Ejemplo n.º 1
  * exec method with the same interface as that in KWUtils, will simulate
  * an execution of the condor_submit_dag executable for a few select test cases.
  * @param string $command
  * @param null|mixed $output
  * @param string $chdir
  * @param null|mixed $return_val
  * @throws Zend_Exception
 public function exec($command, &$output = null, $chdir = '', &$return_val = null)
     // just doing the same things as the actual KWUtils exec to check
     // that this function will work the same as the exec function other
     // than the actual exec system call
     if (!empty($chdir) && is_dir($chdir)) {
         if (!chdir($chdir)) {
             throw new Zend_Exception('Failed to change directory: [' . $chdir . ']');
     // on Linux need to add redirection to handle stderr
     $command = KWUtils::escapeCommand($command);
     // all test cases should have the proper syntax, verify this
     if (!preg_match('/' . MIDAS_BATCHMAKE_CONDOR_SUBMIT_DAG . ".*\\'(\\S*)\\'/", $command, $matches)) {
         throw new Zend_Exception('malformed condor_submit_dag command');
     $scriptName = $matches[1];
     if (preg_match('/CompileReturnNonzero.dagjob/', $scriptName)) {
         $return_val = -1;
         $output = array('1 error', '1');
     } elseif (preg_match('/Compiles.dagjob/', $scriptName)) {
         // do a bit of checking
         // ensure the $scriptName exists in the $chdir
         if (!file_exists($chdir . '/' . $scriptName)) {
             $return_val = -1;
             $output = array('1 error can not find ' . $chdir . '/' . $scriptName, '1');
         $return_val = 0;
         $output = array('');
     } else {
         throw new Zend_Exception('Unexpected dagjob test script: ' . $scriptName);
 /** clean up after tests */
 public function tearDown()
     // remove the temporary tests dir
     $testTmpDir = $this->getTempDirectory() . '/batchmake/tests';
     // change the current dir back to the saved cwd after each test
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /** clean up after tests */
 public function tearDown()
     // remove the temporary tests dir
     $tmpDir = $this->getTempDirectory() . '/' . $this->testTmpDir;
     // change the current dir back to the saved cwd after each test
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * exports a list of itemIds to a work dir.
  * @param UserDao $userDao
  * @param Batchmake_TaskDao $taskDao
  * @param array $itemIds
  * @throws Zend_Exception
 public function exportItemsToWorkDataDir($userDao, $taskDao, $itemIds)
     // export the items to the work dir data dir
     $datapath = $taskDao->getWorkDir() . '/' . 'data';
     if (!KWUtils::mkDir($datapath)) {
         throw new Zend_Exception("couldn't create data export dir: " . $datapath);
     /** @var ExportComponent $exportComponent */
     $exportComponent = MidasLoader::loadComponent('Export');
     $symlink = true;
     $exportComponent->exportBitstreams($userDao, $datapath, $itemIds, $symlink);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * exec method with the same interface as that in KWUtils, will check the
  * command and intercept it if it is a known command with a Mock object
  * that should be used for testing, otherwise it will pass it on to KWUtils.
  * @param type $command
  * @param type $output
  * @param type $chdir
  * @param type $return_val
 public function exec($command, &$output = null, $chdir = '', &$return_val = null)
     $matched = false;
     foreach ($this->mockExes as $exeName => $mockExe) {
         if (preg_match('/' . $exeName . '/', $command)) {
             $matched = true;
             $mockExe->exec($command, $output, $chdir, $return_val);
     if (!$matched) {
         KWUtils::exec($command, $output, $chdir, $return_val);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * function will create a temporary batchmake config, copying over test data
  * to the the locations in that config needed for the tests, returning an
  * array of config property names to directory locations.
