Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Parse from DOM node.
  * @param DOMElement $node
 public function parse(DOMElement $node)
     $this->tag = 'audio';
     $this->boundary = IdmlParserHelper::parseBoundary($node);
     $loopAttrib = $node->hasAttribute('SoundLoop') ? $node->getAttribute('SoundLoop') : 'false';
     $autoplayAttrib = $node->hasAttribute('PlayOnPageTurn') ? $node->getAttribute('PlayOnPageTurn') : 'false';
     $this->loop = $loopAttrib == 'true' ? true : false;
     $this->autoplay = $autoplayAttrib == 'true' ? true : false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Parse from DOM node.
  * @param DOMElement $node
 public function parse(DOMElement $node)
     //        $this->styleInfo['inlineStyle']->translateSingleColumnWidth(); //set Css width for column
                 $val = $this->getIdmlProperty('SingleColumnWidth');
                     $val = round($val);
                     $this->addCssProperty('width', $val . 'pt');
             //add needed column info to parent table because IdmlHtmlProducer needs this at the IdmlTable element level
                 $table = $this->parentIdmlObject();
                 if(IdmlParserHelper::getIdmlObjectType($table) == "Table")
                     $table->cols[] = $this;
                     $colwidth = $this->styleInfo["inlineStyle"]->getCssPropertyString('width');
                     if($colwidth) {
                         $table->colGroupStyles[] = $colwidth;
                 CakeLog::debug("[IdmlTableColumn::parse] column width not found? ".__FILE__." Line ".__LINE__);
     if ($node->hasAttribute('SingleColumnWidth')) {
         $singleColumnWidth = round($node->getAttribute('SingleColumnWidth'));
         $table = $this->parentIdmlObject();
         if (IdmlParserHelper::getIdmlObjectType($table) == "Table") {
             $table->cols[] = $this;
             $colwidth = 'width:' . $singleColumnWidth . 'pt;';
             $table->colGroupStyles[] = $colwidth;
     } else {
         CakeLog::debug("[IdmlTableColumn::parse] column width not found? " . __FILE__ . " Line " . __LINE__);
     //IdmlTableColumn has no children to parse
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Parse children. We override this because the xml DOM hierarchy has rows, columns, and cells as children of table
  * we need to change the idml element hierarchy so tables are parents of rows which are parents of cells
  * @param DOMElement $parentNode
 protected function parseChildren($parentNode)
     foreach ($parentNode->childNodes as $childNode) {
         if (IdmlParserHelper::isParsableChildIdmlObjectNode($childNode)) {
             $parsableObject = IdmlElementFactory::createFromNode($childNode);
             if (is_object($parsableObject)) {
                 //set the parent first since sometimes parse requires or sets parent data
                 $parsableObject->parentElement = $this;
                 if (!IdmlParserHelper::isIdmlTagNode($childNode) && IdmlParserHelper::getIdmlObjectType($parsableObject) != "TableCell") {
                     $this->childrenElements[] = $parsableObject;
                     //don't set IdmlTable as parent for IdmlTableCell
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function parse(DOMElement $node)
     //parse and set row attributes that are based upon parent table
     $rownum = $node->hasAttribute('Name') ? intval($node->getAttribute('Name')) : 0;
     $table = $this->parentIdmlObject();
     if (IdmlParserHelper::getIdmlObjectType($table) == "Table") {
         //set this row in the table rows array by index
         $table->rows[$rownum] = $this;
         //from Indesign the order of rows is header, body, footer
         //we must set what type of row this is and whether it is first and/or last in its group
         if ($table->headerRowCount && $rownum < $table->headerRowCount) {
             $this->rowType = 'thead';
             $rowGroupStart = 0;
             $rowGroupEnd = $table->headerRowCount - 1;
         } elseif ($table->bodyRowCount && $rownum < $table->headerRowCount + $table->bodyRowCount) {
             $this->rowType = 'tbody';
             $rowGroupStart = $table->headerRowCount;
             $rowGroupEnd = $table->headerRowCount + $table->bodyRowCount - 1;
         } elseif ($table->footerRowCount && $rownum < $table->headerRowCount + $table->bodyRowCount + $table->footerRowCount) {
             $this->rowType = 'tfoot';
             $rowGroupStart = $table->headerRowCount + $table->bodyRowCount;
             $rowGroupEnd = $table->headerRowCount + $table->bodyRowCount + $table->footerRowCount - 1;
         } else {
             //this is a problem as we can't place the row?
