIn('group_questions.group_id', $All_groups)->where('questions.user_id', '!=', $user_info->id)->where('questions.queryStatus', '=', 'open')->where('questions.created_at', '>=', $one_week_ago)->where('questions.created_at', '<=', $yesterday)->orderBy('questions.created_at', 'DESC')->groupBy('question_id')->get();
             if (!empty($group_question)) {
                 $totagroupquestion = count($group_question);
     // fetch weekly suggestion option value set from admin
     $weekly_suggestion = "KarmaNote";
     $weekly_suggestion = Adminoption::Where("option_name", "=", "Weekly Suggestion")->select("option_value")->first();
     if (!empty($weekly_suggestion)) {
         $weekly_suggestion = $weekly_suggestion->option_value;
     $getkcUser = $getsuggestion = array();
     if ($weekly_suggestion == "KarmaMeeting") {
         // fetch a random users on KC platform with a common group of logged in user
         $getkcUser = KarmaHelper::fetchUserGroup($user_id);
         if (!empty($getkcUser)) {
             $getkcUser = $getkcUser[0];
     } else {
         // fetch a user connection either KC or NON KC
         $getsuggestion = KarmaHelper::getUserConnection($user_id, $location);
         //get test users id
         $getUser = KarmaHelper::getTestUsers();
         if (!empty($getsuggestion)) {
             foreach ($getsuggestion as $key => $value) {
                 $test_match = in_array($value->con_user_id, $getUser);
                 if ($value->con_user_id != "" && $test_match != 1) {
                     $getKc = DB::table('users as u')->select(array('u.userstatus', 'u.id', 'u.fname', 'u.lname', 'u.linkedinurl', 'u.piclink', 'u.headline', 'u.email', 'u.karmascore', 'u.location'))->where('u.id', '=', $value->con_user_id)->where('u.userstatus', '=', 'approved')->get();
                     if (!empty($getKc)) {
                         $value->networkid = $getKc;
             $getsuggestion = $getsuggestion[array_rand($getsuggestion)];
     $getkcUser = (array) $getkcUser;
     $getsuggestion = (array) $getsuggestion;
     //fetch random 5 unique notes
     $getKarmanote = "";
     $getKarmanote = KarmaHelper::getKarmanote();
     // call send mail to user
     $to = $user_info->email;
     $url = URL::to('');
     $mail_subject = "Welcome to KarmaCircles";
     $count = 0;
     $fullname = $user_info->fname . ' ' . $user_info->lname;
     $html = "";
     if (!empty($getKarmanote)) {
         $html .= "<table width='100%:''> ";
         foreach ($getKarmanote as $value) {
             if (isset($value->user_idreceiver['piclink'])) {
                 $rcvrpiclink = $value->user_idreceiver['piclink'];
                 $plink = $url . '/profile/' . strtolower($value->user_idreceiver['fname'] . '-' . $value->user_idreceiver['lname']) . '/' . $value->user_idreceiver['id'];
                 $rcvrpic = "<span><a href='" . $plink . "' target='_blank'><img height='40' width='40' src='" . $rcvrpiclink . "'></a></span>";
             } else {
                 $rcvrpiclink = $url . "/images/default.png";
                 $plink = $url . '/profile/' . strtolower($value->user_idreceiver['fname'] . '-' . $value->user_idreceiver['lname']) . '/' . $value->user_idreceiver['id'];
                 $rcvrpic = "<span><a href='" . $plink . "' target='_blank'><img height='40' width='40' src='" . $rcvrpiclink . "'></a></span>";
             if (isset($value->user_idgiver['piclink'])) {
                 $gvrpiclink = $value->user_idgiver['piclink'];
                 $plink = $url . '/profile/' . strtolower($value->user_idgiver['fname'] . '-' . $value->user_idgiver['lname']) . '/' . $value->user_idgiver['id'];
                 $gvrpic = "<span><a href='" . $plink . "' target='_blank'><img height='40' width='40' src='" . $gvrpiclink . "'></a></span>";
             } else {
                 $plink = $url . '/profile/' . strtolower($value->user_idgiver['fname'] . '-' . $value->user_idgiver['lname']) . '/' . $value->user_idgiver['id'];
                 if (isset($value->connection_idgiver['piclink'])) {
                     $gvrpiclink = $value->connection_idgiver['piclink'];
                 } else {
                     $gvrpiclink = $url . "/images/default.png";
                 $gvrpic = "<span><a href='" . $plink . "' target='_blank'><img height='40' width='40' src='" . $gvrpiclink . "'></a></span>";
