Ejemplo n.º 1
 function __construct()
     $id = array();
     $id['map'] = Map::getMapId(true);
     $id['location'] = Map::getLocationId(true);
     $id['distance'] = Map::getDistance(true);
     $id['person'] = JoaktreeHelper::getPersonId(false, true);
     $id['tree'] = JoaktreeHelper::getTreeId(false, true);
     $id['app'] = JoaktreeHelper::getApplicationId(false, true);
     $this->map = new Map($id);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function getArticleList()
     $nullDate = $this->_db->getNullDate();
     $date = JFactory::getDate();
     $now = $date->toSql();
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_joaktree');
     $indArticleLink = (int) $params->get('indArticleLink', 9);
     $displayAccess = JoaktreeHelper::getDisplayAccess();
     $userAccess = JoaktreeHelper::getUserAccess();
     $accessLevels = JoaktreeHelper::getUserAccessLevels();
     $related = array();
     $likes = array();
     // situation: article is shown to user -> find other related articles + related persons
     if ($this->_option == 'com_content' && $this->_view == 'article' && $this->_id) {
         // select the meta keywords from the article and fill the "likes" parameter
         $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
         $query->select(' metakey ');
         $query->from(' #__content ');
         $query->where(' id = ' . (int) $this->_id . ' ');
         if ($metakey = trim($this->_db->loadResult())) {
             // explode the meta keys on a comma
             $keys = explode(',', $metakey);
             // assemble any non-blank word(s)
             foreach ($keys as $key) {
                 $key = trim($key);
                 if ($key) {
                     // surround with commas so first and last items have surrounding commas
                     $likes[] = ',' . $this->_db->escape($key) . ',';
     // situation: persons is shown to user -> find related articles
     // and fill the "likes" parameter with parameters from the person
     if ($this->_option == 'com_joaktree' && $this->_view == 'joaktree') {
         $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
         // get tree id
         $treeId = JoaktreeHelper::getTreeId();
         // get application id
         $appId = JoaktreeHelper::getApplicationId();
         // get the person id
         $personId = JoaktreeHelper::getPersonId();
         // check acces to person and tree is allowed
         $accessAllowed = JoaktreeHelper::getAccess();
         // retrieve name of person, if access is allowed
         if ($accessAllowed and $indArticleLink != 0) {
             $concat_string = ' CONCAT_WS( "," ';
             if ($indArticleLink == 1 or $indArticleLink == 9) {
                 // 1: By ID; 9: All options
                 $concat_string .= '                  , CONCAT_WS( ' . $this->_db->quote('!') . ' ' . '                             , jpn.app_id ' . '                             , jpn.id ' . '                             ) ' . '                  , jpn.id ';
             if ($indArticleLink == 2 or $indArticleLink == 5 or $indArticleLink == 9) {
                 // 2: By first name; 5: All names; 9: All options
                 $concat_string .= '                  , jpn.firstName ';
             if ($indArticleLink == 3 or $indArticleLink == 5 or $indArticleLink == 9) {
                 // 3: By family name; 5: All names; 9: All options
                 $concat_string .= '                  , CONCAT_WS( ' . $this->_db->quote(' ') . ' ' . '                             , jpn.namePreposition ' . '                             , jpn.familyName ' . '                             ) ';
             if ($indArticleLink == 4 or $indArticleLink == 5 or $indArticleLink == 9) {
                 // 4: By first + family name; 5: All names; 9: All options
                 $concat_string .= '                  , CONCAT_WS( ' . $this->_db->quote(' ') . ' ' . '                             , jpn.firstName ' . '                             , jpn.namePreposition ' . '                             , jpn.familyName ' . '                             ) ';
