Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Test for doImport for _getAnalyze = false, should be OK as well
  * @return void
  * @group medium
 public function testDoImportNotAnalysis()
     //$sql_query_disabled will show the import SQL detail
     global $sql_query, $sql_query_disabled;
     $sql_query_disabled = false;
     //Test function called
     //asset that all sql are executed
     $this->assertContains('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `CSV_DB` DEFAULT CHARACTER', $sql_query);
     $this->assertContains('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `CSV_DB`.`TBL_NAME`', $sql_query);
     $this->assertEquals(true, $GLOBALS['finished']);
Ejemplo n.º 2
$subject = "Cron main/cron/import_csv.php " . date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
$from = api_get_setting('admin.administrator_email');
if (!empty($emails)) {
    foreach ($emails as $email) {
        $stream = new NativeMailerHandler($email, $subject, $from, $minLevel);
        $logger->pushHandler(new BufferHandler($stream, 0, $minLevel));
$stream = new StreamHandler(api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH) . 'import_csv.log', $minLevel);
$logger->pushHandler(new BufferHandler($stream, 0, $minLevel));
$logger->pushHandler(new RotatingFileHandler('import_csv', 5, $minLevel));
$cronImportCSVConditions = isset($_configuration['cron_import_csv_conditions']) ? $_configuration['cron_import_csv_conditions'] : null;
echo 'See the error log here: ' . api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH) . 'import_csv.log' . "\n";
$import = new ImportCsv($logger, $cronImportCSVConditions);
if (isset($_configuration['default_admin_user_id_for_cron'])) {
    $import->defaultAdminId = $_configuration['default_admin_user_id_for_cron'];
// @todo in production disable the dump option
$dump = false;
if (isset($argv[1]) && ($argv[1] = '--dump')) {
    $dump = true;
if (isset($_configuration['import_csv_disable_dump']) && $_configuration['import_csv_disable_dump'] == true) {
} else {
// Do not moves the files to treated
if (isset($_configuration['import_csv_test'])) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public function actionIndex() {
	$delimiter = ";";
	$textDelimiter = '"';
	//publish css and js

			Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.modules.importcsv.assets') . '/styles.css'

			Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.modules.importcsv.assets') . '/ajaxupload.js'

	Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('uploadActionPath', 'var uploadActionPath="' . $this->createUrl('default/upload') . '"', CClientScript::POS_BEGIN);

			Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.modules.importcsv.assets') . '/download.js'

	//getting all tables from db

	$tables = Yii::app()->getDb()->getSchema()->getTableNames();

	$tablesLength = sizeof($tables);
	$tablesArray = array();
	for ($i = 0; $i < $tablesLength; $i++) {
	    $tablesArray[$tables[$i]] = $tables[$i];

	if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) {
	    if ($_POST['thirdStep'] != 1) {

		//second step

		$delimiter = str_replace('&quot;', '"', str_replace("&#039;", "'", CHtml::encode(trim($_POST['delimiter']))));
		$textDelimiter = str_replace('&quot;', '"', str_replace("&#039;", "'", CHtml::encode(trim($_POST['textDelimiter']))));
		$table = CHtml::encode($_POST['table']);

		if ($_POST['delimiter'] == '') {
		    $error = 1;
		    $csvFirstLine = array();
		    $paramsArray = array();
		} else {
		    // get all columns from csv file

		    $error = 0;
		    $uploaddir = Yii::app()->controller->module->path;
		    $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_POST['fileName']);
		    $file = fopen($uploadfile, "r");
		    $csvFirstLine = ($textDelimiter) ? fgetcsv($file, 0, $delimiter, $textDelimiter) : fgetcsv($file, 0, $delimiter);

		    // checking file with earlier imports

		    $paramsArray = $this->checkOldFile($uploadfile);

		//get all columns from selected table

		$model = new ImportCsv;
		$tableColumns = $model->tableColumns($table);

