Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected function runSQL($source, $file)
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $driver = strtolower($db->name);
     if ($driver == 'mysqli') {
         $driver = 'mysql';
     } elseif ($driver == 'sqlsrv') {
         $driver = 'sqlazure';
     $sqlfile = $source . '/sql/' . $driver . '/' . $file;
     if (file_exists($sqlfile)) {
         $buffer = file_get_contents($sqlfile);
         if ($buffer !== false) {
             $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                     if (!$db->execute()) {
                         JError::raiseWarning(1, JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function postflight($type, $parent)
     if ($type == 'update') {
         $sqlfile = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_rsform' . DS . 'install.rsform.utf8.sql';
         $buffer = file_get_contents($sqlfile);
         if ($buffer === false) {
             JError::raiseWarning(1, JText::_('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_READBUFFER'));
             return false;
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         if (count($queries) == 0) {
             // No queries to process
             return 0;
         $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
         // Process each query in the $queries array (split out of sql file).
         foreach ($queries as $query) {
             $query = trim($query);
             if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                 if (!$db->query()) {
                     JError::raiseWarning(1, JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)));
                     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function update($parent)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     if (method_exists($parent, 'extension_root')) {
         $sqlfile = $parent->getPath('extension_root') . DS . 'sql' . DS . 'install.mysql.utf8.sql';
     } else {
         $sqlfile = $parent->getParent()->getPath('extension_root') . DS . 'sql' . DS . 'install.mysql.utf8.sql';
     // Don't modify below this line
     $buffer = file_get_contents($sqlfile);
     if ($buffer !== false) {
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         if (count($queries) != 0) {
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                     if (!$db->query()) {
                         JError::raiseWarning(1, JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)));
                         return false;
     echo '<p>' . JText::_('COM_COMMUNITYSURVEYS_UPDATE_TEXT') . '</p>';
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function update($parent)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     if (method_exists($parent, 'extension_root')) {
         $sqlfile = $parent->getPath('extension_root') . '/sql/install.mysql.sql';
     } else {
         $sqlfile = $parent->getParent()->getPath('extension_root') . '/sql/install.mysql.sql';
     // Don't modify below this line
     $buffer = file_get_contents($sqlfile);
     if ($buffer !== false) {
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         if (count($queries) != 0) {
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                     if (!$db->query()) {
                         JError::raiseWarning(1, JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)));
                         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function installPluginTableByThemeName($themeName)
     $sqlFile = JPATH_PLUGINS . DS . $this->_pluginType . DS . $themeName . DS . $this->_installFile;
     if (JFile::exists($sqlFile)) {
         $objJNSUtils = JSNISFactory::getObj('classes.jsn_is_utils');
         $buffer = $objJNSUtils->readFileToString($sqlFile);
         if ($buffer === false) {
             return false;
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         if (count($queries) == 0) {
             JError::raiseWarning(100, $sqlFile . JText::_(' not exits'));
             return 0;
         foreach ($queries as $query) {
             $query = trim($query);
             if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                 if (!$this->_db->query()) {
                     JError::raiseWarning(100, 'JInstaller::install: ' . JText::_('SQL Error') . " " . $this->_db->stderr(true));
                     return false;
         return true;
     } else {
         JError::raiseWarning(100, $sqlFile . JText::_(' not exits'));
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
function querySQL($buffer)
    $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
    // Graceful exit and rollback if read not successful
    if ($buffer === false) {
        return false;
    // Create an array of queries from the sql file
    $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
    if (count($queries) == 0) {
        // No queries to process
        return 0;
    // Process each query in the $queries array (split out of sql file).
    foreach ($queries as $query) {
        $query = trim($query);
        if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
            if (!$db->query()) {
                JError::raiseWarning(1, 'JInstaller::install: ' . JText::_('SQL Error') . " " . $db->stderr(true));
                return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function update($parent)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     if (method_exists($parent, 'extension_root')) {
         $sqlfile = $parent->getPath('extension_root') . DS . 'sql' . DS . 'install.mysql.utf8.sql';
     } else {
         $sqlfile = $parent->getParent()->getPath('extension_root') . DS . 'sql' . DS . 'install.mysql.utf8.sql';
     // Don't modify below this line
     $buffer = file_get_contents($sqlfile);
     if ($buffer !== false) {
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         if (count($queries) != 0) {
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                     if (!$db->query()) {
                         CJFunctions::throw_error(JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)), 1);
                         return false;
     echo '<p>' . JText::sprintf('COM_CJBLOG_UPDATE_TEXT', $parent->get('manifest')->version) . '</p>';
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Perform installation of SQL queries
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function execute()
     // Get the temporary path from the server.
     $tmpPath = $this->input->get('path', '', 'default');
     // There should be a queries.zip archive in the archive.
     $tmpQueriesPath = $tmpPath . '/queries.zip';
     // Extract the queries
     $path = $tmpPath . '/queries';
     // If on development mode, skip this
     if ($this->isDevelopment()) {
         return $this->output($this->getResultObj('COM_EASYBLOG_INSTALLATION_DEVELOPER_MODE', true));
     // Check if this folder exists.
     if (JFolder::exists($path)) {
     // Extract the archive now
     $state = JArchive::extract($tmpQueriesPath, $path);
     if (!$state) {
         return $this->output();
     // Get the list of files in the folder.
