Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $year = date('Y');
     $regenerate = false;
     //$regenerate = true;
     $should_generate_insight = self::shouldGenerateEndOfYearAnnualInsight($this->slug, $instance, $insight_date = "{$year}-{$this->run_date}", $regenerate, $day_of_year = $this->run_date);
     if ($should_generate_insight) {
         $this->logger->logInfo("Should generate", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
         $insight = new Insight();
         $insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
         $insight->slug = $this->slug;
         $insight->date = "{$year}-{$this->run_date}";
         $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
         $network = $instance->network;
         $last_year_of_posts = $post_dao->getThisYearOfPostsIterator($author_id = $instance->network_user_id, $network = $network);
         $streaks = $this->getStreaks($last_year_of_posts);
         $longest_streak = $this->getLongestStreak($streaks);
         $earliest_pub_date = $post_dao->getEarliestCapturedPostPubDate($instance);
         $qualified_year = $year;
         if (date('Y', strtotime($earliest_pub_date)) == date('Y')) {
             if (date('n', strtotime($earliest_pub_date)) > 1) {
                 //not January
                 //Earliest post was this year; figure out what month we have data since this year
                 $since = date('F', strtotime($earliest_pub_date));
                 $qualified_year = $year . " (at least since " . $since . ")";
         $copy = array('twitter' => array('normal' => array('headline' => "%username's longest tweet-streak of %year", 'body' => "Sometimes the tweets flow like water and you just " . "don't need a day off. In %qualified_year, %username's longest " . "tweeting streak lasted for <strong>%total days</strong>, from %date1 to %date2."), 'everyday' => array('headline' => "%username has tweeted every single day in %year!", 'body' => "Sometimes the tweets flow like water and you just " . "don't need a day off. So far in %qualified_year, %username hasn't taken off " . "a single day, with a streak that has so far lasted for <strong>%total " . "days</strong>, from %date1 to %date2.")), 'facebook' => array('normal' => array('headline' => "%username's longest update streak of %year", 'body' => "Facebook is great for sharing what we're up to, " . "and sometimes we're up to a lot. In %qualified_year, %username " . "posted at least one status update or comment to Facebook " . "for <strong>%total days</strong> in a row, from %date1 to %date2."), 'everyday' => array('headline' => "%username has posted to Facebook every single day in %year!", 'body' => "Facebook is great for sharing what we're up to, and in %year, " . "%username was up to a lot &mdash; posting at least one time every day " . "so far in %qualified_year for a streak of <strong>%total days</strong>, " . "from %date1 through %date2.")), 'instagram' => array('normal' => array('headline' => "%username's longest Instagram streak of %year", 'body' => "Instagram is the place to share scenes from your life, " . "and sometimes there's a lot of life to share. In %qualified_year, %username " . "posted at least one photo or video on Instagram " . "for <strong>%total days</strong> in a row, from %date1 to %date2."), 'everyday' => array('headline' => "%username has posted to Instagram every single day in %year!", 'body' => "Instagram is the place to share scenes from your life, and in %year, " . "%username had lots of life to share &mdash; posting at least one time every day " . "so far in %qualified_year for a streak of <strong>%total days</strong>, " . "from %date1 through %date2.")));
         if ($longest_streak['length'] - 2 == date('z') - 1) {
             $type = 'everyday';
         } else {
             $type = 'normal';
         $headline = $this->getVariableCopy(array($copy[$network][$type]['headline']), array('year' => $year));
         $insight_text = $this->getVariableCopy(array($copy[$network][$type]['body']), array('year' => $year, 'total' => $longest_streak['length'], 'date1' => $this->getDateFromDay($longest_streak['start_day'], 'F jS'), 'date2' => $this->getDateFromDay($longest_streak['end_day'], 'F jS'), 'qualified_year' => $qualified_year));
         $milestones = array("per_row" => 1, "label_type" => "text", "items" => array(0 => array("number" => $longest_streak['length'], "label" => "days")));
         $insight->headline = $headline;
         $insight->text = $insight_text;
         $insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
         $insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_HIGH;
         $insight->header_image = $user->avatar;
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function testInsightRelatedDataSetters()