		//$this->layout = 'clear';
		$this->render('secondResult', array(
		    'error' => $error,
		    'tableColumns' => $tableColumns,
		    'delimiter' => $delimiter,
		    'textDelimiter' => $textDelimiter,
		    'table' => $table,
		    'fromCsv' => $csvFirstLine,
		    'paramsArray' => $paramsArray,
	    } else {

		//third step
		$delimiter = str_replace('&quot;', '"', str_replace("&#039;", "'", CHtml::encode(trim($_POST['thirdDelimiter']))));
		$textDelimiter = str_replace('&quot;', '"', str_replace("&#039;", "'", CHtml::encode(trim($_POST['thirdTextDelimiter']))));
		$table = CHtml::encode($_POST['thirdTable']);
		$uploadfile = CHtml::encode(trim($_POST['thirdFile']));
		$columns = $_POST['Columns'];
		$perRequest = CHtml::encode($_POST['perRequest']);
		$tableKey = CHtml::encode($_POST['Tablekey']);
		$csvKey = CHtml::encode($_POST['CSVkey']);
		$mode = CHtml::encode($_POST['Mode']);
		$insertArray = array();
		$error_array = array();

		if (array_sum($_POST['Columns']) > 0) {
		    if ($_POST['perRequest'] != '') {
			if (is_numeric($_POST['perRequest'])) {

			    if (($mode == 2 || $mode == 3) && ($tableKey == '' || $csvKey == '')) {
				$error = 4;
			    } else {
				$error = 0;

				//import from csv to db

				$model = new ImportCsv;
				$tableColumns = $model->tableColumns($table);

				//select old rows from table

				if ($mode == 2 || $mode == 3) {
				    $oldItems = $model->selectRows($table, $tableKey);

				$filecontent = file($uploadfile);
				$lengthFile = sizeof($filecontent);
				$insertCounter = 0;
				$stepsOk = 0;

				// begin transaction

				$transaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
				try {

				    // import to database

				    for ($i = 0; $i < $lengthFile; $i++) {
					if ($i != 0 && $filecontent[$i] != '') {
					    $csvLine = ($textDelimiter) ? str_getcsv($filecontent[$i], $delimiter, $textDelimiter) : str_getcsv($filecontent[$i], $delimiter);

					    //Mode 1. insert All
					    if ($mode == 1) {
						$insertArray[] = $csvLine;
						if ($insertCounter == $perRequest || $i == $lengthFile - 1) {
						    $import = $model->InsertAll($table, $insertArray, $columns, $tableColumns);
						    $insertCounter = 0;
						    $insertArray = array();

						    if ($import != 1)
							$arrays[] = $i;

					    // Mode 2. Insert new

					    if ($mode == 2) {
						if ($csvLine[$csvKey - 1] == '' || !$this->searchInOld($oldItems, $csvLine[$csvKey - 1], $tableKey)) {
						    $insertArray[] = $csvLine;
						    if ($insertCounter == $perRequest || $i == $lengthFile - 1) {
							$import = $model->InsertAll($table, $insertArray, $columns, $tableColumns);
							$insertCounter = 0;
							$insertArray = array();

							if ($import != 1)
							    $arrays[] = $i;

					    // Mode 3. Insert new and replace old

					    if ($mode == 3) {
						if ($csvLine[$csvKey - 1] == '' || !$this->searchInOld($oldItems, $csvLine[$csvKey - 1], $tableKey)) {

						    // insert new
						    $insertArray[] = $csvLine;
						    if ($insertCounter == $perRequest || $i == $lengthFile - 1) {
							$import = $model->InsertAll($table, $insertArray, $columns, $tableColumns);
							$insertCounter = 0;
							$insertArray = array();

							if ($import != 1)
							    $arrays[] = $i;
						else {

						    //replace old

						    $import = $model->updateOld($table, $csvLine, $columns, $tableColumns, $csvLine[$csvKey - 1], $tableKey);

						    if ($import != 1)
							$arrays[] = $i;

				    if ($insertCounter != 0)
					$model->InsertAll($table, $insertArray, $columns, $tableColumns);

