Ejemplo n.º 1
 function ajax_feedback($data = array())
     $err = 0;
     $result = array('error' => $err, 'message' => '');
     $json = Import::json();
     if (empty($data)) {
         $result['error'] = 2;
         $result['message'] = '传送的数据为空!';
     $mesobj = $json->decode($data);
     //反json ,返回值为对象
     //以下字段对应评论的表单页面 一定要一致
     $datas['comment_title'] = $mesobj->comment_title;
     $datas['goods_id'] = $mesobj->goods_id;
     $goods_id = $datas['goods_id'];
     $uid = $this->Session->read('User.uid');
     $datas['user_id'] = !empty($uid) ? $uid : 0;
     $datas['status'] = 2;
     if (strlen($datas['comment_title']) < 12) {
         $result['error'] = 2;
         $result['message'] = '评论内容不能太少!';
     $datas['addtime'] = mktime();
     $ip = Import::basic()->getip();
     $datas['ip_address'] = $ip ? $ip : '';
     $datas['ip_from'] = Import::ip()->ipCity($ip);
     if ($this->App->insert('message', $datas)) {
         $result['error'] = 0;
         $result['message'] = '提问成功!我们会很快回答你的问题!';
     } else {
         $result['error'] = 1;
         $result['message'] = '提问失败,请通过在线联系客服吧!';
     unset($datas, $data);
     $page = 1;
     $list = 2;
     $start = ($page - 1) * $list;
     $tt = $this->App->findvar("SELECT COUNT(mes_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}message` WHERE user_id='{$uid}' AND (goods_id IS NULL OR goods_id='')");
     $rt['notgoodmespage'] = Import::basic()->ajax_page($tt, $list, $page, 'get_myquestion_notgoods_page_list');
     $sql = "SELECT distinct tb1.*,tb2.avatar,tb2.nickname,tb2.user_name AS dbusername FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}message` AS tb1 LEFT JOIN  `{$this->App->prefix()}user` AS tb2 ON tb1.user_id=tb2.user_id WHERE tb1.user_id='{$uid}' AND (tb1.goods_id IS NULL OR tb1.goods_id='') ORDER BY tb1.addtime DESC LIMIT {$start},{$list}";
     $rt['notgoodsmeslist'] = $this->App->find($sql);
     $this->set('rt', $rt);
     $result['error'] = 0;
     $result['message'] = $this->fetch('ajax_userquestion_nogoods', true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
					<span class="s_shuru_1">
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $rt['last_login']);
					<span class="s_shuru_1">
echo Import::ip()->ipCity($rt['last_ip']);
					<span class="s_shuru_1">
echo $rt['visit_count'];
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function getcount()
     /*$sql = "SELECT COUNT(article_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb1";
     		$sql .=" LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS tb2 ON tb1.cat_id = tb2.cat_id";
     		$sql .=" WHERE tb2.type='new'";
     		$rt['newcount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     		$sql = "SELECT COUNT(article_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb1";
     		$sql .=" LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS tb2 ON tb1.cat_id = tb2.cat_id";
     		$sql .=" WHERE tb2.type='customer'";
     		$rt['customercount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     		$sql = "SELECT COUNT(article_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb1";
     		$sql .=" LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS tb2 ON tb1.cat_id = tb2.cat_id";
     		$sql .=" WHERE tb2.type='case'";
     		$rt['casecount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     		$sql = "SELECT COUNT(article_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb1";
     		$sql .=" LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS tb2 ON tb1.cat_id = tb2.cat_id";
     		$sql .=" WHERE tb2.type='web'";
     		$rt['webcount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id)  FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user`";
     $rt['usercount']['zcount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE active='1'";
     $rt['usercount']['yescount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id)  FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE active='0'";
     $rt['usercount']['nocount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(mes_id) AS mescount FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}message` WHERE parent_id='0' GROUP BY status ORDER BY status DESC";
     $rt['mescount'] = $this->App->findcol($sql);
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(comment_id) AS comcount FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}comment` WHERE parent_id='0' GROUP BY status ORDER BY status DESC";
     $rt['commentcount'] = $this->App->findcol($sql);
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(goods_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods`";
     $rt['goods']['zcount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(goods_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` WHERE is_on_sale='1'";
     $rt['goods']['sale'] = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(goods_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` WHERE is_on_sale='0'";
     $rt['goods']['no_sale'] = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(goods_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` WHERE is_best='1' OR is_hot='1' OR is_new='1'";
     $rt['goods']['promote'] = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(order_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods_order_info`";
     $rt['order']['zcount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(order_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods_order_info` WHERE pay_status='1'";
     $rt['order']['yescount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     $rt['os'] = Import::basic()->get_os();
     $rt['browser'] = Import::basic()->get_user_browser();
     $rt['bsip'] = Import::basic()->getip();
     $rt['ip_from'] = Import::ip()->ipCity($rt['bsip']);
     $rt['csip'] = Import::basic()->serverIP();
     return $rt;
Ejemplo n.º 4
	<td><img src="<?php 
        echo $this->img($row['active'] == 1 ? 'yes.gif' : 'no.gif');
" alt="<?php 
        echo $row['active'] == 1 ? '0' : '1';
" class="activeop" lang="active" id="<?php 
        echo $row['user_id'];
        echo !empty($row['reg_time']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['reg_time']) : '无知';
        echo !empty($row['last_login']) ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['last_login']) . '<br /><font color="#FF0000">[' . Import::ip()->ipCity($row['last_ip']) . ']</font>' : '无知';
        echo $row['reg_ip'];
<br /><font color="#FF0000">[<?php 
        echo $row['reg_from'] ? $row['reg_from'] : '无知';
	<a href="user.php?type=dailiapplyinfo&id=<?php 
        echo $row['user_id'];
&goto=suppliers" title="编辑"><img src="<?php 
        echo $this->img('icon_edit.gif');
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function goods_comment_info($id = 0)
     if (empty($id)) {
     $manager_mes = $this->action('manager', 'getuserinfo');
     $rts['email'] = isset($manager_mes['email']) ? $manager_mes['email'] : "";
     $rts['adminname'] = isset($manager_mes['adminname']) ? $manager_mes['adminname'] : "";
     $rts['adminid'] = isset($manager_mes['adminid']) ? $manager_mes['adminid'] : "";
     if (!empty($_POST)) {
         if (isset($_POST['comment_id']) && !empty($_POST['comment_id'])) {
             $_POST['email'] = !empty($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : $rts['email'];
             if ($_POST['comment_id'] > 0) {
                 $_POST['up_time'] = mktime();
                 $this->App->update('comment', $_POST, 'comment_id', $_POST['comment_id']);
             $this->action('system', 'add_admin_log', '修改商品评论回复-商品ID:' . $_POST['id_value']);
             $this->action('common', 'showdiv', $this->getthisurl());
         } else {
             $_POST['add_time'] = mktime();
             $ip = Import::basic()->getip();
             $_POST['ip_address'] = $ip ? $ip : '';
             $_POST['ip_form'] = Import::ip()->ipCity($ip);
             $_POST['parent_id'] = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : 0;
             $_POST['user_id'] = $rts['adminid'] ? $rts['adminid'] : 0;
             $_POST['email'] = !empty($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : $rts['email'];
             $_POST['user_name'] = $rts['adminname'] ? $rts['adminname'] : "";
             $this->App->insert('comment', $_POST);
             if ($_POST['parent_id'] > 0) {
                 $this->App->update('comment', array('status' => 1), 'comment_id', $_POST['parent_id']);
             $this->action('system', 'add_admin_log', '添加商品评论回复-商品ID:' . $_POST['id_value']);
             $this->action('common', 'showdiv', $this->getthisurl());
     $sql = "SELECT c.content,c.comment_id, c.comment_rank,c.email,c.goods_rand,c.shopping_rand,c.saleafter_rand, c.add_time,c.status, c.id_value AS goods_id, g.goods_name, c.ip_address AS ip, c.ip_form, u.nickname AS user_name,rc.add_time AS rp_addtime, rc.content AS rp_conent,rc.ip_address AS rp_ip,rc.up_time, ad.adminname AS adname,ad.adminid, rc.comment_id AS rp_com_id  FROM  `{$this->App->prefix()}comment` AS c";
     $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}comment` AS rc ON rc.parent_id=c.comment_id AND rc.parent_id>0";
     $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}user` AS u ON c.user_id = u.user_id AND c.user_id>0";
     $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` AS g ON g.goods_id = c.id_value";
     $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}admin` AS ad ON ad.adminid=rc.user_id AND rc.user_id>0";
     $sql .= " WHERE c.comment_id='{$id}'";
     $this->set('rt', $this->App->findrow($sql));
     $this->set('rp_mes', $rts);
     unset($rts, $manager_mes);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function ajax_comment($data = array(), $page = 0)
     $err = 0;
     $result = array('error' => $err, 'message' => '');
     $json = Import::json();
