  * Reduces colors of a given image
  * @param  Intervention\Image\Image $image
  * @return boolean
 public function execute($image)
     $count = $this->argument(0)->value();
     $matte = $this->argument(1)->value();
     // get current image size
     $size = $image->getSize();
     // create empty canvas
     $resource = imagecreatetruecolor($size->width, $size->height);
     // define matte
     if (is_null($matte)) {
         $matte = imagecolorallocatealpha($resource, 255, 255, 255, 127);
     } else {
         $matte = $image->getDriver()->parseColor($matte)->getInt();
     // fill with matte and copy original image
     imagefill($resource, 0, 0, $matte);
     // set transparency
     imagecolortransparent($resource, $matte);
     // copy original image
     imagecopy($resource, $image->getCore(), 0, 0, 0, 0, $size->width, $size->height);
     if (is_numeric($count) && $count <= 256) {
         // decrease colors
         imagetruecolortopalette($resource, true, $count);
     // set new resource
     return true;
  * Applies an alpha mask to an image
  * @param  Intervention\Image\Image $image
  * @return boolean
 public function execute($image)
     $mask_source = $this->argument(0)->value();
     $mask_w_alpha = $this->argument(1)->type('bool')->value(false);
     $image_size = $image->getSize();
     // create empty canvas
     $canvas = $image->getDriver()->newImage($image_size->width, $image_size->height, array(0, 0, 0, 0));
     // build mask image from source
     $mask = $image->getDriver()->init($mask_source);
     $mask_size = $mask->getSize();
     // resize mask to size of current image (if necessary)
     if ($mask_size != $image_size) {
         $mask->resize($image_size->width, $image_size->height);
     imagealphablending($canvas->getCore(), false);
     if (!$mask_w_alpha) {
         // mask from greyscale image
         imagefilter($mask->getCore(), IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE);
     // redraw old image pixel by pixel considering alpha map
     for ($x = 0; $x < $image_size->width; $x++) {
         for ($y = 0; $y < $image_size->height; $y++) {
             $color = $image->pickColor($x, $y, 'array');
             $alpha = $mask->pickColor($x, $y, 'array');
             if ($mask_w_alpha) {
                 $alpha = $alpha[3];
                 // use alpha channel as mask
             } else {
                 if ($alpha[3] == 0) {
                     // transparent as black
                     $alpha = 0;
                 } else {
                     // $alpha = floatval(round((($alpha[0] + $alpha[1] + $alpha[3]) / 3) / 255, 2));
                     // image is greyscale, so channel doesn't matter (use red channel)
                     $alpha = floatval(round($alpha[0] / 255, 2));
             // preserve alpha of original image...
             if ($color[3] < $alpha) {
                 $alpha = $color[3];
             // replace alpha value
             $color[3] = $alpha;
             // redraw pixel
             $canvas->pixel($color, $x, $y);
     // replace current image with masked instance
     return true;
  * Applies an alpha mask to an image
  * @param  Intervention\Image\Image $image
  * @return boolean
 public function execute($image)
     $mask_source = $this->argument(0)->value();
     $mask_w_alpha = $this->argument(1)->type('bool')->value(false);
     // get imagick
     $imagick = $image->getCore();
     // build mask image from source
     $mask = $image->getDriver()->init($mask_source);
     // resize mask to size of current image (if necessary)
     $image_size = $image->getSize();
     if ($mask->getSize() != $image_size) {
         $mask->resize($image_size->width, $image_size->height);
     if ($mask_w_alpha) {
         // just mask with alpha map
         $imagick->compositeImage($mask->getCore(), \Imagick::COMPOSITE_DSTIN, 0, 0);
     } else {
         // get alpha channel of original as greyscale image
         $original_alpha = clone $imagick;
         // use red channel from mask ask alpha
         $mask_alpha = clone $mask->getCore();
         $mask_alpha->compositeImage($mask->getCore(), \Imagick::COMPOSITE_DEFAULT, 0, 0);