  * @todo figure out a way to copy over Batchmake or else mock it
  * @return array
  * @throws Zend_Exception
 public function setupAndGetConfig()
     // create a test batchmake setup in the temp dir
     // and initialize test data
     $tmpDir = $this->getTempDirectory();
     $subDirs = array('batchmake', 'tests');
     KWUtils::createSubDirectories($tmpDir . '/', $subDirs);
     $configProps = array(MIDAS_BATCHMAKE_TMP_DIR_PROPERTY => $tmpDir . '/batchmake/tests/tmp', MIDAS_BATCHMAKE_BIN_DIR_PROPERTY => $tmpDir . '/batchmake/tests/bin', MIDAS_BATCHMAKE_SCRIPT_DIR_PROPERTY => $tmpDir . '/batchmake/tests/script', MIDAS_BATCHMAKE_APP_DIR_PROPERTY => $tmpDir . '/batchmake/tests/bin', MIDAS_BATCHMAKE_DATA_DIR_PROPERTY => $tmpDir . '/batchmake/tests/data', MIDAS_BATCHMAKE_CONDOR_BIN_DIR_PROPERTY => $tmpDir . '/batchmake/tests/condorbin');
     // now make sure these dirs exist
     // later can actually add some stuff to these dirs
     foreach ($configProps as $dir) {
         if (!file_exists($dir) && !KWUtils::mkDir($dir)) {
             throw new Zend_Exception("couldn't create dir " . $dir);
     // now copy over the bms files
     $srcDir = BASE_PATH . 'modules/batchmake/tests/testfiles/script';
     $targetDir = $configProps[MIDAS_BATCHMAKE_SCRIPT_DIR_PROPERTY];
     $extension = '.bms';
     $this->symlinkFileset($srcDir, $targetDir, $extension);
     // and now the bmms
     $srcDir = BASE_PATH . 'modules/batchmake/tests/testfiles/bin';
     $targetDir = $configProps[MIDAS_BATCHMAKE_APP_DIR_PROPERTY];
     $extension = '.bmm';
     $this->symlinkFileset($srcDir, $targetDir, $extension);
     // the mock object strategy requires both an interface and for
     // executable files to exist on disk in a particular location,
     // so here we will create symlinks to a known executable
     // ls
     // which should be on most systems
     $params = array('ls');
     $cmd = KWUtils::prepareExeccommand('which', $params);
     // dir doesn't matter, just send in srcDir as it is convenient
     KWUtils::exec($cmd, $output, $srcDir, $returnVal);
     if ($returnVal !== 0 || !isset($output) || !isset($output[0])) {
         throw new Zend_Exception('Problem finding ls on your system, used for testing');
     $pathToLs = $output[0];
     // get the applications and their path properties from the component that
     // expects them
     $applicationsPaths = Batchmake_KWBatchmakeComponent::getApplicationsPaths();
     foreach ($applicationsPaths as $application => $pathProperty) {
         // now in the place of each executable, symlink the ls exe
         $link = $configProps[$pathProperty] . '/' . $application;
         if (!file_exists($link) && !symlink($pathToLs, $link)) {
             throw new Zend_Exception($pathToLs . ' could not be sym-linked to ' . $link);
     return $configProps;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Create a task.
  * @param UserDao $userDao
  * @param string $tmpWorkDirRoot
  * @return Batchmake_TaskDao
  * @throws Zend_Exception
 public function createTask($userDao, $tmpWorkDirRoot)
     if (!$userDao instanceof UserDao) {
         throw new Zend_Exception('Error parameters.');
     /** @var Batchmake_TaskDao $task */
     $task = MidasLoader::newDao('TaskDao', 'batchmake');
     $userId = $task->getUserId();
     $taskId = $task->getKey();
     $subdirs = array(MIDAS_BATCHMAKE_SSP_DIR, $userId, $taskId);
     // create a workDir based on the task and user
     $workDir = KWUtils::createSubDirectories($tmpWorkDirRoot . '/', $subdirs);
     return $task;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * has the same interface as KWUtils.exec, used to simulate a BatchMake
  * executable for testing.