     if (!($page > 0)) {
         $page = 1;
         if (empty($data['comments'])) {
             $result['error'] = 1;
             $result['message'] = '意外错误,传送的数据为空!';
         $comments = $json->decode($data['comments']);
         //反json ,返回值为对象
         $goods_id = $comments->goods_id;
         if (!(intval($goods_id) > 0)) {
             $result['error'] = 1;
             $result['message'] = '意外错误,传送的数据为空!';
         //以下字段对应评论的表单页面 一定要一致
         $datas['id_value'] = $goods_id;
         //$datas['email'] = $comments->email;
         $username = $this->Session->read('User.username');
         $uid = $this->Session->read('User.uid');
         $error2 = false;
         $datas['user_name'] = !empty($username) ? $username : "";
         if (empty($datas['user_name']) || !($uid > 0)) {
             $result['error'] = 4;
             $result['message'] = '你还没有登录!请你先登录!';
         $sql = "SELECT tb1.rec_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods_order` AS tb1";
         $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}goods_order_info` AS tb2 ON tb1.order_id=tb2.order_id";
         $sql .= " WHERE tb1.goods_id='{$goods_id}' AND tb2.user_id='{$uid}' AND tb2.order_status='2' AND tb2.pay_status='1'";
         $re_id = $this->App->findvar($sql);
         if (!($re_id > 0)) {
             $result['error'] = 1;
             $result['message'] = '抱歉,你还没有购买当前商品,不能评论哦!';
         $sql = "SELECT comment_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}comment` WHERE id_value='{$goods_id}' AND user_id='{$uid}' LIMIT 1";
         $comment_id = $this->App->findvar($sql);
         if ($comment_id > 0) {
             $result['error'] = 1;
             $result['message'] = '抱歉,你已经评论过该商品,不能再评论哦!';
         $datas['content'] = $comments->comment;
         if (empty($datas['content'])) {
             $result['error'] = 1;
             $result['message'] = '请填写评论内容!';
         if (strlen($datas['content']) < 12) {
             $result['error'] = 1;
             $result['message'] = '评论内容不能太少!';
         $read_time = $this->Session->read("Comment.{$goods_id}");
         if (!empty($read_time)) {
             if (mktime() - $read_time < 200) {
                 $result['error'] = 3;
                 $result['message'] = '你刚才已经发表了评论,请你稍等下再发表!';
         $this->Session->write("Comment.{$goods_id}", mktime());
         $datas['comment_rank'] = $comments->comment_rank;
         $datas['goods_rand'] = $comments->goods_rand;
         $datas['goods_rand'] = empty($datas['goods_rand']) ? 5 : $datas['goods_rand'];
         $datas['shopping_rand'] = $comments->shopping_rand;
         $datas['shopping_rand'] = empty($datas['shopping_rand']) ? 5 : $datas['shopping_rand'];
         $datas['saleafter_rand'] = $comments->saleafter_rand;
         $datas['saleafter_rand'] = empty($datas['saleafter_rand']) ? 5 : $datas['saleafter_rand'];
         $datas['status'] = '1';
         $datas['add_time'] = mktime();
         $ip = Import::basic()->getip();
         $datas['ip_address'] = $ip ? $ip : '';
         $datas['ip_form'] = Import::ip()->ipCity($ip);
         $datas['user_id'] = intval($uid) > 0 ? intval($uid) : 0;
         $this->App->insert('comment', $datas);
         unset($datas, $data);
     $list = 2;
     $start = ($page - 1) * $list;
     $tt = $this->get_comment_count($goods_id);
     $rt['comment_count'] = $tt;
     $rt['commentlist'] = $this->get_comment_list($goods_id, $start, $list);
     $rt['commentpage'] = Import::basic()->ajax_page($tt, $list, $page, 'get_comment_page', array($goods_id));
     $this->set('rt', $rt);
     $result['message'] = $this->fetch('ajax_comment', true);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function ajax_user_register($data = array())
     $json = Import::json();
     $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '传送的数据为空!');
     if (empty($data['fromAttr'])) {
     $fromAttr = $json->decode($data['fromAttr']);
     //反json ,返回值为对象
     //以下字段对应评论的表单页面 一定要一致
     $datas['user_rank'] = $fromAttr->user_rank;
     /*		$datas['user_name'] = $fromAttr->mobile_phone; //用户名
     				$result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '请填入登录账户!');
     				if(empty($data['fromAttr']))  die($json->encode($result));
     $datas['password'] = $fromAttr->password;
     if (empty($datas['password'])) {
         $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '用户密码不能为空!');
         if (empty($data['fromAttr'])) {
     $rp_pass = $fromAttr->rp_pass;
     if ($rp_pass != $datas['password']) {
         $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '两次密码不相同!');
         if (empty($data['fromAttr'])) {
     $datas['password'] = md5($datas['password']);
     $datas['mobile_phone'] = $fromAttr->mobile_phone;
     if (empty($datas['mobile_phone'])) {
         $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '请填上手机号码!');
         if (empty($data['fromAttr'])) {
     if (preg_match("/1[3458]{1}\\d{9}\$/", $datas['mobile_phone'])) {
     } else {
         $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '手机号码不合法,请重新输入!');
         if (empty($data['fromAttr'])) {
     $mobile_phone = $datas['mobile_phone'];
     $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE mobile_phone='{$mobile_phone}'";
     $uuid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     if ($uuid > 0) {
         $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '抱歉,该手机号码已经被使用了!');
         if (empty($data['fromAttr'])) {
     if (!($datas['user_rank'] > 0)) {
         $datas['user_rank'] = 1;
     $datas['user_name'] = $fromAttr->mobile_phone;
     /*		$yyy = $fromAttr->yyy;
     		$mmm = $fromAttr->mmm;
     		$ddd = $fromAttr->ddd;
     		$datas['birthday'] = $yyy.'-'.$mmm.'-'.$ddd;
     		$datas['sex'] = $fromAttr->sex;*/
     //$regcode = $fromAttr->regcode;
     $regcode = '';
     if (!empty($regcode)) {
         $sql = "SELECT tb1.bonus_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_coupon_list` AS tb1 LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}user_coupon_type` AS tb2 ON tb1.type_id = tb2.type_id WHERE tb1.bonus_sn='{$regcode}' AND tb1.is_used='0' LIMIT 1";
         $uuid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
         if ($uuid > 0) {
         } else {
             $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '请检查该注册码是否有效!');
     $uname = $datas['user_name'];
     $sql = "SELECT user_name FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_name='{$uname}'";
     $dbname = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     if (!empty($dbname)) {
         $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '该用户名已经被注册了!');
     $emails = '';
     if (!empty($emails)) {
         $sql = "SELECT email FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE email='{$emails}'";
         $dbemail = $this->App->findvar($sql);
         if (!empty($dbemail)) {
             $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '该电子邮箱已经被使用了!');
     $ip = Import::basic()->getip();
     $datas['reg_ip'] = $ip ? $ip : '';
     $datas['reg_time'] = mktime();
     $datas['reg_from'] = Import::ip()->ipCity($ip);
     $datas['last_login'] = mktime();
     $datas['last_ip'] = $datas['reg_ip'];
     $datas['active'] = 1;
     $datas['wecha_id'] = '';
     if ($this->App->insert('user', $datas)) {
         $uid = $this->App->iid();
         $this->Session->write('User.username', $uname);
         $this->Session->write('User.uid', $uid);
         $this->Session->write('User.active', $datas['active']);
         $this->Session->write('User.rank', 1);
         $this->Session->write('User.lasttime', $datas['last_login']);
         $this->Session->write('User.lastip', $datas['last_ip']);
         //$datass['user_id'] = $uid;
         //$datass['is_own'] = '1';
         /*			if(!empty($regcode)){
         $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '注册成功!');
     } else {
         $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '注册失败!');
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function ajax_get_freecatalog($data = array())
     $err = 0;
     $result = array('error' => $err, 'message' => '');
     $json = Import::json();
     if (empty($data)) {
         $result['error'] = 2;
         echo $result['message'] = '传送的数据为空!';
     $mesobj = $json->decode($data);
     //反json ,返回值为对象
     $is_freecatalog_time = $this->Session->read("User.is_freecatalog_time");
     if (!empty($is_freecatalog_time) && mktime() - $is_freecatalog_time < 1000) {
         $result['error'] = 2;
         echo $result['message'] = '你已经提交过了,请歇歇吧 !';
     //以下字段对应评论的表单页面 一定要一致
     $dir_ids = $mesobj->dir_ids;
     //$s = str_replace('++',"",$dir_ids);
     if (empty($dir_ids)) {
         $result['error'] = 2;
         echo $result['message'] = '请选择您想索取的目录 !';
     $fn = SYS_PATH . 'data/freecatalogdata.php';
     file_exists($fn) ? require_once $fn : ($freecatalog = array());
     if (empty($freecatalog)) {
         $result['error'] = 2;
         echo $result['message'] = '管理需要现在后台设置好提取目录在执行!';
     $dir_ids_rt = explode("--", $dir_ids);
     $dbids = array();
     foreach ($dir_ids_rt as $k => $hh) {
         $hh = intval($hh) - 1;
         $dbids[] = $freecatalog[$hh];
     $datas['dir_ids'] = !empty($dbids) ? implode('、&nbsp;', $dbids) : "";
     unset($dir_ids_rt, $dbids);
     $datas['user_name'] = $mesobj->username;
     if (empty($datas['user_name'])) {
         $result['error'] = 2;
         echo $result['message'] = '姓名不能为空 !';
     $datas['birthday'] = $mesobj->birthday;
     $datas['user_id'] = $mesobj->user_no;
     $datas['sex'] = $mesobj->sex;
     $datas['province'] = $mesobj->province;
     $datas['city'] = $mesobj->city;
     $datas['district'] = $mesobj->district;
     $datas['address'] = $mesobj->address;