         // $mask_alpha->setImageAlphaChannel(\Imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_DEACTIVATE);
         // combine both alphas from original and mask
         $original_alpha->compositeImage($mask_alpha, \Imagick::COMPOSITE_COPYOPACITY, 0, 0);
         // mask the image with the alpha combination
         $imagick->compositeImage($original_alpha, \Imagick::COMPOSITE_DSTIN, 0, 0);
     return true;
  * Reduces colors of a given image
  * @param  Intervention\Image\Image $image
  * @return boolean
 public function execute($image)
     $count = $this->argument(0)->value();
     $matte = $this->argument(1)->value();
     // get current image size
     $size = $image->getSize();
     // build 2 color alpha mask from original alpha
     $alpha = clone $image->getCore();
     $alpha->transparentPaintImage('#ffffff', 0, 0, false);
     if ($matte) {
         // get matte color
         $mattecolor = $image->getDriver()->parseColor($matte)->getPixel();
         // create matte image
         $canvas = new \Imagick();
         $canvas->newImage($size->width, $size->height, $mattecolor, 'png');
         // lower colors of original and copy to matte
         $image->getCore()->quantizeImage($count, \Imagick::COLORSPACE_RGB, 0, false, false);
         $canvas->compositeImage($image->getCore(), \Imagick::COMPOSITE_DEFAULT, 0, 0);
         // copy new alpha to canvas
         $canvas->compositeImage($alpha, \Imagick::COMPOSITE_COPYOPACITY, 0, 0);
         // replace core
     } else {
         $image->getCore()->quantizeImage($count, \Imagick::COLORSPACE_RGB, 0, false, false);
         $image->getCore()->compositeImage($alpha, \Imagick::COMPOSITE_COPYOPACITY, 0, 0);
     return true;
  * Resizes image boundaries
  * @param  Intervention\Image\Image $image
  * @return boolean
 public function execute($image)
     $width = $this->argument(0)->type('integer')->required()->value();
     $height = $this->argument(1)->type('integer')->required()->value();
     $anchor = $this->argument(2)->value('center');
     $relative = $this->argument(3)->type('boolean')->value();
     $bgcolor = $this->argument(4)->value();
     $original_width = $image->getWidth();
     $original_height = $image->getHeight();
     // check of only width or height is set
     $width = is_null($width) ? $original_width : intval($width);
     $height = is_null($height) ? $original_height : intval($height);
     // check on relative width/height
     if ($relative) {
         $width = $original_width + $width;
         $height = $original_height + $height;
     // check for negative width/height
     $width = $width <= 0 ? $width + $original_width : $width;
     $height = $height <= 0 ? $height + $original_height : $height;
     // create new canvas
     $canvas = $image->getDriver()->newImage($width, $height, $bgcolor);
     // set copy position
     $canvas_size = $canvas->getSize()->align($anchor);
     $image_size = $image->getSize()->align($anchor);
     $canvas_pos = $image_size->relativePosition($canvas_size);
     $image_pos = $canvas_size->relativePosition($image_size);
     if ($width <= $original_width) {
         $dst_x = 0;
         $src_x = $canvas_pos->x;
         $src_w = $canvas_size->width;
     } else {
         $dst_x = $image_pos->x;
         $src_x = 0;
         $src_w = $original_width;
     if ($height <= $original_height) {
         $dst_y = 0;
         $src_y = $canvas_pos->y;
         $src_h = $canvas_size->height;
     } else {
         $dst_y = $image_pos->y;
         $src_y = 0;
         $src_h = $original_height;
     // make image area transparent to keep transparency
     // even if background-color is set
     $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($canvas->getCore(), 255, 255, 255, 127);
     imagealphablending($canvas->getCore(), false);
     // do not blend / just overwrite
     imagefilledrectangle($canvas->getCore(), $dst_x, $dst_y, $dst_x + $src_w - 1, $dst_y + $src_h - 1, $transparent);
     // copy image into new canvas
     imagecopy($canvas->getCore(), $image->getCore(), $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h);
     // set new core to canvas
     return true;
  * Defines opacity of an image
  * @param  Intervention\Image\Image $image
  * @return boolean
 public function execute($image)