             CakeLog::debug("[IdmlTableRow::parse] unable to identify tablerow type and place in group " . __FILE__ . " Line " . __LINE__);
         if ($rownum == $rowGroupStart) {
             $this->isFirstRow = true;
         if ($rownum == $rowGroupEnd) {
             $this->isLastRow = true;
     } else {
         //something is wrong so log this?
         CakeLog::debug("[IdmlTableRow::parse] parent is not an IdmlTable?" . __FILE__ . " Line " . __LINE__);
     //TableRow has no children to parse
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Parse from DOM node.
  * @param DOMElement $node
 public function parse(DOMElement $node)
     $this->tag = 'video';
     $this->boundary = IdmlParserHelper::parseBoundary($node);
     // Get all the IDML attributes needed for setting HTML attributes
     $controlsAttrib = $node->hasAttribute('ShowControls') ? $node->getAttribute('ShowControls') : 'true';
     $loopAttrib = $node->hasAttribute('MovieLoop') ? $node->getAttribute('MovieLoop') : 'false';
     $autoplayAttrib = $node->hasAttribute('PlayOnPageTurn') ? $node->getAttribute('PlayOnPageTurn') : 'false';
     $playmodeAttrib = $node->hasAttribute('PlayMode') ? $node->getAttribute('PlayMode') : 'Once';
     // Set the various HTML attributes
     $this->controls = $controlsAttrib == 'true' ? true : false;
     if ($playmodeAttrib == 'Once' || $autoplayAttrib == 'true') {
         $this->autoplay = true;
     } else {
         $this->autoplay = false;
     if ($loopAttrib == 'true' || $playmodeAttrib == 'RepeatPlay') {
         $this->loop = true;
     } else {
         $this->loop = false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function parse(DOMElement $node)
     //we must set the <col style='width:...' /> for this column in the table
     $this->rowspan = $node->hasAttribute('RowSpan') ? intval($node->getAttribute('RowSpan')) : -1;
     $this->colspan = $node->hasAttribute('ColumnSpan') ? intval($node->getAttribute('ColumnSpan')) : -1;
     // Right now the parent is a table element, but we need the parent to be the corresponding row for this cell.
     // Find the right row in the table array and assign it as this cell's parent ImdlElement.
     $colrow = $node->hasAttribute('Name') ? $node->getAttribute('Name') : '0:0';
     $colrowArray = explode(":", $colrow);
     // <col>:<row>
     $this->colnumber = intval($colrowArray[0]);
     $this->rownumber = intval($colrowArray[1]);
     $row = $this->parentElement->rows[$this->rownumber];
     if (IdmlParserHelper::getIdmlObjectType($row) == "TableRow") {
         /*@var $row IdmlTableRow*/
         $row->childrenElements[] = $this;
         $this->parentElement = $row;
         //assign this cell as child of the table row
     } else {
         CakeLog::debug("[IdmlTableCell::parse] cannot find parent row in table for cell? " . __FILE__ . " Line " . __LINE__);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Parse children.
  * @param DOMNode $parentNode
 private function parseChildren($parentNode)
     //same logic/code as for IdmlElement method - more comprehensive and easier to maintain
     foreach ($parentNode->childNodes as $childNode) {
         if (IdmlParserHelper::isParsableChildIdmlObjectNode($childNode)) {
             if (Configure::read("dev.idmlHtmlDebugOutput") == true) {
                 CakeLog::debug(sprintf("[IdmlStory::parseChildren] Parse Story %8s %30s --> %sKb", $this->UID, $childNode->nodeName, round(memory_get_usage(true) / 1024)));
             $parsableObject = IdmlElementFactory::createFromNode($childNode);
             //we must set the parent before parsing since children need parent
             $parsableObject->parentElement = $this;
             $this->childrenElements[] = $parsableObject;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Parse properties for character style.