				    // commit transaction if not exception

				} catch (Exception $e) { // exception in transaction

				// save params in file
				$this->saveInFile($table, $delimiter, $mode, $perRequest, $csvKey, $tableKey, $tableColumns, $columns, $uploadfile, $textDelimiter);
			} else {
			    $error = 3;
		    } else {
			$error = 2;
		} else {
		    $error = 1;

		//$this->layout = 'clear';
		$this->render('thirdResult', array(
		    'error' => $error,
		    'delimiter' => $delimiter,
		    'textDelimiter' => $textDelimiter,
		    'table' => $table,
		    'uploadfile' => $uploadfile,
		    'error_array' => $error_array,

	} else {
	    // first loading

	    $this->render('index', array(
		'delimiter' => $delimiter,
		'textDelimiter' => $textDelimiter,
		'tablesArray' => $tablesArray,
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function actionIndex()
     $delimiter = ";";
     //publish css and js
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCssFile(Yii::app()->assetManager->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.modules.importcsv.assets') . '/styles.css'));
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->assetManager->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.modules.importcsv.assets') . '/ajaxupload.js'));
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->assetManager->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.modules.importcsv.assets') . '/download.js'));
     //getting all tables from db
     $tables = Yii::app()->getDb()->getSchema()->getTableNames();
     $tablesLength = sizeof($tables);
     $tablesArray = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $tablesLength; $i++) {
         $tablesArray[$tables[$i]] = $tables[$i];
     if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) {
         /*  ������ ������  */
         $_POST = array("table" => "rktv_module_catalog_product", "delimiter" => ";", "mode" => 4, "perRequest" => 1, "csvKey" => "3", "tableKey" => "article", "columns" => array("id" => "", "category_id" => "", "name" => 1, "short" => "", "text" => "", "small_img_id" => "", "large_img_id" => "", "price" => 2, "article" => 3, "unit" => "", "recomendate" => ""));
         $_POST['thirdStep'] = 1;
         $_POST['thirdDelimiter'] = ';';
         $_POST['thirdTable'] = 'rktv_module_catalog_product';
         $_POST['thirdFile'] = 'upload/importCsv/catalog_price.csv';
         $_POST['Mode'] = 4;
         $_POST['perRequest'] = 1;
         $_POST['Tablekey'] = 'article';
         $_POST['CSVkey'] = 3;
         $_POST['Poles'] = array(0 => "", 1 => "", 2 => "1", 3 => "", 4 => "", 5 => "", 6 => "", 7 => "2", 8 => "3", 9 => "", 10 => "");
         /* � �� ���� � �� ����� ��������*/
         if ($_POST['thirdStep'] != 1) {
             //second step
             $delimiter = CHtml::encode(trim($_POST['delimiter']));
             $table = CHtml::encode($_POST['table']);
             if ($_POST['delimiter'] == '') {
                 $error = 1;
             } else {
                 // get all columns from csv file
                 $error = 0;
                 $uploaddir = Yii::app()->controller->module->path;
                 $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_POST['fileName']);
                 $filecontent = explode("\n", file_get_contents($uploadfile));
                 $csvFirstLine = explode($delimiter, $filecontent[0]);
                 //get all columns from selected table
                 $model = new ImportCsv();
                 $tableColumns = $model->tableColumns($table);
             // checking file with earlier imports
             $paramsArray = $this->checkOldFile($uploadfile);
             $this->layout = 'clear';
             $this->render('secondResult', array('error' => $error, 'tableColumns' => $tableColumns, 'delimiter' => $delimiter, 'table' => $table, 'fromCsv' => $csvFirstLine, 'paramsArray' => $paramsArray));
         } else {
             //third step
             if (array_sum($_POST['Poles']) > 0) {
                 if ($_POST['perRequest'] != '') {
                     if (is_numeric($_POST['perRequest'])) {
                         $tableKey = CHtml::encode($_POST['Tablekey']);
                         $csvKey = CHtml::encode($_POST['CSVkey']);
                         $mode = CHtml::encode($_POST['Mode']);
                         if (($mode == 2 || $mode == 3 || $mode == 4) && ($tableKey == '' || $csvKey == '')) {
                             $error = 4;
                         } else {
                             $error = 0;
                             $delimiter = CHtml::encode(trim($_POST['thirdDelimiter']));
                             $table = CHtml::encode($_POST['thirdTable']);
                             $uploadfile = CHtml::encode(trim($_POST['thirdFile']));
                             $poles = $_POST['Poles'];
                             $perRequest = CHtml::encode($_POST['perRequest']);