     $i = new Insight();
     // @TODO Assign and assert that the data is in the array structure it should be
     $i->setPhotos("this is my list of photos");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["photos"], "this is my list of photos");
     $i->setPosts("my posts");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["posts"], "my posts");
     $i->setLineChart("line chart data goes here");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["line_chart"], "line chart data goes here");
     $i->setBarChart("bar chart data goes here");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["bar_chart"], "bar chart data goes here");
     $i->setPeople("list 'o users");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["people"], "list 'o users");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["links"], "listoflinks");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["milestones"], "milestones");
     $this->assertEqual($i->related_data["button"], "button");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $milestones = array();
     $info = array('text' => '');
     if ($instance->network == 'twitter') {
         $day_of_week = 1;
     } elseif ($instance->network == 'instagram') {
         $day_of_week = 3;
     } else {
         $day_of_week = 5;
     $should_generate_insight = self::shouldGenerateWeeklyInsight('frequency', $instance, $insight_date = 'today', $regenerate_existing_insight = false, $day_of_week = $day_of_week);
     if ($should_generate_insight) {
         $count = sizeof($last_week_of_posts);
         $this->logger->logInfo("Last week had {$count} posts", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
         //Load photos for Instagram to display whether or not it was a video
         if ($instance->network == 'instagram') {
             $photo_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PhotoDAO');
             $last_week_of_posts_with_photos = array();
             foreach ($last_week_of_posts as $post) {
                 $post = $photo_dao->getPhoto($post->post_id, 'instagram');
                 $last_week_of_posts_with_photos[] = $post;
             $last_week_of_posts = $last_week_of_posts_with_photos;
             $photo_count = 0;
             $video_count = 0;
             foreach ($last_week_of_posts as $post) {
                 if ($post->is_short_video) {
                 } else {
         if ($count > 1) {
             if ($instance->network !== 'instagram') {
                 $info['headline'] = $this->getVariableCopy(array('%username %posted <strong>%count times</strong> in the past week', '%username had <strong>%count %posts</strong> over the past week', '%username had <strong>%count %posts</strong> over the past week'), array('count' => number_format($count)));
                 $milestones = array("per_row" => 1, "label_type" => "icon", "items" => array(0 => array("number" => number_format($count), "label" => $this->terms->getNoun('post', $count))));
             } else {
                 //Network is Instagram so count photos and videos separately
                 if ($photo_count > 0 && $video_count > 0) {
                     $photos_term = $photo_count == 1 ? 'photo' : 'photos';
                     $videos_term = $video_count == 1 ? 'video' : 'videos';
                     $headline = $this->username . " had {$photo_count} {$photos_term} and {$video_count} {$videos_term} over the past week";
                 } else {
                     if ($photo_count > 0) {
                         $headline = $this->username . " had {$photo_count} photos over the past week";
                     } else {
                         $headline = $this->username . " had {$video_count} videos over the past week";
                 $info['headline'] = $headline;
                 $milestones = array("per_row" => 1, "label_type" => "icon", "items" => array(0 => array("number" => number_format($count), "label" => $this->terms->getNoun('post', $count))));
         } elseif ($count == 1) {
             $info['headline'] = $this->getVariableCopy(array('%username %posted <strong>once</strong> in the past week'), array('count' => number_format($count)));
             $milestones = array("per_row" => 1, "label_type" => "icon", "items" => array(0 => array("number" => number_format($count), "label" => $this->terms->getNoun('post', $count))));
         } else {
             if ($instance->network == 'twitter') {