  * @param DOMElement $propertiesNode
 private function parseProperties(DOMElement $propertiesNode)
     $leadingNodes = $propertiesNode->getElementsByTagName('Leading');
     if ($leadingNodes->length == 1) {
         $leadingNode = $leadingNodes->item(0);
         $this->lineHeightUnit = $leadingNode->hasAttribute('type') ? $leadingNode->getAttribute('type') : 'unit';
         $this->lineHeightUnit = IdmlParserHelper::convertUnitIntoCssUnit($this->lineHeightUnit);
         $this->lineHeightValue = IdmlParserHelper::getTextContent($leadingNode);
     $appliedFontNodes = $propertiesNode->getElementsByTagName('AppliedFont');
     if ($appliedFontNodes->length == 1) {
         $appliedFontNode = $appliedFontNodes->item(0);
         $this->appliedFont = IdmlParserHelper::getTextContent($appliedFontNode);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function visitTableCell(IdmlTableCell $element, $depth = 0)
     $cssClassNames = array();
     $element->attribs['class'] = implode(' ', $cssClassNames);
     $strAttr = $this->getHTMLAttributesString($element, $element->attribs);
     $span = '';
     if ($element->rowspan == 0 || $element->rowspan > 1) {
         $span .= 'rowspan="' . $element->rowspan . '"';
         // rowspan of 0 tells the browser to span the cell to the last row
     if ($element->colspan == 0 || $element->colspan > 1) {
         $span .= ' colspan="' . $element->colspan . '"';
         // colspan of 0 tells the browser to span the cell to the last column of the colgroup
     $row = $element->parentIdmlObject();
     if (IdmlParserHelper::getIdmlObjectType($row) == "TableRow") {
         /*@var $row IdmlTableRow*/
         if ($row->rowType == 'thead') {
             $html = "<th {$span} {$strAttr}>";
             $element->idmlTag = 'th';
         } else {
             $html = "<td {$span} {$strAttr}>";
             $element->idmlTag = 'td';
         $this->addPageElement($html, $depth);
     } else {
         CakeLog::debug("[IdmlProduceHtml::visitTableCell] parent element is not a TableRow ");
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Parse from DOM node.
  * @param DOMElement $node
 public function parse(DOMElement $node)
     $justification = $node->hasAttribute(IdmlAttributes::Justification) ? $node->getAttribute(IdmlAttributes::Justification) : 'left';
     if (isset($this->story->page)) {
         $pagePosition = $this->story->page->pagePosition;
     } else {
         $pagePosition = 'left';
     $this->textAlign = IdmlParserHelper::convertJustification($justification, $pagePosition);
     // Change the TabList property cluster into an array for easier handling
     IdmlDeclarationParser::arrayifyDupes($this->contextualStyle->idmlContextualElement, $this->contextualStyle);
     // Check for nested styles; if any exist, set up the helper class object
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Parse children.
  * @param DOMElement $parentNode
 protected function parseChildren($parentNode)
     foreach ($parentNode->childNodes as $childNode) {
         if (IdmlParserHelper::isParsableChildIdmlObjectNode($childNode)) {
             $parsableObject = IdmlElementFactory::createFromNode($childNode);
             if (is_object($parsableObject)) {
                 //set the parent first since sometimes parse requires or sets parent data
                 $parsableObject->parentElement = $this;
                 //set this parsable child object as a child of the parent (bypassing xml parent)
                 $this->childrenElements[] = $parsableObject;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Parse from DOM node.