             if (!empty($value->user_idgiver)) {
                 $name = $value->user_idgiver['fname'] . ' ' . $value->user_idgiver['lname'];
             } else {
                 $name = $value->connection_idgiver['fname'] . ' ' . $value->connection_idgiver['lname'];
             $html .= " <tr style='margin-bottom:5px;display:block;text-decoration:none;'>\n                            <td>\n                             \t" . $rcvrpic . "\n                            </td> \n                            <td> \n                              <span><img src=" . $url . "/images/icon002.png height='26' width='26'></span>\n                            </td> \n                            <td>\n                              " . $gvrpic . "\n                            </td> \n                            <td> \n                            <a target='_blank' style='text-decoration:none; color: #39bb95;font-size: 15px;'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\thref=" . $url . "/meeting/" . strtolower($value->user_idreceiver['fname'] . "-" . $value->user_idreceiver['lname'] . "-" . $value->user_idgiver['fname'] . "-" . $value->user_idgiver['lname']) . '/' . $value->req_id . ">\n                              <p style='margin:0px;margin-left:10px;color: #39BB95;font-size: 15px;''>\n                              \t" . $value->user_idreceiver['fname'] . ' ' . $value->user_idreceiver['lname'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\tsent a KarmaNote to " . $name . "\n                              </p> \n\n                            </td>\n                          </tr>\n                        ";
         $html .= "</table>";
     Mail::send('emails.accountactive', array('type' => '11', 'user_id' => $user_id, 'user_connection_onkc' => $user_connection_onkc, 'totalPendingRequest' => $totalPendingRequest, 'totalReceivedRequest' => $totalReceivedRequest, 'totalintroductionInitiated' => $totalintroductionInitiated, 'totagroupquestion' => $totagroupquestion, 'getsuggestion' => $getsuggestion, 'getKcuser' => $getkcUser, 'getKarmanote' => $getKarmanote, 'url' => $url, 'UserDetail' => $user_info, 'html' => $html), function ($message) use($to, $mail_subject, $fullname) {
         $message->to($to, $fullname)->replyTo('*****@*****.**', "admin")->subject($mail_subject)->from('*****@*****.**', "KarmaCircles Team");
 public function fire()
     //fetch all users
     $getusers = DB::table('users')->select(array('users.*'))->where('users.userstatus', '=', 'approved')->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get();
     //process for the records found
     if (!empty($getusers)) {
         $queryOfferHelp = array();
         foreach ($getusers as $user_info) {
             $diffDate = KarmaHelper::dateDiff(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $user_info->created_at);
             if ($diffDate->days > -1) {
                 $user_id = $user_info->id;
                 $location = $user_info->location;
                 /*$myKarmaDataOfInCompleteState= DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT COUNT( * ) AS AGGREGATE FROM  `users_mykarma` WHERE  `status` =  'completed' AND  `user_id` =".$user_id." AND  created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)"));
                 		$myKarmaDataOfInCompleteState= DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT COUNT( * ) AS AGGREGATE FROM  `users_mykarma` WHERE  `status` !=  'completed' AND  `user_id` =".$user_id." AND  created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)"));*/
                 $myKarmaDataOfCompleteState = Mykarma::where('status', '=', 'completed')->where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->where('unread_flag', '=', 'true')->where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::now()->subDay(1))->count();
                 $myKarmaDataOfInCompleteState = Mykarma::where('status', '!=', 'completed')->where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->where('entry_type', '=', 'Meeting')->where('unread_flag', '=', 'true')->where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::now()->subDay(1))->count();
                 $myKarmaDataOfQuery = Mykarma::where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->where('entry_type', '=', 'Query')->get();
