Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Method to get video info from Youtube
  * @param string $file_url
  * @return type
 public static function getVimeoVideoInfo($file_url)
     if (empty($file_url)) {
         return NULL;
     $api_url = 'http://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=' . $file_url;
     $html = @JSNUtilsHttp::get($api_url);
     if ($html) {
         return $html['body'];
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function DownloadToString()
     if ($this->_url == '') {
         return false;
     try {
         $content = JSNUtilsHttp::get($this->_url);
         return $content['body'];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo 'Message:' . $e->getMessage();
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * DEFINE shortcode content
  * @param array $attributes
  * @param mixed $content
  * @return string
 public function element_shortcode($attributes = null, $content = null)
     extract(JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::shortcodeAtts($this->config['params'], $attributes));
     $queryString = "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?env=store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys&format=json&q=select * from yahoo.finance.quotes where symbol in ('" . $attributes['market_item_symbol_code'] . "')";
     try {
         $result = JSNUtilsHttp::get($queryString);
         $dataRaw = json_decode($result['body'], true);
         if (isset($dataRaw['error'])) {
             return "<!--separate-->";
         } else {
             $dataItem['time_stamp'] = $dataRaw['query']['created'];
             $dataItem['data'] = $dataRaw['query']['results']['quote'];
             $dataItem['data']['name'] = $attributes['market_item_text'];
         return json_encode($dataItem) . '<!--separate-->';
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $dataItem['error'] = $e->getMessage();
         return json_encode($dataItem) . "<!--separate-->";
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * This task will be send list of editions to the client in JSON format.
  * @return  void
 public function editions()
     // Initialize variables
     $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $jVer = new JVersion();
     $info = JSNUtilsXml::loadManifestCache();
     // Get product edition and identified name
     $edition = strtolower(JSNUtilsText::getConstant('EDITION'));
     $identified = ($identified = JSNUtilsText::getConstant('IDENTIFIED_NAME')) ? $identified : strtolower($info->name);
     // Build query string
     $query[] = 'joomla_version=' . urlencode($jVer->RELEASE);
     $query[] = 'username='******'customer_username'));
     $query[] = 'password='******'customer_password'));
     $query[] = 'identified_name=' . ($input->getCmd('id') ? urlencode($input->getCmd('id')) : urlencode($identified));
     // Finalize link
     $url = str_replace('upgrade=yes', 'upgrade=no', JSN_EXT_DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_URL) . '&' . implode('&', $query);
     // Get results
     try {
         $result = JSNUtilsHttp::get($url);
         if (substr($result['body'], 0, 3) == 'ERR') {
             jexit(json_encode(array('message' => JText::_('JSN_EXTFW_LIGHTCART_ERROR_' . $result['body']), 'type' => 'error')));
         // JSON-decode the result
         $result = json_decode($result['body']);
         if (is_null($result)) {
             jexit(json_encode(array('message' => JText::_('JSN_EXTFW_VERSION_CHECK_FAIL'), 'type' => 'error')));
         if ($edition != 'free') {
             if (!in_array('PRO UNLIMITED', $result->editions)) {
                 jexit(json_encode(array('message' => JText::sprintf('JSN_EXTFW_UPGRADE_YOUR_ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_PROVIDED_WITH_UNLIMITED_EDITION', JText::_($info->name) . ' PRO Unlimited'), 'type' => 'error')));
             $result->editions = array('PRO UNLIMITED');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         jexit(json_encode(array('message' => JText::_('JSN_EXTFW_VERSION_CHECK_FAIL'), 'type' => 'error')));
 public function download($options)
     $url = $this->_downloadURL . $this->_getFields;
     try {
         $content = JSNUtilsHttp::get($url);
         if ($content) {
             if (!$this->_jarchiveZip->checkZipData($content['body'])) {
                 $this->_msgError = (string) $content['body'];
                 if (JFile::exists($this->_tmpPackagePath)) {
                     return false;
             } else {
                 JFile::write($this->_tmpPackagePath, $content['body']);
                 return basename($this->_tmpPackagePath);
         return false;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Communicate with JoomlaShine server for latest product version.