                 $info = $this->getVariableCopyArray(array(array('headline' => "%username didn't have any new %posts this week", 'text' => "Nothing wrong with waiting until there's something to say.", 'button' => array("url" => "http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Hey there, friends.", "label" => "Have anything to say now?")), array('headline' => '%username didn\'t post anything new on Twitter in the past week', 'text' => 'Sometimes we just don\'t have anything to say. Maybe let someone know you ' . 'appreciate their work?', 'button' => array("url" => "http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=You know who is really great?", "label" => "Tweet a word of praise")), array('headline' => "Seems like %username was pretty quiet on Twitter this past week", 'text' => "Nothing wrong with waiting until there's something to say.", 'button' => array("url" => "http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Sorry I haven't tweeted in a while!", "label" => "Or just say hi to everyone."))));
             } else {
                 if ($instance->network == 'facebook') {
                     $info = $this->getVariableCopyArray(array(array('headline' => '%username didn\'t have any new %posts this week', 'text' => 'Nothing wrong with waiting until there\'s something to say.', 'button' => array('url' => 'http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?t=ThinkUp told me to say hi.', 'label' => 'Maybe you\'ve got something to say now?')), array('headline' => '%username didn\'t post anything new on Facebook in the past week', 'text' => 'Nothing wrong with being quiet. If you want, you could ask your friends ' . 'what they\'ve read lately.', 'button' => array('url' => 'http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php' . '?u=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/43/' . 'FlanneryOConnorCompleteStories.jpg&' . 't=Ready any good books lately?', 'label' => 'Read any good books lately?')), array('headline' => 'Seems like %username was pretty quiet on Facebook this past week', 'text' => "Nothing wrong with waiting until there's something to say.", 'button' => array('url' => 'http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?t=Hey there, friends!', 'label' => 'Or just say hi to your friends?'))));
                 } else {
                     $info = array('headline' => $this->getVariableCopy(array('%username didn\'t post any new %posts this week')), 'text' => "Huh, nothing. Fill the emptiness inside you by donating to an underfunded classroom.", 'button' => array("url" => "http://www.donorschoose.org/", "label" => "Give to DonorsChoose.org"));
         $insight_baseline_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('InsightBaselineDAO');
         $insight_baseline_dao->insertInsightBaseline("frequency", $instance->id, $count, $this->insight_date);
         if ($instance->network == 'instagram') {
             $insight_baseline_dao->insertInsightBaseline("frequency_photo_count", $instance->id, $photo_count, $this->insight_date);
             $insight_baseline_dao->insertInsightBaseline("frequency_video_count", $instance->id, $video_count, $this->insight_date);
         if ($count > 0) {
             //Week over week comparison
             $week_ago_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-7 day'));
             if ($instance->network !== 'instagram') {
                 //Just compare total posts
                 //Get insight baselines from a week ago
                 $week_ago_insight_baseline = $insight_baseline_dao->getInsightBaseline("frequency", $instance->id, $week_ago_date);
                 if (isset($week_ago_insight_baseline)) {
                     $this->logger->logInfo("Baseline had {$week_ago_insight_baseline->value} posts", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
                     //compare it to today's number, and add a sentence comparing it
                     $diff = abs($week_ago_insight_baseline->value - $count);
                     $comp = $week_ago_insight_baseline->value > $count ? 'fewer' : 'more';
                     if ($diff == 1) {
                         $info['text'] = $this->terms->getProcessedText("That's 1 {$comp} %post than the prior week.");
                     } elseif ($diff > 0) {
                         $info['text'] = $this->terms->getProcessedText("That's " . number_format($diff) . " {$comp} %posts than the prior week.");
             } else {
                 //Compare photos and videos separately
                 //Get insight baselines from a week ago
                 $week_ago_photo_count_insight_baseline = $insight_baseline_dao->getInsightBaseline("frequency_photo_count", $instance->id, $week_ago_date);
                 $week_ago_video_count_insight_baseline = $insight_baseline_dao->getInsightBaseline("frequency_video_count", $instance->id, $week_ago_date);
                 if (isset($week_ago_photo_count_insight_baseline) && isset($week_ago_video_count_insight_baseline)) {
                     $this->logger->logInfo("Baseline had {$week_ago_photo_count_insight_baseline->value} photos " . " and {$week_ago_video_count_insight_baseline->value} videos", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