  * @param string $command
  * @param null|mixed $output
  * @param string $chdir
  * @param null|mixed $return_val
  * @throws Zend_Exception
 public function exec($command, &$output = null, $chdir = '', &$return_val = null)
     // just doing the same things as the actual KWUtils exec to check
     // that this function will work the same as the exec function other
     // than the actual exec system call
     if (!empty($chdir) && is_dir($chdir)) {
         if (!chdir($chdir)) {
             throw new Zend_Exception('Failed to change directory: [' . $chdir . ']');
     $command = KWUtils::escapeCommand($command);
     // now look for particular commands that this Mock object can service
     if (preg_match('/' . $this->compileFlag . '/', $command)) {
         $this->execCompile($command, $output, $chdir, $return_val);
     } elseif (preg_match('/' . $this->generateDagFlag . '/', $command)) {
         $this->execGenerateCondorDag($command, $output, $chdir, $return_val);
     } else {
         throw new Zend_Exception('unexepected BatchMake command flag:' . $command);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /** Test that TaskModel::createTask($userDao) works */
 public function testCreateTask()
     $usersFile = $this->loadData('User', 'default', '', 'batchmake');
     /** @var Batchmake_TaskModel $taskModel */
     $taskModel = MidasLoader::loadModel('Task', 'batchmake');
     $user1Dao = $usersFile[0];
     $tmpWorkDirRoot = $this->getTempDirectory() . '/' . 'test';
     $task1Dao = $taskModel->createTask($user1Dao, $tmpWorkDirRoot);
     $this->assertTrue($task1Dao instanceof Batchmake_TaskDao);
     $userId1 = $task1Dao->getUserId();
     $this->assertEquals($userId1, $user1Dao->getUserId());
     $taskId1 = $task1Dao->getKey();
     // now try a different user
     $user2Dao = $usersFile[1];
     $task2Dao = $taskModel->createTask($user2Dao, $tmpWorkDirRoot);
     $this->assertTrue($task2Dao instanceof Batchmake_TaskDao);
     $userId2 = $task2Dao->getUserId();
     $this->assertEquals($userId2, $user2Dao->getUserId());
     $taskId2 = $task2Dao->getKey();
     // make sure each of the tasks got a different id
     $this->assertNotEquals($taskId1, $taskId2);
     // now try to retrieve it by key
     $task3Dao = $taskModel->load($taskId1);
     $this->assertTrue($taskModel->compareDao($task1Dao, $task3Dao));
     $task4Dao = $taskModel->load($taskId2);
     $this->assertTrue($taskModel->compareDao($task2Dao, $task4Dao));
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Test ExportComponentTest::exportBitstreams function using invalid input.
  * test case 1) input parameter itemIds is not an array; expect an exception
  * test case 2) use valid item id with invalid revision number; expect an exception
  * test case 3) use invalid item id; expect an exception
 public function testExportBitStreamsInvalidCases()
     $midas_exporttest_dir = $this->getTempDirectory() . '/exportTest';
     $usersFile = $this->loadData('User', 'default');
     $userDao = $this->User->load($usersFile[0]->getKey());
     require_once BASE_PATH . '/core/controllers/components/ExportComponent.php';
     $exportCompoenent = new ExportComponent();
     $validFile = 'public.file';
     $validItems = $this->Item->getItemsFromSearch($validFile, $userDao);
     $validItemId = $validItems[0]->getKey();
     $invalidRevision = 100;
     $invalidItemId = 99999;
     // test case 1)
     try {
         $exportCompoenent->exportBitstreams($userDao, $midas_exporttest_dir, $validItemId, true);
         $this->fail('Expected an exception exporting component, but didn not get one');
     } catch (Zend_Exception $ze) {
         // if we got here, this is the correct behavior
     // test case 2)
     $inputItemIds = array();
     $inputItemIds[] = $validItemId . ',' . $invalidRevision;
     try {
         $exportCompoenent->exportBitstreams($userDao, $midas_exporttest_dir, $inputItemIds, true);
         $this->fail('Expected an exception exporting component, but did not get one');
     } catch (Zend_Exception $ze) {
         // if we got here, this is the correct behavior
     // test case 3)
     $inputItemIds = array();
     $inputItemIds[] = $invalidItemId;
     try {
         $exportCompoenent->exportBitstreams($userDao, $midas_exporttest_dir, $inputItemIds, true);
         $this->fail('Expected an exception exporting component, but did not get one');
     } catch (Zend_Exception $ze) {
         // if we got here, this is the correct behavior
     // clean up
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * will submit the passed in $dagScript to condor,
  * executing in the passed in $workDir.
