Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Check the expiring orders.
  * Only the orders where renewal option has been set as
  * false send an email to the client to inform him
  * that his order has been set as deleted.
 public static function checkExpiringOrders()
     $orders = Orders::find_all_expired_orders(date('Y-m-d'));
     foreach ($orders as $order) {
         $customer = Customers::getAllInfo($order['customer_id']);
         $ISP = ISP::getActiveIspById($customer['isp_id']);
         // Get the fastlink attached
         $link_exist = Fastlinks::findlinks($order['order_id'], $order['customer_id'], 'orders');
         if (count($link_exist) > 0) {
             $fastlink = $link_exist[0]['code'];
         } else {
             $fastlink = Fastlinks::CreateFastlink('orders', 'edit', json_encode(array('id' => $order['order_id'])), 'orders', $order['order_id'], $customer['customer_id']);
         $customer_url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/index/link/id/{$fastlink}";
         Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::sendEmailTemplate($customer['email'], 'order_expired', array('orderid' => $order['order_number'], ':shineisp:' => $customer, 'url' => $customer_url), null, null, null, $ISP, $customer['language_id'], Settings::findbyParam('cron_notify'));
         // Set the order as deleted
         Orders::set_status($order['order_id'], Statuses::id('deleted', 'orders'));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * accountAction
  * Manage the Isp account settings.
  * @return void
 public function accountAction()
     $form = $this->getForm('/admin/isp/process');
     $this->view->form = $form;
     $this->view->mex = $this->getRequest()->getParam('mex');
     $this->view->mexstatus = $this->getRequest()->getParam('status');
     $this->view->title = $this->translator->translate("ISP Account");
     $this->view->description = $this->translator->translate("Here you can edit your ISP account information");
     $this->view->serversgrid = $this->serversGrid();
     // Create the buttons in the edit form
     $this->view->buttons = array(array("url" => "#", "label" => $this->translator->translate('Save'), "params" => array('css' => null, 'id' => 'submit')));
     $isp = ISP::find($this->isp['isp_id'])->toArray();
     // the password is a MD5 string so we need to empty it, because the software could save the MD5 value again.
     $isp['password'] = "";
     $this->view->srclogo = !empty($isp['logo']) ? "/documents/isp/" . $isp['logo'] : null;
     $this->view->srclogoemail = !empty($isp['logo_email']) ? "/documents/isp/" . $isp['logo_email'] : null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Send the email profile to the user
 public function sendMail($task)
     $ISP = ISP::getByCustomerId($task['customer_id']);
     if (!$ISP || !isset($ISP['isp_id']) || !is_numeric($ISP['isp_id'])) {
         // ISP not found, can't send mail
         return false;
     // Get the service details
     $service = OrdersItems::getAllInfo($task['orderitem_id']);
     // If the setup has been written by the task action then ...
     if (!empty($service['setup'])) {
         $setup = json_decode($service['setup'], true);
         // Get the service/product name
         $productname = !empty($service['Products']['ProductsData'][0]['name']) ? $service['Products']['ProductsData'][0]['name'] : "";
         $welcome_mail = !empty($service['Products']['welcome_mail_id']) && intval($service['Products']['welcome_mail_id']) > 0 ? intval($service['Products']['welcome_mail_id']) : 'new_hosting';
         // new_hosting = fallback to old method if no template is set
         // Check if the customer is present in the service and if there is a welcome_mail set for the bought product
         if (!empty($service['Orders']['Customers'])) {
             // Getting the customer
             $customer = $service['Orders']['Customers'];
             $strSetup = "";
             foreach ($setup as $section => $details) {
                 $strSetup .= strtoupper($section) . "<hr/>";
                 foreach ($details as $label => $detail) {
                     $strSetup .= "{$label}: " . $detail . "<br/>";
