Ejemplo n.º 1
  * For a given {product, product attribute} gets warehouse list
  * @param int $product_id ID of the product
  * @param int $product_attribute_id Optional, uses 0 if this product does not have attributes
  * @param int $shop_id Optional, ID of the shop. Uses the context shop id (@see JeproshopContext::shop)
  * @return array Warehouses (ID, reference/name concatenated)
 public static function getProductWarehouseList($product_id, $product_attribute_id = 0, $shop_id = null)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     // if it's a pack, returns warehouses if and only if some products use the advanced stock management
     if (JeproshopProductPack::isPack($product_id)) {
         $warehouses = JeproshopWarehouseModelWarehouse::getPackWarehouses($product_id);
         /*$res = array();
         		foreach ($warehouses as $warehouse)
         			$res[]['id_warehouse'] = $warehouse; */
         return $warehouses;
     $share_stock = false;
     if ($shop_id === null) {
         if (JeproshopShopModelShop::getShopContext() == JeproshopShopModelShop::CONTEXT_GROUP) {
             $shop_group = JeproshopShopModelShop::getContextShopGroup();
         } else {
             $shop_group = JeproshopContext::getContext()->shop->getShopGroup();
             $shop_id = (int) JeproshopContext::getContext()->shop->shop_id;
         $share_stock = $shop_group->share_stock;
     } else {
         $shop_group = JeproshopShopModelShop::getGroupFromShop($shop_id);
         $share_stock = $shop_group->share_stock;
     if ($share_stock) {
         $shop_ids = JeproshopShopModelShop::getShops(true, (int) $shop_group->shop_group_id, true);
     } else {
         $shop_ids = array((int) $shop_id);
     $query = "SELECT warehouse_product_location.warehouse_id, CONCAT(warehouse.reference, ' - ', warehouse.name)";
     $query .= " AS name FROM " . $db->QuoteName('#__jeproshop_warehouse_product_location') . " AS warehouse_product_location";
     $query .= " INNER JOIN " . $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_warehouse_shop') . " AS warehouse_shop ON(warehouse_shop.";
     $query .= "warehouse_id = warehouse_product_location.warehouse_id AND shop_id IN (" . implode(',', array_map('intval', $shop_ids));
     $query .= " )) INNER JOIN " . $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_warehouse') . " AS warehouse ON (warehouse.warehouse_id = warehouse_shop.";
     $query .= "warehouse_id ) WHERE product_id = " . (int) $product_id . " AND product_attribute_id = " . (int) $product_attribute_id;
     $query .= " AND warehouse.deleted = 0 GROUP BY warehouse_product_location.warehouse_id";
     return $db->loadObjectList();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function getItemTable($product_id, $lang_id, $full = false)
     if (!JeproshopProductPack::isFeaturePublished()) {
         return array();
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = "SELECT product.*, product_shop.*, product_lang.*, MAX(image_shop." . $db->quoteName('image_id') . ") image_id, image_lang." . $db->quoteName('legend');
     $query .= ", category_lang." . $db->quoteName('name') . " AS default_category, pack.quantity AS pack_quantity, product_shop." . $db->quoteName('default_category_id');
     $query .= ", pack.product_pack_id FROM " . $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_pack') . " AS pack LEFT JOIN " . $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_product') . " AS product ON(";
     $query .= "product.product_id = pack.product_item_id) LEFT JOIN " . $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_product_lang') . " AS product_lang ON(product.product_id = product_lang.";
     $query .= "product_id AND product_lang.lang_id = " . (int) $lang_id . JeproshopShopModelShop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('product_lang') . ") LEFT JOIN ";
     $query .= $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_image') . " AS image ON( image.product_id = product.product_id )" . JeproshopShopModelShop::addSqlAssociation('product', FALSE, 'image_shop.cover = 1');
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN " . $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_image_lang') . " AS image_lang ON (image.image_id = image_lang.image_id AND image_lang.lang_id = " . (int) $lang_id . " ) ";
     $query .= JeproshopShopModelShop::addSqlAssociation('product') . " LEFT JOIN " . $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_category_lang') . " AS category_lang ON product_shop.";
     $query .= $db->quoteName('default_category_id') . " = category_lang." . $db->quoteName('category_id') . " AND category_lang." . $db->quoteName('lang_id') . " = " . (int) $lang_id;