                     //compare it to today's number, and add a sentence comparing it
                     //First, photos
                     $diff_photos = abs($week_ago_photo_count_insight_baseline->value - $photo_count);
                     $comp_photos = $week_ago_photo_count_insight_baseline->value > $photo_count ? 'fewer' : 'more';
                     //Next, videos
                     $diff_videos = abs($week_ago_video_count_insight_baseline->value - $video_count);
                     $comp_videos = $week_ago_video_count_insight_baseline->value > $video_count ? 'fewer' : 'more';
                     $this->logger->logInfo("Diff photos " . $diff_photos . ", diff videos " . $diff_videos, __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
                     if ($diff_photos > 0) {
                         if ($diff_photos == 1) {
                             $photo_comp_phrase = " 1 {$comp_photos} photo ";
                         } else {
                             $photo_comp_phrase = " " . number_format($diff_photos) . " {$comp_photos} photos ";
                         if ($diff_videos > 0) {
                             if ($diff_videos == 1) {
                                 $video_comp_phrase = " and 1 {$comp_videos} video ";
                             } else {
                                 $video_comp_phrase = " and " . number_format($diff_videos) . " {$comp_videos} videos ";
                         } else {
                             $video_comp_phrase = '';
                         $info['text'] = "That's " . $photo_comp_phrase . $video_comp_phrase . " than the prior week.";
         //Instantiate the Insight object
         $my_insight = new Insight();
         //REQUIRED: Set the insight's required attributes
         $my_insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
         $my_insight->slug = 'frequency';
         //slug to label this insight's content
         $my_insight->date = $this->insight_date;
         //date of the data this insight applies to
         $my_insight->header_image = $user->avatar;
         $my_insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_LOW;
         //Set emphasis optionally, default is Insight::EMPHASIS_LOW
         $my_insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
         //Same for every insight, must be set exactly this way
         if (isset($info['button'])) {
         $my_insight->headline = $info['headline'];
         if (!empty($info['text'])) {
             $my_insight->text = $info['text'];
         } else {
             $this->logger->logInfo("No insight text set, so no insight inserted", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     $year = date('Y');
     $regenerate = false;
     //$regenerate = true;
     $should_generate_insight = self::shouldGenerateEndOfYearAnnualInsight($this->slug, $instance, $insight_date = "{$year}-{$this->run_date}", $regenerate, $day_of_year = $this->run_date, $count_related_posts = null, array('instagram'));
     if ($should_generate_insight) {
         $this->logger->logInfo("Should generate", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
         $insight = new Insight();
         $insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
         $insight->slug = $this->slug;
         $insight->date = "{$year}-{$this->run_date}";
         $insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_HIGH;
         $insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
         $insight->header_image = $user->avatar;
         $post_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('PostDAO');
         $earliest_pub_date = $post_dao->getEarliestCapturedPostPubDate($instance);
         $qualified_year = "";
         if (date('Y', strtotime($earliest_pub_date)) == date('Y')) {
             if (date('n', strtotime($earliest_pub_date)) > 1) {
                 //not January
                 //Earliest post was this year; figure out what month we have data since this year
                 $since = date('F', strtotime($earliest_pub_date));
                 $qualified_year = " (at least since " . $since . ")";
         $copy = array('twitter' => array('normal' => array('headline' => "%username tweeted %total times in %year", 'body' => "In %year, %username posted a total of <b>%total tweets</b>%qualified_year. " . "At 15 seconds per tweet, that amounts to <b>%time</b>. %username's followers probably " . "appreciated it.")), 'facebook' => array('normal' => array('headline' => "%username posted to Facebook %total times in %year", 'body' => "This year, %username posted a grand total of " . "<b>%total times</b> on Facebook%qualified_year. If each status update and comment " . "took about 15 seconds, that's " . "over <b>%time</b> dedicated to keeping in touch with friends.")));