  * @param DOMElement $node
 public function parse(DOMElement $node)
     $actualPpi = $node->hasAttribute(IdmlAttributes::ActualPpi) ? $node->getAttribute(IdmlAttributes::ActualPpi) : '';
     $xy = explode(' ', $actualPpi);
     if (count($xy) == 2) {
         $this->ppiX = $xy[0];
         $this->ppiY = $xy[1];
     // Get original width and height (in InDesign units of 72ppi)
     $graphicBoundNodes = $node->getElementsByTagName('GraphicBounds');
     $graphicBoundNode = $graphicBoundNodes->item(0);
     if ($graphicBoundNode) {
         $top = $graphicBoundNode->getAttribute(IdmlAttributes::Top);
         $left = $graphicBoundNode->getAttribute(IdmlAttributes::Left);
         $bottom = $graphicBoundNode->getAttribute(IdmlAttributes::Bottom);
         $right = $graphicBoundNode->getAttribute(IdmlAttributes::Right);
         $this->boundary = new IdmlBoundary($top, $left, $bottom, $right);
         $this->width = $this->boundary->getWidth();
         $this->height = $this->boundary->getHeight();
     // Load image content.
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($node->ownerDocument);
     $q = "./Properties/Contents";
     $contentNodes = $xpath->query($q, $node);
     if ($contentNodes->length > 0) {
         $contentNode = $contentNodes->item(0);
         $this->imageContent = IdmlParserHelper::getCData($contentNode);
         $this->embeddedImage = true;
     $this->idmlTag = "img";
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Parse from DOM node.
  * @param DOMElement $node
 public function parse(DOMElement $node)
     $this->UID = $node->hasAttribute(IdmlAttributes::Self) ? $node->getAttribute(IdmlAttributes::Self) : null;
     $visible = $node->hasAttribute(IdmlAttributes::Visible) ? $node->getAttribute(IdmlAttributes::Visible) : 'true';
     $this->visible = strtolower($visible) == 'true' ? true : false;
     $this->boundary = IdmlParserHelper::parseBoundary($node);
     $ffiList = $node->getElementsByTagName('FrameFittingOption');
     if ($ffiList->length > 0) {
         $ffiNode = $ffiList->item(0);
         $topCrop = $ffiNode->hasAttribute(IdmlAttributes::TopCrop) ? $ffiNode->getAttribute(IdmlAttributes::TopCrop) : 0;
         $leftCrop = $ffiNode->hasAttribute(IdmlAttributes::LeftCrop) ? $ffiNode->getAttribute(IdmlAttributes::LeftCrop) : 0;
         $bottomCrop = $ffiNode->hasAttribute(IdmlAttributes::BottomCrop) ? $ffiNode->getAttribute(IdmlAttributes::BottomCrop) : 0;
         $rightCrop = $ffiNode->hasAttribute(IdmlAttributes::RightCrop) ? $ffiNode->getAttribute(IdmlAttributes::RightCrop) : 0;
         $this->frameFittingOption = new IdmlFrameFitting($topCrop, $leftCrop, $bottomCrop, $rightCrop);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * @param DOMNode $node
  * @return IdmlElement $object
 public static function createFromNode(DOMNode $node)
     if (IdmlParserHelper::isParsableChildIdmlObjectNode($node)) {
         $object = null;
         switch ($node->nodeName) {
             case 'Rectangle':
                 // @TODO - determine whether spans should be used for rectangles parallel to the axes, and code accordingly
                 //                    $object = new IdmlRectangle();
                 $object = new IdmlPolygon();
             case 'TextFrame':
                 $object = new IdmlTextFrame();
             case 'Element':
                 $object = new IdmlElement();
             case 'CharacterStyleRange':
                 $object = new IdmlCharacterRange();
             case 'ParagraphStyleRange':
                 $object = new IdmlParagraphRange();
             case 'Image':
             case 'PDF':
                 /* Adobe Illustrator PDF image */
             /* Adobe Illustrator PDF image */
             case 'EPS':
                 /* Encapsulated Postscript image */
                 $object = new IdmlImage();
             case 'Group':
                 $object = new IdmlGroup();
             case 'Story':
                 $object = new IdmlStory();
             case 'Change':
                 $object = new IdmlChange();
             case 'Content':
                 $object = new IdmlContent();
             case 'Br':
                 $object = new IdmlBrContent();
             case 'XMLElement':
                 $object = new IdmlXmlElement();
             case 'Table':
                 $object = new IdmlTable();