     $queryFiles = JFolder::files($path, '.', true, true);
     // When there are no queries file, we should just display a proper warning instead of exit
     if (!$queryFiles) {
         return $this->output();
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($queryFiles as $file) {
         // Get the contents of the file
         $contents = JFile::read($file);
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($contents);
         foreach ($queries as $query) {
             $query = trim($query);
             if (!empty($query)) {
                 $state = $db->execute();
         $total += 1;
     $this->setInfo(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_INSTALLATION_SQL_EXECUTED_SUCCESS', $total), true);
     return $this->output();
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function applyDump($dump)
     $version = new JVersion();
     if ($version->RELEASE == "1.5") {
         $helper = new JInstallerHelper();
         $sql_statements = $helper->splitSql($dump);
     } else {
         //$helper = new JInstallerHelper();
         $sql_statements = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($dump);
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($sql_statements as $statement) {
         if (trim($statement)) {
     return $count;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 function update($parent)
     $manifest = $parent->get('manifest');
     $parent2 = $parent->getParent();
     $source = $parent2->getPath('source');
     $this->_installPlugins($manifest, $source, true);
     // If a version prior to 0.5 has been installed, the database
     // tables will not have the UUID fields set, so the tables must
     // be rebuit
     $hasUUID = false;
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $blogFields = $db->getTableColumns('#__' . $this->component_base . '_blogs');
     foreach ($blogFields['#__' . $this->component_base . '_blogs'] as $fieldname => $fieldtype) {
         if ($fieldname == 'blog_uuid') {
             $hasUUID = true;
     if (!$hasUUID) {
         // All the database tables need to be rebuilt at this
         // point
         $sql = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'admin' . DS . $manifest->install->sql->file);
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($sql);
         if (count($queries) > 0) {
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
         echo '<p>' . JText::sprintf('COM_WORDBRIDGE_UPDATED_DB') . '123</p>';
     echo '<p>' . JText::sprintf('COM_WORDBRIDGE_UPDATED_TO_VER', htmlspecialchars($manifest->version->data())) . '</p>';
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function runSQLFile($file)
     if (JFile::exists($file)) {
         $buffer = $this->readFileToString($file);
         if ($buffer === false) {
             return false;
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         if (count($queries) == 0) {
             JError::raiseWarning(100, $sqlFile . JText::_(' not exits'));
             return 0;
         foreach ($queries as $query) {
             $query = trim($query);
             if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                 if (!$this->_db->query()) {
                     JError::raiseWarning(100, 'JInstaller::install: ' . JText::_('SQL Error') . " " . $this->_db->stderr(true));
                     return false;
         return true;
     } else {
         JError::raiseWarning(100, $file . JText::_(' not exits'));
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function synchronizeDatabase()
     $version = $this->input->getString('version');
     // Explicitly check for 1.0.0 since it is a flag to execute table creation
     if ($version === '1.0.0') {
         $path = SOCIAL_ADMIN . '/queries';
         if (!JFolder::exists($path)) {
             return $this->view->call(__FUNCTION__);
         $files = JFolder::files($path, '.sql$', true, true);
         $result = array();
         $db = FD::db();
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $contents = JFile::read($file);
             $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($contents);
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if (!empty($query)) {
         return $this->view->call(__FUNCTION__);
     $path = SOCIAL_ADMIN . '/updates/' . $version;
     $files = JFolder::files($path, '.json$', true, true);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $result = array_merge($result, FD::makeObject($file));
     $tables = array();
     $indexes = array();
     $affected = 0;
     $db = FD::db();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $columnExist = true;
         $indexExist = true;
         if (isset($row->column)) {
             // Store the list of tables that needs to be queried
             if (!isset($tables[$row->table])) {
                 $tables[$row->table] = $db->getTableColumns($row->table);
             // Check if the column is in the fields or not
             $columnExist = in_array($row->column, $tables[$row->table]);
         if (isset($row->index)) {
             if (!isset($indexes[$row->table])) {
                 $indexes[$row->table] = $db->getTableIndexes($row->table);
             $indexExist = in_array($row->index, $indexes[$row->table]);
         if (!$columnExist || !$indexExist) {
             $sql = $db->sql();
             $affected += 1;
     return $this->view->call(__FUNCTION__);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static function doInstall(JInstallerComponent &$component)
     // fix joomla 1.5 bug
     $component->parent->getDBO = $component->parent->getDBO();
     // initialize zoo framework
     require_once $component->parent->getPath('source') . '/admin/config.php';
     // sanatize table indexes
     $index_sql_path = $component->parent->getPath('source') . '/admin/installation/index.sql';
     if (JFile::exists($index_sql_path)) {
         $db = YDatabase::getInstance();
         // read index.sql
         $buffer = JFile::read($index_sql_path);
         // Create an array of queries from the sql file
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         if (!empty($queries)) {
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 // replace table prefixes
                 $query = $db->replacePrefix($query);
                 // parse table name
                 preg_match('/ALTER\\s*TABLE\\s*`(.*)`/i', $query, $result);
                 if (count($result) < 2) {
                 $table = $result[1];
                 // get existing indexes
                 $indexes = $db->queryObjectList('SHOW INDEX FROM ' . $table);
                 // drop existing indexes
                 $removed = array();
                 foreach ($indexes as $index) {
                     if (in_array($index->Key_name, $removed)) {
                     if ($index->Key_name != 'PRIMARY') {
                         $db->query('DROP INDEX ' . $index->Key_name . ' ON ' . $table);
                         $removed[] = $index->Key_name;
                 // add new indexes
     // applications
     if (!JFolder::exists(ZOO_APPLICATION_PATH)) {
     $applications = array();
     foreach (JFolder::folders($component->parent->getPath('source') . '/applications', '.', false, true) as $folder) {
         try {
             if ($manifest = InstallHelper::findManifest($folder)) {
                 $name = InstallHelper::getName($manifest);
                 $status = InstallHelper::installApplicationFromFolder($folder);
                 $applications[] = compact('name', 'status');
         } catch (YException $e) {
             $name = basename($folder);
             $status = false;
             $applications[] = compact('name', 'status');
     self::displayResults($applications, 'Applications', 'Application');
     // additional extensions
     // init vars
     $error = false;
     $extensions = array();
     // get plugin files
     $plugin_files = array();
     foreach (YFile::readDirectoryFiles(JPATH_PLUGINS, JPATH_PLUGINS . '/', '/\\.php$/', true) as $file) {
         $plugin_files[] = basename($file);
     // get extensions
     if (isset($component->manifest->additional[0])) {
         $add = $component->manifest->additional[0];
         if (count($add->children())) {
             $exts = $add->children();
             foreach ($exts as $ext) {
                 $installer = new JInstaller();
                 $update = false;
                 if ($ext->name() == 'module' && JFolder::exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/modules/' . $ext->attributes('name')) || $ext->name() == 'plugin' && in_array($ext->attributes('name') . '.php', $plugin_files)) {
                     $update = true;
                 $folder = $component->parent->getPath('source') . '/' . $ext->attributes('folder');
                 $folder = rtrim($folder, "\\/") . '/';
                 if (JFolder::exists($folder)) {
                     if ($update) {
                         foreach (YFile::readDirectoryFiles($folder, $folder, '/positions\\.config$/', true) as $file) {
                     $extensions[] = array('name' => $ext->data(), 'type' => $ext->name(), 'folder' => $folder, 'installer' => $installer, 'status' => false, 'update' => $update);
     // install additional extensions
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($extensions); $i++) {
         if (is_dir($extensions[$i]['folder'])) {
             if (@$extensions[$i]['installer']->install($extensions[$i]['folder'])) {
                 $extensions[$i]['status'] = $extensions[$i]['update'] ? 2 : 1;
             } else {
                 $error = true;
     // rollback on installation errors
     if ($error) {
         $component->parent->abort(JText::_('Component') . ' ' . JText::_('Install') . ': ' . JText::_('Error'), 'component');
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($extensions); $i++) {
             if ($extensions[$i]['status']) {
                 $extensions[$i]['installer']->abort(JText::_($extensions[$i]['type']) . ' ' . JText::_('Install') . ': ' . JText::_('Error'), $extensions[$i]['type']);
                 $extensions[$i]['status'] = false;
         return false;
     self::displayResults($extensions, 'Extensions', 'Extension');
     // UPGRADES
     // get versions
     $new_version = $component->manifest->getElementByPath('version')->data();
     $version = '';
     // check for old version number
     $version_file_path = $component->parent->getPath('extension_administrator') . '/version.php';
     if (JFile::exists($version_file_path)) {
         require_once $version_file_path;
     // write new version file
     $buffer = "<?php\n\ndefined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');\n\n\$version = '{$new_version}';";
     JFile::write($version_file_path, $buffer);
     // include update script
     require_once $component->parent->getPath('source') . '/admin/installation/update.php';
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Restores a backup from sql dump file
  * @param array $file The sql dump file
  * @return boolean true on success
  * @since 2.0
 public function restore($file)
     if (JFile::exists($file)) {
         $db = $this->app->database;
         // read index.sql
         $buffer = file_get_contents($file);
         // Create an array of queries from the sql file
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         if (!empty($queries)) {
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if (!empty($query)) {
             return true;
     throw new RuntimeException("File not found ({$file})");
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Prepare for available fields importing.
