Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected function handleRunData(ICFlowType $type, &$runData)
     $structure = $type->form->structure;
     foreach ($structure as $k => $v) {
         if ($v["data-type"] == "checkbox" && stristr($v["content"], "checkbox")) {
             if (stristr($v["content"], "checked") || stristr($v["content"], " checked=\"checked\"")) {
                 $itemData = "on";
             } else {
                 $itemData = "";
         } elseif (!in_array($v["data-type"], array("select", "listview"))) {
             if (isset($v["data-value"])) {
                 $itemData = str_replace("\"", "", $v["data-value"]);
                 if ($itemData == "{macro}") {
                     $itemData = "";
             } else {
                 $itemData = "";
         } else {
             $itemData = "";
         $runData[strtolower($k)] = $itemData;
     WfCommonUtil::addRunData($type->getID(), $runData, $structure);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected function handleTplData($flowId)
     $data = array();
     $lang = Ibos::getLangSources();
     $flow = new ICFlowType($flowId);
     $flowArr = $flow->toArray();
     if (!empty($flowArr)) {
         $data["flow"] = $flowArr;
         $data["form"] = $flow->form->toArray();
         $formStructure = $flow->form->parser->getStructure();
         $defTitleArr = array(array("key" => "runid", "title" => $lang["Flow no"]), array("key" => "runname", "title" => $lang["Flow subject/num"]), array("key" => "runstatus", "title" => $lang["Flow status"]), array("key" => "rundate", "title" => $lang["Flow begin date"]), array("key" => "runtime", "title" => $lang["Flow begin time"]));
         $titleArr = array();
         $table = "flow_data_" . $flowId;
         foreach ($formStructure as $structure) {
             if ($structure["data-type"] == "sign" || $structure["data-type"] == "label") {
             $titleIdentifier = sprintf("%s.%s", $table, "data_" . $structure["itemid"]);
             $structure["data-title"] = stripslashes(str_replace(array("<", ">"), array("&lt", "&gt"), $structure["data-title"]));
             $titleArr[] = array("key" => $titleIdentifier, "title" => $structure["data-title"]);
         $data["deftitle"] = $defTitleArr;
         $data["title"] = $titleArr;
     $data["lang"] = $lang;
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected function setGuideProcess(ICFlowType $flow, $curStep)
     $guideProcess = $flow->guideprocess;
     $processPart = explode(",", $guideProcess);
     if (!in_array($curStep, $processPart)) {
         $processPart[] = $curStep;
         $newProcess = implode(",", $processPart);
         FlowType::model()->updateByPk($flow->getID(), array("guideprocess" => $newProcess));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static function checkProcessPermission($flowId, $processId, $uid)
     $user = User::model()->fetchByUid(intval($uid));
     $flow = new ICFlowType(intval($flowId), false);
     $criteria = array("select" => "processid,uid,deptid,positionid", "condition" => sprintf("processid > 0 AND flowid = %d%s", $flowId, $processId ? " AND processid = {$processId}" : ""));
     foreach (FlowProcess::model()->fetchAll($criteria) as $process) {
         $deptAccess = self::compareIds($user["alldeptid"], $process["deptid"], "d");
         $userAccess = self::compareIds($uid, $process["uid"], "u");
         $posAccess = self::compareIds($user["allposid"], $process["positionid"], "p");
         if ($deptAccess || $userAccess || $posAccess) {
             return true;
     if (empty($processId)) {
         $hasPermission = FlowPermission::model()->fetchPermission($uid, $flowId);
         if ($hasPermission) {
             return true;
     if ($flow->isFree()) {
         if ($processId != 1) {
             return true;
         } else {
             $ids = $flow->newuser;
             if (!empty($ids)) {
                 $deptAccess = self::compareMixedIds($user["alldeptid"], $ids, "d");
                 $userAccess = self::compareMixedIds($uid, $ids, "u");
                 $posAccess = self::compareMixedIds($user["allposid"], $ids, "p");
                 if ($deptAccess || $userAccess || $posAccess) {
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     return false;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected function isEnabledInFreeItem(ICFlowType $flow, ICFlowRunProcess $rp)
     return $flow->isFree() && $rp->freeitem == "" || StringUtil::findIn($rp->freeitem, "[A@]");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function actionPrint()
     $expWord = EnvUtil::getRequest("word");
     $expHtml = EnvUtil::getRequest("html");