         $network = $instance->network;
         $total_post_count = $this->getTotalPostCount($instance, $year);
         $posting_time = $this->getPostingTime($total_post_count);
         if ($total_post_count > 1) {
             $type = 'normal';
         } else {
         $insight->headline = $this->getVariableCopy(array($copy[$network][$type]['headline']), array('total' => number_format($total_post_count), 'year' => $year));
         $insight->text = $this->getVariableCopy(array($copy[$network][$type]['body']), array('total' => number_format($total_post_count), 'year' => $year, 'time' => $posting_time, 'qualified_year' => $qualified_year));
         $milestones = array("label_type" => "icon", "items" => array(0 => array("number" => number_format($total_post_count))));
         $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function generateInsight(Instance $instance, User $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days)
     parent::generateInsight($instance, $user, $last_week_of_posts, $number_days);
     $this->logger->logInfo("Begin generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);
     if ($instance->network == 'twitter') {
         $day_of_week = 3;
     } else {
         $day_of_week = 6;
     $should_generate_insight = self::shouldGenerateWeeklyInsight('interactions', $instance, $insight_date = 'today', $regenerate_existing_insight = false, $day_of_week = 3, count($last_week_of_posts), $excluded_networks = array('facebook', 'google+', 'foursquare', 'youtube'));
     if ($should_generate_insight) {
         $user_dao = DAOFactory::getDAO('UserDAO');
         $mentions_count = array();
         $mentions_info = array();
         $mentions_avatars = array();
         $insight_data = array();
         $insight_text = '';
         if ($instance->network == 'twitter') {
             $talk_time = 15;
         } else {
             $talk_time = 38;
         foreach ($last_week_of_posts as $post) {
             if ($post->in_reply_to_user_id && $instance->network_user_id != $post->in_reply_to_user_id) {
                 $mentioned_user = $user_dao->getDetails($post->in_reply_to_user_id, $instance->network);
                 if (isset($mentioned_user)) {
                     $mention_in_post = $instance->network == 'twitter' ? '@' : '';
                     $mention_in_post .= $mentioned_user->username;
                     $mentions_info[$mention_in_post] = $mentioned_user;
                     // Update mention count
                     if (array_key_exists($mention_in_post, $mentions_count)) {
                     } else {
                         $mentions_count[$mention_in_post] = 1;
         if (count($mentions_count)) {
             // Get most mentioned user
             $most_mentioned_user = each($mentions_count);
             // Add mentions to dataset
             $users_mentioned = array();
             foreach (array_slice($mentions_count, 0, 10) as $mention => $count) {
                 $mention_info['mention'] = $mention;
                 $mention_info['count'] = $count;
                 $mention_info['user'] = $mentions_info[$mention];
                 $users_mentioned[] = $mention_info;
         if (isset($most_mentioned_user) && $talk_time * $most_mentioned_user['value'] >= 60) {
             $headline = $this->username . " replied to " . $most_mentioned_user['key'] . " <strong>" . $this->terms->getOccurrencesAdverb($most_mentioned_user['value']) . "</strong> last week";
             $conversation_seconds = $this->terms->getOccurrencesAdverb($most_mentioned_user['value']) * $talk_time;
             $milestones = $this->convertSecondsToMilestone($conversation_seconds);
             $insight_text = 'Time having good conversation is time well spent.';
             // $header_image = $users_mentioned[0][user]->avatar;
             $header_image = $users_mentioned[0]["user"]->avatar;
             //Instantiate the Insight object
             $my_insight = new Insight();
             //REQUIRED: Set the insight's required attributes
             $my_insight->instance_id = $instance->id;
             $my_insight->slug = 'interactions';
             //slug to label this insight's content
             $my_insight->date = $this->insight_date;
             //date of the data this insight applies to
             $my_insight->headline = $headline;
             $my_insight->text = $insight_text;
             $my_insight->header_image = $header_image;
             $my_insight->emphasis = Insight::EMPHASIS_MED;
             $my_insight->filename = basename(__FILE__, ".php");
     $this->logger->logInfo("Done generating insight", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__);