  * 1. Set all tables to be indexed
  * 2. Empty the available fields table
  * 3. Import the extra availablefields sql file
  * 4. Find what tables need to be imported and store them in the session
  * @copyright
  * @author 		RolandD
  * @todo
  * @see			CsviModelSettings::save
  * @access 		public
  * @param
  * @return
  * @since 		3.5
 public function prepareAvailableFields()
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     // Load the session data
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     $option = $jinput->get('option');
     $csvilog = $jinput->get('csvilog', null, null);
     // Clean the session
     $session->set($option . '.csvilog', serialize('0'));
     // Set all tables to be indexed
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->set('indexed = 0');
     // Empty the available fields first
     $q = "TRUNCATE TABLE " . $db->qn('#__csvi_available_fields');
     if ($db->query()) {
         $csvilog->AddStats('empty', JText::_('COM_CSVI_AVAILABLE_FIELDS_TABLE_EMPTIED'));
     } else {
         $csvilog->AddStats('error', JText::_('COM_CSVI_AVAILABLE_FIELDS_TABLE_COULD_NOT_BE_EMPTIED'));
     // Do component specific updates
     $override = new stdClass();
     $override->value = 'override';
     $components = CsviHelper::getComponents();
     $components[] = $override;
     foreach ($components as $component) {
         switch ($component->value) {
             case 'mod_vm_cherry_picker':
                 // Delete any existing entries
                 $query = $db->getQuery(true);
                 $query->delete('#__csvi_template_tables')->where($db->qn('component') . ' = ' . $db->q('mod_vm_cherry_picker'))->where($db->qn('template_table') . ' REGEXP ' . $db->q('vm_product_type_[0-9]'));
                 // Add new entries
                 $name_tables = $db->getTableList();
                 $query = $db->getQuery(true);
                 $validq = false;
                 $query->insert('#__csvi_template_tables')->columns(array('template_type_name', 'template_table', 'component', 'indexed'));
                 foreach ($name_tables as $nkey => $name_table) {
                     if (strpos($name_table, $db->getPrefix() . 'vm_product_type') !== false) {
                         if (stristr('0123456789', substr($name_table, -1))) {
                             $validq = true;
                             $name = str_ireplace($db->getPrefix(), '', $name_table);
                             $query->values($db->q('producttypenamesexport') . ',' . $db->q($name) . ',' . $db->q('mod_vm_cherry_picker') . ',0');
                             $query->values($db->q('producttypenamesimport') . ',' . $db->q($name) . ',' . $db->q('mod_vm_cherry_picker') . ',0');
                 if ($validq) {
         // Process all extra available fields
         $filename = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/install/availablefields/' . $component->value . '.sql';
         if (JFile::exists($filename)) {
             // Check if the component is installed
             $ext_id = false;
             $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select($db->qn('extension_id'))->from($db->qn('#__extensions'))->where($db->qn('element') . '=' . $db->q($component->value));
             $ext_id = $db->loadResult();
             if ($ext_id) {
                 $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql(JFile::read($filename));
                 foreach ($queries as $q) {
                     if ($db->query()) {
                         $result = true;
                     } else {
                         $result = false;
                 if ($result) {
                     $csvilog->AddStats('added', JText::sprintf('COM_CSVI_CUSTOM_AVAILABLE_FIELDS_HAVE_BEEN_ADDED', JText::_('COM_CSVI_' . $component->value)));
                 } else {
                     $csvilog->AddStats('error', JText::sprintf('COM_CSVI_CUSTOM_AVAILABLE_FIELDS_HAVE_NOT_BEEN_ADDED', JText::_('COM_CSVI_' . $component->value)));
         } else {
             $csvilog->AddStats('error', JText::sprintf('AVAILABLEFIELDS_EXTRA_NOT_FOUND', $filename));
     // Add the log the session
     $session->set($option . '.csvilog', serialize($csvilog));
Ejemplo n.º 16
 function runSQL($parent, $sqlfile)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     // Obviously you may have to change the path and name if your installation SQL file ;)
     if (method_exists($parent, 'extension_root')) {
         $sqlfile = $parent->getPath('extension_root') . '/admin/sql/' . sqlfile;
     } else {
         $sqlfile = $parent->getParent()->getPath('extension_root') . '/sql' . DS . $sqlfile;
     // Don't modify below this line
     $buffer = file_get_contents($sqlfile);
     if ($buffer !== false) {
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         if (count($queries) != 0) {
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                     if (!$db->execute()) {
                         JError::raiseWarning(1, JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)));
                         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Method to process the updates for an item
  * @param   SimpleXMLElement  $schema  The XML node to process
  * @param   integer           $eid     Extension Identifier
  * @return  boolean           Result of the operations
  * @since   11.1
 public function parseSchemaUpdates($schema, $eid)
     $files = array();
     $update_count = 0;
     // Ensure we have an XML element and a valid extension id
     if ($eid && $schema) {
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $schemapaths = $schema->children();
         if (count($schemapaths)) {
             $dbDriver = strtolower($db->name);
             if ($dbDriver == 'mysqli') {
                 $dbDriver = 'mysql';
             } elseif ($dbDriver == 'sqlsrv') {
                 $dbDriver = 'sqlazure';
             $schemapath = '';
             foreach ($schemapaths as $entry) {
                 $attrs = $entry->attributes();
                 if ($attrs['type'] == $dbDriver) {
                     $schemapath = $entry;
             if (strlen($schemapath)) {
                 $files = str_replace('.sql', '', JFolder::files($this->getPath('extension_root') . '/' . $schemapath, '\\.sql$'));
                 usort($files, 'version_compare');
                 if (!count($files)) {
                     return false;
                 $query = $db->getQuery(true);
                 $query->select('version_id')->from('#__schemas')->where('extension_id = ' . $eid);
                 $version = $db->loadResult();
                 if ($version) {
                     // We have a version!
                     foreach ($files as $file) {
                         if (version_compare($file, $version) > 0) {
                             $buffer = file_get_contents($this->getPath('extension_root') . '/' . $schemapath . '/' . $file . '.sql');
                             // Graceful exit and rollback if read not successful
                             if ($buffer === false) {
                                 JError::raiseWarning(1, JText::_('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_READBUFFER'));
                                 return false;
                             // Create an array of queries from the sql file
                             $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
                             if (count($queries) == 0) {
                                 // No queries to process
                             // Process each query in the $queries array (split out of sql file).
                             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                                 $query = trim($query);
                                 if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                                     if (!$db->execute()) {
                                         JError::raiseWarning(1, JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)));
                                         return false;
                 // Update the database
                 $query = $db->getQuery(true);
                 $query->delete()->from('#__schemas')->where('extension_id = ' . $eid);
                 if ($db->execute()) {
                     $query->columns(array($db->quoteName('extension_id'), $db->quoteName('version_id')));
                     $query->values($eid . ', ' . $db->quote(end($files)));
     return $update_count;
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Parse a sql file executing each sql statement found.
