Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Generate gallery and return it as HTML string
  * @param string
  * @param integer
  * @param boolean
  * @return string
 public function generateGallery($strType = 'gallery', $intSkip = 0, $blnForce = false)
     // Do not render gallery if there are no additional image
     $total = count($this->arrFiles);
     if (($total == 1 || $total <= $intSkip) && !$blnForce) {
         return $this->generateAttribute($this->name . '_gallery', ' ', $strType);
     $strGallery = '';
     foreach ($this->arrFiles as $i => $arrFile) {
         if ($i < $intSkip) {
         $objTemplate = new IsotopeTemplate($this->strTemplate);
         $objTemplate->id = $i;
         $objTemplate->mode = 'gallery';
         $objTemplate->type = $strType;
         $objTemplate->name = $this->name;
         $objTemplate->product_id = $this->product_id;
         $objTemplate->href_reader = $this->href_reader;
         list($objTemplate->link, $objTemplate->rel) = explode('|', $arrFile['link']);
         if ($i == 0) {
             $objTemplate->class = 'active';
         $strGallery .= $objTemplate->parse();
     return $this->generateAttribute($this->name . '_gallery', $strGallery, $strType);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Generate gallery and return it as HTML string
  * @param string
  * @param integer
  * @return string
 public function generateGallery($strType = 'gallery', $intSkip = 1)
     $strGallery = '';
     foreach ($this->arrFiles as $i => $arrFile) {
         if ($i < $intSkip) {
         $objTemplate = new IsotopeTemplate($this->strTemplate);
         $objTemplate->id = $i;
         $objTemplate->mode = 'gallery';
         $objTemplate->type = $strType;
         $objTemplate->name = $this->name;
         $objTemplate->product_id = $this->product_id;
         $objTemplate->href_reader = $this->href_reader;
         list($objTemplate->link, $objTemplate->rel) = explode('|', $arrFile['link']);
         $strGallery .= $objTemplate->parse();
     return $this->generateAttribute($this->name . '_gallery', $strGallery, $strType);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Button Callback for the MultipleShipping backend interface for label generation
  * @access public
  * @param int
  * @return string
 public function backendInterfaceMultiple($intOrderId, $intPackageId = 0)
     $objOrder = IsotopeOrder::findByPk($intOrderId);
     $strFormId = 'fedex_backend_interface';
     //Check for valid order
     if ($objOrder === null) {
         \System::log('Invalid order id.', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
     //Get the order's products
     $arrProducts = array();
     $arrItems = (array) $objOrder->getItems();
     foreach ($arrItems as $objItem) {
         $arrProducts[] = $objItem->getProduct();
     //Get the package data
     $objPackage = \Database::getInstance()->execute("SELECT * FROM tl_iso_packages WHERE id={$intPackageId}");
     if (!$objPackage->numRows) {
         return '<p class="tl_gerror">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ISO']['backendShippingNotFound'] . '</p>';
     //Build the initial compiled package data array
     $arrPackage = array('id' => $objPackage->id, 'address' => deserialize($objPackage->order_address, true), 'formattedaddress' => $objOrder->getShippingAddress()->generateText(), 'status' => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ISO']['multipleshipping'][$objPackage->status], 'formid' => $strFormId . '_' . $objPackage->id);
     //Check for an existing label thumbnail and create one if it has not been created
     if ($objPackage->fedex_label) {
         //Set a cache name
         $strCacheName = 'system/tmp/fedex_label_' . $objOrder->document_number . '_' . $objPackage->id . substr(md5($arrPackage['formattedaddress']), 0, 8) . '.gif';
         $arrPackage['label'] = $this->getShippingLabelImage($objPackage->fedex_label, $strCacheName, 75, 75, 'exact');
         $arrPackage['labelLink'] = \Environment::get('request') . '&printLabel=' . $arrPackage['formid'];
         //Now that we have the label created check for request to output to PDF
         if (\Input::get('printLabel') == $arrPackage['formid']) {
             $this->printShippingLabel($strCacheName, 'order_' . $objOrder->document_number . '_' . $intPackageId, true);
     //Add tracking number
     if (strlen($objPackage->fedex_tracking_number)) {
         $arrPackage['tracking'] = $objPackage->fedex_tracking_number;
     //Add package products
     $arrShipmentProducts = \Database::getInstance()->execute("SELECT product_id FROM tl_iso_product_collection_item WHERE package_id={$objPackage->id}")->fetchEach('product_id');
     foreach ($arrProducts as $objProduct) {
         if (in_array($objProduct->id, $arrShipmentProducts)) {
             $arrPackage['products'][] = $objProduct;
     //Data has been submitted. Send request for tracking numbers and label
     if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == $arrPackage['formid']) {
         $this->Shipment = $arrPackage;
         list($arrOrigin, $arrDestination, $arrShipment) = $this->buildShipment();
         $objFEDEXAPI = new FedExAPIShipping($arrShipment, $arrOrigin, $arrOrigin, $arrDestination);
         $xmlShip = $objFEDEXAPI->buildRequest();
         $arrResponse = $objFEDEXAPI->sendRequest($xmlShip);
         //Request was successful - add the new data to the package
         if ((int) $arrResponse['ShipmentAcceptResponse']['Response']['ResponseStatusCode'] == 1) {
             $objOrder->fedex_tracking_number = $arrResponse['ShipmentAcceptResponse']['ShipmentResults']['ShipmentIdentificationNumber'];
             $objOrder->fedex_label = $arrResponse['ShipmentAcceptResponse']['ShipmentResults']['PackageResults']['LabelImage']['GraphicImage'];
             if (\Database::getInstance()->tableExists('tl_iso_packages') && $arrPackage['formid'] != $strFormId . '_' . 'order') {
                 \Database::getInstance()->prepare("UPDATE tl_iso_packages SET fedex_tracking_number=?, fedex_label=?, status='shipped' WHERE id=?")->execute($objOrder->fedex_tracking_number, $objOrder->fedex_label, $arrPackage['id']);
             $strCacheName = 'system/tmp/fedex_label_' . $objOrder->document_number . '_' . $objPackage->id . substr(md5($arrPackage['formattedaddress']), 0, 8) . '.gif';
             $arrPackage['label'] = $this->getShippingLabelImage($objOrder->fedex_label, $strCacheName);
             $arrPackage['tracking'] = $objOrder->fedex_tracking_number;
         } else {
             //Request returned an error
             $strDescription = $arrResponse['ShipmentAcceptResponse']["Response"]["ResponseStatusDescription"];
             $strError = $arrResponse['ShipmentAcceptResponse']["Response"]["Error"]["ErrorDescription"];
             $_SESSION['TL_ERROR'][] = $strDescription . ' - ' . $strError;
             \System::log(sprintf('Error in shipping digest: %s - %s', $strDescription, $strError), __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
     //Set template data
     $objTemplate = new IsotopeTemplate('be_iso_fedex');
     $objTemplate->labelHeader = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['labelLabel'];
     $objTemplate->trackingHeader = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['trackingNumberLabel'];
     $objTemplate->addressHeader = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['shippingAddress'];
     $objTemplate->statusHeader = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['shippingStatus'];
     $objTemplate->submitLabel = $objPackage->status != 'not_shipped' ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['re-ship'] : $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['ship'];
     return $objTemplate->parse();