                             //import from csv to db
                             $model = new ImportCsv();
                             $tableColumns = $model->tableColumns($table);
                             //select old rows from table
                             if ($mode == 2 || $mode == 3 || $mode == 4) {
                                 $oldItems = $model->selectRows($table, $tableKey);
                             $replace = addslashes(file_get_contents($uploadfile));
                             $filecontent = explode("\n", $replace);
                             $lengthFile = sizeof($filecontent);
                             $insertCounter = 0;
                             $insertArray = array();
                             $error_array = array();
                             $stepsOk = 0;
                             // begin transaction
                             $transaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
                             try {
                                 // import to database
                                 for ($i = 0; $i < $lengthFile; $i++) {
                                     if ($i != 0 && $filecontent[$i] != '') {
                                         $csvLine = explode($delimiter, $filecontent[$i]);
                                         //Mode 1. insert All
                                         if ($mode == 1) {
                                             $insertArray[] = $csvLine;
                                             if ($insertCounter == $perRequest || $i == $lengthFile - 1) {
                                                 $import = $model->InsertAll($table, $insertArray, $poles, $tableColumns);
                                                 $insertCounter = 0;
                                                 $insertArray = array();
                                                 if ($import != 1) {
                                                     $arrays[] = $i;
                                         // Mode 2. Insert new
                                         if ($mode == 2) {
                                             if ($csvLine[$csvKey - 1] == '' || !$this->searchInOld($oldItems, $csvLine[$csvKey - 1], $tableKey)) {
                                                 $insertArray[] = $csvLine;
                                                 if ($insertCounter == $perRequest || $i == $lengthFile - 1) {
                                                     $import = $model->InsertAll($table, $insertArray, $poles, $tableColumns);
                                                     $insertCounter = 0;
                                                     $insertArray = array();
                                                     if ($import != 1) {
                                                         $arrays[] = $i;
                                         // Mode 3. Insert new and replace old
                                         if ($mode == 3) {
                                             if ($csvLine[$csvKey - 1] == '' || !$this->searchInOld($oldItems, $csvLine[$csvKey - 1], $tableKey)) {
                                                 // insert new
                                                 $linesArray[] = $csvLine;
                                                 if ($strCounter == $perRequest || $i == $lengthFile - 1) {
                                                     $import = $model->InsertAll($table, $linesArray, $poles, $tableColumns);
                                                     $strCounter = 0;
                                                     $linesArray = array();
                                                     if ($import != 1) {
                                                         $arrays[] = $i;
                                             } else {
                                                 //replace old
                                                 $import = $model->updateOld($table, $csvLine, $poles, $tableColumns, $csvLine[$csvKey - 1], $tableKey);
                                                 if ($import != 1) {
                                                     $arrays[] = $i;
                                         // Mode 4. Replace old
                                         if ($mode == 4) {
                                             if ($this->searchInOld($oldItems, $csvLine[$csvKey - 1], $tableKey)) {
                                                 $import = $model->updateOld($table, $csvLine, $poles, $tableColumns, $csvLine[$csvKey - 1], $tableKey);
                                                 if ($import != 1) {
                                                     $arrays[] = $i;
                                 if ($insertCounter != 0) {
                                     $model->InsertAll($table, $insertArray, $poles, $tableColumns);