     $key = EnvUtil::getRequest("key");
     if ($key) {
         $param = WfCommonUtil::param($key, "DECODE");
         $flowid = isset($param["flowid"]) ? intval($param["flowid"]) : 0;
         $runid = isset($param["runid"]) ? intval($param["runid"]) : 0;
         $flowprocess = isset($param["flowprocess"]) ? intval($param["flowprocess"]) : 0;
     $view = EnvUtil::getRequest("view");
     if ($view) {
         MainUtil::setCookie("flowview", $view, TIMESTAMP + 60 * 60 * 24 * 3000);
     } else {
         $view = MainUtil::getCookie("flowview");
         if (!$view) {
             $view = "1234";
     $data = array("formview" => false, "attachview" => false, "signview" => false, "chartview" => false, "flowid" => $flowid, "runid" => $runid, "key" => $key);
     $flow = new ICFlowType(intval($flowid));
     $process = new ICFlowProcess($flow->getID(), $flowprocess);
     $run = new ICFlowRun($runid);
     if (strstr($view, "1")) {
         $data["formview"] = true;
         $viewer = new ICFlowFormViewer(array("flow" => $flow, "form" => $flow->form, "run" => $run, "process" => $process));
         $data = array_merge($data, array("runname" => $run->name, "script" => $flow->form->script, "css" => $flow->form->css), $viewer->render(false, true));
     if (strstr($view, "2")) {
         $data["attachview"] = true;
         if ($run->attachmentid !== "") {
             if ($flow->isFixed()) {
                 if (FlowRunProcess::model()->getHasDownper($runid, $flowid, $this->uid)) {
                     $down = 0;
                 } else {
                     $down = 1;
             } else {
                 $down = 1;
             $data["prcscache"] = WfCommonUtil::loadProcessCache($flowid);
             $data["attachData"] = AttachUtil::getAttach($run->attachmentid, $down);
     if (strstr($view, "3")) {
         $data["signview"] = true;
         $data["feedback"] = WfHandleUtil::loadFeedback($flowid, $runid, $flow->type, $this->uid, true);
     if (strstr($view, "4")) {
         $data["chartview"] = true;
     if ($expHtml || $expWord) {
         $data["chartview"] = false;
     $this->layout = "";
     $this->setPageTitle(Ibos::lang("Print preview"));
     $this->setPageState("breadCrumbs", array(array("name" => Ibos::lang("Workflow"), "url" => $this->createUrl("list/index")), array("name" => Ibos::lang("Print preview"), "url" => $this->createUrl("preview/print", array("key" => $key)))));
     $this->render("print", $data);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static function getViewFlowData($runId, $flowId, $uid, &$remindUid)
     $fl = array();
     $flow = new ICFlowType(intval($flowId));
     $pMaxId = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchMaxIDByRunID($runId);
     $process = WfCommonUtil::loadProcessCache($flowId);
     for ($processId = 1; $processId <= $pMaxId; $processId++) {
         foreach (FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchAllProcessByProcessID($runId, $processId) as $rp) {
             $temp = array("flowprocess" => $rp["flowprocess"], "parent" => $rp["parent"], "runid" => $rp["runid"], "processid" => $rp["processid"]);
             if (FlowRunProcess::model()->getIsAgent($runId, $processId, $uid, $rp["flowprocess"])) {
                 $temp["isprocuser"] = 1;
             } else {
                 $temp["isprocuser"] = 0;
             $op = FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchOpUserByUniqueID($runId, $processId, $rp["flowprocess"]);
             if (!empty($op)) {
                 $temp["opuser"] = !empty($op["uid"]) ? User::model()->fetchRealnameByUid($op["uid"]) : "";
                 $temp["opprocessflag"] = $op["flag"];
             } else {
                 $temp["opuser"] = User::model()->fetchRealnameByUid($rp["uid"]);
                 $temp["opprocessflag"] = $rp["flag"];
             if ($flow->isFixed()) {
                 if (isset($process[$rp["flowprocess"]])) {
                     $temp["name"] = $process[$rp["flowprocess"]]["name"];
                     $temp["timeout"] = $process[$rp["flowprocess"]]["timeout"];
                     $temp["signlook"] = $process[$rp["flowprocess"]]["signlook"];
                 } else {
                     $temp["name"] = Ibos::lang("Process steps already deleted", "workflow.default");
             } else {
                 $temp["timeout"] = 0;
             foreach (FlowRunProcess::model()->fetchAllProcessByFlowProcess($runId, $processId, $rp["flowprocess"]) as $arp) {
                 $temp["prcsuid"] = $arp["uid"];
                 $temp["opflag"] = $arp["opflag"];
                 $temp["flag"] = $arp["flag"];
                 $temp["processtime"] = ConvertUtil::formatDate($arp["processtime"], "u");