     if (empty($datas['province']) || empty($datas['city']) || empty($datas['district']) || empty($datas['address'])) {
         $result['error'] = 2;
         echo $result['message'] = '请填写好完整的地址 !';
     $datas['postcode'] = $mesobj->postcode;
     $datas['dayphone'] = $mesobj->dayphone;
     $datas['nightphone'] = $mesobj->nightphone;
     $datas['mobile'] = $mesobj->mobile;
     if (empty($datas['mobile'])) {
         $result['error'] = 2;
         echo $result['message'] = '手机不能为空 !';
     $datas['email'] = $mesobj->email;
     $datas['addtime'] = mktime();
     $ip = Import::basic()->getip();
     $datas['ip_address'] = $ip ? $ip : '';
     $datas['ip_from'] = Import::ip()->ipCity($ip);
     if ($this->App->insert('freecatalog', $datas)) {
         $result['error'] = 0;
         $result['message'] = '你已经提交,我们很快会联系你!';
         $this->Session->write("User.is_freecatalog_time", mktime());
     } else {
         $result['error'] = 1;
         $result['message'] = '提交失败,请通过在线联系客服吧!';
     unset($datas, $data);
     echo $result['message'];
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function user_auto_login()
     $rt = $this->_get_appid_appsecret();
     if (is_weixin() == false || $rt['is_oauth'] == '0') {
     /*		if($GLOBALS['LANG']['is_cache']=='1'&&!isset($_GET['code'])){
     			setcookie(CFGH.'USER[TOOPENID]', "", mktime()-3600);
     			setcookie(CFGH.'USER[UKEY]', "", mktime()-3600);
     			setcookie(CFGH.'USER[PASS]', "", mktime()-3600);
     			setcookie(CFGH.'USER[TID]', "", mktime()-3600);
     			setcookie(CFGH.'USER[CODETIME]', "", mktime()-3600);
     			setcookie(CFGH.'USER[ISOAUTH]', "", mktime()-3600);
     			setcookie(CFGH.'USER[APPID]', "", mktime()-3600);
     			setcookie(CFGH.'USER[APPSECRET]', "", mktime()-3600);
     $wecha_id = $this->Session->read('User.wecha_id');
     if (empty($wecha_id)) {
         $wecha_id = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['UKEY']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['UKEY'] : '';
     $appid = $rt['appid'];
     $appsecret = $rt['appsecret'];
     $codetime = $this->Session->read('User.codetime');
     if (empty($codetime)) {
         $codetime = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['CODETIME']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['CODETIME'] : 0;
     if (empty($appid) || empty($appsecret)) {
         $sql = "SELECT appid,appsecret,is_oauth,winxintype FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}wxuserset` WHERE id='1'";
         $rt = $this->App->findrow($sql);
         $appid = $rt['appid'];
         $appsecret = $rt['appsecret'];
         $this->Session->write('User.isoauth', $rt['is_oauth']);
         setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[ISOAUTH]', $rt['is_oauth'], mktime() + 3600 * 24);
     if (empty($rt['is_oauth'])) {
         $rt['is_oauth'] = '1';
     if (empty($rt['winxintype'])) {
         $rt['winxintype'] = '3';
     //if( (empty($wecha_id) || ((mktime() - intval($codetime)) > 10)) && $rt['is_oauth']=='1' && $rt['winxintype']=='3' ){
     if (empty($wecha_id) && $rt['winxintype'] == '3') {
         //echo "run................1";
         if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {
         $code = isset($_GET['code']) ? $_GET['code'] : '';
         if (!empty($code)) {
             $access_token = $this->_get_access_token();
             $url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?appid=' . $appid . '&secret=' . $appsecret . '&code=' . $code . '&grant_type=authorization_code';
             $con = $this->curlGet($url);
             if (!empty($con)) {
                 $json = json_decode($con);
                 if (empty($access_token)) {
                     $access_token = $json->access_token;
                 $wecha_id = $json->openid;
                 $refresh_token = $json->refresh_token;
                 //获取 refresh_token
                 if (!empty($refresh_token) && !empty($access_token)) {
                     if (empty($wecha_id)) {
                         $url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/refresh_token?appid=' . $appid . '&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=' . $refresh_token;
                         $con = $this->curlGet($url);
                         $json = json_decode($con);
                         $wecha_id = $json->openid;
                         //获取 openid
                     $this->Session->write('User.wecha_id', $wecha_id);
                     setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[UKEY]', $wecha_id, mktime() + 2592000);
                     $userinfo = $this->get_user_wecha_id_info($wecha_id);
                     if (empty($userinfo) || empty($userinfo['nickname']) || empty($userinfo['city']) || empty($userinfo['province']) || empty($userinfo['headimgurl'])) {
                         $url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/user/info?access_token=' . $access_token . '&openid=' . $wecha_id . '&lang=zh_CN';
                         $con = $this->curlGet($url);
                         if (!empty($con)) {
                             $json = json_decode($con);
                             $subscribe = $json->subscribe;
                             if ($subscribe == '1') {
                                 $this->Session->write('User.nickname', isset($json->nickname) ? $json->nickname : '');
                                 $this->Session->write('User.sex', isset($json->sex) ? $json->sex : '');
                                 $this->Session->write('User.city', isset($json->city) ? $json->city : '');
                                 $this->Session->write('User.province', isset($json->province) ? $json->province : '');
                                 $this->Session->write('User.headimgurl', isset($json->headimgurl) ? $json->headimgurl : '');
                                 $this->Session->write('User.subscribe_time', isset($json->subscribe_time) ? $json->subscribe_time : '');
                                 $nickname = $this->Session->read('User.nickname');
                                 $sex = $this->Session->read('User.sex');
                                 $city = $this->Session->read('User.city');
                                 $province = $this->Session->read('User.province');
                                 $headimgurl = $this->Session->read('User.headimgurl');
                                 $subscribe_time = $this->Session->read('User.subscribe_time');
                                 if (!empty($wecha_id)) {
                                     $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE wecha_id='{$wecha_id}' LIMIT 1";
                                     $uid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
                                     if ($uid > 0) {
                                         $ddl = array();
                                         if (!empty($nickname)) {
                                             $ddl['nickname'] = $nickname;
                                         if (!empty($city)) {
                                             $ddl['cityname'] = $city;
                                         if (!empty($province)) {
                                             $ddl['provincename'] = $province;
                                         if (!empty($headimgurl)) {
                                             $ddl['headimgurl'] = $headimgurl;
                                         if ($sex > 0) {
                                             $ddl['sex'] = $sex;
                                         if (!empty($ddl)) {
                                             $this->App->update('user', $ddl, 'user_id', $uid);
                                             $this->Session->write('User.uid', $uid);
                                             setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[UID]', $uid, mktime() + 2592000);
                                 } else {
                             $this->Session->write('User.subscribe', $subscribe);
                             setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[SUBSCRIBE]', $subscribe, mktime() + 2592000);
                 } else {
         } else {
     $uid = $this->Session->read('User.uid');
     if (empty($wecha_id)) {
         $wecha_id = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['UKEY']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['UKEY'] : '';
         if (empty($wecha_id)) {
             if ($uid > 0) {
                 $sql = "SELECT wecha_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id ='{$uid}' LIMIT 1";
                 $wecha_id = $this->App->findvar($sql);
                 if (!empty($wecha_id)) {
                     $this->Session->write('User.wecha_id', $wecha_id);
                     setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[UKEY]', $wecha_id, mktime() + 2592000);
         } else {
             $this->Session->write('User.wecha_id', $wecha_id);
     if (!($uid > 0)) {
         $uid = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['UID']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['UID'] : '0';
         if ($uid > 0) {
             $this->Session->write('User.uid', $uid);
         } else {
             if (!empty($wecha_id)) {
                 $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE wecha_id ='{$wecha_id}' LIMIT 1";
                 $uid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
                 if ($uid > 0) {
                     $this->Session->write('User.uid', $uid);
                     setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[UID]', $uid, mktime() + 2592000);
                 } else {
     $tid = 0;
     if (!($uid > 0)) {
         $tid = isset($_GET['tid']) ? intval($_GET['tid']) : '0';
         if (empty($tid)) {