                                 // commit transaction if not exception
                             } catch (Exception $e) {
                             // save params in file
                             $this->saveInFile($table, $delimiter, $mode, $perRequest, $csvKey, $tableKey, $tableColumns, $poles, $uploadfile);
                     } else {
                         $error = 3;
                 } else {
                     $error = 2;
             } else {
                 $error = 1;
             $this->layout = '_clear';
             $this->render('thirdResult', array('error' => $error, 'delimiter' => $delimiter, 'table' => $table, 'uploadfile' => $uploadfile, 'error_array' => $error_array));
     } else {
         // first loading
         $this->render('index', array('delimiter' => $delimiter, 'tablesArray' => $tablesArray));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function actionIndex()
     $delimiter = Yii::app()->controller->module->delimiter;
     $textDelimiter = Yii::app()->controller->module->textDelimiter;
     $table = Yii::app()->controller->module->table;
     $perRequest = Yii::app()->controller->module->perRequest;
     $mode = Yii::app()->controller->module->mode;
     $tableKey = Yii::app()->controller->module->tableKey;
     $csvKey = Yii::app()->controller->module->csvKey;
     //new configyarations
     $models = Yii::app()->controller->module->models;
     //publish css and js
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCssFile(Yii::app()->assetManager->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.modules.importcsv.assets') . '/styles.css'));
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->assetManager->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.modules.importcsv.assets') . '/ajaxupload.js'));
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('uploadActionPath', 'var uploadActionPath="' . $this->createUrl('default/upload') . '"', CClientScript::POS_BEGIN);
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->assetManager->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.modules.importcsv.assets') . '/download.js'));
     //getting models for import
     if (is_array($models) and count($models) > 0) {
         foreach ($models as $smodel => $params) {
             if (class_exists($smodel, true)) {
                 $modelsArray[$smodel] = isset($params['label']) ? $params['label'] : $smodel;
     } else {
         foreach (glob('./protected/models/*.php') as $filename) {
             $modelname = str_replace(array("./protected/models/", ".php"), "", $filename);
             $modelsArray[$modelname] = $modelname;
     if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) {
         if ($_POST['thirdStep'] != 1) {
             //second step
             $delimiter = str_replace('&quot;', '"', str_replace("&#039;", "'", CHtml::encode(trim($_POST['delimiter']))));
             $textDelimiter = str_replace('&quot;', '"', str_replace("&#039;", "'", CHtml::encode(trim($_POST['textDelimiter']))));
             //$table = CHtml::encode($_POST['table']);
             //getting table name from model name
             $selectedmodel = CHtml::encode($_POST['model']);
             $table = $selectedmodel::model()->tableSchema->name;
             if ($_POST['delimiter'] == '') {
                 $error = 1;
                 $csvFirstLine = array();
                 $paramsArray = array();
             } else {
                 // get all columns from csv file
                 $error = 0;
                 $uploadfile = $_POST['fileName'];
                 $file = fopen($uploadfile, "r");
                 $csvFirstLine = $textDelimiter ? fgetcsv($file, 0, $delimiter, $textDelimiter) : fgetcsv($file, 0, $delimiter);
                 // checking file with earlier imports
                 $paramsArray = $this->checkOldFile($uploadfile);
             //get all columns from selected table
             $model = new ImportCsv();
             if (isset($models[$selectedmodel]['allowedColumns']) and $models[$selectedmodel]['allowedColumns'] != 'all') {
                 $tableColumns = $models[$selectedmodel]['allowedColumns'];
             } else {
                 $tableColumns = $model->tableColumns($table);
             //picking required columns
             if (isset($models[$selectedmodel]['requiredColumns'])) {
                 $requiredColumns = $models[$selectedmodel]['requiredColumns'];
             } else {
                 $requiredColumns = '';
             $this->layout = 'clear';
             $this->render('secondResult', array('error' => $error, 'tableColumns' => $tableColumns, 'requiredColumns' => $requiredColumns, 'delimiter' => $delimiter, 'textDelimiter' => $textDelimiter, 'table' => $table, 'fromCsv' => $csvFirstLine, 'paramsArray' => $paramsArray, 'selectedmodel' => $selectedmodel));
         } else {
             //third step