  * @author Max Milbers
 function execSQLFile($sqlfile)
     // Check that sql files exists before reading. Otherwise raise error for rollback
     if (!file_exists($sqlfile)) {
         vmError('No SQL file provided!');
         return false;
     if (!defined('VMLANG')) {
         $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_languages');
         $lang = $params->get('site', 'en-GB');
         //use default joomla
         $lang = strtolower(strtr($lang, '-', '_'));
     } else {
         $lang = VMLANG;
     // Create an array of queries from the sql file
     $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql(file_get_contents($sqlfile));
     if (count($queries) == 0) {
         vmError('SQL file has no queries!');
         return false;
     $ok = true;
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     // Process each query in the $queries array (split out of sql file).
     foreach ($queries as $query) {
         $query = trim($query);
         if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
             if (strpos($query, 'CREATE') !== false or strpos($query, 'INSERT INTO') !== false) {
                 $query = str_replace('XLANG', $lang, $query);
             if (!$db->query()) {
                 JError::raiseWarning(1, 'JInstaller::install: ' . $sqlfile . ' ' . JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_SQL_ERROR') . " " . $db->stderr(true));
                 $ok = false;
     return $ok;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Create the Profiles table
  * @return boolean
 public function createProfilesTable()
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $driver = strtolower($db->name);
     switch ($driver) {
         case 'mysqli':
             $driver = 'mysql';
         case 'sqlazure':
             $driver = 'sqlsrv';
     // speed up for mysql - most common
     if ($driver == 'mysql') {
         $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `#__wf_profiles` (\n\t        `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n\t        `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n\t        `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n\t        `users` text NOT NULL,\n\t        `types` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n\t        `components` text NOT NULL,\n\t        `area` tinyint(3) NOT NULL,\n\t        `rows` text NOT NULL,\n\t        `plugins` text NOT NULL,\n\t        `published` tinyint(3) NOT NULL,\n\t        `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL,\n\t        `checked_out` tinyint(3) NOT NULL,\n\t        `checked_out_time` datetime NOT NULL,\n\t        `params` text NOT NULL,\n\t        PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n\t        );";
         if ($db->query()) {
             return true;
         } else {
             $error = $db->stdErr();
         // sqlsrv
     } else {
         $file = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DS . 'sql' . DS . $driver . '.sql';
         $error = null;
         if (is_file($file)) {
             $buffer = file_get_contents($file);
             if ($buffer) {
                 $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
                 if (count($queries)) {
                     $query = $queries[0];
                     if ($query) {
                         if (!$db->query()) {
                             $mainframe->enqueueMessage(WFText::_('WF_INSTALL_TABLE_PROFILES_ERROR') . $db->stdErr(), 'error');
                             return false;
                         } else {
                             return true;
                     } else {
                         $error = 'NO SQL QUERY';
                 } else {
                     $error = 'NO SQL QUERIES';
             } else {
                 $error = 'SQL FILE EMPTY';
         } else {
             $error = 'SQL FILE MISSING';
     $mainframe->enqueueMessage(WFText::_('WF_INSTALL_TABLE_PROFILES_ERROR') . !is_null($error) ? ' - ' . $error : '', 'error');
     return false;
  * Method to extract the name of a discreet installation sql file from the installation manifest file.
  * @access	public
  * @param	object	$element 	The xml node to process
  * @param	string	$version	The database connector to use
  * @return	mixed	Number of queries processed or False on error
  * @since	1.5
 function parseSQLFiles($element)
     // Initialize variables
     $queries = array();
     $db =& $this->_db;
     $dbDriver = strtolower($db->get('name'));
     if ($dbDriver == 'mysqli') {
         $dbDriver = 'mysql';
     $dbCharset = $db->hasUTF() ? 'utf8' : '';
     if (!is_a($element, 'JSimpleXMLElement')) {
         // The tag does not exist.
         return 0;
     // Get the array of file nodes to process
     $files = $element->children();
     if (count($files) == 0) {
         // No files to process
         return 0;
     // Get the name of the sql file to process
     $sqlfile = '';
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $fCharset = strtolower($file->attributes('charset')) == 'utf8' ? 'utf8' : '';
         $fDriver = strtolower($file->attributes('driver'));
         if ($fDriver == 'mysqli') {
             $fDriver = 'mysql';
         if ($fCharset == $dbCharset && $fDriver == $dbDriver) {
             $sqlfile = $file->data();
             // Check that sql files exists before reading. Otherwise raise error for rollback
             if (!file_exists($this->getPath('extension_administrator') . DS . $sqlfile)) {
                 return false;
             $buffer = file_get_contents($this->getPath('extension_administrator') . DS . $sqlfile);
             // Graceful exit and rollback if read not successful
             if ($buffer === false) {
                 return false;
             // Create an array of queries from the sql file
             $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
             if (count($queries) == 0) {
                 // No queries to process
                 return 0;
             // Process each query in the $queries array (split out of sql file).
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                     if (!$db->query()) {
                         JError::raiseWarning(1, 'JInstaller::install: ' . JText::_('SQL Error') . " " . $db->stderr(true));
                         return false;
     return (int) count($queries);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 function postflight($type, $parent)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     // Force { CCK } Plugins + { CCK } Library to be published
     $db->setQuery('UPDATE #__extensions SET enabled = 1 WHERE element = "cck"');
     // Rename Menu Item
     $db->setQuery('UPDATE #__menu SET alias = "SEBLOD 3.x", path="SEBLOD 3.x" WHERE link = "index.php?option=com_cck"');
     // Re-build menu
     $query = 'SELECT id, level, lft, path FROM #__menu WHERE link = "index.php?option=com_cck"';
     $seblod = $db->loadObject();
     if ($seblod->id > 0) {
         $query = 'SELECT extension_id as id, element FROM #__extensions WHERE type = "component" AND element LIKE "com_cck_%" ORDER BY name';
         $addons = $db->loadObjectList();
         if (count($addons)) {
             JLoader::register('JTableMenu', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/joomla/database/table/menu.php');
             $titles = array('com_cck_builder' => 'Builder', 'com_cck_developer' => 'Developer', 'com_cck_ecommerce' => 'eCommerce', 'com_cck_exporter' => 'Exporter', 'com_cck_importer' => 'Importer', 'com_cck_manager' => 'Manager', 'com_cck_multilingual' => 'Multilingual', 'com_cck_packager' => 'Packager', 'com_cck_toolbox' => 'Toolbox', 'com_cck_updater' => 'Updater', 'com_cck_webservices' => 'WebServices');
             foreach ($addons as $addon) {
                 $addon->title = $titles[$addon->element];
                 self::_addAddon($addon, $seblod);
     // Reorder Plugins
     $i = 2;
     $ids = '';
     $query = 'SELECT extension_id FROM #__extensions WHERE type = "plugin" AND folder = "content" AND element != "cck" ORDER BY ordering';
     $plgs = $db->loadObjectList();
     $sql = 'UPDATE #__extensions SET ordering = CASE extension_id';
     foreach ($plgs as $p) {
         $ids .= $p->extension_id . ',';
         $sql .= ' WHEN ' . $p->extension_id . ' THEN ' . $i;
