function AdmMDSave() { $tid = JRequest::getVar('tid', 0, '', 'int'); $sid = JRequest::getVar('sid', 0, '', 'int'); $mid = JRequest::getVar('mid', 0, '', 'int'); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $t_single = JRequest::getVar('t_single', 0, 'post', 'int'); $t_knock = JRequest::getVar('t_knock', 0, 'post', 'int'); /// $s_id = JRequest::getVar('sid', 0, 'post', 'int'); $this->season_id = $s_id; $post = JRequest::get('post'); $post['s_id'] = $s_id; $post['k_format'] = JRequest::getVar('format_post', 0, 'post', 'int'); //format_fe $post['m_descr'] = JRequest::getVar('m_descr', '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); $post['t_type'] = JRequest::getVar('t_knock', 0, 'post', 'int'); if ($this->acl == 2 || $this->acl == 3) { unset($post['m_descr']); unset($post['m_name']); $jsmr_mark_played = $this->getJS_Config("jsmr_mark_played"); } if ($this->acl == 3) { unset($post['s_id']); } $row = new JTableMday($this->db); if (!$row->bind($post)) { JError::raiseError(500, $row->getError()); } if (!$row->check()) { JError::raiseError(500, $row->getError()); } if (!$row->store()) { JError::raiseError(500, $row->getError()); } $row->checkin(); $row->load($row->id); $mj = 0; if ($row->s_id == -1) { $t_type = 0; } else { //$query = "SELECT tr.t_type FROM #__bl_seasons as s,#__bl_tournament as tr WHERE s.published=1 AND AND s.s_id=".$row->s_id; //$this->db->setQuery($query); $t_type = $post['t_type']; } if ($this->acl == 3) { $query = "SELECT id FROM #__bl_players WHERE usr_id=" . $this->_user->id; $this->db->setQuery($query); $playerid = $this->db->LoadResult(); } $prevarr = array(); if ($this->acl == 1 && $t_knock) { if (isset($_POST['teams_kn']) && count($_POST['teams_kn'])) { foreach ($_POST['teams_kn'] as $home_team) { $match = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match->load(isset($_POST['match_id'][$mj]) ? $_POST['match_id'][$mj] : 0); $match->m_id = $row->id; $match->team1_id = intval($home_team); //update $match->team2_id = intval($_POST['teams_kn_aw'][$mj]); if ($_POST['res_kn_1'][$mj] != '') { $match->score1 = intval($_POST['res_kn_1'][$mj]); } if ($_POST['res_kn_1_aw'][$mj] != '') { $match->score2 = intval($_POST['res_kn_1_aw'][$mj]); } $match->k_ordering = $mj; $match->k_stage = 1; if (isset($_POST['kn_match_played_' . $mj])) { $match->m_played = intval($_POST['kn_match_played_' . $mj]); } else { $match->m_played = 0; } if (!isset($_POST['res_kn_1'][$mj]) || !isset($_POST['res_kn_1_aw'][$mj]) || $_POST['res_kn_1'][$mj] == '' || $_POST['res_kn_1_aw'][$mj] == '') { $match->m_played = 0; } if (!$match->id) { $query = "SELECT venue_id FROM #__bl_teams WHERE id=" . $match->team1_id; $this->db->setQuery($query); $venue = $this->db->loadResult(); if ($venue) { $match->venue_id = $venue; } } $match->published = 1; if (!$match->check()) { JError::raiseError(500, $match->getError()); } if (!$match->store()) { JError::raiseError(500, $match->getError()); } $match->checkin(); $prevarr[] = $match->id; $mj++; } } $levcount = 2; //$lev = isset($_POST['teams_kn1'])?$_POST['teams_kn1']:0; while (isset($_POST['teams_kn_' . $levcount])) { $mj = 0; foreach ($_POST['teams_kn_' . $levcount] as $home_team) { if ($levcount == 2) { $match_1 = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match_1->load(isset($_POST['match_id'][$mj * 2]) ? $_POST['match_id'][$mj * 2] : 0); $match_2 = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match_2->load(isset($_POST['match_id'][$mj * 2 + 1]) ? $_POST['match_id'][$mj * 2 + 1] : 0); } else { if ($_POST['final']) { $match_1 = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match_1->load(isset($_POST['matches_' . ($levcount - 1)][$mj * 2]) ? $_POST['matches_' . ($levcount - 1)][$mj * 2] : 0); $match_2 = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match_2->load(isset($_POST['lmatches_' . ($levcount - 1)][$mj * 2]) ? $_POST['lmatches_' . ($levcount - 1)][$mj * 2] : 0); } else { $match_1 = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match_1->load(isset($_POST['matches_' . ($levcount - 1)][$mj * 2]) ? $_POST['matches_' . ($levcount - 1)][$mj * 2] : 0); $match_2 = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match_2->load(isset($_POST['matches_' . ($levcount - 1)][$mj * 2 + 1]) ? $_POST['matches_' . ($levcount - 1)][$mj * 2 + 1] : 0); } } //if(($match_1->m_played && $match_1->team1_id !=0 && $match_1->team2_id !=0) || ($match_2->m_played && $match_1->team1_id !=0 && $match_1->team2_id !