  * If a product does not have sub-product, the <b>$products</b> parameter
  * does not required when calling this method:
  * <pre>JSNUpdateHelper::check();</pre>
  * Result will be returned in the following format:
  * <pre>If product update is available:
  * <code>array(
  *     'identified_name' => object(
  *         'name' => 'The product name',
  *         'identified_name' => 'The product identification',
  *         'description' => 'The product description',
  *         'version' => 'The latest product version',
  *         'authentication' => 'Indicates whether authentication is required when updating product'
  *     )
  * )</code>
  * If the product does not have update:
  * <code>array(
  *     'identified_name' => false
  * )</code></pre>
  * If a product has sub-product, this method need to be called as below to
  * check all sub-product for latest version:
  * <pre>JSNUpdateHelper::check(
  *     array(
  *         // Core component
  *         'imageshow' => '4.2.0',
  *         // Themes
  *         'themeclassic' => '1.1.5',
  *         'themeslider'  => '1.0.4',
  *         'themegrid'    => '1.0.0',
  *         // Sources
  *         'picasa'      => '1.1.2',
  *         'flickr'      => '1.1.2',
  *         'phoca'       => '1.0.1',
  *         'joomgallery' => '1.0.1',
  *         'rsgallery2'  => '1.0.1',
  *         'facebook'    => '1.0.1'
  *     )
  * );</pre>
  * In this case, the returned result might look like below:
  * <pre>array(
  *     // Core component
  *     'imageshow' => object(
  *         'name' => 'JSN ImageShow',
  *         'identified_name' => 'imageshow',
  *         'description' => 'Something about JSN ImageShow',
  *         'version' => '4.3.0',
  *         'editions' => array(
  *             0 => object(
  *                 'edition' => 'PRO STANDARD',
  *                 'authentication' => 1
  *             ),
  *             1 => object(
  *                 'edition' => 'PRO UNLIMITED',
  *                 'authentication' => 1
  *             ),
  *             2 => object(
  *                 'edition' => 'FREE',
  *                 'authentication' => 0
  *             )
  *         )
  *     ),
  *     // Themes
  *     'themeclassic' => false, // Product update not available
  *     'themeslider' => false,  // Product update not available
  *     'themegrid' => object(
  *         'name' => 'Theme Grid',
  *         'identified_name' => 'themegrid',
  *         'description' => 'JSN ImageShow Theme Grid plugin',
  *         'version' => '1.0.1',
  *         'edition' => 'FREE',
  *         'authentication' => 0
  *     ),
  *     // Sources
  *     'picasa' => false,      // Product update not available
  *     'flickr' => false,      // Product update not available
  *     'phoca' => false,       // Product update not available
  *     'joomgallery' => false, // Product update not available
  *     'rsgallery2' => false,  // Product update not available
  *     'facebook' => object(
  *         'name' => 'FaceBook',
  *         'identified_name' => 'facebook',
  *         'description' => 'JSN ImageShow Image Source Facebook plugin',
  *         'version' => '1.0.2',
  *         'edition' => 'FREE',
  *         'authentication' => 0
  *     )
  * )</pre>
  * @param   array   $products               Array of identified name for checking latest version.
  * @param   string  $requiredJoomlaVersion  Joomla version required by extension, e.g. 2.5, 3.0, etc.
  * @param   array   $latestUpdates          Latest update response (for use in self recursive call only).
  * @param   array   $results                Check update results (for use in self recursive call only).
  * @return  mixed
 public static function check($products = array(), $requiredJoomlaVersion = JSN_FRAMEWORK_REQUIRED_JOOMLA_VER, $latestUpdates = '', $results = '')
     // Only communicate with server if check update URLs is not load before
     if (empty($latestUpdates)) {
         if (!isset(self::$versions)) {
             try {
                 // Get Joomla config and input object
                 $config = JFactory::getConfig();
                 $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
                 // Generate cache file path
                 $cache = $config->get('tmp_path') . '/JoomlaShineUpdates.json';
                 // Get current option and view
                 $option = $input->getCmd('option');
                 $view = $input->getCmd('view');
                 // Get latest version from local file if not in about page or cache is not timed out
                 if ((!in_array($option, JSNVersion::$products) or $view != 'about') and is_readable($cache) and time() - filemtime($cache) < CHECK_UPDATE_PERIOD) {
                     // Decode JSON encoded update details
                     self::$versions = json_decode(JFile::read($cache));
                 } else {
                     // Always update cache file modification time
                     is_writable($cache) and touch($cache, time());
                     // Communicate with JoomlaShine server via latest version checking URL
                     try {
                         self::$versions = JSNUtilsHttp::get(JSN_EXT_VERSION_CHECK_URL);
                         self::$versions = isset(self::$versions['body']) ? self::$versions['body'] : '{"items":[]}';
                         // Cache latest version to local file system
                         JFile::write($cache, self::$versions);
                         // Decode JSON encoded update details
                         self::$versions = json_decode(self::$versions);
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         throw $e;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 throw new Exception(JText::_('JSN_EXTFW_VERSION_CHECK_FAIL'));
         $latestUpdates = self::$versions;
     // Prepare product identification
     if (!is_array($products) or !count($products)) {
         is_array($products) or $products = array();
         // Get the product info
         $version = JSNUtilsText::getConstant('VERSION');
         // Is identified name defined?
