get() static public method

static public get ( $post_id, $blog_id, $args = [] )
Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Allows VideoPress, YouTube, and Vimeo videos to play inline on Facebook
function enhanced_og_video($tags)
    if (!is_singular() || post_password_required()) {
        return $tags;
    global $post;
    // Always favor featured images.
    if (enhanced_og_has_featured_image($post->ID)) {
        return $tags;
    $summary = Jetpack_Media_Summary::get($post->ID);
    if ('video' != $summary['type']) {
        if ($summary['count']['video'] > 0 && $summary['count']['image'] < 1) {
            $tags['og:image'] = $summary['image'];
            $tags['og:image:secure_url'] = $summary['secure']['image'];
        return $tags;
    $tags['og:image'] = $summary['image'];
    $tags['og:image:secure_url'] = $summary['secure']['image'];
    // This should be html by default for youtube/vimeo, since we're linking to HTML pages.
    $tags['og:video:type'] = isset($summary['video_type']) ? $summary['video_type'] : 'text/html';
    $video_url = $summary['video'];
    $secure_video_url = $summary['secure']['video'];
    if (preg_match('/((youtube|vimeo)\\.com|', $video_url)) {
        if (strstr($video_url, 'youtube')) {
            $id = jetpack_get_youtube_id($video_url);
            $video_url = '' . $id . '?version=3&autohide=1';
            $secure_video_url = '' . $id . '?version=3&autohide=1';
        } else {
            if (strstr($video_url, 'vimeo')) {
                preg_match('|vimeo\\.com/(\\d+)/?$|i', $video_url, $match);
                $id = (int) $match[1];
                $video_url = '' . $id;
                $secure_video_url = '' . $id;
    $tags['og:video'] = $video_url;
    $tags['og:video:secure_url'] = $secure_video_url;
    if (empty($post->post_title)) {
        $tags['og:title'] = sprintf(__('Video on %s', 'jetpack'), get_option('blogname'));
    return $tags;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Allows VideoPress, YouTube, and Vimeo videos to play inline on Facebook
function enhanced_og_video($tags)
    if (!is_singular()) {
        return $tags;
    global $post;
    // Always favor featured images.
    if (enhanced_og_has_featured_image($post->ID)) {
        return $tags;
    $summary = Jetpack_Media_Summary::get($post->ID);
    if ('video' != $summary['type']) {
        if ($summary['count']['video'] > 0 && $summary['count']['image'] < 1) {
            $tags['og:image'] = $summary['image'];
            $tags['og:image:secure_url'] = $summary['secure']['image'];
        return $tags;
    $tags['og:image'] = $summary['image'];
    $tags['og:image:secure_url'] = $summary['secure']['image'];
    $tags['og:video:type'] = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
    $video_url = $summary['video'];
    $secure_video_url = $summary['secure']['video'];
    if (preg_match('/((youtube|vimeo)\\.com|', $video_url)) {
        if (strstr($video_url, 'youtube')) {
            $id = get_youtube_id($video_url);
            $video_url = '' . $id . '?version=3&autohide=1';
            $secure_video_url = '' . $id . '?version=3&autohide=1';
        } else {
            if (strstr($video_url, 'vimeo')) {
                preg_match('|vimeo\\.com/(\\d+)/?$|i', $video_url, $match);
                $id = (int) $match[1];
                $video_url = '' . $id;
                $secure_video_url = '' . $id;
    $tags['og:video'] = $video_url;
    $tags['og:video:secure_url'] = $secure_video_url;
    if (empty($post->post_title)) {
        $tags['og:title'] = sprintf(__('Video on %s', 'jetpack'), get_option('blogname'));
    return $tags;
 static function twitter_cards_tags($og_tags)
     global $post;
     if (post_password_required()) {
         return $og_tags;
     if (apply_filters('jetpack_disable_twitter_cards', false)) {
         return $og_tags;
      * These tags apply to any page (home, archives, etc)
     $site_tag = apply_filters('jetpack_twitter_cards_site_tag', self::site_tag());
     $og_tags['twitter:site'] = self::sanitize_twitter_user($site_tag);
     if (!is_singular() || !empty($og_tags['twitter:card'])) {
         return $og_tags;
      * The following tags only apply to single pages.