                 foreach ($myKarmaDataOfQuery as $key => $value) {
                     $allQuery[] = $value->entry_id;
                 if (!empty($allQuery)) {
                     $queryOfferHelp = Mykarma::whereIn('entry_id', $allQuery)->where('users_role', '=', 'OfferedHelp')->where('unread_flag', '=', 'true')->where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::now()->subDay(1))->count();
                 // fetch user connections on KC
                 $getUserConnection = KarmaHelper::getUserConnection($user_id, $location);
                 $user_connection_onkc = 0;
                 if (!empty($getUserConnection)) {
                     foreach ($getUserConnection as $key => $value) {
                         if (isset($value->con_user_id)) {
                 // fetch pending karmanote requests
                 $totalPendingRequest = 0;
                 $PendingRequest = array();
                 $PendingRequest = KarmaHelper::getPendingKarmaNotes($user_info->id);
                 if (!empty($PendingRequest)) {
                     $totalPendingRequest = count($PendingRequest);
                 //fetch pending KM requests only received no read no unread
                 $totalReceivedRequest = 0;
                 $GiverInMeeting = User::find($user_info->id)->Giver()->where('status', 'pending')->orderBy('updated_at', 'DESC')->get();
                 if (!empty($GiverInMeeting)) {
                     $totalReceivedRequest = count($GiverInMeeting);
                 //fetch pending karma intros
                 $totalintroductionInitiated = 0;
                 $IntroducerInitiated = User::find($user_info->id)->Introducer;
                 if (!empty($IntroducerInitiated)) {
                     foreach ($IntroducerInitiated as $key => $value) {
                         $value['user_id_receiver'] = User::find($value['user_id_receiver'])->toArray();
                         if (!empty($value['user_id_giver'])) {
                             $value['user_id_giver'] = User::find($value['user_id_giver'])->toArray();
                         } else {
                             $value['user_id_giver'] = Connection::find($value['connection_id_giver'])->toArray();
                         if ($value->status == 'pending') {
                 // fetch queries that have been posted in the last 7 days within common groups including both public & private.
                 $Usergroup = User::find($user_info->id)->Groups;
                 $All_groups = '';
                 $group_question = 0;
                 $totagroupquestion = 0;
                 $yesterday = Carbon::now()->subDays(1);
                 $one_week_ago = Carbon::now()->subWeeks(1);
                 if (!$Usergroup->isEmpty()) {
                     foreach ($Usergroup as $key => $value) {
                         $All_groups[] = $value->id;
                     if (!empty($All_groups)) {
                         $group_question = DB::table('group_questions')->join('questions', 'group_questions.question_id', '=', 'questions.id')->select(array('questions.id'))->whereIn('group_questions.group_id', $All_groups)->where('questions.user_id', '!=', $user_info->id)->where('questions.queryStatus', '=', 'open')->where('questions.created_at', '>=', $one_week_ago)->where('questions.created_at', '<=', $yesterday)->orderBy('questions.created_at', 'DESC')->groupBy('question_id')->get();
                         if (!empty($group_question)) {
                             $totagroupquestion = count($group_question);
                 // fetch weekly suggestion option value set from admin
                 $weekly_suggestion = "KarmaNote";
                 $weekly_suggestion = Adminoption::Where("option_name", "=", "Weekly Suggestion")->select("option_value")->first();
                 if (!empty($weekly_suggestion)) {
                     $weekly_suggestion = $weekly_suggestion->option_value;
                 $getkcUser = $getsuggestion = array();
                 if ($weekly_suggestion == "KarmaMeeting") {
                     // fetch a random users on KC platform with a common group of logged in user
                     $getkcUser = KarmaHelper::fetchUserGroup($user_id);
                     if (!empty($getkcUser)) {
                         $getkcUser = $getkcUser[0];
                 } else {