         if ($const = JSNUtilsText::getConstant('IDENTIFIED_NAME')) {
             $products[$const] = $version;
         } else {
             $component = substr(JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('option'), 4);
             $products[$component] = $version;
             $products['ext_' . $component] = $version;
     // Get Joomla version
     $joomlaVersion = new JVersion();
     // Preset return results
     is_array($results) or $results = array();
     // Get the latest product version
     foreach ($products as $product => $current) {
         if (!isset($results[$product])) {
             foreach ($latestUpdates->items as $item) {
                 if (isset($item->items)) {
                     $results = self::check(array($product => $current), $requiredJoomlaVersion, $item, $results);
                 if (isset($item->identified_name) and $item->identified_name == $product) {
                     $results[$product] = $item;
             // Does latest product info found?
             if (isset($results[$product]) and is_object($results[$product])) {
                 // Does product support installed Joomla version?
                 $tags = explode(';', $results[$product]->tags);
                 if (!in_array($joomlaVersion->RELEASE, $tags)) {
                     $results[$product] = false;
                 // Does product upgradable?
                 if ($results[$product] and !empty($requiredJoomlaVersion) and !JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible($requiredJoomlaVersion) and !version_compare($results[$product]->version, $current, '>=')) {
                     $results[$product] = false;
                 // Does product have newer version?
                 if ($results[$product] and (empty($requiredJoomlaVersion) or JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible($requiredJoomlaVersion)) and !version_compare($results[$product]->version, $current, '>')) {
                     $results[$product] = false;
     return $results;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Install sample data (step 1).
  * @return  boolean
 protected function installSampleStep1()
     // Get Joomla config
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     // Get URL to download sample data package
     $url = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getVar('sampleDownloadUrl');
     // Set maximum execution time
     ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
     // Try to download the sample data package
     try {
         $path = $config->get('tmp_path') . '/' . basename($url);
         if (!JSNUtilsHttp::get($url, $path, true)) {
             jexit('DOWNLOAD FAIL');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         jexit('DOWNLOAD FAIL');
     // Complete AJAX based download task
     jexit('DONE: ' . trim(str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, '', $path), '/\\'));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Websites: http://www.joomlashine.com
 * Technical Support:  Feedback - http://www.joomlashine.com/contact-us/get-support.html
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// Initialize product info
$name = preg_replace('/JSN\\s*/i', '', JText::_($info->name));
$edition = strtolower(JSNUtilsText::getConstant('EDITION'));
$buyNow = JSNUtilsText::getConstant('BUY_LINK');
// Get input object
$input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
// Get upgrade details from JoomlaShine server
$response = null;
try {
    $response = JSNUtilsHttp::get(JSN_EXT_UPGRADE_DETAILS_URL);
    $response = json_decode($response['body'], true);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // Do nothing
if ($response != null) {
    // Get response belonging to current extension
    if (isset($response[JSNUtilsText::getConstant('IDENTIFIED_NAME')])) {
        $response = $response[JSNUtilsText::getConstant('IDENTIFIED_NAME')];
    } elseif (isset($response['extension'])) {
        $response = $response['extension'];
    } else {
        $response = $response['default'];
    // Get current template edition
    $currentEdition = strcasecmp(JSNUtilsText::getConstant('EDITION'), 'free') == 0 ? 'free' : 'pro';
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Download update package for current product.