             $tid = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['TID']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['TID'] : '';
         if (!($tid > 0)) {
             $tid = $this->Session->read('User.tid');
     } else {
         $this->Session->write('User.tid', null);
         setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[TID]', '', mktime() - 2592000);
     $toid = 0;
     $userinfo = $this->get_user_wecha_id_info($wecha_id, 1);
     $is_subscribe = isset($userinfo['is_subscribe']) ? $userinfo['is_subscribe'] : '0';
     if ($is_subscribe == '0') {
         $toid = isset($_GET['toid']) ? intval($_GET['toid']) : '0';
         if (empty($toid)) {
             $toid = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['TOOPENID']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['TOOPENID'] : '';
         if (!($toid > 0)) {
             $toid = $this->Session->read('User.to_wecha_id');
         if ($toid > 0) {
             setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[TOOPENID]', $toid, mktime() + 2592000);
             $this->Session->write('User.to_wecha_id', $toid);
     } else {
         $this->Session->write('User.to_wecha_id', null);
         setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[TOOPENID]', '', mktime() - 2592000);
     /*		if($uid > 0){
     			$sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id ='$uid' LIMIT 1";
     			$uid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     if ($uid > 0) {
     } else {
         if (empty($wecha_id)) {
             $wecha_id = $this->Session->read('User.wecha_id');
             if (empty($wecha_id)) {
                 $wecha_id = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['UKEY']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['UKEY'] : '';
                 if (empty($wecha_id)) {
                     if ($rt['is_oauth'] == '1') {
         $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE wecha_id ='{$wecha_id}' ORDER BY user_id ASC LIMIT 1";
         $uid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
         if ($uid > 0) {
         } else {
             //end if uid
             $rrL = $this->get_userconfig();
             $thisurl = $this->Session->read('User.url');
             if (empty($thisurl)) {
                 $thisurl = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['URL']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['URL'] : '0';
             if (empty($nickname)) {
                 $nickname = $this->Session->read('User.nickname');
             if (empty($sex)) {
                 $sex = $this->Session->read('User.sex');
             if (empty($city)) {
                 $city = $this->Session->read('User.city');
             if (empty($province)) {
                 $province = $this->Session->read('User.province');
             if (empty($headimgurl)) {
                 $headimgurl = $this->Session->read('User.headimgurl');
             if (empty($subscribe_time)) {
                 $subscribe_time = $this->Session->read('User.subscribe_time');
             $datas = array();
             if (!empty($nickname)) {
                 $datas['nickname'] = $nickname;
             if (!empty($city)) {
                 $datas['cityname'] = $city;
             if (!empty($province)) {
                 $datas['provincename'] = $province;
             if (!empty($headimgurl)) {
                 $datas['headimgurl'] = $headimgurl;
             if ($sex > 0) {
                 $datas['sex'] = $sex;
             $datas['user_name'] = !empty($wecha_id) ? $wecha_id : 'GZSH' . $tid . mktime();
             $datas['wecha_id'] = $datas['user_name'];
             $t = mktime();
             $datas['password'] = md5('A123456');
             if ($rrL['openfxauto'] == '1') {
                 $datas['user_rank'] = 12;
             } else {
                 $datas['user_rank'] = 1;
             $ip = Import::basic()->getip();
             $datas['reg_ip'] = $ip ? $ip : '';
             $datas['reg_time'] = $t;
             $datas['reg_from'] = Import::ip()->ipCity($ip);
             $datas['last_login'] = mktime();
             $datas['last_ip'] = $datas['reg_ip'];
             $datas['active'] = 1;
             $issubscribe = $this->Session->read('User.subscribe');
             if (empty($issubscribe)) {
                 $issubscribe = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['SUBSCRIBE']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['SUBSCRIBE'] : '0';
             if ($issubscribe == '1') {
                 $datas['is_subscribe'] = 1;
             $uid = $this->Session->read('User.uid');
             if ($uid > 0) {
                 return true;
             if ($this->App->insert('user', $datas)) {
                 $uid = $this->App->iid();
                 $this->Session->write('User.uid', $uid);
                 if ($tid != $uid) {
                     $dd = array();
                     $dd['share_uid'] = $tid;
                     $dd['parent_uid'] = $toid > 0 ? $toid : $tid;
                     $dd['uid'] = $uid;
                     $puid = $dd['parent_uid'];
                     $duid = 0;
                     if ($puid > 0) {
                         $rank = $this->App->findvar("SELECT user_rank FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id = '{$puid}' LIMIT 1");
                         if ($rank != '1') {
                             $duid = $puid;
                         } else {
                             $ds = $this->App->findvar("SELECT daili_uid FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_tuijian` WHERE uid = '{$puid}' LIMIT 1");
                             if ($ds > 0) {
                                 $rank = $this->App->findvar("SELECT user_rank FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id = '{$ds}' LIMIT 1");
                                 if ($rank != '1') {
                                     $duid = $ds;
                                 } else {
                                     $ds = $this->App->findvar("SELECT share_uid FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_tuijian` WHERE uid = '{$ds}' LIMIT 1");
                                     if ($ds > 0) {
                                         $rank = $this->App->findvar("SELECT user_rank FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id = '{$ds}' LIMIT 1");
                                         if ($rank != '1') {
                                             $duid = $ds;
                             } else {
                                 $ds = $this->App->findvar("SELECT share_uid FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_tuijian` WHERE uid = '{$puid}' LIMIT 1");
                                 if ($ds > 0) {
                                     $rank = $this->App->findvar("SELECT user_rank FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id = '{$ds}' LIMIT 1");
                                     if ($rank != '1') {
                                         $duid = $ds;
                                     } else {
                                         $ds = $this->App->findvar("SELECT daili_uid FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_tuijian` WHERE uid = '{$ds}' LIMIT 1");
                                         if ($ds > 0) {
                                             $rank = $this->App->findvar("SELECT user_rank FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id = '{$ds}' LIMIT 1");
                                             if ($rank != '1') {
                                                 $duid = $ds;
                             //end if
                     $dd['daili_uid'] = $duid;
                     $dd['url'] = $thisurl;
                     $dd['addtime'] = mktime();
                     if ($this->App->insert('user_tuijian', $dd)) {
                         //统计分享 跟 关注数
                         if ($issubscribe == '1') {
                             if ($dd['parent_uid'] == $dd['share_uid'] && $dd['share_uid'] > 0) {
                                 $sql = "UPDATE `{$this->App->prefix()}user` SET `share_ucount` = `share_ucount`+1,`guanzhu_ucount` = `guanzhu_ucount`+1 WHERE user_id = '{$tid}'";
                             } else {
                                 if ($dd['parent_uid'] > 0) {
                                     $id = $dd['parent_uid'];
                                     $sql = "UPDATE `{$this->App->prefix()}user` SET `guanzhu_ucount` = `guanzhu_ucount`+1 WHERE user_id = '{$id}' AND is_subscribe='1'";
                                 if ($dd['share_uid'] > 0) {
                                     $id = $dd['share_uid'];
                                     $sql = "UPDATE `{$this->App->prefix()}user` SET `share_ucount` = `share_ucount`+1 WHERE user_id = '{$id}'";
                         } else {
                             if ($dd['share_uid'] > 0) {
                                 $id = $dd['share_uid'];
                                 $sql = "UPDATE `{$this->App->prefix()}user` SET `share_ucount` = `share_ucount`+1 WHERE user_id = '{$id}'";
                         //end if subscribe
                         if ($tid > 0) {
                             $pwecha_id = $this->App->findvar("SELECT wecha_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id='{$tid}' LIMIT 1");
                             $rr = $this->_get_appid_appsecret();
                             $appid = $rr['appid'];
                             $appsecret = $rr['appsecret'];
                             $na = !empty($nickname) ? $nickname : '(UID:' . $uid . ')';
                             $this->action('api', 'send', array('openid' => $pwecha_id, 'appid' => $appid, 'appsecret' => $appsecret, 'nickname' => $na), 'share');
                             if ($duid > 0 && $duid != $tid) {