=0) || ($match_1->team1_id == -1 && $match_1->team2_id != 0) || ($match_1->team2_id == -1 && $match_1->team1_id != 0) || ($match_2->team1_id == -1 && $match_2->team2_id != 0) || ($match_2->team2_id == -1 && $match_2->team1_id != 0)){ $match = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match->load(isset($_POST['matches_' . $levcount][$mj]) ? $_POST['matches_' . $levcount][$mj] : 0); $match->m_id = $row->id; $match->team1_id = intval($home_team); if (!$match->team1_id && ($match_1->m_played && $match_1->team1_id != 0 && $match_1->team2_id != 0 || $match_1->team1_id == -1 || $match_1->team2_id == -1)) { if ($match_1->team1_id == -1) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team2_id; } else { if ($match_1->team2_id == -1) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team1_id; } } if ($match_1->score1 > $match_1->score2) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team1_id; } elseif ($match_1->score1 < $match_1->score2) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team2_id; } else { if ($match_1->aet1 > $match_1->aet2) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team1_id; } elseif ($match_1->aet1 < $match_1->aet2) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team2_id; } else { if ($match_1->p_winner == $match_1->team1_id) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team1_id; } elseif ($match_1->p_winner == $match_1->team2_id) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team2_id; } } } } $match->team2_id = intval($_POST['teams_kn_aw_' . $levcount][$mj]); if (!$match->team2_id && ($match_2->m_played && $match_2->team1_id != 0 && $match_2->team2_id != 0 || $match_2->team1_id == -1 || $match_2->team2_id == -1)) { if ($match_2->team1_id == -1) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team2_id; } else { if ($match_2->team1_id == -1) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team1_id; } } if ($match_2->score1 > $match_2->score2) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team1_id; } elseif ($match_2->score1 < $match_2->score2) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team2_id; } else { if ($match_2->aet1 > $match_2->aet2) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team1_id; } elseif ($match_2->aet1 < $match_2->aet2) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team2_id; } else { if ($match_2->p_winner == $match_2->team1_id) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team1_id; } elseif ($match_2->p_winner == $match_2->team2_id) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team2_id; } } } } if ($_POST['res_kn_' . $levcount][$mj] != '') { $match->score1 = intval($_POST['res_kn_' . $levcount][$mj]); } if ($_POST['res_kn_' . $levcount . '_aw'][$mj] != '') { $match->score2 = intval($_POST['res_kn_' . $levcount . '_aw'][$mj]); } $match->k_ordering = $mj; $match->k_stage = $levcount; if (isset($_POST['kn_match_played_' . $mj . '_' . $levcount])) { $match->m_played = intval($_POST['kn_match_played_' . $mj . '_' . $levcount]); } else { $match->m_played = 0; } if ($_POST['res_kn_' . $levcount . '_aw'][$mj] == '' || $_POST['res_kn_' . $levcount][$mj] == '') { $match->m_played = 0; } if (!$match->id) { $query = "SELECT venue_id FROM #__bl_teams WHERE id=" . $match->team1_id; $this->db->setQuery($query); $venue = $this->db->loadResult(); if ($venue) { $match->venue_id = $venue; } } if (!$_POST['res_kn_' . $levcount][$mj] && !$_POST['res_kn_' . $levcount . '_aw'][$mj]) { $match->m_played = isset($match->m_played) ? $match->m_played : 1; } else { $match->m_played = isset($match->m_played) ? $match->m_played : 1; } $match->published = 1; if (!$match->check()) { JError::raiseError(500, $match->getError()); } if (!$match->store()) { JError::raiseError(500, $match->getError()); } $match->checkin(); $mj++; $prevarr[] = $match->id; //} } $levcount++; } //////////////////////////////////////// $levcount = 1; while (isset($_POST['lteams_kn_' . $levcount])) { $mj = 0; foreach ($_POST['lteams_kn_' . $levcount] as $home_team) { if ($levcount == 1) { $match_1 = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match_1->load(isset($_POST['match_id'][$mj * 2]) ? $_POST['match_id'][$mj * 2] : 0); $match_2 = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match_2->load(isset($_POST['match_id'][$mj * 2 + 1]) ? $_POST['match_id'][$mj * 2 + 1] : 0); } elseif ($levcount % 2 == 0) { $match_1 = new JTableMatch($this->db); $num = intval($levcount / 4) ? ceil($levcount / 4) : floor($levcount / 4); if ($levcount == 8 || $levcount == 10) { $num += 1; } $match_1->load(isset($_POST['lmatches_' . ($levcount - 1)][$mj]) ? $_POST['lmatches_' . ($levcount - 1)][$mj] : 0); $match_2 = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match_2->load(isset($_POST['matches_' . ($levcount - $num)][$mj]) ? $_POST['matches_' . ($levcount - $num)][$mj] : 0); } else { $match_1 = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match_1->load(isset($_POST['lmatches_' . ($levcount - 1)][$mj]) ? $_POST['lmatches_' . ($levcount - 1)][$mj] : 0); $match_2 = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match_2->load(isset($_POST['lmatches_' . ($levcount - 1)][$mj + 1]) ? $_POST['lmatches_' . ($levcount - 1)][$mj + 1] : 0); } //////////////&&&& //if(($match_1->m_played && $match_1->team1_id !