     $transparency = $this->argument(0)->between(0, 100)->required()->value();
     // get size of image
     $size = $image->getSize();
     // build temp alpha mask
     $mask_color = sprintf('rgba(0, 0, 0, %.1f)', $transparency / 100);
     $mask = $image->getDriver()->newImage($size->width, $size->height, $mask_color);
     // mask image
     $image->mask($mask->getCore(), true);
     return true;
  * Write text on given image
  * @param  Intervention\Image\Image $image
  * @return boolean
 public function execute($image)
     $text = $this->argument(0)->required()->value();
     $x = $this->argument(1)->type('numeric')->value(0);
     $y = $this->argument(2)->type('numeric')->value(0);
     $callback = $this->argument(3)->type('closure')->value();
     $fontclassname = sprintf('\\Intervention\\Image\\%s\\Font', $image->getDriver()->getDriverName());
     $font = new $fontclassname($text);
     if ($callback instanceof Closure) {
     $font->applyToImage($image, $x, $y);
     return true;
  * Insert another image into given image
  * @param  Intervention\Image\Image $image
  * @return boolean
 public function execute($image)
     $source = $this->argument(0)->required()->value();
     $position = $this->argument(1)->type('string')->value();
     $x = $this->argument(2)->type('integer')->value(0);
     $y = $this->argument(3)->type('integer')->value(0);
     // build watermark
     $watermark = $image->getDriver()->init($source);
     // define insertion point
     $image_size = $image->getSize()->align($position, $x, $y);
     $watermark_size = $watermark->getSize()->align($position);
     $target = $image_size->relativePosition($watermark_size);
     // insert image at position
     return $image->getCore()->compositeImage($watermark->getCore(), \Imagick::COMPOSITE_DEFAULT, $target->x, $target->y);
  * Draws rectangle on given image
  * @param  Intervention\Image\Image $image
  * @return boolean
 public function execute($image)
     $x1 = $this->argument(0)->type('numeric')->required()->value();
     $y1 = $this->argument(1)->type('numeric')->required()->value();
     $x2 = $this->argument(2)->type('numeric')->required()->value();
     $y2 = $this->argument(3)->type('numeric')->required()->value();
     $callback = $this->argument(4)->type('closure')->value();
     $rectangle_classname = sprintf('\\Intervention\\Image\\%s\\Shapes\\RectangleShape', $image->getDriver()->getDriverName());
     $rectangle = new $rectangle_classname($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
     if ($callback instanceof Closure) {
     $rectangle->applyToImage($image, $x1, $y1);
     return true;
  * Draws ellipse on given image
  * @param  Intervention\Image\Image $image
  * @return boolean
 public function execute($image)
     $width = $this->argument(0)->type('numeric')->required()->value();
     $height = $this->argument(1)->type('numeric')->required()->value();
     $x = $this->argument(2)->type('numeric')->required()->value();
     $y = $this->argument(3)->type('numeric')->required()->value();
     $callback = $this->argument(4)->type('closure')->value();
     $ellipse_classname = sprintf('\\Intervention\\Image\\%s\\Shapes\\EllipseShape', $image->getDriver()->getDriverName());
     $ellipse = new $ellipse_classname($width, $height);
     if ($callback instanceof Closure) {
     $ellipse->applyToImage($image, $x, $y);
     return true;
  * Insert another image into given image
  * @param  Intervention\Image\Image $image
  * @return boolean
 public function execute($image)
     $source = $this->argument(0)->required()->value();
     $position = $this->argument(1)->type('string')->value();
     $x = $this->argument(2)->type('integer')->value(0);
     $y = $this->argument(3)->type('integer')->value(0);
     // build watermark
     $watermark = $image->getDriver()->init($source);
     // define insertion point
     $image_size = $image->getSize()->align($position, $x, $y);
     $watermark_size = $watermark->getSize()->align($position);
     $target = $image_size->relativePosition($watermark_size);
     // insert image at position
     imagealphablending($image->getCore(), true);