                                 $pwecha_id = $this->App->findvar("SELECT wecha_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id='{$duid}' LIMIT 1");
                                 $this->action('api', 'send', array('openid' => $pwecha_id, 'appid' => $appid, 'appsecret' => $appsecret, 'nickname' => $na), 'sharedaili');
                 if (!empty($city) && !empty($province)) {
                     $sql = "SELECT region_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}region` WHERE region_name LIKE '%{$city}%' LIMIT 1";
                     $cityid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
                     $sql = "SELECT region_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}region` WHERE region_name LIKE '%{$province}%' LIMIT 1";
                     $provinceid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
                     if ($cityid > 0 && $provinceid > 0) {
                         $dd = array();
                         $dd['consignee'] = $nickname;
                         $dd['user_id'] = $uid;
                         $dd['sex'] = $sex;
                         $dd['city'] = $cityid;
                         $dd['province'] = $provinceid;
                         $dd['country'] = 1;
                         $dd['is_own'] = 1;
                         $this->App->insert('user_address', $dd);
                 $this->Session->write('User.username', $datas['user_name']);
                 $this->Session->write('User.uid', $uid);
                 $this->Session->write('User.active', '1');
                 $this->Session->write('User.rank', '1');
                 $this->Session->write('User.ukey', $datas['wecha_id']);
                 $this->Session->write('User.addtime', mktime());
                 setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[UKEY]', $datas['wecha_id'], mktime() + 2592000);
                 setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[UID]', $uid, mktime() + 2592000);
                 if ($rrL['openfxauto'] == '1') {
                     $dd = array();
                     $ss = array();
                     $ss[] = $uid;
                     $dd['uid'] = $uid;
                     $dd['p1_uid'] = 0;
                     $dd['p2_uid'] = 0;
                     $dd['p3_uid'] = 0;
                     $p1_uid = $this->return_daili_uid($uid);
                     if ($p1_uid > 0 && !in_array($p1_uid, $ss)) {
                         $dd['p1_uid'] = $p1_uid;
                         $p2_uid = $this->return_daili_uid($p1_uid);
                         $ss[] = $p1_uid;
                         $ss[] = $uid;
                         if ($p2_uid > 0 && !in_array($p2_uid, $ss)) {
                             $dd['p2_uid'] = $p2_uid;
                             $p3_uid = $this->return_daili_uid($p2_uid);
                             $ss[] = $p2_uid;
                             if ($p3_uid > 0 && !in_array($p3_uid, $ss)) {
                                 $dd['p3_uid'] = $p3_uid;
                     $sql = "SELECT id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_tuijian_fx` WHERE uid='{$uid}' LIMIT 1";
                     $id = $this->App->findvar($sql);
                     if ($id > 0) {
                         $this->App->update('user_tuijian_fx', $dd, 'id', $id);
                     } else {
                         $this->App->insert('user_tuijian_fx', $dd);
             } else {
             //end if insert
     //end if
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private function reply($data)
     if (isset($data['MsgType'])) {
         if ('voice' == $data['MsgType']) {
             $data['Content'] = $data['Recognition'];
             $this->data['Content'] = $data['Recognition'];
     //return array('<a href="http://www.baidu.com">'.$this->token.$data['FromUserName'].'</a>', 'text');
     /*		$data['title'] = "test";
     		$data['keyword'] = "keyword";
     		$data['picurl'] = 'http://www.wanyangok.com/theme/images/website04_img_left.jpg';
     		$data['url'] = "http://www.baidu.com";*/
     //return array(array(array($data['title'], $data['keyword'], $data['picurl'], $data['url'])), 'news');
     /*		$data['title'] = "test";
     		$data['keyword'] = "keyword";
     		$data['picurl'] = 'http://www.wanyangok.com/theme/images/website04_img_left.jpg';
     		$data['url'] = "http://www.baidu.com";*/
     //return array(array(array($data['title'], $data['keyword'], $data['picurl'], $data['url']),array($data['title'], $data['keyword'], $data['picurl'], $data['url'])), 'news');
     /*		$result = array();
     		$result[0][] = $data['title'];
     		$result[0][] = $data['keyword'];
     		$result[0][] = $data['picurl'];
     		$result[0][] = $data['url'];
     		$result[1][] = $data['title'];
     		$result[1][] = $data['keyword'];
     		$result[1][] = $data['picurl'];
     		$result[1][] = $data['url'];
     		$result[2][] = $data['title'];
     		$result[2][] = $data['keyword'];
     		$result[2][] = $data['picurl'];
     		$result[2][] = $data['url'];*/
     //return array($result, 'news');
     /*		$row = array();
     		$row[] = $data['title'];
     		$row[] = $data['keyword'];
     		$row[] = $data['picurl'];
     		$row[] = $data['url'];
     		$result[] = $row;
     		$result[] = array($data['title'], $data['keyword'], $data['picurl'], $data['url']);
     		$result[] = array($data['title'], $data['keyword'], $data['picurl'], $data['url']);*/
     //return array($result, 'news');
     if (isset($data['Event'])) {
         if ('CLICK' == $data['Event']) {
             $data['Content'] = $data['EventKey'];
             $this->data['Content'] = $data['EventKey'];
         if ($data['Event'] == 'SCAN') {
             $data['Content'] = $this->getRecognition($data['EventKey']);
             $this->data['Content'] = $data['Content'];
         } elseif ($data['Event'] == 'MASSSENDJOBFINISH') {
         } elseif ('subscribe' == $data['Event']) {
             $wecha_id = $data['FromUserName'];
             //1、更改关注标识 表user_tuijian,user
             $rr = $this->_get_appid_appsecret();
             $appid = $rr['appid'];
             $appsecret = $rr['appsecret'];
             $access_token = $this->_get_access_token();
             $url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/user/info?access_token=' . $access_token . '&openid=' . $wecha_id;
             $json = json_decode($this->curlGet($url));
             $subscribe = $json->subscribe;
             $nickname = isset($json->nickname) ? $json->nickname : '';
             $sex = isset($json->sex) ? $json->sex : '';
             $city = isset($json->city) ? $json->city : '';
             $province = isset($json->province) ? $json->province : '';
             $headimgurl = isset($json->headimgurl) ? $json->headimgurl : '';
             $subscribe_time = isset($json->subscribe_time) ? $json->subscribe_time : '';
             $this->Session->write('User.subscribe', '1');
             setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[SUBSCRIBE]', '1', mktime() + 2592000);
             $dd = array();
             $dd['is_subscribe'] = '1';
             $dd['subscribe_time'] = mktime();
             if (!empty($nickname)) {
                 $dd['nickname'] = $nickname;
             if (!empty($sex)) {
                 $dd['sex'] = $sex;
             if (!empty($city)) {
                 $dd['cityname'] = $city;
             if (!empty($province)) {
                 $dd['provincename'] = $province;
             if (!empty($headimgurl)) {
                 $dd['headimgurl'] = $headimgurl;
             if (!empty($subscribe_time)) {
                 $dd['subscribe_time'] = $subscribe_time;
             $ukey = $this->Session->read('User.ukey');
             if (empty($ukey)) {
                 $ukey = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['UKEY']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['UKEY'] : '';
             if (!empty($ukey) && $ukey != $wecha_id) {
                 $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE wecha_id='{$wecha_id}' LIMIT 1";
                 $uid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
             } else {
                 $uid = $this->Session->read('User.uid');
                 if (!($uid > 0)) {
                     $uid = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['UID']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['UID'] : '0';
                     if (!($uid > 0)) {
                         $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE wecha_id='{$wecha_id}' LIMIT 1";
                         $uid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
                         $this->Session->write('User.uid', $uid);
                         setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[UID]', $uid, mktime() + 2592000);
             if ($uid > 0) {
                 $this->App->update('user', $dd, 'user_id', $uid);
                 $counts = $this->App->findvar("SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE is_subscribe='1'");
                 $this->App->update('user', array('subscribe_rank' => $counts), 'user_id', $uid);
             } else {
                 $dd['user_name'] = $wecha_id;
                 $dd['wecha_id'] = $wecha_id;
                 $t = mktime();
                 $dd['password'] = md5('A123456');
                 $dd['user_rank'] = 1;
                 $ip = Import::basic()->getip();
                 $dd['reg_ip'] = $ip ? $ip : '';
                 $dd['reg_time'] = $t;
                 $dd['reg_from'] = Import::ip()->ipCity($ip);
                 $dd['last_login'] = mktime();
                 $dd['last_ip'] = $dd['reg_ip'];
                 $dd['active'] = 1;
                 if ($this->App->insert('user', $dd)) {