     $ids = substr($ids, 0, -1);
     $sql .= ' END WHERE extension_id IN (' . $ids . ')';
     $db->setQuery('UPDATE #__extensions SET ordering = 1 WHERE type = "plugin" AND folder = "content" AND element = "cck"');
     if ($type == 'install') {
         // Manage Modules
         $modules = array(0 => array('name' => 'mod_cck_menu', 'update' => 'title = "Admin Menu - SEBLOD", access = 3, published = 1, position = "menu", ordering = 2'), 1 => array('name' => 'mod_cck_quickadd', 'update' => 'title = "Quick Add - SEBLOD", access = 3, published = 1, position = "status", ordering = 0'), 2 => array('name' => 'mod_cck_quickicon', 'update' => 'title = "Quick Icons - SEBLOD", access = 3, published = 1, position = "icon", ordering = 2'), 3 => array('name' => 'mod_cck_breadcrumbs', 'update' => 'title = "Breadcrumbs - SEBLOD"'), 4 => array('name' => 'mod_cck_form', 'update' => 'title = "Form - SEBLOD"'), 5 => array('name' => 'mod_cck_list', 'update' => 'title = "List - SEBLOD"'), 6 => array('name' => 'mod_cck_search', 'update' => 'title = "Search - SEBLOD"'));
         foreach ($modules as $module) {
             $query = 'UPDATE #__modules SET ' . $module['update'] . ' WHERE module = "' . $module['name'] . '"';
             $query = 'SELECT id FROM #__modules WHERE module="' . $module['name'] . '"';
             $mid = $db->loadResult();
             $query = 'INSERT INTO #__modules_menu (moduleid, menuid) VALUES (' . $mid . ', 0)';
         // Publish Plugins
         $query = 'UPDATE #__extensions SET enabled = 1 WHERE folder LIKE "cck_%"';
         // Revert Version for Joomla! 2.5.x
         if (!JCck::on()) {
             $query = 'SELECT id FROM #__cck_core_types WHERE version = 2 ORDER BY id';
             $forms = $db->loadObjectList();
             if (count($forms)) {
                 require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_cck/helpers/helper_version.php';
                 foreach ($forms as $f) {
                     Helper_Version::revert('type', $f->id, '1');
         // Set Template Styles
         $query = 'SELECT id FROM #__template_styles WHERE template="seb_one" ORDER BY id';
         $style = $db->loadResult();
         $query = 'SELECT id FROM #__template_styles WHERE template="seb_blog" ORDER BY id';
         $style2 = $db->loadResult();
         $query = 'UPDATE #__cck_core_types SET template_admin = ' . $style . ', template_site = ' . $style . ', template_content = ' . $style . ', template_intro = ' . $style;
         $query = 'UPDATE #__cck_core_searchs SET template_search = ' . $style . ', template_filter = ' . $style . ', template_list = ' . $style2 . ', template_item = ' . $style;
         // Add Categories
         $categories = array(0 => array('title' => 'Users', 'published' => '1', 'access' => '2', 'language' => '*', 'parent_id' => 1, 'plg_name' => 'joomla_user'), 1 => array('title' => 'User Groups', 'published' => '1', 'access' => '2', 'language' => '*', 'parent_id' => 1, 'plg_name' => 'joomla_user_group'));
         JLoader::register('JTableCategory', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/joomla/database/table/category.php');
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             $table = JTable::getInstance('category');
             $table->access = 2;
             $table->setLocation(1, 'last-child');
             $rules = new JAccessRules('{"core.create":{"1":0},"core.delete":[],"core.edit":[],"core.edit.state":[],"core.edit.own":[]}');
             $table->extension = 'com_content';
             $table->path .= $table->alias;
             $table->language = '*';
             $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
             $dispatcher->trigger('onContentBeforeSave', array('', &$table, true));
             $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterSave', array('', &$table, true));
             $query = 'SELECT extension_id as id, params FROM #__extensions WHERE type="plugin" AND folder="cck_storage_location" AND element="' . $category['plg_name'] . '"';
             $plugin = $db->loadObject();
             $params = str_replace('"bridge_default-catid":"2"', '"bridge_default-catid":"' . $table->id . '"', $plugin->params);
             $query = 'UPDATE #__extensions SET params = "' . $db->escape($params) . '" WHERE extension_id = ' . (int) $plugin->id;
         // Init Default Author
         $res = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT id FROM #__users ORDER BY id ASC');
         $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_cck');
         $params->set('integration_user_default_author', (int) $res);
         $db->setQuery('UPDATE #__extensions SET params = "' . $db->escape($params) . '" WHERE name = "com_cck"');
         // Init ACL
         require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_cck/helpers/helper_admin.php';
         $pks = JCckDatabase::loadColumn('SELECT id FROM #__cck_core_folders ORDER BY lft');
         if (count($pks)) {
             $rules = '{"core.create":[],"core.delete":[],"core.delete.own":[],"core.edit":[],"core.edit.state":[],"core.edit.own":[]}';
             Helper_Admin::initACL(array('table' => 'folder', 'name' => 'folder', 'rules' => $rules), $pks);
         $pks = JCckDatabase::loadColumn('SELECT id FROM #__cck_core_types ORDER BY id');
         if (count($pks)) {
             $rules = '{"core.create":[],"core.create.max.parent":{"8":0},"core.create.max.parent.author":{"8":0},"core.create.max.author":{"8":0},' . '"core.delete":[],"core.delete.own":[],"core.edit":[],"core.edit.own":[]}';
             $rules2 = array(8 => '{"core.create":{"1":1,"2":0},"core.create.max.parent":{"8":0},"core.create.max.parent.author":{"8":0},"core.create.max.author":{"8":0},' . '"core.delete":[],"core.delete.own":[],"core.edit":{"4":0},"core.edit.own":{"2":1}}');
             Helper_Admin::initACL(array('table' => 'type', 'name' => 'form', 'rules' => $rules), $pks, $rules2);
     } else {
         $new = $app->cck_core_version;
         $old = $app->cck_core_version_old;
         $root = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_cck';
         require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . CCK_COM . '/helpers/helper_folder.php';
         // ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** //
         $versions = array(0 => '2.0.0', 1 => '2.0.0.RC2', 2 => '2.0.0.RC2-1', 3 => '2.0.0.RC2-2', 4 => '2.0.0.RC2-3', 5 => '2.0.0.RC3', 6 => '2.0.0.RC4', 7 => '2.0.0.GA', 8 => '2.0.5', 9 => '2.0.6', 10 => '2.0.7', 11 => '2.1.0', 12 => '2.1.5', 13 => '2.2.0', 14 => '2.2.5', 15 => '2.3.0', 16 => '2.3.1', 17 => '2.3.5', 18 => '2.3.6', 19 => '2.3.7', 20 => '2.3.8', 21 => '2.3.9', 22 => '', 23 => '2.4.5', 24 => '2.4.6', 25 => '2.4.7', 26 => '2.4.8', 27 => '', 28 => '2.4.9', 29 => '', 30 => '', 31 => '', 32 => '', 33 => '', 34 => '', 35 => '2.5.0', 36 => '2.5.1', 37 => '2.5.2', 38 => '2.6.0', 39 => '2.7.0', 40 => '2.8.0', 41 => '2.9.0', 42 => '3.0.0', 43 => '3.0.1', 44 => '3.0.2', 45 => '3.0.3', 46 => '3.0.4', 47 => '3.0.5', 48 => '3.1.0', 49 => '3.1.1', 50 => '3.1.2', 51 => '3.1.3', 52 => '3.1.4', 53 => '3.1.5', 54 => '3.2.0', 55 => '3.2.1', 56 => '3.2.2', 57 => '3.3.0', 58 => '3.3.1', 59 => '3.3.2', 60 => '3.3.3', 61 => '3.3.4', 62 => '3.3.5', 63 => '3.3.6', 64 => '3.3.7', 65 => '3.3.8', 66 => '3.4.0', 67 => '3.4.1', 68 => '3.4.2', 69 => '3.4.3', 70 => '3.5.0', 71 => '3.5.1', 72 => '3.6.0', 73 => '3.6.1', 74 => '3.6.2', 75 => '3.6.3', 76 => '3.6.4', 77 => '3.6.5', 78 => '3.7.0', 79 => '3.7.1', 80 => '3.7.2', 81 => '3.7.3', 82 => '3.7.4', 83 => '3.7.5', 82 => '3.8.0');
         // ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** //
         $i = array_search($old, $versions);
         $i2 = $i;
         $n = array_search($new, $versions);
         if ($i < 7) {
             // ONLY < 2.0 GA
             $prefix = JFactory::getConfig()->get('dbprefix');
             $tables = JCckDatabase::loadColumn('SHOW TABLES');
             if (count($tables)) {
                 foreach ($tables as $table) {
                     if (strpos($table, $prefix . 'cck_item_') !== false) {
                         $replace = str_replace($prefix . 'cck_item_', $prefix . 'cck_store_item_', $table);
                         if ($replace) {
                             JCckDatabase::doQuery('ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' RENAME ' . $replace);