                     // fetch a user connection either KC or NON KC
                     $getsuggestion = KarmaHelper::getUserConnection($user_id, $location);
                     //get test users id
                     $getUser = KarmaHelper::getTestUsers();
                     if (!empty($getsuggestion)) {
                         foreach ($getsuggestion as $key => $value) {
                             $test_match = in_array($value->con_user_id, $getUser);
                             if ($value->con_user_id != "" && $test_match != 1) {
                                 $getKc = DB::table('users as u')->select(array('u.userstatus', 'u.id', 'u.fname', 'u.lname', 'u.linkedinurl', 'u.piclink', 'u.headline', 'u.email', 'u.karmascore', 'u.location'))->where('u.id', '=', $value->con_user_id)->where('u.userstatus', '=', 'approved')->get();
                                 if (!empty($getKc)) {
                                     $value->networkid = $getKc;
                         $getsuggestion = $getsuggestion[array_rand($getsuggestion)];
                 //fetch random 5 unique notes
                 $getKarmanote = "";
                 $getKarmanote = KarmaHelper::getKarmanote();
                 $type = 19;
                 $meetingIncomplete = $myKarmaDataOfInCompleteState;
                 $meetingComplete = $myKarmaDataOfCompleteState;
                 $offeredHelp = $queryOfferHelp;
                 $user_id = $user_id;
                 $user_connection_onkc = $user_connection_onkc;
                 $totalPendingRequest = $totalPendingRequest;
                 $totalReceivedRequest = $totalReceivedRequest;
                 $totalintroductionInitiated = $totalintroductionInitiated;
                 $totagroupquestion = $totagroupquestion;
                 $getsuggestion = $getsuggestion;
                 $getkcUser = $getkcUser;
                 $getKarmanote = $getKarmanote;
                 // call a function to send email
                 if ($meetingIncomplete > 0 || $meetingComplete > 0 || $offeredHelp > 0) {
                     $sendLinkedinMessage = MessageHelper::dailyUpdateMykarmaScreen($type, $user_id, $meetingIncomplete, $meetingComplete, $offeredHelp, $user_connection_onkc, $totalPendingRequest, $totalReceivedRequest, $totalintroductionInitiated, $totagroupquestion, $getsuggestion, $getkcUser, $getKarmanote);
                 /*Queue::push('MessageSender@MyKarmaDailyUpdateScreen',array('type' =>19,'meetingIncomplete'=>$myKarmaDataOfInCompleteState,'meetingComplete'=>$myKarmaDataOfCompleteState,'offeredHelp'=>$queryOfferHelp,'user_id' => $user_id,'user_connection_onkc'=>$user_connection_onkc,'totalPendingRequest' => $totalPendingRequest,'totalReceivedRequest'=>$totalReceivedRequest,'totalintroductionInitiated'=>$totalintroductionInitiated,'totagroupquestion'=>$totagroupquestion,'getsuggestion'=>$getsuggestion,'getkcUser'=>$getkcUser,'getKarmanote'=>$getKarmanote));*/
     // endif
     Log::alert('Executed Daily Cron Job');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static function getAdminReportMeet($request_id, $user_id, $begin, $end)
     $getUser = "";
     $getUser = KarmaHelper::getTestUsers();
     $testchk = in_array($user_id, $getUser);
     /*echo $chk;
     if ($request_id == 0) {
         /*$query = DB::table('requests');
         			if ( $user_id !=0  && $testchk !=1) {
         				$query->where('requests.user_id_receiver', '=', $user_id);     
         				$query->orwhere('requests.user_id_giver', '=', $user_id);
         				$query->orwhere('requests.connection_id_giver', '=', $user_id);
         			if ( $begin != 0 && $end != 0){
         				$query->whereBetween('requests.created_at', array("'".$begin."'", "'".$end."'"));
         			$meetTrail = $query
         						->get(); */
         if ($user_id != 0 && $testchk != 1 && $begin != 0 && $end != 0) {
             $meetTrail = DB::select(DB::raw("select `requests`.* from `requests` where (`requests`.`user_id_receiver` =  " . $user_id . " or `requests`.`user_id_giver` = " . $user_id . " or `requests`.`connection_id_giver` = " . $user_id . " ) and `requests`.`created_at` between '" . $begin . "' and '" . $end . "' order by `requests`.`created_at` desc"));
         if ($user_id == 0 && $begin != 0 && $end != 0) {