                     $uid = $this->App->iid();
                     $counts = $this->App->findvar("SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE is_subscribe='1'");
                     ${$counts} = $counts + 1;
                     $this->App->update('user', array('subscribe_rank' => $counts), 'user_id', $uid);
                     $this->Session->write('User.username', $dd['user_name']);
                     $this->Session->write('User.uid', $uid);
                     $this->Session->write('User.active', '1');
                     $this->Session->write('User.rank', '1');
                     $this->Session->write('User.ukey', $dd['wecha_id']);
                     $this->Session->write('User.addtime', mktime());
                     setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[UKEY]', $dd['wecha_id'], mktime() + 2592000);
                     setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[UID]', $uid, mktime() + 2592000);
                     $tid = $this->Session->read('User.tid');
                     if (!($tid > 0)) {
                         $tid = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['TID']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['TID'] : "0";
                     $to_wecha_id = $this->Session->read('User.to_wecha_id');
                     if (!($to_wecha_id > 0)) {
                         $to_wecha_id = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['TOOPENID']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['TOOPENID'] : "0";
                     if ($tid != $uid) {
                         $dd = array();
                         //$url = $this->Session->read('User.url');
                         $dd['share_uid'] = $tid;
                         $dd['parent_uid'] = $to_wecha_id > 0 ? $to_wecha_id : $tid;
                         $dd['uid'] = $uid;
                         $puid = $dd['parent_uid'];
                         $duid = 0;
                         if ($puid > 0) {
                             $rank = $this->App->findvar("SELECT user_rank FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id = '{$puid}' LIMIT 1");
                             if ($rank != '1') {
                                 $duid = $puid;
                             } else {
                                 $duid = $this->App->findvar("SELECT daili_uid FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_tuijian` WHERE uid = '{$puid}' LIMIT 1");
                         //$dd['url'] = $url;
                         $dd['addtime'] = mktime();
                         if ($this->App->insert('user_tuijian', $dd)) {
                             if ($dd['share_uid'] > 0) {
                                 $id = $dd['share_uid'];
                                 $sql = "UPDATE `{$this->App->prefix()}user` SET `share_ucount` = `share_ucount`+1 WHERE user_id = '{$id}'";
                     //end if
                 //end insert
             //end if uid>0
             if (!empty($city) && !empty($province)) {
                 $sql = "SELECT region_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}region` WHERE region_name LIKE '%{$city}%' LIMIT 1";
                 $cityid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
                 $sql = "SELECT region_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}region` WHERE region_name LIKE '%{$province}%' LIMIT 1";
                 $provinceid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
                 if ($cityid > 0 && $provinceid > 0) {
                     $dd = array();
                     $dd['consignee'] = $nickname;
                     $dd['user_id'] = $uid;
                     $dd['sex'] = $sex;
                     $dd['city'] = $cityid;
                     $dd['province'] = $provinceid;
                     $dd['country'] = 1;
                     $dd['is_own'] = 1;
                     $this->App->insert('user_address', $dd);
             $sql = "SELECT tuijiannum FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}userconfig` LIMIT 1";
             $tuijiannum = $this->App->findvar($sql);
             if ($tuijiannum > 0) {
                 $uid = $this->Session->read('User.uid');
                 if (!($uid > 0)) {
                     $uid = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['UID']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['UID'] : "0";
                     if (!($uid > 0)) {
                         $uid = $this->App->findvar("SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE wecha_id='{$wecha_id}' LIMIT 1");
                 if ($uid > 0) {
                     $purt = $this->App->findrow("SELECT ut.parent_uid,u.wecha_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_tuijian` AS ut LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}user` AS u ON u.user_id = ut.parent_uid WHERE ut.uid='{$uid}' LIMIT 1");
                     $puid = isset($purt['parent_uid']) ? $purt['parent_uid'] : '0';
                     $pwecha_id = isset($purt['wecha_id']) ? $purt['wecha_id'] : '';
                     if ($puid > 0) {
                         //派送积分  推荐的用户
                         $dd = array();
                         $dd['time'] = mktime();
                         $dd['points'] = $tuijiannum;
                         $dd['uid'] = $puid;
                         $dd['subuid'] = $uid;
                         $dd['changedesc'] = '推荐关注送积分';
                         $dd['thismonth'] = date('Y-m-d', mktime());
                         $this->App->insert('user_point_change', $dd);
                         //积分总计、关注数叠加 方便排序及查找
                         $tuijiannum = intval($tuijiannum);
                         if (!($tuijiannum > 0)) {
                             $tuijiannum = 1;
                         $sql = "UPDATE `{$this->App->prefix()}user` SET `mypoints` = `mypoints`+{$tuijiannum},`points_ucount` = `points_ucount`+{$tuijiannum},`guanzhu_ucount` = `guanzhu_ucount`+1 WHERE user_id = '{$puid}' AND is_subscribe='1'";
                         $this->send(array('openid' => $pwecha_id, 'appid' => $appid, 'appsecret' => $appsecret, 'nickname' => $nickname), 'guanzhu');
                         $duid = 0;
                         if ($uid != $duid && $puid != $duid) {
                             $rank = $this->App->findvar("SELECT user_rank FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id = '{$puid}' LIMIT 1");
                             if ($rank != '1') {
                                 $duid = $puid;
                             } else {
                                 $duid = $this->App->findvar("SELECT daili_uid FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_tuijian` WHERE uid = '{$puid}' LIMIT 1");
                             if ($duid > 0 && $duid != $uid) {
                                 $pwecha_id = $this->App->findvar("SELECT wecha_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id='{$duid}' LIMIT 1");
                                 $this->send(array('openid' => $pwecha_id, 'appid' => $appid, 'appsecret' => $appsecret, 'nickname' => $nickname), 'guanzhudaili');
             $token = $this->token;
             /*				$keyword = $this->App->findvar("SELECT keyword FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}wxkeyword` WHERE type='guanzhu' LIMIT 1");
             					$sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}wx_article` WHERE keyword='$keyword' LIMIT 1";
             					$rts = $this->App->findrow($sql);
             						return array('商家暂未有设置关注回复,请联系商家设置', 'text');
             						$type = $rts['type'];
             						if($type=="txt"){ //文本信息
             							return array($rts['content'], 'text');
             							$url = $rts['art_url'];
             							$id = $rts['article_id'];
             							if(empty($url)) $url = SITE_URL.'m/art.php?id='.$id;
             							$img = SITE_URL.$rts['article_img'];
             							$about = $rts['about'];
             							$title = $rts['article_title'];
             							$data['title'] = $title;
             							$data['keyword'] = $about;
             							$data['picurl'] = $img;
             							$data['url'] = $url;
             							return array(array(array($data['title'], $data['keyword'], $data['picurl'], $data['url'])), 'news');
             					return array('商家暂未有设置关注回复,请联系商家设置', 'text');
                             if ($follow_data['home'] == 1) {
                                 return $this->keyword($follow_data['keyword']);
                             } else {
                                 return array(html_entity_decode($follow_data['content']), 'text');
             if ($uid > 0) {
                 $gzcount = $this->App->findvar("SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` LIMIT 1");
                 $gzcount = $gzcount * 5 + 750;
                 if ($puid > 0) {
                     $nickname = $this->App->findvar("SELECT nickname FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id = '{$puid}' LIMIT 1");
                     if (empty($nickname)) {
                         $nickname = '官网';
                     $str = '来自好友【' . $nickname . '】的推荐成为第【' . $gzcount . '】位会员,立即关注,抢夺东家地盘!';
                 } else {
                     $str = '来自【官网】的推荐成为第【' . $gzcount . '】位会员,立即关注,抢夺东家地盘!';
                 return array($str, 'text');
         } elseif ('unsubscribe' == $data['Event']) {
             //释放cookie 释放session 更改关注标记
             $wecha_id = $this->wecha_id;
             $this->App->update('user', array('is_subscribe' => '0'), 'wecha_id', $wecha_id);
             $this->Session->write('User.subscribe', null);
             if (isset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['SUBSCRIBE'])) {
                 setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[SUBSCRIBE]', "", mktime() - 2592000);