                     } elseif (strpos($table, $prefix . 'cck_type_') !== false) {
                         $replace = str_replace($prefix . 'cck_type_', $prefix . 'cck_store_form_', $table);
                         if ($replace) {
                             JCckDatabase::doQuery('ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' RENAME ' . $replace);
             $fields = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT id, storage_table FROM #__cck_core_fields WHERE storage_table LIKE "#__cck_item_%"');
             if (count($fields)) {
                 foreach ($fields as $field) {
                     $replace = str_replace('#__cck_item_', '#__cck_store_item_', $field->storage_table);
                     JCckDatabase::doQuery('UPDATE #__cck_core_fields SET storage_table = "' . $replace . '" WHERE id = ' . (int) $field->id);
             $fields = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT id, storage_table FROM #__cck_core_fields WHERE storage_table LIKE "#__cck_type_%"');
             if (count($fields)) {
                 foreach ($fields as $field) {
                     $replace = str_replace('#__cck_type_', '#__cck_store_form_', $field->storage_table);
                     JCckDatabase::doQuery('UPDATE #__cck_core_fields SET storage_table = "' . $replace . '" WHERE id = ' . (int) $field->id);
             $fields = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT id, options2 FROM #__cck_core_fields WHERE type = "select_dynamic"');
             if (count($fields)) {
                 foreach ($fields as $field) {
                     $options2 = $field->options2;
                     if (strpos($options2, '#__cck_item_') !== false) {
                         $options2 = str_replace('#__cck_item_', '#__cck_store_item_', $options2);
                     if (strpos($options2, '#__cck_type_') !== false) {
                         $options2 = str_replace('#__cck_type_', '#__cck_store_form_', $options2);
                     if ($options2 != $field->options2) {
                         JCckDatabase::doQuery('UPDATE #__cck_core_fields SET options2 = "' . $db->escape($options2) . '" WHERE id = ' . (int) $field->id);
         if ($i < 23) {
             // ONLY < 2.4.5
             JCckDatabase::doQuery('ALTER TABLE #__cck_core_folders ADD path VARCHAR( 1024 ) NOT NULL AFTER parent_id;');
             require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . CCK_COM . '/helpers/helper_folder.php';
             $folders = JCckDatabase::loadColumn('SELECT id FROM #__cck_core_folders WHERE lft ORDER BY lft');
             foreach ($folders as $f) {
                 $path = Helper_Folder::getPath($f, '/');
                 JCckDatabase::doQuery('UPDATE #__cck_core_folders SET path = "' . $path . '" WHERE id = ' . (int) $f);
             if (JCckDatabase::doQuery('INSERT IGNORE #__cck_core_folders (id) VALUES (29)')) {
                 require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . CCK_COM . '/tables/folder.php';
                 $folder = JTable::getInstance('folder', 'CCK_Table');
                 $folder_data = array('parent_id' => 13, 'path' => 'joomla/user/profile', 'title' => 'Profile', 'name' => 'profile', 'color' => '#0090d1', 'introchar' => 'U.', 'colorchar' => '#ffffff', 'elements' => 'field', 'featured' => 0, 'published' => 1);
                 $rules = new JAccessRules('{"core.create":[],"core.delete":[],"core.edit":[],"core.edit.state":[],"core.edit.own":[]}');
         for ($i = $i + 1; $i <= $n; $i++) {
             $file = $root . '/install/upgrades/' . strtolower($versions[$i]) . '.sql';
             if (JFile::exists($file)) {
                 $buffer = file_get_contents($file);
                 $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
                 foreach ($queries as $query) {
                     $query = trim($query);
                     if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
         if ($i2 < 23) {
             // ONLY < 2.4.5
             $bool = true;
             $live = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT typeid, fieldid, client, live, live_value FROM #__cck_core_type_field WHERE live IN ("url_var_int","url_var_string","user_profile")');
             if (count($live)) {
                 foreach ($live as $l) {
                     if ($l->live == 'user_profile') {
                         $live_type = 'joomla_user';
                         $live_options = '{"content":"","property":"' . $l->live_value . '"}';
                     } elseif ($l->live == 'url_var_int') {
                         $live_type = 'url_variable';
                         $live_options = '{"variable":"' . $l->live_value . '","type":"int"}';
                     } elseif ($l->live == 'url_var_string') {
                         $live_type = 'url_variable';
                         $live_options = '{"variable":"' . $l->live_value . '","type":"string"}';
                     if (!JCckDatabase::doQuery('UPDATE #__cck_core_type_field SET live = "' . $live_type . '", live_options = "' . $db->escape($live_options) . '" WHERE typeid = ' . $l->typeid . ' AND fieldid = ' . $l->fieldid . ' AND client = "' . $l->client . '"')) {
                         $bool = false;
             $live = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT searchid, fieldid, client, live, live_value FROM #__cck_core_search_field WHERE live IN ("url_var_int","url_var_string","user_profile")');
             if (count($live)) {
                 foreach ($live as $l) {
                     if ($l->live == 'user_profile') {
                         $live_type = 'joomla_user';
                         $live_options = '{"content":"","property":"' . $l->live_value . '"}';
                     } elseif ($l->live == 'url_var_int') {
                         $live_type = 'url_variable';
                         $live_options = '{"variable":"' . $l->live_value . '","type":"int"}';
                     } elseif ($l->live == 'url_var_string') {
                         $live_type = 'url_variable';
                         $live_options = '{"variable":"' . $l->live_value . '","type":"string"}';
                     if (!JCckDatabase::doQuery('UPDATE #__cck_core_search_field SET live = "' . $live_type . '", live_options = "' . $db->escape($live_options) . '" WHERE searchid = ' . $l->searchid . ' AND fieldid = ' . $l->fieldid . ' AND client = "' . $l->client . '"')) {
                         $bool = false;
             if ($bool) {
                 JCckDatabase::doQuery('UPDATE #__extensions SET enabled = 0 WHERE element IN ("url_var_int","url_var_string","user_profile") AND folder = "cck_field_live"');
         if ($i2 < 25) {
             $table = JTable::getInstance('asset');
             if ($table->rules) {
                 $rules = (array) json_decode($table->rules);
                 $rules['core.delete.own'] = array(6 => "1");
                 $table->rules = json_encode($rules);
         if ($i2 < 31) {
             $src = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_cck/install/src/tmp/joomla_message';
             if (JFolder::exists($src)) {
                 JFolder::copy($src, JPATH_SITE . '/plugins/cck_storage_location/joomla_message', '', true);
         if ($i2 < 33) {
             $folders = array(10, 11, 12, 13, 14);
             foreach ($folders as $folder) {
         if ($i2 < 35) {
             $objects = array('joomla_article' => 'article', 'joomla_category' => 'category', 'joomla_user' => 'user', 'joomla_user_group' => 'user_group');
             foreach ($objects as $k => $v) {
                 $params = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT options FROM #__cck_core_objects WHERE name = "' . $k . '"');
                 $params = json_decode($params);
                 $params->default_type = JCck::getConfig_Param('integration_' . $v, '');
                 $params->add_redirect = $params->default_type != '' ? '1' : '0';
                 $params->edit = JCck::getConfig_Param('integration_' . $v . '_edit', '0');
                 if ($k == 'joomla_category') {
                     $params->exclude = JCck::getConfig_Param('integration_' . $v . '_exclude', '');
                 JCckDatabase::doQuery('UPDATE #__cck_core_objects SET options = "' . $db->escape(json_encode($params)) . '" WHERE name = "' . $k . '"');