  * @param string $workDir
  * @param string $dagScript
  * @throws Zend_Exception
 public function condorSubmitDag($workDir, $dagScript)
     // Prepare command
     $params = array($dagScript);
     $cmd = KWUtils::prepareExecCommand($this->configCondorBinDir . '/' . MIDAS_BATCHMAKE_CONDOR_SUBMIT_DAG, $params);
     // Run command
     $this->executor->exec($cmd, $output, $workDir, $returnVal);
     if ($returnVal !== 0) {
         throw new Zend_Exception('condorSubmitDag: Failed to run: [' . $cmd . '], output: [' . implode(',', $output) . ']');
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Stop DICOM server.
  * @path /dicomserver/server/stop
  * @http POST
  * @param storescp_cmd (Optional) The command to run storescp
  * @param dcmqrscp_cmd (Optional) The command to run dcmqrscp
  * @param incoming_dir (Optional) The incoming directory to receive and process DICOM files
  * @param get_command (Optional) If set, will not stop DICOM server, but only get command used to stop DICOM server in command line.
  * @return
 public function stop($args)
     // Only administrator can call this api
     $userDao = Zend_Registry::get('userSession')->Dao;
     if (!$userDao || !$userDao->isAdmin()) {
         throw new Exception('Only administrator can stop DICOM server', MIDAS_INVALID_POLICY);
     $ret = array();
     $status_args = array();
     if (!empty($args['storescp_cmd'])) {
         $status_args['storescp_cmd'] = $args['storescp_cmd'];
     if (!empty($args['dcmqrscp_cmd'])) {
         $status_args['dcmqrscp_cmd'] = $args['dcmqrscp_cmd'];
     $running_status = $this->status($status_args);
     if ($running_status['status'] == MIDAS_DICOMSERVER_SERVER_NOT_RUNNING && !array_key_exists('get_command', $args)) {
         $ret['message'] = 'DICOM server is not running now!';
         return $ret;
     $storescp_cmd = 'storescp';
     if (!empty($args['storescp_cmd'])) {
         $storescp_cmd = $args['storescp_cmd'];
     $dcmqrscp_cmd = 'dcmqrscp';
     if (!empty($args['dcmqrscp_cmd'])) {
         $dcmqrscp_cmd = $args['dcmqrscp_cmd'];
     if (!empty($args['incoming_dir'])) {
         $incoming_dir = $args['incoming_dir'];
     } else {
         /** @var Dicomserver_ServerComponent $serverComponent */
         $serverComponent = MidasLoader::loadComponent('Server', 'dicomserver');
         $incoming_dir = $serverComponent->getDefaultReceptionDir();
     $log_dir = $incoming_dir . MIDAS_DICOMSERVER_LOGS_DIRECTORY;
     if (!file_exists($log_dir)) {
         KWUtils::mkDir($log_dir, 0777);
     $python_cmd = 'python';
     $python_params = array();
     $python_params[] = BASE_PATH . '/modules/dicomserver/library/serverWrapper.py';
     $python_params[] = '--stop';
     $python_params[] = '-i ' . $incoming_dir;
     $python_params[] = '-s ' . $storescp_cmd;
     $python_params[] = '-q ' . $dcmqrscp_cmd;
     $stop_server_command = KWUtils::prepareExeccommand($python_cmd, $python_params);
     if (array_key_exists('get_command', $args)) {
         $stop_server_command_string = str_replace("'", '', $stop_server_command);
         return escapeshellarg($stop_server_command_string);
     KWUtils::exec($stop_server_command, $output, '', $returnVal);
     $ret['message'] = 'Succeeded to stop DICOM C-STORE receiver and Query-Retrieve services!';
     if ($returnVal) {
         $exception_string = "Failed to stop DICOM server! \n Reason:" . implode("\n", $output);
         throw new Zend_Exception(htmlspecialchars($exception_string, ENT_QUOTES), MIDAS_INVALID_POLICY);
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Use thumbnailer to pre-process a bitstream to generate a jpeg file.
  * Echoes an error message if a problem occurs (for the scheduler log).