                 $temp["delivertime"] = $arp["delivertime"] != 0 ? ConvertUtil::formatDate($arp["delivertime"], "u") : $arp["delivertime"];
                 if ($arp["flag"] == "1") {
                     $temp["timeused"] = 0;
                 } elseif ($arp["flag"] == "2") {
                     $temp["timeused"] = TIMESTAMP - $arp["processtime"];
                 } elseif ($arp["delivertime"] == 0) {
                     $temp["timeused"] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $temp["timeused"] = $arp["delivertime"] - $arp["processtime"];
                 if ($arp["processtime"] == "") {
                     $temp["timeused"] = 0;
                 $temp["timestr"] = WfCommonUtil::getTime($temp["timeused"]);
                 $temp["timeoutflag"] = 0;
                 if ($arp["flag"] == "2" && $arp["processtime"] != "" && $temp["timeout"] != 0) {
                     if ($temp["timeout"] * 3600 < $temp["timeused"]) {
                         $temp["timeoutflag"] = 1;
                         $temp["timeused"] = WfCommonUtil::getTime($temp["timeused"] - $temp["timeout"] * 3600);
                 if ($arp["flag"] == 1 || $temp["timeoutflag"] == 1) {
                     $remindUid[] = $arp["uid"];
                 $temp["redo"] = false;
                 if ($temp["opuser"] == $uid && $arp["uid"] != $uid && ($temp["opprocessflag"] == 1 || $temp["opprocessflag"] == 2) && ($arp["flag"] == 3 || $arp["flag"] == 4)) {
                     $temp["redo"] = true;
                 $temp["log"] = FlowRunLog::model()->fetchLog($temp["runid"], $temp["processid"], $temp["flowprocess"], 8);
             $fl[count($fl) + 1] = $temp;
     return $fl;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function actionSearch()
     $flowId = intval(EnvUtil::getRequest("flowid"));
     $seqId = intval(EnvUtil::getRequest("id"));
     if (!$flowId && !$seqId) {
         $this->error(Ibos::lang("Parameters error", "error"), $this->createUrl("query/advanced"));
     $data = array();
     if ($seqId) {
         $edit = true;
         $tpl = FlowQueryTpl::model()->fetchByPk($seqId);
         if ($tpl) {
             $flow = new ICFlowType(intval($tpl["flowid"]));
             $tpl["flow"] = unserialize($tpl["flowconditions"]);
             if (!empty($tpl["flow"]["beginuser"])) {
                 $tpl["flow"]["beginuser"] = StringUtil::wrapId($tpl["flow"]["beginuser"]);
             $tpl["group"] = unserialize($tpl["groupbyfields"]);
             $tpl["viewfields"] = !empty($tpl["viewextfields"]) ? explode(",", $tpl["viewextfields"]) : array();
             if (!empty($tpl["condformula"])) {
                 $conArr = explode("\\n", $tpl["condformula"]);
             } else {
                 $conArr = array();
         } else {
             $this->error(Ibos::lang("Record does not exists", "error"), $this->createUrl("query/advanced"));
     } else {
         $flow = new ICFlowType($flowId);
         $edit = false;
         $tpl = $conArr = array();
     $formStructure = $flow->form->parser->getStructure();
     $defTitleArr = array(array("key" => "runid", "title" => Ibos::lang("Flow no")), array("key" => "runname", "title" => Ibos::lang("Flow subject/num")), array("key" => "runstatus", "title" => Ibos::lang("Flow status")), array("key" => "rundate", "title" => Ibos::lang("Flow begin date")), array("key" => "runtime", "title" => Ibos::lang("Flow begin time")));
     $titleArr = array();
     $table = "flow_data_" . $flow->getID();
     foreach ($formStructure as $structure) {
         if ($structure["data-type"] == "sign" || $structure["data-type"] == "label") {
         $titleIdentifier = sprintf("%s.%s", $table, "data_" . $structure["itemid"]);
         $structure["data-title"] = stripslashes(str_replace(array("<", ">"), array("&lt", "&gt"), $structure["data-title"]));
         $titleArr[] = array("key" => $titleIdentifier, "title" => $structure["data-title"]);
     $data["deftitle"] = $defTitleArr;
     $data["title"] = $titleArr;
     $this->setPageTitle(Ibos::lang("specify query conditions"));
     $this->setPageState("breadCrumbs", array(array("name" => Ibos::lang("Workflow")), array("name" => Ibos::lang("Work query"), "url" => $this->createUrl("query/index")), array("name" => Ibos::lang("Advanced query"), "url" => $this->createUrl("query/advanced")), array("name" => Ibos::lang("specify query conditions"))));
     $tpls = FlowQueryTpl::model()->fetchAllBySearch($flow->getID(), $this->uid);
     $data["flow"] = $flow->toArray();
     $data["tpls"] = $tpls;
     $data["edit"] = $edit;
     $data["tpl"] = $tpl;
     $data["conArr"] = $conArr;
     $data["id"] = $seqId;
     $this->render("search", $data);