             unset($_COOKIE[CFGH . 'USER']['SUBSCRIBE']);
             $sql = "SELECT tuijiannum FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}userconfig` LIMIT 1";
             $tuijiannum = $this->App->findvar($sql);
             if ($tuijiannum > 0) {
                 $uid = $this->Session->read('User.uid');
                 if (!($uid > 0)) {
                     $uid = $this->App->findvar("SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE wecha_id='{$wecha_id}' LIMIT 1");
                 if ($uid > 0) {
                     $purt = $this->App->findrow("SELECT ut.parent_uid,u.wecha_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_tuijian` AS ut LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}user` AS u ON u.user_id = ut.parent_uid WHERE ut.uid='{$uid}' LIMIT 1");
                     $puid = isset($purt['parent_uid']) ? $purt['parent_uid'] : '0';
                     $pwecha_id = isset($purt['wecha_id']) ? $purt['wecha_id'] : '';
                     if ($puid > 0) {
                         $dd = array();
                         $dd['time'] = mktime();
                         $dd['points'] = -$tuijiannum;
                         $dd['uid'] = $puid;
                         $dd['subuid'] = $uid;
                         $dd['changedesc'] = '用户取消关注减积分';
                         $dd['thismonth'] = date('Y-m-d', mktime());
                         $this->App->insert('user_point_change', $dd);
                         //积分总计、关注数叠加 方便排序及查找
                         $tuijiannum = intval(-$tuijiannum);
                         $sql = "UPDATE `{$this->App->prefix()}user` SET `mypoints` = `mypoints`+{$tuijiannum},`points_ucount` = `points_ucount`+{$tuijiannum},`guanzhu_ucount` = `guanzhu_ucount`-1 WHERE user_id = '{$puid}'";
         } elseif ($data['Event'] == 'LOCATION') {
             //return array('LOCATION', 'text');
     return $this->keyword($data['Content']);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function ajax_feedback($data = array())
     $err = 0;
     $result = array('error' => $err, 'message' => '');
     $json = Import::json();
     if (empty($data)) {
         $result['error'] = 2;
         $result['message'] = '传送的数据为空!';
     $mesobj = $json->decode($data);
     //反json ,返回值为对象
     //以下字段对应评论的表单页面 一定要一致
     $datas['comment_title'] = $mesobj->comment_title;
     $datas['goods_id'] = $mesobj->goods_id;
     $goods_id = $datas['goods_id'];
     $uid = $this->Session->read('User.uid');
     $datas['user_id'] = !empty($uid) ? $uid : 0;
     $datas['status'] = 2;
     if (strlen($datas['comment_title']) < 12) {
         $result['error'] = 2;
         $result['message'] = '评论内容不能太少!';
     $t = mktime() + 24 * 3600;
     $sql = "SELECT addtime FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}message` WHERE user_id='{$uid}' AND goods_id='{$goods_id}' ORDER BY addtime DESC LIMIT 1";
     $dt = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     if (!empty($dt)) {
         if ($dt + 3600 * 24 > mktime()) {
             $result['error'] = 1;
             $result['message'] = '今天你已经发表过提问了,请你<font color=red>' . intval(($dt + 3600 * 24 - mktime()) / 3600) . '</font>小时之后再次提问吧!';
     /*$datas['content'] = $mesobj->content;goods_id
     		$datas['user_name'] = $mesobj->user_name;
     		$datas['sex'] = $mesobj->sex;
     		$datas['mobile'] = $mesobj->mobile;
     		$datas['telephone'] = $mesobj->telephone;
     		$datas['email'] = $mesobj->email;
     		$datas['companyname'] = $mesobj->companyname;
     		$datas['address'] = $mesobj->address;
     		$datas['companyurl'] = $mesobj->companyurl;
     $datas['addtime'] = mktime();
     $ip = Import::basic()->getip();
     $datas['ip_address'] = $ip ? $ip : '';
     $datas['ip_from'] = Import::ip()->ipCity($ip);
     if ($this->App->insert('message', $datas)) {
         $rl = $this->action('user', 'add_user_jifen', 'comment');
         $result['error'] = 0;
         $result['message'] = '提问成功,我们会很快回答你的问题!<br />恭喜你,本次提问所得积分:' . $rl['points'] . '分!';
     } else {
         $result['error'] = 1;
         $result['message'] = '提问失败,请通过在线联系客服吧!';
     unset($datas, $data);
     if (!$page) {
         $page = 1;
     $list = 2;
     $start = ($page - 1) * $list;
     $tt = $this->__get_message_count($goods_id);
     $rt['message_count'] = $tt;
     $rt['messagelist'] = $this->__get_message($goods_id, $start, $list);
     $rt['messagepage'] = Import::basic()->ajax_page($tt, $list, $page, 'get_message_page', array($goods_id));
     $rt['goodsinfo']['goods_id'] = $goods_id;
     $this->set('rt', $rt);
     $result['message'] = $this->fetch('ajax_message', true);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 function ajax_user_register($data = array())
     $json = Import::json();
     $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '传送的数据为空!');
     if (empty($data['fromAttr'])) {
     $fromAttr = $json->decode($data['fromAttr']);
     //反json ,返回值为对象
     //以下字段对应评论的表单页面 一定要一致
     $datas['user_rank'] = $fromAttr->user_rank;
     $datas['user_name'] = $fromAttr->username;
     $datas['email'] = $fromAttr->email;
     $datas['password'] = md5($fromAttr->password);
     if (!($datas['user_rank'] > 0)) {
         $datas['user_rank'] = 1;
     if ($datas['user_rank'] != '1') {
         //供应商 || 配送店 || 企业会员
         			 *	look修改注释
         				$datass['consignee'] = $fromAttr->consignee; 
         					$result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '联系人姓名不能为空!');
         					if(empty($data['fromAttr']))  die($json->encode($result));
         	$datass['tel'] = $fromAttr->tel; 
         					$result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '固定电话不能为空!');
         					if(empty($data['fromAttr']))  die($json->encode($result));
         				$datass['mobile'] = $fromAttr->mobile;
         				$datass['province'] = $fromAttr->province; 
         					$result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '必须选择省份!');
         					if(empty($data['fromAttr']))  die($json->encode($result));
         				$datass['city'] = $fromAttr->city; 
         					$result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '必须选择城市!');
         					if(empty($data['fromAttr']))  die($json->encode($result));
         				$datass['district'] = $fromAttr->district;
         					$result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '必须选择地区!');
         					if(empty($data['fromAttr']))  die($json->encode($result));
         				$datass['address'] = $fromAttr->address;
         					$result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '详细地址不能为空!');
         					if(empty($data['fromAttr']))  die($json->encode($result));
         $datass['email'] = $datas['email'];
     $uname = $datas['user_name'];
     /******  look修改注释   取消注册时不能用户名一样的。          ************************	
     	    $sql = "SELECT user_name FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_name='$uname'";
     		$dbname = $this->App->findvar($sql);
     			$result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '该用户名已经被注册了!');
     $emails = $datas['email'];
     if (!empty($emails)) {
         $sql = "SELECT email FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE email='{$emails}'";
         $dbemail = $this->App->findvar($sql);
         if (!empty($dbemail)) {
             $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '该电子邮箱已经被使用了!');
     $ip = Import::basic()->getip();
     $datas['reg_ip'] = $ip ? $ip : '';
     $datas['reg_time'] = mktime();
     $datas['reg_from'] = Import::ip()->ipCity($ip);
     $datas['last_login'] = mktime();
     $datas['last_ip'] = $datas['reg_ip'];
     $datas['active'] = 0;
     if ($this->App->insert('user', $datas)) {
         $uid = $this->App->iid();
         $this->Session->write('User.username', $uname);
         $this->Session->write('User.uid', $uid);
         $this->Session->write('User.active', $datas['active']);
         $this->Session->write('User.rank', $datas['user_rank']);
         $this->Session->write('User.lasttime', $datas['last_login']);
         $this->Session->write('User.lastip', $datas['last_ip']);
         $datass['user_id'] = $uid;
         $datass['is_own'] = '1';
         $this->App->insert('user_address', $datass);
         $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '注册成功!');
         if (!empty($emails) && $GLOBALS['LANG']['email_open_config']['register'] == '1') {
             $datas['uid'] = $uid;
             $this->action('email', 'send_register', $datas);
         //$this->add_user_money('register',array()); //赠送12000
         if (isset($_COOKIE['USER']['USERID'])) {
             setcookie('USER[USERID]', "", 0);
         if (isset($_COOKIE['USER']['PASS'])) {
             setcookie('USER[PASS]', "", 0);
         unset($datas, $datass);
     } else {
         $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '注册失败!');
Ejemplo n.º 13
	function _create_user(){
		$uid = $this->Session->read('User.uid');
		$tid = $this->Session->read('User.tid');
		if(!($tid>0)){ //SESSION记录为空
			$tid = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['TID']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['TID'] : '0';
			if($tid>0){ //从新记录TID
				setcookie(CFGH.'USER[TID]', $tid, mktime() + 2592000);
				$tid = isset($_GET['tid']) ? intval($_GET['tid']) : '0'; //用户入来的id
				$this->Session->write('User.url',(Import::basic()->thisurl())); //记录当前进入连接
				if($tid >0){
						$sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id='$tid' LIMIT 1";
						$uuid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
							setcookie(CFGH.'USER[TID]', "", mktime() - 2592000);
							if($uid > 0 && $uid == $tid){ //认定了是当前用户
								setcookie(CFGH.'USER[TID]', "", mktime() - 2592000);
								setcookie(CFGH.'USER[TID]', $tid, mktime() + 2592000);
