Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function OnMetaModelStarted()
     try {
         $oBackupMutex = new iTopMutex('backup.' . utils::GetCurrentEnvironment());
         if ($oBackupMutex->TryLock()) {
         } else {
             // Not needed: the DB dump is done in a single transaction
             //MetaModel::GetConfig()->Set('access_mode', ACCESS_READONLY, 'itop-backup');
             //MetaModel::GetConfig()->Set('access_message', ' - '.dict::S('bkp-backup-running'), 'itop-backup');
         $oRestoreMutex = new iTopMutex('restore.' . utils::GetCurrentEnvironment());
         if ($oRestoreMutex->TryLock()) {
         } else {
             IssueLog::Info(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ' A user is trying to use iTop while a restore is running. The requested page is in read-only mode.');
             MetaModel::GetConfig()->Set('access_mode', ACCESS_READONLY, 'itop-backup');
             MetaModel::GetConfig()->Set('access_message', ' - ' . dict::S('bkp-restore-running'), 'itop-backup');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         IssueLog::Error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ' Failed to check if a backup/restore is running: ' . $e->getMessage());
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @return boolean True if the task record can be deleted
 public function Process()
     // By default: consider that the task is not completed
     $bRet = false;
     // Attempt to take the ownership
     $iStatus = $this->MarkAsRunning();
     if ($iStatus == self::OK) {
         try {
             $sStatus = $this->DoProcess();
             if ($this->Get('event_id') != 0) {
                 $oEventLog = MetaModel::GetObject('Event', $this->Get('event_id'));
                 $oEventLog->Set('message', $sStatus);
             $bRet = true;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $iRemaining = $this->Get('remaining_retries');
             if ($iRemaining > 0) {
                 $iRetryDelay = $this->GetRetryDelay();
                 IssueLog::Info('Failed to process async task #' . $this->GetKey() . ' - reason: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' - remaining retries: ' . $iRemaining . ' - next retry in ' . $iRetryDelay . 's');
                 $this->Set('remaining_retries', $iRemaining - 1);
                 $this->Set('status', 'planned');
                 $this->Set('started', null);
                 $this->Set('planned', time() + $iRetryDelay);
             } else {
                 IssueLog::Error('Failed to process async task #' . $this->GetKey() . ' - reason: ' . $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         // Already done or being handled by another process... skip...
         $bRet = false;
     return $bRet;
Ejemplo n.º 3
            case 'xml':
                $oObj = MetaModel::GetObject($sClass, $id, true);
                // Build the root XML part
                $oXmlDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
                $oXmlRoot = $oXmlDoc->CreateElement('root');
                $oXmlNode = $oXmlDoc->CreateElement('node');
                $oXmlNode->SetAttribute('id', $oObj->GetKey());
                $oXmlNode->SetAttribute('obj_class', get_class($oObj));
                $oXmlNode->SetAttribute('obj_class_name', htmlspecialchars(MetaModel::GetName(get_class($oObj))));
                $oXmlNode->SetAttribute('name', htmlspecialchars($oObj->GetRawName()));
                $oXmlNode->SetAttribute('icon', BuildIconPath($oObj->GetIcon(false)));
                // Hard coded for the moment
                AddNodeDetails($oXmlNode, $oObj);
                $oLinks = $oXmlDoc->CreateElement("links");
                $oXmlRoot->SetAttribute('position', 'left');
                $oXmlRoot->SetAttribute('title', MetaModel::GetRelationDescription($sRelation) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($oObj->GetRawName()));
                IssueLog::Info(__FUNCTION__ . " Rel: {$sRelation}");
                GetRelatedObjectsAsXml($oObj, $sRelation, $oLinks, $oXmlDoc, $oXmlNode, 0, $aExcludedClasses);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @param hash $aOrderBy Array of '[<classalias>.]attcode' => bAscending
 public function MakeSelectQuery($aOrderBy = array(), $aArgs = array(), $aAttToLoad = null, $aExtendedDataSpec = null, $iLimitCount = 0, $iLimitStart = 0, $bGetCount = false)
     // Check the order by specification, and prefix with the class alias
     // and make sure that the ordering columns are going to be selected
     $sClass = $this->GetClass();
     $sClassAlias = $this->GetClassAlias();
     $aOrderSpec = array();
     foreach ($aOrderBy as $sFieldAlias => $bAscending) {
         if (!is_bool($bAscending)) {
             throw new CoreException("Wrong direction in ORDER BY spec, found '{$bAscending}' and expecting a boolean value");