         if ($i2 < 45) {
             $table = '#__cck_store_item_users';
             $columns = $db->getTableColumns($table);
             if (isset($columns['password2'])) {
                 JCckDatabase::doQuery('ALTER TABLE ' . JCckDatabase::quoteName($table) . ' DROP ' . JCckDatabase::quoteName('password2'));
         if ($i2 < 66) {
             $path = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_cck/download.php';
             if (JFile::exists($path)) {
         if ($i2 < 70) {
             $plg_image = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('cck_field', 'upload_image');
             $plg_params = new JRegistry($plg_image->params);
             $com_cck = JComponentHelper::getComponent('com_cck');
             $com_cck->params->set('media_quality_jpeg', $plg_params->get('quality_jpeg', '90'));
             $com_cck->params->set('media_quality_png', $plg_params->get('quality_png', '3'));
             JCckDatabase::doQuery('UPDATE #__extensions SET params = "' . $db->escape($com_cck->params->toString()) . '" WHERE type = "component" AND element = "com_cck"');
         // Folder Tree
         Helper_Folder::rebuildTree(2, 1);
     // Overrides
     $path = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_cck/install/src';
     if (JFolder::exists($path)) {
         $folders = JFolder::folders($path, '^joomla');
         $folders = array_reverse($folders);
         $count = count($folders);
         foreach ($folders as $folder) {
             $version = str_replace('joomla', '', $folder);
             if (version_compare(JVERSION, $version, 'lt')) {
                 $path .= '/' . $folder;
                 $len = strlen($path);
                 $items = JFolder::files($path, '.', true, true, array('index.html'));
                 if (count($items)) {
                     foreach ($items as $item) {
                         $dest = JPATH_SITE . substr($item, $len);
                         JFile::copy($item, $dest);
     // Tmp
     $path = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_cck/install/src/tmp';
     if (JFolder::exists($path)) {
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public function distro_sql()
     // Distro sql files
     $sqlfile = JRequest::getString('path', '', 'post');
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $result->result = false;
     $buffer = file_get_contents(base64_decode($sqlfile));
     if ($buffer === false) {
         $result->message = JText::_('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_READBUFFER');
         return $result;
     $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
     if (count($queries) == 0) {
         // No queries to process
         $result->message = JText::_('COM_INSTALLER_SQL_FAILED');
         return $result;
     // Process each query in the $queries array (split out of sql file).
     foreach ($queries as $query) {
         $query = trim($query);
         if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
             if (!$db->query()) {
                 $result->message = JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true));
                 return $result;
     $result->result = true;
     $result->message = JText::_('COM_INSTALLER_SQL_RAN');
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Method to install template
  * @param string    $sql
 public function installTplFiles(&$sql, $step)
     echo '<h4>' . JText::_('COM_BWPOSTMAN_TPL_INSTALL_TABLE_' . $step) . '</h4>';
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $tempPath = JFactory::getConfig()->get('tmp_path');
     $extractdir = $tempPath . '/tmp_bwpostman_installtpl/';
     //we call sql file for the templates data
     $buffer = file_get_contents($extractdir . $sql);
     // Graceful exit and rollback if read not successful
     if ($buffer) {
         // Create an array of queries from the sql file
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         // No queries to process
         if (count($queries) != 0) {
             // Process each query in the $queries array (split out of sql file).
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                     if (!$db->query()) {
                         echo '<p class="bw_tablecheck_error">' . JText::_('COM_BWPOSTMAN_TPL_INSTALL_TABLE_ERROR') . '</p>';
                         return false;
     } else {
         echo '<p class="bw_tablecheck_error">' . JText::_('COM_BWPOSTMAN_TPL_INSTALL_TABLE_ERROR') . '</p>';
         return false;
     echo '<p class="bw_tablecheck_ok">' . JText::_('COM_BWPOSTMAN_TPL_INSTALL_TABLE_' . $step . '_OK') . '</p>';
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public function synchronizeDatabase()
     $version = $this->input->getString('version');
     // Explicitly check for 1.0.0 since it is a flag to execute table creation
     if ($version === '1.0.0') {
         $path = EBLOG_ADMIN_ROOT . '/queries';
         if (!JFolder::exists($path)) {
             return $this->ajax->resolve();
         $files = JFolder::files($path, '.sql$', true, true);
         $result = array();
         $db = EB::db();
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $contents = JFile::read($file);
             $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($contents);
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if (!empty($query)) {
         return $this->ajax->resolve();
     $path = EBLOG_ADMIN_UPDATES . '/' . $version;
     $files = JFolder::files($path, '.json$', true, true);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $contents = json_decode(JFile::read($file));
         if (!is_array($contents)) {
             // @TODO: Error handling
         $result = array_merge($result, $contents);
     $tables = array();
     $indexes = array();
     $affected = 0;
     $db = EB::db();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $columnExist = true;
         $indexExist = true;
         if (isset($row->column)) {
             // Store the list of tables that needs to be queried
             if (!isset($tables[$row->table])) {
                 $tables[$row->table] = $db->getTableColumns($row->table);
             // Check if the column is in the fields or not
             $columnExist = in_array($row->column, $tables[$row->table]);
         if (isset($row->index)) {
             if (!isset($indexes[$row->table])) {
                 $indexes[$row->table] = $db->getTableIndexes($row->table);
             $indexExist = in_array($row->index, $indexes[$row->table]);
         if (!$columnExist || !$indexExist) {
             try {
             } catch (Exception $e) {
             $affected += 1;
     return $this->ajax->resolve();
Ejemplo n.º 25
 function update($parent)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $dbserver = 'sqlsrv';
     switch (strtolower($db->name)) {
         case 'mysql':
         case 'mysqli':
             $dbserver = 'mysql';
         case 'postgresql':
             $dbserver = 'postgres';
     if (method_exists($parent, 'extension_root')) {
         $sqlfile = $parent->getPath('extension_root') . DS . 'sql' . DS . $dbserver . '.sql';
     } else {
         $sqlfile = $parent->getParent()->getPath('extension_root') . DS . 'sql' . DS . $dbserver . '.sql';
     // Don't modify below this line
     $buffer = file_get_contents($sqlfile);
     if ($buffer !== false) {
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         if (count($queries) != 0) {
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                     if (!$db->query()) {
                         if (!class_exists('ARKHelper')) {
                             require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helper.php';
                         ARKHelper::error(JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)));
                         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 function createDefaultTable()
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $buffer = file_get_contents(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_community/install.mysql.utf8.sql');
     $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
     if (count($queries) != 0) {
         // Process each query in the $queries array (split out of sql file).