=0 && $match_1->team2_id !=0) || ($match_2->m_played && $match_1->team1_id !=0 && $match_1->team2_id !=0) || ($match_1->team1_id == -1 && $match_1->team2_id != 0) || ($match_1->team2_id == -1 && $match_1->team1_id != 0) || ($match_2->team1_id == -1 && $match_2->team2_id != 0) || ($match_2->team2_id == -1 && $match_2->team1_id != 0)){ $match = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match->load(isset($_POST['lmatches_' . $levcount][$mj]) ? $_POST['lmatches_' . $levcount][$mj] : 0); $match->m_id = $row->id; $match->team1_id = intval($home_team); if (!$match->team1_id && ($match_1->m_played && $match_1->team1_id != 0 && $match_1->team2_id != 0 || $match_1->team1_id == -1 || $match_1->team2_id == -1)) { if ($match_1->team1_id == -1) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team2_id; } else { if ($match_1->team2_id == -1) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team1_id; } } if ($match_1->score1 > $match_1->score2) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team1_id; } elseif ($match_1->score1 < $match_1->score2) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team2_id; } else { if ($match_1->aet1 > $match_1->aet2) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team1_id; } elseif ($match_1->aet1 < $match_1->aet2) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team2_id; } else { if ($match_1->p_winner == $match_1->team1_id) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team1_id; } elseif ($match_1->p_winner == $match_1->team2_id) { $match->team1_id = $match_1->team2_id; } } } } $match->team2_id = intval($_POST['lteams_kn_aw_' . $levcount][$mj]); $match->k_type = intval($_POST['lk_type_' . $levcount][$mj]); if (!$match->team2_id && ($match_2->m_played && $match_2->team1_id != 0 && $match_2->team2_id != 0 || $match_2->team1_id == -1 || $match_2->team2_id == -1)) { if ($match_2->team1_id == -1) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team2_id; } else { if ($match_2->team1_id == -1) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team1_id; } } if ($match_2->score1 > $match_2->score2) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team1_id; } elseif ($match_2->score1 < $match_2->score2) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team2_id; } else { if ($match_2->aet1 > $match_2->aet2) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team1_id; } elseif ($match_2->aet1 < $match_2->aet2) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team2_id; } else { if ($match_2->p_winner == $match_2->team1_id) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team1_id; } elseif ($match_2->p_winner == $match_2->team2_id) { $match->team2_id = $match_2->team2_id; } } } } //var_dump($match);die(); if ($_POST['lres_kn_' . $levcount][$mj] != '') { $match->score1 = intval($_POST['lres_kn_' . $levcount][$mj]); } if ($_POST['lres_kn_' . $levcount . '_aw'][$mj] != '') { $match->score2 = intval($_POST['lres_kn_' . $levcount . '_aw'][$mj]); } $match->k_ordering = $mj; $match->k_stage = $levcount; if (isset($_POST['lkn_match_played_' . $mj . '_' . $levcount])) { $match->m_played = intval($_POST['lkn_match_played_' . $mj . '_' . $levcount]); } else { $match->m_played = 0; } if ($_POST['lres_kn_' . $levcount . '_aw'][$mj] == '' || $_POST['lres_kn_' . $levcount][$mj] == '') { $match->m_played = 0; } if (!$match->id) { $query = "SELECT venue_id FROM #__bl_teams WHERE id=" . $match->team1_id; $this->db->setQuery($query); $venue = $this->db->loadResult(); if ($venue) { $match->venue_id = $venue; } } if (!$_POST['lres_kn_' . $levcount][$mj] && !$_POST['lres_kn_' . $levcount . '_aw'][$mj]) { $match->m_played = isset($match->m_played) ? $match->m_played : 1; } else { $match->m_played = isset($match->m_played) ? $match->m_played : 1; } ////////////////// // if($match_1->m_played == 0 || $match_2->m_played == 0){ //$match->m_played = 0; //} //else{ // $match->m_played = 1; //} if (($match_1->team1_id == -1 || $match_1->team2_id == -1 || $match_2->team1_id == -1 or $match_2->team2_id == -1) && intval($_POST['lkn_match_played_' . $mj . '_' . $levcount])) { $match->m_played = 1; } $match->published = 1; if (!$match->check()) { JError::raiseError(500, $match->getError()); } if (!