             $concat_string .= '                  ) AS metakey ';
             $query->from(' #__joaktree_persons        jpn ');
             $query->innerJoin(' #__joaktree_admin_persons  jan ' . ' ON (   jan.app_id    = jpn.app_id ' . '    AND jan.id        = jpn.id ' . '    AND jan.published = true ' . '    AND jan.page      = true ' . '    AND (  (jan.living = false AND ' . $displayAccess['NAMEname']->notLiving . ' = 2 ) ' . '        OR (jan.living = true  AND ' . $displayAccess['NAMEname']->living . '    = 2 ) ' . '        ) ' . '    ) ');
             $query->where(' jpn.id = ' . $this->_db->quote($personId) . ' ');
             if ($metakey = trim($this->_db->loadResult())) {
                 // explode the meta keys on a comma
                 $keys = explode(',', $metakey);
                 // assemble any non-blank word(s)
                 foreach ($keys as $key) {
                     $key = trim($key);
                     if ($key) {
                         // surround with commas so first and last items have surrounding commas
                         $likes[] = ',' . $this->_db->escape($key) . ',';
     // the "likes" parameter is filled - either from article or from person
     // process the "likes" - search in keyword of articles
     if (count($likes)) {
         // select other items based on the metakey field 'like' the keys found
         $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
         $query->select(' a.id ');
         $query->select(' a.title ');
         $query->select(' DATE_FORMAT(a.created, "%Y-%m-%d") AS created ');
         $query->select(' a.catid ');
         $query->select(' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(a.alias) ' . '      THEN CONCAT_WS(":", a.id, a.alias) ' . '      ELSE a.id ' . ' END              AS slug ');
         $query->select(' a.language ');
         $query->from(' #__content       AS a ');
         // join with categories
         $query->select(' cc.access        AS cat_access ');
         $query->select(' cc.published     AS cat_state ');
         $query->select(' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) ' . '      THEN CONCAT_WS(":", cc.id, cc.alias) ' . '      ELSE cc.id ' . ' END              AS catslug ');
         $query->leftJoin(' #__categories AS cc ' . ' ON (   cc.id        = a.catid ' . '    AND cc.published = 1 ' . '    AND cc.access    IN ' . $accessLevels . ' ' . '    ) ');
         $query->where(' a.id             != ' . (int) $this->_id . ' ');
         $query->where(' a.state           = 1 ');
         $query->where(' a.access         IN ' . $accessLevels . ' ');
         $query->where(' ( CONCAT( "," ' . '          , REPLACE( a.metakey ' . '                   , ", " ' . '                   , "," ' . '                   ) ' . '          , "," ' . '          ) ' . '    LIKE "%' . implode('%" OR CONCAT( "," ' . '                                  , REPLACE( a.metakey ' . '                                           , ", " ' . '                                           , "," ' . '                                           ) ' . '                                  , "," ' . '                                  ) LIKE "%', $likes) . '%" ' . '  ) ');
         //remove single space after commas in keywords
         $query->where(' (  a.publish_up  = ' . $this->_db->Quote($nullDate) . ' ' . '  OR a.publish_up <= ' . $this->_db->Quote($now) . ' ' . '  ) ');
         $query->where(' (  a.publish_down  = ' . $this->_db->Quote($nullDate) . ' ' . '  OR a.publish_down >= ' . $this->_db->Quote($now) . ' ' . '  ) ');
         // Filter by language
         if ($this->languageFilter) {
             $query->where('a.language in  (' . $this->_db->Quote(JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()) . ',' . $this->_db->Quote('*') . ') ');
         $query->order(' a.title ');
         $temp = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
         if (count($temp)) {