     $card_type = 'summary';
     // Try to give priority to featured images
     if (class_exists('Jetpack_PostImages')) {
         $featured = Jetpack_PostImages::from_thumbnail($post->ID, 240, 240);
         if (!empty($featured) && count($featured) > 0) {
             if ((int) $featured[0]['src_width'] >= 280 && (int) $featured[0]['src_height'] >= 150) {
                 $card_type = 'summary_large_image';
                 $og_tags['twitter:image:src'] = add_query_arg('w', 640, $featured[0]['src']);
             } else {
                 $og_tags['twitter:image'] = add_query_arg('w', 240, $featured[0]['src']);
     // Only proceed with media analysis if a featured image has not superseded it already.
     if (empty($og_tags['twitter:image']) && empty($og_tags['twitter:image:src'])) {
         if (!class_exists('Jetpack_Media_Summary') && defined('IS_WPCOM') && IS_WPCOM) {
             include WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/lib/class.wpcom-media-summary.php';
         // Test again, class should already be auto-loaded in Jetpack.
         // If not, skip extra media analysis and stick with a summary card
         if (class_exists('Jetpack_Media_Summary')) {
             $extract = Jetpack_Media_Summary::get($post->ID);
             if ('gallery' == $extract['type']) {
                 list($og_tags, $card_type) = self::twitter_cards_define_type_based_on_image_count($og_tags, $extract);
             } else {
                 if ('video' == $extract['type']) {
                     // Leave as summary, but with large pict of poster frame (we know those comply to Twitter's size requirements)
                     $card_type = 'summary_large_image';
                     $og_tags['twitter:image:src'] = add_query_arg('w', 640, $extract['image']);
                 } else {
                     list($og_tags, $card_type) = self::twitter_cards_define_type_based_on_image_count($og_tags, $extract);
     $og_tags['twitter:card'] = $card_type;
     // If we have information on the author/creator, then include that as well
     if (!empty($post) && !empty($post->post_author)) {
         $handle = apply_filters('jetpack_sharing_twitter_via', '', $post->ID);
         if (!empty($handle) && 'wordpressdotcom' != $handle && 'jetpack' != $handle) {
             $og_tags['twitter:creator'] = self::sanitize_twitter_user($handle);
     // Make sure we have a description for Twitter, their validator isn't happy without some content (single space not valid).
     if (!isset($og_tags['og:description']) || '' == trim($og_tags['og:description']) || __('Visit the post for more.', 'jetpack') == $og_tags['og:description']) {
         // empty( trim( $og_tags['og:description'] ) ) isn't valid php
         $has_creator = !empty($og_tags['twitter:creator']) && '@wordpressdotcom' != $og_tags['twitter:creator'] ? true : false;
         if ('photo' == $card_type) {
             $og_tags['twitter:description'] = $has_creator ? sprintf(__('Photo post by %s.', 'jetpack'), $og_tags['twitter:creator']) : __('Photo post.', 'jetpack');
         } else {
             if (!empty($extract) && 'video' == $extract['type']) {
                 // use $extract['type'] since $card_type is 'summary' for video posts
                 $og_tags['twitter:description'] = $has_creator ? sprintf(__('Video post by %s.', 'jetpack'), $og_tags['twitter:creator']) : __('Video post.', 'jetpack');
             } else {
                 if ('gallery' == $card_type) {
                     $og_tags['twitter:description'] = $has_creator ? sprintf(__('Gallery post by %s.', 'jetpack'), $og_tags['twitter:creator']) : __('Gallery post.', 'jetpack');
                 } else {
                     $og_tags['twitter:description'] = $has_creator ? sprintf(__('Post by %s.', 'jetpack'), $og_tags['twitter:creator']) : __('Visit the post for more.', 'jetpack');
     return $og_tags;