$match->store()) { JError::raiseError(500, $match->getError()); } $match->checkin(); $mj++; $prevarr[] = $match->id; //} } $levcount++; } //////////////////////////////////////// $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_match WHERE m_id = " . $row->id . " AND id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $prevarr) . ")"); $this->db->query(); $query = "SELECT id FROM #__bl_match WHERE m_id = " . $row->id . " AND id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $prevarr) . ")"; $this->db->setQuery($query); $mcids = $this->db->loadColumn(); if (count($mcids)) { $cids = implode(',', $mcids); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_squard WHERE match_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_match_events WHERE match_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_subsin WHERE match_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_mapscore WHERE m_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); } } else { $arr_match = array(); if (isset($_POST['home_team']) && count($_POST['home_team'])) { foreach ($_POST['home_team'] as $home_team) { $match = new JTableMatch($this->db); $match->load($_POST['match_id'][$mj]); if (!$this->t_type) { /////!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING $match->m_id = $row->id; $match->team1_id = intval($home_team); $match->team2_id = intval($_POST['away_team'][$mj]); if ($this->acl != 1 && $jsmr_mark_played == 0 && $match->m_played == 1) { } else { $match->score1 = intval($_POST['home_score'][$mj]); $match->score2 = intval($_POST['away_score'][$mj]); } $match->is_extra = isset($_POST['extra_time'][$mj]) ? intval($_POST['extra_time'][$mj]) : 0; $match->published = 1; } if ($this->acl != 1 && $jsmr_mark_played == 0 && $match->m_played == 1) { } else { $match->m_played = intval($_POST['match_played'][$mj]); } $match->m_date = strval($_POST['match_data'][$mj]); $match->venue_id = intval($_POST['venue_id'][$mj]); $match->m_time = strval($_POST['match_time'][$mj]); if ($this->acl == 3 && $row->s_id == -1) { $match->m_single = 1; } if ($this->acl == 3) { $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__bl_players WHERE usr_id=" . $this->_user->id . " AND (id=" . $match->team1_id . " OR id=" . $match->team2_id . ")"; $this->db->setQuery($query); if (!$this->db->loadResult()) { JError::raiseError(500, $match->getError()); } } if (!$match->id) { $query = "SELECT venue_id FROM #__bl_teams WHERE id=" . intval($home_team); $this->db->setQuery($query); $venue = $this->db->loadResult(); if ($venue) { $match->venue_id = $venue; } } if ($this->acl == 2) { $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__bl_teams as t, #__bl_moders as m WHERE AND m.uid=" . $user->id . " AND (" . $match->team1_id . " OR" . $match->team2_id . ")"; $this->db->setQuery($query); if (!$this->db->loadResult()) { JError::raiseError(500, $match->getError()); } } if (!$match->check()) { JError::raiseError(500, $match->getError()); } if (!$match->store()) { JError::raiseError(500, $match->getError()); } $match->checkin(); $arr_match[] = $match->id; $mj++; } if ($this->acl == 1) { $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_match WHERE id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $arr_match) . ") AND m_id = " . $row->id); $this->db->query(); $query = "SELECT id FROM #__bl_match WHERE id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $arr_match) . ") AND m_id = " . $row->id; $this->db->setQuery($query); $mcids = $this->db->loadColumn(); if (count($mcids)) { $cids = implode(',', $mcids); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_squard WHERE match_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_match_events WHERE match_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_subsin WHERE match_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_mapscore WHERE m_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); } } else { if ($this->acl == 2) { $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_match WHERE id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $arr_match) . ") AND (team1_id = " . $tid . " OR team2_id=" . $tid . ") AND m_id = " . $row->id); } else { $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_match WHERE id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $arr_match) . ") AND (team1_id = " . $playerid . " OR team2_id=" . $playerid . ") AND m_id = " . $row->id); } $this->db->query(); $error = $this->db->getErrorMsg(); if ($error) { return JError::raiseError(500, $error); } if ($this->acl == 2) { $this->db->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__bl_match WHERE id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $arr_match) . ") AND (team1_id = " . $tid . " OR team2_id=" . $tid . ") AND m_id = " . $row->id); } else { $this->db->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__bl_match WHERE id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $arr_match) . ") AND (team1_id = " . $playerid . " OR team2_id=" . $playerid . ") AND m_id = " . $row->id); } $this->db->setQuery($query); $mcids = $this->db->loadColumn(); $error = $this->db->getErrorMsg(); if ($error) { return JError::raiseError(500, $error); } if (count($mcids)) { $cids = implode(',', $mcids); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_squard WHERE match_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_match_events WHERE match_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_subsin WHERE match_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_mapscore WHERE m_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__bl_extra_filds WHERE type='2'"); $efcid = $this->db->loadColumn(); if (count($efcid)) { $efcids = implode(',', $efcid); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_extra_values WHERE f_id IN (" . $efcids . ") AND uid IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); } } } } else { if ($this->acl != 1 && !$this->t_type) { ///WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if ($this->acl == 2) { $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_match WHERE (team1_id = " . $tid . " OR team2_id=" . $tid . ") AND m_id = " . $row->id); } else { $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_match WHERE (team1_id = " . $playerid . " OR team2_id=" . $playerid . ") AND m_id = " . $row->id); } $this->db->query(); $error = $this->db->getErrorMsg(); if ($error) { return JError::raiseError(500, $error); } if ($this->acl == 2) { $this->db->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__bl_match WHERE (team1_id = " . $tid . " OR team2_id=" . $tid . ") AND m_id = " . $row->id); } else { $this->db->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__bl_match WHERE (team1_id = " . $playerid . " OR team2_id=" . $playerid . ") AND m_id = " . $row->id); } $this->db->setQuery($query); $mcids = $this->db->loadColumn(); $error = $this->db->getErrorMsg(); if ($error) { return JError::raiseError(500, $error); } if (count($mcids)) { $cids = implode(',', $mcids); $query = "SELECT id FROM #__bl_match WHERE m_id IN (" . $cids . ")"; $this->db->setQuery($query); $mcids = $this->db->loadColumn(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_squard WHERE match_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_match_events WHERE match_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_subsin WHERE match_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_mapscore WHERE m_id IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__bl_extra_filds WHERE type='2'"); $efcid = $this->db->loadColumn(); if (count($efcid)) { $efcids = implode(',', $efcid); $mcids = implode(',', $mcids); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_extra_values WHERE f_id IN (" . $efcids . ") AND uid IN (" . $cids . ")"); $this->db->query(); } } } elseif ($this->acl == 1) { $query = "SELECT id FROM #__bl_match WHERE m_id = " . $row->id; $this->db->setQuery($query); $mcids = $this->db->loadColumn(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_match WHERE m_id = " . $row->id); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_squard WHERE match_id = " . $row->id); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_match_events WHERE match_id = " . $row->id); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_subsin WHERE match_id = " . $row->id); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_mapscore WHERE m_id = " . $row->id); $this->db->query(); $this->db->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__bl_extra_filds WHERE type='2'"); $efcid = $this->db->loadColumn(); if (count($efcid) && count($mcids)) { $efcids = implode(',', $efcid); $mcids = implode(',', $mcids); $this->db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__bl_extra_values WHERE f_id IN (" . $efcids . ") AND uid IN (" . $mcids . ")"); $this->db->query(); } } } } $this->id = $row->id; $this->tid = $tid; $this->mid = $mid; $this->season_id = $sid; }
public function orderMDay() { $cid = JRequest::getVar('cid', array(), 'post', 'array'); $order = JRequest::getVar('order', array(), 'post', 'array'); $row = new JTableMday($this->db); $total = count($cid); if (empty($cid)) { return JError::raiseWarning(500, JText::_('No items selected')); } // update ordering values for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $row->load((int) $cid[$i]); if ($row->ordering != $order[$i]) { $row->ordering = $order[$i]; if (!$row->store()) { return JError::raiseError(500, $this->db->getErrorMsg()); } } } }