             $meetTrail = DB::select(DB::raw("select `requests`.* from `requests` where `requests`.`created_at` between '" . $begin . "' and '" . $end . "' order by `requests`.`created_at` desc"));
         if ($user_id == 0 && $begin == 0 && $end == 0) {
             $meetTrail = DB::select(DB::raw("select `requests`.* from `requests` order by `requests`.`created_at` desc"));
     } else {
         $meetTrail = DB::table('requests')->where('requests.id', '=', $request_id)->orderBy('requests.created_at', 'desc')->select('requests.*')->distinct()->first();
     if (!empty($meetTrail)) {
         $meetTrail = (array) $meetTrail;
         foreach ($meetTrail as $key => $value) {
             if (isset($value->user_id_introducer)) {
                 $introducer = in_array($value->user_id_introducer, $getUser);
                 if ($introducer != 1) {
                     $value->user_id_introducer = User::find($value->user_id_introducer);
                 } else {
                     $value->user_id_introducer = "";
             if (isset($value->user_id_receiver)) {
                 $rcvr = in_array($value->user_id_receiver, $getUser);
                 if ($rcvr != 1) {
                     $value->user_id_receiver = User::find($value->user_id_receiver)->toArray();
                 } else {
                     $value->user_id_receiver = "";
             if (!empty($value->user_id_giver)) {
                 $giver = in_array($value->user_id_giver, $getUser);
                 if ($giver != 1) {
                     $value->user_id_giver = User::find($value->user_id_giver)->toArray();
             } else {
                 if (isset($value->connection_id_giver)) {
                     $connection = in_array($value->connection_id_giver, $getUser);
                     if ($connection != 1) {
                         $value->user_id_giver = Connection::find($value->connection_id_giver)->toArray();
                     } else {
                         $value->user_id_giver = "";
     return $meetTrail;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function dashboard($idget = null)
     $user_info = Auth::user();
     $totalNotesPending = 0;
     $Receiver = $user_info->id;
     $ReceiverDetail = User::find($Receiver);
     $MeetingRequestPending = $ReceiverDetail->Giver()->Where('status', '=', 'pending')->count();
     //echo $MeetingRequestPending;exit;
     // Calculate number of connection user have on KC platform
     //echo $MeetingRequestPending;
     $user_id = 0;
     $location = '';
     if (!empty($user_info)) {
         $user_id = $user_info->id;
         $location = $user_info->location;
     /*Dashboard section*/
     // fetch user connections on KC
     $getUserConnection = KarmaHelper::getUserConnection($user_id, $location);
     $user_connection_onkc = 0;
     if (!empty($getUserConnection)) {
         foreach ($getUserConnection as $key => $value) {
             if (isset($value->con_user_id)) {
     // fetch pending karmanote requests
     $PendingRequest = array();
     $totalPendingRequest = 0;
     $PendingRequest = KarmaHelper::getPendingKarmaNotes($user_info->id);
     if (!empty($PendingRequest)) {
         $totalPendingRequest = count($PendingRequest);
     //fetch pending KM requests only received no read no unread
     $totalReceivedRequest = 0;
     $GiverInMeeting = Auth::User()->Giver()->where('status', 'pending')->orderBy('updated_at', 'DESC')->get();
     if (!empty($GiverInMeeting)) {
         $totalReceivedRequest = count($GiverInMeeting);
     //fetch pending karma intros
     $totalintroductionInitiated = 0;
     $IntroducerInitiated = Auth::User()->Introducer;
     if (!empty($IntroducerInitiated)) {
         foreach ($IntroducerInitiated as $key => $value) {
             if (!empty($value['user_id_receiver'])) {
                 $value['user_id_receiver'] = User::find($value['user_id_receiver'])->toArray();
             if (!empty($value['user_id_giver'])) {
                 $value['user_id_giver'] = User::find($value['user_id_giver'])->toArray();
             } else {
                 $value['user_id_giver'] = Connection::find($value['connection_id_giver'])->toArray();
             if ($value->status == 'pending') {
     // fetch queries that have been posted in the last 7 days within common groups including both public & private.