  * @return  void
 protected function downloadPackage()
     // Get Joomla config
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     // Initialize variable
     $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $JVersion = new JVersion();
     // Get the product info
     $info = JSNUtilsXml::loadManifestCache();
     $edition = $input->getVar('edition', JSNUtilsText::getConstant('EDITION'));
     $identified = ($identified = JSNUtilsText::getConstant('IDENTIFIED_NAME')) ? $identified : strtolower($info->name);
     // Build query string
     $query[] = 'joomla_version=' . $JVersion->RELEASE;
     $query[] = 'username='******'customer_username'));
     $query[] = 'password='******'customer_password'));
     $query[] = 'identified_name=' . ($input->getCmd('id') ? $input->getCmd('id') : $identified);
     $query[] = 'edition=' . strtolower(urlencode($edition));
     // Build final URL for downloading update
     $url = JSN_EXT_DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_URL . '&' . implode('&', $query);
     // Generate file name for update package
     $name[] = 'jsn';
     $name[] = $input->getCmd('id') ? $input->getCmd('id') : $identified;
     if ($edition) {
         $name[] = $input->getCmd('view') == 'upgrade' ? 'pro_' . (strtolower($edition) == 'free' ? 'standard' : 'unlimited') : strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $input->getVar('edition') ? $input->getVar('edition') : $edition));
     $name[] = 'j' . $JVersion->RELEASE;
     $name[] = 'install.zip';
     $name = implode('_', $name);
     // Set maximum execution time
     ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
     // Try to download the update package
     try {
         $path = $config->get('tmp_path') . '/' . $name;
         if (!JSNUtilsHttp::get($url, $path, true)) {
             throw new Exception(JText::_('JSN_EXTFW_UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_PACKAGE_FAIL'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception(JText::_('JSN_EXTFW_UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_PACKAGE_FAIL'));
     // Validate downloaded update package
     if (filesize($path) < 10) {
         // Get LightCart error code
         $errorCode = JFile::read($path);
         if ($edition) {
             $edition = $input->getCmd('view') == 'upgrade' ? 'pro ' . (strtolower($edition) == 'free' ? 'standard' : 'unlimited') : $input->getVar('edition') ? $input->getVar('edition') : $edition;
         throw new Exception(JText::sprintf('JSN_EXTFW_LIGHTCART_ERROR_' . $errorCode, JText::_($info->name) . ' ' . strtoupper($edition)));
     return $path;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Down load the sample data package
  * @return string
 public function downloadSampleDataPackage()
     ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
     $sampleDownloadUrl = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getVar('sample_download_url');
     $perm = true;
     $foldername = 'tmp';
     $folderpath = JPATH_ROOT . DS . $foldername;
     $link = 'index.php?option=com_imageshow&view=maintenance&s=maintenance&g=data#data-sample-installation';
     if (is_writable($folderpath)) {
         try {
             $objJSNDownloadPackage = JSNUtilsHttp::get($sampleDownloadUrl, $folderpath . DS . basename($sampleDownloadUrl));
             if ($objJSNDownloadPackage) {
                 echo json_encode(array('download' => true, 'file_name' => (string) basename($sampleDownloadUrl)));
             } else {
                 echo json_encode(array('download' => false, 'message' => $msg, 'redirect_link' => $link));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo json_encode(array('download' => false, 'message' => $msg, 'redirect_link' => $link));
     } else {
         echo json_encode(array('download' => false, 'message' => $msg, 'redirect_link' => $link));
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * @param bool $isForecast
  * @return bool|mixed|string
 public function fetchDataFromSource($isForecast = false)
     $pathCache = JPATH_ROOT . "/tmp/";
     if (!is_writable($pathCache)) {
         $dataArray['response']['error']['description'] = "tmp folder must be writable";
         return json_encode($dataArray);
     $cacheFile = $pathCache . "jsn_pb_" . md5($this->attributes['weather_location_code']);
     $cacheFile .= $isForecast ? "_forecast.json" : ".json";
     if (!file_exists($cacheFile) || strtotime(date("Y-m-d", filemtime($cacheFile))) < strtotime(date("Y-m-d"))) {
         // Fetch new data
         $result = JSNUtilsHttp::get($this->getApiUrl($isForecast));
         $resultContent = $result['body'];
         // Write cache
         JFile::write($cacheFile, $resultContent);
     } else {
         // Read cache
         $resultContent = file_get_contents($cacheFile);
     // Return result
     return $resultContent;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Function to validate audio file
  * @return string
 public function validateFile($url = null, $isAjax = true)
     if (isset($url) && !empty($url)) {
         $file_url = $url;
     } else {
         $file_url = isset($_POST['file_url']) ? $_POST['file_url'] : '';