             $delimiter = str_replace('&quot;', '"', str_replace("&#039;", "'", CHtml::encode(trim($_POST['thirdDelimiter']))));
             $textDelimiter = str_replace('&quot;', '"', str_replace("&#039;", "'", CHtml::encode(trim($_POST['thirdTextDelimiter']))));
             $table = CHtml::encode($_POST['thirdTable']);
             $uploadfile = CHtml::encode(trim($_POST['thirdFile']));
             $columns = $_POST['Columns'];
             $perRequest = CHtml::encode($_POST['perRequest']);
             $tableKey = CHtml::encode($_POST['Tablekey']);
             $csvKey = CHtml::encode($_POST['CSVkey']);
             $mode = Yii::app()->controller->module->mode;
             $insertArray = array();
             $error_array = array();
             $selectedmodel = CHtml::encode($_POST['hmodel']);
             $allowedColumns = $models[$selectedmodel]['allowedColumns'];
             $requiredColumns = $models[$selectedmodel]['requiredColumns'];
             $uniqueColumns = $models[$selectedmodel]['uniqueColumns'];
             $dataTypes = $models[$selectedmodel]['dataTypes'];
             $external_entry = $models[$selectedmodel]['external'];
             $compare_entry = $models[$selectedmodel]['compare'];
             $total_rows = 0;
             $total_rows_inserted = 0;
             $exceptions = array();
             $warnings = array();
             if ($requiredColumns == NULL) {
                 $requiredColumns = array();
             //required fields checking
             $allSelected = true;
             if ($requiredColumns == 'all') {
                 foreach ($_POST['Columns'] as $index => $singleColumn) {
                     if ($singleColumn == '') {
                         $allSelected = false;
             } else {
                 if (count($requiredColumns) > 0) {
                     foreach ($_POST['Columns'] as $index => $singleColumn) {
                         if (in_array($allowedColumns[$index], $requiredColumns) and $singleColumn == '') {
                             $allSelected = false;
             //externals if any
             $externals = NULL;
             if ($external_entry) {
                 $externals = isset($_POST['ExtColumns']) ? $_POST['ExtColumns'] : NULL;
                 foreach ($external_entry as $field => $entry) {
                     if (isset($entry['requiredColumns'])) {
                         $ext_req_cols = $entry['requiredColumns'];
                         foreach ($ext_req_cols as $col) {
                             if (!isset($_POST['ExtColumns'][$field][$col]) or $_POST['ExtColumns'][$field][$col] == "") {
                                 $allSelected = false;
             //compare fileds validation if any
             $compares = NULL;
             if ($compare_entry) {
                 $compares = isset($_POST['CompColumns']) ? $_POST['CompColumns'] : NULL;
                 foreach ($compare_entry as $field => $entry) {
                     if (isset($entry['requiredColumns'])) {
                         $cmp_req_cols = $entry['requiredColumns'];
                         foreach ($cmp_req_cols as $col) {
                             if (!isset($compares[$field][$col]) or $compares[$field][$col] == "") {
                                 $allSelected = false;
             if ($allSelected == true) {
                 if ($_POST['perRequest'] != '') {
                     if (is_numeric($_POST['perRequest'])) {
                         if (($mode == 2 || $mode == 3) && ($tableKey == '' || $csvKey == '')) {
                             $error = 4;
                         } else {
                             $error = 0;
                             //import from csv to db
                             $model = new ImportCsv();
                             if (isset($models[$selectedmodel]['allowedColumns']) and $models[$selectedmodel]['allowedColumns'] != 'all') {
                                 $tableColumns = $models[$selectedmodel]['allowedColumns'];
                             } else {
                                 $tableColumns = $model->tableColumns($table);
                             //select old rows from table
                             if ($mode == 2 || $mode == 3) {
                                 $oldItems = $model->selectRows($table, $tableKey);
                             $filecontent = file($uploadfile);
                             $lengthFile = sizeof($filecontent);
                             $insertCounter = 0;
                             $stepsOk = 0;
                             // begin transaction
                             $transaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
                             try {
                                 // import to database
                                 for ($i = 0; $i < $lengthFile; $i++) {
                                     if ($i != 0 && $filecontent[$i] != '') {