         $iDotPos = strpos($sFieldAlias, '.');
         if ($iDotPos === false) {
             $sAttClass = $sClass;
             $sAttClassAlias = $sClassAlias;
             $sAttCode = $sFieldAlias;
         } else {
             $sAttClassAlias = substr($sFieldAlias, 0, $iDotPos);
             $sAttClass = $this->GetClassName($sAttClassAlias);
             $sAttCode = substr($sFieldAlias, $iDotPos + 1);
         if ($sAttCode != 'id') {
             MyHelpers::CheckValueInArray('field name in ORDER BY spec', $sAttCode, MetaModel::GetAttributesList($sAttClass));
             $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($sAttClass, $sAttCode);
             foreach ($oAttDef->GetOrderBySQLExpressions($sAttClassAlias) as $sSQLExpression) {
                 $aOrderSpec[$sSQLExpression] = $bAscending;
         } else {
             $aOrderSpec['`' . $sAttClassAlias . $sAttCode . '`'] = $bAscending;
         // Make sure that the columns used for sorting are present in the loaded columns
         if (!is_null($aAttToLoad) && !isset($aAttToLoad[$sAttClassAlias][$sAttCode])) {
             $aAttToLoad[$sAttClassAlias][$sAttCode] = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($sAttClass, $sAttCode);
     $oSQLQuery = $this->GetSQLQuery($aOrderBy, $aArgs, $aAttToLoad, $aExtendedDataSpec, $iLimitCount, $iLimitStart, $bGetCount);
     $aScalarArgs = array_merge(MetaModel::PrepareQueryArguments($aArgs), $this->GetInternalParams());
     try {
         $bBeautifulSQL = self::$m_bTraceQueries || self::$m_bDebugQuery || self::$m_bIndentQueries;
         $sRes = $oSQLQuery->RenderSelect($aOrderSpec, $aScalarArgs, $iLimitCount, $iLimitStart, $bGetCount, $bBeautifulSQL);
         if ($sClassAlias == '_itop_') {
             IssueLog::Info('SQL Query (_itop_): ' . $sRes);
     } catch (MissingQueryArgument $e) {
         // Add some information...
         $e->addInfo('OQL', $this->ToOQL());
         throw $e;
     $this->AddQueryTraceSelect($aOrderBy, $aArgs, $aAttToLoad, $aExtendedDataSpec, $iLimitCount, $iLimitStart, $bGetCount, $sRes);
     return $sRes;
Ejemplo n.º 5
                 throw new Exception("Error: missing token file: '{$sTokenFile}'");
             $sFile = file_get_contents($sTokenFile);
             $sMySQLBinDir = utils::ReadParam('mysql_bindir', '', false, 'raw_data');
             $sDBHost = utils::ReadParam('db_host', '', false, 'raw_data');
             $sDBUser = utils::ReadParam('db_user', '', false, 'raw_data');
             $sDBPwd = utils::ReadParam('db_pwd', '', false, 'raw_data');
             $sDBName = utils::ReadParam('db_name', '', false, 'raw_data');
             $sDBSubName = utils::ReadParam('db_subname', '', false, 'raw_data');
             $oDBRS = new DBRestore($sDBHost, $sDBUser, $sDBPwd, $sDBName, $sDBSubName);
             $sBackupDir = APPROOT . 'data/backups/';
             $sBackupFile = $sBackupDir . $sFile;
             $sRes = $oDBRS->RestoreFromZip($sBackupFile, $sEnvironment);
             IssueLog::Info('Backup Restore - Done, releasing the LOCK');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $oPage->p('Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
 case 'download':
     require_once APPROOT . '/application/startup.inc.php';
     require_once APPROOT . '/application/loginwebpage.class.inc.php';
     // Check user rights and prompt if needed (must be admin)
     if (utils::GetConfig()->Get('demo_mode')) {
         throw new Exception('iTop is in demonstration mode: the feature is disabled');
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Overridable to extend the behavior in case of error (logging)
 protected function HandleError($sErrorMessage, $iErrorCode)
     if ($this->Get('last_attempt') == '') {
         // First attempt
         $this->Set('remaining_retries', $this->GetMaxRetries($iErrorCode));
     $this->Set('last_error', $sErrorMessage);
     $this->Set('last_error_code', $iErrorCode);
     // Note: can be ZERO !!!
     $this->Set('last_attempt', time());
     $iRemaining = $this->Get('remaining_retries');
     if ($iRemaining > 0) {
         $iRetryDelay = $this->GetRetryDelay($iErrorCode);
         IssueLog::Info('Failed to process async task #' . $this->GetKey() . ' - reason: ' . $sErrorMessage . ' - remaining retries: ' . $iRemaining . ' - next retry in ' . $iRetryDelay . 's');
         $this->Set('remaining_retries', $iRemaining - 1);
         $this->Set('status', 'planned');
         $this->Set('started', null);
         $this->Set('planned', time() + $iRetryDelay);
     } else {
         IssueLog::Error('Failed to process async task #' . $this->GetKey() . ' - reason: ' . $sErrorMessage);
         $this->Set('status', 'error');
         $this->Set('started', null);
         $this->Set('planned', null);