     $query .= JeproshopShopModelShop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('category_lang') . " WHERE product_shop." . $db->quoteName('shop_id') . " = " . (int) JeproshopContext::getContext()->shop->shop_id;
     $query .= " AND pack." . $db->quoteName('product_pack_id') . " = " . (int) $product_id . " GROUP BY product_shop.product_id";
     $result = $db->loadObjectList();
     foreach ($result as &$line) {
         $line = JeproshopProductModelProduct::getTaxesInformations($line);
     if (!$full) {
         return $result;
     $array_result = array();
     foreach ($result as $prow) {
         if (!JeproshopProductPack::isPack($prow->product_id)) {
             $array_result[] = JeproshopProductModelProduct::getProductProperties($lang_id, $prow);
     return $array_result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function renderView($tpl = null)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     if (!isset($this->context) && null == $this->context) {
         $this->context = JeproshopContext::getContext();
     if (!isset($this->context->cart)) {
         $this->context->cart = new JeproshopCartModelCart();
     if (!$this->context->controller->isInitialized()) {
     $useSSL = isset($this->context->controller->ssl_enabled) && $this->context->controller->ssl_enabled && $app->input->get('enable_ssl') || JeproshopTools::usingSecureMode() ? true : false;
     $protocol_content = $useSSL ? 'https://' : 'http://';
     if (JeproshopProductPack::isPack((int) $this->product->product_id) && !JeproshopProductPack::isInStock((int) $this->product->product_id)) {
         $this->product->quantity = 0;
     $this->product->description = $this->transformDescriptionWithImg($this->product->description);
     // Assign to the template the id of the virtual product. "0" if the product is not downloadable.
     $virtual = JeproshopProductDownloadModelProductDownload::getIdFromProductId((int) $this->product->product_id);
     $this->assignRef('virtual', $virtual);
     $customization_form_target = JeproshopTools::safeOutput(urldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
     $this->assignRef('customization_form_target', $customization_form_target);
     $delete_picture = $app->input->get('delete_picture');
     if ($app->input->get('submit_customized_datas')) {
         // If cart has not been saved, we need to do it so that customization fields can have an id_cart
         // We check that the cookie exists first to avoid ghost carts
         if (!$this->context->cart->cart_id && isset($_COOKIE[$this->context->cookie->getName()])) {
             $this->context->cookie->cart_id = (int) $this->context->cart->cart_id;
     } else {
         if (isset($delete_picture) && !$this->context->cart->deleteCustomizationToProduct($this->product->product_id, $app->input->get('delete_picture'))) {
             $this->errors[] = JText::_('An error occurred while deleting the selected picture.');
     $pictures = array();
     $text_fields = array();
     if ($this->product->customizable) {
         $files = $this->context->cart->getProductCustomization($this->product->product_id, JeproshopProductModelProduct::CUSTOMIZE_FILE, true);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $pictures['pictures_' . $this->product->product_id . '_' . $file['index']] = $file['value'];
         $texts = $this->context->cart->getProductCustomization($this->product->product_id, JeproshopProductModelProduct::CUSTOMIZE_TEXT_FIELD, true);
         foreach ($texts as $text_field) {
             $text_fields['textFields_' . $this->product->product_id . '_' . $text_field['index']] = str_replace('<br />', "\n", $text_field['value']);
     $this->assignRef('pictures', $pictures);
     $this->assignRef('textFields', $text_fields);
     $this->product->customization_required = false;
     $customizationFields = $this->product->customizable ? $this->product->getCustomizationFields($this->context->language->lang_id) : false;
     if (is_array($customizationFields)) {
         foreach ($customizationFields as $customizationField) {
             if ($this->product->customization_required = $customizationField['required']) {
     // Assign template vars related to the category + execute hooks related to the category
     // Assign template vars related to the price and tax
     // Assign template vars related to the images
     // Assign attribute groups to the template
     // Assign attributes combinations to the template
     // Pack management
     $pack_items = $this->product->cache_is_pack ? JeproshopProductPack::getItemTable($this->product->product_id, $this->context->language->lang_id, true) : array();
     $this->assignRef('packItems', $pack_items);
     $packs = JeproshopProductPack::getPacksTable($this->product->product_id, $this->context->language->lang_id, true, 1);
