Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function run($args)
     $date = '20150414';
     //echo $date;
     //echo date('Ymd',strtotime('-1 day'));
     $dir = DISK . 'npsite/tyrb/' . $date . '/';
     //echo $dir;
     if (is_dir($dir)) {
         $img_file = PC . '/epaper2/assets/article_img/' . $date;
         if (is_dir($img_file)) {
             echo 'exist ' . $date . ' epaper data';
         } else {
             if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
                 // echo $img_file.'<bf>';
                 if (mkdir($img_file, 0777)) {
                     $filenames = scandir($dir);
                     $fl_array1 = preg_grep("/\\w*.xml/", $filenames);
                     $fl_array = preg_grep("/^((?!pages.xml).)*\$/", $fl_array1);
                     $xmlfile = array_values($fl_array);
                     $pageCount = new Pagecount();
                     $pageCount->setAttributes(array('create_time' => $date, 'pageCount' => count($xmlfile)));
                     foreach ($xmlfile as $xml) {
                         if (file_exists($dir . $xml)) {
                             $xml = simplexml_load_file($dir . $xml);
                             $PageNo = $xml->PageInfo[0]->attributes()[0];
                             $PageName = $xml->PageInfo[0]->attributes()[1];
                             $ppname = new Pname();
                             $ppname->setAttributes(array('create_time' => $date, 'pageNo' => $PageNo, 'pageName' => $PageName));
                             $ArticleList = $xml->children()[1];
                             foreach ($ArticleList->children() as $child) {
                                 //echo count($ArticleList->children());
                                 //$IntroTitle= $child->IntroTitle[0];
                                 $Title = $child->Title[0];
                                 //echo $Title;
                                 $Title = preg_replace('/(\\n)/', '', $Title);
                                 $SubTitle = $child->SubTitle[0];
                                 $SubTitle = preg_replace('/(\\n)/', '', $SubTitle);
                                 $Content = $child->Content[0];
                                 //$Content = preg_replace('/(\\n\s*){2,}/','',$Content);
                                 //$Content = preg_replace('/(\\n\s*){2,}/','',$Content);
                                 $ImageList = $child->ImageList[0];
                                 $imageCount = count($ImageList->children());
                                 //$Image= $ImageList->Image[0]->attributes()[0];
                                 //echo $Title."<br>";
                                 $PointList = $child->PointList[0];
                                 $x1 = intval($PointList->Point[0]->attributes()[0]);
                                 $y1 = intval($PointList->Point[0]->attributes()[1]);
                                 $x2 = intval($PointList->Point[2]->attributes()[0]);
                                 $y2 = intval($PointList->Point[2]->attributes()[1]);
                                 //echo "x1=".$x1.",y1=".$y1."x2=".$x2.",y2=".$y2;
                                 $node = new stdClass();
                                 $node->title = $Title;
                                 $node->body['und'][0]['value'] = "<p>" . $Content . "</p>";
                                 $node->uid = 1;
                                 $node->type = '_xinwen';
                                 $node->language = 'zh-hans';
                                 $node->status = 1;
                                 //(1 or 0): published or not
                                 $node->promote = 0;
                                 //(1 or 0): promoted to front page
                                 $node->comment = 2;
                                 // 0 = comments disabled, 1 = read only, 2 = read/write
                                 $node->field_pageno['und'][0]['value'] = $PageNo;
                                 $node->field_pagename['und'][0]['value'] = $PageName;
                                 $SubTitle = str_replace(" ", "", $SubTitle);
                                 $node->field_subtitle['und'][0]['value'] = $SubTitle;
                                 $node->field_riq['und'][0]['value'] = $date;
                                 foreach ($ImageList->children() as $key => $image) {
                                     $imageUrl = $image->attributes()[0];
                                     $imageData = new Img();
                                     $imageData->setAttributes(array('url' => $imageUrl, 'article_id' => $article->id));
                                     if (file_exists($dir . $imageUrl)) {
                                         $url = $dir . $imageUrl;
                                     } else {
                                         if (file_exists($dir . 'm_' . $imageUrl)) {
                                             $url = $dir . 'm_' . $imageUrl;
                                     Image::thumb($url, $img_file . '/s_' . $imageUrl, 137, 109);
                                     Image::thumb($url, $img_file . '/b_' . $imageUrl, 600, 400);
                                     //$htmlimg="<img  src=http://localhost/admin/assets/article_img/".$date.'/b_'.$imageUrl." style=\"width:100%\"/></a>";
                                     $htmlimg = "<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img src=\"" . ImgRoot . $date . "/b_" . $imageUrl . " \" style=\"width: 100%;\"/></p>";
                                     //echo $htmlimg;
                                     $node->body['und'][0]['value'] = $htmlimg . $node->body['und'][0]['value'];
                                     $node->field_suoluetu['und'][0]['value'] = ImgRoot . $date . '/b_' . $imageUrl;
                                     //echo $imageUrl;
                                 $node = node_submit($node);
                                 // Prepare node for saving
                                 $coor = new Coor();
                                 $coor->setAttributes(array('create_time' => $date, 'pageNo' => $PageNo, 'nid' => $node->nid, 'x1' => $x1, 'x2' => $x2, 'y1' => $y1, 'y2' => $y2));
                     //foreach ($xmlfile as $xml)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 $node->language = 'zh-hans';
 $node->status = 1;
 //(1 or 0): published or not
 $node->promote = 0;
 //(1 or 0): promoted to front page
 $node->comment = 2;
 // 0 = comments disabled, 1 = read only, 2 = read/write
 $node->field_pageno['und'][0]['value'] = $PageNo;
 $node->field_pagename['und'][0]['value'] = $PageName;
 $SubTitle = str_replace(" ", "", $SubTitle);
 $node->field_subtitle['und'][0]['value'] = $SubTitle;
 $node->field_riq['und'][0]['value'] = $date;
 foreach ($ImageList->children() as $key => $image) {
     $imageUrl = $image->attributes()[0];
     $imageData = new Img();
     $imageData->setAttributes(array('url' => $imageUrl, 'article_id' => $article->id));
     if (file_exists($dir . $imageUrl)) {
         $url = $dir . $imageUrl;
     } else {
         if (file_exists($dir . 'm_' . $imageUrl)) {
             $url = $dir . 'm_' . $imageUrl;
     Image::thumb($url, $img_file . '/s_' . $imageUrl, 137, 109);
     Image::thumb($url, $img_file . '/b_' . $imageUrl, 600, 400);
     //$htmlimg="<img  src=http://localhost/admin/assets/article_img/".$date.'/b_'.$imageUrl." style=\"width:100%\"/></a>";
     $htmlimg = "<img src=\"" . ImgRoot . $date . "/b_" . $imageUrl . " \"/>";
     ////echo $htmlimg;
     $node->body['und'][0]['value'] = $htmlimg . $node->body['und'][0]['value'];