Ejemplo n.º 1
 function parse_user($data)
     $attributes =& $data['attributes'];
     if (empty($attributes['unique'])) {
         //echo "user tag without data we need!<br />\n"; flush();
     $deleted = isset($attributes['deleted']) ? '; deleted!' : '';
     $user_object = new ImpExData($this->Db_object, $this->session, 'user');
     $user_object->set_value('mandatory', 'usergroupid', $this->session->get_session_var('usergroupid'));
     // Swap hutch, jerry for jerry hutch
     if (substr(', ', $attributes['name'])) {
         $name_bits = explode(' ', $attributes['name']);
         $attributes['name'] = $name_bits[1] . ' ' . substr($name_bits[0], 0, -1);
     $user_object->set_value('mandatory', 'username', trim($attributes['name']));
     $user_object->set_value('mandatory', 'email', $attributes['email']);
     $user_object->set_value('mandatory', 'importuserid', hexdec($attributes['ID']));
     // passwords are stored as binary md5 hashes. Need to take each nibble from each byte
     // and convert it to hex
     if (strlen($attributes['password']) == 16) {
         $password = '';
         for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
             $chr = ord($attributes['password'][$i]);
             $password .= dechex($chr >> 4 & 0xf);
             $password .= dechex($chr & 0xf);
     } else {
         // hey, this wouldn't even going to come out to a valid md5 hash...
         $password = $attributes['password'];
     $user_object->_password_md5_already = true;
     $user_object->set_value('nonmandatory', 'password', $password);
     $user_object->set_value('nonmandatory', 'passworddate', time());
     $user_object->set_value('nonmandatory', 'homepage', $attributes['homePage']);
     $user_object->set_value('nonmandatory', 'joindate', @strtotime($attributes['registeredTd']));
     $user_object->set_value('nonmandatory', 'lastvisit', @strtotime($attributes['lastLogin']));
     $user_object->set_value('nonmandatory', 'lastactivity', @strtotime($attributes['lastLogin']));
     $user_object->set_value('nonmandatory', 'options', $this->_default_user_permissions);
     if ($user_object->import_user($this->Db_object, $this->target_db_type, $this->target_db_prefix)) {
         echo "<br /><span class=\"isucc\"><b>" . $user_object->how_complete() . "%</b></span> users -> :: " . $user_object->get_value('mandatory', 'username');
     } else {
         echo "<h1>'" . trim($attributes['name']) . " not imported" . "'</h1>";
     #echo "found user '$attributes[name]' ($attributes[unique]$deleted)<br />\n"; flush();