             case 'Cell':
                 $object = new IdmlTableCell();
             case 'Column':
                 $object = new IdmlTableColumn();
             case 'Row':
                 $object = new IdmlTableRow();
             case 'HyperlinkTextSource':
                 $object = new IdmlHyperlink();
             case 'HyperlinkTextDestination':
                 $object = new IdmlHyperlinkDestination();
             case 'Sound':
                 $object = new IdmlSound();
             case 'Movie':
                 $object = new IdmlMovie();
             case 'TextVariableInstance':
                 $object = new IdmlTextVariableInstance();
             case 'GraphicLine':
                 $object = new IdmlGraphicLine();
             case 'Polygon':
                 $object = new IdmlPolygon();
             case 'Oval':
                 $object = new IdmlOval();
                 CakeLog::debug("[IdmlElementFactory::createFromNode] '{$node->nodeName}' not implemented");
                 $object = null;
         return $object;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * this logic is needed in more than one location since the hierarchy is being navigated and used in several ways
  * at this point it only filters out XMLElements that are really just duplicate structures that sometimes get created
  * when Tags are applied in an Indesign document
  * @param IdmlElement $element
  * @return boolean
 private function shouldProcessElement(IdmlElement $element)
     $elementType = IdmlParserHelper::getIdmlObjectType($element);
     if ($elementType != 'XmlElement' || $elementType == 'XmlElement' && (!$element->xmlContent || $element->xmlContent == $this->currentStoryID)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /** The readDesignMap function obtains the filename pointers to the MasterSpreads, Resources, Spreads,
  *  Stories, and XML from the designmap, which is the manifest that contains references to the names and locations
  *  of the package's XML files. 
  * @return boolean true on success, false on failure.
 public function readDesignMap()
     //first read the BackStory.xml file to see if any Stories, Hyperlinks, etc. should be ignored ...
     // The designmap contains references to everything in the package
     $designmap = $this->tempDir . '/designmap.xml';
     if (!file_exists($designmap)) {
         $this->idmlAssembler->getProgressUpdater()->setWarning("{$designmap} does not exist.");
         return false;
     // create DOMDocument and DOMXPath objects
     $doc = new DomDocument();
     $b = $doc->load($designmap);
     if ($b === false) {
         return false;
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
     // Parse the preferences file, which contains the width and height of our pages
     $tags = $xpath->query('//idPkg:Preferences');
     assert($tags->length == 1);
     $attr = $tags->item(0)->attributes->getNamedItem('src');
     $filename = "{$this->tempDir}/{$attr->value}";
     $this->preferences = new IdmlPreferences();
     IdmlAssembler::updateBookSize($this->preferences->pageWidth, $this->preferences->pageHeight);
     // The Declaration Manager deals with declared Colors, declared Styles, and declared Style Groups
     $manager = IdmlDeclarationManager::getInstance();
     // Parse the graphics file which contains color declarations (this must be done before parsing the Styles)
     $tags = $xpath->query('//idPkg:Graphic');
     assert($tags->length == 1);
     $attr = $tags->item(0)->attributes->getNamedItem('src');
     $filename = "{$this->tempDir}/{$attr->value}";
     // There should always be exactly one Styles file   *** Version 2: non-PEARSON ***
     $tags = $xpath->query('//idPkg:Styles');
     assert($tags->length == 1);
     $attr = $tags->item(0)->attributes->getNamedItem('src');
     $filename = "{$this->tempDir}/{$attr->value}";
     /*        // There should always be exactly one Styles file    *** Version 1: PEARSON PXE ***
             $tags = $xpath->query('//idPkg:Styles');
             assert( $tags->length == 1 );
             $attr = $tags->item(0)->attributes->getNamedItem('src');
             $filename = "{$this->tempDir}/{$attr->value}";
             $this->style = new IdmlStyles($this);
             $this->style->filename = $filename;
     // Parse fonts file.