                 $strSetup .= "<br/>";
             Shineisp_Commons_Utilities::sendEmailTemplate($ISP['email'], $welcome_mail, array('setup' => $strSetup, 'fullname' => $customer['firstname'] . " " . $customer['lastname'], 'hostingplan' => $productname, 'controlpanel' => $ISP['website'] . ":8080", 'signature' => $ISP['company']), null, null, null, $ISP, $customer['language_id']);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Send an email template replacing all placeholders
  * @param array|string $recipient
  * @param string $template
  * @param array $placeholders
  * @param array|string $inreplyto
  * @param array|string $attachments
  * @param array|string $replyto
  * @param array $ISP
  * @param integer $language_id
  * @param string $bcc
 public static function sendEmailTemplate($recipient = null, $template = '', $placeholders = array(), $inreplyto = null, $attachments = null, $replyto = null, $ISP = null, $language_id = null, $bcc = null)
     // Get email template
     $arrTemplate = self::getEmailTemplate($template, $language_id);
     if (!is_array($arrTemplate)) {
         return false;
     $arrReplaced = array();
     // ISP missing from arguments, try to get automatically
     $ISP = isset($ISP) && is_array($ISP) ? $ISP : ISP::getCurrentISP();
     // Add some mixed parameters
     $ISP['storename'] = $ISP['company'];
     // All placeholder prefixed with "isp_" will be replaced with ISP data
     foreach ($ISP as $k => $v) {
         $placeholders['isp_' . $k] = $v;
     // Merge original placeholder with ISP value. This is done to override standard ISP values
     $placeholders = array_merge($ISP, $placeholders);
     // Creates a flat array
     $placeholders = self::flatplaceholders($placeholders);
     // Remove unneeded parameters
     // Replace all placeholders in everything
     foreach ($placeholders as $placeholder => $emailcontent) {
         foreach ($arrTemplate as $k => $v) {
             // $placeholders contains the order header information
             if (is_string($emailcontent)) {
                 $arrTemplate[$k] = str_replace('[' . $placeholder . ']', $emailcontent, $v);
     // Send the email
     $arrBCC = array();
     $arrCC = array();
     $arrFrom = array('email' => $arrTemplate['fromemail'], 'name' => $arrTemplate['fromname']);
     if (isset($arrTemplate['bcc']) && !empty($arrTemplate['bcc'])) {
         if (is_array($arrTemplate['bcc']) && count($arrTemplate['bcc']) > 0) {
             $arrBCC = array_merge($arrBCC, $arrTemplate['bcc']);
         } else {
             $arrBCC[] = $arrTemplate['bcc'];
     // add hidden email address
     if (!empty($bcc)) {
         $arrBCC[] = $bcc;
     // Get always-bcc from custom settings
     $always_send_to = Settings::findbyParam('always_send_to');
     $always_send_to = trim($always_send_to);
     if (!empty($always_send_to)) {
         if (strpos($always_send_to, ',') !== false) {
             $_bcc = explode(',', $always_send_to);
             foreach ($_bcc as $_bccAddress) {
                 $arrBCC[] = trim($_bccAddress);
         } else {
             $arrBCC[] = $always_send_to;
     $arrBCC = array_unique($arrBCC);
     // Remove duplicate bcc addresses
     if (isset($arrTemplate['cc']) && !empty($arrTemplate['cc'])) {
         if (is_array($arrTemplate['cc']) && count($arrTemplate['cc']) > 0) {
             $arrCC = array_merge($arrCC, $arrTemplate['cc']);
         } else {
             $arrCC[] = $arrTemplate['cc'];
     // null recipient, send only to ISP
     $recipient = $recipient == null ? $ISP['email'] : $recipient;
     // 		Zend_Debug::dump($recipient);
     // 		Zend_Debug::dump($replyto);
     // 		Zend_Debug::dump($arrFrom);
     // 		Zend_Debug::dump($arrTemplate);
     // 		Zend_Debug::dump($arrBCC);
     // 		Zend_Debug::dump($arrTemplate['template']);
     // 		echo $arrTemplate['template'];
     // 		die;
     // SendEmail    (    $from,        $to,    $bcc,                $subject,                    $body,                      $html, $inreplyto, $attachments, $replyto,    $cc )
     self::SendEmail($arrFrom, $recipient, $arrBCC, $arrTemplate['subject'], $arrTemplate['template'], !$arrTemplate['plaintext'], $inreplyto, $attachments, $replyto, $arrCC);