  * @param string $name name of the image to be pre-processed
  * @param string $fullPath absolute path to the image to be pre-processed
  * @return string
  * @throws Zend_Exception
 public function preprocessByThumbnailer($name, $fullPath)
     $tmpPath = UtilityComponent::getTempDirectory('thumbnailcreator');
     if (!file_exists($tmpPath)) {
         throw new Zend_Exception('Temporary thumbnail dir does not exist: ' . $tmpPath);
     $copyDestination = $tmpPath . '/' . $name;
     copy($fullPath, $copyDestination);
     $jpegDestination = $tmpPath . '/' . $name . '.jpg';
     /** @var RandomComponent $randomComponent */
     $randomComponent = MidasLoader::loadComponent('Random');
     while (file_exists($jpegDestination)) {
         $jpegDestination = $tmpPath . '/' . $name . $randomComponent->generateInt() . '.jpg';
     /** @var SettingModel $settingModel */
     $settingModel = MidasLoader::loadModel('Setting');
     $thumbnailerPath = $settingModel->getValueByName(MIDAS_THUMBNAILCREATOR_THUMBNAILER_KEY, $this->moduleName);
     $thumbnailerParams = array($copyDestination, $jpegDestination);
     $thumbnailerCmd = KWUtils::prepareExeccommand($thumbnailerPath, $thumbnailerParams);
     if (KWUtils::isExecutable($thumbnailerPath)) {
     } else {
         throw new Zend_Exception('Thumbnailer does not exist or you do not have execute permission. Please check the configuration of thumbnailcreator module.');
     if (!file_exists($jpegDestination)) {
         throw new Zend_Exception('Problem executing thumbnailer on your system');
     } else {
         return $jpegDestination;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Register DICOM image files (bitstreams).
 public function register($revision)
     $bitstreams = $revision->getBitstreams();
     if (count($bitstreams) < 1) {
     /** @var SettingModel $settingModel */
     $settingModel = MidasLoader::loadModel('Setting');
     $command = $settingModel->getValueByName(MIDAS_DICOMSERVER_DCMQRIDX_COMMAND_KEY, $this->moduleName);
     $command = str_replace("'", '', $command);
     $commandParams = array();
     $receptionDirectory = $settingModel->getValueByName(MIDAS_DICOMSERVER_RECEPTION_DIRECTORY_KEY, $this->moduleName);
     if (!is_writable($receptionDirectory)) {
         throw new Zend_Exception('Please configure Dicom Server module correctly. Its reception directory is NOT writable!', MIDAS_INVALID_POLICY);
     $aeStorage = $receptionDirectory . MIDAS_DICOMSERVER_PACS_DIRECTORY;
     $aeStorage = str_replace("'", '', $aeStorage);
     $commandParams[] = $aeStorage;
     foreach ($bitstreams as $bitstream) {
         $commandParams[] = $bitstream->getFullPath();
         $registerCommand = KWUtils::prepareExeccommand($command, $commandParams);
         // prepare for next iteration in the loop
         KWUtils::exec($registerCommand, $output, '', $returnVal);
         if ($returnVal) {
             $exceptionString = "Failed to register DICOM images! \n Reason:" . implode("\n", $output);
             throw new Zend_Exception(htmlspecialchars($exceptionString, ENT_QUOTES), MIDAS_INVALID_POLICY);
     /** @var Dicomserver_RegistrationModel $registrationModel */
     $registrationModel = MidasLoader::loadModel('Registration', 'dicomserver');
     $itemId = $revision->getItemId();
     if (!$registrationModel->checkByItemId($itemId)) {
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /** tests recursiveRemoveDirectory function */
 public function testRecursiveRemoveDirectory()
     // test some basic exception handling
     // create a two-level directory
     $testParentDir = UtilityComponent::getTempDirectory() . '/KWUtilsParentDir';
     $testChildDir = UtilityComponent::getTempDirectory() . '/KWUtilsParentDir/ChildDir';
     copy(BASE_PATH . '/tests/testfiles/search.png', $testChildDir . '/testContent.png');
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists($testChildDir . '/testContent.png'));
     // recursively remove the directory
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Export bitstreams to target directory.
  * Given itemIds, do policy check on these itemIds,
  * then create symbolic links to bitstreams (or copy the bitstreams)
  * in the "{targetDir}/{itemId}/" directories. If the {itemId} subdirectory
  * has been existed, delete the existing one first.
  * For policy check, we only check if the items are readable by the given user,
  * and don't further distinguish among "can_read", "can_write", and "owner"
  * levels.
  * @param UserDao $userDao
  * @param string $targetDir Target directory to export bitstreams
  * @param array $itemIds Array of itemIds.