     $this->assignRef('packs', $packs);
     if (isset($this->category->category_id) && $this->category->category_id) {
         $return_link = JeproshopTools::safeOutput($this->context->controller->getCategoryLink($this->category));
     } else {
         $return_link = 'javascript: history.back();';
     if (!$this->context->controller->useMobileTheme()) {
     //'stock_management' => Configuration::get('PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT'),
     //		'customizationFields' => $customizationFields,
     $accessories = $this->product->getAccessories($this->context->language->lang_id);
     $this->assignRef('accessories', $accessories);
     $enable_jqzoom = JeproshopSettingModelSetting::getValue('enable_jqzoom');
     $this->assignRef('jqZoomEnabled', $enable_jqzoom);
     $manufacturer = new JeproshopManufacturerModelManufacturer((int) $this->product->manufacturer_id, $this->context->language->lang_id);
     $this->assignRef('product_manufacturer', $manufacturer);
     $features = $this->product->getFrontFeatures($this->context->language->lang_id);
     $this->assignRef('features', $features);
     $attachments = $this->product->cache_has_attachments ? $this->product->getAttachments($this->context->language->lang_id) : array();
     $this->assignRef('attachments', $attachments);
     $display_discount_price = JeproshopSettingModelSetting::getValue('display_discount_price');
     $this->assignRef('display_discount_price', $display_discount_price);
     $this->assignRef('return_link', $return_link);
     $content_only = $app->input->get('content_only');
     $this->assignRef('content_only', $content_only);
     $last_quantities = JeproshopSettingModelSetting::getValue('last_quantities');
     $this->assignRef('last_quantities', $last_quantities);
     $display_quantities = JeproshopSettingModelSetting::getValue('display_quantities');
     $this->assignRef('display_quantities', $display_quantities);
     $allow_out_of_stock_ordering = JeproshopSettingModelSetting::getValue('allow_out_of_stock_ordering');
     $this->assignRef('allow_out_of_stock_ordering', $allow_out_of_stock_ordering);
     $catalog_mode = (bool) (JeproshopSettingModelSetting::getValue('catalog_mode') || !JeproshopGroupModelGroup::getCurrent()->show_prices);
     $this->assignRef('catalog_mode', $catalog_mode);
     $extra_left = null;
     $this->assignRef('extra_left', $extra_left);
     $extra_right = null;
     $this->assignRef('extra_right', $extra_right);
Ejemplo n.º 4
     * Update product quantity
     * @param integer $quantity Quantity to add (or substract)
     * @param $product_id
     * @param null $product_attribute_id
     * @param bool $customization_id
     * @param string $operator Indicate if quantity must be increased or decreased
     * @param int $address_delivery_id
     * @param JeproshopShopModelShop $shop
     * @param bool $auto_add_cart_rule
     * @return bool|int
     * @internal param int $id_product Product ID
     * @internal param int $id_product_attribute Attribute ID if needed
    public function updateQuantity($quantity, $product_id, $product_attribute_id = null, $customization_id = false, $operator = 'up', $address_delivery_id = 0, JeproshopShopModelShop $shop = null, $auto_add_cart_rule = true)
        if (!$shop) {
            $shop = JeproshopContext::getContext()->shop;
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        if (JeproshopContext::getContext()->customer->customer_id) {
            if ($address_delivery_id == 0 && (int) $this->address_delivery_id) {
                // The $id_address_delivery is null, use the cart delivery address
                $address_delivery_id = $this->address_delivery_id;
            } elseif ($address_delivery_id == 0) {
                // The $id_address_delivery is null, get the default customer address
                $address_delivery_id = (int) JeproshopAddressModelAddress::getCustomerFirstAddressId((int) JeproshopContext::getContext()->customer->customer_id);
            } elseif (!JeproshopCustomerModelCustomer::customerHasAddress(JeproshopContext::getContext()->customer->customer_id, $address_delivery_id)) {
                // The $id_address_delivery must be linked with customer
                $address_delivery_id = 0;
        $quantity = (int) $quantity;
        $product_id = (int) $product_id;
        $product_attribute_id = (int) $product_attribute_id;
        $product = new JeproshopProductModelProduct($product_id, false, JeproshopSettingModelSetting::getValue('default_lang'), $shop->shop_id);
        if ($product_attribute_id) {
            $combination = new JeproshopCombinationModelCombination((int) $product_attribute_id);
            if ($combination->product_id != $product_id) {