     $tags = $xpath->query('//idPkg:Fonts');
     assert($tags->length == 1);
     $attr = $tags->item(0)->attributes->getNamedItem('src');
     $filename = "{$this->tempDir}/{$attr->value}";
     // There should always be exactly one Tags file
     $tags = $xpath->query('//idPkg:Tags');
     assert($tags->length == 1);
     $attr = $tags->item(0)->attributes->getNamedItem('src');
     $filename = "{$this->tempDir}/{$attr->value}";
     $this->tags = new IdmlTags($this);
     $this->tags->filename = $filename;
     // There are possibly several MasterSpread files, which are referenced by real spreads and accessed by their UID's.
     $tags = $xpath->query('//idPkg:MasterSpread');
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $attr = $tag->attributes->getNamedItem('src');
         $filename = "{$this->tempDir}/{$attr->value}";
         $matches = null;
         $found = preg_match('|MasterSpreads/MasterSpread_(.*)\\.xml|', $attr->value, $matches);
         // u154 <-- MasterSpreads/MasterSpread_u154.xml
         if ($found == 1) {
             $UID = $matches[1];
             $masterSpread = new IdmlMasterSpread($this);
             $masterSpread->filename = $filename;
             $this->masterSpreads[$UID] = $masterSpread;
         } else {
             $this->idmlAssembler->getProgressUpdater()->setWarning("Unable to determine UID for MasterSpread '{$attr->value}'.");
     // There are most likely many Spread files, and they are ordered in the designmap
     // according to the book's page ordering.
     $tags = $xpath->query('//idPkg:Spread');
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $attr = $tag->attributes->getNamedItem('src');
         $filename = "{$this->tempDir}/{$attr->value}";
         $spread = new IdmlSpread($this);
         $spread->filename = $filename;
         $this->spreads[] = $spread;
     // There are most likely many Story files, which are referenced by TextFrames and accessed by a parentStoryUID.
     $tags = $xpath->query('//idPkg:Story');
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $attr = $tag->attributes->getNamedItem('src');
         $filename = "{$this->tempDir}/{$attr->value}";
         $matches = null;
         $found = preg_match('|Stories/Story_(.*)\\.xml|', $attr->value, $matches);
         // u154 <-- Stories/Story_u154.xml
         if ($found == 1) {
             $UID = $matches[1];
             if (!array_key_exists($UID, $this->chaucerHidden)) {
                 //create/store the story if it is not hidden by a designer
                 $story = new IdmlStory($UID);
                 $story->filename = $filename;
                 $this->stories[$UID] = $story;
         } else {
             $this->idmlAssembler->getProgressUpdater()->setWarning("Unable to determine UID for Story '{$attr->value}'.");
     //Parse hyperlink information
     $this->hyperlinks = array();
     $tags = $xpath->query('//Hyperlink');
     $hyperlinkMgr = IdmlHyperlinkManager::getInstance();
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $properties = IdmlParserHelper::getAllDomNodeAttributesAndProperties($tag);
         // This code is (we think) PXE processing code
         if (!array_key_exists($properties['Self'], $this->chaucerHidden)) {
             // create/store the hyperlink if it is not hidden by a designer
             // The $destNode can be either a HyperlinkURLDestination or a HyperlinkPageDestination in the IDML,
             //   and is referenced by the Hyperlink element.
             $destId = $properties['Destination'];
             $destNode = $xpath->query('//*[@Self="' . $destId . '"]');
             if ($destNode->length > 0) {
                 $destNode = $destNode->item(0);
                 $properties['Destination'] = IdmlParserHelper::getAllDomNodeAttributesAndProperties($destNode);
                 $properties['Destination']['DestinationType'] = $destNode->nodeName;
             $this->hyperlinks[$properties['Self']] = $properties;
         // The remainder of this foreach is specifically written for non-PXE IDML
         $hyperlinkSource = $properties['Source'];
         $external = false;
         // unless the link goes to a page outside the epub
         // If the Destination property is an array, the destination is a link to either
         // a page within the epub (with the page UID in the data), or or an external link.
