public function save($app = null)
     if ($this->Id == '') {
         $id = Infusionsoft_InvoiceService::addRecurringOrder($this->ContactId, true, $this->SubscriptionPlanId, $this->Qty, $this->BillingAmt, true, $this->MerchantAccountId, $this->CC1, $this->AffiliateId, 0);
         $this->Id = $id;
     $result = parent::save($app);
     Infusionsoft_InvoiceService::updateJobRecurringNextBillDate($this->Id, $this->NextBillDate);
     return $result;
  * Copy an existing RecurringOrder to a new date and mark the old one as Inactive.
  * @param int $orderId The ID of the RecurringOrder to replicate
  * @param string $newStartDate String date of when to start the new RecurringOrder
  * @param string $nextBillDate Optional, string date of when to set the NextBillingDate on the new RecurringOrder
  * @return bool|Infusionsoft_RecurringOrder The newly created RecurringOrder object, or false if there was a problem.
 public static function rescheduleRecurringOrder($orderId, $newStartDate, $nextBillDate = null)
     // Attempt to load the order
     $order = Infusionsoft_DataService::query(new Infusionsoft_RecurringOrder(), array('Id' => $orderId));
     $order = array_shift($order);
     if (count($order) == 0) {
         return false;
     // Create a new recurring order based on existing data
     $newOrder = new Infusionsoft_RecurringOrder();
     foreach ($order->getFields() as $field) {
         $newOrder->{$field} = $order->{$field};
     $startDate = date('Ymd\\TH:i:s', strtotime($newStartDate));
     $nextBillDate = date('Ymd\\TH:i:s', strtotime($nextBillDate == null ? $newStartDate : $nextBillDate));
     // Use an optional next bill date, otherwise use the start date
     $newOrder->Id = null;
     $newOrder->StartDate = $startDate;
     $newOrder->Status = 'Active';
     $newOrder->ReasonStopped = 'This order will stop billing on the billing end date.';
     $newOrder->LastBillDate = '';
     $newOrder->PaidThruDate = '';
     //NextBillDate is set farther down
     // We will look for properly named custom fields to automatically update references
     if (in_array('_OriginalSubscriptionId', $order->getFields())) {
         $newOrder->_OriginalSubscriptionId = strval($order->Id);
     // Wanted to limit to one save operation.  Id is required for next custom field.
     if (in_array('_NewSubscriptionId', $order->getFields())) {
         $order->_NewSubscriptionId = strval($newOrder->Id);
     // The new subscription has been saved.  Make API call to change next bill date
     try {
         Infusionsoft_InvoiceService::updateJobRecurringNextBillDate($newOrder->Id, $nextBillDate);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         CakeLog::write('error', "Problem updating next billing date on subscription.  Id: {$newOrder->Id}, Date: {$startDate}, Error: " . $e->getMessage());
     // Attempt to create invoices for the subscription
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         CakeLog::write('error', "Problem creating invoices for new subscription. Id: {$newOrder->Id}, Error: " . $e->getMessage());
     // Mark original subscription as inactive
     $order->Status = 'Inactive';
     $order->ReasonStopped = "Subscription updated on " . date('m/d/Y') . " to new subscription. ID: {$newOrder->Id}";
     return new Infusionsoft_RecurringOrder($newOrder->Id);
            recurringOrderId: <input type="text" name="recurringOrderId" value="<?php 
if (isset($_REQUEST['recurringOrderId'])) {
    echo htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['recurringOrderId']);
    <input type="submit">
<input type="hidden" name="go">
include '../infusionsoft.php';
include 'testUtils.php';
if (isset($_REQUEST['go'])) {
    $out = Infusionsoft_InvoiceService::createInvoiceForRecurring($_REQUEST['recurringOrderId']);