                return false;
        /* If we have a product combination, the minimal quantity is set with the one of this combination */
        if (!empty($product_attribute_id)) {
            $minimal_quantity = (int) JeproshopAttributeModelAttribute::getAttributeMinimalQty($product_attribute_id);
        } else {
            $minimal_quantity = (int) $product->minimal_quantity;
        if (!JeproshopValidator::isLoadedObject($product, 'product_id')) {
        if (isset(self::$_nbProducts[$this->cart_id])) {
        if (isset(self::$_totalWeight[$this->cart_id])) {
        if ((int) $quantity <= 0) {
            return $this->deleteProduct($product_id, $product_attribute_id, (int) $customization_id);
        } elseif (!$product->available_for_order || JeproshopSettingModelSeting::getValue('catalog_mode')) {
            return false;
        } else {
            /* Check if the product is already in the cart */
            $result = $this->containsProduct($product_id, $product_attribute_id, (int) $customization_id, (int) $address_delivery_id);
            /* Update quantity if product already exist */
            if ($result) {
                if ($operator == 'up') {
                    $query = "SELECT stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity FROM " . $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_product') . " AS product" . JeproshopProductModelProduct::sqlStock('p', $product_attribute_id, true, $shop);
                    $query .= " WHERE product.product_id = " . $product_id;
                    $result2 = $db->loadObject();
                    $product_qty = (int) $result2->quantity;
                    // Quantity for product pack
                    if (JeproshopProductPack::isPack($product_id)) {
                        $product_qty = JeproshopProductPack::getQuantity($product_id, $product_attribute_id);
                    $new_qty = (int) $result->quantity + (int) $quantity;
                    $qty = '+ ' . (int) $quantity;
                    if (!JeproshopProductModelProduct::isAvailableWhenOutOfStock((int) $result2->out_of_stock)) {
                        if ($new_qty > $product_qty) {
                            return false;
                } else {
                    if ($operator == 'down') {
                        $qty = '- ' . (int) $quantity;
                        $new_qty = (int) $result->quantity - (int) $quantity;
                        if ($new_qty < $minimal_quantity && $minimal_quantity > 1) {
                            return -1;
                    } else {
                        return false;
                /* Delete product from cart */
                if ($new_qty <= 0) {
                    return $this->deleteProduct((int) $product_id, (int) $product_attribute_id, (int) $customization_id);
                } else {
                    if ($new_qty < $minimal_quantity) {
                        return -1;
                    } else {
                        $query = "UPDATE " . $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_cart_product') . " SET " . $db->quoteName('quantity') . " = " . $db->quoteName('quantity') . $qty . ", ";
                        $query .= $db->quoteName('date_add') . " = NOW() WHERE " . $db->quoteName('product_id') . " = " . (int) $product_id;
                        $query .= (!empty($product_attribute_id) ? " AND " . $db->quoteName('product_attribute_id') . " = " . (int) $product_attribute_id : "") . " AND " . $db->quoteName('cart_id') . " = " . (int) $this->cart_id;
                        $query .= (JeproshopSettingModelSeting::getValue('allow_multi_shipping') && $this->isMultiAddressDelivery() ? " AND " . $db->quoteName('address_delivery_id') . " = " . (int) $address_delivery_id : "") . " LIMIT 1";
            } elseif ($operator == 'up') {
                $sql = 'SELECT stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity
						FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product p
						' . Product::sqlStock('p', $product_attribute_id, true, $shop) . '
						WHERE p.id_product = ' . $product_id;
                $result2 = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);
                // Quantity for product pack
                if (Pack::isPack($product_id)) {
                    $result2['quantity'] = Pack::getQuantity($product_id, $product_attribute_id);
                if (!Product::isAvailableWhenOutOfStock((int) $result2['out_of_stock'])) {
                    if ((int) $quantity > $result2['quantity']) {
                        return false;
                if ((int) $quantity < $minimal_quantity) {
                    return -1;