             foreach ($temp as $row) {
                 if (($row->cat_state == 1 || $row->cat_state == '') && (in_array($row->cat_access, $userAccess) || $row->cat_access == '')) {
                     $row->route = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($row->slug, $row->catslug));
                     $row->robot = '';
                     $related[] = $row;
     return $related;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function getTreeId()
     return JoaktreeHelper::getTreeId();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function getButtons($counter, $but = array('save' => true, 'cancel' => true, 'check' => false, 'done' => false, 'add' => false), $indParent1 = false)
     $html = array();
     if ($counter == 1) {
         $html[] = '<div class="jt-buttonbar" style="margin-left: 10px;">';
     } else {
         $html[] = '<div class="jt-buttonbar" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 10px;">';
     if ($but['save'] && !$but['check']) {
         $html[] = '	<a 	href="#" ';
         $html[] = '		id="save' . $counter . '"';
         $html[] = '		class="jt-button-closed jt-buttonlabel"';
         $html[] = '		title="' . JText::_('JSAVE') . '" ';
         $html[] = '		onclick="jtsubmitbutton(\'save\');"';
         $html[] = '	>';
         $html[] = JText::_('JSAVE');
         $html[] = '	</a>';
         $html[] = '&nbsp;';
     if ($but['save'] && $but['check']) {
         $html[] = '	<a 	href="#" ';
         $html[] = '		id="save' . $counter . '"';
         $html[] = '		class="modal_check jt-button-closed jt-buttonlabel" ';
         $html[] = '		title="' . JText::_('JSAVE') . '" ';
         $html[] = '     rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 800, y: 500}}" ';
         $html[] = '	>';
         $html[] = JText::_('JSAVE');
         $html[] = '	</a>';
         $html[] = '&nbsp;';
     if ($but['done']) {
         $html[] = '	<a 	href="#" ';
         $html[] = '		id="done' . $counter . '"';
         $html[] = '		class="jt-button-closed jt-buttonlabel" ';
         $html[] = '		title="' . JText::_('JT_DONE') . '" ';
         $html[] = '		onclick="jtsubmitbutton(\'cancel\');"';
         $html[] = '	>';
         $html[] = JText::_('JT_DONE');
         $html[] = '	</a>';
         $html[] = '	&nbsp;';
     if ($but['add']) {
         $html[] = '	<a 	href="#" ';
         $html[] = '		id="add' . $counter . '"';
         $html[] = '		class="jt-button-closed jt-buttonlabel" ';
         $html[] = '		title="' . JText::_('JTADD_DESC') . '" ';
         $html[] = '		onclick="document.getElementById(\'mediaForm\').object.value=\'media\'; jtsubmitbutton(\'edit\');"';
         $html[] = '	>';
         $html[] = JText::_('JTADD');
         $html[] = '	</a>';
         $html[] = '	&nbsp;';
     if ($but['cancel']) {
         $html[] = '	<a 	href="#" ';
         $html[] = '		id="cancel' . $counter . '"';
         $html[] = '		class="jt-button-closed jt-buttonlabel" ';
         $html[] = '		title="' . JText::_('JCANCEL') . '" ';
         $html[] = '		onclick="jtsubmitbutton(\'cancel\');"';
         $html[] = '	>';
         $html[] = JText::_('JCANCEL');
         $html[] = '	</a>';
         $html[] = '	&nbsp;';
     if ($but['check'] && $counter == 1) {
         $params = JoaktreeHelper::getJTParams(true);
         $patronym = $params->get('patronym', 0);
         $router = JSite::getRouter();
         $link1 = 'index.php?option=com_joaktree' . '&amp;view=joaktreelist' . '&amp;layout=check' . '&amp;tmpl=component' . '&amp;treeId=' . JoaktreeHelper::getTreeId() . '&amp;action=select';
         $link2 = 'index.php?option=com_joaktree' . '&amp;view=joaktreelist' . '&amp;layout=check' . '&amp;tmpl=component' . '&amp;treeId=' . JoaktreeHelper::getTreeId() . '&amp;action=' . ($indParent1 ? 'saveparent1' : 'save');
         //			$relId = JoaktreeHelper::getRelationId();
         //			if ($relId) {
         //				$link1 .= '&amp;relationId='.$relId;
         //				$link2 .= '&amp;relationId='.$relId;
         //			}
         // Build the script.