         foreach ($queries as $query) {
             $query = trim($query);
             if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                 if (!$db->query()) {
                     return $db->getErrorNum() . ':' . $db->getErrorMsg();
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Let's say that a user tries to install a component and it somehow fails
  * in a non-graceful manner, e.g. a server timeout error, going over the
  * quota etc. In this case the component's administrator directory is
  * created and not removed (because the installer died an untimely death).
  * When the user retries installing the component JInstaller sees that and
  * thinks it's an update. This causes it to neither run the installation SQL
  * file (because it's not supposed to run on extension update) nor the
  * update files (because there is no schema version defined). As a result
  * the files are installed, the database tables are not, the component is
  * broken and I have to explain to non-technical users how to edit their
  * database with phpMyAdmin.
  * This method detects this stupid situation and attempts to execute the
  * installation file instead.
  * @param   string      $extension  Extension name
  * @param   JInstaller  $parent     Installer object
  * @return void
 public static function fixBrokenSQLUpdates($extension, $parent)
     // Get the extension ID
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->select('extension_id')->from('#__extensions')->where($db->qn('element') . ' = ' . $db->q($extension));
     $eid = $db->loadResult();
     // Get the schema version
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->select('version_id')->from('#__schemas')->where('extension_id = ' . $eid);
     $version = $db->loadResult();
     // If there is a schema version it's not a false update
     if ($version) {
     // Execute the installation SQL file. Since I don't have access to
     // the manifest, I will improvise (again!)
     $dbDriver = strtolower($db->name);
     if ($dbDriver == 'mysqli') {
         $dbDriver = 'mysql';
     } elseif ($dbDriver == 'sqlsrv') {
         $dbDriver = 'sqlazure';
     // Get the name of the sql file to process
     $sqlfile = $parent->getParent()->getPath('extension_root') . '/' . BABIOON_INSTALL_SUBDIR . $dbDriver . '/install.sql';
     if (file_exists($sqlfile)) {
         $buffer = file_get_contents($sqlfile);
         if ($buffer === false) {
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         if (count($queries) == 0) {
             // No queries to process
         // Process each query in the $queries array (split out of sql file).
         foreach ($queries as $query) {
             $query = trim($query);
             if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                 if (!$db->execute()) {
                     JError::raiseWarning(1, JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)));
                     return false;
     // Update #__schemas to the latest version. Again, since I don't have
     // access to the manifest I have to improvise...
     $path = $parent->getParent()->getPath('extension_root') . '/' . BABIOON_INSTALL_SUBDIR . 'updates/' . $dbDriver;
     $files = str_replace('.sql', '', JFolder::files($path, '\\.sql$'));
     if (count($files) > 0) {
         usort($files, 'version_compare');
         $version = array_pop($files);
     } else {
         $version = '0.0.1-2007-08-15';
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->columns(array($db->quoteName('extension_id'), $db->quoteName('version_id')));
     $query->values($eid . ', ' . $db->quote($version));
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * Enter description here ...
  * @return return_type
 function runInstallSQL()
     $return = null;
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $sqlfile = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $this->thisextension . '/install/install.sql';
     if (!file_exists($sqlfile)) {
     $buffer = file_get_contents($sqlfile);
     if ($buffer !== false) {
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         if (count($queries) != 0) {
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                     if (!$db->query()) {
                         JError::raiseWarning(1, JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)));
                         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Drops and recreates all ZOO database table indexes.
  * @since 2.0
 public function refreshDBTableIndexes()
     // sanatize table indexes
     if ($this->app->path->path('component.admin:installation/index.sql')) {
         $db = $this->app->database;
         // read index.sql
         $buffer = JFile::read($this->app->path->path('component.admin:installation/index.sql'));
         // Create an array of queries from the sql file
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         if (!empty($queries)) {
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 // replace table prefixes
                 $query = $db->replacePrefix($query);
                 // parse table name
                 preg_match('/ALTER\\s*TABLE\\s*`(.*)`/i', $query, $result);
                 if (count($result) < 2) {
                 $table = $result[1];
                 // check if table exists
                 if (!$db->queryResult('SHOW TABLES LIKE ' . $db->Quote($table))) {
                 // get existing indexes
                 $indexes = $db->queryObjectList('SHOW INDEX FROM ' . $table);
                 // drop existing indexes
                 $removed = array();
                 foreach ($indexes as $index) {
                     if (in_array($index->Key_name, $removed)) {
                     if ($index->Key_name != 'PRIMARY') {
                         $db->query('DROP INDEX ' . $index->Key_name . ' ON ' . $table);
                         $removed[] = $index->Key_name;
                 // add new indexes
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Joomla modified function from installer.php file of /libraries/joomla/installer.php
  * Method to extract the name of a discreet installation sql file from the installation manifest file.
  * @access	public
  * @param	string  $file 	 The SQL file
  * @param	string	$version	The database connector to use
  * @return	mixed	Number of queries processed or False on error
  * @since	1.5
 function parseSQLFile($file)
     // Initialize variables
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         die('File does not exists ' . $file);
     $queries = array();
     $dbj =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $class = get_class($dbj);
     $class = strtolower($class);
     if (stripos($class, 'mysql') !== false) {
         $dbjDriver = 'mysql';
     $dbjCharset = $dbj->hasUTF() ? 'utf8' : '';
     // Get the array of file nodes to process
     // Get the name of the sql file to process
     $sqlfile = '';
     // we will set a default charset of file to utf8 and mysql driver
     $fCharset = 'utf8';
     //(strtolower($file->attributes('charset')) == 'utf8') ? 'utf8' : '';
     $fDriver = 'mysql';
     // strtolower($file->attributes('driver'));
     if ($fCharset == $dbjCharset && $fDriver == $dbjDriver) {
         $sqlfile = $file;
         // Check that sql files exists before reading. Otherwise raise error for rollback
         $buffer = file_get_contents($file);
         // Graceful exit and rollback if read not successful
         if ($buffer === false) {
             return false;
         // Create an array of queries from the sql file
         $queries = JInstallerHelper::splitSql($buffer);
         if (count($queries) == 0) {
             // No queries to process
             return 0;
         // Process each query in the $queries array (split out of sql file).
         foreach ($queries as $query) {
             $query = trim($query);
             if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                 if (!$dbj->query()) {
                     JError::raiseWarning(1, 'JInstaller::install: ' . JText::_('SQL Error') . " " . $dbj->stderr(true));
                     return false;
     return (int) count($queries);