Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Saves changes made by add() and remove().
  * @author KnowledgeTree Team
  * @access public
 public function save()
     if (!$this->changed) {
         // we don't have to do anything if nothing has changed.
     // if the current setup is inherited, then we must create a new copy to store the new associations.
     if ($this->getIsInherited()) {
     $permissions = KTPermission::getList();
     $folderItemObject = $this->_logTransaction(_kt('Updated permissions'), 'ktcore.transactions.permissions_change');
     $permissionObject = KTPermissionObject::get($folderItemObject->getPermissionObjectId());
     // transform the map into the structure expected
     foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
         $permissionId = $permission->getId();
         // not the association is singular here
         $allowed = array('group' => array(), 'role' => array(), 'user' => array());
         // fill the group allocations
         foreach ($this->map['groups']['map'] as $groupId => $allocations) {
             if ($allocations[$permissionId]) {
                 $allowed['group'][] = $groupId;
         // fill the user allocations
         foreach ($this->map['users']['map'] as $userId => $allocations) {
             if ($allocations[$permissionId]) {
                 $allowed['user'][] = $userId;
         // fill the role allocations
         foreach ($this->map['roles']['map'] as $roleId => $allocations) {
             if ($allocations[$permissionId]) {
                 $allowed['role'][] = $roleId;
         KTPermissionUtil::setPermissionForId($permission, $permissionObject, $allowed);
     // set the copy to be that of the modified version.
     $this->mapCopy = $this->map;
     $this->changed = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function setPersonalFolderPermissions($oPO)
     $aWorkSpaceOwnerRoleID = $this->getRoleIdByName('WorkSpaceOwner');
     $aAdminGroupID = $this->getGroupIdByName('System Administrators');
     //arrays used to make integers for $aAllowed array variable
     $iWorkSpaceOwnerRoleID = $aWorkSpaceOwnerRoleID[0]['id'];
     $iAdminGroupID = $aAdminGroupID[0]['id'];
     //set permissions for the role and the admin group
     $aAllowed = array('role' => array($iWorkSpaceOwnerRoleID), 'group' => array($iAdminGroupID));
     //Get the List of all the permissions
     $aPersonalFolderPermissions = KTPermission::getList();
     //Iterate through and apply all permissions to the current user and the admin group
     foreach ($aPersonalFolderPermissions as $oPersonalFolderPermission) {
         KTPermissionUtil::setPermissionForId($oPersonalFolderPermission, $oPO, $aAllowed);
     //Update permission lookup
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function do_update()
     $aOptions = array('redirect_to' => array('main', 'fFolderId=' . $this->oFolder->getId()));
     if (!KTBrowseUtil::inAdminMode($this->oUser, $this->oFolder)) {
         $this->oValidator->userHasPermissionOnItem($this->oUser, $this->_sEditShowPermission, $this->oFolder, $aOptions);
     $aFoo = $_REQUEST['foo'];
     $aPermissions = KTPermission::getList();
     		--- This section has been commented out to remove these checks when permissions
     		--- are updated.
     //This section is used to make sure that a user doesn't disable the admin groups
     //Manage security permission or the Manage Security permission of a group they
     //are currently a member of.
     // Check which groups have permission to manage security
     $aNewGroups = (isset($aFoo[4]['group']) ? $aFoo[4]['group'] : array());
     $aNewRoles = (isset($aFoo[4]['role']) ? $aFoo[4]['role'] : array());
     $iUserId = $this->oUser->getId();
     //Check that they aren't removing the sys admin Manage Security permission
     //1 in this case is the admin group.
     if(!in_array('1', $aNewGroups))
     	$this->addErrorMessage(_kt('You cannot remove the Manage Security permission from the System Administrators Group'));
         $this->redirectTo('edit', 'fFolderId=' . $this->oFolder->getId());
     //Check that they aren't removing the Manage Security permission from a group
     //They are a member of.
     if(!GroupUtil::checkUserInGroups($iUserId, array(1)))
     	        //Ensure the user is not removing his/her own permission to update the folder permissions (manage security)
     	        if(!in_array(-3, $aNewRoles))
     	            if(!GroupUtil::checkUserInGroups($iUserId, $aNewGroups))
     	                // If user no longer has permission, return an error.
     	                $this->addErrorMessage(_kt('You cannot remove the Manage Security permission from a group you belong to.'));
     	                $this->redirectTo('edit', 'fFolderId=' . $this->oFolder->getId());
     require_once KT_LIB_DIR . '/documentmanagement/observers.inc.php';
     $oPO = KTPermissionObject::get($this->oFolder->getPermissionObjectId());
     foreach ($aPermissions as $oPermission) {
         $iPermId = $oPermission->getId();
         $aAllowed = KTUtil::arrayGet($aFoo, $iPermId, array());
         KTPermissionUtil::setPermissionForId($oPermission, $oPO, $aAllowed);
     $oTransaction = KTFolderTransaction::createFromArray(array('folderid' => $this->oFolder->getId(), 'comment' => _kt('Updated permissions'), 'transactionNS' => 'ktcore.transactions.permissions_change', 'userid' => $_SESSION['userID'], 'ip' => Session::getClientIP()));
     $aOptions = array('defaultmessage' => _kt('Error updating permissions'), 'redirect_to' => array('edit', sprintf('fFolderId=%d', $this->oFolder->getId())));
     $this->oValidator->notErrorFalse($oTransaction, $aOptions);
     $po =& new JavascriptObserver($this);
     $oChannel =& KTPermissionChannel::getSingleton();
     $this->addInfoMessage(_kt('Permissions on folder updated'));
     $po->redirect(KTUtil::addQueryString($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'action=edit&fFolderId=' . $this->oFolder->getId()));