         // So the destination can be set here.
         if (is_array($properties['Destination'])) {
             $anchor = false;
             // link is to a page, not an anchor
             if ($properties['Destination']['DestinationType'] == 'HyperlinkURLDestination') {
                 // External page: use as is
                 $hyperlinkDestination = $properties['Destination']['DestinationURL'];
                 $external = true;
                 // This links to a page outside the epub
             } else {
                 // Internal page. Use the page UID; add the package index and the .html suffix
                 $hyperlinkDestination = $properties['Destination']['DestinationPage'];
         } else {
             $anchor = true;
             // link is to an anchor on a page.
             $hyperlinkDestination = 'Hyperlink_' . $properties['DestinationUniqueKey'];
         $hyperlinkMgr->setSourceDestination($hyperlinkSource, $hyperlinkDestination, $anchor, $external);
     //Parse layer information
     $layers = $xpath->query('//Layer');
     $layerManager = IdmlLayerManager::getInstance();
     foreach ($layers as $layer) {
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Parse the portion of a spread.xml file that contains a <TextFrame>
  * @param DOMElement $node is a single <TextFrame> node within the IDML document
 public function parse(DOMElement $node)
     $attributes = $node->attributes;
     $this->UID = $attributes->getNamedItem('Self')->value;
     // like 'uf9'
     $this->parentStoryUID = $attributes->getNamedItem('ParentStory')->value;
     // like 'ue5'
     $this->contentType = $attributes->getNamedItem('ContentType')->value;
     // like 'TextType'
     $this->visible = $attributes->getNamedItem('Visible')->value == 'false' ? false : true;
     // like 'true'
     $this->boundary = IdmlParserHelper::parseBoundary($node);
     $this->prevTextFrame = $attributes->getNamedItem(IdmlAttributes::PreviousTextFrame)->value == 'n' ? null : $attributes->getNamedItem(IdmlAttributes::PreviousTextFrame)->value;
     $this->nextTextFrame = $attributes->getNamedItem(IdmlAttributes::NextTextFrame)->value == 'n' ? null : $attributes->getNamedItem(IdmlAttributes::NextTextFrame)->value;
     $this->textColumnCount = isset($this->contextualStyle->idmlKeyValues['TextFramePreference->TextColumnCount']) ? (int) $this->contextualStyle->idmlKeyValues['TextFramePreference->TextColumnCount'] : null;
     $this->columnWidth = isset($this->contextualStyle->idmlKeyValues['TextFramePreference->TextColumnFixedWidth']) ? $this->contextualStyle->idmlKeyValues['TextFramePreference->TextColumnFixedWidth'] : null;
     // If we *do_not_have* a previous text frame then it is either a single text frame or the first of a series of
     // linked ones. In case of linked ones we output only the first one.
     if (!$this->prevTextFrame) {
     } else {
         if (IdmlAssembler::getInstance()->isFixedLayout()) {
             CakeLog::debug("[IdmlTextFrame::parse] Encountered an InDesign threaded frame in a fixed layout book (story {$this->parentStoryUID}). Run Chaucer FixedLayoutPreflight.jsx script within InDesign and re-export the IDML.");
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function parseChildrenRecursively($node, $nodeNamespace)
     // Within the node there are many, many attributes that we *may* be interested in
     foreach ($node->attributes as $key => $attr) {
         // For example <ParagraphStyle FontStyle="Regular" /> becomes: $idmlKeyValues['FontStyle'] => 'Regular'
         // For example, <Properties><AppliedFont>Minion Pro</AppliedFont></Properties> becomes: $idmlKeyValues['Properties::AppliedFont'] => 'Minion Pro'
         if ($nodeNamespace != '') {
             $key = $nodeNamespace . '->' . $key;
         $this->idmlKeyValues[$key] = $attr->value;
     // Now loop through all child elements
     foreach ($node->childNodes as $childNode) {
         if ($childNode->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
         if (IdmlParserHelper::isParsableChildIdmlObjectNode($childNode) == true) {
         if ($nodeNamespace == '') {
             $key = $childNode->tagName;
         } else {
             $key = $nodeNamespace . '::' . $childNode->tagName;
         $value = $childNode->textContent;
         $key = $this->makeUniqueKey($key);
         $this->idmlKeyValues[$key] = $value;
         $this->parseChildrenRecursively($childNode, $key);