     // Default : weather
     $config = JSNConfigHelper::get('com_pagebuilder');
     $soundCloudKey = $config->get('soundcloud_client_id');
     if ($soundCloudKey == "") {
         if ($isAjax) {
             return false;
         } else {
             return array("valid" => false, "message" => "JSN_PAGEBUILDER_SOUNDCLOUD_CLIENT_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST");
     //		$soundCloudKey = "0b237e55b145e6967548c14f1ec7d494";
     $api_url = 'http://api.soundcloud.com/resolve.json?url=' . $file_url . '&client_id=' . $soundCloudKey;
     $get_contents = JSNUtilsHttp::get($api_url);
     $html = $get_contents['body'];
     if ($html && strpos($html, 'error') === false) {
         $data = array();
         $data['type'] = '';
         $content = '';
         $res = @simplexml_load_string($html);
         if ((string) @$res->kind === 'user') {
             $content .= 'Username' . ': <b>' . (string) $res->username . '</b><br>';
             $content .= 'Country' . ': <b>' . (string) $res->country . '</b><br>';
             $content .= 'Full Name' . ' : <b>' . (string) $res->{'full-name'} . '</b><br>';
             $content .= 'Description' . ' : <b>' . (string) $res->description . '</b><br>';
             $data['type'] = 'list';
         } else {
             if ((string) @$res->kind === 'track') {
                 // Render Duration displaying
                 $_duration = $res->duration;
                 $_seconds = round($_duration / 1000);
                 $_minutes = round($_seconds / 60);
                 $_hours = round($_seconds / 3600);
                 $_odd_sec = $_seconds - $_minutes * 60;
                 $_duration_str = '';
                 if ($_hours >= 1 && $_hours < 10) {
                     $_duration_str .= '0' . $_hours . ':';
                 } else {
                     if ($_hours >= 10) {
                         $_duration_str .= $_hours . ':';
                 if ($_minutes >= 1 && $_minutes < 10) {
                     $_duration_str .= '0' . $_minutes . ':';
                 } else {
                     if ($_minutes >= 10) {
                         $_duration_str .= $_minutes . ':';
                     } else {
                         $_duration_str .= '00:';
                 if ($_odd_sec >= 1 && $_odd_sec < 10) {
                     $_duration_str .= '0' . $_odd_sec;
                 } else {
                     if ($_minutes >= 10) {
                         $_duration_str .= $_odd_sec;
                     } else {
                         $_duration_str .= '00';
                 $content .= 'Title' . ': <b>' . (string) $res->title . '</b><br>';
                 $content .= 'Genre' . ': <b>' . (string) $res->genre . '</b><br>';
                 $content .= 'User' . ' : <b>' . (string) $res->user->username . '</b><br>';
                 $content .= 'Format' . ' : <b>' . (string) $res->{'original-format'} . '</b><br>';
                 $content .= 'Duration' . ' : <b>' . (string) $_duration_str . '</b><br>';
             } else {
                 if ((string) @$res->kind === 'playlist') {
                     $_duration = $res->duration;
                     $_seconds = round($_duration / 1000);
                     $_minutes = round($_seconds / 60);
                     $_hours = round($_seconds / 3600);
                     $_odd_sec = $_seconds - $_minutes * 60;
                     $_duration_str = '';
                     if ($_hours >= 1 && $_hours < 10) {
                         $_duration_str .= '0' . $_hours . ':';
                     } else {
                         if ($_hours >= 10) {
                             $_duration_str .= $_hours . ':';
                     if ($_minutes >= 1 && $_minutes < 10) {
                         $_duration_str .= '0' . $_minutes . ':';
                     } else {
                         if ($_minutes >= 10) {
                             $_duration_str .= $_minutes . ':';
                         } else {
                             $_duration_str .= '00:';
                     if ($_odd_sec >= 1 && $_odd_sec < 10) {
                         $_duration_str .= '0' . $_odd_sec;
                     } else {
                         if ($_minutes >= 10) {
                             $_duration_str .= $_odd_sec;
                         } else {
                             $_duration_str .= '00';
                     $content .= 'Title' . ': <b>' . (string) $res->title . '</b><br>';
                     $content .= 'Username' . ' : <b>' . (string) $res->user->username . '</b><br>';
                     $content .= 'Duration' . ' : <b>' . (string) $_duration_str . '</b><br>';
                     $res->description = JSNPagebuilderHelpersShortcode::pbTrimWords((string) $res->description, 20);
                     $content .= 'Description' . ' : <b>' . $res->description . '</b><br>';
                     $data['type'] = 'list';
         $data['content'] = $content;
         if ($isAjax) {
         } else {
             return array("valid" => true, "message" => "Success");
     if ($isAjax) {
     } else {
         return array("valid" => true, "message" => "Invalid URL");