Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function previewListing($id)
     // init model
     $ibm = new ItemBuilderModel();
     $account_id = WPLE_ListingQueryHelper::getAccountID($id);
     $account = WPLE_eBayAccount::getAccount($account_id);
     $item = $ibm->buildItem($id, $this->EC->session, false, true);
     // if ( ! $ibm->checkItem($item) ) return $ibm->result;
     // $preview_html = $ibm->getFinalHTML( $id, $item, true );
     $preview_html = $item->Description;
     // echo $preview_html;
     // set condition name
     $item->ConditionName = $this->getConditionDisplayName($item->getConditionID());
     $aData = array('item' => $item, 'site_id' => $account ? $account->site_id : false, 'check_result' => $ibm->result, 'preview_html' => $preview_html);
     header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
     $this->display('listings_preview', $aData);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function processItem($item, $ItemObj = false, $preview = false)
     $ibm = new ItemBuilderModel();
     // let other plugin know we are doing an eBay listing
     if (!defined('WPL_EBAY_LISTING')) {
         define('WPL_EBAY_LISTING', true);
     // let other plugin know we are doing an eBay listing
     if ($preview && !defined('WPL_EBAY_PREVIEW')) {
         define('WPL_EBAY_PREVIEW', true);
     // load template content
     $tpl_html = $this->getContent();
     // handle errors
     if (!$tpl_html) {
         WPLE()->logger->error('template not found ' . $item['template']);
         WPLE()->logger->error('should be here: ' . WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/uploads/wp-lister/templates/' . $item['template']);
         $this->showMessage('There was a problem processing your listing template', 1, 1);
         return '';
         // echo 'Template not found: '.$item['template'];
         // die();
     // WPLE()->logger->debug( 'template loaded from ' . $tpl_path );
     // WPLE()->logger->info( $tpl_html );
     // TODO: check if $item['post_id'] point to a valid product. Could have been deleted...
     // custom template hook
     $tpl_html = apply_filters('wplister_before_process_template_html', $tpl_html, $item);
     // replace shortcodes
     $tpl_html = str_replace('[[product_title]]', $ibm->prepareTitleAsHTML($item['auction_title']), $tpl_html);
     // process simple text shortcodes (used for title as well)
     $tpl_html = $this->processAllTextShortcodes($item['post_id'], $tpl_html, false, $ItemObj);
     // process custom fields
     $tpl_html = $this->processCustomFields($tpl_html);
     // process embedded code
     $tpl_html = $this->processEmbeddedCode($tpl_html);
     // process ajax galleries
     $tpl_html = $this->processGalleryShortcodes($item['id'], $tpl_html);
     // process item shortcodes
     $tpl_html = $this->processEbayItemShortcodes($item, $ItemObj, $tpl_html);
     // handle images...
     $main_image = $ibm->getProductMainImageURL($item['post_id']);
     $images = $ibm->getProductImagesURL($item['post_id']);
     WPLE()->logger->debug('images found ' . print_r($images, 1));
     // [[product_main_image]]
     $the_main_image = '<img class="wpl_product_image" src="' . $main_image . '" alt="main product image" />';
     $tpl_html = str_replace('[[product_main_image]]', $the_main_image, $tpl_html);
     // [[product_main_image_url]]
     $tpl_html = str_replace('[[product_main_image_url]]', $main_image, $tpl_html);
     // handle [[add_img_1]] to [[add_img_12]]
     // and [[add_img_url_1]] to [[add_img_url_12]]
     for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
         if (isset($images[$i])) {
             $img_url = $images[$i];
             $img_tag = '<img class="wpl_additional_product_image img_' . ($i + 1) . '" src="' . $img_url . '" />';
         } else {
             $img_url = '';
             $img_tag = '';
         $tpl_html = str_replace('[[img_' . ($i + 1) . ']]', $img_tag, $tpl_html);
         $tpl_html = str_replace('[[img_url_' . ($i + 1) . ']]', $img_url, $tpl_html);
     // handle all additional images
     // [[additional_product_images]]
     $imagelist = $this->processThumbnailsShortcode($images, $item);
     $tpl_html = str_replace('[[additional_product_images]]', $imagelist, $tpl_html);
     // process wp shortcodes in listing template - if enabled
     if ('full' == get_option('wplister_process_shortcodes', 'content')) {
         $tpl_html = do_shortcode($tpl_html);
     // custom template hook
     $tpl_html = apply_filters('wplister_process_template_html', $tpl_html, $item, $images);
     // return html
     return $tpl_html;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function previewTemplate($template_id, $listing_id = false)
     // init model
     $ibm = new ItemBuilderModel();
     $preview_html = $ibm->getPreviewHTML($template_id, $listing_id);
     echo $preview_html;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function verifyAddItem($id, $session)
     // skip this item if item status not allowed
     $allowed_statuses = array('prepared', 'verified');
     if (!$this->itemHasAllowedStatus($id, $allowed_statuses)) {
         return $this->result;
     // build item
     $ibm = new ItemBuilderModel();
     $item = $ibm->buildItem($id, $session);
     if (!$ibm->checkItem($item)) {
         return $ibm->result;
     // eBay Motors (beta)
     if ($item->Site == 'eBayMotors') {
     // preparation - set up new ServiceProxy with given session
     // switch to FixedPriceItem if product has variations
     $listing_item = self::getItem($id);
     // $useFixedPriceItem = ( ProductWrapper::hasVariations( $listing_item['post_id'] ) ) ? true : false;
     // $useFixedPriceItem = ( 'FixedPriceItem' == $listing_item['auction_type'] ) ? true : false;
     WPLE()->logger->info("Verifying #{$id}: " . $item->Title);
     if (self::listingUsesFixedPriceItem($listing_item)) {
         $req = new VerifyAddFixedPriceItemRequestType();
         WPLE()->logger->debug("Request: " . print_r($req, 1));
         $res = $this->_cs->VerifyAddFixedPriceItem($req);
     } else {
         $req = new VerifyAddItemRequestType();
         WPLE()->logger->debug("Request: " . print_r($req, 1));
         $res = $this->_cs->VerifyAddItem($req);
     // handle response and check if successful
     if ($this->handleResponse($res)) {
         // save listing fees to db
         $listingFee = self::getListingFeeFromResponse($res);
         // $data['ebay_id'] = $res->ItemID;
         $data['fees'] = $listingFee;
         $data['status'] = 'verified';
         self::updateListing($id, $data);
         WPLE()->logger->info("Item #{$id} verified with ebay, getAck(): " . $res->getAck());
     // call successful
     self::processErrorsAndWarnings($id, $this->result);
     return $this->result;
 public function previewListing($id)
     // init model
     $ibm = new ItemBuilderModel();
     $preview_html = $ibm->getFinalHTML($id);
     echo $preview_html;