* \brief print the all the operation reconciled or not, with or without the same amount */ if (!defined('ALLOWED')) { die('Appel direct ne sont pas permis'); } require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_acc_reconciliation.php'; require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/function_javascript.php'; global $g_user; /** *@file */ $aledger = $g_user->get_ledger('ALL', 3); echo '<div class="noprint">'; echo '<div class="content">'; $rjrn = ''; $radio = new IRadio('choice'); $choice = isset($_GET['choice']) ? $_GET['choice'] : 0; $r_jrn = isset($_GET['r_jrn']) ? $_GET['r_jrn'] : ''; echo '<form method="GET">'; echo dossier::hidden() . HtmlInput::hidden('ac', $_GET['ac']) . HtmlInput::hidden('type', 'rec'); echo _('Filtre par journal'); HtmlInput::button_choice_ledger(array('div' => '', 'type' => 'ALL', 'all_type' => 1)); echo '<br/>'; /* * Limit by date, default current exercice */ list($start, $end) = $g_user->get_limit_current_exercice(); $dstart = new IDate('p_start'); $dstart->value = isset($_REQUEST['p_start']) ? $_REQUEST['p_start'] : $start; $dend = new IDate('p_end'); $dend->value = isset($_REQUEST['p_end']) ? $_REQUEST['p_end'] : $end;
// filter on the current year $to = HtmlInput::default_value_get("to_periode", ""); $input_to = new IPeriod("to_periode", $to, $exercice); $input_to->show_start_date = false; $input_to->filter_year = true; $input_to->type = ALL; $input_to->cn = $cn; $input_to->user = $g_user; echo " " . _('jusque') . ' :' . $input_to->input(); echo '<br>'; echo HtmlInput::button_action(_('Avancé'), " if (\$('balance_advanced_div').style.display=='none') { \$('balance_advanced_div').show();} else { \$('balance_advanced_div').hide();}"); //------------------------------------------------- echo '<div id="balance_advanced_div" style="display:none">'; /* add a all ledger choice */ echo _('Filtre') . " "; $rad = new IRadio(); $array_ledger = $g_user->get_ledger('ALL', 3); $array = get_array_column($array_ledger, 'jrn_def_id'); $selected = isset($_GET['r_jrn']) ? $_GET['r_jrn'] : null; $select_cat = isset($_GET['r_cat']) ? $_GET['r_cat'] : null; $array_cat = Acc_Ledger::array_cat(); echo '<ul style="list-style-type:none">'; if (!isset($_GET['p_filter']) || $_GET['p_filter'] == 0) { $rad->selected = 't'; } else { $rad->selected = false; } echo '<li>' . $rad->input('p_filter', 0) . _('Aucun filtre, tous les journaux') . '</li>'; if (isset($_GET['p_filter']) && $_GET['p_filter'] == 1) { $rad->selected = 't'; } else {
<?php //This file is part of NOALYSS and is under GPL //see licence.txt ?> <?php echo HtmlInput::button("other_bt", _("Autres actions"), 'onclick="$(\'other_div\').style.display=\'block\';action_show_checkbox();"', "smallbutton"); $radio = new IRadio("othact"); /* * Hidden values for a previous search */ echo HtmlInput::request_to_hidden(array("closed_action", "remind_date_end", "remind_date", "sag_ref", "remind_date", "only_internal", "state", "gDossier", "qcode", "start_date", "end_date", "ag_id", "ag_dest_query", "tdoc", "action_query", "date_start", "date_end", "hsstate", "searchtag")); ?> <div id="other_div" class="inner_box" style="width:40%;display: none"> <?php echo HtmlInput::title_box(_('Actions sur plusieurs documents'), 'other_div', 'hide', 'action_hide_checkbox();'); ?> <?php echo _("Sélectionner les documents et l' action :"); ?> <ul style='list-style-type: none;padding-left:30px;margin: 0px' > <li > <?php $radio->value = "IMP"; $radio->selected = true; echo $radio->input(); ?> <?php echo _("Impression"); ?>
echo $retour; echo '</div>'; } } else { echo '<div class="content" style="width:80%;margin-left:10%">'; echo '<form method="POST" action="admin_repo.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" >'; echo HtmlInput::hidden('action', 'restore'); echo HtmlInput::hidden('sa', 'r'); echo '<table>'; echo '<tr><td>' . _("Nom de la base de donnée") . HtmlInput::infobulle(29) . '</td>'; $wNom = new IText(); $wNom->name = "database"; $wNom->size = 30; echo '<td>' . $wNom->input() . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>' . _("Type de backup") . " :" . '</td>'; $chk = new IRadio(); $chk->name = "t"; $chk->value = "d"; echo '<td> ' . $chk->input() . _("Dossier") . '</td>'; echo '</tr><tr><td></td>'; $chk->name = "t"; $chk->value = "m"; echo '<td>' . $chk->input() . _("Modele") . '</td>'; echo '<tr>'; $file = new IFile(); $file->name = "file"; $file->value = "mod"; echo td(_('Fichier ')) . td($file->input()); $desc = new ITextarea('desc'); echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>';