                $result_add = Db::getInstance()->insert('cart_product', array('id_product' => (int) $product_id, 'id_product_attribute' => (int) $product_attribute_id, 'id_cart' => (int) $this->cart_id, 'id_address_delivery' => (int) $address_delivery_id, 'id_shop' => $shop->shop_id, 'quantity' => (int) $quantity, 'date_add' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
                if (!$result_add) {
                    return false;
        // refresh cache of self::_products
        $this->_products = $this->getProducts(true);
        $context = Context::getContext()->cloneContext();
        $context->cart = $this;
        if ($auto_add_cart_rule) {
        if ($product->customizable) {
            return $this->updateCustomizationQuantity((int) $quantity, (int) $customization_id, (int) $product_id, (int) $product_attribute_id, (int) $address_delivery_id, $operator);
        } else {
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private function initQuantitiesForm()
     if (!$this->context->controller->default_form_language) {
         $this->languages = $this->context->controller->getLanguages();
     if ($this->product->product_id) {
         if ($this->product_exists_in_shop) {
             //Get all product_attribute_id
             $attributes = $this->product->getAttributesResume($this->context->language->lang_id);
             if (empty($attributes)) {
                 $attributes[] = new JObject();
                 $attributes[0]->set('product_attribute_id', 0);
                 $attributes[0]->set('attribute_designation', '');
             /** get available quantities **/
             $available_quantity = array();
             $product_designation = array();
             foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
                 $product_attribute_id = is_object($attribute) ? $attribute->product_attribute_id : $attribute['product_attribute_id'];
                 $attribute_designation = is_object($attribute) ? $attribute->attribute_designation : $attribute['attribute_designation'];
                 // Get available quantity for the current product attribute in the current shop
                 $available_quantity[$product_attribute_id] = JeproshopStockAvailableModelStockAvailable::getQuantityAvailableByProduct((int) $this->product->product_id, $product_attribute_id);
                 // Get all product designation
                 $product_designation[$product_attribute_id] = rtrim($this->product->name[$this->context->language->lang_id] . ' - ' . $attribute_designation, ' - ');
             $show_quantities = true;
             $shop_context = JeproshopShopModelShop::getShopContext();
             $shop_group = new JeproshopShopGroupModelShopGroup((int) JeproshopShopModelShop::getContextShopGroupID());
             // if we are in all shops context, it's not possible to manage quantities at this level
             if (JeproshopShopModelShop::isFeaturePublished() && $shop_context == JeproshopShopModelShop::CONTEXT_ALL) {
                 $show_quantities = false;
                 // if we are in group shop context
             } elseif (JeproshopShopModelShop::isFeaturePublished() && $shop_context == JeproshopShopModelShop::CONTEXT_GROUP) {
                 // if quantities are not shared between shops of the group, it's not possible to manage them at group level
                 if (!$shop_group->share_stock) {
                     $show_quantities = false;
             } else {
                 // if we are in shop context
                 // if quantities are shared between shops of the group, it's not possible to manage them for a given shop
                 if ($shop_group->share_stock) {
                     $show_quantities = false;
             $stock_management = JeproshopSettingModelSetting::getValue('stock_management');
             $this->assignRef('stock_management', $stock_management);
             $has_attribute = $this->product->hasAttributes();
             $this->assignRef('has_attribute', $has_attribute);
             // Check if product has combination, to display the available date only for the product or for each combination
             $db = JFactory::getDBO();
             if (JeproshopCombinationModelCombination::isFeaturePublished()) {
                 $query = "SELECT COUNT(product_id) FROM " . $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_product_attribute') . " WHERE ";
                 $query .= " product_id = " . (int) $this->product->product_id;
                 $countAttributes = (int) $db->loadResult();
             } else {
                 $countAttributes = false;
             $this->assignRef('count_attributes', $countAttributes);
             // if advanced stock management is active, checks associations
             $advanced_stock_management_warning = false;