     return imagecopy($image->getCore(), $watermark->getCore(), $target->x, $target->y, 0, 0, $watermark_size->width, $watermark_size->height);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Fills image with color or pattern
  * @param  Intervention\Image\Image $image
  * @return boolean
 public function execute($image)
     $filling = $this->argument(0)->value();
     $x = $this->argument(1)->type('integer')->value();
     $y = $this->argument(2)->type('integer')->value();
     $width = $image->getWidth();
     $height = $image->getHeight();
     $resource = $image->getCore();
     try {
         // set image tile filling
         $source = new Decoder();
         $tile = $source->init($filling);
         imagesettile($image->getCore(), $tile->getCore());
         $filling = IMG_COLOR_TILED;
     } catch (\Intervention\Image\Exception\NotReadableException $e) {
         // set solid color filling
         $color = new Color($filling);
         $filling = $color->getInt();
     imagealphablending($resource, true);
     if (is_int($x) && is_int($y)) {
         // resource should be visible through transparency
         $base = $image->getDriver()->newImage($width, $height)->getCore();
         imagecopy($base, $resource, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
         // floodfill if exact position is defined
         imagefill($resource, $x, $y, $filling);
         // copy filled original over base
         imagecopy($base, $resource, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
         // set base as new resource-core
     } else {
         // fill whole image otherwise
         imagefilledrectangle($resource, 0, 0, $width - 1, $height - 1, $filling);
     isset($tile) ? imagedestroy($tile->getCore()) : null;
     return true;
  * Resizes image boundaries
  * @param  Intervention\Image\Image $image
  * @return boolean
 public function execute($image)
     $width = $this->argument(0)->type('integer')->required()->value();
     $height = $this->argument(1)->type('integer')->required()->value();
     $anchor = $this->argument(2)->value('center');
     $relative = $this->argument(3)->type('boolean')->value();
     $bgcolor = $this->argument(4)->value();
     $original_width = $image->getWidth();
     $original_height = $image->getHeight();
     // check of only width or height is set
     $width = is_null($width) ? $original_width : intval($width);
     $height = is_null($height) ? $original_height : intval($height);
     // check on relative width/height
     if ($relative) {
         $width = $original_width + $width;
         $height = $original_height + $height;
     // check for negative width/height
     $width = $width <= 0 ? $width + $original_width : $width;
     $height = $height <= 0 ? $height + $original_height : $height;
     // create new canvas
     $canvas = $image->getDriver()->newImage($width, $height, $bgcolor);
     // set copy position
     $canvas_size = $canvas->getSize()->align($anchor);
     $image_size = $image->getSize()->align($anchor);
     $canvas_pos = $image_size->relativePosition($canvas_size);
     $image_pos = $canvas_size->relativePosition($image_size);
     if ($width <= $original_width) {
         $dst_x = 0;
         $src_x = $canvas_pos->x;
         $src_w = $canvas_size->width;
     } else {
         $dst_x = $image_pos->x;
         $src_x = 0;
         $src_w = $original_width;
     if ($height <= $original_height) {
         $dst_y = 0;
         $src_y = $canvas_pos->y;
         $src_h = $canvas_size->height;
     } else {
         $dst_y = $image_pos->y;
         $src_y = 0;
         $src_h = $original_height;
     // make image area transparent to keep transparency
     // even if background-color is set
     $rect = new \ImagickDraw();
     $fill = $canvas->pickColor(0, 0, 'hex');
     $fill = $fill == '#ff0000' ? '#00ff00' : '#ff0000';
     $rect->rectangle($dst_x, $dst_y, $dst_x + $src_w - 1, $dst_y + $src_h - 1);
     $canvas->getCore()->transparentPaintImage($fill, 0, 0, false);
     // copy image into new canvas
     $image->getCore()->cropImage($src_w, $src_h, $src_x, $src_y);
     $canvas->getCore()->compositeImage($image->getCore(), \Imagick::COMPOSITE_DEFAULT, $dst_x, $dst_y);
     $canvas->getCore()->setImagePage(0, 0, 0, 0);
     // set new core to canvas
     return true;