         $script = array();
         $script[] = 'function setCheckValue() {';
         $script[] = '   var link1 = "' . JRoute::_($link1) . '";';
         $script[] = '   var link2 = "' . JRoute::_($link2) . '";';
         $script[] = '   var link  = "";';
         $script[] = '	var search1 = document.getElementById("jform_person_firstName").value;';
         if ($patronym) {
             $script[] = '	var search2 = document.getElementById("jform_person_patronym").value;';
         $script[] = '	var search3 = document.getElementById("jform_person_rawFamilyName").value;';
         if ($patronym) {
             $script[] = '   if ((search1 == "") && (search2 == "") && (search3 == "")) {';
             $script[] = '       link1 = "#"; link2 = "#";';
             $script[] = '   } else {';
             if ($router->getMode() == JROUTER_MODE_SEF) {
                 $script[] = '    if (search1 != "") { link = link + "/f-" + search1; } ';
                 $script[] = '    if (search2 != "") { link = link + "/s-" + search2; } ';
                 $script[] = '    if (search3 != "") { link = link + "/n-" + search3; } ';
             } else {
                 $script[] = '    if (search1 != "") { link = link + "&amp;search1=" + search1; } ';
                 $script[] = '    if (search2 != "") { link = link + "&amp;search2=" + search2; } ';
                 $script[] = '    if (search3 != "") { link = link + "&amp;search3=" + search3; } ';
             $script[] = '   }';
         } else {
             // no search2 (= patronym)
             $script[] = '   if ((search1 == "") && (search3 == "")) {';
             $script[] = '       link1 = "#"; link2 = "#";';
             $script[] = '   } else {';
             if ($router->getMode() == JROUTER_MODE_SEF) {
                 $script[] = '    if (search1 != "") { link = link + "/f-" + search1; } ';
                 $script[] = '    if (search3 != "") { link = link + "/n-" + search3; } ';
             } else {
                 $script[] = '    if (search1 != "") { link = link + "&amp;search1=" + search1; } ';
                 $script[] = '    if (search3 != "") { link = link + "&amp;search3=" + search3; } ';
             $script[] = '   }';
         $script[] = '   document.getElementById("check1").setProperty("href", link1 + link);';
         $script[] = '   document.getElementById("save1").setProperty("href",  link2 + link);';
         $script[] = '   document.getElementById("save2").setProperty("href",  link2 + link);';
         $script[] = '}';
         $script[] = 'function jtNewPerson() {';
         $script[] = '   SqueezeBox.close();';
         $script[] = '	document.getElementById("newstatus").value="checked";';
         $script[] = '   var el1 = document.getElementById("save1");';
         $script[] = '   el1.setProperty("href",  "' . Jroute::_('index.php?option=com_joaktree&amp;view=close') . '");';
         $script[] = '   el1.removeProperty("rel");';
         $script[] = '   el1.setProperty("onclick", "jtsubmitbutton(\'save\');");';
         $script[] = '   var el2 = document.getElementById("save2");';
         $script[] = '   el2.setProperty("href",  "' . Jroute::_('index.php?option=com_joaktree&amp;view=close') . '");';
         $script[] = '   el2.removeProperty("rel");';
         $script[] = '   el2.setProperty("onclick", "jtsubmitbutton(\'save\');");';
         $script[] = '}';
         if ($indParent1) {
             $script[] = 'function jtSelectPerson(appId, personId, relationId, familyId) {';
             $script[] = '   SqueezeBox.close();';
             $script[] = '   var fam = new Element("option", {value: relationId + "!" + familyId}); ';
             $script[] = '   fam.inject(document.getElementById("jform_person_relations_family"));';
             $script[] = '   document.getElementById("jform_person_relations_family").value = relationId + "!" + familyId;';
             $script[] = '   document.getElementById("jform_person_id").value = personId;';
             $script[] = '   document.getElementById("jform_person_status").value = "relation";';
             $script[] = '	jtsubmitbutton("select");';
             $script[] = '}';
         } else {
             $script[] = 'function jtSelectPerson(appId, personId) {';
             $script[] = '   SqueezeBox.close();';
             $script[] = '   document.getElementById("jform_person_id").value = personId;';
             $script[] = '   document.getElementById("jform_person_status").value = "relation";';
             $script[] = '	jtsubmitbutton("select");';
             $script[] = '}';
         $script[] = 'function jtSavePerson() {';
         $script[] = '   SqueezeBox.close();';
         $script[] = '	jtsubmitbutton("save");';
         $script[] = '}';
         // Add the script to the document head.
         JFactory::getDocument()->addScriptDeclaration(implode("\n", $script));
         // Load the modal behavior script.
         $html[] = JHtml::_('behavior.modal', 'a.modal_check');
         $html[] = '<input type="hidden" id="newstatus" value="unchecked" />';
         $html[] = '<span id="cp_label" class="jt-edit-2">';
         $html[] = '	<a 	href="#" ';
         $html[] = '		id="check' . $counter . '"';
         $html[] = '		class="modal_check jt-button-closed jt-buttonlabel" ';
         $html[] = '		title="' . JText::_('JT_CHECK') . '" ';
         $html[] = '     rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 800, y: 500}}" ';
         $html[] = '	>';
         $html[] = JText::_('JT_CHECK');
         $html[] = '	</a>';
         $html[] = '</span>';
         $html[] = '&nbsp;';
     $html[] = '</div>';
     $html[] = '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
     return implode("\n", $html);