             if (JeproshopSettingModelSetting::getValue('advanced_stock_management') && $this->product->advanced_stock_management) {
                 $product_attributes = JeproshopProductModelProduct::getProductAttributesIds($this->product->product_id);
                 $warehouses = array();
                 if (!$product_attributes) {
                     $warehouses[] = JeproshopWarehouseModelWarehouse::getProductWarehouseList($this->product->product_id, 0);
                 foreach ($product_attributes as $product_attribute) {
                     $ws = JeproshopWarehouseModelWarehouse::getProductWarehouseList($this->product->product_id, $product_attribute->product_attribute_id);
                     if ($ws) {
                         $warehouses[] = $ws;
                 $warehouses = JeproshopTools::arrayUnique($warehouses);
                 if (empty($warehouses)) {
                     $advanced_stock_management_warning = true;
             if ($advanced_stock_management_warning) {
                 JError::raiseWarning(500, JText::_('If you wish to use the advanced stock management, you must:'));
                 JError::raiseWarning(500, '- ' . JText::_('associate your products with warehouses.'));
                 JError::raiseWarning(500, '- ' . JText::_('associate your warehouses with carriers.'));
                 JError::raiseWarning(500, '- ' . JText::_('associate your warehouses with the appropriate shops.'));
             $pack_quantity = null;
             // if product is a pack
             if (JeproshopProductPack::isPack($this->product->product_id)) {
                 $items = JeproshopProductPack::getItems((int) $this->product->product_id, JeproshopSettingModelSetting::getValue('default_lang'));
                 // gets an array of quantities (quantity for the product / quantity in pack)
                 $pack_quantities = array();
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     if (!$item->isAvailableWhenOutOfStock((int) $item->out_of_stock)) {
                         $pack_id_product_attribute = JeproshopProductModelProduct::getDefaultAttribute($item->product_id, 1);
                         $pack_quantities[] = JeproshopProductModelProduct::getQuantity($item->id, $pack_id_product_attribute) / ($item->pack_quantity !== 0 ? $item->pack_quantity : 1);
                 // gets the minimum
                 if (count($pack_quantities)) {
                     $pack_quantity = $pack_quantities[0];
                     foreach ($pack_quantities as $value) {
                         if ($pack_quantity > $value) {
                             $pack_quantity = $value;
                 if (!JeproshopWarehouseModelWarehouse::getPackWarehouses((int) $this->product->product_id)) {
                     $this->displayWarning($this->l('You must have a common warehouse between this pack and its product.'));
             $this->assignRef('attributes', $attributes);
             $this->assignRef('available_quantity', $available_quantity);
             $this->assignRef('pack_quantity', $pack_quantity);
             $stock_management_active = JeproshopSettingModelSetting::getValue('advanced_stock_management');
             $this->assignRef('stock_management_active', $stock_management_active);
             $this->assignRef('product_designation', $product_designation);
             $this->assignRef('show_quantities', $show_quantities);
             $order_out_of_stock = JeproshopSettingModelSetting::getValue('allow_out_of_stock_ordering');
             $this->assignRef('order_out_of_stock', $order_out_of_stock);
             /*'token_preferences' => Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminPPreferences'),
                       'token' => $this->token,
                       'languages' => $this->_languages,
                       'id_lang' => $this->context->language->id
         } else {
             JError::raiseWarning(500, JText::_('You must save the product in this shop before managing quantities.'));
     } else {
         JError::raiseWarning(500, JText::_('You must save this product before managing quantities.'));
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * For a given pack, tells if it has at least one product using the advanced stock management
  * @param int $product_id pack id
  * @return bool
 public static function usesAdvancedStockManagement($product_id)
     if (!JeproshopProductPack::isPack($product_id)) {
         return false;
     $products = JeproshopProductPack::getItems($product_id, JeproshopSettingModelSetting::getValue('default_lang'));
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         // if one product uses the advanced stock management
         if ($product->advanced_stock_management == 1) {
             return true;
     // not used
     return false;