     $Usergroup = KarmaHelper::getuserGroup();
     $All_groups = '';
     $group_question = 0;
     $totagroupquestion = 0;
     $yesterday = Carbon::now()->subDays(1);
     $one_week_ago = Carbon::now()->subWeeks(1);
     $group_question = DB::table('questions')->select(array('*'))->where('questions.user_id', '!=', $user_info->id)->where('questions.queryStatus', 'open')->where('questions.created_at', '>=', $one_week_ago)->where('questions.created_at', '<=', $yesterday)->orderBy('questions.created_at', 'DESC')->groupBy('id')->get();
     if (!empty($group_question)) {
         $totagroupquestion = count($group_question);
     // fetch a 3 random users on KC platform with a common group of logged in user
     $getKcuser = array();
     $getKcuser = KarmaHelper::getKcuser(0);
     if (empty($getKcuser)) {
         // fetch a user connection either KC or NON KC
         $getsuggestion = KarmaHelper::getUserConnection($user_id, $location);
         //get test users id
         $getUser = KarmaHelper::getTestUsers();
         if (!empty($getsuggestion)) {
             foreach ($getsuggestion as $key => $value) {
                 $test_match = in_array($value->con_user_id, $getUser);
                 if ($value->con_user_id != "" && $test_match != 1) {
                     $getKc = DB::table('users as u')->select(array('u.userstatus', 'u.id', 'u.fname', 'u.lname', 'u.linkedinurl', 'u.piclink', 'u.headline', 'u.email', 'u.karmascore', 'u.location'))->where('u.id', '=', $value->con_user_id)->where('u.userstatus', '=', 'approved')->get();
                     if (!empty($getKc)) {
                         $value->networkid = $getKc;
             $getsuggestion = $getsuggestion[array_rand($getsuggestion)];
         // fetch a user connection only nON kc
         $getinvites = "";
         $getinvites = KarmaHelper::getUserNonKcConnection($user_id, $location);
         if (!empty($getinvites)) {
             $getinvites = $getinvites[array_rand($getinvites)];
     $checkMeetingStatus = KarmaHelper::getMeetingStatusForWeb($user_id, $getKcuser[0]->id);
     $checkMeetingStatusOne = KarmaHelper::getMeetingStatusForWeb($user_id, $getKcuser[1]->id);
     $checkMeetingStatusTwo = KarmaHelper::getMeetingStatusForWeb($user_id, $getKcuser[2]->id);
     //fetch random 5 unique notes
     $getKarmanote = "";
     $getKarmanote = KarmaHelper::getKarmanote();
     foreach ($getKcuser as $key => $value) {
         $giver_id = $value->id;
         $MeetingRequestPending = KarmaHelper::karmaMeetingPendingCount($Receiver, $giver_id);
         $MeetingRequestPendingArray[] = $MeetingRequestPending;
     return View::make('dashboard', array('pageTitle' => 'Dashboard | Karmacircles', 'pageDescription' => 'KarmaCircles is an online peer-to-peer knowledge sharing platform.', 'MeetingRequestPending' => $MeetingRequestPendingArray[0], 'MeetingRequestPendingOne' => $MeetingRequestPendingArray[1], 'MeetingRequestPendingTwo' => $MeetingRequestPendingArray[2], 'totagroupquestion' => $totagroupquestion, 'getKarmanote' => $getKarmanote, 'getKcuserTwo' => $getKcuser[2], 'getKcuserOne' => $getKcuser[1], 'getKcuser' => $getKcuser[0], 'checkMeetingStatus' => $checkMeetingStatus, 'checkMeetingStatusOne' => $checkMeetingStatusOne, 'checkMeetingStatusTwo' => $checkMeetingStatusTwo, 'totalintroductionInitiated' => $totalintroductionInitiated, 'totalReceivedRequest' => $totalReceivedRequest, 'totalPendingRequest' => $totalPendingRequest, 'user_connection_onkc' => $user_connection_onkc, 'CurrentUser' => $user_info, 'PendingMeetingRequest' => $MeetingRequestPending, 'NotesPendingRequest' => $totalNotesPending));