		$toid = $this->Session->read('User.to_wecha_id');
		if(!($toid>0)){ //SESSION记录为空
			$toid = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['TOOPENID']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['TOOPENID'] : '0';
			if($toid>0){ //从新记录TID
				setcookie(CFGH.'USER[TOOPENID]', $toid, mktime() + 2592000);
				$toid = isset($_GET['toid']) ? intval($_GET['toid']) : '0'; //用户入来的id
				if($toid >0){
						$sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id='$toid' LIMIT 1";
						$uuid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
							setcookie(CFGH.'USER[TOOPENID]', "", mktime() - 2592000);
							if($uid > 0 && $uid == $toid){ //认定了是当前用户
								setcookie(CFGH.'USER[TOOPENID]', "", mktime() - 2592000);
								setcookie(CFGH.'USER[TOOPENID]', $toid, mktime() + 2592000);
		$wecha_id = $this->Session->read('User.wecha_id');
		$ukey = $this->Session->read('User.username');
		$comd = array();
		if(!empty($wecha_id)) $comd[] = "wecha_id = '$wecha_id'";
		if(!empty($ukey)) $comd[] = "wecha_id = '$ukey'";
		$usid = 0;
			$sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE ".implode(' OR ',$comd)." LIMIT 1";
			$usid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
		if(!($usid>0)){ //当前用户ID,判断数据库是否存在
				$tid = $this->Session->read('User.tid');	
				if(!($tid>0)) $tid = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['TID']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['TID'] : "0"; //分享的来源ID
				/*$tid_ = isset($_GET['tid']) ? intval($_GET['tid']) : '0'; //用户入来的id
				if($tid_ > 0 && $tid_ != $tid){
					$sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id = '$tid' LIMIT 1";
					$user_id = $this->App->findvar($sql);
					if(!($user_id>0)){ //不存在,则以当前ID为准
						$tid = $tid_;
						setcookie('USER[TID]', $tid, mktime() + 2592000);
				$to_wecha_id = $this->Session->read('User.to_wecha_id'); //来源ID
				if(!($to_wecha_id>0)) $to_wecha_id = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['TOOPENID']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['TOOPENID'] : "0";
				/*$toid_ = isset($_GET['toid']) ? intval($_GET['toid']) : '0'; //用户入来的id
				if($toid_ > 0 && $toid_ != $to_wecha_id){
					$sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id = '$to_wecha_id' LIMIT 1";
					$user_id = $this->App->findvar($sql);
					if(!($user_id>0)){ //不存在,则以当前ID为准
						$to_wecha_id = $toid_;
						setcookie('USER[TOOPENID]', $to_wecha_id, mktime() + 2592000);
				$nickname = $this->Session->read('User.nickname');
				$sex = $this->Session->read('User.sex');
				$city = $this->Session->read('User.city');
				$province = $this->Session->read('User.province');
				$headimgurl = $this->Session->read('User.headimgurl');
				$datas = array();
				if(!empty($nickname)) $datas['nickname'] = $nickname;
				if(!empty($city)) $datas['cityname'] = $city;
				if(!empty($province)) $datas['provincename'] = $province;
				if(!empty($headimgurl)) $datas['headimgurl'] = $headimgurl;
				if($sex > 0) $datas['sex'] = $sex;
				if(empty($wecha_id)) $wecha_id = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['UKEY']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['UKEY'] : "";
				if(empty($wecha_id)){ //跳转首页
					$is_oauth = $this->App->findvar("SELECT is_oauth FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}wxuserset` WHERE id='1'");
					if($is_oauth=='1'){ //授权跳转首页
						setcookie(CFGH.'USER[TOOPENID]', "", mktime()-3600);
						setcookie(CFGH.'USER[UKEY]', "", mktime()-3600);
						//setcookie('USER[PASS]', "", mktime()-3600);
						setcookie(CFGH.'USER[TID]', "", mktime()-3600);
						setcookie(CFGH.'USER[UID]', "", mktime()-3600);
						$this->jump(ADMIN_URL); exit;
				$datas['user_name'] = !empty($wecha_id) ? $wecha_id : 'GZSH'.$tid.mktime();
				$datas['wecha_id'] = $datas['user_name'];
				$t = mktime();
				$datas['password'] = md5('A123456');
				$datas['user_rank'] = 1;
				$ip = Import::basic()->getip();
				$datas['reg_ip'] = $ip ? $ip : '';
				$datas['reg_time'] = $t;
				$datas['reg_from'] = Import::ip()->ipCity($ip);
				$datas['last_login'] = mktime();
				$datas['last_ip'] = $datas['reg_ip'];
				$datas['active'] = 1;
				$issubscribe = $this->Session->read('User.subscribe');
				if(empty($issubscribe)) $isSUBSCRIBE = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['SUBSCRIBE']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['SUBSCRIBE'] : '0';
				if($issubscribe == '1'){ $datas['is_subscribe'] = 1; }
				if($this->App->insert('user',$datas)){ //添加账户
						$uid = $this->App->iid();
						if(/*$tid > 0 &&*/ $tid!=$uid){//加入分享表
							$dd = array();
							$url = $this->Session->read('User.url');
							$dd['share_uid'] = $tid; //分享者uid
							$dd['parent_uid'] = $to_wecha_id > 0 ? $to_wecha_id : $tid; //关注者分享ID
							$dd['uid'] = $uid;
							$puid = $dd['parent_uid'];
							$duid = 0;
							if($puid > 0){
								$rank = $this->App->findvar("SELECT user_rank FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id = '$puid' LIMIT 1");
									$duid = $puid;
									$duid = $this->App->findvar("SELECT daili_uid FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_tuijian` WHERE uid = '$puid' LIMIT 1");
							$dd['daili_uid'] = $duid;
							$dd['url'] = $url;
							$dd['addtime'] = mktime();
							if($this->App->insert('user_tuijian',$dd)){ //添加推荐用户
								//统计分享 跟 关注数
								if($issubscribe=='1'){ //当前用户关注了的
										if($dd['parent_uid']==$dd['share_uid'] && $dd['share_uid'] > 0){
												$sql = "UPDATE `{$this->App->prefix()}user` SET `share_ucount` = `share_ucount`+1,`guanzhu_ucount` = `guanzhu_ucount`+1 WHERE user_id = '$tid'";
											if($dd['parent_uid'] > 0){
												$id = $dd['parent_uid'];
												$sql = "UPDATE `{$this->App->prefix()}user` SET `guanzhu_ucount` = `guanzhu_ucount`+1 WHERE user_id = '$id' AND is_subscribe='1'";
											if($dd['share_uid'] > 0){
												$id = $dd['share_uid'];
												$sql = "UPDATE `{$this->App->prefix()}user` SET `share_ucount` = `share_ucount`+1 WHERE user_id = '$id'";
									if($dd['share_uid'] > 0){
										$id = $dd['share_uid'];
										$sql = "UPDATE `{$this->App->prefix()}user` SET `share_ucount` = `share_ucount`+1 WHERE user_id = '$id'";
								} //end if subscribe
								if($tid > 0){
									$pwecha_id = $this->App->findvar("SELECT wecha_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id='$tid' LIMIT 1");
									$appid = $this->Session->read('User.appid');
									if(empty($appid)) $appid = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['APPID']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['APPID'] : '';
									$appsecret = $this->Session->read('User.appsecret');
									if(empty($appsecret)) $appsecret = isset($_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['APPSECRET']) ? $_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['APPSECRET'] : '';
									$na = !empty($nickname) ? $nickname : '(UID:'.$uid.')';
									if($duid > 0 && $duid != $tid){
										$pwecha_id = $this->App->findvar("SELECT wecha_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id='$duid' LIMIT 1");
						if(!empty($city) && !empty($province)){
							$sql = "SELECT region_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}region` WHERE region_name LIKE '%$city%' LIMIT 1";
							$cityid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
							$sql = "SELECT region_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}region` WHERE region_name LIKE '%$province%' LIMIT 1";
							$provinceid = $this->App->findvar($sql);
							if($cityid > 0 && $provinceid>0){
								$dd = array();
								$dd['consignee'] = $nickname;
								$dd['user_id'] = $uid;
								$dd['sex'] = $sex;
								$dd['city'] = $cityid;
								$dd['province'] = $provinceid;
								$dd['country'] = 1;
								$dd['is_own'] = 1;
						setcookie(CFGH.'USER[UKEY]', $datas['wecha_id'], mktime() + 2592000);
						setcookie(CFGH.'USER[UID]', $uid, mktime() + 2592000);
						//setcookie('USER[PASS]', $datas['password'], mktime() + 2592000);
				$sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id = '$usid' LIMIT 1";
				$rt = $this->App->findrow($sql);
					/*$tid = $this->Session->read('User.tid');	
					if(!($tid>0)) $tid = isset($_COOKIE['USER']['TID']) ? $_COOKIE['USER']['TID'] : "0"; //分享的来源ID
					$tid_ = isset($_GET['tid']) ? intval($_GET['tid']) : '0'; //用户入来的id
					if($tid_ > 0 && $tid_ != $tid){
						$sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id = '$tid' LIMIT 1";
						$user_id = $this->App->findvar($sql);
						if(!($user_id>0)){ //不存在,则以当前ID为准
							$tid = $tid_;
							setcookie('USER[TID]', $tid, mktime() + 2592000);
					/*$to_wecha_id = $this->Session->read('User.to_wecha_id'); //来源ID
					if(!($to_wecha_id>0)) $to_wecha_id = isset($_COOKIE['USER']['TOOPENID']) ? $_COOKIE['USER']['TOOPENID'] : "0";
					$toid_ = isset($_GET['toid']) ? intval($_GET['toid']) : '0'; //用户入来的id
					if($toid_ > 0 && $toid_ != $to_wecha_id){
						$sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id = '$to_wecha_id' LIMIT 1";
						$user_id = $this->App->findvar($sql);
						if(!($user_id>0)){ //不存在,则以当前ID为准
							$to_wecha_id = $toid_;
							setcookie('USER[TOOPENID]', $to_wecha_id, mktime() + 2592000);
					setcookie(CFGH.'USER[UKEY]', $rt['wecha_id'], mktime() + 2592000);
					setcookie(CFGH.'USER[UID]', $rt['user_id'], mktime() + 2592000);
					//setcookie('USER[PASS]', $rt['password'], mktime() + 2592000);
					if(isset($_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['UKEY'])) setcookie(CFGH.'USER[UKEY]',"",mktime()-3600);
					if(isset($_COOKIE[CFGH.'USER']['UID'])) setcookie(CFGH.'USER[UID]',"",mktime()-3600); 
					//if(isset($_COOKIE['USER']['PASS'])) setcookie('USER[PASS]',"",mktime()-3600); 
					$this->jump(ADMIN_URL); exit;
				return true;