  *                               Each element is a comma separated value,
  *                               the 1st column is the actual item_id,
  *                               the 2nd is revision_number (optional)
  * @param bool $shouldSymLink Should we create symbolic links?
  *                               If not, the bitstreams will be copied to the target directory
  * @throws Zend_Exception
 public function exportBitstreams($userDao, $targetDir, $itemIds, $shouldSymLink)
     // if the path has a slash at the end, remove it here
     $targetDir = rtrim($targetDir, '/');
     /** @var ItemModel $itemModel */
     $itemModel = MidasLoader::loadModel('Item');
     // Get items
     $revisions = array();
     if (!is_array($itemIds)) {
         throw new Zend_Exception('Input parameter $itemIds should be an array.');
     if (!empty($itemIds)) {
         foreach ($itemIds as $itemId) {
             // $itemId is a comma separated value,
             // the 1st column is the actual item_id, the 2nd is revision_num (optional)
             $tmpId = explode(',', $itemId);
             if (empty($tmpId[0])) {
             // delete the itemId directory if it exists which means it was exported by
             // other user before
             $item_export_dir = $targetDir . '/' . $itemId;
             if (file_exists($item_export_dir)) {
                 if (!KWUtils::recursiveRemoveDirectory($item_export_dir)) {
                     throw new Zend_Exception($item_export_dir . ' has already existed and we cannot delete it.');
             $item = $itemModel->load($tmpId[0]);
             if ($item == false) {
                 throw new Zend_Exception('Item ' . $tmpId[0] . ' does not exist. Please check your input.');
             } elseif (!$itemModel->policyCheck($item, $userDao)) {
                 // Do policy check in the ITEM level, ignore items which cannot be exported by the user.
             // Use the given revision_number if it is not empty
             if (isset($tmpId[1])) {
                 $revision = $itemModel->getRevision($item, $tmpId[1]);
                 if ($revision !== false) {
                     $revisions[] = $revision;
                 } else {
                     throw new Zend_Exception('Revision number ' . $tmpId[1] . ' for item ' . $tmpId[0] . ' does not exist. Please check your input.');
             } else {
                 // Otherwise use the latest revision
                 $revision = $itemModel->getLastRevision($item);
                 if ($revision !== false) {
                     $revisions[] = $revision;
     // process the items which pass the ITEM level policy check
     if (!empty($revisions)) {
         /** @var RandomComponent $randomComponent */
         $randomComponent = MidasLoader::loadComponent('Random');
         foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
             $itemId = $revision->getItemId();
             $this->_createItemDirectory($targetDir . '/' . $itemId);
             // itemRevision -> bitstream is a one-to-many relation (in bitstream table)
             $bitstreams = $revision->getBitstreams();
             if (!empty($bitstreams)) {
                 foreach ($bitstreams as $bitstream) {
                     // if the bitstream is not an actual file, such as url type, skip it
                     if ($bitstream->getChecksum() == ' ') {
                     $source = $bitstream->getAssetstore()->getPath() . '/' . $bitstream->getPath();
                     $dest = $targetDir . '/' . $itemId . '/' . $bitstream->getName();
                     // create symbolic links in target directory
                     if ($shouldSymLink) {
                         // for symbolic link option,if multiple bitstreams (in a single item revision)
                         // have the same file name, add a '.new' suffix to distinguish them
                         if (file_exists($dest)) {
                             $dest .= '.' . $randomComponent->generateInt() . '.new';
                         if (!symlink($source, $dest)) {
                             throw new Zend_Exception('Cannot create symlink: ' . $dest . 'linked to' . $source);
                     } else {
                         // OR copy bitstreams to target directory
                         // for copy option, if multiple bitstreams (in a single item revision)
                         // have the same file name, new file(s) wil overwrite the existing file(s)
                         if (!copy($source, $dest)) {
                             throw new Zend_Exception('Cannot copy bitstream from: ' . $source . 'to: ' . $dest);
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * forwards a call to this method on to KWUtils.exec, with the same
  * method signature.
  * @param string $command
  * @param null|mixed $output
  * @param string $chdir
  * @param null|mixed $return_val
  * @throws Zend_Exception
 public function exec($command, &$output = null, $chdir = '', &$return_val = null)
     KWUtils::exec($command, $output, $chdir, $return_val);