function cleanyetibasic_attachment_gallery_data()
    $post = get_post();
    $id = $post->ID;
    $id = intval($id);
    $posturl = get_permalink();
    $attachments = get_children(array('post_parent' => $id, 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order ID'));
    $indexarray = array();
    if (class_exists('Jetpack_Media_Summary')) {
        $summary = Jetpack_Media_Summary::get($post->ID);
        $images = $summary['images'];
            <div class="small-12-cloumns"><ul class="small-block-grid-2 medium-block-grid-4">
                <li><a href="<?php 
        echo $posturl;
"><img src="<?php 
        echo $images[0]['url'];
" alt="<?php 
" class="th" /></a></li>
                <li><a href="<?php 
        echo $posturl;
"><img src="<?php 
        echo $images[1]['url'];
" alt="<?php 
" class="th" /></a></li>
                <li><a href="<?php 
        echo $posturl;
"><img src="<?php 
        echo $images[2]['url'];
" alt="<?php 
" class="th" /></a></li>
                <li><a href="<?php 
        echo $posturl;
"><img src="<?php 
        echo $images[3]['url'];
" alt="<?php 
" class="th" /></a></li>
            </ul></div> <?php 
    } else {
        foreach ($attachments as $id => $attachment) {
            array_push($indexarray, $id);
                <div class="small-12 columns">
                    <ul class="small-block-grid-2 medium-block-grid-4">
        $i = 0;
        while ($i <= 3) {
            $imageid = $indexarray[$i];
            $imagepost = get_post($imageid);
            $imgurl = wp_get_attachment_url($imageid);
            $imgalt = trim(strip_tags(get_post_meta($imageid, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true)));
            if (false !== $imgurl) {
                        <li><a href="<?php 
                echo $posturl;
"><img src="<?php 
                echo $imgurl;
" alt="<?php 
                echo $imgalt;
"class="th" /></a></li>
                </div> <?php 
  * Generates the thumbnail image to be used for the post. Uses the
  * image as returned by Jetpack_PostImages::get_image()
  * @param int $post_id
  * @uses self::get_options, apply_filters, Jetpack_PostImages::get_image, Jetpack_PostImages::fit_image_url
  * @return string
 protected function _generate_related_post_image_params($post_id)
     $options = $this->get_options();
     $image_params = array('src' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0);
     if (!$options['show_thumbnails']) {
         return $image_params;
     $thumbnail_size = apply_filters('jetpack_relatedposts_filter_thumbnail_size', array('width' => 350, 'height' => 200));
     if (!is_array($thumbnail_size)) {
         $thumbnail_size = array('width' => (int) $thumbnail_size, 'height' => (int) $thumbnail_size);
     // Try to get post image
     if (class_exists('Jetpack_PostImages')) {
         $img_url = '';
         $post_image = Jetpack_PostImages::get_image($post_id, $thumbnail_size);
         if (is_array($post_image)) {
             $img_url = $post_image['src'];
         } elseif (class_exists('Jetpack_Media_Summary')) {
             $media = Jetpack_Media_Summary::get($post_id);
             if (is_array($media) && !empty($media['image'])) {
                 $img_url = $media['image'];
         if (!empty($img_url)) {
             $image_params['width'] = $thumbnail_size['width'];
             $image_params['height'] = $thumbnail_size['height'];
             $image_params['src'] = Jetpack_PostImages::fit_image_url($img_url, $thumbnail_size['width'], $thumbnail_size['height']);
     return $image_params;
  * @author scotchfield
  * @covers Jetpack_Media_Summary::get
  * @since 3.2
  * @todo find a better way to test this large function
 public function test_mediasummary_get()
     $post_id = $this->factory->post->create(array());
     $get_obj = Jetpack_Media_Summary::get($post_id);
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $get_obj);