                                         $csvLine = $textDelimiter ? str_getcsv($filecontent[$i], $delimiter, $textDelimiter) : str_getcsv($filecontent[$i], $delimiter);
                                         //Mode 1. insert All
                                         if ($mode == 1) {
                                             $insertArray[] = $csvLine;
                                             if ($insertCounter == $perRequest || $i == $lengthFile - 1) {
                                                 $import = $model->InsertAll($table, $insertArray, $columns, $tableColumns, $selectedmodel, $allowedColumns, $dataTypes, $uniqueColumns, $externals, $compares);
                                                 $insertCounter = 0;
                                                 $insertArray = array();
                                                 if ($import['status'] != 1) {
                                                     $arrays[] = $i;
                                                 $exceptions = $import['exceptions'];
                                                 $warnings = $import['warnings'];
                                                 $total_rows = $import['total_rows'];
                                                 $total_rows_inserted = $import['total_rows_inserted'];
                                         // Mode 2. Insert new
                                         if ($mode == 2) {
                                             if ($csvLine[$csvKey - 1] == '' || !$this->searchInOld($oldItems, $csvLine[$csvKey - 1], $tableKey)) {
                                                 $insertArray[] = $csvLine;
                                                 if ($insertCounter == $perRequest || $i == $lengthFile - 1) {
                                                     $import = $model->InsertAll($table, $insertArray, $columns, $tableColumns);
                                                     $insertCounter = 0;
                                                     $insertArray = array();
                                                     if ($import != 1) {
                                                         $arrays[] = $i;
                                         // Mode 3. Insert new and replace old
                                         if ($mode == 3) {
                                             if ($csvLine[$csvKey - 1] == '' || !$this->searchInOld($oldItems, $csvLine[$csvKey - 1], $tableKey)) {
                                                 // insert new
                                                 $insertArray[] = $csvLine;
                                                 if ($insertCounter == $perRequest || $i == $lengthFile - 1) {
                                                     $import = $model->InsertAll($table, $insertArray, $columns, $tableColumns);
                                                     $insertCounter = 0;
                                                     $insertArray = array();
                                                     if ($import != 1) {
                                                         $arrays[] = $i;
                                             } else {
                                                 //replace old
                                                 $import = $model->updateOld($table, $csvLine, $columns, $tableColumns, $csvLine[$csvKey - 1], $tableKey);
                                                 if ($import != 1) {
                                                     $arrays[] = $i;
                                 if ($insertCounter != 0) {
                                     $model->InsertAll($table, $insertArray, $columns, $tableColumns);
                                 // commit transaction if not exception
                             } catch (Exception $e) {
                                 // exception in transaction
                             // save params in file
                             //$this->saveInFile($table, $delimiter, $mode, $perRequest, $csvKey, $tableKey, $tableColumns, $columns, $uploadfile, $textDelimiter);
                             //remove file after uploading
                     } else {
                         $error = 3;
                 } else {
                     $error = 2;
             } else {
                 $error = 1;
             $this->layout = 'clear';
             $this->render('thirdResult', array('error' => $error, 'delimiter' => $delimiter, 'textDelimiter' => $textDelimiter, 'table' => $table, 'uploadfile' => $uploadfile, 'error_array' => $error_array, 'exceptions' => $exceptions, 'warnings' => $warnings, 'total_rows' => $total_rows, 'total_rows_inserted' => $total_rows_inserted));
     } else {
         // first loading
         $this->render('index', array('delimiter' => $delimiter, 'table' => $table, 'textDelimiter' => $textDelimiter, 'modelsArray' => $modelsArray));